Page 1: St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

1 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021

St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

Vision As a community we will act through:

* Living out corporal and spiritual works of mercy, * Commi!ng to individual and communal prayer,

* Growing in knowledge and faith, * Communica"ng for Unity.

Como comunidad actuaremos a través de: * Vivir las obras corporales y espirituales de misericordia,

* Comprometernos con la oración individual y comunitaria, * Crecer en conocimiento y fe,

* Comunicar para la Unidad.

Mission Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we follow the footsteps of Jesus, through love for the Eucharist and outreach to those in need. As one Body of Christ, we are a diverse community journeying toward our common goal of the Kingdom of God. Inspirados por el Espíritu Santo, nosotros caminamos en los pasos de Jesús, a través del amor a la Eucaris!a y de la ayuda a los necesitados. Como un Cuerpo de Cristo, somos una comunidad diversa viajando hacia nuestro obje"vo común del Reino de Dios.

Mass Schedule *Live Streamed Mon-Fri 8:20 am Sat 4:30 pm* Sun 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 (Español) Pastoral Team All numbers are 920-887-2082 + ext. unless noted Fr. Will Arnold Pastor ext.302 [email protected] Fr. Sergio Lizama Associate Pastor ext.305 [email protected] Ed Cody Deacon 920-382-2315 [email protected] Randy Wells Deacon 920-306-3233 [email protected] Janice Tischler Director of Admin. ext.301 & Stewardship [email protected] Kristin Adsit Director of LLF ext.311 & Evangelization [email protected] John Pryme Director of Youth & ext. 308 Young Adult Ministries [email protected] Open Director of Music ext. 310 & Liturgy [email protected] Rosalia Villalba Formación de ext. 314 Catequesis 920-763-3709 [email protected] Peggy Hess Administrative Assistant ext.300 [email protected] Jenny Crombie Principal & Admin. 920-885-5558 ext. 211 of SKD School [email protected] Rose Klavekoske Cemeteries ext. 304 [email protected] Sarah O’Brion Bookkeeper ext.307 [email protected]

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2 St. Katharine Drexel Parish

Bookstore hours are a#er Saturday 4:30pm and Sunday a#er the 8am and 10am Masses. Also by appointment by contac"ng Pa$y Frey at 920-296-9652 or

The Catholic Community of La Comunidad Catolica de Saint Katharine Drexel 511 S. Spring St. (Church) / 408 S. Spring St. (Office) Katharine Drexel

Parish Center Hours Monday—Friday, 8:00 AM—3:30 PM 920-887-2082 Fax 920-885-7602 Office will be closed on September 6, 2021

Mass Intentions and Schedule Bookstore Hours PC=Parish Center, SCH=School, CHR=Church

Monday, August 30 8:20 AM Mass (CHR) †Anne Diener Pflum Tuesday, August 31 8:20 AM Mass (CHR) †Richard & Bernadine Budde Wednesday, September 1 8:20 AM Mass (CHR) †Sally Vanden Boogart Thursday, September 2 8:20 AM Mass (CHR ) †John Coady Friday, September 3 St. Gregory the Great 8:20 AM Mass (CHR) †James Smith Saturday, September 4 9:30 AM Confession (CHR) 4:30 PM (Live-CHR) †Kevin McCreary †Celine Brzezinski Sunday, September 5 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Mass (CHR) † Robert Bu$erbrodt 10:00 AM Mass (CHR) †Thomas & Celine Brzezinski 12:00 PM Spanish Mass (CHR)

Marvella Puga Lectores y Acólitos 920-392-2354 Abdon Diaz Ministros de Eucaris&a 262-617-1089

Daily Readings/ Lecturas

Mon/Lunes: 1 Thes 4:13-18/Ps 96:1 and 3, 4-5, 11-12, 13 [13b]/Lk 4:16-30 Tue/Martes: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk 4:31-37 Wed/Miércoles: Col 1:1-8/Ps 52:10, 11 [10]/Lk 4:38-44 Thursday/Jueves: Col 1:9-14/Ps 98:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6 [2]/Lk 5:1-11 Friday/Viernes: Col 1:15-20/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 [2b]/Lk 5:33-39 Saturday/Sábado: Col 1:21-23/Ps 54:3-4, 6 and 8 [6]/Lk 6:1-5 Next Sunday/Domingo: Is 35:4-7a/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37

Marriage & Anoin"ng of the Sick/ Matrimonio y Unción de los Enfermos Please contact the priest to arrange /Por favor contacten al sacerdote para la preparación Reconcilia"on/ Confesiones Saturdays (Church) / Sábados 9:30-10:30 AM Or by appointment (by calling Parish Center) / O con cita llamando a la Parroquia Bap"sm/ Bau!smo Kris"n Adsit (see page 1 for contact info) Father Sergio (Español) (see page 1 for contact info) Confirma"on/ Confirmación (Parish Center) For informa"on on our Confirma"on program for students entering 11th grade, contact: John Pryme (page 1 for contact info). / Para más información acerca de nuestro programa de Confirmación para estudiantes que pasan al grado 11o , comuníquense con John Pryme (información de contacto en la página 1). Eucharist/ Eucaris#a Mass schedule on page 1. If you, or someone you know needs the Eucharist brought to them, please contact Tanya Diggins (see page1 for contact info). Horario de misas en la página 1. Si tú o alguien más que tú conozcas, necesita que le lleven la Sagrada Comunión, por favor comunícate con Tanya Diggins (infor de contacto en la página 1). RCIA (prepara"on for adults to receive sacraments/ preparación para adultos) Deacon Ed Cody, Cole$a Cody, Kris"n Adsit, or Fr. Sergio (Español) (see pages 1 for contact info)

Do you have a prayer request? ¿Tienes una pe"ción de oración? Please call 920-885-6884

Prayer Network/ Red de Oración

Sacraments/ Sacramentos (RCIA)

Contact 920-887-2082, ext. 306 [email protected]

Omar Ramirez Ministros de 920-318-9415 Hospitalidad Ana Bell Moreno Sacristana 920-356-0170


Please note the Daily Mass time has changed.


We welcome the following to St. Katharine Drexel Parish family…

Emeri Berry Avila Dekker Cecilia Kmiec


Page 3: St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

3 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021

!"# Parish News

8-10th Grade Faith Forma"on Table Leaders Needed Hello! As summer con"nues to whizz by and we draw closer to fall, Faith Forma"on is right around the corner! Right now, we are in need of addi"onal 8-10th grade Table Leaders for the 2021-2022 Faith Forma"on Year! Please consider sharing your "me and talent with our youth in this year’s class. Interested par"es should email [email protected] for more details.

Confirma"on Registra"on

High School students entering 11th and 12th grade seeking the Sacrament of Confirma"on, please email John Pryme, or stop by the Parish Center to talk!

Prayer a$er Communion Lord Jesus, you are the Bread of Life. I believe you are who you say you are, and I trust you to feed and sa"sfy me for eternity with the riches of salva"on. Only you, my Lord, can give me the bread that sa"sfies the hunger of my heart. Fill me this day, Lord, with the taste of your endless abundance. Transform my life through your Word, and through your Body and Blood, and let me recognize your presence in my brothers and sisters. Jesus, you are my bread of eternal life and my cup of salva"on; you bring healing and forgiveness because you cleanse and take away my sin. You grace me with strength and courage as I con"nue on my daily journey to the heavenly Kingdom. Remove from my life every burden and destroy every thing that keeps me from following You. And now, while I celebrate the sacrament of your Love, I receive your blessing. I receive your cleansing. I receive your healing. Help me to reach out to my brothers and sisters with compassion and love. Thank you, Lord, for everything. Bless me, bless my family and bless my brothers and sisters in faith. Thank you for this gi#, the sacrament of the Eucharist. I praise you and thank you for your love. Amen.


The SKD/Tri-Parish Youth Group will be mee"ng on September 12th at 6pm in the REC. If you are a youth in grades 6-12 and would like to a$end, please contact John Pryme!

Pope Francis’ Monthly Prayer Intentions

The Church Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.


ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS Our next Young Adult mee"ng will be Saturday, September 11th at 10AM in the Saint Katharine Drexel Parish Center REC (basement). Stop by for a short video on “Metanoia” (Conversion), with a faith-filled discussion to follow. Email [email protected] for more details!

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4 St. Katharine Drexel Parish

Words from Father Sergio

Puede que hayas hospedado a ángeles sin saberlo La hospitalidad es un aspecto importante en la vida de nuestra parroquia. Las congregaciones son familias. Como familias debemos ser hospitalarios, y necesitamos hacer lo mismo que un grupo de creyentes. La Biblia, la Palabra de Dios, nos recuerda constantemente que cuando ofrecemos hospitalidad a los demás, estamos recibiendo a Cristo en medio de nosotros y cumpliendo así la ley del amor. “No descuiden la hospitalidad, porque a través de ella algunos han hospedado a ángeles sin saberlo”. (Hebreos 13:2) "Ofrezcan hospitalidad unos a otros sin quejarse. Cada uno debe usar cualquier don que haya recibido para servir a otros, administrando fielmente la gracia de Dios en sus diversas formas ". (1 Pedro 4: 9-10) "Compartan con el pueblo de Dios que está necesitado. Prac"ca la hospitalidad"(Romanos 12:13). La hospitalidad es uno de los medios más importantes para que podamos llegar a los demás como Cristo nos enseñó. Un día escuché a alguien decir que después del Espíritu Santo, la hospitalidad es el constructor de iglesias más importante. Jesús señaló la prác"ca de la hospitalidad como evidencia de que hemos llegado a conocerlo como Salvador, y la falta de hospitalidad como evidencia de que no lo hemos hecho (lee Mateo 25:34-35, 41-42, 45-46). Dado que la hospitalidad es una de las principales caracterís"cas de nuestra parroquia, siempre debemos preguntarnos cómo nos está yendo con la hospitalidad. Probablemente no estemos tan mal, y lo estamos haciendo bien en muchos sen"dos. Pero siempre podemos mejorar, para que podamos irradiar más efec"vamente la luz de Cristo a otras personas, para que nosotros y nuestra congregación podamos crecer. Nuestro obje"vo es construir una especie de vida congregacional que nos ayude a llegar a comprender el corazón mismo de la declaración de misión de nuestra parroquia, es decir, compar"r las Buenas Nuevas de Salvación y fortalecernos unos a otros en palabra y sacramento. Compar"r las Buenas Nuevas de Salvación es tarea de todos. Y debido a que esta es la tarea de todos nosotros, todos debemos trabajar juntos para hacerla realidad con nuestras palabras y acciones. Esta tarea no es solo para unos pocos, sino para todos: personal, escuela y congregación trabajan juntos en la gran misión de hacer discípulos de todas las naciones, así como juntos proclamamos las buenas nuevas de Jesús. Juntos trabajamos para hacer de nuestra iglesia un lugar donde los visitantes se sientan bienvenidos y un lugar que "ene como prioridad llegar con valen&a al corazón de la gente con el Evangelio. La hospitalidad es más que obligación o deber. La hospitalidad es una ac"tud del corazón. Nosotros creamos un lugar donde la gente quiere regresar. ¡Mano a mano, el pastor, el personal, la escuela y la congregación proclaman las buenas nuevas de Jesús! P. Sergio

You may have unknowingly entertained angels Hospitality is an important aspect in the life of our parish. Congrega"ons are families. As families we are to be hospitable, and we need to do the same as a group of believers. The Bible, the Word of God, constantly reminds us that when we offer hospitality to others, we are receiving Christ into our midst and so fulfilling the law of love. Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels. (Hebrews 13:2-13:2) “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:9-10) "Share with God’s people who are in need. Prac"ce hospitality" (Romans 12:13). Hospitality is a primary means for us to reach out to others as Christ taught us. One day I heard somebody saying that a#er the Holy Spirit, hospitality is the most important church builder. Jesus pointed to the prac"ce of hospitality as evidence that we have come to know him as Savior, and a lack of hospitality as evidence that we have not (read Ma$hew 25:34-35, 41-42, 45-46). Since hospitality is one of the main characteris"cs of our Parish, we should always ques"on ourselves on how we are doing with hospitality. Probably we are not so bad, and we are doing fine in many ways. But we can always improve, so that we can radiate more effec"vely the light of Christ to other people, so that we and our congrega"on may grow. Our goal is to build a kind of congrega"onal life which will help us to come to grasp the very heart of our parish mission statement, that is, sharing the Good News of Salva"on and strengthening one another in word and sacrament. Sharing the Good News of Salva"on is the task for all of us. And because this is the task of all of us, we must all work together to bring it into reality by our words and ac"ons. This task is not for just a few but for all, the staff, school, and congrega"on working together in the great mission of making disciples of all na"ons, as together we tell the good news of Jesus. Together we work to make our church a place where visitors feel welcome and a place that has as a priority reaching out boldly with the Gospel. Hospitality is more than obliga"on or duty. Hospitality is an a!tude from the heart. We create a place where people want to return. Hand in hand, pastor, staff, school, and congrega"on telling the good news about Jesus! Fr. Sergio

Page 5: St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

5 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021

!"# Evangelization News

HELLO MOM’S OF ALL AGES! We welcome any mom to come join us without the worry of watching kids! Bring your children and we will have the sitters set.

NEXT gathering: Monday, August 30 at 9am in the Parish Center.

If you are in second grade at SKDS or your second year of Faith Formation, here are some important dates: Wednesday, September 15: First Session for Sacrament Faith Formation in the church 6:15-7:15pm

Calling all loving Grandparents! Would you be open to be a “granny nanny” for

our morning MOM’s group? Our young parents really appreciate it. Please contact Kristin Adsit if you are able. The commitment is based on when you are available but would be offered any Monday morning from 9-10:15am.

Faith Formation Needs

As part of the Body of Christ, please consider being a good mentor for our young people. They are facing so many secular challenges and really need YOU to share Christ with them.. Please prayerfully consider teaching one of two grades in need. The commitment is just three Wednesday’s a month from 6:15-7:30. Materials and training will be provided.


¨ Grade 3 and Middle School ¨ Aides at all levels

Contact Kristin Adsit if you are available.

First Faith Formation Session for ALL GRADES

Wednesday, September 22

6:15-7:30pm School Gym

Please have one parent attend for each family. We will have family mater ials to distribute.

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6 St. Katharine Drexel Parish

!"# S"#$$% N&'( St. Katharine Drexel School 920-885-5558 503 S. Spring St. Office Hours Mon - Fri 8AM - 4PM

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7 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021

Una oración para después de recibir al Señor Muchas veces después de recibir la santa Comunión, no sabemos que decir, lo cual está bien. Es suficiente haber recibido al Señor, y sen"r que uno está con El y quedarse en contemplación. Si por algún mo"vo usted quiere decirle algo, aquí le sugiero la siguiente oración que compuse hace ya algún "empo. Oración para después de la Comunión Señor Jesús, tú eres el Pan de Vida. y creo que tú eres quien dices que eres, y yo con=o en que tú me alimentas y sa"sfaces para (por) la eternidad con tus riquezas salvadoras. Sólo tú, mi Señor, puedes darme el pan que sa"sface el hambre de mi corazón. Lléname hoy, Señor, con el sabor de tu infinita abundancia. Transforma mi vida a través de tu Palabra, y a través de tu Cuerpo y de tu Sangre, y haz que reconozca tu presencia en mis hermanos y hermanas. Jesús, tú eres mi pan de vida eterna y mi copa de salvación; tú me traes sanación (curación) y perdón, porque tú me limpias y me quitas el pecado. Tú me concedes fuerza y valen&a en mi diario caminar hacia el Reino Celes"al. Señor, remueve de mi vida toda carga y destruye todo lo que me impida seguirte. Y ahora, mientras celebro el sacramento de tu amor, Yo recibo tu bendición. Yo recibo tu limpieza. Yo recibo tu sanación. Ayúdame a servir a mis hermanos y hermanas con compasión y amor. Gracias, Señor, por todo. Bendíceme, bendice a mi familia y bendice a mis hermanos y hermanas en la fe. Gracias, Señor, por este regalo, el sacramento de la Eucaris&a. Te alabo y doy gracias por tu amor. Amén

N"%'-#; Conexión Hispana Información sobre el primer sacramento

Si está en segundo grado en SKDS o en su segundo año de formación en la fe, aquí hay algunas fechas importantes: Miércoles 15 de sep"embre: Primera sesión para la formación en la fe sacramental en la iglesia 6: 15-7: 15pm Miércoles 6 de octubre: Reunión sacramental para padres - 6:15 pm (SKDS y formación en la fe) Domingo 7 de noviembre: Primer re"ro de reconciliación 4-6pm (SKDS y formación en la fe) Miércoles 17 de noviembre: Primera reconciliación: 6:30 p. m. (SKDS y formación en la fe) Primera Comunión - 7-8 de mayo

Sacramento "ponerse al día" en SKDP

· ¿Está usted u otra persona de su familia en necesidad de “ponerse al día” con los sacramentos? Cualquier católico bau"zado mayor de 8 años ciertamente "ene la oportunidad de recibir los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y la Eucaris&a a pedido y con preparación adecuada. Dependiendo de la edad, tenemos opciones disponibles.

· ¿Es usted un adulto que quiere recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación? Tenemos algunas opciones disponibles para la instrucción y la recepción del sacramento.

· ¿Le gustaría hacerse católico? ¡Nos encantaría contarle más! Háganos saber y nos reuniremos para informarle sobre nuestro proceso de RICA.

Póngase en contacto con Kris"n Adsit si desea obtener más información.

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8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish

!"# Parish News

Upcoming Events Monday, August 30 9:00-10:00 am - Real Moms in REC Tuesday, August 31 Wednesday, September 1 10:00 am -Prayer Shawl Ministry in St. Mary’s Room Thursday, September 2 9:00 am—Cleaning in the Church 9:00 am—Monthly Mailing Mission Hall Friday, September 3 Saturday, September 4 9:30-10:30 am—Confessions/Reconcilia"on Sunday, September 5

Come join us for NEW gathering… Sit back by the fire, share some fellowship and celebrate Marriage! WH0: Couples who have been married anywhere from 1 day to a life"me of years. We are going to set the record for our parish’s largest DATE night and would love to have you be apart of it WHAT: A "me to celebrate rela"onships, build community, and get in some good smore roas"ng. Bring your favorite campfire recipe and drinks. We’ll provide the smores and some beverages. We’ll also have cards and games available. RSVP: Kris"n Adsit, 887-2082, ext. 311. Babysi!ng might be available upon request. The rain plan will be the Parish REC around the “fire”.

Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Wednesday, September 1 at 10:00 am in St. Mary’s Room. If you have any prayer shawls completed, please drop off at the Parish Center. If anyone has extra yarn you can drop that off also. Let Janet Minnig (920-887-8657) know if you know of anyone that is in need of a prayer shawl and Janet will see that you get it. Thank you.

Catholic Women Society will meet on Wednesday, September 8th a#er 8:20AM mass. Mee"ng to follow in the Narthex. New books will be available!

Ques"ons about Joining the Catholic Church

If you have ques"ons about the Catholic faith or

ques"ons about joining the Catholic Church, there

will be a mee"ng to answer your ques"ons and

inquiries Sunday morning, September 12, 2021 at

9:00 AM (a#er the 8:00 AM Mass). We will meet

at the Parish Center. If you know of anyone who

would be interested in joining the Catholic faith,

please let them know about this mee"ng. For

further informa"on, please call Deacon Ed at


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9 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021


GRACE, GRATITUDE, AND GIVING Each month the Stewardship committee will be focusing on the gifts of stewardship, those of Grace, Gratitude, and Giving. September we will focus on Grace, October we will focus on Gratitude, and November we will focus on Giving, and continuing on throughout the year. In the Grace, Gratitude, and Giving section of our bulletin, we will include prayers and scripture on living a life of stewardship that is pleasing to God, creative ways of living a life of stewardship, as well as witness testimonies on how others have been blessed by stewardship. Stewardship is all about bringing people closer to God. If we can bring people closer to God, we are truly stewards of Grace, Gratitude, and Giving.

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10 St. Katharine Drexel Parish

F"Q P;V%

Page 11: St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

11 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 29, 2021

August 21/22

Collection Budget YTD Actual

YTD Budget

Collection 15,831 17,308 109,575 138,464

Offertory 928 1,385 7,031 11,080

Total 16,759 18,693 116,606 149,544

Weekly Offering

!"# Parish News - Financial Update

Scrip Sales every Friday, 8:00—9:30

Orders can be emailed, placed in the

parish drop box, phoned in advance, or just walk on in!

Scrip Profit Goal: $32,000 Profit to date: $4141

Scrip Sales After Mass!

Starting Sep 4th, join us in the new narthex after every mass,

every weekend!

New Vendor!

River Front Wine Bar $25 (10%)

For back to school Staples $25 (5%)

Gap/Old Navy 25$ (14%) WalMart $25$/50/$100 (3%) Marshall’s $25/$100 (8%)

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Katherine Drexel, Beaver Dam, WI B 4C 01-1298


l Ser







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CainePetroleum &EquipmentCo., Inc.

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Saint Pope John XXIII Council 1837

Phone: 887-0548

125 Dodge Dr., Beaver Dam885-6971

www.svdpdodgecounty.orgor on Facebook @dodgecountysvdp

“SVdP is looking for volunteers. Stop by and apply!”

Please donate your gently used items at the thrift store or call to schedule a free pick up.

Contact Rich Clark to place an

ad today! [email protected]

or (800) 950-9952 x2571

Page 12: St. Katharine Drexel Parish August 29, 2021

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Katherine Drexel, Beaver Dam, WI A 4C 01-1298

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[email protected]

Beaver Dam885-6600885-5291

John Leiting - Parish Member

Grey Ins and Fin Svcs Inc John Grey, Agent 800 Park Ave Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Bus 920-885-3158

State Farm, Bloomington, IL 1211999

Feil’s Supper ClubSunday Brunch • Friday Fish Fry

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Dianne M Bell Broker AssociateBuy and Sell with Dianne Bell920-318-9034 Cell [email protected] •

202 W Maple Ave • Beaver Dam, WI

709 Park Ave, Beaver Dam 920-885-4510



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S882 Not all companies are licensed or operate in all states. Not all products are offered in all states. Go to for company licensure and territory information.

Cell 920.319.6066 [email protected] Office 920.885.3312 Parish Member 920-319-6066

INTEGRITY FLOORSExcellence in Flooring, Tile Design,

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308 Seippel Blvd - Beaver Dam920-887-0627

Jeff SprouleJeff Sproule

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Don Fitzsimmons1137 Madison St., Beaver Dam 920-885-4972TF: 1.877.885.4970 Fond du Lac: • [email protected]

810 Park Ave, Beaver Dam 920-885-5843

W7345 WI-33, Beaver Dam, WI (920) 887-0200

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Paul Statz 920-296-2883 [email protected]

Beaver Dam, WI 920-356-9767

Contact Rich Clark to place an

ad today! [email protected]

or (800) 950-9952 x2571
