Page 1: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference


Spring Forward!

“Member Milestones”

Excellence is not a

Skill, it is an Attitude

My journey to the DTM

Mark Hayes DTM

London Council for

Adult Education -

Adult Learner Awards

“Happening Clubs”

New Clubs in D86

Milton Toastmasters

hosts a unique Area


“When Learning is

Fun, Achievement


Bolton Banter TM

Annual Event

One World

Toastmasters Annual

Award Ceremony

“Behind the Scenes at

District 86”

Memories of District

86 Simply, Leadership

Spring Conference

A glimpse of our

District 86 Fall

Conference in London

Messages from our

D86 Team

April 2014 Issue_Vol 5

Excellence is not a Skill, it is an Attitude ………………….……….... by Riya Chatterjee

Most us are aware of the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking. To make this point clear, I share a small story with you.

Many years ago, two salesmen were sent by a British shoe manufacturer to Africa to investigate and report back on market potential.

The first salesman reported back, “There is no potential here, - nobody wears shoes.”

The second salesman reported back, “There is massive potential here – nobody wears shoes.”

This simple story explains to us how a single situation can be viewed in two different ways.

The secret of joy in work is contained in one word –“ Excellence”. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. Excellence should be MORE about fun, than about mediocrity. So friends, it is the approach or mindset that matters and the topic I present today is Excellence is not a Skill, it is an Attitude.

Excellence is not a skill or talent. You may or may not agree with this statement. I believe Excellence is all about attitude.

I remember the days, when I was a kid and wished to learn to ride a bicycle. However, my dad could not afford a bicycle for me then, so I used to rent a bicycle for an hour from the pocket money I collected. I practiced every day. I fell so many times, I hurt myself! However, I did not give up and one fine day, I started cycling like a pro.

Therefore, if we do what we love to do, it will increase our success rate and we won’t feel tired. Just look back the past 5-10 years and you will find you are better with skills, where you worked harder and had the desire or passion. We are all gifted with some skills or talent, but what use is it if we do not sharpen it? Using these skills is what matters the most. Excellence is having the desire or passion to do the most ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Isn’t the desire and passion in us an Attitude?

Excellence is not about focusing on Results, it is about chasing your Performance goals. It is very important to have a vision, as that is the roadmap to our personal and professional goals. When we focus too much on the results – what happens??

Do we feel good/anxious/afraid/excited??

Most of the time we are anxious and it throws us off from giving 100% because of the stress we create. The end becomes the driver of our ambition and often becomes the source of anxiety adding to the degree of turbulence. Sometimes, the focus on the end removes the focus from the means, - so are we treading the right path?

I remember an incident, 15 years back, when I was taking swimming lessons. During the course of my training, my coach asked me to swim from the shallow to the deep end of the pool, which was more than 15ft deep. I said fine, however very anxious. I started off well from the shallow end, and as soon as I reached the middle of the pool, due to my anxiety to reach the other end and afraid I might not do well, the block in my mind made me breathless and I was about to drown. My coach who was standing by was about to jump in --- when suddenly in those few seconds, something happened inside my blocked mind. I took a deep breath and up I came and started swimming back again in style reaching the other end of the pool. My coach was startled and flabbergasted at the same time.

So perfect the process and don’t allow the pressure of the result choke your performance. Excellence is about chasing your performance goals---- let the result take care of itself and give 100%.

Finally to conclude, Excellence lives in the present. We must maximize what we are doing now. Do not live in the glory of the past, drop your ego, accept criticism to expand and stretch to take up challenges. Excellence is doing things outside the box. Learn from your mistakes, and move ahead. Isn’t that Attitude?

I also believe excellence is about being lucky. You all may ask me how? What is luck? Luck is about making things happen for yourself. It is a combination of preparation and recognition so you can be ready for the opportunity when it comes. My coming to Canada and joining Toastmasters and connecting with the right people, isn’t it being lucky? I now know that Toastmasters will lead me to my Vision of being a Leadership and Management Trainer.

So Excellence is not a skill, it is an Attitude. I leave you with a thought to ponder-

Raise your level high and challenge yourself and you will be filled with a bountiful future.

District 86

NEWSLETTER SPRING FORWARD! April showers bring May flowers …….. and new and

exciting ideas for the upcoming year!

Page 2: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference

"I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." -Martha Washington

Mark Poole, DTM

“Member Milestones” Members 1st

My journey to the DTM…………………………….… by Mark Poole, DTM

I received my DTM in a little under four years. Is that fast? Some people tell me it is but, in fact, two members from my club did it in about the same amount of time. As a point of information the record is just over a year. For me, it was never a race. It happened more quickly than I originally envisaged, more out of happenstance than a plan.

When I started at Toastmasters in April of 2010 I had very little knowledge of the system even though my father and sister had been Toastmasters. For some reason I had never discussed the organization with them although I was vaguely aware that both had had positive experiences. I joined solely to develop my public speaking skills and had no inkling of the leadership track.

Once I learned about the program thanks to my VP Ed our current district treasurer Charlene Norman and my excellent mentor, Pat Williams, I was hooked. I wanted a DTM. After all I was told that was as high as you could go. So why aim any lower than the top?

Still I didn’t map out a proper plan to get there. I planned to do a speech per month so I expected to progress on the communication track at a rate of one award per year. The problematic element was the leadership track. The CL required a fair amount of planning because of the plethora of projects to choose from and of course you needed to do roles as a club officer and a district officer to get the ALB and ALS. These officer roles required convincing others you could do the job. It wasn’t something you could completely control on your own.

So I decided to work harder on the leadership track. One element that made a huge difference for me is that I had Charlene advocating for me at district level when I was relatively unknown. As I pushed for leadership roles a curious outcome unfolded.

Somehow I always assigned senior leadership roles. For example I became President of Confidently Speaking because the nominating committee asked me to run. I had never held any other club officer role. I offered to help at a division contest having never been involved previously. I was made chair. My most recent role came when the LGET Carolyn Hoxie asked me to be Conference Chair for the district 86 spring conference although I had never been on a conference committee before.

Was it challenging taking on these leadership roles without doing any of the roles fed into them? Absolutely! Did I learn by being stretched this way? Absolutely!

Becoming conference chair was the impetus I needed to complete the path to DTM. Carolyn said to me “it would nice if you had your DTM for the conference” and that was all it took. I set out to make it happen.

At that point I had an ACB and ALB so I was about halfway through and had 8 months to complete it. Fortunately I had done a year as Area Governor and had mentored a club D+H so I had already completed the most time consuming elements of the very-difficult-to-obtain ALS. I just needed to complete an HPL project and hammer out about 17 speeches and two educational sessions.

At my club doing 17 speeches was out of the question. Confidently Speaking had over 60 members at the time and no-one could give a manual speech more than three times a quarter. I got my my VP Ed, Michael Greenlee, to agree to book me to the maximum allowable slots and I even got a freebie by being a back-up speaker which was not charged to my quota. That still left me nine speaking slots short.

If I wanted the DTM I was going to have to speak outside my club. Many Toastmasters never do this and I think it is a mistake. You can get very comfortable in your own club and speaking in a different venue can stretch you more than you might think.

I managed to get speaking slots in several clubs Brampton Speakeasy, Atos and IPC but that still wasn’t enough. I just kept looking for other opportunities.

One such opportunity surfaced at our toastmaster Christmas party. I was working from the entertaining speaker manual and had to do a speaking after dinner project. What better way to do that than really speak after dinner.

I also found I could take advantage of other roles where I was speaking such as district officer training.

Don’t think though that I was slamming through speeches by compromising on quality. I was religious about putting the proper effort into reading the manual and writing the speeches that supported the project objective. I do admit, however, to compromising on practice and I had to deliver more than a couple of the speeches with little or no rehearsal. This was in and of itself a skill development experience but certainly not recommended as a general practice.

In the end the HPL was the only thing that stood between me and a DTM and what better project to use than the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference committee. I conscripted Carolyn, Charlene and Lorna Miller (my co mentor for D+H) to be on my conference committee, As much as they wanted me to get my DTM they were no pushovers. They pushed me to deliver on every element of the 5 step process required to get an HPL. Carolyn in particular was very vocal about not selling the HPL process short.

So in the end it unfolded exactly as I had hoped it would just 8 months earlier. There I was at the conference receiving my DTM at the DTM dinner on April 4, 2014. The final paper work was submitted by the very supportive VP Ed Michael Greenlee just before midnight. So in the official TI records I received my DTM on April 4, 2014 , the opening night of the 2014 spring conference.

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On the surface, it looks like we are so very different. Men and women, different ages, races, cultures, backgrounds. Yet inside, we are so very much the same. We all search for meaning, we all long for peace, we all seek happiness. Our motivations are very similar. -Lissa Coffey

Pauline Duncan-Thrasher

Mark Hayes DTM Achievement at Port Credit Toastmasters Club

District 86 and Port Credit Toastmasters club is proud to recognize Mark Hayes for achieving Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM). Mark is the first member in recent history of the club to receive this distinction. Mark has been a member of Port Credit Toastmasters since joining Toastmasters just over six years ago. In his first year of joining the club, Mark became the club's Vice-President of Membership and served the position with distinction for the next two years.

Over the next years, he had progressively more responsible positions serving as the club's Vice-President of Education, and club president. He also served as Area Governor for Division C, Area 44,and club mentor for Telus Mississauga Toastmasters. Mark is always eager to try something new. In his first year, not only did he participate in the club's humorous speech competition, he won the competition. He was also the first person in the club to organize a Speechcraft program as part of his High Performance Leadership project.

He is consistently eager to help out other clubs and has provided seminars on "How to Prepare a Speech in 15 Minutes" to many clubs including his own. He has utilized that technique for himself and often would prepare a delightful speech during the meeting break if a last minute speaking spot become available in the club meeting agenda. Over the years, the club members have gotten to know Mark from his speeches about himself, his family, and his passion for golf and also from being a regular member of the after-club-meeting coffee klatch.

Though he has recently received his first DTM, he is well on his way towards his second. On April 14th, his club conducted a special ceremony recognizing his achievement which was attended by his spouse Renata and his supervisor of seven years Robert who sponsored his participation in Toastmasters. His fellow Toastmasters

members congratulate Mark for his outstanding contribution to Toastmasters and wish him well on his journey to his second DTM.

Cathy Herschell, Area 43 Governor 2013- 2014

London Council for Adult Education - Adult Learner Awards

April 30th, 2014 - Congratulations to Pauline Duncan-Thrasher, our London Toastmaster nominee for this year’s London Council of Adult Education’s Learner Award. Pauline will receive her award on Thursday May 8 at 2:00 p.m. at the Wolf Performance Hall, Central Public Library. Toastmasters, friends and family are welcome and encouraged to attend to support Pauline.

The purpose of the award is to recognize and acknowledge the efforts and contributions of learners for the enhancement of their lives through adult and continuing education. Pauline exemplifies the meaning of the award through her lifelong contribution to learning first in her teaching career, then throughout her Toastmaster career. She has contributed to the learning of others through her District and Club leadership, her mentorship, and her leading role in promoting the Toastmaster program through Speechcraft and Workshops.

Congratulations Pauline!


Sue Storie, Division S Governor, Toastmasters District 86

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Motivation "It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." -George Eliot

“Happening Clubs” New Clubs in D86

March 19, 2014 Charter Celebration - Laurier Toastmasters members with their mentors, Matt Di Marco

and Heather Landells.

March 25, 2014 Walmart Canada Toastmasters kick off team and club officers

January 29, 2014 City of Guelph Charter Celebration!

Congratulations City of Guelph Toastmasters!

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April 22, 2014 Georgian Bay Toastmasters Club Charter Members with Guest Speaker and Incoming LGM, Mike Proudlock, DTM and current LGM Janice McDonald, DTM

Georgian Bay Toastmaster Charter night used video conferencing. Thank you, Lynn Rabey, DTM for being Table Topics Master from afar!

April 23, 2014 Centre Wellington Charter Celebration

Members with Lt. Gov. Education & Training, Carolyn Hoxie, DTM and Lt. Gov. Marketing, Janice McDonald, DTM.

"I believe in hard work. It keeps the wrinkles out of the mind and the spirit." -Helena Rubinstein

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Callisto Toastmasters Charter Celebration held Feb. 20, 2014

Milton Toastmasters hosts a unique area event.

On September 22nd

Milton Toastmasters hosted an open house inviting all the clubs from Area 37 to participate. Each club, including Halton Hills, Confidently Speaking, Brampton Speakeasy and Microskills Brampton were to send a speaker and an evaluator to the well attended event.

The speakers would be evaluated by someone outside their club, everyone brought their “A” game, the speeches and corresponding evaluations were top notched. There were only three participants with over three years of experience, one evaluator has been a Toastmaster for a mere three months. A true testament to how engaged the members in the area are.

The first half of the meeting showcased the speakers, most of whom were delivering advanced manual speeches, this was followed by a brief well explained table topics session.

Refreshments and socializing greeted participants, audience members and guests after the first half.

The second half had the evaluators show their stuff, delivering timely effective evaluations that helped the speakers immensely.

Proud area 37 Governor, John Gignac wrapped up the event, helping Jean Howden hand out participant’s certificates, thanking the organizers who had three weeks to plan and even had time to offer a general evaluation of the evening.

To quote event organizers Lou Mulligan, Jean Howden and Gail Inglis “this may become an annual event”, I know I hope it does.

John Gignac, Area 37 Governor

“When learning is fun, achievement soars”1…………………… by Anjula Evans

“When learning is fun, achievement soars,”1 is the subheading on the April 2014 cover of Toastmaster


Some members take one look at “CC Chapter Four – How to Say It?” and think “Grammar – yuck!”

For many people, grammar has never been fun, so they do the proverbial high jump, and skip over the chapter completely. Because of this, in my mind, Chapter Four has a different title – “The Neglected Chapter”.

But to really improve our Language Usage and make our speeches interesting, we can't afford to skip over this chapter – and for those entering contests, those 15-20 marks to be found in the “Language Usage” segment cannot be ignored. So we're left with a dilemma – how do we help our members to improve their use of rhetorical devices and keep things fun and interesting – when the word “fun” and phrase “rhetorical devices” are an oxymoron when used in the same sentence?

Happiness "Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." -Helen Keller

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Action "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." -Marion Wright Edelman.

Those who attended my workshop at the last District Training, know that I like to approach educational hurdles with a fresh perspective, and make things interesting for members at my own club, City Centre Toastmasters. One of the most challenging subgroups to serve, from an educational perspective, are the seasoned members of our clubs – how do we help our experienced members who have been “reinforcing” the same skills for many years, move into “learning” new skills?

Over the last few years, I've added a component to some of our meetings called “Grammatically Speaking” – oral word games and activities with a purpose – to help our members work collaboratively on the objectives in Chapter Four while having fun doing so. This year, I wanted to take our club's learning opportunities to the next level – thus enters our latest endeavours – our two “Tall Tales” Contests.

The Tall Tale speech is a story of a “highly exaggerated, improbable nature and [has] a theme or plot.”2 It uses literary devices such as irony, pun, humour, hyperboles and surprise twists. What better way to help our members to develop their language usage skills, than in an exciting contest with a fun theme? Painting “word pictures” in people's minds, using language that invokes the 5 senses, and incorporating unique rhetorical devices in a 3-5 min. speech is an ideal way to raise the overall caliber of speeches, and morale of our members.

Here are a few examples of the many different types of literary devices that can help our speeches become more effective: “The giraffe was as tall as a mountain” (simile), “slithering snakes” (alliteration), “The eyes are the windows of the soul”3 (metaphor), “The elephant's name was Tiny” (antiphrasis), “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”4 (antimetabole), “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”5 (antithesis), and the list goes on. Think of these devices as “tools” that allow us to convey our thoughts to the audience in a variety of different ways and styles – the Tall Tales Contest is the perfect vehicle to help us experiment with those tools!

Is it too late to participate in a Tall Tale Contest this term? No – there's still time to register for the City Centre Toastmasters' Inter-club Tall Tales Contest! If you or someone from your club would like to participate (May 29, 6:30pm, in Mississauga), please email [email protected] to register with our Secretary, Sana. Examples of Tall Tales can be found on YouTube by looking up 'Toastmasters Tall Tale'. Hope to see you there!

Anjula Evans, President, City Centre Toastmasters

1 Toastmasters International. (April, 2014). Toastmaster Magazine. 2 Toastmasters International. (2013). Speech contest rulebook 2014. 3 T. Phaer. (1545). Regiment of Life, 14. 4 John F. Kennedy (January, 1961). Inauguration Address. 5 Neil Armstrong (July, 1969).

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You can't relate to a superhero, to a superman, but you can identify with a real man who in times of crisis draws forth some extraordinary quality from within himself and triumphs but only after a struggle.

_Timothy Dalton

Tuula Redditt (member of

BB TM) in her Atlantis

Toastmasters Super Hero



The Bolton Banter Toastmasters Club Invites you to come celebrate our 8th Anniversary!

Saturday May 31st 6pm – 10pm

Glen Eagle Golf Course, Hwy 50 in Bolton, ON We will be Roasting our Club President, Mr. Incredible himself… Alan Keyes!

It is sure to be an Incredible evening with great food, great people and fun activities!

Come in Costume! Bring your Family! Bring your Friends!

Dinner Menu Appetizer: Caesar Salad; Traditional Caesar salad served with a peppercorn crostini Entrée: 4oz chicken breast in white wine cream sauce & 6oz New York striploin in pan jus served with seasonal vegetables, roasted potatoes, assorted rolls, & butter Dessert: Assorted Cakes, Tea and Coffee

Cash Bar Tickets: $40

Contact: Carol Dowell, 905-717-4091, [email protected] or Laurie Stapleton, 416-427-1662 [email protected]

Please reserve your tickets before Noon – Friday May 23rd.

Page 9: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference

When life gives you lemons... you know the rest. The sweet lemonade quenches our thirst. We can turn around a situation to benefit us. When life gives us scraps, we can make a blanket! That is so beautiful... a blanket represents warmth, security, comfort. We can literally make something real, something substantial and useful from what might be perceived as "nothing." Look around, what scraps can we turn into blankets today? -Lissa Coffey

One World Toastmasters Annual Award Ceremony - THANK YOU! Thank You! It was truly "Better then the Oscars" I was pleasantly surprised when Michael Messenger, our Executive Vice President, appeared at the lobby as I was chatting with Mike Proudlock and he told me he was coming to the Award Ceremony...All of a sudden, I hoped we had arranged to have the red carpet laid out - and everyone adorned in their finest clothes...what was even more surprising was Michael's blog, right after the ceremony....Michael, we're all very grateful for your support and the fact that you took time off your busy schedule to join us. Charlie Guy, our Vice President People & Culture's knowledge and facts about Toastmasters was very impressive! Thanks to our honored guests Jeanette, Doug, Navin, Dina for your participation! Jim Davy and Mike Proudlock - thanks for joining us today. Vitaly and Cheryl – I know you would have wanted to be here if not for your travels - thanks for helping us plan and get the word out. This ceremony was like no other. Thanks to everyone who made it so special. Here's an extract from Michael's blog...for our friends who do not have access to our corporate Intranet site. "Here at World Vision, we have a number of people who have looked that fear in the face, recognized the opportunities in investing in learning and practice to be better at communicating, and are now seeing an increase in confidence as a result. I'm speaking of the members of the One World Drive Toastmasters chapter. Toastmasters, an organization focussed on leadership and communication, has been around since the 1920s, and here at World Vision since 2007. Since then, dozens of our staff have been members of Toastmasters and have participated in weekly opportunities to learn and grow. Today we heard Daniel Wilcox, dressed in festive plaid, give an inspiring speech about the challenges and rewards of building community in his new neighbourhood smack in the heart of Ford Nation. After his great speech he shared how much participating in Toastmasters had helped build his confidence. Not only have we had participants, we also have award-winners! In a ceremony that was far more interesting than the Oscars (although the fashion and jewels weren't quite as glamourous), our Toastmasters chapter gave out some remarkable awards: Congratulations! What's stopping you from facing your fear of public speaking, or building on your gifts of communciation? Why not try out Toastmasters? Visit our club every Thursday at 12:05 in the boardroom or meeting room 3G. You'll find encouragement, amazing affirmation, learning and friendship. And you'll be in the company of some amazing, award-winning Toastmasters celebrities! " - Michael Messenger's blog, Better than the Oscars. 1_Daniel Wilcox, Competent Communicator 2_Jane Sosu, Competent Communicator 3_Edmund Mushandebvu, Competent Communicator & Certificate of Appreciation for Commitment and Participation 4_Helen Ma, Competent Leader 5_Tina Weidelich, Advanced Leader Bronze, Advanced Communicator Bronze 6_Paskwa Mutunga, Competent Leader, Advanced Communicator silver 7_Steven Miles, Certificate of Appreciation for Commitment and Participation Best wishes to our future graduates! We're looking forward to celebrating more Competent Communicators and Leaders in our next Award Ceremony next year!

All photos from this year's ceremony are available in DropBox and our Intranet Site. Tina put together a great presentation on the history of One World Toastmasters. It's available in our Intranet site.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Happiness is a choice. We can CHOOSE to be happy! If we are not choosing happiness, what are we choosing? Happiness is one of those things that many of us tend to shy away from. Maybe because we are afraid that happiness doesn't last - that if there is "happy" there is bound to be "unhappy" at some point. But it only works that way if our happiness is attached to someTHING or someONE. When we understand that our happiness is inside ourselves, and we can tap into it independently of any situation or scenario, then we can allow ourselves to choose happiness anytime! -Lissa Coffey

Mark Poole, DTM

D86 Spring Conference


D86 Spring Conference Highlights “Simply Leadership”

Friday Events

Workshops and Keynotes

Awards and International Presenters

Page 11: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference

Workshops and Keynotes

Contentment looks different to everyone. We may not be able to define it, or recognize it when we see it, but we can certainly feel it. Happiness and contentment spring from within. -Lissa Coffey

Thank you to our many

Toastmasters and Leaders

who donated to our conference

and donated their time to

volunteering at the Spring

Conference ------------------

Individual Spring Conference Sponsors and Volunteers

Page 12: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference

Optimism "I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will." -Clint Eastwood

Fall Conference in London…………………… Jane and Keith Stoltz Conference chairs

The Fall Conference Committee invites you to join them for a fabulous weekend of learning, fun and fellowship in London, Ontario, Nov. 7-9, 2014! The Theme of the conference is The Voice of Leadership, 90 years! Book your spot by May 31 to take advantage of the best deal! NEW London Location: Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn and Conference Centre

Calling for Education Presenters!

Deadline for receipt of proposals: June 7th

Notification of successful applicants: July 5th

Download the proposal application at


We plan to sell out! Book NOW! Go to

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->a) All Area and Division Governors who pay between

Apr. 5 and May 31st will be entered in a draw to win one free hotel room (maximum value

$150) for either Nov. 7 or 8th. This is the best time to register. After May 31st price goes

up $20 ($279 to $299)

b) There will be another draw for everyone else who pays between Apr. 5-May31 of another free hotel room (maximum value $150) for either Nov. 7 or 8th.

Page 13: SPRING FORWARD! Ap .. and new… · the spring conference which required providing leadership to the conference

Perception "We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are." -The Talmud

Mike Proudlock, DTM

As the PRESS at the D86

Appreciation High Tea

Message from our D86 Club Coach Chair……………………………Mike Proudlock, DTM

Spring Forward! Spring is the season of hope and new beginnings –what better time of year to set new goals, to start new clubs, to welcome new members?

Spring Forward! This is when we plant the seeds of future success; when we plan for the glorious months to come, when we bask in the sunshine of membership growth and club accomplishment! We do this with positive commitment– Spring Forward indeed! We don’t look back – we look forward to the harvest to come!

Spring Forward! A “spring” is a natural source of water. And what is a natural source of positive growth and learning? You and your fellow Toastmasters! Be the spring that supports the new life of your club and the fulfillment of your members’ goals.

Spring Forward! A “spring” can be a device that stores energy. Use your club’s energy to move forward positively in terms of building membership and supporting members’ goals. If your club isn’t accomplishing its goals, then spring back to good health through a renewed commitment!

Spring Forward! is a mnemonic device for resetting clocks. Why not reset your own timetable? Your own goals? Why not earn your CC this coming year, or an Advanced Designation?

Spring Forward is a positive Call to Action to make the commitment NOW to improve yourself, your club, and your members’ experience. Don’t wait for a Fall Sale, Spring Forward!

Mike Proudlock DTM

Message from our Incoming District 86 Lt-Gov Marketing 2014-2015 ………Mike Proudlock, DTM

I’ve attached some photos of our event on Wednesday, April 16 (Toastmasters International recognition of corporation of Region of Peel’s support of Toastmasters). There are currently two clubs at the Region of Peel:

· Region of Peel Toastmasters Club chartered 2003

· 7120 Speakers Corner Toastmasters Club chartered 2012

The award was presented by Toastmasters International Director Lori Lococo DTM and Incoming District 86 Governor Carolyn Hoxie DTM to Region of Peel Chair Emil Kolb.

Below are photos of a special event held Wednesday, April 16, 2014. International Director Lori Lococo and Incoming District Governor Carolyn Hoxie presented Region of Peel Chairman Emil Kolb with a trophy in recognition of the Region of Peel’s long-term support of Toastmasters. There are currently two clubs at the Region of Peel.

from left to right: Division B, Area 31 Governor Judith McWhinney ACS, ALB; Incoming District 86 Lt-Gov Marketing Mike Proudlock DTM; International Director Lori Lococo DTM; Regional Chair Emil Kolb; Incoming District 86 District Governor Carolyn Hoxie DTM; Event Chair and Incoming Division B, Area 31 Governor Sandra Sharpe CC, CL

Lori-Chair-Carolyn photo – Region of Peel Chair Emil

Kolb accepting the award on behalf of the Region of


Lori1 – International Director Lori Lococo DTM addressing members of both Region of Peel Toastmasters Club and 7120 Speakers Corner Toastmasters Club

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A longing and wishing keeps us motivated to move forward. We can use this motivation to achieve great things, whether they are personal or global goals. We can use this motivation to learn and to grow and to become a more peaceful planet. -Lissa Coffey

Carolyn Hoxie, DTM

At the D86 Appreciation

High Tea

Message from our D86 Lt Governor Education and Training……Carolyn Hoxie, DTM

Dear Friends,

The Spirit of District 86 is strong!

Our members are engaged and your District leaders are working hard on your behalf. We have less than two months to bring home the District goal, our goal – Presidents Distinguished!

If your club has not made distinguished status there is still time to change that. As Club

members you have been participating in the program. Time to make sure you are on track to reach your goals.

First consider where are you presently? Is it membership strengthen that is holding you back?

Have you as officers submitted your leadership awards? Do you have members on communication goals, both beginners and advanced? Are you working together to achieve success? Are you supporting your members with their goals? Do you think of creative ways to help members reach goals?

It is easy to get distracted without clear goals. Review your vision of success and confidently work towards solutions. Now is the time to “Spring Forward”, not hold back. Holding back goals

sends the message that you can’t do it again. Focus on the goals and doing your personal best so that at the end of June you can have the satisfaction of knowing you have tried your best.

The Passport to Success has been widely successful. Prizes will soon be announced on the

District website. Congratulations to the many people who have stretched their experience and visited Toastmasters clubs all over the world. It truly reminds us that we are part of a thriving International organization.

The first week of May is election time for clubs. Make sure your new officer list is submitted

online immediately so your club remains open for business. Your new officers will need time to ease into their new roles. Attend training at the Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) on May 31 at Mississauga Secondary School. Always invite future leaders; it is not just for officers. It is never too early to start your leadership journey.

The Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) will have a full day of exciting learning where

you design your own program. It includes a hot lunch and extensive networking opportunities. Register early, it will sell out and there are no registrations at the door. You new District Leaders have already been trained for their new roles. Take time to get to know them. The first 6 clubs register and train all their officers at the TLI will receive a complete Officer Pin Set.

Lets continue to “Spring Forward” all the way to “Presidents Distinguished” for the first time ever! Only be working together for success can we achieve greatness.

In Keeping, The Spirit of D86 Strong!

C.Hoxie Carolyn Hoxie, DTM

Lieutenant Governor Education Training 2013-14

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“Whatever we put out

there comes back to

us. What we give, we

get. The energy we

create is the energy

that we use to propel

us forward. When we

strive for the best,

that's where we go."

-Lissa Coffey

Message from our D86 Lt Governor Marketing…………….…Janice McDonald, DTM

Dear Friends,

It’s spring and there is new growth! In the past 8 weeks, we have seen the birth of eight new clubs in District 86! Thank you to the many members who have supported these new club endeavors. A warm welcome to the following new clubs and their members:

Your Community Reality Toastmasters Club

Sheridan Davis Bruins Toastmasters Club


GE Toasters

Leaders In Action Toastmasters Club

Walmart Canada Toastmasters Club

Investors Group London Toastmasters Club Dr. Roberta Bondar Toastmasters Club

Meeting our members’ needs, supporting all club officers, helping our clubs, areas and divisions, and thus our District, achieve its goals – is our focus as we spring forward in April, May and June. Our District goal is to be a President’s Distinguished District. To do so in marketing, we need approximately 1,000 more members and approximately 10 more new clubs by June 30th. I am excited to say it is within our reach! By working together, sharing our accomplishments and encouraging one another, we will celebrate this milestone in District 86!

You may ask, “Why work to accomplish this goal? How does our District achieving President’s Distinguished District help me as a member?”

This goal serves to unite us. It helps us to understand we have joined something much bigger than what we see at our club meeting. The goal creates an excitement, a desire, a quest to be more than we could possibly be, if we remained apart in our separate clubs. Excellence, a sense of accomplishment, an understanding of our true potential is born within each of us, when we reach to be President’s Distinguished. We give each other encouragement, support and hope when we focus on becoming the best we can be. As a District, we know we are serving our members and this organization to the best of our ability, when we focus on achieving this goal.

There is time to have another Open House. Hold a meeting in a different location, have an information booth, be interviewed on a local community channel, reach out to a new audience! One of our members suggested extending an invitation to all candidates in the upcoming elections to join Toastmasters, to help them with their speaking skills. Excellent idea! All can benefit from our education program. Take a moment to invite, follow-up and invite again! Ask them to join!

Thank you to the members of D86, who are spreading the benefits of Toastmasters and sponsoring new members.

District 86 Member Sponsor Report

Member name # members


Javed Umar-Khitab, CC 17

Arlene McLeod 8

Harold L. Usher, DTM, PID 8

Bao Vo, ACB 7

Kenneth Earl May 7

David T. Shaw, DTM 6

Diana Alandete-Torres, DTM 6

Carolyn E. Hoxie, DTM 5

Debra M. Kirvan, ACB 5

Fred Di Spirito, CC 5

Rick Guzik, CC 5

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Janice McDonald, DTM

At the D86 Appreciation

High Tea

Membership Campaign

Beat the Clock Program Dates: May 1 – June 30th

Toastmasters are taught to run meetings on time, finish speeches on time and reach membership goals on time. In

that spirit, "Beat the Clock" is a great motivator for finishing the year on schedule—and with a bang. The goal for your

club is to earn the "Beat the Clock" award! Make this a contest in your club to encourage every member to get


Clubs adding five new, dual or reinstated members during May and June receive a "Beat the Clock" ribbon to display

on the club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their

next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Applications and payments for members who join between May 1 and June 30 must be received at World

Headquarters or online no later than June 30. Each member's join date as listed on the application must be for May or

June. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Beat the Clock” credit.

Members Making a Difference (MMAD) Award

Toastmasters is built on servant leadership. The Members Making A Difference Award recognizes members who practice exceptional service in all aspects of their lives. It honours Toastmasters who use their Toastmasters skills to better their communities and the lives of those around them outside of Toastmaster activities. Do you know a Toastmaster who is dedicated to community service or who donates their skills and time for worthy causes?

Please submit members for consideration at anytime to [email protected]

Thank you for recognizing and nominating Toastmasters who inspire you! Let their ways inspire all of us to give back to our communities and be a Member Making a Difference!

Please look for these exceptional Toastmasters’ stories on the District 86 website

Yours in Toastmasters,


Janice McDonald, DTM

D86, Lt. Governor Marketing, 2013-14

Message from our Treasurer……………………………….……………..…….…Charlene Norman, DTM


In a few short weeks, every Toastmaster club will be holding elections for next year’s executive team. If you haven’t already nominated yourself, now is the time to do so. Become part of the driving force behind your club. Here are just a few of the many benefits you personally will experience:

The opportunity to influence change and leave a legacy. Take your club to the next level or help it maintain its already high standards.

Numerous opportunities to make a difference in the lives of your members.

The opportunity to develop new skills and talents outside of your work and home environments. These skills are very transferable back into your work and home environments to make you a better employee and a better spouse/parent/sibling.

The opportunity to use/show off your existing talents for the good of your club.

Higher visibility within your club will gain you trust and earn you respect. Which means your deeper networking efforts that will pay off with faster referrals and job/customer leads.

Non-profit experience on your resume or CV.

Numerous opportunities to speak and hone your delivery.

Credit towards your Advanced Leader Bronze – the second level towards your DTM or Distinguished Toastmaster.

Full training and more is provided by the District.

Your own personal reference guide to help you fulfill your duties.

The opportunity to see a bigger picture of what Toastmasters is all about.

Your own personal challenge, growth and satisfaction.

Serving on your club’s executive team is a win-win situation for everyone. You benefit. Your club benefits. Your members and friends benefit. So, what are you waiting for? Spring forward and go for it!

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Message from our District 86 Governor …………… Tony Bratschitsch, DTM

Hello, fellow Toastmasters.

The purpose of this message is to outline our next steps for our personal growth. It's a great time to "step up and step out".

For our front-line leaders (club executives and area governors), this is the best time for you to lead because you're now experienced and trained. Your clubs and members need your leadership to build for a better future. As a team, we have a lot of time left to use our training and leadership skills to help them - and ourselves - grow.

District 86 is currently doing well with member and club growth - which is an indication of your leadership.

We're using the phrase "SPRING FORWARD" to describe our campaign to build the future of our district. This will include:

new communications and engagement planning

vigorous club officer training for newly elected officers

enhanced transition of information to newly appointed area governors

more club and membership growth

recognition of your achievements

Our club elections are soon upon us. If you haven't yet taken advantage of being a club officer, this is one of the best opportunities for you to realize personal growth. As a general rule, "the more you serve, the more you grow". Please seriously consider nominating yourself for an officer role.

Our district conducted its Annual Business Meeting during our recent conference. Our newly elected district officers, effective July 1, are:

District Governor: Carolyn Hoxie

Lt.Governor Education & Training: Janice McDonald

Lt.Governor Marketing: Mike Proudlock

Division A Governor: Gerry Fryer

Division B Governor: Lorna Miller

Division C Governor: Em Kay Areola

Division D Governor: Cathy Herschell

Division L Governor: John Constant

Division M Governor: Leizyl Sobrinho

Division N Governor: Gina Kennedy

Division S Governor: Karen Reese

Division W Governor: Bud Brown

During the meeting, the District Executive Council approved the Re-Alignment Committee's proposal to

redistribute the district for future growth. As well, the newly formed Member Communication

Engagement Committee (MCEC), led by Chair Reema Duggal, made a visionary presentation on our

goals to improve our communication channels.

Let's step up with every learning opportunity available - speeches, evaluations and meeting roles. Let's

step out with leadership so that we can help others and help ourselves.

Our next two months in which we "SPRING FORWARD" will bring much satisfaction to our year of

growth and service.

Thank you.

Tony Bratschitsch, DTM, District 86 Governor

I think it was Abraham Lincoln who later said: "We're about as happy as we make up our minds to be." Events and circumstances change all around us, all the time. And yet our spirit remains present throughout. In difficulties, it doesn't retreat to wait on more ideal times. We can choose our attitude. So why not choose to garner insight and make the most of any condition? -Lissa Coffey

Tony Bratschitsch, DTM

As the Mad Hatter at the

D86 Appreciation High


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Send Me your Toastmaster News and Inspiring Articles

Once again, thank you everyone for your generous contributions to our newsletter. Our district readers become inspired with ideas on how they can make an impact in their clubs and communities. I especially love the photos everyone sent and I encourage you all to take photos and send me your inspirational writing and articles on how your club or community is making a difference through Toastmasters. We all want to hear what’s happening in our district. For more information on how you can submit your next open house, or contest or workshop I will help you promote it with plenty of visuals.

Contact Tuula Redditt, DTM at [email protected] or call me at 905-794-2021 and I’ll be happy to answer any questions or comments you may have. Thanks again and I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Tuula Redditt, DTM

D86 Newsletter Editor

[email protected]

“If we're doing what we

love, then we're not

really working at all.

"Work" can be

enjoyable. Look at all

the joy we can get out

of one day, from

enjoying our homes,

our meals, our family

and friends, and our

time spent in nature.

This is important


-Lissa Coffey