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The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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! This study will be slightly different than the last few studies. We are going to do a chapter study. The principles we learn in this study can be applied to any passage or chapter of the Bible. We are going to break down the chapter into little parts and then we are going to put it back together again. ! Every woman should have the goal of being a Virtuous Woman. She is the example of moral excellence in character, personality, love, and diligence. Because a Virtuous Woman is hard to find, she stands out (Proverbs 31:10). God devotes almost an entire chapter to the description of the Virtuous Woman. The Virtuous Woman is what every father desires in his daughter and every man desires in a wife. She will bring honor to her husband, glory to her father, and a good name to herself.

• Read Proverb 12:4. What is the virtuous woman to her husband? • What does a crown indicate?

!! In a chapter study you will read the chapter or passage 10 times. We will assign a page for each part of the study. This is going to be fun and in the process you will get to learn and new and exciting way to study the bible that you can continue on your own. Now take a moment to review our text, Proverbs 31:10-31

10. Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.11. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.12. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.13. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.14. She is like the merchants 'ships; she bringeth her food from afar.15. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.16. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.17. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.18. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.19. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.20. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.21. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.22. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.23. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.24. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.25. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.29. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.30. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.31. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Proverbs 31 - Observations

I. First Reading (Read it slowly)II. Second Reading (Read it quickly)III. Third Reading (Note things that jump out at you)

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Proverbs 31 - Characters

IV. Fourth Reading: Note all the characters and the verses they are located in. A concordance or 1828 Webster’s dictionary is recommended for looking up each character’s meaning’s name. Some characters have names, some are just he or she, others are animals. The first character’s name is done for you.

verse 10: Virtuous Woman - virtuous means strength, might, efficiency, wealth, force and woman means wife, woman, mother

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Proverbs 31 - Commands

V. Fifth Reading: Look for and list all Commands. Sometimes there are not commands, note that, if this is the case in this passage.

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Proverbs 31 - Promises

VI. Sixth Reading: Look for and list all promises. Note if these promises are conditional and what they are conditional upon or if they are unconditional.

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Proverbs 31 - Unfamiliar Words

VII. Seventh Reading: Note all the unfamiliar words and the verses they occur in. Look up the meaning of these words and note them.

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Proverbs 31 - Emphatic/Repeated Words

VIII.Eighth Reading: Note all the words that seem emphatic and note all the words that repeat. Write down the meaning of these words.

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Proverbs 31 - Major Verses

IX. Ninth Reading: Note all the major verses. These will be verses you may want to memorize. These verses will also help you outline the chapter.

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Proverbs 31 - Teachings on the Trinity

X. Final Reading: Look for anything that teaches about God, The Holy Spirit, or Jesus. Note the verse and what the teaching is.

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Proverbs 31 - Questions to Ask

1. Does this chapter or passage stand alone or is it a continuation of the previous or next chapter or passage?

2. What is the basic style of the entire book? How does that relate to the style of this chapter?

3. Each book of the Bible has a theme. The theme of Proverbs is wisdom. Relate the truth of the chapter to the theme of the book:

4. The bible was written in different dispensations. A dispensation is where God revealed something about himself and how he works to that age. The book of Proverbs was written in the dispensation of the Law. The Law was a time before grace. It was a time before Jesus had come to shed his blood. They were still sacrificing animals to atone for their sins. How does that affect this chapter?

5. What is the outstanding truth or over-riding theme of this passage?

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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6. Outline the chapter:

7. What doctrinal conclusions have you come to after studying this passage?

8. What personal applications have you made while studying this passage?

9. What purposeful commitments are you going to because as a result of this study?

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Additional Information for Future Chapter Studies

Simple Study Aides

1. The Bible KJV (One you can write in)

2. Pencil and Paper (So you can write down your thoughts.)

3. English Dictionary (Preferably the 1828 Old Unabridged Webster Dictionary)

4. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

5. Power Bible CD (Contains a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, and several commentaries as well as many sermons.) or a good Bible app such as the Blue Letter Bible. It is free and offers the concordance.

6. Vine’s Expository Dictionary on the Old and New Testament Words

7. World’s Bible Handbook

8. A KJV Bible with study helps

9. Matthew Henry’s Commentaries (Also included in Power Bible CD)

10. Pastor’s Old and New Testament Survey Notes

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Important Facts About the Bible ❖There are 6,000 different English Words in the Bible. There are 8,674 Hebrew

words and 5,624 Greek words, not counting the Aramaic words. There are 14,298 Greek and Hebrew words to 6,000 English words making the ratio 2.37 to 1. One English word can represent several Hebrew or Greek words. The Strong’s Concordance is a great help.

❖There are 1,189 Chapters in the Bible:✴The Bible was not originally divided into chapters and verses, they are

helpful, but they are not inspired.❖The Different Styles of the Old Testament Books:

✴Narrative: • Pentateuch - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy• History - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel,

I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther✴Reflective:

• Poetry - Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon• They deal with the heart and do not advance Jewish history; they

are simply a reflection of Jewish history.✴Oracles:

•Major Prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel•Minor Prophets - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakkuk, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Malachi

❖ The Different Styles of the New Testament Books:✴Narrative

• History - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts✴Interpretation and Application:

• Epistles - Romans, I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, I, II, & III John, Jude

✴Prophecy and Oracles:•Revelation

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Dispensations✦Definition: Period of time in which man was given a specific revelation from God and because of that He had a specific responsibility before God.✦Lists of Dispensations:✓ Innocence (Creation-Fall of Man)= In creation they were not righteous, they were innocent.✓ Conscience (Fall of Man-Flood)= God communicated with man. (i.e. Cain and Abel)✓ Human Government (Flood-Call of Abraham)= This is where God instituted capital punishment.✓ Promise (Call of Abraham-Law on Mt. Sinai)✓ Law (Law on Mt. Sinai-Resurrection)✓ New Covenant (Resurrection-Rapture)= Grace, Church, Holy Spirit✓ Kingdom (Rapture-Great White Throne Judgment)

✦ A dispensational approach will keep you straight in the Bible.✦ There is a big problem: It seems people get saved by a different way in every dispensation! Everyone got saved the same way but they did not always believe in the same thing.✦The WAY they got saved:

๏ By Grace๏ Through Faith๏ Believe in God’s Word๏ Accept His Grace๏ Basis of the Cross

✦The Belief:๏ Day of the Law- Shedding of the blood of Christ one day.๏ Day of Grace- Christ’s shed blood

✦The look of faith is no backwards and was not forwards, it is up.

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Genesis- Seed of the woman and our Second AdamExodus- Passover the Lamb and the Smitten RockLeviticus- ScapegoatNumbers- Brazen Serpent lifted up in the wildernessDeuteronomy- The Rock and the Reminder of how to liveJoshua- Captain of the host of the LordJudges- The Deliverer from the enemyRuth- Our heavenly Boaz, our Kinsman RedeemerI& II Samuel- Seed of DavidI&II Kings- Our Reigning KingI&II Chronicles- The God of RevivalEzra- Our Faithful ScribeNehemiah- Rebuilder of everything that is brokenEsther- The unmentioned God with the unseen handJob- Our RansomPsalms- Shepherd, Safety, ShieldProverbs- Source and Beginning of all Wisdom and KnowledgeEcclesiastes- Creator and Judge that can save us from vanitySong of Solomon- Bridegroom, Chiefest among 10,000Isaiah- Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of PeaceJeremiah- Healing Balm and Righteous BranchLamentations- Our Portion and our HopeEzekiel- Rightful King and the Man with the inkhorn by his sideDaniel- Fourth man in the fireHosea- My forever-faithful loveJoel- The Lord who will have His day

Amos- Our Burden BearerObadiah- Our SaviorJonah- God that sees even to deepest parts of the seaMicah- Light and God of my salvationNahum- A stronghold in the day of troubleHabakkuk- Watchman praying for revivalZepheniah- Lord mighty to saveHaggai- Desire of all nationsZechariah- Fountain, Nail, Bow, BranchMalachi- Son of RighteousnessMatthew- KingMark- ServantLuke- Son of ManJohn- Son of GodActs- Shining light on the road to DamascusRomans- Justifier, Redeemer, SaviorI Corinthians- ResurrectionII Corinthians- Sin BearerGalatians- Emancipator from the lawEphesians- Our unsearchable richesPhilippians- Our goal, sufficiency, pattern for lifeColossians- My all in allI&II Thessalonians- The soon-coming KingI&II Timothy- Mediator between God and manTitus- Our blessed hopePhilemon- “Put that on my account”Hebrews- Great High PriestJames- Lord of gloryI&II Peter- Chief cornerstoneI,II, & III John- Propitiation for our sinsJude- Lord coming with 10,000 of His saintsRevelation- Alpha & Omega

Christ in All the BookJesus Christ is on every page of the Bible, if you don’t see Him, look again, you missed Him.

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Themes of the Books of the BibleGenesis...................................................................Book of BeginningsExodus..................................................................Book of RedemptionLeviticus....................................................................Book of SacrificesNumbers......................................................................Book of JourneyDeuteronomy.....................................................Book of RemembranceJoshua.......................................................................Book of ConquestJudges...................................................Book of Apostasy and AnarchyRuth..........................................................Book of Kinsman RedeemerI Samuel.......................................................Book of the 1st King- SaulII Samuel...................................................Book of the 2nd King- DavidI Kings............................................................Book of Divided KingdomII Kings.........................................................Book of Kingdom CaptivityI Chronicles........................................Book of Highlights of David’s LifeII Chronicles..........................Book of Solomon and the Kings of JudahEzra.....................................................Book of Return and RestorationNehemiah.....................................................................Book of BuildingEsther............................................................Book of Providential CareJob..............................................................................Book of SufferingPsalms............................................Book of the Hymns of the HebrewsProverbs......................................................................Book of WisdomEcclesiastes..................................................................Book About LifeSong of Solomon.................................Book of Union and CommunionIsaiah.........................................................................Book of SalvationJeremiah......................................................................Book of WarningLamentations.............................................................Book of MourningEzekiel.............................................................Book of the Lord’s GloryDaniel.............................................................Book of World KingdomsHosea........................................................................Book of ReturningJoel.............................................................Book of the Day of the LordAmos.................................................................Book of the Plumb LineObadiah...........................................................Book of Doom for EdomJonah......................................................Book of the Unwilling Prophet Micah..........................................................Book of the Great QuestionNahum....................................................Book of the Doom of NinevehHabakkuk.........................................................................Book of FaithZephaniah............................................................Book of the RemnantHaggai.......................................................................Book of a Building

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Zechariah....................................................................Book of JealousyMalcahi........................................................................Book of RobberyMatthew.........................................................Jesus is the King of kingsMark.....................................................Jesus is the Immediate ServantLuke....................................................................Jesus the Son of ManJohn....................................................................Jesus the Son of GodActs................................................Beginnings of the Christian ChurchRomans......................................................God’s Salvation for SinnersI Corinthians............................................Problems in the Early ChurchII Corinthians............................Paul’s Defense of His Life and MinistryGalatians.........................................................Set Free From BondageEphesians...........................................................Christ and the ChurchPhilippians................................................................Rejoicing in ChristColossians....................................................Christ is all, Christ is in allI Thessalonians..................................................Jesus is Coming AgainII Thessalonians...................................................He Has No Come YetI Timothy...................................................Godliness and Pastoral CareII Timothy.............................................Faithfulness to the Word of GodTitus................................Setting in Order the Things That are WantingPhilemon.........................................................Request for ForgivenessHebrews..............................................Consider Jesus Our High PriestJames.............................................................................Faith for LivingI Peter.....................................................Trials and Hope of His ReturnII Peter...........................................................True and False ProphecyI John.............................................Fellowship of God and His ChildrenII John................................................................Truth and the ChristianIII John................................................Scriptural Health and ProsperityJude.....................................................Earnestly Contend for the FaithRevelation...................................Uncovering the Glory of Jesus Christ

The Virtuous WomanT ä|ÜàâÉâá ãÉÅtÇ |á t vÜÉãÇ àÉ {xÜ {âáutÇwM uâà á{x à{tà Åt~xà{ tá{tÅxw |á tá ÜÉààxÇÇxáá |Ç {|á uÉÇxáA @ cÜÉäxÜuá DEMG


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Penmen of the Books of the BibleThe Virtuous Woman

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Genesis- MosesExodus- MosesLeviticus- MosesNumbers- MosesDeuteronomy- Moses & JoshuaJoshua- JoshuaJudges- SamuelRuth- SamuelI Samuel

- Samuel- Nathan- Gad- Pupils in School of

ProphetsII Samuel- Nathan and GadI&II Kings- JeremiahI&II Chronicles- EzraEzra- EzraNehemiah- NehemiahEsther- UnknownJob- UncertainPsalms

- David- Asaph- Sons of Korah- Solomon- Ethan- Heman- Moses- Anonymous

Proverbs - Solomon - Adgar - Lemuel

Ecclesiastes- SolomonSong of Solomon- SolomonIsaiah- IsaiahJeremiah- Jeremiah

Lamentations- JeremiahEzekiel- EzekielDaniel- DanielHosea- HoseaJoel- JoelAmos- AmosObadiah-ObadiahJonah- JonahMicah- MicahNahum- NahumHabakkuk- HabakkukZepheniah- ZepheniahHaggai- HaggaiZechariah- ZechariahMalachi- MalachiMatthew- MatthewMark- John MarkLuke- LukeJohn- JohnActs- LukeRomans- PaulI&II Corinthians- PaulGalatians- PaulEphesians- PaulPhilippians- PaulColossians- PaulI&II Thessalonians- PaulI&II Timothy- PaulTitus- PaulPhilemon- PaulHebrews- UnknownJames- James (Jesus’ brother)I&II Peter- PeterI, II, & III John- JohnJude- Jude (Jesus’ other brother)Revelation- John
