Page 1: St Margaret's Prep School Newsletter - 13 May 2016

Friday 13th May 2016

Dear Parents,

Prep Newsletter

Inter- House Swimming Gala (for Years 3 - 6) Monday 23rd May Please would you ensure that your daughter brings in her swimming kit as the Inter-House gala is in the morning. The girls will be competing in the House, taking part in a number of competi-tive races. Unfortunately parents are unable to attend as there is no space for you to watch.

Car Park Please would everyone park in the allocated parking spaces.Yesterday the Sports Centre car park was virtually empty at 15:20, yet the cars parked along the path compromised children's safety as they left the Sports Centre after their PE lesson as they had to walk between the cars. Thankfully the staff were vigilant and ensured the children's safety.

Alice the Musical Both performances were delightful and charming and we had many, many positive comments about the quality of the acting and the beautifully clear singing. There were many smiles, much laughter and lots of fun! It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all the girls who dili-gently learned the words. There is such power in music which has been evident this week with every Upper Prep pupil contributing and helping to make the team. We are all very proud of eve-ry girl. "Just a quick note to say how fabulous the play was on Wednesday. The Lower Prep girls all re-ally enjoyed it and can't stop saying how much they loved it!" "Lovely production - the girls were all fabulous."

Senior School transfer We are beginning to step up preparations for our Year 6 pupils moving into the Senior School. Over the next few weeks Year 6 students will be paired with a Year 7 student who will be a “buddy” so that from September the younger girls will have someone within the Lower School to turn to if necessary. We are organising a Question and Answer session too. The Year 7s are pre-paring a booklet to provide guidance for the Year 6s. This will include the changes from Prep School to Senior School and the additional independence and responsibilities these entail. There will also be advice on moving around to the different teachers and subjects, the increase in workload/homework and organisation skills.

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House Captains:

Arabella and Ar-



House Captains:

Mia and Marina


House Captains:

Camille and Ruby


House Captains:

Anjali and Nikita

Amendment to the last Newsletter.

Congratulations to Priya (Y4) who played her flute so beautifully in the last lunchtime concert.

It is a pleasure to see such progress.

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Cake Sale Iman’s (Y4) cake sale last Friday for the Eve appeal raised an amazing £251. Thank you to Miss Smith, Iman’s friends and various parents who helped to organise and sell the cakes.

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Mufti Day (Friday 27th May)

This term the Preparatory School Council decided (after each of the representatives speaking with their class) that the Mufti day theme would be a Shakespeare character. This is quite fitting as it is his 400th anniversary this month !. Only please do not feel that you should buy an outfit; rather see what is available at home and be creative. If this is too much of a challenge, sensible home clothes (suitable for a school working environment) is fine. We will be accepting dona-tions of £2 to support our House charities.


Summer uniform (dress, cardigan (not jumper), white ankle socks). The white floppy hat is available from Pullens and will protect your daughter’s head in the sun. Sun cream should be applied before school (the 12 hour version) or for older pupils, a named bottle of sun cream may be brought in for your daughter to responsibly apply herself. Please would your child wear the coat to school as the mornings are still chilly.

Year 6 pupils may continue to wear their winter uniform all term. A short sleeved school blouse is permissible.

For those of you thinking about the uniform for next academic year, please note that we will be adhering strictly to the uniform list, this includes having the correct bag for school. The School Blazer will be a compulsory item for children in Years 3 - 6. I am sure that you will appreciate how wearing the correct smart uniform enables children to identify with their school, gives a sense of belonging, is practical and reinforces a positive work ethos.

Here are a few of

William Shakespeare's Fairies Names

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Author - Linda Chapman visiting on 24th May

Linda Chapman is a well-known author and we are delighted to have secured a visit by

her. She will be talking to all of the children to provide inspiration for their own writing

and also enthusing them about the joy of reading. This will support the literacy work

that we do in school and we hope it will prove a stimulating experience for all of our


Afterwards, at 15:30 in the Lower Prep there will be an opportunity for all of the Prep

School children to buy a book and get it dedicated to them and signed by Linda. A

signed book can be a permanent reminder of a special experience and can reinforce

the message about the

importance of reading. If your child would like to purchase a book, please make sure

she brings cash in on the day in a sealed, named purse or envelope. The books are £5

each. No change can be given. Of course, if you already own any of Linda’s books,

bring them in on the day and she will be happy to sign them.

Please take a look a Linda’s website to familiarise

yourself with her books. You could share this experience with your daughter and help

her to formulate a couple of questions to ask Linda during her visit. I am sure that you

will agree that this is an opportunity not to be missed and the children can look forward to a

very exciting day.

Book Fair (w/b 23rd May for the whole week)

The Scholastic Book Fair is arriving soon. Every class will have the opportunity to visit it.

There are over 200 titles to choose from, and with prices starting from only £2.99 - there’s

sure to be a book for everyone. If you can’t make it to our Book Fair, try our discounted Gift

Vouchers available at Book Fair Gift Vouchers are the simple, secure way to en-

sure your child gets the books they want when the Scholastic Book Fair arrives and are per-

fect if you can’t make it to the Fair. Don’t forget that every book you buy can help to get FREE

BOOKS for our school library! For more information please visit:

Lower Prep - books will be available for parents to buy Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th and

Thursday 26th 15:30 - 16:00

Upper Prep - each class will visit the book fair. Children will be able to select books and they

will list these in a letter to you. Please would you return the reply slip on the letter detailing the

books you approve of purchasing and sending into your daughter’s Class Teacher with the

exact cash or cheque made payable to St Margaret’s School.

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60 Commendations Certificate Shriya Y4

20 Commendations

Roxanna Y5 Karisma Y5

Reception Tara

Year1 Sofia R

Year2 Anneliese

LAMDA exam results We are so proud of all of the girls who took a LAMDA exam in March as the scores are very high, with distinctions, mostly, awarded. A special congratulation to Tabitha in Y1 who scored an unprecedented 100%! Other very high results were awarded to: Aahna Y1 98% Anjali Y2 97% Sania Y1 93% Mathura Y3 96% Lauren Y1 95% Y4 group - Riana, Kaiyana, Ishiya, Shriya, Milly, Lili, Khushi, Neha and Iman 96% Saanya Y2 92% Karisma Y2 92% Summer Y1 91% Rudrani Y3 91%, Aditi Y3 91% Sofia Y2 90% Annabelle Y2 90% Meghna Y2 90% Eloise Y3 90% Certificates have been awarded in this week’s assemblies.

Mrs C Aisthorpe

Head of St. Margaret’s Preparatory School

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Reception In Reception this week we had a lovely visitor from Watford Schools Trust who came to teach us stories from the Bible and how to make good choices.

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Year 1

We have written postcards to our families, describing a lovely beach holiday, using adjectives, similes and alliteration. The girls have also completed holiday brochures persuading people to come on holiday to Great Britain.

In History we have been comparing beach holidays today with those that would have

been taken in the Victorian times. The girls have been interested in how different

holidays were 100 years ago.

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Year 2 have been enjoying some wonderful Art lessons this term. They have made

some beautiful pictures of butterflies. They created these symmetrical pictures using

wax pastels and watercolour paints.

Year 2

After designing and painting the lovely patterns on the wings they then drew in

and painted the backgrounds.

Well done Year 2!

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Our cats are finished! It has been very exciting seeing them come to life before our eyes. Now they will be with us in the classroom until the end of term.

After lots of work cut-ting out, designing, painting and adding finishing touches our

cats are now finished.

Year 3


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Year 4

Anaya: “I really liked the maze.”

Lili: “The maze was

really fun and it took

us quite a long time

to get to the middle.”

Neha: “It was exciting when we dressed up

in Tudor clothes.”

Maya: “I really liked when we went to see Queen Elizabeth I‘s bed-



“My favourite part was when we went into a room where the doors were disguised as book shelves.”

Year 4 Knebworth House

On Wednesday 4th May Year 4 went on our History trip to Knebworth House. We had such an

incredible time and consolidated our learning about the Tudors. The day included a timeline of the Tudor reign, dance, music, handwriting, coat of arms, clothing, and a Tudor treasure trail including a maze and finding clues around the trail. Thank you to Lili’s and Shriya’s mothers for volunteering to accompany the trip. We all had a fabulous day,

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Year 5

Year 5 had another chance to shine last week when they gave tours to parents during a busy Open Morning last Thursday. I was so impressed by their enthusiasm and the respectful, po-lite manner which they adopted. It was apparent how proud they are to be St Margaret's girls and they are excellent ambassadors for the school. I had some very positive feedback from prospective parents. Well done girls, you were amazing.

Here are their comments about their experiences.

I enjoyed it and I spent time thinking carefully about what to say -


It was fun but I was quite nervous at first.- Chuwen

I was excited but I was also very

nervous - it was a good experience -


I enjoyed being a tour guide because

the parents were very kind and

asked lots of excellent questions -


I did feel nervous but I was proud to talk about our school - Zara

I enjoyed being a tour guide it was lovely meeting new parents - Anais

I love talking about how amazing our school is - Lucy

I loved being a tour guide and being

able to show off the beautiful aspects

of our school - Heeya

My partner was Safiya and we worked well together - I enjoyed it - Sara

It was exciting being a tour guide because I have never been one before - Mayuri

It was really exciting and I am looking forward to doing more when I am in Year 6. - Roxanna

The parents were really nice and that made it

easier for me -

It felt a bit strange be-cause I am so new to the school but I really enjoyed it Toyosi

Being a tour guide was fun but I did find it quite hard until I found my confidence.- Karisma

It was nice going back to the Lower Prep building and

it brought back lots of happy memories - Elif

I enjoyed being a tour guide and the parents were really nice - Ellie

I enjoyed showing the parents and children around our amazing school - Sienna

I enjoyed being a tour guide - the parents gave good feedback and seemed to enjoy our tour - Afrah

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Year 6 In Art this term Year 6 have been working on a project entitled ‘Famous Fashions’. The girls

are creating their own project books based around a variety of designers. So far they have

been learning about homeware design and shoe design (a firm favourite). Here is some of

their work so far, as well as some facts that have fascinated them.

I learned that Kelly Hoppen designed the

LUX Belle Mare resort in Mauritius - I

stayed there on holiday! Arabella

The founders of the brands Adidas

and Puma were brothers - Katie

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23rd Upper Prep Swimming Gala (no parents due to girls taking up all the space) Scholastic Book Fair

24th Author, Linda Chapman visiting each class, Book Sale in Lower Prep at 15:30 Scholastic Book Fair



Scholastic Book Fair Y5 Rounder's Tournament v Northwood College


Scholastic Book Fair

27th Scholastic Book Fair Mufti Day – Shakespeare character theme No After School Activities After School Club as usual

Half Term June 6th 08:30 School resumes

Summer uniform to be worn from now Upper Prep Exam Week

7th 15:30 – 16:15 Extra Year 1 Ballet lesson

10th 08:30 – 09:30 Year 2 parents tour of the Upper Prep (letter to go out nearer the time) Current Year 5 Induction Morning (letter to go out nearer the time)

13th 18:00 – 20:00 Current Year 6 Induction Evening for Year 7 (in the Senior School)

14th 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:15

Preparatory School Sports Day (letter to go out nearer the time) Extra Year 1 Ballet lesson


– 17th Year 6 residential trip departs



Induction Morning for current Reception—Year 4 (letter to go out nearer

the time)

After School Activities as

After School Club as usual

20th Year 5 Taster Day (letter to go out nearer the time)

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JUNE (Continued)




Year 3 Whipsnade Zoo trip (letter to go out nearer the time)

Year 5 Reveley Lodge trip (letter to go out nearer the time)

Extra Year 1 Ballet lesson

Preparatory and Junior Concert (School Hall—letter to go out nearer the time)

22nd Impeyan Animal workshop for each class (in school)

23rd Lower Prep trip to Paradise Wildlife Park (letter to go out nearer the time)

w/b 27th Last week of After School Activities

28th 15:30 – 16:15 Extra Year 1 Ballet lesson

29th Lower Prep Drama workshops (in school)

30th 14:00 – 15:30 Preparatory School Speech Day and Prize Giving (Sports Hall)


4th am Ballet exams (Sports Centre) (Letters to go out from Miss Pam)

Reception and Year 1 Road Safety workshops (in school) No After School Activities this week After School Club as usual Monday—Thursday

6th Lower Prep Environmental day

Upper Prep walk and picnic (letter to go out nearer the time)

7th am Year 2 Scooter Training (letter to go out nearer the time)

8th 14:00 End of term No After School Club

End of Term