  • 7/29/2019 SS - Women in Proverbs Bible Study Cover Page and Letter PDF


    Women of ProverbsBible Study

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ~ II Timothy 2:15Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. ~ Psalms 139: 23,

  • 7/29/2019 SS - Women in Proverbs Bible Study Cover Page and Letter PDF


    Dear Lady,

    ! I am very excited about this bible study! My hearts desire is that as you studyGods word and these different ladies mentioned in the book of Proverbs that you willgrow in your understanding of Gods word and in knowledge and truth. I pray that each

    week that we examine Gods words together and review what we have learned throughthe week that we go grow closer together because of God and the influence of His wordin our life! I pray that you go home each week a better lady to your family for havingspent time together in Gods word!

    ! Gods word is the most exciting book in the world! It is a living book. It is a greatbook about our Savior, about how to live, about the future, and has answers for each oflifes problems. I suggest you approach this study with a open heart, willing to acceptanything God has for you! As you come to each lesson, pray and ask God to revealHimself and areas you might need to improve. Already be ready to say Yes to God inwhatever area God speaks to you!

    ! I know that as each of us read Gods word and learn that God is going to dogreat things in our life! Thank you for your participation in this Bible study into thedifferent characteristics of the women in Proverbs and the life of Bible characters thatexhibited those characteristics!

    ! The way this Bible study is designed is that on your own at home, or at workduring your break you read the passages and answer the question, writing on thepapers provided. When we come together for the Bible study we are going to review ouranswers. Feel free to speak up and tell how God has worked in your life through thisstudy as we read together the papers. This will be a time of sharing and of learning

    together from each other. You will get much more out of this lesson if you do the lessonat home before coming to class. I realize there may be weeks you cant devote as muchtime as other weeks. Dont stress out over it. We are going to devote a minimum of 2possibly 3 weeks to each lesson. The memory verse will be the text under the title.There will also be memory verse cards provided for your learning convenience.

    ! Invite a friend. If you have a friend who does not come to Jackson Park, invitethem to do the Bible Study with you. Set up a time that you do this every week. If itgrows into several ladies doing it with you that would be great! Remember Christ isbeing taught and ladies are learning more about the Bible. Remember to always applywhat you have learned to your life!

    ! This is going to be exciting and fun and I am already encouraged by what Godhas done in my life as I prepared the lessons! I know God is going to use this in yourlife, if you allow Him to!

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Serving Him,! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Patty Johnson