  • St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA 31501

    Fr. Bob Cushing, Pastor: (478) 284-5235 [email protected] Church Secretary: Barbara Grace Albert (912-286-0491) [email protected] Music Minister: Timothy Remmel (912-281-9787) [email protected]

    Religious Education Coordinator: Lacey Gruver (912) 282-0493 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Jason Strickland (912) 387-6781 [email protected]

    Youth Ministry Coordinator: Loretta Coar (912) 390-9116 [email protected] Loaves and Fishes Outreach: (912)283-5221

    Office number: (912) 283-7700/Office fax (912) 283-7929 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am—4:30pm

    Holy Family Sunday

    December 30, 2018

    Dear Parishioners and Friends:

    His mother said to him, “Son, why have you done this to us?” [Luke 2:41-52]

    Sometimes even Jesus drove his mother crazy. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph were not without their problems: Jesus got born in a stable. Mean King Her-od made them refugees who had to emigrate to Egypt be-fore moving back home to Nazareth. Then, on his first big pilgrimage to Jerusalem, just how did he get “lost” in the temple? Even though they didn’t always understand each other, Jesus obeyed his parents and grew up in body and spirit like the rest of us.

    Just as the Holy Spirit enabled Jesus, Mary and Joseph to work things out together in their family, we too are called to face “growing pains” as a normal part of family living. Joseph guided Jesus and Mary on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. We need to ask St. Joseph to guide our par-ish family too as we undertake a new year this week. We want to grow together as a parish family of families, so we have re-arranged our Mass times in hopes that we can grow together as a faith community.

    Just as Mary asked Jesus directly why he stayed in the temple, we need to ask our sisters and brothers why they have stopped coming to church. We need to listen and try to understand why this is going on in considerable num-bers all over the country – not just in our own parish. Like all families we need to speak and listen humbly to one an-other about what is going on in our lives so that we can respond to and honor one another.

    Question for the week: Have you ever been lost and away from the Church or from God? How did you start over and allow others to share your difficulties?

    Word for the week: “not understand” (Mary and Joseph loved Jesus enough to accept him even when they could not figure out what he was up to.)

    Thank you for your many Christmas cards and kind gifts that bespeak your affection and appreciation. What a joy to share in this parish family!

    Let us continue to celebrate Christmas,

    Fr. Bob

    Domingo de la Santa Familia

    30 de Diciembre, 2018

    Queridos Feligreses y Amigos:

    Su madre le dijo, “Hijo, ¿por qué nos has hecho esto a nosotros?” [Lucas 2:41-52]

    Algunas veces aun Jesús volvía a su mamá loca. La San-ta Familia de Jesús, María y José no eran excepción a los problemas: Jesús nació en un establo. Un Rey malo, Herodes los hizo refugiados que tuvieron que emigrar a Egipto antes de mudarse de nuevo a su casa en Nazaret. Entonces, en su primer peregrinaje a Jerusalén, ¿cómo él se “perdió” en el templo? Aun cuando no siempre se entendían unos a los otros, Jesús obedecía a sus papás y crecía en cuerpo y espíri-tu como el resto de nosotros.

    Así como el Santo Espíritu le permite a Jesús, María y José el trabajar las cosas juntos en su familia, nosotros tam-bién estamos llamados a enfrentar nuestros “dolores de cre-cimiento” como una parte normal de vivir en una familia. José guiaba a Jesús y a María en su peregrinaje a Jerusalén. Necesitamos pedirle a San José que guie a nuestra familia parroquial. También, al enfrentar un nuevo año esta sema-na, queremos crecer juntos como una familia parroquial de familias, para que tengamos que volver a arreglar nuevos tiempos de Misa en la esperanza de que podamos crecer jun-tos como una comunidad de fe.

    Así mismo como María le preguntó a Jesús directamente porque él se había quedado en el templo, necesitamos pre-guntar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas porque han dejado de venir a la iglesia. Necesitamos ori y tratar de entender lo que les está sucediendo en números considerable en todo nuestro país – no solo en nuestra propia parroquia. Como toda familia necesitamos hablar y escucharnos humildemen-te unos a los otros acerca de lo que pasa en nuestras vidas para que podamos respondernos y honrarnos unos a los otros.

    Preguntas de la semana. ¿Has alguna vez estado perdido y lejos de la iglesia o de Dios? ¿Como comenzaste de nuevo y dejaste a otros compartir tus dificultades?

    Palabra de la semana: “no entender” (María y José amaban a Jesús lo suficiente para aceptarlo aun cuando ellos no podían entender lo que él estaba haciendo)

    Gracias por sus muchas tarjetas de Navidad y gene-rosos regalos que hablan de su afecto y apreciación. ¡Que gozo compartir en esta familia parroquial!

    Continuemos celebrando Navidad. P. Bob

  • St. Joseph Offertory December 23, 2018 Offertory $3,860.00 Children’s Circle $ 16.00 $3,876.00 December 25, 2018 Offertory $3,961.00 Catholic Schools $365.00

    Parish Mission Prayer

    Father of Mercy, your Holy Spirit has called us from many lands and cultures to become the faith community of St. Joseph Parish. You gather us to proclaim your Word of Mercy for all through prayer, sacrament, and service. O Holy one show us how to nourish this commitment through faith formation, hospitality, and stewardship, so that through us your compassion may embrace the cross of all the needy, through Christ our Lord. Amen

    Oracion de la Misión Parroquial Padre de Misericordia, tu Santo Espíritu nos ha llamado de muchas tierras y culturas para formar la comunidad de fe de la Parroquia de San Jose. Nos uniste para procla-mar tu palabra de misericordia para todos a través de la oración, sacramentos y servicio, O Santísimo, muéstranos como alimentar este compromiso a través de la form ación de fe, hospitalidad y corresponsabilidad, para que a través de nosotros tu compasión ellos abracen la cruz de todos los necesitados, por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen

    Word from Pope Francis

    “May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women.”

    Palabras del Papa Francisco

    “Que seamos en este mundo un rayo de esa luz que brilló desde Belén trayendo gozo y paz a los corazones de todos los hombres y mujeres.”

    Diocesan Youth Conference


    Attention high school aged youth (grades 9-12). The dioce-

    san youth conference is scheduled for the first weekend in

    February (Feb. 1-3). The cost is $125.00 per participant

    which includes all meals for the weekend. However, you are

    responsible for only paying half that amount ($62.50) the

    other half is paid for out of youth group fundraisers. Ms.

    Loretta must book hotel rooms soon so please let her know

    if you are interested in attending this fun filled faith event.

    Next Weekend is Loaves and Fishes Weekend: please bring non-perishable food items to the church for the presentation of the gifts at each Mass.

    El próximo fin de semana es el Fin de semana de Pa-nes y Peces: por favor traigan comida que no se daña a la iglesia para la presentación de los dones en cada Mi-sa.

    Previews of coming attractions:

    No PRE this weekend! Dec 30

    6 PM English Mass for New Year’s Eve, Dec 31, Monday.

    7 PM Spanish Mass for New Year’s Day, Jan 1, Tuesday.

    7:15 PM Evangelization Meeting on January 7, Mon-day.

    Avance de futuras atracciones:

    ¡No habrá ERP este fin de semana! 30 de diciembre

    6 PM Misa en Ingles para la víspera del Ano Nuevo 31 de dic.- lunes

    7 PM Misa en español para el día de Año Nuevo, 1 de enero- martes.

    7:15 PM Reunión de Evangelización el lunes, 7 de enero.

    Catholic Mass from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah is available every evening at 6 pm via the Satilla Faith and Community TV Channel 15 on Vyve Broadband in Waycross, thanks to Callaway Advertising.

  • You’re invited to pray the Rosary in English next week at Debbie Cahill’s home. Please join us in prayer on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 10:00 am. Her home is located at 433 Loblolly Lane in Waycross. Please contact Ann Johnson with your prayer intentions at 912-614-3988.

    PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE ILL, ESPECIALLY PARISHIONERS: Joyce Bachofner, Ann Inman, Arcelia Saucedo, Eliza-beth Smith, Peggy Thomas, Judy VanDruff, Carlene Murray, Rose Mary Fulford, Dorothy Gaskill, Bob & Kathy Odam, Colleen Matich, Debbie Cahill, Leslie Bennett, Abraham Gomez, Tom DiBiase, Glenn & Shelly Chase, Clinton Vaughn, Morgan Hess & Ann Marie Hess, Genevieve Martin, Keith Fullenkamp, Bill & Glenda Brewington, Adrienne Butler, and Phyllis Buck, Lucy Todd, Carol McCloskey, and Nathan Brooks.

    PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY: LT. Tim Boyce, U.S. Navy, Rann Howell, Colonel Mark B. Parker, and Ethan Stanley.

    PLEASE PRAY FOR FAMILY & FRIENDS OF OURS: Robert Cushing Jr., Pat Marsh, Hannah Phillips & Family, Lindsay Joyce, Patricia Carter, Connie McAlpin, Roger Gaskill, Michael McAlpin, Jason McCullum, Paul Tang, Michael Driggers, Maurice Hannah, Earl Black, Tom Grizzaffe, James Kenneth Cox Jr., Lonny Joseph Waring Jr., Merinda Mixon, Annie Burns, Toby Foster, Bill Caballero, Harris Lott, Florence Struempler, Francis Ann Cook, James Stokes, Cindy Taylor, Kris Kruse, April Snider, Rob-in Johnson, Thomas Williams, Angel Sinai Gomez, Kim Messenger, William Willis, Sandy Wright, Ashley Hoffman, Sue Rossi, Brittany Alderman, Betty Denyko, Sr. Chris Cullen, MFIC, David Greg Russell, Chloe Robinson, William Martin IV, Michelle Rio, Bobby Ziolkowski, Stan Stipe, Joseph McHendry, Dr. Richard Lynch, Rose Parisee, Adri-an Arnold, Erin Crosby, Rosa Maria Santos, Mervyn Humphreys, Ida Cook, Becky Griffin, Claudia Tay-lor, Megan Schultz, Dora Bullard, Millie Bailey, Ed-may Tardif, Ken Jorishie, Kevin Wehling, Gara Baker, Jane Foreman, Wanda Waring, John Ste-phens, Craig Carter, Dallin Thorton, Elizabeth Pea-cock, Don & Marilyn Sanderson, Bill Byrd & Fami-ly, Ghioto Family, Chris Garafola, Marlene Brooker, Wesley Sowell, and Jennifer Raulerson.

    Our parish family extends condolences to Mike Fraw-

    ley for the loss of his sister, Sr. Anne Frawley, who

    died December 22, 2018 in Fargo N. D. at the Sa-

    cred Heart Convent. “Eternal rest grant unto her, O

    Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon her!”

    Financial Stewardship: In an effort to awaken our congregation to more generous fiscal responsibility, these stark figures are shared to be accountable and transparent. They clearly reveal how far behind we are in covering our operational costs year-to-date. These numbers do not show other designated offer-ings like gifts to Loaves and Fishes or the Rainy Day Fund. These alarming figures are given to you that you might respond generously to help us out of our deficit with a special gift to the parish offertory this Christmas. We thank those who remembered to put the parish on their Christmas gift list!

    Offertory through 12/16/18: $95,680

    Parish Operating Expenses- $121,614

    through 12/16/18

    Budget Shortfall- - $25,934

    Corresponsabilidad Financiera: en un esfuerzo por despertar a nuestra congregación a una responsabili-dad financiera más generosos, estos números duros son compartidos para ser transparentes y responsa-bles. Ellos claramente revelan cuán lejos estamos de cubrir nuestro costo operacional hasta este momento en el año. Estos números no muestran otras ofrendas designadas como regalos a Panes y Peces o al Fondo del Dia Lluvioso. Estos números alarmantes son com-partidos con ustedes para que ustedes respondan generosamente a ayudar con el déficit con un regalo especial a la ofrenda de la parroquia en esta Navidad. ¡Por favor recuerde su parroquia en la lista de regalos de Navidad!

    Ofertorio hasta el 12/16/18: $95,680

    Gastos de Operación de la Parroquia: - $121,614

    Hasta el 12/16/18

    Déficit presupuestario: - $25,934

  • This Week at St. Joe’s

    12/31/2018 Monday 6:00 pm English Mass 01/01/2019 Tuesday 6:00 pm-6:45 pm Confessions; 7:00 pm Mass in Spanish for Mary the Mother of God Votive Mass for Peace 01/02/2019 Wednesday 4-6:00 pm Adoration; 6:00 pm Mass; 7:30 pm Pax Christi Meeting 01/03/2019Thursday 9:00 am Mass; 6:00 pm Choir Practice 01/04/2019 Friday No Mass; Office Closed 01/05/2019 Saturday 4:00 pm– 4:45 pm Confession; 5:00 pm English Mass; Loaves & Fishes Sunday 01/06/2019 Sunday 9:00 am Mass English; 10:30 am PRE/Youth; Noon Mass-Spanish; Loaves & Fishes Sunday Bulletin Deadline: All announcements and news items for the next Sunday's bulletin need to be given to our parish secretary (Barbara).[[email protected]] by Monday morning.

    Happy New Year

    December 29, 2018 6:00 pm Saturday-English Mass Lector: Frank Hoffman EM: Ann Johnson and Lillie Morris Server: Lee Tipps Usher: Bob Scheuing and Dave Cahill Intention: Marilyn Bonacci (RIP) December 30, 2018 10:30 am Sunday-English Mass Lector: Frank Hoffman EM: Socorro Martinez, Connie Barefield, Eloise Purdom, Anna Saucedo, and Patrick Brennan Server: Lauren Hackett and Emma Hackett Intention: Pro Populo December 30, 2018 6:00 pm Sunday-Spanish Mass Lector: Maribel Rios EM: Vicente Rodas, Magdalena Santana, y Francisco Velez Server: Marisol Calvillo y Gissell Rodriguez Usher: Francisco Velez and Abel Rodriguez Intention: None December 31, 2018 6:00 pm Monday- English Mass Lector: Barbara Albert EM: Linda Robison and Ann Johnson Usher: Mike Frawley and Joe Robison Server: Fran McElroy Intention: None January 1, 2019 7:00 pm Tuesday -Spanish Mass Lector: Luci Rios EM: Vicente Rodas and Socorro Martinez Server: Natalie Romero Usher: Francisco Velez and Abel Rodriguez Intention: None

    January 5, 2019 5:00 pm Mass-English Saturday Lector: Wanda Petersen EM: Linda Robison and Maria Contreras Server: Fran McElroy Usher: Mike Frawley and Joe Robison Intention: June Ann Blanski (RIP) January 6, 2019 9:00 am Mass-English Sunday Lector: Barbara Miller EM: John Chancey, Anna Saucedo, Loretta Coar, Frank Hoff-man, and Rose Lopez Server: Seth Cheshire and Natalie Romero Intention: Pro Populo January 6, 2019 Noon Mass-Spanish Sunday Lector: Maribel Rios EM: Magdalena Santana, Juanita Sosa, y Vicente Rodas Server: Brayan Rios y Stephanie Rios Usher: Francisco Velez y Abel Rodriguez Intention: None

    Monthly RCIA Meeting next will meet on Tuesday night, January 29, at 7:15 PM in the Parish Hall. Contact Fran McElroy ([email protected] or 267-496-1965) or Fr. Bob [ [email protected] & 478-284-5235] or the church office (283-7700) for more info.

    House Blessings: This time of year is when many people en-joy rededicating their homes and family life to God with a House-Blessing, often during the week of the New Year or for the Feast of Epiphany next week. If Fr. Bob cannot arrange a time when he can come to your house for the blessing, he has writ-ten several rituals that you can use to do the blessing as a fami-ly, as a domestic church. He has copies to give you.

    Bendición de las Casas: En esta época del año es cuando mucha gente disfruta re-dedicar sus casas y vida familiar a Dios con la Bendición de la Casa, a menudo durante la semana de Año Nuevo o para la Fiesta de la Epifanía la semana siguiente. Si el P. Bob no puede encontrar un tiempo para ir a bendecir su casa, él ha escrito varios rituales que usted puede usar para bendecir a su familia, a su iglesia doméstica. Él tiene copias para darle.

    Office for the Protection of Children and Young Peo-

    ple, toll free reporting hotline: (888) 357-5530

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Thank you from your Hispanic ministry coordinator!

    There are so many people to thank for helping with this

    years’ advent celebrations in Hispanic Ministry. I hope I don’t

    leave anyone out so please know I appreciate every single

    person who helped with our events this year.I would like to

    start by thanking Fr. Bob for helping us and supporting our

    many Hispanic traditions during the Advent season.

    This year we were blessed to have several persons who do-

    nated to pay for the Mariachi group. You made my job as

    Hispanic Ministry Coordinator much easier! Thank you to

    Juan Badillo, Noe Aguirre, Elpidio Benitez, Olivia Garcia and

    Maria Roque.

    We also owe a very special thanks to Evaristo Sierra for con-

    structing the base for the flowers for our Lady. It was beauti-


    Then comes our dance group led by Lucia Diaz! I can’t say

    enough good things about your ministry. Not only did you

    bless us with your spirited dance, but you transformed our

    parish hall into a beautiful altar for Our Lady.

    We also enjoyed a very fine posada celebration coordinated

    by Alicia Estrada and Anna Perez.

    None of this would have been possible without all of the

    many people who donated time and talent, brought food or

    flowers, and who helped clean up the church after the


    Finally, I would like to say a very special thanks to Juanita

    Sosa, Maria Contreras, and Vicente Rodas. The three of you

    are always so faithful to help with every event and my minis-

    try would not be possible without you.

    All of you working together make me very proud to be your

    Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, I hope all of you have a very

    Merry Christmas! Jason Strickland

    Gracias de parte de su Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano.

    Hay muchas personas para agradecer por su ayuda con los eventos durante adviento este año. Espero que no me olvido de mencionar a nadie, porque realmente aprecio el apoyo de cada persona.

    En primer lugar, muchas gracias al Padre Bob por apoyar nues-tras tradiciones.

    A las personas que generosamente donaron el dinero para el Mariachi: Juan Badillo, Noe Aguierre, Elpidio Benítez, Olivia García y María Roque. Ustedes hicieron mi trabajo más fácil este año. ¡Gracias!

    También debemos un agradecimiento especial para Evaristo Sierra por colaborar con la base para las flores ¡Fue un trabajo excelente!

    ¡También a nuestro grupo de danza guiado por Lucia Diaz! No tan solamente nos bendijeron con la danza, pero también trans-formaron nuestro salón parroquial en un altar hermoso para Nuestra Señora.

    Gracias también a Alicia Estrada y Anna Pérez quienes coordi-naron nuestra posada.

    Nada de esto hubiera sido posible sin la colaboración de cada persona que trajo comida y flores, o donaron su tiempo y labor y quienes se quedaron después del evento para limpiar la iglesia.

    Finalmente quiero decir gracias especialmente a Juanita Sosa, María Contreras, y Vicente Rodas. Ustedes tres siempre mues-tran fidelidad para apoyar cada evento y mi ministerio no sería posible sin ustedes.

    La colaboración de todos trabajando junto este año me hizo sentir muy orgullo de ser su coordinador del ministerio his-pano. Gracias y les deseo a todos una feliz navidad.

    Jason Strickland

    CHANGE of MASS TIMES NEXT WEEK! By acclamation the change in the Sunday Mass times in the new year were approved, and the Saturday night Mass time will move from 6 to 5 PM as well, NEXT WEEKEND! So this will go into effect on the first weekend of January.

    Saturday evening Mass may be at 5 PM (instead of 6)

    Sunday morning Mass in English will be at 9 AM - followed by PRE at 10:30 AM

    Sunday Mass in Spanish will be at 12 Noon

    CAMCIO DE HORARIO DE LAS MISAS LA SEMANA EN-TRANTE! Por aclamación el cambio de la hora de las Mi-sas del Domingo en el nuevo año fue aprobado, y el sába-do en la noche la hora de la Misa se moverá de las 6 a las 5 PM ¡también EL PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA! Así que esto entrará en efecto el primer fin de semana de enero

    La misa del sábado en la tarde será a las 5 PM (en vez de las 6 PM)

    La Misa del domingo en la mañana en Ingles será a las 9 AM – seguida de ERP a las 10:30 AM

    La Misa del domingo en español será a las 12 del medio día.

    “Christmas Presents” for you: Your box of envelopes for the collections has your name on it in the church foyer. Thank you for “wrapping up” your gift to the par-ish each Sunday. If there is NOT one there for you, give your name and address to Fr. Bob or Barbara so we can get your envelopes to you! Catholic Calen-dars are also available as our gift to you, in English, Spanish and bilingual in the foyer, as well.

    Un “Regalo de Navidad” para usted: su caja de sobres para las colectas tiene su nombre en la entrada de la iglesia. Gracias por “envolver” su regalo para la parroquia este domingo. Si NO hay un sobre para usted, ¡dele su nombre y dirección al P. Bob o a Barbara para que le hagamos llegar sus sobres! Calenda-rios católicos están disponibles como un regalo nuestro, en inglés y español y bilingüe también.
