Page 1: St. Margaret Mary Parish · 6/30/2019  · St. Margaret Mary Parish June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1450 Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777 Masses:

St. Margaret Mary ParishSt. Margaret Mary ParishSt. Margaret Mary Parish June 30, 2019June 30, 2019June 30, 2019

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeThirteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeThirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1450 1450 1450 Green Trails Dr.Green Trails Dr.Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540Naperville, IL 60540Naperville, IL 60540 630630630---369369369---077707770777

Masses: Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 8 am 10 am 12 pm

Weekdays Monday-Saturday 8:15 am

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Parish Office: 630-369-0777 Fax: 630-369-1493 Religious Ed. Office: 630- 369-0833

All Saints Catholic Academy:

1155 Aurora Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 630.961-6125 or

New Parishioners: Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40) St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to welcome everyone to our community as Jesus would. For information, please call the parish office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30 PM or anytime by request.

Sacrament of Baptism: Sundays following the 12:00 Mass, except holidays. Please call Parish Office to make arrangements for Baptism and required Preparation Meeting.

Sacrament of Marriage: Six months preparation required. Parish music policies, which reflect Diocesan guidelines, are to be followed.

Sick, Homebound, Hospital Visits: Contact the Parish Office if you would like Communion, if you need someone from SMMP to visit you in the hospital, or if we can help you in any other way. Privacy policies do not permit the hospital to contact us directly.

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September Senior Club

July meeting

Wednesday, July 3 12 NOON In the Parish Center Catered Lunch

Cost is $10.00 per person

Special speaker and presentation "Various Options for Life Care of Seniors" Please Call Jim Simel at 630-420-1224 or e-mail him at [email protected] by Monday July 1 to let him know you are coming.

Year to Date Weekly Collection 7/1/2018 to 06/23/2019 Present

Weekly Mass Offerings: $11,448 867,107 Automated Giving: 7,003 417,636 Stock/RMD/Tea Donations 7,720 29,008 Totals: 26,171 1,313,750 Budget Goal 25,221 1,337,179 Over/(Under) Goal 950 (23,429)

We thank you for your gifts! Are you over 70 ½? By rolling over your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to St Margaret Mary, you can avoid paying income taxes on your distribution. Email [email protected] for more information.

God’s Share

John Hill Lori Cross Theresa Crowe Kay Hill Linda Palulis Patrick Rockowitz Jim Gardner Kathleen Carey Fr. George Hurley Maxine Messere Arlene Bennett Joseph Mathy Dr. Edward Michl A. Schuman Marion Warner Greyson Stanley Mary Fisher Murlene Dolley Jim Tamburrino Collette Miller Peter Guthrie Patrick Cameron Joan Vinkler

Edward Bojan Emma Martinez Kate Kirchner Ben & April Espinos Bill Koloseike John P. Rossi Ray Young Kevin Hill Michael Facchinello Lawrence Facchinello William Garrett Blake Burton Priscilla Arrieta David Schuberg Elaine Badelt Dn. Joe Ferrari Barb Zdon Judea Beckett Justin Dellarose Allen Rogers Russell Rasche Mary Sheehan Bob Whipple

Page 3: St. Margaret Mary Parish · 6/30/2019  · St. Margaret Mary Parish June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1450 Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777 Masses:


Andrew will be in the Upper Room following each Mass this weekend for a Meet and Greet reception with refreshments

Beginning September 10, Join the SMM Bible Study Group to explore The Gospel of Mark.

SMM Bible Study group invites you to join them in the study of the Gospel of Mark. By delving into this gospel you will deepen your understanding of the Bible in your spiritual life as a devoted Catholic. The study is open to everyone – new and veteran learners alike.

These 18 sessions beginning September 10, will transform your life by deepening your faith and gifting you with friendships.

We welcome back Sr. Marianne Race, CSJ as our knowledgeable and faith-filled leader. Sr. Marianne was the Director of Biblical Study and Travel Programs at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago from 1991-2000. She co-authored In This Place: Reflections on the Land of the Gospels for the Liturgical Cycles. She has also written various articles for the biblical journal The Bible Today.

For your convenience, both a morning and evening group are available (9:15-11:15 a.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m.) Sessions are held in the COR Center. Your study book can be picked up in the parish office after August 15th for a donation of $75.00. To register for Bible Study, please call 630-369-0777.

Hello and Welcome 

The St. Margaret Mary Knights of Columbus Council has grown by 15% over the past year.

These parishioners have joined our Council over the past twelve months and are ready to serve the spiritual and charitable needs of our Parish and Communities.

Roger Carpenter Joseph Grah Eric Hutchings Ted Knapp Tony Mankus Rich Milkinski Burt Marlowe Scott Parks John Tinnin

As the newly elected Grand Knight, I wish to welcome these men to our Council.

I invite other men of our Parish to join our Council and serve the spiritual and charitable needs of St Margaret Mary and the community. Please contact me or Bob Presnak, Membership Director, for more information.

In Christ,Stewart Mattson c: 630-207-5927 [email protected]

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Planting our rain garden

On June 15th our Earth Care Committee and other volunteers managed to get our rain garden planted between the constant rain and periodic flooding. Pictured above left to right: Chris Mulvaney, Barb Ryan, Sandy and Adrian Jaworski, Tom Cordaro, Linda Griffin and Emily Hansen. Kneeling in front is Rob Bollendorf. Not pictured is Steve Griffin and Sue Altmann.

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The Finance Committee is pleased to present the third quarter 2018-19 financial results of St. Margaret Mary Parish. We believe it is important for all parishioners to know and understand the stewardship efforts and fiscal status reflected in the attached financial report. These statements report financial activity for July 1, 2018 thru March 31, 2019. Revenue was $35k below budget and $31k below prior year. Sunday and Holyday collections were 46.5k below budget and 45k below last year. The Christmas collection totaled $77.8k versus a budgeted amount of $80k which contributed to the $2k deficit in Holyday collections. Tuition and Fees were $5.6k below budget. Adult Education fees exceeded budget by $3.8k while RE Tuition Pre-K through 12 was be-hind budget by $9.4k. Other Earnings were $19k ahead of budget. The parish received a special one-time gift that was designated toward our Repair and Replacement fund. Recall from the June 2018 Financial Report, our Collection budg-et was increased by 4% based on the response to the Parish Appeal. We continue to keep a careful watch our expenses. Total expenses were $7.4k below budget but 27.8k higher than last year. Salaries and Employee Benefits were $12.5k under budget. Repairs and Maintenance exceeded budget by $3.6k due to higher costs related to Equipment Repair Costs. Services exceeded budget by $6k. Automated Giving Fees, Disposal costs, and Service Project costs were $7.2k higher than anticipated. Snow removal costs exceeded budget by $7.1k. This shortfall was offset by lower than budget-ed costs in Professional and Outside Services. Tuition and Scholarship exceeded budget by $2.3k This is a timing variance only. Other Expenses were $7.7k below budget due mostly to lower Deacon Allowance, Service, Communications and Youth Ministry Activity expenses. The chart below shows individual expenditures as a percentage of total expenditures.

The Repair and Replacement Fund is used for major improvements to our property. To remain fiscally sound, our parish maintains a Repair and Replacement (R&R) savings account which is used to pay for capital improvements to our facilities. This would include replacing old HVAC units, parking lot replacement, lighting, church flooring and roof replacement. Funds are transferred from our Operating Account on a quar-terly basis to the R&R account. During this report-ing period $30k was transferred to savings. The balance in the Repair and Replacement Fund as of 03/31/2019 was $229k. The balance of the School loan is $400k. SMMP makes principal only payments of $200k each year from our School Account. For this re-porting period, the School Account had interest income of $3k and $10.5k from the debt reduction envelopes in addition to the $60k transfer from operating funds. Participation in the debt reduc-

tion program is greatly appreciated. The balance in the School Account as of 03/31/2018 was $311k. Our final payment on the school loan will be made in June 2020. Please feel free to contact any of us with questions or comments. May God continue to bless you and your family. We are very grateful for the generosity of our parish family. We ask that you continue to prayerfully consider the level of your financial commitment to our parish. Faithfully, St. Margaret Mary Finance Committee

Mary Gorman, Jeff Kroma, Ofelia Palabrica, Mike Prus, Susan Schroeder (Chairperson), Helen Stirk, and Cathy Wincup

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Our parish theme and calling in

God’s Word To Us

Reflection on Lectionary Readings 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 30, 2019

Setting our hands to the plow. The Our Parish Calling is All are Welcome, Walk in Love. Today’s readings describe how we ought to walk, giving of ourselves to one another, and looking ahead to the Realm of God. Jesus rebukes the disciples James and John when they wonder if the Samaritan village should be punished for not welcoming them. Like the James and John, our tendency is to react out of our ego, or “flesh” - with violence, and punish the other when things don’t go the way we want. The letter to the Galatians reminds us that we must serve one another through love, and to beware of consuming one another. “An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind,” Gandhi said. Later in the Gospel reading, Jesus tells a potential follower “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Looking back to the “good old days” or to old prejudices and hurts impedes our journey forward. A beginner to plowing with a team of horses is advised to “Keep the stake at the opposite end of the field in view by looking between your horses. Walk slowly (it is not a race), trying to aim the plow at the stake. Look down field, not at the plow, but at the stake.” As a people of God, our stake is that horizon where God is beckoning to us, welcoming all.

- Barb Burkhardt

The St. Margaret Mary’s Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Ministry receives multiple calls per week from parishioners and non-

parishioners requesting help with rent, utilities and the like. A home visit and due diligence is done. Help is then provided which assists people struggling through trying times. Consider getting involved with the SVDP Ministry. If you're retired, please consider joining us. Contact the SMMP parish office at 630-369-0777.

If you’d like to contribute to the SVDP ministry, funds are collected via the collection basket at Mass.

Are you in need of assistance? Contact the SMMP parish office at 630-369-0777

CRHP Contacts Needed

Help in the work of Spiritual Growth and Development!!

We are creating a 'Contact List' to notify past participants of CRHP of upcoming spiritual growth opportunities. If you would like to be the Contact Person for your CRHP Team, kindly email me your name. email address, and your Team number.

When notices come to you from my of-fice, your role is to forward the message to the members of your CRHP Team. In this way you are helping in the work of spiritual growth and development.

Many thanks ! Sr. Madelyn Gould 630-369-0777 [email protected]

To all St. Margaret Mary parishioners who so generously responded to the Military Ministry Memorial Day appeal for Operation Support Our Troop-America:

Thank you for your generosity in helping OSOT-America to fill those 25lbs. boxes with your 240 lbs. of donations . Medical, grooming, fun and loved American foods to name just a few. We have been shipping to our troops since 2005, and this spring we shipped our 2 Millionth lb. to someone serving in harm’s way.

Thank you as we can’t accomplish our mission without supporters like St. Margaret Mary parishioners and friends.

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Fr. Paul’s Homily

Something Extra 2 Cor 8:1-9; Mt 5:43-48

(When we allow God to be the center of our lives, then we have that goodness to act out of as well.)


“So be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

This, in a way, is a culmination of a series of teachings on what it means to be a true moral person. And as you have gathered already, it is not a matter of simple behavior out there in the world subject to the law or the rules, but it is an inner disposition. So not only is murder forbidden, but hatred of brother is forbidden. Not only is adultery forbidden, but lust is forbidden. Not only is love of God required, but love of even one’s enemies is required. And there is this idea that God really wants something extra from people. He is eliciting something courageous, something heroic. So he asked the question: “What is unusual about that?” There are forms of behavior that are perhaps polite, common, decent. But God isn’t looking for simply what is decent or what is polite, but he is looking for something that is notable and noble. So he says, “What is unusual about that? Do not tax collectors do the same?” Tax collectors, don’t forget, are a rather low level of moral being.

They were Jews who worked for the enemy as contractors and in various capacities. So speaking to this Jewish audience this is a reference to someone who is not even respectable.

Jesus’ point is God has required much more from us than merely being respectable and being decent. He is really asking us to love our enemies—to love our enemies—to pray for those who persecute us. I don’t believe any other teacher in the history of the world ever said those things, unless that teacher is quoting this, but I mean this is as far as I know the only prophet, teacher, leader, guide whoever said God expects you to love your enemies and to pray for those who afflict you. But what’s the reason for this? We have to get this in mind. Because that’s how God is; that’s the reason. God is not being unreasonable, because he is demanding of us what he demands of himself. So it is God who “makes his sun rise on the bad and the good.” God does not distinguish. God acts out of his own goodness. And when we allow God to be the center of our lives, then we have that

goodness to act out of as well. And therefore we certainly can be good to the bad and the good, and we can be good to the just and the unjust, as God causes “rain to fall on both the just and the unjust.” This is true as long as people live on this planet. Everyone is blessed; everyone also has various crosses to bear. Everyone does, the good, the bad; everyone is in the same boat. We are all blessed and we all have to bear burdens. We are all blessed and we all have different challenges.

And what this is all about is developing a universal empathy and sympathy for the whole of creation, including that part of the creation that has no sympathy and no empathy for us, thereby creating something completely new, not living in reaction to others, but being the creator of a new behavior. How could this happen? Because God is extending his realm and his power and his being into our hearts and minds and souls, so it’s possible. We can create something new, and that’s what it means to be a disciple.

Week of the Collection – June 29 - 30 Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collection that supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. Funds from this collection help victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous today. For more information, visit

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St. Margaret Mary Parish, Na-perville, IL Pastoral Council Minutes May 7, 2019 By Joey Rose, Pastoral Council Secretary

The following is a summary of the working draft minutes from the Pastoral Council Meeting of May 7, 2019. The final minutes, as approved by Council, along with the Commission and Committee reports, will be available on the parish website: CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS from Contribution Committee - Charitable Contributions members presented Council with a handout explaining the purpose and mission of the committee and walked through the committee’s pro-cess to determine which charities they select for donations. Committee members also stated that two of the organiza-tions on the list rely on the yearly donations. Council members asked various questions to the committee to eval-uate the impact and significance of the donations, as well as the prudence of donating outside the parish when the church is facing budget cuts. CSC representative will fol-low up with the committee once a decision has been made. PRO-LIFE COMMITTEE - The postcard event held at the church a few weeks ago was discussed. The committee delivered the signed postcards personally to each politician, and committee representative shared the reactions from those politicians. BUDGET DISCUSSION – It was mentioned that because of the many changes in religious education, it’s difficult to make a budget decision for that program. It was suggested that PC create an approval process for expenses outside of their approved budget specifically for that program. It was asked whether the Bishop would require new textbooks for the coming year, and Fr. Paul said no. Finance Committee is offering to make presentations to any of the commissions that would like it, especially service and education. 2020 financial projections were presented to PC based on the requested budgets from each of the programs/committees. PC asked clarifying questions about the projections and discussed possible solutions for the budget deficit. The Finance Committee recommendation is to reduce the com-mission budgets by 10-15%. Budget needs to be in the di-ocesan system by June 1st, so needs to be approved by PC at this meeting. It was proposed that PC cut the Charitable Contributions budget by $16,000, which would still give them $20,000 to spend and would reduce the parish budget deficit to roughly $20,000 (from $35,000). 2020 budget approved. PC agreed to keep reviewing ways to help re-duce budget deficits in the future. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS – It was suggested that SMMP should have a formal, comprehensive written document outlining the safety procedures in cases of emer-gency. While SMMP is not wholly unprepared for emer-gencies, it would be better to have all of the procedures collected in a formal way. City of Naperville is willing to come do a safety presentation for the parish and to review

an existing emergency preparedness program. Training for CPR and defibrillators is also being discussed, but costs must be considered. The finer details for the emergency preparedness document will be discussed by the subcom-mittee, to be presented to PC at the September PC meeting. PC overall voiced the opinion to focus on violence prepar-edness, but would be open to other types of safety proce-dures included in the comprehensive document and train-ings. LEAKY-ROOF REPAIR - The Admin committee has a proposal together to investigate and test the issues with the roof. The proposal will include the diagnosis, 3 solutions, and a recommendation. Discussion to continue at June meeting. PEACE POLE - A donor is willing to donate for a vinyl peace pole. Installation would incur a minor expense that could be covered by the Peace & Justice budget. Council approved. Peace Pole will proceed. STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE UPDATE - Weekly contributions are down $36,000 to date. Christmas was down $2,500. Easter was up $2,400. Stewardship commit-tee is sending out thank you notes to all those who partici-pated in the annual appeal. It was suggested that the initia-tive to address the budget deficit should be more focused on multiple short-term plans to generate revenue. There would be a bigger initiative for the following year. The committee is adjusting the focus to offset the deficit, budg-et shortfall, and NOT to retire the debt. This would open the revenue to be used in other ways, rather than having restricted donations specifically for “retiring the debt.” MINISTRY REVIEW – A report from the ministry com-mittee about a ministry evaluation for the parish will be distributed. The subcommittee is focusing on certain minis-tries to try to help them grow in their missions and in the parish. Subcommittee wants to outline the list of commit-tees, provide brief descriptions, and then publish those min-istries’ doings in the bulletin and on the website more fre-quently. Will also invite ministries to come to PC meetings to discuss their missions. It was proposed that a few “headhunters” be identified to help staff the commissions. They would be volunteers who would get to know the com-missions and parishioners in order to “match” parishioners to specific ministries. PC will discuss and revisit at June 2019 meeting. NEW MEMBERS - Chris Lupo is now assistant to Sr. Madelyn Gould. Casey Fuller is the new youth member. COMMISSION SIGN-UPS Commission sign-ups would be an opportunity after masses for parishioners to sign up for ministries and commissions. There will be a table and sign-up sheets in the library. PC discussed the history of the commission fairs and the benefit of presenting each commission one at a time. Each commission could present their need and see who might respond to that need.

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Please remember in your prayers those members of our parish and family and friends who have recently passed away.


Ken Lister, son in law of Deacon Fred and Mary Straub

Masses for the Week

Monday — July 1 8:15— Cook Sieja — Paul & Nancy Rutkowski Tuesday— July 2 8:15— Purgatorial Society Wednesday— July 3/St. Thomas 8:15— Betty Hopkins — Rendek Family Thursday— June 4 8:15— Anna Mickulicz — Patricia Michaels Friday— July 5 8:15 — LeRoy Gaertner — Chris Corbett Saturday— July 6 8:15 — 5:00 — Kathy Piraino — Jim & Gail Krema Sunday — July 7 8:00 — For the Parish Family 10:00 — Barbara & Randall Flint — Flint Family 12:00 — Conrado Vera, Jr. — Yambao Family

Date July 6 &7

Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Servers Sacristan/ Deacon/Presider

5:00 Teri Laliberte Chuck Graber Gregory Scriba

TBD Enas, Jadyn Giedraitis, Audrey Gignac, Lauren

P. Nowicki TBD Fr. Paul


* Steven Griffin Bill Hassett

TBD Rosenbaum, Bruce Mlsna, Jake

L. Reyes TBD Fr. Jim Radek


John Gerding Dan Dulik Marian Stricker

TBD * * Zabel, Olivia

B. Ryan TBD Fr. Paul


Margarita Mankus Gerard Lynch Miriam Fader

TBD Wincup, Lauren O’Dea, Liam

K. Giordano TBD Fr. Paul

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

July 6 Fr. Paul July 13 Fr. Paul

First Friday Adoration & Benediction July 5

Eucharistic adoration is held in the chapel the first Friday of each month following the 8:15 am Mass and Benediction until noon.

Congratulations to—

Alexander Skarr and Katelyn Camardelle

who are being married at SMMP during July.

We offer our best wishes and prayers that the peace of Christ may live always in their hearts

and in their homes!

This week, as we celebrate the independence of our nation, let us also ponder the words in the document that shaped it. "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men

are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,..."

Thomas Jefferson, July, 1776

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St. Margaret Mary Parish Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777

Parish Staff Art & Environment Coordinator Jill Mizen

Bookkeeper Pat Henke

Business Manager Michael Prus

Building Manager Bob Stezowski Communications Coordinator Julie Duffin

Custodian Ziggy Owiesek

Deacons (Permanent) Deacon Joe Ferrari

Deacon Don Helgeson

Deacon Ken Miles

Deacon Fred Straub (retired)

Deacon Terry Taylor

Justice/Outreach Minister Tom Cordaro Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Ken Miles

Music Director John Schlaman Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Sue Carroll

Pastoral Associate Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F. Pastoral Council President Joey Rose

Priests Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor

Receptionists Millie Gredlics & Loretta Mercadante

Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5 Sue Davey.

Director of Youth Ministry Dan Lawler

Religious Education Secretary Arlene Serio

Religious Education Staff Assistant Debbie Brutlag

Food for the Journey Scripture Readings for the Week

Monday: Gn 18:16-33; Ps 103:1b-4, 8-11; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Country or a City,” nos. 882-886, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891 Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [10:1-9]

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS  First Reading — Elisha left and followed Elijah as his attendant (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21). Psalm — You are my inheritance, O Lord (Psalm

16). Second Reading — Beware that you are not consumed by one another (Galatians 5:1, 13-18). Gospel — Go and proclaim the kingdom of God (Luke 9:51-62). NEXT WEEK’S SCRIPTURE READINGS First Reading —As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you (Isaiah 66:10-14c). Psalm — Let all the earth cry out to God with joy (Psalm 66). Second Reading — May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14-18). Gospel — Jesus sends out the seventy-two (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9]).

In order to be considered for bulletin publication, items must be received no later than the Friday a week prior to the desired publication date. For example, for an article to appear in the February 28, 2016 bulletin, it must be received by the office no later than Friday, February 19. Information can be emailed to [email protected]. Space may be limited; priority will be given to information about SMMP events or staff-generated articles.
