
SRFC Executive Director: Jeremy Mosher

Medical Director: Dr. Melissa Pearce Presented By: Linda Stewart, Case Manager


General information about the SRFC: Background Mission Organization Scope of Services

Information on the following programs that recruit MPH students as volunteers: Case Management Program Diabetes Education Program Diabetes Prevention Program Cheap Healthy Eats

“We hope you will consider becoming involved in the Student-Run Free Clinic”

Overview of Today’s Presentation

GENERAL INFORMATION Founded on October 6th, 2010


Norman C. King Community Center 545 Magazine St., Vallejo 10 minutes from campus

Hours Thursdays 4:30p - 8:00p

8-15 Patients Weekly

5-10 Patients in Education Classes

Mission: To provide free medical services to meet the need of the Vallejo area while enhancing the clinical and educational skill of the students that volunteer Vision: To foster an atmosphere of interprofessional education

for all students, to provide respectful and knowledgeable patient care, to continue to expand our services to meet the needs of the Vallejo community, and to remain interprofessionally student-run. Core Values: Interprofessionalism, Respect, Empowerment



Who we serve: All adults, regardless of

residence, income level, insurance, or citizenship status. Majority are Vallejo residents.

Who the providers are: Medical/Pharmacy/PA

Preceptors Patient Care Teams (PCTs)

DO, Pharm, PA, and MPH students


What free services do we currently provide? Screening History & Physical exams,

providing referrals/recommendations for treatment

Blood pressure & blood glucose Screening

Over-the-counter (OTC) medication and consultation

Flu Vaccinations Osteopathic Manipulative

Medicine (OMM) EKG screening Health education classes for

diabetes and lifestyle changes Periodic recipes from our Cheap,

Healthy Eats program Case Management (Fall 2015)


Health Fairs and Community Events FAMS Community

Health Fair Script Your Future SNPhA Touro Health Fair Napa Valley Health Fair Voting Day Health Fair Co-host a number of

community outreach & health fair events w/ Touro student groups


2014-2015 Student Exectutive Board Term: Patients, Preceptors, and Students Involved: Patient visits: 420 Preceptor hours at clinic: 530 Volunteer hours at clinic: 1,300 Implemented or improved 9 new programs Current Year’s Community Outreach: Number of Events: 4 Number of patients seen: Over 155 in the past 3

months alone!

Meaningful Impact

Case Management Program

Led by

Case Management Coordinators: Matthew Ortega & Linda Stewart

Director of CEHS: Ani Akopyan

The Basics Community Need: Vallejo has some of the highest rates of

diabetes, hypertension, high BMI and cardiovascular disease. The SRFC Case Managers work to empower these patients to better manage their chronic conditions and implement healthy lifestyles choices.

Program Design: The program takes a public health approach to

reducing the burden of diabetes, hypertension, high BMI, and cardiovascular disease within community. This is accomplished through 7 to 8 interactive meetings and/or phone calls with the patient.

Interprofessional Collaboration: This program was designed by an

MPH student and priority is given to MPH students who want to volunteer as Case Managers.

Case Management Program 1. Patient is referred to the program by the Student Doctor 2. Case Manager Assesses the patients health behaviors and

health risk using a pre and post test survey. 3. Case Manager Advises the patient on their health issue and

healthy lifestyle choices using client centered principles. 4. Case Manager and patient develop and Agree to a health

management plan. 5. Case Manager and patient Arrange the appropriate

meeting times and communication method. 6. Case Manager Assists the patient in overcoming barriers to

healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Student Training 6-8 online modules with corresponding quizzes Mock sessions will be demonstrated Future Case Managers will perform mock sessions Case Management Coordinators will assist with initial meeting(s) Training will begin in end of June and Case Managers will be

assigned patients in August

Diabetes Education Program (DEP)

Led by Health Education Program Coordinator:

Vivian Partida Director of CEHS:

Ani Akopyan

The Basics

Community Need: Few opportunities exist for diabetic education in Vallejo. Solano county has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the state.

Program Design: Free 8 part educational series designed to increase

participant capacity to manage diabetes.

Interprofessional Collaboration: Opportunity for MPH, COM and COP students to work together in a community-based clinical education setting.

Diabetes Education Program 8 –(1) hour classes offered:

1. ABCs of Diabetes with Glucometer Use 2. Diet and nutrition 3. Exercise 4. Footcare & Comorbidities 5. How to get the most out of a doctor’s visit 6. Medication 7. Stress management 8. Smoking cessation (optional)

5 – 15 participants per class Offered in English and Spanish

Student Training Student instructors will be educated on the 8 module topics in the overall course

session. Student instructors will complete an online questionnaire to certify their

understanding of teaching methods and the material. Student instructors will then attend a 2-hour workshop taught by experienced

student instructors/program planners. Review Role Playing

Student observes a class / co-teaches Training will start mid-June

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)

Led by Health Education Program Coordinator:

Vivian Partida & Dr. Jay Shubrook Director of CEHS:

Ani Akopyan

The Basics Community Need: Few opportunities exist for diabetic education in

Vallejo. Solano county has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the state.

Program Design: Free year-long lifestyle intervention program shown

to be effective at reducing at-risk participants chance of developing diabetes.

Interprofessional Collaboration: Opportunity for MPH, COM, PA, and

COP students to work together in a community-based clinical education setting.

Diabetes Prevention Program

5 Student Health coaches teach each class (rotate responsibilities on the team) One leads class discussion, one logs nutrition and physical activity, one plans

PA, one enters class data and brings a snack and recipe) 1 faculty member per team to provide consistency and oversight

Follow an established CDC curriculum

One year class schedule Weeks 1-16 - weekly classes Weeks 16-24 - 1 class every 2 weeks Weeks 24-52 - 1 class per month

Student Training

Student instructors will attend a 10-hour workshop taught by CDC-certified Master Trainer, Dr. Shubrook, DO in June. First group will complete training on June 1st and June 3rd Second group will complete training at the end of June

Students will be CDC-Certified lifestyle coaches upon

completion of course

Cheap, Healthy Eats Led by:

Rakhi Patel, MPH Director of Public Relations:

Khin Htwe

Published weekly, and encourages healthy, economical nutrition Includes simple tips on how to eat healthy and

economically Highlights local grocery store sales Features an accompanying recipe using sale ingredients

Need MPH student volunteers to continue this program!

Cheap, Healthy Eats

1. Contact the Coordinator(s) of the program you are interested in and/or express interest using the sign-up sheet

2. Complete ASK, KNOW, EMPOWER training 4 Modules with score of 100%

3. Complete the program specific training requirements

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

Make a positive impact on the health of the community Provides an inter-professional

educational opportunity - COM, COP, and CEHS. Improve your interpersonal skills Touch Points/ Life Points (Recognition

of volunteer hours) Clinical learning opportunity

Benefits of Volunteering at SRFC

Executive Director of SRFC Jeremy Mosher([email protected])

Director of CEHS Ani Akopyan ([email protected])

Case Management Coordinators Linda Stewart ([email protected]), AND Matthew Ortega ([email protected])

Health Education Program Coordinator (DEP) Vivian Partida ([email protected])

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Dr. Jay Shubrook, DO ([email protected])

Cheap Healthy Eats Rakhi Patel ([email protected]), OR Khin Htwe ([email protected])

Ask, Know, Empower Elliot Block ([email protected])

Thank you! Find out more by contacting:
