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SQ Prelims

Infoyage 2014


Page 2: SQ Prelims

Question 1

Marc Andreessen recently said that X is the

world's best CEO. He said, "He's absolutely

fearless and he has a cult-like following inside

the company. People love working for him."

Who is X?

Ans: Mark Zuckerberg

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Question 2

In which game will you find ‘Faby’?

Ans: Flappy Bird

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Question 3

In 2012, the no. 1 Indian

matrimonial website, launched a Facebook

game to create awareness and showcase the

company’s stand against dowry.

Which game am I talking about?

Hint: Angry Birds (Play with the words)

Ans: Angry Brides

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Question 4


Hint: OmniTRACS

Ans: Steven Mellonkopf (CEO of Qualcomm)

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*Question 5

X is a nonprofit collaborative trade organization

established by Sony in June 2003, that is

responsible for defining interoperability

guidelines to enable sharing of digital media

between multimedia devices. ID X.

Ans: DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance)

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Question 6

Who along with Robert Metcalfe is considered

to be the inventor of Ethernet?

Ans: David Boggs (There were others too)

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Question 7

Which aerospace company is privately funded

by Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos?

Ans: Blue Origin

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Question 8

Expand AIM.

Hint: It’s an alliance formed b/w 3 companies

Ans: Apple Intel Motorola

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Question 9

X is a document preparation system and

document markup language. It is widely used

for the communication and publication of

scientific documents in many fields, including

mathematics, physics, computer science,

economics, and political science.


Ans: LaTeX

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*Question 10


Ans: Kidrobot

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Question 11

ID the gadget.

Ans: Parrot AR Dron 2.0

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Question 12

In the domain name owned by Microsoft,

which country can be associated with .cl?

Ans: Chile

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Question 13Stéphane Chazelas discovered this bug on 12

September 2014 and suggested the name

"bashdoor". The bug was assigned the CVE

(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)

identifier CVE-2014-6271. Analysis of the source

code history of Bash shows the vulnerabilities

had existed since approximately 1992.

Which bug am I talking about?

Ans: Shellshock

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Question 14Having observed people helping one another in friendly, social, and

trusting communal ways on the Internet via the WELL, MindVox and

Usenet, and feeling isolated as a relative newcomer to San Francisco, X’s

founder Y decided to create something similar for local events. In early

1995, he began an email distribution list to friends. Most of the early

postings were submitted by Y and were notices of social events of interest

to software and Internet developers living and working in the San

Francisco Bay Area.

In January 2000, X’s current CEO Jim Buckmaster joined the company as

lead programmer and CTO. Buckmaster contributed the site's multi-city

architecture, search engine, discussion forums, flagging system, self-

posting process, homepage design, personals categories, and best-of-X

feature. He was promoted to CEO in November 2000.

Ans: X = Craigslist; Y = Craig Newman

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*Question 15

Headquarters of?

Ans: Tesla

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Question 16

This is a term which is derived from the

Hawaiian word for "quick". The term is

described as a web application which allows

people to add, modify, or delete content in

collaboration with others.

Which term am I talking about?

Ans: Wiki

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Question 17

Zadeh and Mehr met as undergraduates at Sharif

University of Technology in Iran and travelled to the US

together to attend graduate school at the University of

Maryland. Zadeh worked at Microsoft after graduating with

a master’s degree. Mehr earned his master’s degree and

Ph.D. and later worked for NASA. Mehr attended business

school at the University of California at Berkeley, but he

dropped out to work on X.


Ans: Zoosk

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Question 18

The X scandal was a corporate scandal that occurred in

India in 2009 where chairman Ramalinga Raju confessed

that the company's accounts had been falsified. The Global

corporate community was shocked and scandalised when

the chairman of X, Ramalinga Raju resigned on 7 January

2009 and confessed that he had manipulated the accounts

by US$1.47-Billion.


Ans: Satyam

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Question 19

X, who joined Apple in 1980 and was nicknamed “The

Diesel” because of his long working hours, was head of

Apple Europe before being tapped to serve as CEO from

1993 to 1996. While there were some successes under his

tenure, including the PowerPC, there were also memorable

failures, including the Newton and the Mac clones –

computers that ran the Mac operating system. X was

ousted and replaced as CEO by Gil Amelio.

Who is X?

Ans: Michael Spindler

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*Question 20


Ans: Charger made by NTU (Google it)