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What is Power Sharing ?

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POWER SHARING :Power sharing is a technique to share the power at different levels. It is an idea inculcated in democracy so that the power is not concentrated at one hand only and that different forms can keep a check on each other. 

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POWER SHARING IN INDIA :Power Sharing among the Different Organs of Government (i.e., Horizontal distribution of power) In this form of power sharing, power is assigned by the Constitution among different organs of government such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. This type of distribution ensures separation of powers among the organs at the same level, so that none of the organs can exercise unlimited power. Each organ puts a check n the others in order to maintain balance of power under the system of checks and balances.

 Power Sharing among Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Movements In a democracy, power is also shared among different political parties, pressure groups and movements. Democracy provides the citizens a freedom to choose their rulers. This freedom is provided by various political parties which contest elections to win them. Such competition ensures that power is not always in the hand of a single person.

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Horizontal Distribution of Power in India

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POWER SHARING IN INDIA :Power Sharing among Governments at Different Levels (Vertical distribution of power sharing) In this form of power sharing, power is shared at the different levels of government.The overall governing body for the country is known as ‘Union Government’ or ‘Federal Government’ and the government at the constituent units is known as State Government. The third or lowest level is local government, i.e., Municipalities and Panchayats (in India).

Power Sharing among Different Social Groups In a democracy especially, in multiethnic society, power is also shared among social groups such as religious and linguistic groups. ‘Community Government’ in Belgium is a good example of this arrangement. There are constitutional and legal arrangements in India whereby socially weaker sections and women are represented in the legislatures and administration. We have a, system of ‘reserved constituencies’ in State Assemblies and the Parliament. This type of arrangement is meant to give proper share in the government and administration to diverse social groups who otherwise would feel alienated from the government.

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Vertical distribution of power in India

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POWER SHARING IN USA:The first type of government in America was based primarily on state government. Prior to the signing of the Constitution, America had been made up of thirteen colonies, which had been ruled by England. They feared a strong central government like the one they lived with under England's rule. However, it was soon discovered that this weak form of state government could not survive and so the Constitution was drafted.

The Constitution :

•defines and limits the power of the national government

•defines the relationship between the national government and individual state government •guarantees the rights of the citizens of the United States.

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POWER SHARING IN USA :This time, it was decided that a government system based on federalism would be established. In other words, power is shared between the national and state (local) governments. The opposite of this system of government is a centralized government, such as in France and Great Britain, where the national government maintains all power.

Sharing power between the national government and state governments allows us to enjoy the benefits of diversity and unity. For example, the national government may set a uniform currency system. Could you imagine having 50 different types of coins, each with a different value? You would need to take along a calculator to go shopping in another state. By setting up a national policy, the system is fair to everyone and the states do not have to bear the heavy burden of regulating their currency.

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The four independent branches of power in Hungary (the parliament, the government, the court system, and the office of the public accuser) are divided into six bodies:Parliament (Magyar Országgyűlés): elected every 4 years by the people in a highly complex, two-round voting system.

Government (Magyar Kormány): installed and removed by 50%+1 basic majority vote of the parliament, 4-year terms.

Supreme Court (Legfelsőbb Bíróság): Chief justice elected by qualified (2/3) majority of the parliament, no government oversight

Power Sharing in Hungary

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Constitutional court (Alkotmánybíróság): members elected by qualified majority of the parliament for 8 years, this body nullifies laws and has no government oversight.

Chief public accuser (Legfőbb ügyész): elected by qualified majority of the parliament, 6-year terms, office budget fixed, no government oversight.

The President of the Republic (Köztársasági Elnök) is elected by qualified majority of the Hungarian parliament for 5-year terms (cannot be reelected more than once). He/she has ceremonial powers only, signs laws into power and commands the military in time of peace.

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PROBLEMS IN POWER SHARING :•Power sharing can be compatible with democracy, even though it interferes with the option of total power offered by competitive elections •Power sharing agreements depend on the cooperation of conflicting parties, which may increase the risk of excluding key groups from the coalition •Outside security guarantees are the best means to induce actors in a civil conflict to sign and abide by agreements •There is a need to offer extremists a large enough stake in the future government: It undermines them and legitimises the larger group

•There is a need for a reinterpretation of power sharing in terms of what can be reasonably achieved.

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CAUSES OF CONFLCTS :•Elites may initiate conflict to bolster their power at the center

•May reflect well the divisions in society but does not provide incentives for building bridges across community lines

•May contain disincentives for contending groups to live peacefully together

•People may be unwilling to vote for candidates who are not from their community

•Political leaders and key public figures may not be willing to respond to the incentives for moderation, preferring that minority representation remain token or symbolic

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•grand coalition governments in which nearly all political parties have appointments;

•protection of minority rights for groups;

•decentralization of power;

•decision making by consensus.

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