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Welcome to The Anglican parish of St John the Evangelist

86 Clendon Rd Toorak VIC 3142

PH 98261765

Vicar Archdeacon Dr

Bradly S Billings

our mission statement

What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join us in the fellowship that we have with the Father and with his son Jesus

Christ. 1 John 1.3

St John’s Anglican Church


26 August 2012

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

8am Holy Communion 1662 Book of Common Prayer

10am Sung Eucharist 1662 Book of Common Prayer

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Vicar's Day off - change The Vicar, Brad, will now be taking Friday as a day off, instead of Monday.

Cocktail party Cocktail party and soiree and refreshments at ‘Cranlana’, 62 Clendon Road, Toorak. Exquisite singers! Thursday 6 September 6-8pm. $60 per person. R.S.V.P to Claire Beecher by Monday 3 September. Please come along to support Anglican Overseas Aid (previously Anglicord). A most wonderful cause. Claire Beecher

Prayers for Christian Unity Thursday 30 August, 10am at St John’s.

The Toorak Op Shop needs donations of winter clothing for men, women and children. We also require clothing and hats that can be worn during the Spring Racing Carnival. We would appreciate it if you would mention this to your family and friends.

Donations can be dropped off to the Op Shop between 10am – 4pm Monday to Saturday or after hours, placed in the green charity bin which is adjacent to the shop. The Toorak Op Shop is located at: 143 Canterbury Road, Toorak our telephone number is 9827 3172 or Rosie Mason 0438 697 570 if goods need collecting. Many thanks. Toorak Op Shop.

Parish Barbecue The parish barbecue will take place next on Sunday 9th September following the 10am service, on the day Bishop White visits the parish. We hope to be on the South Lawn in the Spring sunshine. The barbecue will then be on the first Sundays of October, November, and December.

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Diamond Jubilee High Tea Come and celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in style with a lavish and elegant High Tea on Saturday 13 October at 3pm in the Buxton Hall. Tickets $50. Champagne, Door Prizes and Raffle. Plus a wonderful musical program designed by our own Director of Music, Professor Mel Waters. This is an event not to be missed. Contact the parish office (9826 1765) or email [email protected] to make a booking. Payments must be received by Monday 1 October.

350th Anniversary of the Book of the 1662 book of Common Prayer Sunday 26th August This August marks the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, the heart of our church’s worship and theology. The 1662 Prayer Book has been familiar to generations of men and women: for worship, baptisms, marriages and deaths.

It is loved for its theology as much as for its wonderful language. Phrases from it have come into everyday use and have been quoted in literature: 'till death us do part', 'read, mark, learn and inwardly digest', 'peace in our time', ‘ashes to ashes...’. Together with the Authorised (or King James) Version of the Bible (1611), the Book of Common Prayer has shaped the English language and inspired musical settings from some of the best church composers. The BCP is still officially acknowledged as the standard of doctrine and worship in the Anglican Church. We will observe the anniversary at both services on Sunday 26th August, by using the traditional language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer on this day.

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Messy Church Sunday 2nd September We are planning towards a start date for the new “Messy Church” service for Sunday 2nd September, 4.00pm-6.00pm. Flyers, postcards, are available in the narthex. Please help us get the word out! A Messy Church “fact sheet” is included in the pew slip.

CMS Link Missionaries Our CMS Link Missionaries Andrew and Helen will visit St John’s on Sunday 21 October

Pastoral Letter A pastoral letter from the Vicar, advising of some 'new directions' in parish life in the year's ahead, and inviting feedback, was printed in pew sheet of 29 July. The letter can be read on the Vicar's Blog (see the link below), or can be sent as a PDF file from the parish office by reply email. Alternatively, you may pick up a copy from the office or ask for one to be sent to you in the post.

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Back to Church Sunday Sunday 7th October - our guest will be Athol Guy of The Seekers. Back to Church Sunday is an opportunity for each and every one of us to invite a family member, a friend, a neighbour, or a colleague, to come “back to church.” It gives us all, together, a further opportunity to welcome visitors and guests. Invitation cards will be available soon. In the meantime, please consider using the Back to Church Sunday prayer (below) and see the information sheet in today’s pew slip for more details.

We thank you Lord that you created us and loved us more than we can ever know. Without you our lives would be lost, but through Jesus you have given us all things richly to enjoy – the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of life eternal. We pray that we and our church family will be bold in inviting our friends to Back to Church Sunday.

We also pray that all who come to church on that day, will be warmly welcomed and blessed with a desire to know you more. May this Back to Church Sunday be a day of celebration of your love for all people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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This Sunday: 26 Aug Thirteenth Sunday after

Pentecost (green) 8.00am - Holy Communion BCP (1662) Printed Liturgy Printed service booklet

1 Kings 8.22-30, 41-43 (E Pyper) Ps 84 Ephesians 6.10-20 (T Craddock) John 6.56-69

Celebrant: Bradly Billings Preacher: Bradly Billings Intercessor: Carmen Papageorge

Next Sunday: 2 Sept Fourteenth Sunday after

Pentecost (green) 8.00am - Holy Communion

A Prayer Book for Australia, p.101

Hymns: 59; 678; 93 Song of Songs 2.8-13 (B Mouritz) Ps 45.1-2; 6-9 James 1.17-27 (J Smith) Mark 7.1-8; 14-23

Celebrant: Bradly Billings Preacher: Bradly Billings Intercessor: Ted Mouritz

10.00am – Sung Eucharist

BCP (1662) Printed Liturgy

Printed service booklet

1 Kings 8.22-30, 41-43 (H Brown) Ps 84 Ephesians 6.10-20 (K Beecher) John 6.56-69

Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord, alway (Purcell) Motet: Ave verum (Byrd)

Celebrant: Bradly Billings Preacher: Bradly Billings Intercessor: Claire Beecher

10.00am – Sung Eucharist

A Prayer Book for Australia, p.119

Hymns: 59; 144; 678; 93

Song of Songs 2.18-13 (C Beecher) Ps 45.1-2; 6-9 James 1.17-27 (E Beecher) Mark 7.1-8; 14-23 Anthem: Siehe, wir preisen (Mendelssohn) Motet: Locus Iste (Bruckner)

Celebrant: Bradly Billings Preacher: Bradly Billings Intercessor: clergy

5pm Evening Prayer and Bible Study today. Stories from Mark: 7. Jesus before Pilate Mark 15.1-15

5pm Evening Prayer during Messy Church (4pm - 6pm)

WORSHIP Director of Music - Professor Mel Waters

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World & Nation: We pray for Anglican Christians working for peace in so many troubled parts of the world. Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America (Abp Hector Zavala Munoz); The Diocese of Wangaratta (Bp John Parks, Clergy and People); Broadmeadows/Dallas Parish (David Peake OAM); St Augustine’s Moreland (Abp Philip Freier); South Croydon Parish - Confirmation (Bp Barbara Darling); St Stephen’s Belmont (Bp Philip Huggins).

Those celebrating birthdays: Susan Morgan (Fri); Jenny Stokes (Sat).

Those being baptised: Alexandra Pitt.

Those being married: Tyson Carruthers & Chloe Loftes; George Cupac & Andrea Hermon; Glenn Lancashire & Jessica Hancock; Leigh Driscoll & Alisha Cheetham.

For our link parish: Christ Church, Tallangatta, and for their vicar, Revd Canon Malcolm Halford.

For schools in the community Geelong Grammar School Toorak Campus (Glamorgan), Head of Campus Garry Pierson; St Catherine's School, Principal Sylvia Walton AO; CRE program and teachers at Toorak Primary School.

The Toorak Ecumenical Movement: Pray for our partner churches: St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Toorak Uniting Church, The Swedish Church.

For those who lead us in the Anglican Church: The Most Revd Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne The Right Revd Paul White, Bishop of the Southern Region.

For our CMS Link Missionaries: Give thanks that the school principal is living in Andrew and Helen’s flat, and that there are three new staff members preparing to come to the school. Pray that they will get visas.

For the sick and all in need: Sophie; Beverley Smith; Matthew; Dave Mills; Phillip Treloar; Hazel Lord; John Saunders; Susan; Duncan Ansell; Jenny Williams; David; Ann Brewer.

For those in nursing homes and those who are house bound: Nan Milner; Randall Watt; Betty Blomfield; Lorna Mirfield; Dorothy Hughes; Marge Smith.

Give thanks for those whose Anniversary of death is this week:. Mary Hallowes; Brenda Hornidge; Garda Sadoine; Noel Smith; John Buckley; Nancy Campbell-Swan; June Collens; William Geddes; Fred McMullen; Jessie Miles; Constance Smithers; Noel Wright; Barbara Fogarty; Alison Parks; Billie Deague; Brenda Macdougall; Julia Sargood.


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Forthcoming events notice

Sunday 26th August: Celebration of 1662 Book of Common Prayer - 350 year anniversary with BCP liturgy at both services

Sunday 2nd September: Launch of “Messy Church” at 4pm

Sunday 9th September: Parish visit and Reception into

Membership, Bishop White, followed by barbecue

Sunday 7th October: Back to Church Sunday at 8am and 10am, with guest Athol Guy of The Seekers at 10am and parish

barbecue afterwards

Sunday 7th October: Messy Church from 4pm, with the Blessing of the Pets and Animals at 5pm

Sunday 4th November: Parish barbecue after the 10am service,

Messy Church at 4pm

Sunday 11th November: Service of Remembrance with RSL (10am)

Sunday 18th November: Annual Meeting of the Parish, following

the 10am service

Sunday 25th November: Feast Day of Christ the King

Sunday 2nd December: Parish barbecue after the 10am service, Messy Church at 4pm

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Dear St John’s parishioners,

I write to make you aware of events concerning the neighbouring parish of All Saints Kooyong, which is located on Glenferrie Rd near the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club and Scotch College. Some will be well aware that the parish of Kooyong has been, for some time, a gathering place for Anglicans who may be desiring to enter the Roman Catholic Ordinariate. For those who may not be aware of this, I have attached an article from ‘The Age’ newspaper published on 8th August 2012. As indicated in the article, the present vicar and some (but contrary to the comments made in the article – not all) of the present congregation will leave the site of All Saints Kooyong after morning worship on Sunday 2nd September and be received into the Roman Catholic Church over the course of the following weekend.

For several months I have been acting as the liaison person between the churchwardens of All Saints Kooyong and the Diocese of Melbourne, having been asked to act in this way by the Archbishop. As you may appreciate, this has been a delicate and sensitive task, driven by the desire of all concerned for an orderly and amicable transition. The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne has indicated through its own press release (which I have also attached) that we offer our blessing and best wishes to those who wish to join the Roman Catholic Church, whilst reiterating our desire to continue to provide Anglican worship and pastoral ministry in the parish of All Saints Kooyong. The churchwardens from All Saints Kooyong have acted honourably throughout, and with good faith. As September 2nd looms very near, this matter is now reaching a conclusion, and I am able to inform this parish of how the events in Kooyong will now affect us.

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From Monday 3rd September, I will be Priest in Charge of All Saints Kooyong, in addition of course to continuing as Vicar of St John’s Toorak and Archdeacon of Stonnington & Glen Eira. Plans are in place now for a Sunday service on the site of All Saints Kooyong to be led by the Vicar of a nearby parish who has very generously offered his services to ensure the continuation of Anglican worship in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. My role will be to take over the administration of the parish of All Saints Kooyong, to deal with any pastoral needs that arise there, including weddings, baptisms, and funerals etc., and to develop, over the course of the next period of time, a plan of action for the future. At this stage, there is much that is not clear and much that is unknown. The situation will become more transparent over the course of the next few months as it becomes known how many will be remaining in the parish, what the demands and needs might be, and what the future of ministry on the site might look like. Obviously, this places some extra responsibilities on me. Thankfully, I am being assisted by our parish accountant Milton Robinson, whom the Registrar of the Diocese has asked to assist in facilitating the transition of the accounts and finances after September 2nd.

I will have more to report on this at a later time. In the meantime, the forward strategy (as indicated above) is for one of my colleagues to provide a Sunday morning service of worship at the site of All Saints Kooyong until the end of the year, as a mission plan for the future is being developed. I expect we may do something significant on the site of All Saints over Christmas, in the hope of rejuvenating the parish in its own community, and I expect I will be appealing to St John’s parishioners to assist with this if you are in a position to do so, simply by attending and providing a ‘critical mass’. There is a possibility, as the financial situation becomes clearer, that a part-time minister may be able to be appointed in 2013 to assist with the task of enacting a mission plan at All Saints.

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The details are being negotiated now, and the search is on for the right person. Any person so appointed would work under my supervision and also have a role here at St John’s. At this stage, however, this is as much as I know!

Any parishioner of St John’s should feel very free to contact me regarding this with any questions or concerns, or with any thoughts about how we may assist in revitilising ministry at All Saints Kooyong.

The Venerable Dr Bradly S Billings The Vicar

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New world order as Anglican priests move to a Catholic Environment Barney Zwartz Published: August 8, 2012

CHRISTOPHER SETON leaves one job on September 2 and starts another six days later. In one sense it is exactly the same job, and in another it is completely different. Father Seton is one of four Anglican priests who will be ordained into the Catholic Church in Melbourne on September 8.

Father Seton holds his last service at All Saints Kooyong on September 2. Then he and - so far as he is aware - his entire congregation will regather a week later at the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Caulfield South. There he will minister to the same people (and, doubtless, some new ones), using the same liturgy and singing the same hymns. But now they will be on the opposite side of a once-bitter sectarian divide.

''In a sense, we are just moving office,'' Father Seton said yesterday. But he, along with Fathers James Grant, Ramsay Williams and Neil Fryer, will now be priests in the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, the Catholic Church's new Anglican wing set up by Pope Benedict for those who felt disenfranchised by the ordination of women and other developments in the Anglican Church.

Clergy in the ordinariate may be married, as is the Ordinary (the head), Harry Entwistle, who was a bishop in the breakaway Traditional Anglican Communion, but a married priest cannot be a bishop.

The ordinariate began with Father Entwistle's ordination on June 15, and the creation of a 60-strong parish in Perth.

Father Seton believes it is ''a safe place'' for Anglicans with Catholic inclinations.

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''So many of us have tried to find a space within established Anglicanism, but there's really no space for us any more. If you don't embrace the new religion they don't want you. You've got to believe in same-sex marriage and women priests, things that we just can't embrace.''

He says traditional Anglo-Catholics have been portrayed unfairly as misogynists, and treated by some liberals as ''a bit of a joke''.

''But we are taking our patrimony with us - the Anglican way of doing things and the spirituality and the theology.

''We will be pretty much what we always were.''

This story was found at:

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Anglicans respect decisions made in good conscience

9/08/2012 By Roland Ashby, Letter to the Editor of The Age Contrary to Fr Christopher Seton’s reported comments (“New world order as Anglican priests move to a Catholic environment”, The Age, 8/8), the Anglican Church respects those who cannot accept, in good conscience, the ordination of women to the priest-hood and the episcopate.

Even though the ordination of women has been joyfully embraced by the Melbourne Diocese and a majority of the Australian Dioceses, the Anglican Church has sought to be supportive of those who cannot accept the ordained ministry of women priests or bishops.

A protocol to ensure appropriate care and support for those who object to women’s ordination is well established.

Moreover, Fr Seton’s reported assertion “that you’ve got to believe in same-sex marriage” to remain in the Anglican Church is inaccurate and misplaced.

A new priest will be appointed to Fr Seton’s former Anglican parish of All Saints' Kooyong and the parish will continue as a worshipping community in the Anglican tradition.

We wish the four priests who have chosen to enter the Ordinariate every blessing for their future ministry. We have a good relationship with the Roman Catholic Church in Melbourne, and hope to maintain this by avoiding the kind of commentary re-ported in this article. Roland Ashby Communications Director Anglican Diocese of Melbourne

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This week at St John’s Sunday 19 August A warm welcome and special thanks to David McNicol, organist at today's 8am service. 12.30pm - Baptism of Alexandra Pitt. 4pm - Wedding of Tyson Carruthers and Chloe Loftes. Thursday 30 August 10.00am - Prayers for Christian Unity, St John’s. 11.00am - Holy Communion Friday 31 August 2pm - Wedding of George Cupac and Andrea Hermon. Saturday 1 September 1pm - Wedding of Glenn Lancashire and Jessica Hancock 3pm - Wedding of Leigh Driscoll and Alisha Cheetham.

Saint John’s Anglican Church, Toorak 86 Clendon Road Toorak 3142 Telephone : 9826 1765 Fax: 9826 4395 Email: [email protected] Vicar Archdeacon Dr Bradly S Billings PH (mobile) 0421 638950 Email: [email protected]

Associate Priest Revd Hilary Roath [email protected]

Director of Music & Organist Professor Mel Waters [email protected]

Marriage Ministry Co-ordinator Ms Gay Djumas [email protected]

Administration Mrs Sally Robertson

Prayer Chain Co-ordinator Mrs Annette Wilson 9822 8968 St John’s on-line Website:
