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St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter June 2007

President’s Report by Liz Murray May 22nd, 2007

AGM – Monday June 4th The community AGM will be held on Monday, June 4th at 7 pm. Please plan on at-tending this meeting so we have quorum. We also have some information on the new suiting by-law currently being reviewed by Council. If passed, this by-law could allow for suiting in St Andrews. We are still looking for a Treasurer, Secretary and VP Seniors. Please call me at 282-8309 for more information.

Garage Sale The garage sale is Saturday, June 2nd – see inside the newsletter for more infor-mation. Thanks once again to Dave Wick for taking on the organization of this event for another year. Please make his job easier by donating only useful items you know someone will have a use for. The Annual St Andrews Community Clean-up was held on May 6th. Thanks to Nuria Harrison for organizing and all those who participated. The community was in very good shape this year so thanks to all of you for taking the time to clean-up as you’re out in the community. There is still time to sign up for the NeighbourWoods Program to get a City tree. Contact Shannon at 270-8201 or Liz at 282-8309 for more information. Planting will likely be on September 22nd. Thanks to everyone who sponsored trees to re-place the old ones at the Hall. Rundle School would like to start a community garden at the old playground site. If you are interested, contact Glenn Gibson of Rundle School 208-0081 (h) 282-8411 (w), [email protected]. We have had problems once again with people dumping items at the recycling bin east of the hall. This includes some dangerous items being left there. If you leave anything other than newspapers or magazines, you are dumping illegally and will be fined up to $10,000. There are a full set of recycling bins east of Sears at NorthHill Mall. The next meetings of the Community Executive are at 7 pm on June 25th, August 27th, September 24th and October 22nd. The AGM is scheduled for June 4th. All community members are welcome.

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Newsletter Advertising Rates • Half page $45.00

• Quarter page $35.00

• Business card $25.00

• Classified ad $3.00

• Lost or found no charge

• Large items, houses for sale or rent $25.00

Page 2 St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter

President Liz Murray 282-8309 Past President Guy McLaughlin 284-0554 Treasurer Colin Catley 289-3927 Secretary Deb Deimert 289-2429 VP Sports Walid Hamadeh 283-1717 VP Facilities Doug Connery 282-3540 VP Comm & Events Pia Blum 284-2526 VP Seniors Ruth Mowat 289-1172 VP Planning— Non-Residential Liz Murray 282-8309 Residential Bob de Wollf 289-3894 Hall Rentals Heather McQuay 288-1022 Newsletter Gwen Schaefer 289-0625 Police Communication and Liaison Officer Cnst. Liz Flesch 284-3393 Hall Telephone 282-5211 Webmaster [email protected]

Community Executive 2006-07

Delivered nine times a year, Septem-ber through December, and February through June, to over 400 homes.

Please direct all requests to the Edi-tor: [email protected], or 289-0625 or mail to: St. Andrews Heights Community Association 2504 – 13 Ave NW Calgary, AB T2N 1L8

In this Issue

Garage Sale 3

Clean-Up 3

Ice Matters 4

Art Club 5

Seniors 5

Hall Upgrades 6

Homestay Program 7

Library News 8

MLA Message 9

Blood Donor Clinic 10

Fire Extinguishers 11

Community Events 12

Classified Ads 12


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Page 3 June 2007

The annual St. Andrews Heights Community clean up was once again a great suc-cess. A big thanks goes out to those who gave up part of a beautiful Sunday morning to comb the green space along Toronto Cr., the toboggan hill and around the hall for litter and debris. This year's turnout included Manfred Grote, Nik Ra-sula, Susan MacCulloch, Guy McLaughlin, Michele Phillips, Rick Davis, Jeff Gehl, Terry, Josh & Morgan Nail, the Townsend/Smith family, David Crowe, Bo Vitanov, Roger & Linda Smith, Arlene Blair, Carol & Cory Bloor, Karen King & kids and Sue Simm. Thank you as well to several others helping out who did not sign in. In general the amount of garbage was not as bad as in previous years. It is nice to see people taking pride in our community on an ongoing basis and picking up af-ter themselves and others. See you all again next May.

This is the last notice before the big sale on June 2nd.

Please remember that we want resaleable items only. Health Canada has advised that items not meeting current safety standards should not be sold through ga-rage sales. These include things such as car seats, hockey helmets, strollers and children's sleepwear. We want to keep our children safe.

Items may be dropped off at the Community Hall at the following times:

Wednesday, May 30 - 4 pm - 6 pm

Thursday, May 31 - 10 am - 7 pm

Friday, June 1 - 10 am - 7 pm

Sale starts at 9 am on Saturday, June 2nd.

Come on over and get a good deal.

All proceeds go to our community.

If you can help call Dave at 284-4483.

Thanks, Dave Wick


Successful Community Clean-Up - submitted by Nuria Harrison and Liz Murray

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Page 4 St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter

ICE MATTERS by Nik Rasula This being our last report for the 2006-2007 season, the ice-rink committee (Larry Lozinski, Roger Smith and Y.T.) wanted to offer a special mention to all those that made this past skating season such a success. Namely, Dave Browne, Jonathon Donahue, Jeff Gehl, Walid ‘Speedy El’ Hamadeh, Tony Hamblin, Brian Hunter, John Nesbitt, John Ross, Dave Russum, Brian Smith, Tom Stubbs, Charles Whitaker, and Peter (sons Zed and Zee too) Ziriada. We are number one because of you guys! Your efforts are truly inspiring! Thanks again! Recognizing, as we do, that there are two kinds of people that live in St.Andrews - those that are, part of the ice-rink crew, and those that wish they were, part of the ice-rink crew. There will be an open call for aspiring members to try-out in the fall. Train hard, work specifically (but not exclusively) on speed, strength, and quick-ness. Remember also, that previous community service and reference checks are a key part of joining the team. Good luck to all! So stay tuned, stay beautiful, stay in-shape, and stay away from too many brown-pops.

That’s it for now! Here’s to Andy Murray, to Shane Doan, and to being Canadian!

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Page 5 June 2007

The May Pot Luck Lunch was "scrumptious". Sorry there were some unable to attend. The plan for Fall will likely include more such gather-ings. Some folk come only for the Pot Luck Lunch and the camarade-rie around the table. (Don't be at all surprised how interest-ing, knowledgeable and fun these Seniors can be!!). Hope to see you in September. Next Seniors: Thursday, Sept. 13th. Call Audrey 282-4584


The OPEN HOUSE was a great success, with numerous guests watch-ing the artists-in-action, asking questions, and meeting other visitors in the hall. Interest was sparked with the display of paintings and the op-portunity to discuss the methods involved in painting a picture and which mediums were being used. The artists and our teacher Myrna Johns responded at times by "SHOW AND TELL", as they worked on a painting or showed samples of their work. Over coffee, tea and snacks guests continued to visit. The artists appreciated the interest shown, and hope that we have encouraged some of you to "join the club". THANK YOU FOR COMING.

THE ART CLUB WILL RESUME WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1:00 P.M.. For Information or Membership: call Betty (282-7395)



HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO "give a little time" to your community. Ruth Mowat is unable to continue as the Seniors' representative on the Community Board. It is essential to keep a connection between the Seniors and the Board. Information: contact Audrey 282-4584

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Page 6 St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter

City Approves $20,218 for Hall Upgrades

The City of Calgary through the Capital Conservation Grant (CCG) pro-gram approved our application to continue upgrading the community hall. The city will contribute $20,218 in 2007 for 11 projects that we hope will be co-funded by the Alberta Lottery Fund. The Alberta Lot-tery Fund will let us know by the end of the first week in June if our Community Facility Enhancement Program grant application is worthy of approval. The St Andrews Community Association Board certainly thinks so!

C h e c k t h e r e n ov a t i o n s p a g e o f o u r w e b s i t e ( for regular renovation updates over the next six months.

Doug Connery VP Facilities

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Page 7 June 2007

SAIT’S HOMESTAY PROGRAM OFFERS NEW CULTURAL EXPERIENCE An exciting opportunity is available for enthusiastic, outgoing families in Calgary who would like to experience international culture! SAIT Polytechnic will be training a group of Saudi Arabian technical instructors from June 22 to August 25, 2007, and is seeking in-terested Calgary families to provide accommodation through the Homestay Program. The instructors are all male university graduates who have been teaching in the Saudi Technical Vocational training system. They come from different areas of Saudi Arabia, and will be eager to learn about Canadian culture as they improve their English skills and receive technical training at SAIT. The Homestay Program would like to talk to interested prospective hosts who: • have a suitable private bedroom available for one; • can provide access to the common areas in the home, including a suitable study area; • can cook meals or provide food to the student to cook; • speak English as the primary language in the home; and • are willing to include the student in daily family activities and outings. The highly successful Homestay Program gives SAIT’s international students an opportu-nity to experience Canadian culture firsthand, while providing Canadian families a glimpse into a different world. Feedback from previous hosts and students indicates that they have had many positive learning experiences. Homestay families find they have a lot in common with the visiting participants. Remuneration provided to the host families is $650 per month. SAIT will provide cultural “what-to-expect” sessions for families as well as support services. While applications from anywhere in Calgary will be considered, communities nearest to the SAIT campus or with close C-Train access are ideal. For more information on hosting a student from Saudi Arabia, or to find out more about the SAIT Homestay Program, please contact Kevin Newsome, International Student Centre, SAIT Polytechnic, at 210-5709 by May 21.

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Page 8 St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter

LOUISE RILEY LIBRARY Beginning Sunday May 20, the Library is closed on Sundays until mid-September. For Kids: Summer Reading Adventure 2007: Pirate Pursuit! Enroll your child in the Calgary Public Library’s Summer Reading Adventure: Pirate Pursuit for a fun and excit-ing reading program that lasts all summer long. There are great prizes to be won along the way and a grand prize draw at the end of the summer! Kickoff the adventure with the first game sheet and a scavenger hunt on Sat, June 23 at the Louise Riley Library! Drop-in Family Storytimes Ages 2-5 with a parent or caregiver. No registration required. Fridays 10:30-11:00 am Until June 15. Baby Storytime Ages 6 to 23 months with a parent/caregiver. Tuesdays Jun 12 to Jun 26 10:15 - 10:45 am Daddies and Babies For babies up to one year of age. Co-sponsored by the Calgary Health Region. Saturdays, Jun 16 and Jun 23 10:15 am - 12:15 pm Register by calling the Calgary Health Region at 781-1450. For Adults: Introduction to the Genealogy Collection Saturday, June 2 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Nutrition For Life Thursday, June 7 7:00 - 8:00 pm Hiking in Kananaskis Thursday, Jun 21 10:30 am - 12:00 pm CyberSeniors Wednesday, June 6 to 27 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday July 4 to 25 10:00 am – 12:00 pm *For all programs unless otherwise noted, register in person, online or by calling 260-2620.

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Page 9 June 2007

Thanks to everyone who has participated in my recent events! The Bow River Clean-Up on May 6th was a great success with almost 40 volunteers in atten-dance. In the Legislature, I have recently been asking the government tough questions about affordable rental housing, the seismic activity at Marie Lake, and water management in the province. Check for more details. Finally, I would like to invite you to attend my Third Annual Stampede Breakfast on Saturday July 7th. It will be held from 8:00 to 11:00am at the Hillhurst Sunny-side Community Centre (corner of 12th Street and 5th Avenue NW). Please come and enjoy live music, good food and the chance to interact with me and other members of the constituency! If you have any concerns, questions or comments, please do not hesitate to con-tact me at my office: Address: #102, 723 14 Street NW, T2N 2A4 Phone: 216-5445 Fax: 216-5447 E-mail: [email protected] Website:


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Page 10 St. Andrews Heights Community Newsletter

Every minute of the day, someone in Canada needs blood, and this year 80,000 new donors are needed in order to keep up with hospital demand. One blood donation -- just one hour of time -- can help save as many as three lives. Please book an appointment today to help reach the target of collecting 120 blood donations at the next Bow Valley Church blood donor clinic. Where: 5300 – 53 Avenue NW Gymnasium

When: Saturday, July 21st 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Call 1 888 2 DONATE for more information, or to book an appointment to do-nate. Appointments are strongly recommended to help reduce clinic line-ups and waiting times. Healthy people can donate blood every 56 days between their 17th and 71st birthday (regular donor) or between 17th and 61st birthday (first-time donor). To continue donating after their 71st birthday, regular donors should contact Cana-dian Blood Services prior to donation for further eligibility information. Donors are required to have their donor card or photo and signature I.D. Blood and blood products are used for a variety of applications, including trans-fusion during trauma, surgery and transplants, as well as for treatment of cancer, burns, anemia, and liver dis-ease.

Blood. it’s in you to give.

Public Service Announcement - Appointment Blood Donor Clinic

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Page 11 June 2007

We are all quite meticulous about changing the battery in our smoke alarms on an annual basis, but most of us neglect to follow a regular schedule of safety checks on our home fire extinguisher.

Annually, we should turn our fire extinguisher upside down and listen for a “waterfall” sound. The extinguisher contains three types of powder of varying con-sistencies, and they tend to separate out over time. The waterfall sound is powder remingling. If you cannot hear this rushing sound, the powder may be caked, so dry it cannot be expelled, rendering this extinguisher useless.

Every six years, your home fire extinguisher should be checked for safety and func-tion, and recharged by a qualified professional.

Plastic fire extinguishers are unreliable and considered unsafe. If you are buying a new extinguisher, be sure to purchase one in a metal canister, with metal attach-ments.

-submitted by Joan Bajnoczi

Safety Check on Home Fire Extinguishers

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Community Events Babysitter - I have completed my Red Cross Babysitter’s Course and have ex-perience with children of all ages. Please call Erica (289-0674) or e-mail me at [email protected]

Pet Sitting available for busy working people. Call Bonnie (270-2851)

Wanted - Long time residents of SAH are looking for a house & garage to rent, for 1 year during construction. Please call during the day 283-1191 or 282-2177 Tutor - Engineering Student, totally com-fortable with all high school math and physics courses including math 31. Avail-able at night during the week and on the weekends. Contact Conor Ross 282 - 9523 Junk Removal / Lawn work - Looking to put a pickup truck to work. Will cut lawns, load / transport things. Contact Conor Ross 282 - 9523 For Sale - Roland F90 Digital Piano/88 hammer key action/head phone jack, pedal and bench. 5 years old, excellent condition - asking $699. Call Mary Lou: 220-0285

Classified Ads

Page 12 St. Andrews Heights Community

Community Garage Sale - 9 am, June 2nd Community Hall

Queen Elizabeth Reunion of ‘77 - July 7, 2007 at the Grad Lounge in M a c E w a n H a l l , h t t p : / /

A color version of the newsletter is available on the SAH website!

WANTED: HOUSEKEEPERS AND YARD WORKERS IN COMMUNITIES WITH T2N AND T2E POSTAL CODES PURPOSE: To enable seniors to remain in their home, by helping them with light housekeeping and/or yard work. INTERESTED?: If you’d like to help seniors, earn a little spending money or just volun-teer to help out, call Debbie at 283-0554 ext. 224 for more informa-tion. A vehicle that can transport mowers would be an asset but not necessary. Call for more informa-tion / program pays $10.00/cut or $10.00/hour for housekeeping. Paid Training.