Page 1: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing


Spring • Lesson 10

Materials• The basics (see contents)• Police badge• Icebreaker—two small objects (beanbag, ball, etc.)• Bible Verse—two large bedsheets, soft ball• Story props (see p. 100)

Dear Teacher,Have you ever driven down the street and realized that you’ve passed your destination? If you’re like me, in trying to get going the right way, you’ve seen plenty of No U-turn signs and ended up having to make even more unnecessary turns!

I’m sure glad that God allows U-turns in our relationship with Him. We might find ourselves on a path that makes us think, How in the world did I get here?! That is when we can go to God and ask Him to show us the way back to Him.

The demon-possessed man in Luke 8 definitely needed to make a U-turn in his life. Jesus was the only One who could make that happen—and He did!

Print the words of Isaiah 54:10 on a note card and post it where you will see it often. Remember that no matter what the situa-tion is, God’s love for us will not be shaken.

Lisa PhamContributing Editor

Connecting You to Jesus When Jesus freed the demon-possessed man, He showed the Gerasene people that He is the Son of God! The demons, however, already KNEW who Jesus was! As soon as Jesus spoke, the demons called Him the “Son of the Most High God” and begged at His feet (Luke 8:28). When Jesus commanded the demons to leave the man, they HAD to obey. Not even Jesus’ en-emies can deny WHO He is—the Son of God!

The Gerasene ManLuke 8:26-39

Bible Verse“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfail-ing love for you will not be shaken.” Isaiah 54:10

Big IdeaWhen I am afraid, I can remember that God is with me and loves me.

Action PlanPlan ways to re-member God’s love when I am afraid.

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide

Page 2: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing

TIPGreet kids as they arrive,

and ask, What cheers you up when you’re feel-

ing sad or afraid?

Tip Students may need help bouncing the ball from one sheet to the other.

Invite at least one small-group leader to

be on each team to help give guidance.

Spring • Lesson 10

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide98

Opening Music (5 minutes)

As children come into the large-group area, play “Merciful Je-sus” (on Media DVD or track 4 on Worship CD). Lead children in singing and doing motions (see Song Motion Chart on p. 142). Jesus is merciful and kind. He loves us more than we will ever understand. I’m glad that Jesus wants us to be in His family!

Icebreaker (5 minutes)

Raise your hand if you have ever played the game Hot Po-tato. Let’s see what happens when we have TWO objects to pass. Students stand in a large circle. Give each of two stu-dents an object to hold. When you start music, students pass objects to the person on their left. When you stop music, stu-dents holding the two objects trade places. For groups larger than 25 students, add more objects so that all kids get a turn to trade places. In this game, when you get the “potato,” you want to quickly get rid of it, right? In today’s story, there was a man who had something only Jesus could help him get rid of.

Bible Verse (10 minutes)

Before class, gather two large bedsheets and a soft ball.

There are lots of things that can scare people or make them afraid. Parents fighting, a bully picking on you or break-ing a bone are all things that could scare a kid your age. Let’s read a verse that’s great to remember when we feel worried or afraid. Open your Bible to Isaiah 54:10 and read it aloud.

Isaiah 54:10 tells us that even when things get scary, we can remember that God’s love for us will never fail. Divide group into two teams. Give each team a sheet. Teams hold onto the edges of their sheets as you place a ball in the cen-ter of one sheet. Teams say the verse together and then team with the ball tosses it to the other team by making large waves with their sheet. Teams repeat the verse before tossing the ball back. Continue play for several minutes. Great job to both of the teams! Was that easy or hard? When we feel afraid, it’s easy to remember that God is always with us!

Playlist Merciful Jesus

The Kingdom of GodThis Is How We Know

All for Jesus

Big IdeaWhen I am afraid, I can remember that God is with me and loves me.

Page 3: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide

Spring • Lesson 10


Optional Game Ahead of time, blow up five balloons.

Have you ever tried to do something challenging that you could have used help with? Today we’re go-ing to start out with a difficult challenge. Who would like to try our challenge? Choose one volunteer to attempt to keep five balloons in the air for 30 seconds. As soon as one balloon falls, pick it up and throw it back in the air, and add another volunteer to help keep the balloons in the air. Continue adding volunteers until the students working together can keep the balloons in the air for 30 seconds. Ask the first volunteer, How hard was it to keep all the balloons in the air when you were by yourself? How about when more students helped you? Allow volunteer to respond. Sometimes we need other people to help us when we don’t know what to do. In today’s story, we will hear about a man who really, REALLY needed Jesus’ help!

Music (15 minutes) In the song “The Kingdom of God,” we are reminded that God hears all our prayers. It is comforting to know that when I get scared, I can talk to God and know that He is always listening. Lead children in singing and doing motions for “I Will Trust in You” (on Media DVD or track 3 on Worship CD; see Song Motion Chart on p. 141).

One way we can understand how much Jesus loves us is by reading stories about Him in the Bible. Lead students in singing and doing motions for “This Is How We Know” (on Media DVD or track 5 on Worship CD; see Song Motion Chart on p. 143).

Let’s sing a song telling Jesus how much we love Him and how we want to give Him our all. Lead students in singing and doing motions for “All for Jesus” (on Media DVD or track 1 on Worship CD; see Song Motion Chart on p. 139).

Story Starter (5 minutes)

What are you afraid of? Students respond. We don’t need to live our lives in fear, because God is always with us and He is powerful. “Lesson 10: Some May Fear” on Media DVD. In our story today, we’re going to find out about how Jesus showed God’s power!

Spring • Lesson 10

Page 4: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing

Tip Invite a volunteer to read aloud the defini-tion of the word “de-mon” on page 300 in

What the Bible Is All About for Kids.

Spring • Lesson 10


The Gerasene Man(15 minutes)

Luke 8:26-39

STORYTELLING IDEA Show Story Slides 1-6 on PowerPoint (on Media DVD) as directedthroughout story. Point to students to make “ding” sound when it is timeto change the picture.

A Wild WelcomeJesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee to an area called the region of the Gerasenes. Point to students. (“DING.”) Show Story Slide 1.

Just as Jesus was getting out of the boat, a very SCARY man came running up to Him. This man didn’t wear any clothes. He ran through the countryside and lived in caves that were also tombs. The man fell down on the ground at Jesus’ feet.

This man was controlled by demons, or evil spirits! This means that the evils spirits had power over the things he said and did. The evil spirits were so strong that when people tried to chain the man and guard him, the man would break the chains and run away from everyone.

The evil spirits worked for Satan, God’s enemy. The Bible tells us that evil spirits are VERY dangerous. They can cause terrible suffering. BUT there’s one very important thing to remember: Jesus is MUCH more powerful than ANY evil spirit!

What’s Your Name?Jesus wasn’t afraid of the man’s appearance or his actions. And He was NOT afraid of evil spirits! But the evil spirits were afraid of JESUS! They knew Jesus was MUCH stronger than they were!

Jesus commanded the evil spirits to leave the man. The man exclaimed, “Jesus, Son of God! Don’t hurt me! Why have you come? What do you want with me?” Point to students. (“DING.”) Show Story Slide 2. But it was actually the evil spirits talking. Even THEY knew that Jesus was the Son of God, and they were TERRIFIED!

Jesus asked the man, “What is your name?” The evil spirits answered for the man again. “Legion!” they said, because there were a LOT of them in this man. The evil spirits BEGGED Jesus not to send them far,

Big IdeaWhen I am afraid, I can remember that God is with me and loves me.

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide

Page 5: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing

Tip Guide students to open their Bibles

to Luke 8:38-39 and follow along as you read what the man wanted to do and what Jesus told him to do instead.

Spring • Lesson 10

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide

far away. They knew that Jesus could do anything with them that He wanted to!

The evil spirits finally asked Jesus to send them into a large herd of pigs that was grazing on a nearby hillside. And that’s exactly what Jesus did! So the evil spirits left the man and went into the pigs.

As soon as that happened, the herd of pigs went CRASHING down the side of a steep hill. They ran straight into the water. All the pigs were DROWNED! Point to students. (“DING.”) Show Story Slide 3.

I’m Free!The people who were tending the pigs were shocked! When they saw the pigs stampede down into the water, they ran through the countryside to tell people what they had seen! Soon people came from all over to see for themselves what had happened.

When they got to where Jesus and His disciples were, the people saw something NONE of them had ever expected to see! There was the man from the tombs sit-ting at Jesus’ feet—EXCEPT the man was now dressed. He was acting normally! He was thinking clearly! And he was talking to Jesus! Point to students. (“DING.”) Show Story Slide 4.

This was great, RIGHT?! But instead of being excited and happy about what had just happened to the man, the people were AFRAID! In fact, they were so afraid that they asked Jesus to leave.

So Jesus and His disciples got back into their boat and prepared to leave. But before Jesus could sail away, the man Jesus had set free had something to ask Jesus. “Please,” the man begged Jesus, “let me come with You!” Point to students. (“DING.”) Show Story Slide 5.

But Jesus had other plans for the man. Jesus told the man to go back home and tell others what God had done for him. “You have been set free from the evil spirits that caused you so much trouble and pain,” Jesus said. “Go and tell others what has happened! Tell them how God has helped you!”

The man did EXACTLY what Jesus told him to do. He went back to the town and told everyone what had happened. He told ev-eryone who would listen that Jesus had set him free!


Page 6: Spring • Lesson 10 The Geras en M a n Luke 10 Large... · ing sad or afraid? Tip Students may need help bouncing

Spring • Lesson 10

© 2013 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Elementary Large Group Leader Guide102

Prayer (5 minutes)

There are times when all of us feel afraid and need to remember that Jesus loves us and is with us. Think about what frightens you. Pause for kids to think. Then pray, Dear God, thank You for always loving us and being with us wherever we go. I’m glad that You are stronger than anything that we might be afraid of. We love You! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Dismiss to Small Groups We’ve been talking about the power and love of Jesus. As you go to your small groups, think about times when you could use a reminder that Jesus is with you and loves you. When we get into our small groups, we will plan ways to remember God’s love for us this week.

Wrap-UpThe evil spirits in today’s story made a lot of people afraid. But Jesus’ love is much more powerful than evil spirits or anything else that can frighten people! Even when we feel like there is no one to help us, Jesus promises to be with us. Knowing that He loves us helps us not to be afraid!

God’s love is bigger and stronger than any fear. Read aloud Isaiah 54:10. Because God loves us, we can trust Him to give us peace when we’re afraid and to show us what to do! Show police badge. Police of-ficers help us by protecting us and making sure we’re safe. But God takes care of us so much MORE, because His LOVE is stronger than any police officer—and stronger than ANYTHING! We can’t see God, but we can know that He will keep His promise to always love us!

Big IdeaWhen I am afraid, I can remember that God is with me and loves me.

Connecting Kids to Jesus When Jesus set free the man who had evil spirits, He showed the peo-ple in that area that He is the Son of God! The evil spirits, of course, already KNEW who Jesus was. They called Him the “Son of the Most High God”! When Jesus told the evil spirits to leave the man, they HAD to obey. Even Jesus’ enemies have to admit WHO He is—the Son of God!
