


May – June Oak Park IL June 27, 2016

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Dear Confreres, Summer is here and I hope you are having a good time in your ministry. It is time

again to send you some information about our Province to keep you up to date. We

have some good news to share with you with new confreres coming to our Province.

Besides, we just finished the Young Religious meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a

beautiful moment with the presence of almost everyone under 10 years of ordination

or perpetual vows.

At the same time we want to share with all of you the changes in the trends of

migration from the south towards the north, with the experience of Tijuana and all

we are doing through our presence in that city. I am sure things are happening all

over the Province, and many times we forget to share with the others. May this

become more and more a channel of communication and sharing of the good the

Lord is doing through our hands and the communities we serve.

We just had our canonical visitation and as you received the letter of our General

Superior regarding it, let us say thanks to the Lord for the good we have and do and

let us work to improve in the sectors we are behind. Together, with the grace of God,

we will achieve those goals we have in our Provincial Missionary Project, becoming

more and more, one family, following the footsteps of Scalabrini, our Founder in the

world of migration today.

May God bless you and the Communities we serve.

Rev. Clair Antonio Orso, cs Provincial Superior


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Estimados Cohermanos,

El verano está aquí y espero que ustedes estén disfrutando de su ministerio. Una vez más

queremos enviarle unas noticias para mantenerlos informados acerca de nuestra

Provincia. Tenemos buenas noticias para compartir con ustedes con los nuevos

cohermanos que ya llegaron a nuestra Provincia. Además, recién terminamos el encuentro

Interprovincial de los Religiosos Jóvenes realizado en Atlanta, Georgia. Fue un momento

hermoso con la presencia de casi todos los que tienen menos de 10 años de ordenación o

de votos perpetuos.

Al mismo tiempo, queremos compartir con todos ustedes, los cambios en las tendencias

migratorias desde el sur hacia el norte, con la experiencia de Tijuana y todo lo que

hacemos a través de nuestra presencia en esa ciudad. Estoy seguro que muchas cosas

bellas están sucediendo en toda la provincia, y muchas veces nos olvidamos de compartir

con los demás. Que esta Newsletter sea cada vez más un canal de comunicación para

compartir el bien el bien que el Señor está haciendo a través de nuestras manos y por

medio de las comunidades que servimos.

Tuvimos la visita canónica a nuestra Provincia y, por la carta de nuestro Superior General,

de un lado tenemos mucho que agradecer al Señor, y por otro, tenemos algunos puntos

sobre los cuales estamos llamados a trabajar y mejorar. Juntos, con la gracia de Dios,

vamos lograremos los objetivos que tenemos en nuestro Proyecto Misionero Provincial,

convirtiéndonos cada vez más en una familia, siguiendo los pasos de Scalabrini, nuestro

Fundador en el mundo de la migraciones hoy.

Que Dios los bendiga, bien como a las comunidades que servimos.

P. Clair Antonio Orso, cs Superior Provincial

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Ordinations / Ordenaciones:

Father Jesus Ramirez Cerda, cs was ordained to the priesthood on May 7, 2016 in the Parish of San Juan Bautista in Purepero, Michoacan, Mexico. Jesus was born in Purepero de Ecház, Michoacan, Mexico. Fr. Jesus has been assigned to our province so we thank God for the great blessing that He gives us each day. We continue to ask through the intercession of Blessed Scalabrini to help and call more people to this apostolic service among our Migrants brothers. Congratulations and many blessings to Fr. Jesus Ramirez.

Padre Jesus Ramirez Cerda, cs fue ordenado sacerdote el día 7 de mayo de 2016 en la parroquia de San Juan Bautista en Purepero, Michoacan, México. Jesus nació en Purepero de Ecház, México. P. Jesus ha sido asignado a nuestra provincia y por esto damos gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos brinda todos los días y seguimos pidiendo por la intercesión del Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini que siga llamando a más jóvenes al servicio apostólico a los migrantes. Muchas felicidades y bendiciones a Jesus y su familia.

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Father Vincenslaus Ino, cs from Indonesia was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2016 and has been assigned to our Province. He encountered the Scalabrinian Charisma, and he decided to give his life to the Lord through our congregation. He said “Yes” to the Lord for a lifetime as a priest and this is a great blessing to our Scalabrinian family. Vincenslaus has been assigned to our province so we thank God for the great blessing that He gives us each day. We continue to ask through the intercession of Blessed Scalabrini to help and call more people to this apostolic service among our Migrants brothers. Congratulations and great blessings to Vincenslaus Ino.

Nuestra provincia de San Juan Bautista anuncia la ordenación sacerdotal del Padre Vincenslaus Ino, cs el 10 de Junio del 2016. Conoció el carisma Scalabriniano y decidió responder a la voluntad de Dios dentro de nuestra congregación. Hoy ha decidido decir "Si" al Señor para toda la vida como sacerdote y esto es una gran bendición para nuestra familia Scalabriniana. Vincenslau ha sido asignado a nuestra provincia y por esto damos gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos brinda todos los días y seguimos pidiendo por la intercesión del Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini que siga llamando a más jóvenes al servicio apostólico a los migrantes. Muchas felicidades y bendiciones a Vincenslaus y su familia.


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CANONICAL VISITATION – VISITÁ CANONICA As you know, the General administration completed the Canonical Visitation of the Province of St. John the Baptist on May 17, 2016 meeting with the Provincial Council in Oak Park, Illinois.


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The young religious of St. Charles and St. John Baptist Provinces had their meeting at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, in Atlanta, Georgia for the SYRM 2016 during the days of June 20-25. There were 27 of us plus both Provincial Superiors, Fr. Clair and Fr. Moacir. Brother Mark, one of the monks of the Monastery, led us in our retreat day, pointing at his own struggles as a religious for 46 years…it was surely a bold life sharing moment that all of us benefitted from. We also had one day of formation with the Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta Most. Rev. Luis Zarama. Born in Colombia, Bishop Zarama is aware of the drama of migration, and explored together with us the deepness of God’s Mercy. Actually his motto is “Deus caritas est” and that was pretty clear as he walked us through his reflection. One day was dedicated to work by Provinces, where we had the opportunity to have an open dialogue with our respective Superiors in a familiar atmosphere. During these days we celebrated one Mass at San Felipe de Jesus Parish in Atlanta with the Archbishop Wilton Gregory, who in a very fatherly way, showed his thankfulness to the Scalabrinian community. Finally we had also a day of leisure to visit the CNN facility and the Stone Mountain Park. We thank Fr. Victor and Fr. Adriano who diligently prepare the meeting. Next stop for the SYRM 2017 will be Vancouver June 19-24 to be prepared by Fr. Rosemond, Fr. Pierre and Fr. Leonardo. Los religiosos jóvenes de las Provincias San Carlos y San Juan Bautista tuvieron su encuentro en el monasterio de El Espíritu Santo, en Atlanta, GA para el SYRM 2016 del 20 al 25 de junio. Éramos 27 más los provinciales P. Clair y P. Moacir. El Hno Mark, uno de los monjes, guio nuestro retiro, señalando sus propios “desafíos” como religioso por 46 años… Sin duda fue un momento gozoso de compartir sobre una vida


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“desgastada” por el Evangelio —del que todos nos beneficiamos. Además, hubo un día de formación con el Obispo Auxiliar de Atlanta Mons Luis Zarama, quien nació en Colombia. El Obispo Zarama está consciente sobre el drama de la migración y nos habló sobre la profundidad de la misericordia de Dios. De hecho, su lema episcopal es “Deus caritas est”, que se hizo evidente a medida que nos compartía su reflexión. Un día estuvo dedicado a compartir por Provincias y hubo la oportunidad de hablar abiertamente con el respectivo provincial en un ambiente familiar. Celebramos la Eucaristía en la Parroquia San Felipe de Jesús, en Atlanta con el Arzobispo Wilton Gregory, quien en forma paterna, manifestó su agradecimiento a la comunidad Scalabriniana. Finalmente hubo un día para visitar CNN y el Parque Stone Mountain. Agradecemos a P. Victor y P.Adriano, quienes organizaron el encuentro. El próximo será en Vancouver del 19 al 24 de junio. Los encargados son P. Rosemond, P. Pierre y P. Leonardo.


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AROUND THE PROVINCE DESDE NUESTRA PROVINCIA NEW MISSIONARY ASSIGNMENTS Rev. Leonardo Rocha, cs as Pastor of St. Helen’s Church, Burnaby, BC, Canada effective August 22, 2016. Rev. Antonio Tapparello, cs as Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Vancouver, BC, Canada effective August 22, 2016 CASA SCALABRINI- CENTRO DE PASTORAL MIGRATORIA

El día 1° de junio del presente año, conmemorando el 111° aniversario de la Pascua a la vida eterna de nuestro fundador Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini, tuvo lugar la inauguración de la CASA SCALABRINI-Centro de Pastoral Migratoria, en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Después de 2 años de planeación y mucho trabajo, se vio concretado el sueño de ampliar la obra del Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini en el servicio a los migrantes en la arquidiócesis de Guadalajara.

En un ambiente fraterno y acompañados de amigos y colaboradores se llevó a cabo la inauguración, iniciando con las palabras del Padre José Juan, co-director de la Casa Scalabrini, quien presentó la obra del Beato Scalabrini y su compromiso de trabajar con y por los más pobres y marginados, siendo estos personificados en las y los migrantes, que se ven forzados a dejar su hogar y buscar oportunidades de establecerse y llevar una vida digna lejos de la tierra que los vio nacer. Nos habló también de cómo debido a la situación económica y política a nivel global, la distribución de la riqueza es cada vez menos equitativa

y son más las personas que migran en busca de mejores oportunidades. Así mismo, enfatizó que una de las características de la herencia del Beato Scalabrini es la atención integral a las necesidades de los migrantes y el trabajo de incidencia en la Iglesia, la sociedad civil y los gobiernos a fin de lograr un trato digno, justo y adecuado a las necesidades de los y las migrantes. Finalmente, destacó que el binomio servicio fraterno y solidario al migrante y reflexión sobre el fenómeno migratorio, son el eje que inspira la actividad misionera de la Casa Scalabrini – Centro de Pastoral Migratoria. La Lic. Laura Cajigal, administradora de la Casa Scalabrini, nos habló de que Jalisco cuenta con una amplia tradición migratoria hacia los Estados Unidos, sin embargo en los últimos años, los migrantes de Centroamérica y otros estados del país, han cambiado de ruta debido a la inseguridad,


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StJohntheBaptistProvinceNewsletter haciendo en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG) un alto en su recorrido, en donde algunos se bajan del tren para descansar varios días antes de retomar su camino, y otros se quedan, haciendo de la calle su modo de vida. Desgraciadamente, el cambio de ruta no ha cambiado su condición de vulnerabilidad, y se siguen enfrentando a situaciones de riesgo en las que se ve comprometida su seguridad tanto física, como psicológica y legal. La presentación del proyecto pastoral de la Casa Scalabrini- Centro de Pastoral Migratoria, estuvo a cargo del co-director, el Padre Francisco Pellizzari; quien comentó aunque han aumentado las organizaciones y los grupos que brindan ayuda humanitaria a los migrantes, esta se dirige principalmente a los que van de paso. Sin embargo, desde nuestro análisis de la realidad migratoria de la ZMG hemos detectado que quedan sin asistencia adecuada los que no pueden continuar su camino por distintos motivos: problemas de salud, haber sido víctima de abusos y violaciones, entre otros, y situaciones de riesgo que necesitan un acompañamiento prolongado, integral, s constante y profesional. Es por esta razón que nuestros servicios son dirigidos a toda persona migrante, sin distinción alguna, que se vea impedido a continuar su camino y requiera el apoyo de nuestra CASA SCALABRINI- Centro de Pastoral Migratoria. Esa es la vocación de nuestra casa: brindar una atención integral a la persona que necesite un apoyo profesional y un tiempo prudencial de asistencia para retomar su camino, siendo la atención totalmente gratuita. La característica de nuestra intervención es específica, profesional, permanente y personalizada, por eso la cantidad de migrante asistidos simultáneamente está limitada a la capacidad de la Casa.



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Por último, la bendición de nuestra Casa estuvo a cargo de su Eminencia el Cardenal Francisco Robles Ortega, Arzobispo de Guadalajara, quien generosamente aceptó acompañarnos, y a quien agradecemos sus alentadoras palabras y su carta donde nos encomendaba a seguir siendo “...buenos samaritanos con esta nueva presencia y nuestra acción por los migrantes...”. En su alocución el Sr. Cardenal destacó la importancia de que el carisma Scalabriniano enriquezca a la Iglesia local con su presencia, servicio apostólico y reflexión pastoral. Al finalizar la bendición, tuvimos la oportunidad de convivir y brindar con los invitados, disfrutando de un variado ambigú que preparamos para la ocasión. Nos dio mucha alegría que nos acompañaran el P. Clair Orso, nuestro Superior Provincial que vino desde Chicago para este evento; el P. Pat Murphy Director de la Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, de la cual jurídicamente depende esta “Casa Scalabrini” y los cohermanos de la comunidad scalabriniana de Cd. México y Guadalajara. Agradecemos infinitamente, a todas las personas que han hecho posible la donación de la casa, su remodelación y su equipamiento, para poder ponernos al servicio de los migrantes: hermanos y hermanas que simpatizan con la misión scalabriniana en nuestras parroquias, y grupos en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Italia, Australia, y a tantos amigos y amigas de Guadalajara que han puesto su granito de arena en esta obra. Sin su valiosa colaboración este “Providencial sueño” no hubiera podido hacerse realidad.

Laicos Scalabrinianos da Guadalajara con P. Pat y P. Francisco


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Reflections from the Border: Refugee Crisis in Tijuana

- Fr. Pat Murphy, c.s. I always suspected that one day it might happen in Tijuana and then on May 26th around 12 noon we got the call from the office of the Regional Delegate of Mexican Immigration for an emergency meeting at 2:00pm. As we made our way through the traffic and headed to the meeting we all wondered what this was all about. It turned out none of us were prepared for what we would hear at the meeting. In short the delegate told us refugees from around the world had begun to arrive at the Tijuana border crossing with the hope of petitioning for political asylum and he needed our help to offer a humanitarian response. The US authorities were not prepared and could not process the people fast enough. We would later find out that by the time we knew about the refugee crisis there was already a waiting line of over 400 people in the US facilities and for the time being they were not letting anyone else in the building. The result is that a line of about 100 men women and children had formed a line along the border crossing waiting to ask for asylum. Consequently we were asked to give hospitality to those waiting in line until their name was called. So on the evening of May 26th the mission of the Casa del Migrante went from serving immigrants and deportees to also include refugees. That evening I went to the border with one of our Haitian seminarians and together we talked with people in an effort to convince them to come out of the cold and potential rain and rest at our house for 24 hours. It was hard sell at first as people could not believe they would be first in line and many were afraid of losing their place in line after waiting 2-3 days. One young Haitian man out it very bluntly when he told us: “I would like to trust you but at this point I can only trust God.” After about 3 hours of negotiating (thank God for my creole speaking seminarian named Ricket) we were able to convince about 75 people to accept our offer for hospitality. I felt a bit like Noah as we loaded van after van of folks from all over the world. About 50 women and children would go to Casa Madre Assunta (a shelter run by the Scalabrinian sisters) while about 25 came to our house. We foolishly thought this was a unique phenomenon that might last a couple of day but now we have come to realize our mission has just begun a humanitarian service to the refugees of the world. I must admit that at first it was a bit chaotic as people began to arrive at our house and at first they thought we were taking them to a detention center. However, with the tender loving Scalabrinian care of our staff and volunteers we quickly won over the hearts of our new guests. It was also a busy night for deportations so at the end of the night we had over 155 guests at the house and about 5-6 had to sleep with a mattress on the floor. At the end of the night as we began to review the registrations of our new guests we had some startlingly revelations:

Our first group of 25 refugee guests came from Haiti, Ethiopia, Eretria, Ghana, Mexico and Honduras.

The biggest number was Hattians and many spoke quite a bit of Portuguese because they had lived 4-5 years in Brazil.

Those from Mexico were from Michoacán and Guerrero and were fleeing for their lives due to the increasing violence. We had one family of eleven who ran for their lives.


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The majority had crossed between 10 and 13 countries to get to Tijuana and

several said Nicaragua was the most difficult because the smugglers charged you $2000 to cross.

When asked about their mode of transportation many said: walking, bus, boat, car Some have been on the road for 3-5 years and see absolutely no reason for hope

back home. When asked if there were more people coming the most frequent response was

“yes thousands”. On June 1st we received new that the first group of Ukrainians had arrived to seek

asylum. By June 24th we have received 418 refugees and displaced people from 15

countries In the last 15 days almost all are coming from violent torn places in Mexico (Guerrero

and Michoacán) and literally running for their lives

As I reflect on these revelations I do not feel it is an exaggeration to say we have a legitimate crisis at the border but the saddest thing of all is that hardly no one seems to know. In fact, it was only after two weeks that the local press began to talk about this issue, while on a national level the US press doesn’t seem to think it warrants much attention. However, just like the leaky faucet in the kitchen that someday you plan to get around to fixing, the drip, drip, drip of refugees and displaced peoples continues to arrive in Tijuana at the pace of about 80-100 per day. The good news has been the generous response of so many not for profit agencies opening their doors to the refugees, as well as the amount of donations that arrive on a daily basis. The generous people of Tijuana have given us proof that miracle of the loaves and fishes is still happening on a daily basis. The disappointment in all this has been the lack of a consistent plan by the authorities. I would have thought that after one month of experience they would have developed a plan of action that addresses this acute hemorrhaging of people here at the border. It is not enough to wish this problem away you must give a specific response to address all aspects of this challenge. On one side the Mexican government needs to offer a better response. I do not see a concrete collaborative effort that really benefits the people. Perhaps because elections were to take place in Mexico on June 5th this has paralyzed many who have the power to make a difference. However, elections are now over and we still await a better organized plan of action It is now over a month since the refugee/displaced people’s crisis officially began and I do not see it disappearing any time soon. We continue to offer hospitality here at the casa to about 50 people per day. At this moment the biggest group arriving at our doors are from Mexico (over 200) and then from Haiti (91). However, rumor has it that we should be prepared for people from Russia, Cameron, Ghana, Croatia, Armenia, Ukraine, India, Nepal and other African countries. It is my hope that as time moves forward we can organize a more cohesive humanitarian response to the refugees arriving in Tijuana. No doubt some of you reading this might think “why don’t they just stay home and let their


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government take care of them? “Why do people come here?” Let me put this drastic escape from poverty and violence in very concrete terms – when you are lying in bed in the middle of the night and get one of those painful leg cramps you do not just lay there and think about what you should do – no you jump out of bed in search of relief in any way possible. Simply put the extreme violence and dire poverty are the leg cramps that motivate people to jump up and literally run for their lives. Your really do not have time to think about it too much you just get up and move and seek relief in any way possible. In the meantime, what can we do? Well as Pope Francis as put it so clearly in this Jubilee year we are all being called to be islands of mercy in the sea of indifference. Here in Tijuana we are being offered an opportunity to extend Gods mercy to our refugee brothers and sisters in their great time of need. If you feel called to share God’s mercy in any way, please contact me at the e-mail of the Casa which is [email protected] Links to Articles re: this Migration trend:  Additional links showing migration routes:


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JUNIO 16‐30 


DESPLAZADOS     Hombres  33  20        Mujeres  35  34        Niñ@s  52  64    Total Desplazados  120  118   238


  Armenia    2  2  

Costa de Marfil  2   

Cuba  12  1  

El Salvador  16  1  

Ghana  8   

Guatemala  5   

Guinea  7   

Haití  91   

Honduras  1  5  

Ethiopia  3   

Eritrea  1   

Siria  1   

Ucrania  2   

Camerún  3   

Niñ@s  9  8  Total, de Refugios  163  17   180

D. + R. ‐TOTALES  283  135   418





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“Los seres humanos no nacen para siempre el día que sus madres los alumbran: la vida los obliga a parirse a sí mismos una y otra vez, a

modelarse, a transformarse, a interrogarse (a veces sin respuesta) a preguntarse para qué diablos han llegado a la tierra

y que deben hacer en ella”

Gabriel García Márquez


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BIRTHDAYS – CUMPLEAÑOS JULY 07/07/74 - Juan Luis Carbajal 07/09/66 - Raul Ochoa 07/19/72 - Eduardo Quintero 07/24/41 - Carlo Titotto 07/27/87 - Jesus Ramirez 07/30/66 - Alfredo Camarena AUGUST 08/08/72 - Miguel Ramirez 08/13/80 - Abraham Lopez 08/15/62 - J. Guadalupe Hernandez 08/23/48 - Livio Stella


JULY 07/02/05 Marvin Ajic 07/04/54 Albert Corradin 07/08/51 Gino Dalpiaz 07/11/92 Gianantonio Baggio 07/21/13 Rosemond Sylvestre 07/22/95 Julio López AUGUST 08/03/91 Clair Orso 08/10/96 Miguel Alvarez 08/16/03 Ramiro Sanchez 08/19/06 Leonardo Rocha 08/23/80 Richard Zanotti 08/24/02 Fernando Cuevas 08/25/88 J. Carmen Hernández 08/30/69 Florenzo Rigoni 08/30/80 Patrick Murphy


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IN MEMORIAM July Born Dec'd 5 - Rev. Joseph Bolzan 1909 1982 5 - Rev. Anthony Carrano 1921 1993 13 - Rev. Angelo Moscato 1935 1999 15 - Rev. Remigio Pigato 1900 1986 16 - Rev. Valentino Alberton 1929 2003 22 - Rev. Carlo Boselli 1916 1975 24 - Rev. Danilo Zanon 1914 1970 25 - Rev. Luciano Morselli 1913 1999 August 11 - Rev. Roberto Simionato 1945 1995 13 - Rev. Giacomo Gambera 1856 1934 13 - Rev. Adam Torresan 1916 1996 13 - Rev. Florian Girometta 1916 2012 15 - Rev. John Ferrara 1882 1954 17 - Rev. Mario Albanesi 1915 1984 19 - Rev. Rino Spada 1924 2002 30 - Rev. John Bonelli 1921 2010
