
(631) 956-0100 |



My grandfather worked for the phone company when it was still called the Bell System. My father followed in his father’s footsteps and I in his - needless to say, by the time I got there, I had some big footprints to fill. But working for the phone company wasn’t my original plan. I actually graduated from the California Maritime Academy in 1984 with a degree in Marine Engineering and dreams of a life at sea (go see Captain Phillips, I was one of those guys). Unfortunately, getting a job in my field was easier said than done, and after several months of searching, my dad asked me, “Why don’t you work for the phone company? See what happens.” So I did.

After a year at the phone company, I decided to branch out on my own - to an extent. This was before the era of cell phones, or even wireless phones, so to make extra money, I started installing phone jacks in people’s houses after work. It was during one such job that the client asked me if I could handle an office phone system; I said, “Sure thing!” - despite

the fact that I knew nothing about them. My dad gave me the crash course and less than a week later, I was installing phone systems left and right. I got so busy that I started shunning my job

at the phone company - I was running out on my breaks, coming in late, and leaving early to accommodate my outside clients. I quickly realized that I was spreading myself too thin, so I split from the phone company with the assurance that I could always come back if I failed.

But I didn’t fail. I worked hard, I applied myself, and my company grew strong enough to support over 1,500 businesses on Long Island. How did I do that? I went above and beyond for my customers. Don’t believe me? When I first started this company, I got a call in the middle of the night from one of my clients - their office building was in the midst of burning down and, in the age before e-mail, their phone lines were their only means for communication. They had already lost so much, I didn’t want them to lose any business - I took the phones out of my own office and installed them in the client’s temporary location that very night. The next morning, they were up and running; business as usual. When I say “above and beyond,” I mean it.

I’m proud of our company’s growth and excited to see that our list is constantly expanding, but I do miss the good old days when I could stop in and chat with each and every one of you (at 1,500 clients, that would be a full-time job). While that kind of relationship can’t be replaced, it is my hope that this newsletter will help fill the void. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions or requests and I’ll do my best to make it happen!

All The Best,

IF CAPTAIN PHILLIPSOwned a Phone Company...


ber 20


631 956 The Newsletter from SST COMMUNICATIONS

Jim Hoey

When I say “above and beyond,” I mean it.

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CCP Solutions Farmingdale, NY

Sylvester Manor Farms Sag Harbor, NY

Health Plus Management Floral Park, NY

Marble Steakhouse Floral Park, NY

UP Entertainment New York City, NY

Ar-Tech International East Setauket, NY














Times are a-changin’, my friends! Whole foods and healthy living are quickly growing trends that have taken our nation by storm. (Have you noticed the sudden surge of new yoga studios and sushi bars?) The idea of “health” is often associated with brightly colored fruits and vegetables covered in fresh, dewy droplets of water and laid out in a beautiful array of straight-from-the-farm baskets. It’s a lovely image, but get real! Not all of us are blessed with the privilege of personally knowing a farmer that will deliver said deliciousness straight to our doors. And, let’s be honest, grocery shopping doesn’t happen nearly often enough because, well, “ain’t nobody got time fo dat!” In a fast-paced nation of 10-hour work days, 15-minute lunch breaks and long commutes, it’s often challenging to provide our bodies with the nutrients they deserve. There are tons of fun tips and tricks for eating healthy all over the Internet, but when you’re strapped for time and looking for something more fulfilling than a cheeseburger, consider some of these options:

Salad in a Jar - We all know salads are healthy, but they are time consuming to make. Solution? Prep all of your ingredients and then divide them into glass jars; dressing on the bottom, goodies in the middle, and lettuce on the top. Then, seal them up and stick them in the fridge. Voila! You’ll have a week’s worth of healthy lunches that won’t go bad! Nutrition galore!

Drawer-o-Goodness - When you DO go grocery shopping, take a little extra time when you get home to organize your “healthies” into convenient packable packages. Cut up your cantaloupe ahead of time and put it into reusable containers. Make baggies of fresh peas. Separate your string cheese so it’s ready to go. Then, take all of these goodies and neatly stack them in a refrigerator drawer for running-out-the-door access.

Yo! Don’t say “No!”- A lot of people have shied away from this snack because of high sugar content. But, don’t write it off altogether! Yogurt is packed full of healthy cultures and protein that make it an excellent snack. Just make sure you read labels and look for the sugar-free brands.

How We’re Rethinking “Fast Food”

A man bought a set of cigars so nice, so fancy, and so rare that he had them insured. Apparently, they were also delicious because the man smoked every one before he had even made his first premium payment. Despite this fact, and thinking he was oh-so-clever, this man decided to file a claim stating that all of his cigars had been lost in “a series of small fires.” Very funny, Mr. Smoker Man. The insurance company obviously denied his claim, asserting that the cigars were used in the customary manner. When the man sued, the insurance company decided to settle instead of engaging in a drawn-out suit. The man

was awarded $15,000 for the cigars he lost in “the fires.”

But, that particular insurance company had a little trickery of their own up their sleeve. Once the man had cashed his handsome check, the company immediately had him arrested on 24 counts of arson. The man’s own insurance claim and previous testimony in court landed him 24 months in prison and a $24,000 fine for intentionally burning his insured property. Booya, Mr. Smoker Man... Booya! Mr. Insurance Man always has the last laugh.

The biggest compliment any company can get is when you refer someone to them. This is especially true at SST Communications because of the personal and close contact we have as we create your dream phone system. We are proud that more than 50% of our projects are repeat customers and referrals! So, when you tell a friend of yours that you liked working with us, it says a lot and we REALLY appreciate it!

1. JENNY McCARTHY - November 1, 1972

2. LAMAR ODOM - November 6, 1979

3. JACK OSBOURNE - November 8, 1985

4. LEONARDO DiCAPRIO - November 11, 1974

5. TRAVIS BARKER - November 14, 1975

6. RACHEL McADAMS - November 17, 1978

7. SCARLETT JOHANSSON - November 22, 1984

(631) 956-0100 | 956-0100 |

Pill Poppin’ - No one is too busy to take vitamins (Well, if you are, you should probably scale back a bit and book a vacation). Dietary supplements are a great way to introduce more vitamins and minerals into your diet without the time commitment of preparing elaborate meals. So, if all else fails, pick up a bottle of chewables (or whatever suits your fancy) and pop some nutrient-filled pills!

Finally! We can shed our guilt (and maybe a few pounds while we’re at it) by rewarding our hard-working bodies with the vitamins and minerals that will keep us tickin’ for many healthy years to come. Happy eating!

MATH TEACHER TIPS BUSINESS SUCCESSFailing to Plan is Planning to Fail

=I know, you’ve heard that one before - probably from your high school math teacher; but, just like algebra actually comes in handy (we were surprised too), this little gem of a quote is one that should surely be remembered, lest it come to bite you in the rear later in life! Implement these 2 tips to make sure you’re planning today to avoid calamity tomorrow!

MAKE A LIST AND CHECK IT TWICE - No, we don’t assume you moonlight as Saint Nick, but his habits would be awesome to adopt. Take 20 minutes in the morning and plan what you need to get done throughout the day; later, update your list with what got moved to the top, or what needs to be moved to tomorrow. This way, nothing gets forgotten and you’re on top of your game!

Just like a cookbook comes with time slots for everything from prep time to cook time, so should your work day - Paula Dean and Guy Fieri aren’t the only ones who can make timelines work for them. ALLOCATE SPECIFIC TIME INCREMENTS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO - are you going over your time allotments repeatedly throughout your day? You are either getting distracted a lot or you aren’t planning enough time for each activity. Are you consistently taking longer on the budget reports that you think it should take? You should probably call in an employee to take this over. Regardless of what you find, this data will be helpful! (another gem from that math teacher - dang, he’s on a roll here!)









Since When is a Cigar a Prison Sentence?









INSIDEIf Captain Phillips... Page 1

Cigar Prison Sentence Page 2

Celebrity Birthdays Page 2

Trendy Treats Page 2-3

Referrals Page 3

Math Teacher Tips Page 3




So here’s the thing, no one goes into business hoping to fail. And (hopefully) no one goes into business with a service or product that they truly believe no one needs or wants. There is a market out there for you and it’s just waiting to send your business skyrocketing into the stratosphere. How? Well, the trick is figuring out your “who.” Once you know which demographic in which geographic area you’re selling to, the formula is simple: the right message, delivered via the right media, to the right market. Teens and Early-Twenty-Somethings can’t seem to unglue themselves from their cell phones, but they can rarely be bothered with menial tasks like checking the mail. If they’re your “who,” sending out mass mailers to promote your business is going to miss the mark every time. Once you’ve got your 3 M’s figured out (message, media, and market), be

mindful of the frequency of your marketing strategy. How often are your future customers seeing your fabulous fliers, sensational signs, or cool commercials? Now that you’re well on your way toward that stratosphere we were talking about, make like The Godfather and “make ‘em an offer they can’t refuse.” Don’t be afraid to sweeten the deal and make an irresistible offer that’s, well, irresistable! Getting people in the door is often the hardest part of business. Use that offer to bring them in and once they feel like they got a great deal, they’ll become loyal repeat customers because they believe you cared about them enough to give them a great deal. It’s a win-win! In a nutshell, if you want to succeed (which we all do), figure out how frequently to use your “3 M’s” and then channel the Godfather. Done! You’ll be intimately acquainted with the stratosphere in no time.

Make ‘em an offer

(631) 956-0100 |

597 West Montauk HighwayLindenhurst, NY 11757

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