Page 1: Srusti Academy of · and Affiliated to Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Rourkela. The instute

SrustiAcademy Management


I n f o r ma t i on B r ochu r e : 20 1 7

1st B-School in Odisha with ‘A’ Grade Accredita�on by NAAC

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We won’t miss u... we will remember you in every moment of our life.

You taught us thatkarma is the only religion...

Srustians salute you


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Bhubaneswar is the capital of Odisha state in the eastern coast of India. Together with its twin city Cu�ack, the old capital of Odisha, greater Bhubaneswar has a popula�on of more than 20 lakhs.

Bhubaneswar is a modern city with ancient roots surrounded by nature's bounty. It has a large number of ins�tutes for high educa�on and one of the few ci�es in India which houses IIT, NISER, and many other premier Government ins�tutes like IIT, NISER, IIIT, Xavier Ins�tute of Management (XIMB), Ins�tute of Mathema�cs and Applica�ons (IOMA), Na�onal Ins�tute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Ins�tute of Physics, Ins�tute of Life Sciences, Ins�tute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT), Central Ins�tute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Regional Medical Research Center and Regional Ins�tute of Educa�on. Bhubaneswar has become the educa�on hub of eastern India with 100+ ins�tutes offering professional educa�on.

All major IT companies like TCS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Mindtree, Wipro have their presence in Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar is well connected to the rest of the country by Air, Rail and Road. Recently Bhubaneswar was included in the list of “to be developed Smart Ci�es of India”. Of late, Bhubaneswar, of

ththe Bhubaneswar Cu�ack Urban Complex (BCUC) region has been ranked as the 6 most preferred des�na�on for business investment from among 15 Indian ci�es by World Bank.


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VisionOur vision is to become a center of learning that excels in management educa�on, research, training and consultancy of highest quality based on ethics, morality and Indian values.


To set high standards of educa�on by con�nuously improving the quality and content of pedagogy.

To emphasise on posi�ve thinking through yoga, medita�on, healthy academic culture, sports and recrea�onal ac�vi�es.

To promote ins�tute – industry partnership on a regular basis.

To inculcate and promote the entrepreneurial ability and skills among the students.

To provide intellectually s�mula�ng and conducive atmosphere necessary for self-development and growth of faculty members.

To promote research in the field of Management educa�on.


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Director's Message I would like to thank all the Companies who have been recrui�ng

our Students from our campus. In spite of a tough employment scenario,

you selected worthy students from our Ins�tute that shows your

exemplary faith in us. Sincere thanks to all of you.

Srus� Academy of Management's passion to impart quality educa�on and

academic rigor is recognized. The Ins�tute has been one among the fastest

growing B-Schools in Odisha in the last decade. We strive to groom the

students of MBA with higher degree of specialized knowledge that

matches the expecta�ons of Industry across sectors.

The Ins�tute has been taking adequate measures for providing it's

students exposure to corporate work life during Summer Internship

Programme (SIP). I hope the SIP experience shall act as a bridge between

Campus to Corporate.

We present before you the gradua�ng batch of 2016-17. This batch is

unique by its diversity in academic back ground, gender, geographic

dispersion, their achievements and areas of interest.

We look forward to having you on campus and raising the bar for

Placements in 2017.

Prof. (Dr.) G. D. Mishra,

Director(Placement & Corporate Rela�ons)

Principal's Message

Today's managers operate in an environment that is more

complex and compe��ve while it offers more challenges. In this era of

globaliza�on and digi�za�on with fast disappearing boundaries where

decision making is fast and transparent, it is essen�al for managers to have

an all-round perspec�ve of any situa�on. Srus� Academy is aware of its

responsibility in preparing the students to handle the changing contours of

today's business world in a successful manner.

At a more basic level, Srus� Academy intends to develop its students as true

ci�zens with impeccable professional integrity and unparalleled social

commitment as well as managers with an excellent sense of purpose with

respect to their corporate mission. It is our aspira�on to be a vital link in the

new economic order of India that has no place for inefficiency and


To realize our vision and aspira�ons with respect to grooming students in

management discipline, the wholehearted support of all stakeholders are

essen�al. We look forward to con�nued support and patronage from corporate


I extend a warm invita�on to all corporate bodies to visit Srus� Academy and

par�cipate in the campus recruitment process for 2017 gradua�ng batch.

Prof. (Dr.) G.S.Acharya



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Carving a legacy since 12 years, Srus� Academy of Management today is one of the leading Management ins�tutes in Odisha. It has been steadily ranked higher amongst the B-Schools by various credible ranking agencies . The Ins�tute Accredited as “A” Grade Ins�tute by Na�onal Assessment & Accredita�on Council (NAAC) since 2003 has been recently declared as Excellent Business School in Odisha by CMAI, New Delhi, supported by Ministry of MSME, MNRE and AICTE.

An ins�tu�onal life member of All India Management Associa�on (AIMA), Associa�on of Indian Management School (AIMS) and member in professional bodies like CMAI, NHRD, this Ins�tute is rated as “A+” category B-School through pan India survey conducted by BUSINESS INDIA and AIMA

Established in the year 2003, Srus� Academy of Management aspires to put its footprints on the threshold of �me. The ins�tute has been able to consistently create mul�-dimensional experiences for students that transform them into becoming professional assets who hit the ground running. With quality infrastructure supported by state-of-the-art technology, Srus� con�nues to look far beyond the rou�ne, in its endeavor to produce leaders capable of a new hallmark in the world of business. Presently the Ins�tute offers full �me MBA & full �me Integrated MBA program, approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Rourkela.

The ins�tute strives to set high standards of educa�on by con�nuously improving the quality and content of pedagogy. Srus� Academy of Management promotes Industry – ins�tute partnership and also promotes the entrepreneurial ability and skills among the students. Due emphasis is laid on promo�on of research and publica�ons in the field of Management .

We at srus� firmly believe that for an organisa�n to grow, it must constantly innovate, build strength, improve efficiency and strive to become more self – reliant to nurture human talents into proac�ve professionals. Enriched with its sterling stock of human resources, the Academy is a rigorous training ground for business leaders of tomorrow.


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Approved by AICTE Govt. of India, New Delhi

Affiliated to BPUT, Rourkela, Odisha

1st B-School in Odisha with‘A’ Grade Accredita�on from NAAC

Srus� Academy of Management awarded as

“Excellent Business School”-Odisha 2014 by CMAI,

New Delhi Supported by Minister of MSME and

AICTE, New Delhi


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Quality Statement

Srus� Academy of Management is commi�ed to quality educa�on - the quality of academically

demanding regimen and quality of commitment of the Ins�tute is to the cause of holis�c growth of

students. Srus� Academy of Management shall strive to impart management educa�on to prepare

future business leaders & computer professionals in such a manner so as to accomplish sa�sfac�on of

students, parents, employers and the society. Srus� Academy of Management shall strive for

con�nuous improvement in knowledge delivery system.


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Srusti Students' Charter

Institution's responsibilities towards students The Ins�tute shall

Communicate its goals and objec�ves clearly to all students. Facilitate effec�ve running of the teaching –learning programmes. Obtain feedback from students on teaching, learning, evalua�on & services and ini�ate preven�ve &

correc�ve measures. Impart training for enhancement of employability skills central to recruitment. Ensure that the student assessment mechanism is reliable, valid and not discriminatory. Ensure sufficient and well-run support services for all students. Ensure a ragging free environment.

Student's responsibilities for learningThe Student shall Appreciate the ins�tu�onal goals and objec�ves and contribute to the realiza�on of the same

by par�cipa�ng in ins�tu�onal ac�vi�es. Have a clear knowledge of the programmes, rules and regula�ons of the ins�tu�on and

follow �me schedules. Undertake regular study and make op�mum use of learning resources. Ac�vely take part in training sessions for improving employability skills. Give feedback for system improvement. Ensure not to indulge in any ac�vity inside or outside the Ins�tute amoun�ng to ragging. Live as worthy alumni of the ins�tu�on.


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InfrastructureTechnology has entered campuses in a big way and its use has revolu�onized the en�re knowledge delivery system. The ins�tute's wi-fi campus is a blend of modern form and func�onality. State of the art mul�media lecture halls, comfortable sea�ng arrangements, library, computer lab, language lab, auditorium, hostel accommoda�on, cafeteria and transport are all meant to s u p p o r t va l u e - b a s e d te a c h i n g . P ro c e s s e s , s t a r � n g r i g h t f ro m admission to placement are done through the Campus ERP solu�ons.


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Classrooms are equipped with modern teaching aids like LCD projectors and audio-visual equipments which make learning a truly enriching and a memorable experience at Srus�.

Computer Lab

The computer lab is equipped with latest and ful ly networked state-of-the-art I B M worksta�ons with licensed so�ware and high speed broadband connec�vity. The lab provides necessary training and exposure to our MBA and MCA students.

Digital Language Lab

To improve the communica�on skills, teaching language through use of interac�ve so�ware has been facilitated. Digital language lab is used by students under supervision of trained teachers for comple�ng assignments on phone�cs, intona�ons, vocabulary etc.

Library“What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about educa�on.” Harold Howe

The state-of-the-art air condi�oned library (The Knowledge Centre) serves as the fountainhead of knowledge. It houses a rich collec�on of text & reference books, na�onal and interna�onal journals, periodicals, newspapers and reference materials from industry. Availability of any resource can be checked on any network computer through new Gen-Lib. So�ware.


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Hostel AccommodationFurnished in campus accommoda�on for girls and in close proximity for boys with modern ameni�es.

CanteenThe canteen inside the campus serves as the mee�ng point for the students. Apart from serving lunch and dinner, a variety of ready-to-eat snacks and beverages are made available. The informal atmosphere at the canteen helps students unwind and spend some�me in chit-chats and discussions with friends.

TransportThe Ins�tute provides bus transport facility within city limits for picking and dropping students from different routes. Transport is also provided for group of students on special occasions for their movement in the city. The ins�tute is also connected with city Green Bus service plying frequently in the route with the ins�tute as a designated stoppage.

Gymnasium and indoor gamesThe ins�tute has a modern mul�-gym and provides free membership to students and faculty members. Facili�es for indoor games like Chess, Carom and Table Tennis are provided.

Campus Life

Arohan“Arohan” - The Annual welcome and induc�on ceremony for freshers is organised every year at the beginning of academic session. Eminent persons from industry and academia address the students and share their rich experience for a successful professional career ahead.

Sensa�onSensa�on, the annual fest of the ins�tute is observed each year with fun and frolic. Annual awards ceremony coupled with cultural extravaganza is the most awaited event for the Srus�ans.Voice of Srus�The best male and female singing talents among the freshers get recogni�ons as Voice of Srus�.

Dance & DramaAmple opportuni�es are available for the students to showcase their cultural talents in the field of dance and drama. Apart from par�cipa�ng in intra college compe��ons, students are also encouraged to par�cipate in inter college compe��ons and bring glory to the ins�tute.

Co-curricular Ac�vi�esStudents are encouraged to par�cipate in Quiz,Debate,Extempore, Ad-Mad Shows and B-School compe��ons.


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Alumni Association· Alumni of Srus� richly contribute to the all round development of their Alma mater. Represented through "Srus� Alumni Associa�on", a registered associa�on, it conducts Alumni Meet every year. It maintains a close networking among all Srus�ans for a posi�ve and progressive purpose. Members of alumni associa�on working in various corporate houses in the country share their experience among the juniors towards a successful professional career. They also conduct various compe��ons amongst juniors and recognise the young talents. The associa�on also provides valuable support in the area of training and placement.


Our Top Alumni in Corporate

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Reaching out to Society

Social welfare and community Development

are at the core of Srus�'s vision of Ins�tu�onal

Social Responsibility (ISR) and con�nue to guide

our ac�ons. This vision evolves from our deep

rooted belief that educa�on ul�mately has a

purpose to serve human needs. The ISR ac�vity

of Srus� includes the par�cipa�on of all stake



Professional educa�on today is associated with long hours of work and mee�ng deadlines leading to a stressful life. In order to relieve stress various avenues must be provided. The different student clubs at Srus� Academy of Management contribute to the overall development of the student's personality and alleviate monotonous work schedules.

Youth Red Cross and Red Ribbon ClubAimed at driving social ini�a�ves such as organising blood dona�on camps, crea�ng awareness for preven�ng AIDS, Srus� Youth Red Cross Unit and Srus� Red Ribbon Club contribute significantly in the larger interest of the society.

The Ins�tute has enthusias�cally supported the programmes benefi�ng the needs of the community and society in the

following areas.

Environment Protec�on (Awareness drives for Pollu�on Control, not to use Polyethylene Bags, and Tree Planta�on).

Health (Awareness for AIDS Preven�on, Malaria Eradica�on, Dona�on of Body Parts, Cancer Hazard by use of

Tobacco and Blood Dona�on Camp).

Safety (Awareness for Rood Safety for Youths).

Social injus�ce (Awareness for eradica�on of child labour).

Music Club


State Level award for best Youth Red Cross Ac�vi�es for 2014-15 & 2015-16. Prof. P.Mishra receiving the award from His Excellency Governor of Odisha

Dr. S. C. Jamir

Art & Cra� Club

Yoga Club

Srus� Yoga Club through its well planned ac�vi�es,

provides opportuni�es to

students to rejuvenate their bodies and minds.

It provides a pla�orm to our students to recreate the magic of wonderful tunes, be it the Indian Gharanas of music, Western

music and needless to men�on that rock

fusion as music has a special place in

our heart.

At Srus� we believe

that the academic rigours of a modern B-School must blend with

crea�vity and novelty. The Srus� Art and Cra� Club promotes

the ar�s�c and crea�ve talent

of our students.

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Academic CultureDuring their stay at the Sru� Campus, the students are encouraged to make use of laptop and other e-resources / tools available to assist them in the process of learning. They also have a dress code which is followed to ensure sense of discipline as well as professionalism right from the �me they join the Academy. In order to ensure that students develop excellent rapport with one another irrespec�ve of the year of study, ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the Academy in pursuance of judgment given by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India vide Writ Pe��on No.(C) 656/1998.

PedagogyExpert LectureThe ins�tute regularly invites subject experts and scholars from ins�tu�ons of repute to deliver value-added lectures. These lectures help students to think out of the box and bring a paradigm shi� in their approach towards management prac�ces.Corporate TalksFor be�er understanding of the applica�ons of concepts, corporate people are invited to share their experiences with our students. This widens their prac�cal knowledge.Seminars and SymposiumsThe ins�tute regularly organizes various seminars and symposia in Management with ac�ve support of experts from industry and academia. Over the years, these seminars and symposia have received wide par�cipa�on from students, academicians and industry professionals from different parts of the country.Personality Development ProgrammesWe at Srus� believe that total personality development is necessary for a successful career in life. With focus on confidence building, team work and team building, �me management, personality enhancement, grooming, business and social e�que�e, stress management, public speaking etc. our Personality Development Programmes (PDP) address the actual industry requirements and prepare students to fare well in the future.Mini ProjectsIn order to promote par�cipant-centered learning based on experien�al approaches and methods, students are given mini-projects which are field study projects on specific topics in different areas of management.

Exposure to real life situations Study of prac�cal applica�on of Management concepts and theory through case studies.


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Post-globaliza�on, rapid economic development has led to the crea�on of many new job opportuni�es in the business world. However, there is dearth of quality professionals to take up these challenging opportuni�es. During the MBA programme at Srus�, par�cipants undergo academic rigour so that they learn to perform by the �me they join the corporate world. The curriculum ensures that they transform from being individuals with great poten�al into go-ge�ers in life and deliver. At the same �me, they also become professionally competent so that they can face the ever growing challenges of the corporate world.

The programme helps in developing cri�cal analy�cal skills and decision making capabili�es. Sound academic founda�on, strong and effec�ve content delivery by highly competent faculty, exposure to current business prac�ces through industrial visits, seminars and summer internship projects as well as management research projects pave the way for the students in their journey from campus to the corporate world.

In addi�on to 18 Core papers spread over four semesters, the ins�tute offers specializa�on / Elec�ves in following

four areas. The University offers dual specializa�on. A student can choose four papers from any of the two

specializa�on areas as major and two papers as minor along with an addi�onal paper as open Elec�ve.

The academic programme at Srus� reflects a true passion for innova�on in teaching and training for developing our students to shoulder higher responsibili�es with confidence and pride. In order to achieve academic excellence and develop sk i l l s that match the industry requirements in management educa�on, a variety of pedagogical tools are used.

Advance Lesson and Assignment Plan Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Case Analysis Presenta�ons Group Discussions Home Assignments Well Designed Study Materials Industrial visits & System integrated projects Emphasis on large number of Field based

projects & Interac�on with professionals

Addi�onal inputs, co-curricular as well as extra-curricular, are provided in the form of Laboratory Assignments, Role Plays,

Ad-Mad Shows, Seminars, Workshops, Cultural Programmes, Various Compe��ons, Yoga for Stress Management, Sports,

Social & Community Work.

MARKETING : Sales & Distribu�on Management (SDM), Services Marke�ng (SM), Consumer Behaviour (CB), Retail Marke�ng (RM)

FINANCE : Security Analysis & Por�olio Management (SAPM), Financial Deriva�ves (FD), Financial Markets and Services (FMS), Strategic Financial Management (SFM)

HR:Employment Legisla�ons (EL), Compensa�on Management (CM),Industrial Rela�ons (IR), Performance Management (PM)

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: Inventory Management (IM), Total Quality Management (TQM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Management of Service Opera�ons (MSO)

Open Electives: (One paper to be chosen) Leadership & Team Building (LTB), Human Resource Development (HRD), Customer Rela�onship Management (CRM), B2B Marke�ng (BBM), Big Data Analy�cs (BDA), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Taxa�on (BT), Project Appraisal (PA)


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Highlights• Syllabus as per Industry Requirement.• Specializa�on in different fields.• Applica�on of Informa�on Technology in Curriculum.• Emphasis on Communica�on skill & Personality Development for be�er employability.


Integrated MBA Unique opportunity to choose Management as professional career op�on. 5 Year Integrated Course in MBA focussing on Development of conceptual, analy�cal and diagnos�c abili�es to hone managerial skills of students and prepare career orienta�on much earlier.

1ST SEMESTER English Language Comm-I Business Organiza�on Business Sta�s�cs Basic Financial Accoun�ng -I IT for Management 2ND SEMESTEREnglish Language Comm –IISocial PsychologyQuan�ta�ve Method-IBasic Financial Accoun�ng-IIEnvironmental Studies3RD SEMESTER Quan�ta�ve Methods-II Principles of Management Law of Contract Economic Analysis Cost Accoun�ng

4TH SEMESTEROrganiza�onal Behaviour Marke�ng Management-I Company Law Entrepreneurship & Small Business ManagementManagement Accoun�ng 5TH SEMESTER Financial Management-I Marke�ng Management–II Opera�onal Management-I Human Resource Mgt.-I Employment Legisla�ons 6TH SEMESTERFinancial Management-II Research Methods Opera�onal Management-II Human Resource Mgt.-II Business Ethics

7TH SEMESTER Enterprise Resource Planning Banking & Insurance Mgt. Managerial Economics Total Quality Management Professional Skill Dev Lab 8TH SEMESTERStrategic Management Elec�ve-I (Major) Elec�ve-2 (Major) Elec�ve-3 (Major) Elec�ve-4 (Minor) 9TH SEMESTER Elec�ve-5 (Major) Elec�ve-6 (Minor) Case Analysis- Financial Mgt. Case Analysis- Human Resource Mgt.Case Analysis- Marke�ng Mgt.10TH SEMESTEROpen Elec�ve Project Work

Course Structure

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Our faculties

Faculty Members are the driving force of the Academy, making Srus� a truly faculty-driven ins�tu�on. Our faculty team comprises of academicians as well as industry professionals who come with great deal of exper�se in their respec�ve fields. They are also ac�vely engaged in research in their respec�ve fields with support from AICTE and UGC.

The Career Advantage Remedial Class

On admission, based on iden�fied parameters, student profiles are prepared to find out the fast learners and slow learners. For slow learners, remedial classes are arranged in difficult subjects keeping in view the examina�on challenges.

ProctorialThrough proctorial systems, a faculty member takes charge of a small group of students for their all-round development. The proctors closely guide, monitor and give hand-holding to students for effec�ve skill development to make them industry-ready.

Value-Added CoursesSrus� Academy of Management has entered into collabora�on with a number of professional associa�ons and bodies to offer short term value - added courses to enhance the employability of students and meet the ever-growing industry requirements of trained manpower. Some of the areas in which these programmes are being run include retail management, supply chain management and banking & finance.


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Training & Placement Department

Training Edge

The Ins�tute has an accomplished Training & Placement Department piloted by a dedicated team and is equipped with experienced faculty & staff members guiding the students to reach their career goals. Career Guidance and Personality Development Seminars, so� skill development training and workshops and corporate talk are organized regularly to improve the performance of students in job market. The Department also nurtures Student-Corporate interac�on through frequent industrial visits, prac�cal and effec�ve training and projects of industrial relevance for the students, with the inten�on to close the gap that exists between an industry and the classroom.

Semester-wise training programmes in personal grooming and total Personality Development

English language Training in Digital Language Lab with latest so�ware

Con�nuous focus on presenta�on skills, group discussion and general / technical interviews, business e�que�es, for enhancing effec�ve communica�on skill

Mock / simulated exercises on regular basis for final year students in ap�tude, technical skills and HR interviews.

Students are encouraged to take up industrial visits to gain prac�cal insights on the opera�ons and prac�ces vis-a-vis theore�cal knowledge. The Interac�ons with the execu�ves in the industry give ample exposure to the students.

Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC)One of the major challenges faced by management educa�on today is the need to constantly adapt to the changing requirements of industry. Industry Ins�tute Partnership Cell (IIPC) at Srus� funded by AICTE provides an interface between the academic and the corporate world through interac�ve sessions , Industrial Visits, Workshops, Internship Programmes, Industry Sponsored Market Surveys and par�cipa�on of Students in Industries' CSR Programmes. Leading prac��oners from diverse industry backgrounds share their insights and management lessons. As a facilitator between academics and corporates, IIPC creates dis�nct spill-over benefits for the Ins�tute in areas such as review of training curriculum and alignment with recruiter expecta�ons and as reinforcement for wider internship and campus recruitment opportuni�es.

Study TourThere's no educa�on quite like the lessons of travel. It is a great and effec�ve way to learn beyond textbooks and lectures. Study tour to industrial towns and business centers coupled with visit to places of importance is a live learning and enabling with hands on answers to ques�ons that are not available in any text book. A study tour encourages group dynamics and team work, crucial for budding managers .Every year the ins�tute organises study tour to important industrial ci�es of the country. In the sidelines of visit to industrial units students also visit historical places.

Industry StudyAs part of the syllabus curriculum, selected students are given an opportunity to study prac�cal aspect of a topic selected by their mentor. The prac�cal aspect / func�oning is studied in an organiza�on, wherein the students understand, analyze and interact with industry professional for a clear understanding of the topic.

Industrial VisitRegular industrial visits enhance the prac�cal knowledge. Students directly interact with all levels of management which expose them to various prac�ces in different industries.


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Study Tour to Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad

Industry visit to Orissa Cement Ltd. (OCL Plant)

Industry visit to Parle-G Biscuit FactoryIndustry Visit to COCA COLA

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Summer Internship Programme (SIP)In par�al fulfilment of the university curriculum, the ins�tute arranges 6 – 8 weeks of summer internship

programme (SIP) in leading industries across different sectors. The companies visit the campus and select

students as per the specific requirement.

Summer Internship is a unique opportunity for a student to u�lize his/her skills in the corporate world. The

program is important, because it substan�ally increases the chance of would-be mangers finding employment.

To an employer, a candidate who has spent �me working for an organiza�on within a par�cular industry shows

dedica�on to a par�cular career, enthusiasm for a par�cular job and importantly, has experience. Summer

Internship Programme provides the students with work experience that is directly related to the chosen

specializa�on opted during the management program.

Companies - Students placed during Summer Internship Programme · Adhikar Microfinance

· Aditya Birla Money

· Alankrit Financial Services

· American Indian Founda�on

· Anmol

· Aar� Steel


· Axis Bank

· Balaji Madhukunj

· Basix

· Bhara� Airtel

· Coca cola

· Diffion Consultancies

· Five Elements


· Havells

· HDFC Realty

· Hindalco

· Hitachi

· I Ball

· ICICI Direct

· IDBI Bank



· Karvy

· Kotak Mahidra Bank

· Kutchina

· LKP Securi�es

· Mahindra Finance

· NJ India Invest Pvt. Ltd.


· Omfed

· Onicra



· Pantaloons

· Paris Bakery

· Parle G

· Pepsi


· Powmex

· Reliance Retail

· Ruchi Foodline


· Tata Power

· Tata Steel


· Ultra Tech

· Vodafone

· Whirlpool


Sector wise Percentage of Students Placed in SIP

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Allround GroomingExposure to Iconic Personalities

“Saw a lot of

dreams in the

eyes of the students

and pray all of it come true”.

Ranjib Biswal,


Na�onal Cricket Academy

(NCA) &President,

Odisha Cricket Associa�on

“Excellent !


experience in the

ins�tute. It was a honour

and pleasure”.

Dr.Haris Handey,

Founder, SELCO & Recipient

of Raman Magsaysay Award

“I am happy to a�end “Sensa�on 2015” - the Annual fest of Srus� Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar. I see lot of dreams among the young students and wish that all come true”.

Dr. Sidhant Mohapatra Member of Parliament, Berhampur

“My best wishes

with you”.

Sri Dillip Tirkey,

Former Indian Hockey Captain

& Member, Rajyasabha

“I Feel happy to have visited and talked to the students & teachers at Srusti Academy of Management. All my good wishes for a bright future of the institute”.

Dr.Sandip Pandey,Recipient of Raman Magsaysay Award



ins�tu�on with

good infrastructure,

ambi�ous vision and

bright students. I wish

you all the very best.....

Stay Hungry”.

Rashmi Bansal

Eminent Writer


enjoyed to interact

with students and

faculty members. Very well

organised and students'

willingness to par�cipate”.

Abasar Beuria

Former Indian Diplomat

“It was a very nice

interac�on with

the students bubbling

with energy and it is

reassuring to see these

future business leaders”.

Mr. Rajesh Chintak

General Manager,

Tata Steel

“ Very


ins�tute with

outstanding facili�es. It has

been my pleasure to visit

this Ins�tute”.

Mr. J.Mehera

Director, Essar Group


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Final Placement

Placement Process

Some of our Valued Recuriters

Placement department maintains excellent rapport with leading corporate houses located in different

parts of the country. The department ac�vely collaborates with them to conduct placements and has

been successful in providing a choice of jobs to the students, based on their specialisa�ons. It also seeks

sugges�ons from companies from �me to �me to take steps for enhancement of different skills

appropriate to the present needs of the industry.

Our students have joined reputed companies through campus and off campus recruitments & the

placement record of the ins�tute has been improving year by year.

Companies accept invita�on and a�er confirming eligibility criteria for the job, provide addi�onal informa�on such as job profile, job descrip�on, loca�on, compensa�on package, expected date of joining, etc.

Date for campus recruitment is decided with mutual consent followed by Pre-Placement Talk by the recruiters on specified date and �me.

Registered students go through selec�on processes like wri�en test / GD/PI.

Recrui�ng organiza�ons declare results immediately and issue offer le�ers.


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Recruiters’ Feedback

“All students were good, but we picked the best from the lot…”

Durga Prasad Rao, Regional Manager, Manappuram Finance Ltd.

“Good A�tude & Skills shown by the Students, have picked the best ones”

Nihar Baran Das, Area Manager(Oper.), Dr Reddy's Founda�on.

“Good Infrastructure, students have a crea�ve bent of mind…”

Manash Pa�nayak, Sta�on Head, 93.5 RED FM

“Overall it is good…”

A. Pratap, DGM, Ceasefire

“Excellent Infrastructure & Courtesy…”

Dipendu Saha, DGM, TCI

“Good Infrastructure and team player…”

Himanshu Agarwala, Manger HR, OM LOGISTICS

“Good Ins�tute, Confident Students…”

Debasis Mohanty, Zonal Head, KARVY

“Really Good & appreciable experience.”

Satyabrat Dash, Cluster Manger, HDFC Ltd

“Nice rela�on with the Ins�tute & looking forward for a stronger rela�onship for years to come…”

Babul Chakraborty, Regional Head, HDFC Realty

“Good Ins�tute, students possess the required skills…

Mr.Swarup Dumpala, VP, HR, Spandan Sphoorty

“Selected students have the A�tude & Confidence to be a part of Logis�cs Industry…”

Shantanu Chakroborty, Regional Manager – DTDC

“Excellent Infrastructure, Students have clarity on management concepts…”

G. D. Kabat, Regional Sales Manager – Anmol Biscuits

“Selected students have the confidence & a�tude for the posi�ons selected…”

Ms Anubha Kukreja, Assistant Manager HR - Total Group.

“Good Ins�tute, Good Students…”

Vamsi Krishna Chenupa�, Head HR - Mahindra Finance

“Good Ins�tute, Students have developed the requisite skills required…”

Subhasish Sarkar, Territory Manager - NIIT Ltd.

“Selected students' Confidence & A�tude, have made the difference…”

Alok Kumar Sahoo, Chief Sales Manager Retail - ICICI Direct


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Alumni Speak

Two years at Srus� Academy of Management has shaped my career. I have learnt more than I was taught for the exposures and opportuni�es that the ins�tute has provided. My teachers and Training & Placement Department always work for interest of students. I am indebted to my alma mater.

Pushpashree | Bank of Baroda |

Ini�ally I was feeling nervous to make any presenta�on or par�cipate in seminar ac�vi�es. Constant guidance from training department has brought in tremendous improvement in my confidence level and communica�on skills as a result of which I could be through in campus recruitment by TCI.

Jyo�ranjan Panda |TCI|

“I have never felt a distance between me & my teachers during the two years of study at Srus� Academy. Apart from theory I have received able guidance during my summer internship project(SIP) and mini project work carried out by me in different subject areas.”

Debasis Muni |Finolex|

“Being a student in Finance area at Srus� Academy of Management is a pleasure. We have been trained by the best facul�es in the discipline and I am happy to be placed in my domain area in one of the leading finance companies in India.”

Rupali Sahoo, |Karvy|

“I came to Srus� Academy of Management with high hopes to build a strong career with a solid founda�on. Today I am extremely happy and sa�sfied with the knowledge and success gained and suitable placement provided by my ins�tute.”

Soubhagya Mishra, 2014 |Cease Fire|

“Before joining MBA at Srus� Academy of Management I knew that the key to success for Management Graduate is having a good communica�on skill. I have got able guidance for improving my communica�on skill consequently becoming successful in campus placement.”

Paramananda Pradhani, 2014 |Mahindra Finance|

Srus� Academy of Management has always believed in helping and guiding its students and it was no different during the placement season. Regular Training classes at our college to help us with our ap�tude and technical skills were of great help. The placement team of the ins�tute also guided and encouraged us at each step thereby helping me secure my placement at such a reputed company like DTDC.

Rajesh Rout, 2013 |DTDC|

Srus� Academy of Management as a B-School is certainly one of the best in it's class. The mentor programme has not only helped me to gain confidence but also improved my over all personality. Srus� Academy gives an opportunity to a�ach our name with big brands in the industry and helps get an amazing head start.

Pri�may Tripathy, 2015 |ITC Infotech|

Two years at Srus� Academy of Management have been a real learning experience & have in many ways, made me industry ready poten�al human resource. I express my sincere gra�tude to Faculty members of my ins�tute who played a crucial role in shaping up my career.

Nabaraj Khamari, 2014 |Writer Corpora�on|

I am proud to have Srus� Academy of Management as my alma mater. My two years at Srus� not only improved my knowledge but also mo�vated me to look for heights. I am thankful to my faculty members who consistently mentored me to explore new opportuni�es and make a conscious career choice. The confidence and capability brought by SAM will stay throughout my life.

G.Satyam Dey, 2005 |Hindustan Unilever|


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Our Faculty Members


MBAProf. (Dr). Girija Sankar Acharya : PrincipalProf. (Dr.) Umakanta Dash : Professor & Vice PrincipalProf. (Dr.)G.D. Mishra : Director (Placement & Corporate Rela�onship)Prof. (Dr.)Ashok K. Mohanty : ProfessorProf. (Dr.) Banamali Mohanty : ProfessorProf. Parshuram Mishra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Dibya Jyo� Mohapatra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Sonali Ganguly : Asst. ProfessorProf. Sunil Kumar Mishra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Suratha Kumar Swain : Asst. ProfessorProf. Bhabani Shankar Mohanty : Asst. ProfessorProf.Ajay Kumar Khatua : Asst. ProfessorProf. Sujeet Prakash Patra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Pragyan Paramita Sarangi : Asst. Professor

MCAProf. Biswajit Rath : Asst. ProfessorProf. Ranjan Kumar Ghadei : Asst. ProfessorProf. Debabrat Mohapatra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Amiya Ranjan Mallick : Asst. ProfessorProf. Priya Darshan Tripathy : Asst. ProfessorProf. Madhusmita Samal : Asst. Professor

Integrated MBAProf. Dileswar Sahoo: Asst. ProfessorProf. Biswojit Swain : Asst. ProfessorProf. Dharma Ku. Rout : Asst. ProfessorProf.Sandhya Darshan Dash : Asst. ProfessorProf. Gourang Charan Das : Asst. ProfessorProf. Nibedita Pa�naik : Asst. ProfessorProf.Sidharth Sankar Rath : Asst. ProfessorProf.Preetam Ku. Nayak : Asst. ProfessorProf. Sradhansu Mohapatra : Asst. ProfessorProf. Tanmaya Pa�naik : Asst. ProfessorProf.Rajiv Narayan Rath : Asst. ProfessorProf. Satya Narayan Dhal : Asst. ProfessorProf. Rasmi Rekha Sahoo : Asst. ProfessorProf.Ashwee Abhisikta : Asst. Professor

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Result Analysis 2016


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38/1, Chandaka Industrial Estate, Infocity Road, Chandrashekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, Ph.: 0674 – 6040011 E-mail: placement@srus� Website: www.srus�

SrustiAcademy Management

