Page 1: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Page 2: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Undesignated gifts, bequests & reserves

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Page 3: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

How did we use our reserves?Since 2010— Supplement of general operating fund

responsibilities and obligations;

Long-deferred repair or replacement of infra-structure; such as roofing, painting, lighting, tree trimming, heating and air conditioning;

Nordsiek Wing repairs, parsonage repairs (floors, kitchen, driveway, and sidewalk), and other deferred church repairs;

more >

Page 4: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

How did we use our reserves?

Outreach & programs Church home & propertyLeadership & staff

And More— Transition expenses: severance, moving, and call

committee expenses;

Support of special ministries and projects: organ enhancement, 75th anniversary, vacation Bible school, Bach vespers, and etc.

It’s all in the three buckets

Page 5: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why did we use our reserves?Since 2010…We paid cash for many large building repair projects.

We probably should have rolled these projects into a capital fund appeal.

This would have saved much of the reserve and undesignated gifts for MISSION.

Page 6: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Designated Undesignated Total

Beginning 1/1/2010 $42,050 $9,476 $51,526

New Bequests & Gifts 2010–2014

$100,698 $247,913 $338,611

Ending 12/31/2014 $40,215 $2,390 $42,605

Designated & UndesignatedFunds Received 2010 to 2014

Page 7: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Designated Undesignated Total

Capital Improvements

$81,628 $63,683 $145,311

Supplement Revenue

__ $132,505 $132,505

Outreach $20,905 $17,672 $38,577Miscellaneous — $41,139 $41,139

TOTAL $102,533 $254,999 $357,532

How was it used 2010–2014?

Grand Total = $357,532

Page 8: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Designated Undesignated Total

Kitchen & Floor Equip — $6,795 $6,795Computer & Security $4,060 $4,358 $8,438

Organ Upgrade — $24,030 $24,030Roof Repair/Replace $42,714 $6,750 $49,464

Air Conditioning $28,169 $2,975 $31,144Parsonage $6,685 — $6,685

Capital Replace Fund — $18,755 $18,755

TOTAL $81,628 $63,683 $145,311

Capital Improvements 2010–2014

Page 9: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our 2015 MissionOpportunity Plan

Shows Who We Are

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Page 10: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

+ God comes down to us in Word and sacrament;

+ We respond in love and faith;+ We reach out to others with the

gospel in service and mercy;+ We return to God in prayer,

praise, and thanksgiving.

This is what we believe



We are Lutherans

“This congregation confesses the Triune God —Father, + Son, and Holy Spirit.”

(St. Mark’s Constitution • “Confession of Faith” *C2.01)

Page 11: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our MissionWe INVITE all people to our church home to CELEBRATE God’s many gifts. NOURISHED by Christ Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit, we SEND enthusiastic servants to proclaim the hope and joy of life in Christ.

This is what we do

Page 12: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our VisionWe strive to celebrate the rich diversity of God’s people, welcoming all to be nourished in their faith journeys. We live to help others and to fulfill our relationship with Christ in service to community.

This is what we do

Page 13: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our Core Values Hospitality Christian growth Faithful stewardship Leadership development

and implementation

Excellence in worshipand music

Care of youth Compassion

This is how we are known

“We live to help others and to fulfill our relationship with Christ in service to community.” (from our Vision Statement)

Page 14: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

• What are one or two ways you respond to GOD’S GRACE and LOVE? 1 2

• What are one or two ways we make our MISSION, VISION and our CORE VALUES visible to people around us?o 1o 2

What do YOU think?

Page 15: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

What is a Mission Opportunity Plan?• It’s not a budget, it’s a plan—“a spending authorization”• Based on trust in GOD’s promise to provide…• … and on our RESPONSE to the gospel of Jesus Christ.• Our MISSION, VISION, and VALUES are made visible.• It’s a plan for DOING mission in our place and time.

Page 16: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Answering the tough questionsWhat would your Mission Opportunity Plan look like,

based on our Mission statement? Our MissionWe INVITE all people to our church home to CELEBRATE God’s many gifts. NOURISHED by Christ Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit, we SEND enthusiastic servants to proclaim the hope and joy of life in Christ.

Would it look like this?

Page 17: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

And WE use God’s gifts for …

Outreach & Program

Leadership & Administration

Church & Property46%43%


We are stewards of God’s love

And all of it happens with your generous offerings.

Outreach & Program

Leadership & Administration

Church & Property

Page 18: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

Making the mission real: the BIG picture

The Big PictureExpenses

2013 budget 2014 budget 2015 proposedOutreach $45,013 $45,655 $50,109


$195,443 $202,482 $195,373

Property $221,913 $228,244 $207,565

Total $462,404 $476,381 $453,107

2013 2014 2015

10% 10% 11%

43%42% 43%


Page 19: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2015 MOP Overview2014 actual 2014 budget 2015 proposed

All income $410,065 $435,635 $453,107All expenses $476,380 $478,406 $453,107

Deficit ($66,315) ($42,771) $0

It all depends on our trust in Godand your response to God’s love shown

to you in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Page 20: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

What has changed since theDecember presentation

Income changes+ Member new pledges $900

+ Special capital appeal $17,206

+ Thrivent grants $2,000

– Reduced estimate of member

non-pledged giving ($20,610)

Expense changes– Reorganized office position


– Pastor’s base salary ($3,254)

– Savings on office equip lease


+ Celebrate music expenses $2,000

Results = “A balanced budget!”

Page 21: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2014 Budget Dec Proposal Feb Proposal

Ministry Teams 13,785 10,573 12,573

Benevolence 36,684 37,536 37,536

Mortgage 72,660 72,660 72,660

Utilities & Insurance 68,900 70,900 70,900

Property Expenses 63,4000 48,290 48,290

Administrative Expenses 16,150 17,275 15,775

Staff Salaries 109,464 108,902 92,758

Sr. Pastor 96,247 105,869 102,615

TOTAL EXPENSES $478,406 $472,005 $453,107

2015 MOP Expenses

Increased Decreased

Page 22: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2014 Budget Dec Proposal Feb Proposal

Member Pledged 275,982 296,706 297,606

Member Non-pledged 91,000 85,610 65,000

Special Appeal — — 17,206

Other Income 68,653 71,295 73,295*

TOTAL INCOME $435,635 $453,611 $453,107

2015 MOP Income

* Includes $2,000 grant from Thrivent

Page 23: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Ministry Teams (1)

Benevolence (2)

Mortgage (3)

Utilities & Insurance (4)

Property Expense (5)

Admin. Expense (6)

Staff Salaries (7)

Sr. Pastor (8)







Total Expenses $453,107

Page 24: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2014 Budget Dec Proposal Feb Proposal

Income 435,635 453,611 453,107

Expenses 478,406 472,405 453,107

DEFICIT ($42,771) ($18,394) 0


Page 25: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

2015 Mission Opportunity Plan2014 Budget Dec Proposal Feb Proposal

Ministry Teams 13,785 10,573 12,573

Benevolence 36,684 37,536 37,536

Mortgage 72,660 72,660 72,660

Utilities & Insurance 68,900 70,900 70,900

Property Expenses 63,400 48,290 48,290

Administrative Expenses 16,150 17,275 15,775

Staff Salaries 109,464 108,902 92,758

Sr. Pastor 96,247 105,869 102,615

TOTAL EXPENSES $478,406 $472,005 $453,107

TOTAL INCOME $435,635 $453,611 $453,107

Increased Decreased

Page 26: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2015 Mission Opportunity Plan Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2015 Mission Opportunity Plan

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2015 MissionOpportunity Plan

God’s Work Our Hands

Special Congregational Meeting • Sunday, February 8, 2015
