Page 1: ST. JOSEPH CHURCH ~ BARDSTOWN KY FEBRUARY 12… · 5:30 pm Perpetual Novena to St. Jude ... 2nd Grade First Eucharist Prayer Day Parents and Children February 25, ... download a nomination


Parish Stewardship ~ Time, Talent, and Treasure ~

This Weekend: Haiti Sewing Blessing at all Masses

Saturday, February 11

3:00 pm Reconciliation

4:00 pm Baptism Celebrations

Sunday, February 12

10:15 am Religious Ed Classes - Cafeteria

11:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

1:30 pm Baptism Celebrations

Monday, February 13

10:00 am Centering Prayer - Flaget Hall

7:00 pm RCIA - Maloney Room

Tuesday, February 14

6:30 pm Bible Study - Maloney Room

Wednesday, February 15

Haiti Pilgrimage leaves today

5:30 pm Perpetual Novena to St. Jude - West Sacristy

6:00 pm Children’s Catechumenate - Holy Family Room

7:30 pm WOW Youth Night - Parish Hall

Thursday, February 16

9:30 am Bible Study - Maloney Room

11:00 am St. Joseph School 3rd Grade Mass / Lunch

7:00 pm Journey of Hope - Maloney Room

Friday, February 17

6:00 am The Rosary is Prayed for Promotion of Life

8:00 am Finance Council mtg - Holy Family Room

Next Weekend

Saturday, February 18

3:00 pm Reconciliation

6:00 pm SVDP Appreciation Dinner

Sunday, February 19

10:15 am Religious Ed Classes - Cafeteria

11:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Monday, February 13

6:30 a.m. Joe Whelan

11:00 a.m. Donahue, Beaven & Durbin Families

Tuesday, February 14 ~ St. Valentine

6:30 a.m. Bertram L. & Sylvia R. Smith

Wednesday, February 15

6:30 a.m. James Otto & Margaret Sherrard

10:00 a.m. Special Intention Life Care

Thursday, February 16

6:30 a.m. Flo Clements

11:00 a.m. Roby & Rogers Family

Friday, February 17

6:30 a.m. Joe & Mary Wall

Saturday, February 18

4:00 p.m. Jane & Billy Pike Durbin

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 19

7:00 a.m. People of the Parish

9:00 a.m. David G. DeMar

11:30 a.m. Pike Conway

Stewardship thru 2-6-17 $ 600,372.00

“Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and

there recall that your brother has anything

against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go

first and be reconciled with your brother, and

then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24

Being good stewards of the physical gifts we receive from God

is important. Yet, we are also called to be responsible for the

relationships in our lives. Improving relationships with our

family, friends, and neighbors, especially relationships that are

strained, is a higher, more mature form of stewardship.

Readings for the Week

Mon. Genesis 4:1-15, 25 • Psalm 50:1, 8, 16-17, 20-21 •

Mark 8:11-13

Tues. Genesis 6:5-8—7:1-5, 10 • Psalm 29:1-4 9-10 •

Mark 8:14-21

Wed. Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22 • Psalm 116:12-15, 18-19 •

Mark 8:22-26

Thurs. Genesis 9:1-13 • Psalm 102:16-23, 29 • Mark 8:27-33

Fri. Genesis 11:1-9 • Psalm 33:10-15 • Mark 8:34—9:1

Sat. Hebrews 11:1-7 • Psalm 145:2-5, 10-11 •

Mark 9:2-13

Sun. Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 • Psalm 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13 •

1 Corinthians 3:16-23 • Matthew 5:38-48

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Sirach 15:15-20 • Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34

1 Corinthians 2:6-10 • Matthew 5:17-37

Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and

there recall that your brother has anything against

you, leave your gift there at the altar, fo first and be

reconciled . . . And then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5:23-24

How many times have you read this Scripture text or heard

it read to you? Perhaps the better question would be, how

many time have you really listened to these words?

Indeed, how often are you even aware of bringing your gift

to the altar? What are the gifts you bring? Bread and wine

to be consecrated into Christ, yes, but there are other gifts

you might bring: your joy and gratitude, your sorrow, your

willingness to live with a whole heart, your desire to be

transformed. There are hundreds of gifts in you waiting to

be offered. Put them on the altar, into the chalice and onto

the offerintg plate.

Strive to live with the kind of awareness that

transforms your offering into a Christ Presence; then,

check your heart for any kind of reconciliation that needs to

take place in your life.

Mary Marrocco, Living Faith, Mark Neilsen, Editor

We remember in prayer: Our Military: Alaska: Lt Col Ben Busch Afghanistan: Roger Riley. GS 11 David A. Hardin

Italy: Sgt 1st Class Michael Walsh Ukraine: 1st Lt Martin P. Mudd Arizona: Lt Col James Busch USS Dallas: ETSN Connor

Jarrell Guam: AIC Kelsey Lyvers Warner Robins AFB: LT Austin Heil Kuwait: SPC Jassmine Bunch

Our Deceased: John Hunter “Buzzy” Wycoff. Mary Lou Spolski. Mike Wathen. Annis Noe.

Those Who Are Ill: Gabriel Schepker, Mary Ruth Adams, Erin Andrews, Mike Auberry, Debbie Ayers, Jourdan Farnsworth Bacot,

Matthew & Kate Baker, Christopher Jude Ballard, Jenny M. Ballard, Lois Marks Ballard, Preston Barber, Phyllis Barnes, Cindy

Bartley, Hortense & Jack Beam, Troy Bell, Arline Bitsky, Donna Blair, Alexis Boone, Caroline Boone, Pat Murray Boone, Nichole

Borden, Mary Breeden, Jo Ann Brown, Brenda Bryan, Judy Burba, Bill Cecil & William Cecil, George Cecil, Sharon Cerdeira, Darrell

Chesser, Tracey Sims Chesser, Mary Elizabeth Clark, Pat Clark, Tony Clements, Jaime Dela Cruz, Kaden Curtsinger, Donnie

Daniels & Betty Nunn, David DeMar, Bill & Sarah Devers, Infant Brooks DeCarlo, Marilyn Dick, Laurie Dillard, Harold Durbin, Greg

Elder, Oma Lee Feaster, John Lee Fenwick, John Filiatreau, Geraldine Flaugher, Jan C. Fleck, John D. Fogle, Nellie Geoghegan,

Ann Goff, B. J. Greenwell, PFC Bryan Greenwell, Imelda Greenwell, Joan & John Greenwell, Chance Grundy, Josephine Hall, Sarah

Lynn Harris, Leona Haydon, Gary & Catherine Hicks, Margaret Hicks, Effie Hill, David Holderman, Debbie Hurst, Lola Hutchins,

H.Y.C. Family, John Ice, Mary Inman, Buddy Janes, Christine Janes, Mary Ellen Jarboe, Becky Thomas Johnson, Ed Jones, Heather

Kays, Lynn Kays, Sister Marilyn King, Jimmy Kneisler, Susan, Bernard & Jim Knoppe, Frances Boone Spalding Kofugi, Faith

Lanham, Linda Miller Lawrence, Officer Eddie Lawson, Curtis Lucas, Inez Lucas, Jim Lucas, Rita, Anita, & Glenda Lucas, Thomas L.

Lutes, Bobby Lyvers, Joseph Spalding Marks, Charles Mattingly, Lloyd Mattingly, Donnie Mattingly, Philip Mattingly, Suzie Matus

McKay, Rita McCubbins, Chris Miles, Catherine I. Miles, Tracy Lee Miles, Shirley Milligan, Jane Mudd, Larry Mudd, Leonard Mudd,

Joseph “Jo Jo” Murphy, Linda Mattingly Nalley, Larry & Flaget Nally, Beverly Newton, Dean Newton, Joe Ray Newton, Bruce

O’Daniel, Nancy O’Daniel, Judy Parrish, Hannah Isabelle Perkins, Steven Rapier, Donna Ray, Angie Reid, Jay Reavis, Avery

Reynolds, Virginia Rhodes, Linda Richardson, Adrian Riggs, Geraldine Riggs, David Ritchie, Grace Ritchie, Randy Robertson, Ja rett

Rogers, Jeff Rogers, Merrill Rogers, Ruth Rouse, Connie Royalty, Linda Rumage, Judy Satterly, Joyce Shofner, Connie Sidebotto m,

Kenny & Bonnie Simpson, Carol Sims, Willie Skaggs, Violet Smith, John L. Spalding, Keith Spalding, LaMonda Sue Spalding, Robert

Spalding, Special Intention, Mary Margaret St. Peter, Mary Catherine Stovall, Martha Terry, Crystal Thacker, Joyce & Pete Tingle,

Carter Lee Trent, Matthew Tucker, Bobby & Hallie Unseld, Mary Aline & Alton Vessells, Mary Vittitow, Joyce Washburn, John Wel ls,

Braelyn Whaley, Madison & Rodney Wheatley, Bruce Wheeler, Agnes Williamson, James & Martha Wilmouth, Mary Wimsatt, Amy


Donations have been made to

St. Joseph School and

St. Joseph Church in memory of

Joseph Earl Downs.

Ken & Laurie Dillard

February 1, 2017

Happy 48th Anniversary

Page 3: ST. JOSEPH CHURCH ~ BARDSTOWN KY FEBRUARY 12… · 5:30 pm Perpetual Novena to St. Jude ... 2nd Grade First Eucharist Prayer Day Parents and Children February 25, ... download a nomination


Votive Candles

The tradition of lighting candles when offering a prayer is a rich tradition of our faith. There is a concern about the

safety of our current arrangement because the candles we currently use burn for five days and nights. Also, the smoke

discolors the wall and ceiling. We have designed a decorative “hood” to contain the heat and diminish the smoke damage,

and we will be using 5 hour candles. They will self-extinguish before midnight.

Donations will cover the expenses of candles and will support the outreach to the poor.

Many thanks to our parishioners who helped effecting this piece of art. We expect this project to be completed in

the near future. ~ Fr. Terry

In January, Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear joined Catholic Charities of Louisville and other

organizations to raise awareness about one of the nation’s fastest growing criminal enterprises - human trafficking.

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. “Human trafficking represents the worst form of abuse,

often to children, and it is increasing in Kentucky,” Beshear said. “That’s why my office is partnering with the

public and private sector to enhance and improve policy measures and training opportunities to increase resources

and awareness to help end human trafficking.”

In just the last quarter of 2016, Beshear’s office provided assistance on 14 possible incidences of human

trafficking and acted as the sole investigative agency on five cases.

For 2016 as a whole, the Attorney General’s Department of Criminal Investigations provided technical

assistance to local law enforcement agencies on 32 possible human trafficking cases, resulting in the identification

of two minors who were being trafficked for sex.

“Human trafficking is a crime that is hidden in the inseams of Kentucky communities, in rural and urban

areas,” said Marissa Castellanos, human trafficking program director for Catholic Charities of Louisville. To learn

more about human trafficking and efforts to fight it, visit Catholic Charities of Louisville Rescue and Restore

program website at OR contact the Attorney General’s Office at child Abuse

and exploitation Prevention at 502-696-5300. The national hotline is 888-373-7888.

2nd Grade First Eucharist Prayer Day

Parents and Children

February 25, 2017 - 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon

St. Joseph School Cafeteria

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

are needed for our funeral Masses. If you could help in

this ministry, please contact Margaret or Phil Mattingly at

507-3431 or Vivian at the parish office 348-3126. Your

help will be very much appreciated.

Nominations are now open for the Bethlehem

Alumni Hall of Fame. Please visit the

Bethlehem website under the Alumni link to

download a nomination form and criteria for


If you have any questions, please

contact Patty at [email protected]

Deadline for nominations is April 21, 2017.

Faithful Citizens Gathering on February 21

Our first gathering for 2017 will be on Tuesday, February

21 from 12:00 to 1:00 in the Maloney Room of Flaget Hall

at St. Joseph Church in Bardstown. Father Gary Young

has been able to secure Mr. Ben Fisher, the new conserva-

tion officer from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wild-

life, to be our speaker as we continue to reflect upon Pope

Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” on caring for our common

home. Lunch and drinks will be provided. Questions??

Please call Marie at 348-3126. Your RSVP will help us plan

for food and seating. Thank you.

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Supporting Scholarship Tax Credit Programs!!

You Can Make A Difference! Contact Your Legislators Today!

Find your local representative and senator by visiting: and clicking on “Who’s My Legislator.”

Call the legislative hotline at 1-800-372-7181 and leave a message with your representative and senator. Tell

them to co-sponsor House Bill 162 and Senate Bill 102 because a scholarship tax credit program provides

educational opportunities for all Kentucky students.

Find the e-mail address of your representative and senator by visiting

email.htm. Send them an e-mail about the importance of co-sponsoring HB 162 and SB 102.

This legislation will support expanding educational opportunities for all Kentucky students with a Scholarship

Tax Credit program. Creating such a program will immediately benefit low and middle income families and

families with developmentally disabled children. Under this program, individuals and businesses donate to

scholarship granting organizations and in return receive a non-refundable tax credit. The organizations award

needs-based scholarships for students to attend the nonpublic school that is the best fit for them. With these

additional scholarship funds, all students can be in the classroom that best meets their unique needs.

NCYC or National Catholic Youth Conference - held Thursday, November 16-

Saturday, November 18, in Indianapolis, IN. This national conference hosts over

20,000 teens from every state across the country. It is dynamic, action packed, life-

changing and opens up your Catholic Faith to a new level! National speakers, popular

Christian musicians, hundreds of breakout sessions to choose from, a thematic park filled

with "all things Catholic" that will touch your heart and amaze your mind. Bishops, priests,

religious women, missionaries, and Catholic colleges are there to celebrate and meet the

young church of today. The energy from this many youth, adults and religious who

believe in our youth will definitely spark a “fire" in your faith! A deposit of $80 is due by

March 15. This is on a first come basis. Late deposits will be put on a waiting list. We

are allowed 10 spots from our parish and 10 spots from Bethlehem High School. The

cost is $480 (includes hotel, transportation, conference fee) plus meals. Those from St.

Joe parish will receive a reduced fee from our youth ministry budget and CEF Grant plus

parents and students can decide to fundraise to pay for the remainder. In the past we

have raised enough to cover the cost less your deposit.

2016 Catholic Services Appeal Update - “Bringing Christ to Others”

Our parish target: $110,700. As of 2-3-17 we have reached $ 98,271 or 89% of our goal. Gifts to the Appeal play

a vital role in funding more than 100 ministries, services and programs. For more on the work of the Archdiocese of

Louisville visit

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Archdiocese’s Annulment Process

St. James Elizabethtown

Thursday, February 16 - 6:30—8:00 p.m.

Presentation is free. Speaker will be Pat Norris from

the Archdiocese’s Tribunal. Please call 270-765-6268

if you plan to attend. Open to everyone.

Archdiocese of Louisville

Family Ministries Office

Seeking donations of prayer blankets for adults: The Catholic

Pastoral Care Teams at Baptist Health, University of Louisville

Hospital, Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital and Jewish Hospital

will distribute these blankets as part of their visitation with patients

and families. These blankets bring much comfort to those who

receive them and are a visible reminder of our prayer and support.

Each blanket will be blessed and given to a hospital

patient along with a prayer attached. The blankets will be for

adults. Pleas make sure that each blanket has a small pocket on the

front for a prayer to be placed in it.

Blankets should be 29” x 29”. Blankets can be dropped

off at the Maloney Center in Louisville or call the parish office to

drop off.

Housecleaner needed. Call 348-2390.

Deacon Discernment Sessions

The Archdiocese of Louisville is conducting a series of

Discernment and Information Sessions designed to

help men who are discerning a call to become a Deacon.

These sessions allow you (and your wife) to come together

for prayer, learning, sharing and interaction with others who

are discerning a call.

St. Margaret Mary

March 12, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Information Session

March 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Discernment

St. James (Elizabethtown)

May 14, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Information Session

May 18, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Discernment

Good Shepherd

July 9, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Information Session

July 20, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Discernment

St. Augustine

September 10, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Information Session

September 21, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Discernment

St. Bernadette

November 12, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Information Session

November 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Discernment

For More Information contact the Permanent Diaconate

Office at: [email protected] or (502) 636-0296 .

Healing Mass

The Heart of Jesus Prayer Group will host a Charismatic

Healing Mass on Wednesday, February 15, 7:00 p.m. at

Holy Family Church, 3938 Poplar Level Road. Fr. John

Johnson will preside. For further information, contact

Paul Furmanek at 502-608-3529.

Marriage Moment

Valentine’s Day - Jesus continually urges us to go

beyond the letter of the law. He interprets “You shall

not Kill (Matthew 5) as “Don’t be angry.” “You shall

not commit adultery” might be interpreted as “Show

your spouse that they come first and you love him/her

wholeheartedly.” Go the extra mile for your spouse

today. Find a Way to stretch your love.

Parenting Pointer

Black History Month - The past few years have been

tumultuous for race relations. Few people think of

themselves as racist, but do you or your children have

friends of a different race? It may feel awkward but

find a way to meet someone who looks different than

you this week.

Archdiocese of Louisville Family Ministries Office. Susan Vogt,

Our “Bulletin Sponsor of the Week” is:

We encourage our parishioners to patronize our bulletin

sponsors. It is through their generosity that our weekly

bulletin comes to you at no publishing cost.
