Page 1: $SS W $SS W · Trello Account. Trello account can be opened at here AA Enterprise License To use the functionalities of the task-bot, a Trello account is needed. Security Measures

TrelloBot-AppPerfect Corporation


Version 1.0

August 29, 2019

Page 2: $SS W $SS W · Trello Account. Trello account can be opened at here AA Enterprise License To use the functionalities of the task-bot, a Trello account is needed. Security Measures


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3

Common Use cases .................................................................................................... 5

2. Requirements & Prerequisites ................................................................................ 7

System Requirements ................................................................................................. 7

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 7 Security Measures ....................................................................................................... 7

3. Getting Started ......................................................................................................... 8

Skill Matrix ................................................................................................................... 8

Installation Hierarchy ................................................................................................... 8 Quick Start ................................................................................................................. 11

3.1.1 Setup ........................................................................................................ 11 3.1.2 Configuration ............................................................................................ 12

4. Reports ................................................................................................................... 29

5. Logs ........................................................................................................................ 50

6. Troubleshooting & Support .................................................................................. 52

Support ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. FAQs ………………………………………………………………………………………...52

Appendix A: Record of Changes ............................................................................... 53

Appendix B: Acronyms ............................................................................................... 54

Appendix C: References ............................................................................................. 55

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1. Introduction

This document contains all essential information for the user to make full use of the Bot or Digital worker. This manual includes a description of the functions and capabilities and step-by-step procedures for setup & configuration of the Bot.


This Bot reads Information from a CSV Template based on Filter Conditions & other configurable parameters (as explained below) for Create, Copy, Delete and for Get use case, it will read the information from user input and store output in CSV File after processing input CSV file and user input respectively. Each use case Create, Copy, Delete and Get will apply on Trello Boards, Lists and Cards.

Detailed steps are as follows:

1) Reads data from a CSV file, e.g. CreateBoard.csv, CreateList.csv, DeleteBoard.csv.

2) Exports data from the CSV Template based on Filter conditions set by a user through a Configuration File.

Filter conditions are as below (Click individual to read details)

• Filter based on Column Value

• Visual flow

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• Input and Output Example –

Input: Use case information from CSV File:

Output: Store in csv file:

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Common Use cases

A common use case, as shown above, creates a board in Trello workspace.

The fields in the CSV can be changed to whatever data that needs to be added to the list. Examples of other use cases include:

• Create List

• Create Card

• Get Board

• Get List

• Get Card

• Copy Board

• Copy List

• Copy Card

• Delete Board

• Delete List

• Delete Card

• Create Team

• Update Team

• Get Team

• Add Members To Teams

• Get Member of Team

• Delete Members From Teams

• Get Boards Of Team

• Delete Team

• Create Checklist

• Update Checklist

• Delete Checklist

• Get Checklist

• Add CheckItems To Checklists

• Get CheckItem From Checklist

• Delete CheckItems From Checklists

• Create Label

• Delete Label

• Update Label

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• Get Label

• Add Label To Card

• Delete Labels From Card

• Add Attachment To card

• Delete Attachment From Cards

• Add Members To Boards

• Delete Members From Boards

• Search In Trello

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Requirements & Prerequisites

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2. Requirements & Prerequisites

System Requirements

For the PC or server where the bot needs to run:

✓ RAM: 8GB or higher

✓ PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5 or higher and equivalent for any other OS

✓ Hard Disk: Up to 2GB of overall free space in the AA Client installation drive.

Reference below for Enterprise Client & Control Room system requirements.


• Software’s needed -

✓ AA Enterprise Client 11.x

✓ AA Enterprise Control Room 11.x

• Accounts/License needed –

✓ Trello Account. Trello account can be opened at here

✓ AA Enterprise License

✓ To use the functionalities of the task-bot, a Trello account is needed.

Security Measures

There are some security recommendations that you may follow with your bot.

• It is not recommended to provide admin access to the Windows User Account executing the Bots, to avoid unintended data changes with the CSV Template.

• It is recommended to regenerate Trello API Token twice or more in a quarter or revoke it whenever not in use using Trello user account settings to ensure data safety.

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Getting Started

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3. Getting Started

Skill Matrix

The functionality of the Bot has been divided into a set of skills.

Below is an overview of how the task bots and metabots map to these skills:

Skill Task Files MetaBot Files

Create, Copy, Get, Delete (Board, List, Card, CheckList, Labels, Teams)

Search in Trello

01-Trello Taskbot.atmx

02-Card Operation Sample TaskBot



Installation Hierarchy

Once the bot is downloaded and installed, the installer creates the files in the folder structure as shown below.

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Getting Started

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Folder Structure on your Machine

Folder Structure Description

<AA Application Path>

1. My Tasks 1.1. Bot Store

1.1.1 TrelloBot-AppPerfectCorporation

➢ Error Folder

• Logs o Error logs Month-Day-Year Hour

Min Sec.txt

• Snapshots o Error Snap Month-Day-Year.png

➢ Input Folder

➢ Output Folder

➢ My Tasks

• 01 –Trello Taskbot.atmx ▪ Create Board ▪ Create List ▪ Create Card

<AA Application Path> is the location where AA files are stored on your machine

2. My Tasks

My Task Folder is the default directory where Bot Files are saved.

2.1 Bot Store Bot Store Folder contains the Bot Name Folder which the installer creates while installation of the Bot. 2.1.1 TrelloBot-AppPerfectCorporation This folder gets created by the installer and contains files and folders that are needed for the bot execution.

➢ Error folder is where logs and snapshots of screens will be placed if something goes wrong with the bot during execution

➢ Input CSV files required by different logics should be kept in this folder. By default, we provide empty templates for all input files in Input Folder

➢ Output CSV files generated by different

operations are stored in the Output folder.

➢ My Tasks folder contains all the developed Platform Source Code

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Getting Started

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▪ Get Board ▪ Delete Board

02-Card Operations Sample TaskBot.atmx ▪ Create Card ▪ Copy Card ▪ Get Card ▪ Delete Card

2. My MetaBots ➢ Trello.mbot ➢ JsonUtil.mbot

➢ My MetaBots folder contains the developed

Metabots needed for the bot execution.

(Note - For first time users, the "Bot Store" folder is created under <AA Directory>/My Tasks (on your local disk).)

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Getting Started

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Quick Start

3.1.1 Setup

STEP 1 (Setting up a Trello Account):

Click here

The below page will appear once the above link is clicked –

• If you already have an account, click on ‘Log in’.

• For new users, click on ‘Sign up’ for creating an account on Trello.

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Getting Started

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Step 2 (Generating Keys & Tokens):

Find and Generate the API Key

- Click here to navigate to the page of generating the API key and copy the existing API Key displayed on the page. (User must be already signed in for this purpose)

Find and Generate the API Token

- Click here to navigate to the page of generating API Token which never expires until the user revokes it. Click on the “Allow” button, this will navigate to the page consisting generated API Token. (User must be already signed in for this purpose)

- If a user needs to create API Token for specific intervals, then the user needs to specify a specific interval in the URL mentioned below.{YourAPIKey} (Note: The above URL expiration parameter can take values as 1hour, 1day, 30days and never.)

Revoke API Token

- Users can revoke API Token at any point using Trello user account settings.

3.1.2 Configuration

STEP 1 (Configuring Credential in Control Room’s Credential Vault)

Passwords and other sensitive information such as API key and Token used in automation tasks should be stored as credentials centrally in the Credential Vault.

These sensitive data items are secured (stored in CR) and can’t be accessed locally which is used by the bots when it executes in the machine.

Below are the step-by-step instructions for what needs to be done to set up the APIKey and Token for Trello in the Credential Vault.

• ‘Locker Consumer Role’ needs to be assigned to the AA user (bot runner) which ensures the user has full access to the locker.

• Locker needs to created with name as “Trello”

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Getting Started

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• Credential needs to created with name as “Trello Credentials”, where the URL and Token need to be saved.

Locker Name Credentials Name Attribute Name


Trello Trello Credentials APIKey Add APIKey value which is generated using the above


Trello Trello Credentials Token Add Token value which is generated using the above


For more information on how to set up credentials in the Control Room, please visit this link on the Automation Anywhere Product Documentation portal.

Sensitive variables like APIKey, Token are stored in the credential vault.

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Getting Started

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Below is a table that summaries what the variable name is, what it does, and an example of the input & output:

01 - Trello-TaskBot

Input variables:


Variable Name Type Mandatory (Yes/No)

Purpose Example Input

vCreateBoardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

template from which Bot reads the value.


vDeleteBoardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

template from which Bot reads the value.


vCreateListInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

template from which Bot reads the value.


vCreateCardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

template from which Bot reads the value.


vSharedUserId Text Yes Shared user id with which information

needs to be retrieved. testuser25

vGetBoardName Text No Board Name with which

information needs to be retrieved.

Sample Board

vListName Text No List Name with which information needs to

be retrieved. Sample List

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Getting Started

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Output Variables:


Variable Name Type Mandatory (Yes/No)

Purpose Example Input

vCreateBoardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

response of board creation


vDeleteBoardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path in which Bot writes the response.


vCreateListOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path in which Bot writes the response.


vCreateCardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path in which Bot writes the response.


vGetBoardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the

template in which Bot writes the response.


2- Card Operations Sample TaskBot

Input variables:


Variable Name Type Mandatory (Yes/No)

Purpose Example Input

vCreateCardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the template from which Bot reads the

value. CreateCard.csv

vDeleteCardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the template from which Bot reads the

value. DeleteCard.csv

vCopyCardInputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the template from which Bot reads the

value. CopyCard.csv

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Getting Started

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vSharedUserId Text Yes Shared user id with which information needs to be

retrieved. testuser25

vGetBoardName Text No Board Name with which information needs to be

retrieved. Sample Board

vListName Text No List Name with which

information needs to be retrieved.

Sample List

Output Variables:


Variable Name Type Mandatory (Yes/No)

Purpose Example Input

vCreateCardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the response

of card creation CreateCardResponse.csv

vDeleteCardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path in which Bot writes the response.


vCopyCreateOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path in which Bot writes the response.


vGetCardOutputFilePath Text Yes File Path for the template

in which Bot writes the response.


Guidance for configuring Filter conditions are described below:

a. Filter based on Column Value vColumnIndex and vColumnValue variables are needed to configure this. ‘vColumnIndex’ is the column name that needs to be defined in the config file. ‘vColumnValue’ is the value that needs to be matched against the mentioned Column name.

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Getting Started

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For board operations configure following parameters

Function Parameter Value

Create Boards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateBoard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Update Boards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateBoard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Boards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteBoard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Add Member To


Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddMemberToBoard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ AddMemberToBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Member

From Boards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteMemberToBoards.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\


vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Boards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vSharedUserId No

The ID or username of the member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s Id.

(Eg – [email protected])

vBoardName No Name of the existing board a user wants information about. (Eg -


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetBoardsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Boards of


Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vTeamId Yes The ID or name of the organization

(Eg - team_001)

vFilter No

Provide a comma-separated list of open, closed, members,

organization, public. (By default, value is all)

(Eg - open, closed)

vFields No A comma-separated list of board fields. (By default, value is all)

(Eg - id,name,desc)

vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetBoardOfTeam.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Create Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateCards.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateCardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Copy Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CopyCards.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CopyCardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteCards.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteCardsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vBoardName No

Existing Board Name from which a user wants information about

cards for a particular board.

(Eg - Sample )

vListName No

Existing List Name of the particular board in which the user wants

information about all the cards of the particular list name. (Eg-


vSharedUserId No

The ID or username of the member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s Id.

(Eg - [email protected])

vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Add Attachment

To Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddAttachmentToCard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ AddAttachmentToCardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.



From Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteAttachmentToCard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteAttachmentToCard.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Create Lists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateList.csv)

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Getting Started

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For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateListOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Copy Lists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CopyList.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CopyListOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Lists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vBoardName No Existing Board Name from which a user wants information about

lists for a particular board. (Eg - Sample)

vSharedUserId No

The ID or username of the member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s Id.

(Eg - [email protected])

vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetListOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Close Lists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CloseLists.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CloseListsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Create Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateTeamsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Update Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateTeamsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ DeleteTeamsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetTeamsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Add Members

To Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddMemberToTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddMemberToTeams Output.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Members

From Teams

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ DeleteMemberToTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\


vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Members of


Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetMemberofTeams.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetMemberofTeamsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.



Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateCheckLists.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateCheckListsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.



Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateCheckLists.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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Getting Started

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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateCheckListsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.



Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteCheckLists.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteCheckListsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Add CheckItems

To CheckLists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ AddCheckItemToCheckList.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\


vResponse Yes Store the output result.



From CheckLists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ DeleteCheckItemToCheckList.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg -


vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get CheckItems

From CheckLists

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vCheckListId Yes The ID of the CheckList

(Eg- 5d70d51cbaa26a40b be7c2d2)

vFilter No Possible values: all, none. (By default, value is all)

vFields No Possible fields of checkItems: name,nameData,pos,state,type.

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(By default, value is all)

(Eg – name,pos)

vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\


vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get CheckList

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vCheckListId Yes The ID of the CheckList

(Eg - 5d70d51cbaa26a40b be7c2d2)

vCards No

Possible types of cards: all, closed, none, open, visible. (By

default, value is all)

(Eg – closed, open)

vCheckItems No

The check items on the list to return. Possible values: all, none. (By

default, value is all)

(Eg - none)

vCheckItemFields No

The fields on the checkItem to be returned. Possible values: name,

nameData, pos, state, type. (By default, value is all)

(Eg – name, pos, state)

vFields No

Provide a comma-separated list of checklist fields: id, idCard,

idBoard, name, pos (By default, value is all)

(Eg – name, pos)

vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetCheckListResponse.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Create Labels

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateLabels.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateLabelOutPut.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Update Labels

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateLabels.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UpdateLabelsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Get Labels

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetLabels.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GetLabelsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Labels

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteLabels.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteLabelsOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Add Labels To


Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddLabelToCard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\AddLabelToCardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Delete Labels

From Cards

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vInputFilePath Yes

Provide the complete path of the input CSV file

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteLabelFromCard.csv)

For more information about headers and data in input file Click


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vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeleteLabelFromCardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

Search in Trello

Variable Name Mandatory

(Yes/No) Additional Information

vQuery Yes

• is:open/archived - Returns that are either open or archived.

• is:starred - Only include cards on starred boards.

• sort:created/edited/due - Sorts cards by date

• has:attachments/cover/description (Possible values separated

by ‘/’)

• due:day/week/month / incomplete (Possible values separated

by ‘/’)

• edited/created:day/week/month (Possible values separated by


vModelType Yes

The type or types of Trello objects you want to search. Possible

values: “all” or a comma-separated list of- boards, cards,

members, organizations.

vOutputFilePath No

Provide the complete path of the output CSV file.

(Eg - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateBoardOutput.csv)

vResponse Yes Store the output result.

JsonUtil.mbot –

This metabot provides the following JSON functionalities-

Functions Parameter Values


Returns value of specified key in the given JSON structure.

Note: In case of JsonArray provide input for vKey as [index].key to get value of a key from a particular index.

vJson: Provide valid JSON Array/Object structure.

For Eg.


“user”: “user1”,

“domain”: “”


vKey: Provide valid key present in vJson.

For Eg. Considering the above vJson example,

the value of vKey can be: user

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Returns type of JSON structure if valid JSON structure is provided, throws Exception otherwise.

vJson: Provide valid JSON Array/Object structure.

For Eg.


“user”: “user1”,

“domain”: “”



Returns String Response of valid JSON Structure,throws Exception otherwise.

vJson: Provide valid JSON Array/Object structure.

For Eg.


“user”: “user1”,

“domain”: “”



Returns size of provided JSON Array.

vJson: Provide valid JSON Array structure.

For Eg.



“user”: “user1”



“user”: “user2”




Converts CSV string to JSON Array Response.


Provide comma-separated string to be converted into JSON Array String.

For Eg. source1,source2,source3

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Page 29 of 55 Input CSV Files-

Board :


File Parameter

Name Type Required/Optional

Parameter Description Example Input

Board Name Text Required The new name for the board. 1 to 16384 characters long


Board Description

Text Optional A new description for the board, 0 to 16384 characters


New my board

Team Id Text Optional The ID or name of the team the board should belong to.


Permission Level

Text Optional The permissions level of the board. One of the following values: org, private, public.


Background Color

Text Optional Custom background: blue, orange, green, red, pur

ple, pink, lime, sky, grey.


Default Labels Text Optional Determines whether to use the default set of labels:



Default Lists Text Optional Determines whether to add the default set of lists to a

board (To Do, Doing, Done). true/false



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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Board Name Text Required The new name for the board. 1 to 16384 characters long


Source Board Id Text Required The ID of a board to copy into the new board.


Board Description

Text Optional A new description for the board, 0 to 16384 characters


Copy TestBoard

Team Id Text Optional The ID or name of the team the board should belong to.


Permission Level

Text Optional The permissions level of the board. One of the following values: org, private, public.


(Optional Parameters – If you don’t want to add any value in the parameter leave it empty.)



File Parameter

Name Type Required/Optional

Parameter Description Example Input

Board Name Text Required Existing Board Name that a user wants to delete


Board Id Text Required The ID of the board to delete 5d70d51cbaa26a40bbe7c2d2

Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the member.

[email protected]

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Note: By default, it takes Trello account owner’s Id.

(NOTE: Users need to provide either “Board Name” or “Board Id” parameter for the successful execution of bot)



File Parameter

Name Type Required/Option

al Parameter Description Example Input

Board Id Text Required The ID of the board on which add the member on it.


Member Id Text Required The ID of the member to add to the board


Type Text Required One of the following values: admin, normal, observer. Determines the type of

member this user will be on the board.



Text Optional Param that allows organization admins to add multi-board guests into a

board. (value – true/false)

By default, the value of the variable is false.


(Note: Member id is in black rectangle box)

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File Parameter

Name Type Required/Option

al Parameter Description Example Input

Board Id Text Required The ID of the board on which add the member on it.


Member Id Text Required The ID of the member to add to the board



List :


File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

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List Name Text Required Name for the list Testlist

Board Id Text Optional The long ID of the board the list should be created on


Board Name Text Optional Board Name on which the user wants to create a List.


Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the member.

Note: By default, it takes Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

Position Text Optional Position of the list: top, bottom, etc.


(Optional Parameter – If you don’t want to add any value in the parameter leave it empty)



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

List Name

Text Required Name for the list CopyTestlist

Source List Id Text Required The ID of the list to copy into

the new list 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Board Id Text Required The long ID of the board the

list should be created on 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Board Name Text Required Board Name in which the

user wants to copy List. CopyTestBoard

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Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the

member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

Position Text Optional Position of the list. either top

or bottom. top

(NOTE: The User needs to provide either “Board Id” or “Board Name” parameter for the successful execution of bot.)



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

List Id Text Required Name for the list 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Board Name Text Required Existing Board Name from

which the user wants to close List


List Name Text Required Existing List Name that the

user wants to close CopyListName

Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the

member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

(NOTE: The user needs to provide any one of the parameters from “Board Id”, “Board Name” or “List Name” parameters or user can provide both “Board Name” & “List Name” for the successful execution of bot. (According to the User Requirements))

Example -

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Card :


File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Name Text Required Name of the card TestCard

List Id

Text Optional The long ID of the board the list should be created on


Board Name Text Optional Board Name on which users want to create a List.


List Name Text Optional List Name on which users want to create a Card.


Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the member.

Note: By default, it takes Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

Card Description Text Optional The description for the card TestCard

Position Text Optional Position of the list - top, bottom.


Due Date Text Optional The Due date for the card (MM/DD/YYYY)


Due Complete(True/F


Text Optional Whether the due date has been marked complete


(Optional Parameters - If you don’t want to add any value in the parameter leave it empty)


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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Name Text Required Name of the card TestCard

Source Card Id Text Required The ID of a card to copy into

the new card 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


List Id Text Required The ID of the list the card

should be created in 5d70d51cbaa26a40c


Board Name Text Required Board Name in which users

want to copy Card. CopyTestBoard

List Name Text Required List Name in which users

want to copy Card. CopyTestList

Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the

member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

(NOTE: Users need to provide either “List Id” or “Board Name & List Name” parameter for the successful execution of bot.)



File Parameter

Name Type Required/Optional

Parameter Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required Name for the list CopyTestlist

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Board Name Text Required Existing Board Name from

which a user want to Delete Card


List Name Text Required Existing List Name from which

a user want to Delete Card CopyListName

Card Name Text Required Existing Card Name which user

want to delete CopyCardName

Shared User Id Text Optional The ID or username of the

member. Note: By default, it takes

Trello account owner’s ID.

[email protected]

(NOTE: The user needs to provide any one of the parameters from “Board Id”, “Board Name” or “List Name” parameter or user can provide all three parameters “Board Name”, “List Name” and ”Card Name” for the successful execution of bot. (According to User Requirements))



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required The ID of the card 5d70d51cbaa26a40b



Text Required Provide the absolute file path.



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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required The ID of the card 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Attachment Id

Text Required The ID of the Attachment 5e423fe4f6dbf36c5ed413ec


Teams :


File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Display Name Text Required The new name for the Team which is display on the

website. 1 to 16384 characters long


Desc Text Optional The description for the team. This is a description of the Team.

Name Text Required A string with a length of at least 3. Only lowercase letters, underscore, and numbers are allowed. It

must be unique.


Website Text Optional A URL starting with http:// or https://.

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(Optional Parameters – If you don’t want to add any value in the optional parameter leave it empty.)



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Team Id Text Required The ID or name of the Team to update.

5e427984b4460b4b46ab3240 ,team_01

Display Name Text Required The new name for the Team which is display on the

website. 1 to 16384 characters long


Desc Text Optional The description for the team. This is a description of the Team.

Name Text Optional A string with a length of at least 3. Only lowercase letters, underscore, and numbers are allowed. It

must be unique.


Website Text Optional A URL starting with http:// or https://.

(Note: Display Name and Name are different from each other. Display Name is visible on the website whereas Name is visible on URL. (Ex: Name is in bold.( ))


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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Team Id Text Required The ID or name of the Team to get details.


, team_01



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Team Id Text Required The ID or name of the Team to delete teams.


, team_01



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Team Id Text Required The ID or name of the Team to update.

5e427984b4460b4b46ab3240 ,team_01

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Email Text Required Provide a valid email address.

[email protected]

FullName Text Optional Name for the member, at

least 1 character not beginning or ending with



Type Text Optional One of the following values: admin or normal




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Team Id Text Required The ID or name of the Team 5e427984b4460b4b4

6ab3240 , team_01

Member Id

Text Required The ID of the Member John12


CheckList :


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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required The ID of the card that the checklist should be added to.


Name Text Optional The name of the checklist. It should be a string of length 1

to 16384.


Position Text Optional The position of the checklist

on the card. One of the following values -

top, bottom, or a positive number.



Text Optional The ID of a checklist to copy into the new checklist.




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

CheckList Id Text Required The ID of the Checklist to update.


Name Text Optional The name of the checklist. It should be a string of length 1

to 16384.


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Position Text Optional The position of the checklist

on the card. One of the following values:

top, bottom, or a positive number.




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

CheckList Id Text Required The ID of a checklist to be delete.




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

CheckList Id Text Required The ID of the Checklist to add check Item to it.


Name Text Required The name of the check item. It should be a string of length

1 to 16384.


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Position Text Optional The position of the checklist

on the card. One of the following values:

top, bottom, or a positive number.


Checked Text Optional Determines whether the

check item is already checked when created.

(value - true/false)




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

CheckList Id Text Required The ID of the CheckList 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


CheckItem Id

Text Required The ID of the CheckItem 5e423fe4f6dbf36c5ed413ec


Labels :


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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Name Text Required Name for the label Label1

Color Text Required The color of the label. One of the following values:

yellow, purple, blue, red, green, orange, black, sky,

pink, lime


Board Id Text Required The ID of the board to create

the label on.




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Name Text Optional Name for the label Label1

Color Text Optional The color of the label. One of the following values:

yellow, purple, blue, red, green, orange, black, sky,

pink, lime


Label Id Text Optional The ID of the label to update



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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Label Id Text Required The ID of a label to be get details of it..




File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Label Id Text Required The ID of a label to be delete it.



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File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required Id of the Card on which add

label on it. 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Label Id

Text Required Id of the Label 5e423fe4f6dbf36c5ed413ec



File Parameter Name

Type Required/Optional Parameter

Description Example Input

Card Id Text Required Id of the Card on which

delete label on it. 5d70d51cbaa26a40b


Label Id

Text Required Id of the Label 5e423fe4f6dbf36c5ed413ec


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4. Reports

There are no Bot Insight Reports generated for this Bot.

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5. Logs

In case of Errors, Error Logs & Screenshots are generated within Error Folder (Highlighted below in yellow)

o My Tasks ▪ Bot Store

• Bot Name o Error Folder ▪ Logs (Folder)

▪ Error Logs Month-Day-Year.txt ▪ Snapshots (Folder)

▪ Error Snap Month-Day-Year HourMinSec.png

Error Logs will contain the below information -

• Task Name

• Error Line Number

• Error Description

• Generated Timestamp


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Example of Screenshot Generated Error File:

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Troubleshooting & Support

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6. Troubleshooting & Support

Please visit our Support Portal for any assistance on Bot functionality or Feature.

Questions on Bot Functionality or Feature can also be posted to our Community site Apeople

Automation Anywhere provides a Product Documentation portal that can be accessed for more information about AA’s products and guidance on building bots and Digital Workers. The "Build" section of the portal includes these sections:

• Getting Started - information on building bots recommended practices (including use of the Credential Vault)

• Build Advanced Bots - details on MetaBots and the approach to integrating code into them

• Build Digital Workers - high-level architecture


Q: The ‘Create Locker’ button not visible in the Credential Vault Page. What do I do?

A: Please check if the role ‘Locker Consumer’ is assigned to the user and you are using an Enterprise Client version.

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Appendix A: Record of Changes

No. Version Number Date of Change


Author Notes

1 1.0 29/08/2019 Automation Anywhere

Version 1 Release

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Appendix B: Acronyms

No. Acronym Description

1 AA Automation Anywhere

2 CSV Comma Separated File

3 DW Digital Worker

4 CR Credential Vault

5 CRM Customer Relationship Management

6 API Application Programming Interface

7 PC Personal Computer

8 RAM Random Access Memory

9 OS Operating System