Page 1: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

Names will be kept on the Prayer for the Sick List for three weeks, unless a family member calls to extend the time.

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014

We Pray For Our Dead And We Mourn With You


MONDAY May 19, 2014 7:00AM Intentions of Donor 9:00AM Michelle, Dick & Shelby Glisson

TUESDAY May 20, 2014, St. Bernardine of Siena 7:00AM Victoria McCabe 9:00AM Mary Moone

WEDNESDAY: May 21, 2014 St.. Christopher Magallanes 7:00AM John Cooney 9:00AM John Joseph Prior

THURSDAY May 22, 2014, St. Rita Cascia 7 :00AM Carl Giovanniello 9:00AM`` James McNamee

FRIDAY: May 23. 2014 7:00AM Intentions of Fr. Saul Londono 9:00AM Francesco Commisso

SATURDAY May 24, 2014

9:00AM Vince Murphy 5: 00PM Intentions of Frank &Barbara DeStefano

SUNDAY May 25, 2014 Sixth Sunday of Easter

7:30AM Antonietta Toscano 9:30AM Rose and Michael Caruso 11:00AM Gloria and Anthony Amodeo 12:30PM Intentions of Father Luke 5:15PM Frank Zadravelz, Jr. Lillian Yarbrough Li`nda Remenschneider John Panuzzo 7:00PM Crispin Ramirez

Mark Stapleton, Cecilia McLaughlin, John & Mary D’Antonio, Gloria Lane, CPL. Garrett Carnes, USMC, Anna Palewski, Philip Zeder-baum, Michael Maher, Patrick McGee, Dawn Levchenko, Camie King, Harry Mulliga,n Anita Franzese, John Lupski, Frank Esposito, Raymond Morris, Maria Estupinan, Catherine Jerome, Theresa Locke, Maureen Remsky, Joanne Wallick, Nancy Mantell and Family, Thomas Duffy, Irene Janampa, Margaret Kropac, Patricia Clancy-Kriss. Angela Stroup, Mary Burdo, Anne Sten-borg, Czeslawa Geslak, Joseph Tilly, Bridget Tar-dugno, Rosemary O’Keeffe, Msgr. Daniel S. Ham-ilton, Anthony Tardugno, Msgr. Patrick Pratico, Kelly O’Hara

We Pray For Our Sick

Nicholas Calamussi Henry Braemer

Oliver Joseph Bell

We Celebrate our Sacraments Marriage Banns

Brian Buith, St. Catherine of Siena

Amanda Lamberti, St. Ignatius Loyola

Sunday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; 1 Pt 3:15-18 or 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 14:15-21 or Jn 17:1-11a


Page 2: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

St Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014

SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sunday, May 11, 2014 $13,636 Sunday, May 12, 2013 $12,122

Gospel for next Sun., May 25, 2014

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Theme: We have the spirit of truth to guide us.

Breaking Open the Word: Suggested text for faith sharing Gospel Jn 14:15-21

Jesus said to his disciples:“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he re-mains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. On that day, you will realize that I am in my Fa-ther and you are in me and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and re-veal myself to him.”

Step One: Listen to the Word What words of phrases in today’s reading touch your heart and mind? What feeling do you have after hearing the promises of Jesus

Step Two: Look into Your Life

Question for Children: Jesus promises to be our friend forever. How do friends treat each other?

Question for Youth: Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit (the Advocate) would remain with us always. When have you experienced the Spirit?

Question for Adults: Which one of the prom-ises in today’s Gospel gives you the most hope?

The Bread and Wine this week Are in Loving Memory

Of John Hebrank

From Jean

ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA GOLF CLASSIC: Next weekend, members of the Golf Committee will be outside the church after all the Masses selling early bird raffle tickets for a chance to win a $500 cash prize. The cost is $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $20. All proceeds from the Golf Clas-sic go to the support of our Parish.

In the Gospel today, Jesus says”..whoever believes in Me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am go-ing to the Father.

Page 3: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

EASTER FOR 50 DAYS Whenever a family celebrates an event such as a wedding, Baptism, First Holy Communion or graduation, they usually go all out and mark these special occasions with a party. Though not a part of our culture, some cultures (ie; Poland) celebrate the marriage of their loved ones for at least a week. This is because it marks a new event and a new creation not only for the bride and groom, but for their entire families. The Church certainly has a major event to celebrate during this time of year with Easter. The resurrection of Jesus changed the world and our lives forever! As a Church, we need to celebrate. So we are celebrating for 50 days to help unpack the power of our Lord’s resurrection in our lives. Over the past few weeks, we have heard in the Scriptures how the risen Jesus comes to the apostles still with wounds in His hands and side showing them that He is truly alive. All we need to do is to believe and have faith. In the Gospels, we witnessed a profound hope that was given to the disciples who felt it was all over for them as they walked along the road to Emmaus. Jesus tells them that He had to suffer and die to show others that He is the Christ and that we belong to death no more. That same Jesus is present to us wherever we are or wherever we go, most espe-cially when we are in church participating in the Eucharist. Last Sunday, we heard how the risen Lord is the Good Shepherd who always takes care of us and would sacrifice His life for us repeatedly just so we can share in God’s life and live it to the fullest. On this 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus gives us great hope because he tells his disciples that His Father has room for all in his divine life. No one is excluded from God’s heavenly banquet table. We do not have to be afraid of death. The Lord is leading the way. In order for us to follow Jesus however, we need to have a relationship with Him right here and now. Heaven is more than just a place. It is a relationship where we form a union with Jesus the Son who draws us into His relationship with God the Father. As with any relationship, we need to work at it. We cannot allow it to grow stagnant. It is crucial that we go to the Lord each day in our prayer, both alone and most especially in the Eucharist. The Eucharist always points us in the direction of our true home in living forever with God. Then we need to live what we receive. We need to be Jesus to one another. In the Acts of the Apostles today, the Church was growing and a conflict arose. The minority Greeks felt ne-glected by the Church. Instead of ignoring the problem, the disciples called on the Holy Spirit to help them choose 7 people to help them minister to those in need. Some have called them the first Deacons. Our readings tell us that if we renew our faith in Jesus, receive him in the sacraments most especially the Eucharist and be charitable with one another, then we will be received into the eternal life of God. We need to make Jesus our truth and life who always shows us the way. If someone ever asks you where is heaven? All you need to say is Heaven is in Jesus. Jesus not only points to Heaven, he is Heaven. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL FIRST HOLY COMMUNICANTS & THEIR FAMILIES It is so exciting to see our children receive the Lord Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. On behalf of our entire parish, I congratulate all of our First Holy Communicants and their families. May the risen Jesus continue to fill your lives with His presence. Remember to come to Church each Sunday or Saturday night. Invite your par-ents to join along. Wear your communion outfits during this month of May. Be a sign and a witness that Jesus is very special to you. CROWNING OF THE BLESSED MOTHER Please join us as we crown our Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven and Earth outdoors following the 12:30pm Mass today. All of our First Holy Communicants and their families are invited for this special event. May is a time where we honor the Blessed Mother as our Mother. She is our role model of faith that with God all things are possible. Mary is humanity’s first yes to God. Her job is to point us to Jesus. As we crown her as Queen of Heaven & Earth, may we crown her as Queen of our very lives. Happy Easter! Feliz Pascua! May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families always! St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for us!

Fr. Jim, Pastor

5th Sunday of Easter Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Jn 14:1-12

Page 4: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

St Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014

Where: Our Lady of Mercy Academy 815 Convent Road, Syosset, NY Below are some activities and courses they offer: Basketball, Dance, Drawing and Painting, Course in Zomba, Soccer, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Tennis and Volleyball, Creativity with Adobe Photoshop and many more. If inter-ested, please call (516) 921-1756 for a brochure. You can also visit their website


Pilgrimage to Lourdes/Paris/Lisieux

Msgr. Brian McNamara, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes in West Islip, is conducting a pilgrim-age to Lourdes/Paris and Lisieux from Septem-ber 2, 2014 to September 10, 2014. For more details, please call (631) 539-9756 or visit their Parish website at Scroll down the Our Lady of Lourdes parish website page for a link for more information on the pilgrimage.

Camp Veritas 2014 Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be held at the following two locations: July 20th-26th at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY and August 17th-23rd at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY. Enrollment price for each week is $400 per camper. More details can be found at

We are currently looking for someone to lead our Respect Life Ministry. Please prayerfully think about this and if interested, call the rectory at 931-0056 and leave your name and telephone number. Thanks.

St. Anthony’s High School Wolf Hill Road, S. Huntington

25th Annual Summer Academic and Sports Programs

Their programs will include a variety of camps for different grade levels, including a wide range of academic and arts programs. The athletic programs they run include Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball, Boys Baseball and Girls Cheerlead-ing, Softball, Boys Wrestling and Football. Boys and Girls Rowing, Track/Throwing Clinic and Athletic Training. For more information and details, please visit their website You can also call them at (631) 271-2020

Chess Club

You are invited to join Mr. Toner and the Chess Club in the New School Cafeteria for friendly games next Sun., May 25th from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m All ages and all levels of players, from beginners to advanced, are encouraged to come down and play. Chess sets will be provided or you can bring your own set if you have one. For more information, call the Rectory at 931-0056.

Page 5: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014


Rockville Centre Diocese periodically conducts facility condition assessments of all the parishes in the diocese. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is planning to establish a Building Con-dition Assessment Committee to review and prioritize recommendations of the latest di-ocesan assessment of our buildings. We are looking for volunteers for this committee who have skills and knowledge in the areas of architecture, civil/structural engineering, build-ing systems (HVAC, plumbing and electrical), construction, contract management, etc. The details of committee structure, procedures and meeting schedule will be developed after the initial committee team is identified. All prospective volunteers who are willing to share their time and talent for this important committee are asked to contact the Rectory at 931-0056 and leave their name and contact information with Joan or one of our reception-ists. Thank you for sharing your time and talent! Fr. Jim, Pastor

Here is the latest figures we have on the Catholic Ministries Appeal Let us continue to move in the right direction and again, thanks and may God bless you all! Catholic Ministries Appeal as of May 13, 2014 Parish Goal: $80,000.00 Pledges to Date: $55,755.24 Balance to Goal $24,244.76 Please help us reach our goal. Every gift, big or small, makes a difference in someone’s life..

Community Connection Newsletter

It's time for the next issue of Community Connection to begin production, with an anticipated publication date of late June/early July. The deadline for article and photo submission is June 9th. If you have any articles or photos from recent parish events or if you would like to feature your ministry and invite new members to join, please send information via email to [email protected]. Photos and articles can also be dropped off at the rectory (addressed to Stewardship Committee). Please supply your name and phone number if you would like your materials returned

Page 6: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

STEWARDSHIP PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Anyone with a family member serving in the military, please forward their name and rank to our bulletin editor at [email protected] or bring the name to our Rec-tory Front Office. We pray to give all of our soldiers the courage and strength to do the duty that is required of them. May they always remember our appreciation for the sacrifice they are making for us. We are thankful for the men and women who are willing to risk their lives to protect our freedom. I ask You to go with each of them and protect them wherever they go. Amen.

Sgt First Class. Matthew Loheide SSgt. Kevin J. Hennelly Lt. Jonathan W. Lang Lt. Jeanine A. Lang

SPC Justin T. Sikorski Sgt. Mathew Burrafato DCC James Pennington

Col. Paul J. Laughlin Gunnery Sgt. Dan Lalota

Lt. Patrick O. Kelly, USMC Lt. John McGinn

Sgt. Thomas P. McLoughlin, USMC Atan Lisa Olynk, USN

M Sgt. Michael Marascia Sgt. Stephen L. Emlaw

P.O.Third Class E-4 Kyle A. Kamermayer, Navy Major Edward A. McGoldrick, US Army

Steven Orbon, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Lt. David Jacobs

Pvt. Thomas Wright Airman Peter F. Clark, USAF

Capt. Joseph Whittaker, USMC LCPL Michael J. Mc Ilwrath, USMC

1st Lt. James Michael Vaz, U.S. Army Louis Bombardiere, USMC

Gunnery Sgt. Brian Moran, USMC Second Lt. Bridget Flatley, USAF

Cpt. Richard Macchio Pvt. Joseph Gergely, U.S.M.C.

LTJG Alie Disher, U.S.N. LTJG John Patrick Orr, USN, C.E.C.

PVC Andrew Hughes Airman Denis C. Clark, USAF

Sgt. Lotachukwu Okoye Second Lt. Brian W. Way, USMC

PFC. Christopher Paradiso, U.S.M. PFC Jim Arbelaez, US Marine

SPC Dustin Lusby LTJG Christopher Medford, US Navy

Lt. Lindsay Conte, USN Sgt. Matthew Mercurio

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014

St. Ignatius Loyola Golf Committee We need your help—Donations of new items, baskets (any size), clear wrap for the baskets and ribbon. You may drop off all donations at the rectory. Please label “For Golf Outing.” Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

St. Ignatius Loyola Golf Committee Joan Gonzalez

Angela Pellagrino Maria Pitonza

Third Mini Mission Where: St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 24 Westminster Road West Hempstead When: This Sunday, May 18, 2014 Time: 3 to 5pm Msgr. John Strynkowski will speak at the two conferences. There also will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, time for personal prayer and Evening Prayer/Benediction. All are welcome! For further information call (516) 489-8585

Stewardship Thought For the Week The one who has faith in Me will do the works I do, and far greater than these,” Jesus tells His dis-ciples. That’s quite an assignment for us as Chris-tian STEWARDS!

Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all STEWARDS in our parish who have discovered their gifts, are holy and transformative when they share them in love and justice with their neighbor.

Page 7: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

COMUNIDAD HISPANA 5/18/14 VI DOMINGO DE PASCUA. Editado por Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz


En este Domingo de Pascua, Cristo nos pide que nos confiemos en El, que contemplemos sus obras de mise-ricordia con los pobres, pecadores, enfermos, ham-brientos, etc., y que veamos en ellas las mismas obras de Dios a favor nuestro. Obras, que también nosotros deberemos hacer a favor de nuestros hermanos y her-manas de todo el mundo para que también ellos puedan llegar a la casa del Padre. Cristo es el camino, la verdad, y la vida, sin negar que hay muchos hombres y mujeres, que no han conocido a Cristo ni lo conocerán. De hecho Dios ha querido que sus hijos tengan a su disposición otros muchos caminos, que conducen al mismo fin...

“..Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia.”

CANTA-AUTOR INTENACIONAL GUSTAVO LLERENA Acompáñenos una vez mas en una noche inolvidable llena de fe y amor. Sábado 31 de Mayo - 6PM. Contribución de $ 10 Lugar: 45 Heitz Pl, Hicksville NY 11801 Knights of Columbus-Información: 631-6714508



LAS 6:00 PM, antes de la misa.

BAUTIZOS Las CLASES son a las 5:30 PM. Los Segundos y Terceros Domingo de cada mes, en el sótano de la escuela. Deben estar presentes los papás, mamás, padrinos y madrinas, y quedarse en la misa de las 7:00 PM. No es necesario hacer una cita para registrarse; lo pueden hacer en la clase. No olviden traer la fotocopia del registro de nacimiento de su niño(a).

LOS BAUTIZOS SON LOS ÚLTIMOS SÁBADOS DEL MES, A LA 1:00 PM: Mayo 31; Junio 28; Julio 26; Agosto 30; Septiembre 27; Octubre 25, Noviembre 29; Diciembre 27. PARA TODA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE BAU-TIZOS comunícate con ROBERTO y ROSA ROMERO: 516-749-4693 / 516-749-5135 Deja tu nombre y # de teléfono que ellos te llamarán después. MUCHAS GRACIAS!


Page 8: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be


Felicitaciones a nuestras lindas mamás en su día tan especial. Gracias por siempre estar ahí para nosotros a cada momento!! 

EL CURSO DE INGLÉS sigue adelante. Ven que te esperamos! SÁBADOS de 9 a 11 AM. No te pierdas esta oportunidad de aprender Inglés y defenderte en tu vida! LAS CLASES SON EN EL SÓTANO DE LAS OFICINAS DE SERVICIOS HUMA-NOS (HUMAN SERVICES). Es el edificio que esta entre la Iglesia y la Escuela Nueva. Muchas gracias a nuestras PROFESORAS VOLUNTARIAS LISSET y CAMILA. Las asistentes son NÉSTARY Y BRENDA.

Felicitaciones a nuestra líder Carla Durán en su celebración de cumplea-ños. Que Dios la bendiga y la tenga

siempre al lado de nosotros.

NUESTROS LÍDERES Coordinación: Mario Gómez y Erika Aldana Catequesis: José Contreras y Mario Gómez. Clases Bautizos: Roberto y Rosa Romero Clases Inglés: Lissette, Camila. Comité Festejos y Colectas: Lorena Medrano, Yudith Contreras, Dora Gómez y Maribel Adames. Comunicaciones: Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz, María Romero, Padre Saúl Londoño. Divina Misericordia: Delfina Hernández, Asunción Rivera (El Rezo de la Coronilla es antes de la misa los Domingos). Liturgia Dominical Niños(as): Carmen Gómez (Coordinadora), Elva Cordone (Intendente), Angie Párraga (Secretaria), Cindy Medrano. Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Martha Romero, Guadalupe Aguilar, Luis Reyes. Ministerio de la Palabra: Jaime Aldana Ministerio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Karina del Mar y Jovana Arteaga. (Reunión los segundos Domingos después de la misa) Ministerio de Música y Danzas: Antonio y Leiny Escobar (Ensayo del CORO Martes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Domingos de 6:00-6:40 pm.) Ministros Extraordinarios de Comunión y Sacristía: Jolie López, Juan Hernández, Rosío Rivera(se reúnen los 2os. Domingos del mes después de la misa de las 7:00 PM. ) Monaguillos (Servidores del Altar) Giselle Hernández, padrinos y madrinas. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico: Roberto y Rosa Romero. Pastoral Juvenil: MINILÍDERES, Carlos Campos, Carla Durán, Samuel Sánchez, Lissette Muñoz, Francesca Borgoño, Ytala -Gabriel Ruiz, Isabel-Diego Gonzales, padre Saúl y Padrinos. Pre-cana: Mario y Dora Gómez Renovación Carismática: Rosio Rivera, Rosa Gutiérrez (Viernes a las 6:30 PM. Escuela Nueva) LOS SERVIDORES se reúnen los Lunes a las 7:00 pm en la escuela antigua. Seguridad: Sonia y Saúl Bustillo, Orlando Cruz. ENCARGADOS DEL JARDIN HISPANO: FIDEL Y GUADALUPE. Todos los días hay una persona encargada de regar nuestro jardín. MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Page 9: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be
Page 10: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be
Page 11: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

You can make a difference in the lives of those around us by Making a gift to this year’s Catholic Ministry Appeal

Every Gift Counts!

A gift of $25 may help pay the gas for a Meals On Wheels van to deliver food for a day

A gift of $50 may help care for a newborn infant in Catholic Charities Regina Residence

A gift of $100 may help support a Seminarian’s education

When you donate to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you help more than 600,000 people in our Long Island community.

To hear more stories of the people touched by the Catholic Ministries Appeal visit to view the video

or call 516-379-5210 ext 2 for more information

Please consider donation to the Appeal. Thank You!  

Make Checks Payable To: Pledge: $________ Catholic Ministries Appeal Down Payment $________ Balance: $________ Parish of St. Ignatius Loyola – 024 Payment Plan Name:______________________________________ ___ Monthly ___ Quarterly Address: ____________________________________ ___ Annually ___ Other City, State, Zip: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________ Donor Signature _________________________ Date: _________

Please place in weekly collection basket or you can drop it off at the Parish Office.

Page 12: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

St. Ignatius Loyola 17th Annual Golf Classic

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Town of Oyster Bay Golf Course, Woodbury, NY 18 Holes of Golf

Shotgun Start at 11:00 AM Lunch on the course

Cocktails and Dinner at “The Woodlands”

Pastors’Hole-in-One Prizes $10,000.00 Cash

2014 Car

Sponsorships Available

Silent Auction and Raffle to be held during dinner $185.00 per Golfer

All proceeds to benefit St. Ignatius Loyola Parish For more information contact

St. Ignatius Loyola Rectory (516) 931-0056

Page 13: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish May 18, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be

IN THE LONG ISLAND CATHOLIC May 2014 COVER STORY - THE NEWMAN CLUB OF STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY Growing in faith through prayer and service. CANONIZATIONS Photo coverage of the canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. THEOLOGY 101 Continuing series on the Ten Commandments focuses on honoring our father and mother. COLUMNISTS Columnists Mary Ellen Barrett and Msgr. Jim McNamara share thoughts on First Communions. . NEW PASTOR APPOINTMENTS ANNOUNCED LOCAL NEWS Three pages of local news.