
SPRING 2020 LIST INTRODUCTION (2020 marks 48 years since we started business)

Welcome to our new spring list for January 2020. We have tried to get the list out early this year in order to despatch EU orders before any possible Brexit complications. Like every business in the UK, we still have no idea what the deal will be, when it might happen and how it will impact on us or our customers. We hope that our EU customers will bear with us during these times of uncertainty.

This list remains valid until our plants start to grow or become unsafe to post. Spring can produce surprises, when plants suddenly start to grow (or get frozen into the ground)! Late availability will vary from plant to plant. Many Helleborus are already in flower, but can still be safely sent in May. Paeonia are in flower here by April

and are unsafe to send by March. Tender items are especially affected by long periods of cold weather in transit, and we have to delay or suspend deliveries of these in periods of intense cold. Please bear with us. We will always do our best to get plants to you quickly, but early orders help both us and you.

We keep the website ( up to date with daily monitoring and changes, so you can always check there too. If we have a plant and it is in stock and safe to send, then it is on the website and available for purchase. If it isn’t for sale on the website, then we don’t have it for sale at all. We do however list many extra plants on the website, where stocks are too small for us to reliably offer them in print. The website came in to its own in summer of 2019, when we were able to offer many small stock items and rarities on the day that they were harvested, with exact stock control. Many plants were so popular that they didn’t last until the planned publication of our printed list. We prepared the list, revised it and re-edited it many times but eventually it simply wasn’t worth us publishing it. Thus no Summer 2019 catalogue was issued.

We again have a fantastic selection of double Japanese Hepatica though they are not in our printed list. These

are listed on our website only. We lift and divide these in spring, to fill sales. To ease the strain on the plants, we lift these only once, after which the clumps are replanted and withdrawn from sale. Those still listed on our website are still available for purchase. Those not listed, have been dealt with and withdrawn.

Our website at continues to be more and more popular with our customers and we find it wonderful, without the cost limitations of a paper list, to be able to rattle on at length about our plants and show you pictures of almost everything that we grow. On the ordering side of things, plant reservation, card-checking, paperwork, arithmetic and charging are done online, securely. We don’t see your card details ever. Charging is dealt with on a secure, bank-to-bank basis. Stocks in the online shop are monitored automatically, so if you buy one, it reduces the number available for purchase once payment is made. This means that we can sometimes offer very small stocks without fear of selling more than we have. Thus you will find a much wider range of additional plants on our website.

IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ A change in card handling regulations means that mail-order suppliers and most other merchants cannot store your card details or numbers in any form other than for the duration of a transaction. Thus customers who prefer to telephone their orders, with card details, will now need to have their cards charged at once. After which our record of your numbers is securely destroyed. Merchants are not allowed to store card details for the future or defer payments, I am sorry.

I hope that you enjoy our new catalogue and your gardening in 2020 - our 48th year of trading.

Paul Christian

Poison – Many ornamental garden plants are poisonous if eaten. I cannot conceive that our customers would be so reckless as to eat their garden plants, but being sensible for a moment, children may be attracted

to brightly coloured berries or bulbs.

Asarum, Arisaema, Paris, Podophyllum and Scadoxus are known poisonous plants.

Many other of our plants are toxic, unpleasant or damaging if eaten, a few may be fatal. If this concerns you, then you would be best avoiding all of our plants as even a brief search of the Internet reveals known toxicity associated with many garden plants. Please treat them all as being potentially dangerous. They are sold as

ornamental plants - do not consume them or allow others to do so.

This applies to all other nurseries selling the same plants it is not just ours that are toxic.


ACHLYS japonica White wands of flowers in summer over the very decorative, three-part leaf, (which becomes vanilla-scented on drying). Fully hardy with us in a humus-rich soil in part or transient shade .... £18.50

ADIANTUM venustum This Himalayan Maidenhair fern likes light shade, humus-rich soil and humidity. It makes fresh green, almost evergreen foliage on black stems, turning a lovely bronze in autumn. ............... £7.50

ALLIUM geyeri Unusual netted bulbs and pink roots! Slender leaves present with the small, "waisted", pinch-nosed pink blooms. Grows well without ever being a weed in almost any soil .................................... £4.50

insubricum Heads of up to five individually large flowers of bright rose pink, hanging in clustered heads in summer. The flowers of this species are amongst the loveliest in the genus. ................................ £9.50

listera The leaves emerge, shaded with bronze, in Spring. In July, 25-40cm stems bear heads of rounded, creamy-pink flowers on stiff pink tubes. .......................................................................... £8.00

prattii One or two rather long, but quite broad leaves often with a central, paler stripe. Tightly packed buds and loosely packed flowers of a deep, ruby red to purple-violet colour. ................................... £5.50

ANEMONE Many Anemone start their growth very early, please order as soon as possible.

flaccida Mount Fujiwara A dwarf, alpine form of flaccida originally found on Mount Fujiwara Dake. It makes

small, dark green, silver-marked leaves and small, white flowers held on very short stems. ...................... £10.50

keiskiana An early blooming miniature species from Japan with marked and divided leaves above which hover multi-petalled flowers of a very soft violet so pale you may think they are white. ..................... £10.50

* raddeana Trifid leaves each attractively marked in brown and over-topped by 10cm stems carrying flowers of 2.5-3cm diameter, pure white or faintly purple infused flushed in purple outside............ £7.50

ranunculoides An easily-grown species with small, rhizomes. Bright green, ferny leaves and good-sized, buttercup-yellow flowers in pairs. Flowers early and reliably............................................................... £4.00

Anemone nemorosa clones

* Albaplena Flowers of pure white, with a double shuttlecock in the centre. After replanting not all will be fully double in their first year. A worthy plant, often wrongly equated with Vestal ............................... £3.80

Blue Eyes Established plantings throw double flowers with several whorls of white around a gorgeous deep blue-purple centre. Less vigorous than some but increases pleasingly in time. ................... £8.00

Bowles Purple Dark polished purple buds make a flower paler in shade than Allenii but darker than

Robinsoniana. In size it also falls between the two, but it has a the purple exterior. ..................................... £4.50

* Ice and Fire White flowers take on a deep pink shade front and back, becoming deep pink all over, the petals edges stay white until the end. Pink flowers and white flowers co-exist ....................................... £5.00

* Lucia AMH.7804 This has medium sized, pink flowers, held over wide leaves which emerge tinged with brown, fading to green on expansion .......................................................................................... £5.50

* Mart’s Blue Flowers of good, slightly violet-infused, blue colouring. The foliage is retained longer in the autumn and is outlined with red purple along the edges ......................................................................... £5.50

* Robinsoniana Large, pale Wisteria blue blooms backed with pale grey. A vigorous clone still going strong after many years from fat rhizomes Named for William Robinson of Gravetye .................................. £2.80

* Royal Blue Small, rich blue flowers over dark green foliage. Smaller than many but with a much more intense and attractive colouring, nicely set off by the deeper foliage .................................................... £3.80

ANEMONOPSIS macrophylla A choice woodland plant with attractive, ferny foliage and nodding, opalescent white flowers in slender elegant spikes. The flower is infused with amethyst-violet on the mouth. ...................... £21.00

macro. flora plena In this form the flowers have twice the usual complement of petals. Both the inner and the outer whorls are doubled and each set of petals is infused with a pink-amethyst colouration. .............. £53.50


ANEMONELLA thalictroides Betty Blake A true double, with lovely symmetrical flowers of pale pastel green, the true colour of nephrite jade. Each bloom consists of stacked whorls of petals. ................................................................ £14.50

thal. Cameo Very soft pink flowers, the colour of candy-floss and fully doubled, with whorl after whorl of petals stacked up on top of each other into a conical star. ............................................................ £14.50

* thal. Double White Full and perfect flowers made up of piled whorls of ghostly white petals enhanced by the tiniest hint of apricot, in the centre of the flower with age............................................................................ £16.50

* thal. Green Hurricane This has a backdrop of broad, overlapping, deep green bracts above which sits a wispy whorl of styles in which the anthers are converted to yellow-green and white petals ........................ £16.50

thal. Kikuzaki Pink Superb new variety, less full than Schoafs, in a shade of pink somewhere between

Schoafs and the paler Cameo, in the shape of a Chrysanthemum.. .......................................................... £16.50

thal. Kikuzaki White Superb white semi-double flowers over ferny, deep green foliage. .......................... £16.50

thal. Schoafs Double Pink A fabulous raspberry-sorbet pink, double form. Slow to multiply and much sought after. Keep it cool in spring, the warmer the plant, the paler will be the flower colour. ................................ £16.50

* thal. Shiozaki Selected for its large flower size which is fully double in the manner of Schoaffs Double

though it is marginally larger and has a gorgeous, pale rose pink shade .................................................... £22.50

ANTHERICUM liliago St Bernard's Lily. 60-80cm tall, with narrow leaves and a spike of 6-12, pure white flowers. Native to Mediterranean pastures, it is tough and tolerant, liking good drainage and sun................ £4.50 ramosum This has a branched flower spike reaching 60cm long and is composed of numerous 2cm white flowers with chrome yellow anthers. Open garden in a sunny, well drained spot. ........................ £5.00

ARISAEMA * amurense This has paired, tri-part, crisped-edged leaves and an emerald green spathe broadly lined with white. Readily grown in almost any garden soil ........................................................................... £10.50

candidissimum Pale, whitish-pink inflorescences in June above, glossy, three part leaves. Tolerates a wide range of garden soils in sun or light shade. Faintly but pleasantly fragrant ........................................ £17.50

ciliatum liubaense CT.369. A superb garden plant with striking molasses-brown spathes, strongly striped with white, over a circular leaf parasol. Half-shade, humus-rich soil. ............................................................ £8.00

consanguineum Tall snakeskin mottled stems and a parasol of leaflets, elongated into whiskery tips. The long spathe is steel-grey and brown. Easy and strongly perennial. ....................................................... £8.00

consanguineum The Perfect Wave Blue tinged foliage with a prominent and striking silvery central stripe or variegation. The inflorescence is pale green with brownish highlights. ....................................................... £22.50 costatum Large, trifoliate emerald-green, shiny leaves, edged with a thin red band. The inflated spathe is rich red-brown, striped in white. The spathe tapers to a drawn-out tip. ......................................... £9.50

* elephas Wide, inflated spathes which are boldly striped with green and mahogany. From the centre emerges a dark, thickened and abruptly angled spadix ................................................................... £18.50 fargesii Polished glossy 3-part leaves and an overhanging, hooded spathe of mahogany and translucent white. The spadix, in the centre, is deep purple-brown. ............................................................. £8.50

* flavum tibeticum The extension of the bright yellow spathe is substantially larger than in the more well-known abbreviatum form and it lacks a large purple internal stain, thus appearing all yellow.. ................... £39.50

* fraternum CLD 1519 Smaller than consanguineum with a spathe of paler straw- to green-yellow

and a thin purple edge. It is stoloniferous, a phenomenon unknown in consanguineum .............................. £8.00

kiushianum The leaf is divided into 10-12 leaflets. The 15cm spathe is deep purple, folded on itself, with white swirls like an exotic dessert. The spadix is purple and points up. ..................................... £21.00

peninsulae Sturdy foliage divided into short, broad leaflets below a stout spathe of yellowish-green, lined white. Inside is shiny green. The lid extends to cover a yellow spadix. ............................................... £14.50

ringens An unusual, early, Japanese species with a fat green spathe in the shape of a knight's helmet, with a visor picked out with lines of shiny brown.. .......................................................................... £27.50

sikokianum Large shining, deep toffee coloured spathes, striped in green, furl around a large and prominent pestle-shaped bright-white spadix. Excellent in the garden. Early to emerge, but fully hardy ..... £16.50

tortuosum Multi-divided foliage on a tall stem with an elegant flared green spathe with a pale green, white-striped, interior. The spadix is long and green and points skywards. ....................................... £9.00

urashima An elegant plant with a white spathe speckled, basally with purple-brown, darkening to purple at the "flared" mouth. The spathe wraps round an elongated chocolate spadix. .............................. £22.50


ASARUM caulescens Deep green, glossy leaves, marked with lighter veins around a pale central area. The leaves are held aloft from the elongated blooms. The flowers have a cream interior.................................. £16.50

caulescens Blush form Deep green, glossy leaves, marked with lighter veins around a pale central area. The flowers are made up of thick tissue and are turned back at the mouth to reveal a cream interior. .............. £22.50

fauriei Dark-green, evergreen leaves and deep brown, urn-shaped flowers in tight clusters. Humus-rich soil in half shade. .................................................................................................................... £15.50

heterotrophoides Kidney-shaped, lime-green leaves and hairless, deep red-brown-purple flowers, sometimes marked white, with the petals bent sharply backwards. ............................................................ £22.00

* maximum Large leathery leaves, exotically variegated in shades of emerald, blue and grey. The flowers are large, violet-black blooms, with a large, white eye suggestive of the Giant Panda .................... £25.00

minamitanianum Patterned, semi-glossy, 10cm leaves, many with sage green zoning. The flowers are purple-black and white with amazing, 8cm long tails on each lobe. ............................................................ £23.50

sieboldii Jade Dragon In this selected clone the flowers are pure green with an almost translucent quality to them. The petals are thick and resilient and this makes for an attractive long lasting combination. ............ £32.50

* splendens Large, glossy, lightly silver-clouded leaves and very large flowers, 6-8 cm across. These are a mixture of violet-purple, white and dull olive and covered in warty protuberances. .................. £23.50

takaoi Evergreen clumps of small, patterned leaves. The flowers are medium sized, brown and purple tubes formed below the leaves in early spring. Easy hardy and vigorous. ................................. £18.50

CALANTHE bicolor Large flowers with a deeply cleft lip of pale to golden yellow, sometimes marked in deep red, with the surrounding petals in shades of warm russet brown. .................................................... £32.50

*discolor Russet-brown to reddish-orange petals form a hood around the cleft lip, which is usually white, although this matures to pink which enhances an already good flower. ........................................... £28.50

hancockii Large well-coloured blooms of burnished bronze with an elongated primrose yellow lip. There is some colour variation around the theme. ...................................................................................... £42.50

*lamellosa (brevicornu of horticulture) White tepals and a white lip marked in pink with a large,

frilled central lobe and a central area of primrose yellow with the pink apex. The flowers are powerfully coconut-scented. Strong-growing and floriferous, a superb plant. ........................................................................... £45.00

sieboldii (striata, striata sieboldii) Spring shoots slowly unfurl to pleated bright green leaves

around a cluster of tight buds that expand to a spike of good-sized, bright golden-yellow flowers. ............. £32.50

*tricarinata Sturdy spikes carry good-sized flowers of a typical orchid shape. Broad, lime green tepals & an intricately frilled, blood-red lip with white markings. Hardy in the garden and vigorous. ........... £32.50

CARDIOCRINUM cordatum Red form This form is almost totally deep, velvety ruby-red on the inner face. The outer face is white with a green mid-rib, but the inner face has this phenomenal red colouration (and velvety texture) ... £77.00

glehnii White tubular flowers with green-cream exteriors. The throat has red markings. Strongly fragrant. Smaller bulbs and shorter stems than giganteum but likes the same conditions ........... £15.50

CONVALLARIA keiskei Shiro Shima Fu A new cultivar from Japan with leaves covered with diffuse golden stripes and broken lines, each made of speckles and spots. Half-shade at most, but better in full sun. ................................... £23.00

* majalis Albostriata The leaves are beautifully striped along their length with gold lines. Attractive white, scented flowers in May. All clones can make all-green leaves now and again .............................................. £6.00

majalis Bridal Choice Strong, all-green foliage below hefty flower spikes which are 20cm or more in height. These stand well above the foliage and can bear up to 12 flowers. Strongly scented................................... £3.50

majalis Hardwick Hall Leaves with a yellowish border and more stripes and patterns on the blade. The effect is very attractive though less constant than some other forms. Single white, fragrant flowers. ..................... £2.00

majalis Prolificans Deep green leaves and flower spikes in which each individual bloom is replaced by a small grape-like cluster of several bells. These are single flowers and not double as they first appear. ...... £3.50

majalis Rosea Dark green leaves and attractive, soft, pale pink, pear-shaped fragrant flowers. Develops its colour best out of direct light. The stem of rosea has a deep pink tinge at its base. ................ £2.25

transcaucasica A more compact variety with shorter denser spikes of crystalline ivory to palest pink bells, larger and more pyriform (pear-shaped) than ordinary C. majalis. ....................................................... £4.50


CYCLAMEN * coum album The excellent winter flowering species is usually encountered in pink, however these selected plants, with plain leaves, have white flowers and a plum nose........................................................ £4.75

coum Pewter strain Leaves of solid dusty sage green with a thin green outline, red underneath. Flowers of a bright, almost shocking-,pink, paler in the centre, picotee at the edge. ...................................................... £4.75

coum mixed Seed-raised from several parents these vary in the degree of their leaf markings, from plain, through (mostly) zoned and patterned forms to almost pure silvery-pewter. Flower colours are white, pink (mostly) and deeper pink to near red. Available only as a mixture ................................................................. £3.50

cyprium Gorgeously silver speckled leaves and pink-nosed, spice-scented, white flowers from September. Hardy here for many years and one of the best of the autumnal species. ................................. £4.75

hederifolium Lysander AH.8672A Raised from seed found in the Taygetos Mts., near Sparta. Some of the plants are fragrant of Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria) .................................................................................... £3.50

hed. Silver Leaf Superb, predominantly silver leaves, in addition to which, it has strong pink flowers in the autumn. Makes a superb display all year “paying rent” for 10 of 12 months. .......................................... £4.50

pseudibericum Vibrant rosy purple, violet on the nose and violet scented. Well-marked leaves. Hardy here over many years, a lovely plant justifiably our most popular Cyclamen. ................................................ £4.75

* repandum Vivid magenta-pink flowers in April, this is the latest species. A hardy woodland plant which likes good drainage. Only ever makes a small tuber but easily grown ................................................ £6.50

* rohlfsianum Large, pale-pink, highly-scented flowers over superb, angular, silver-splashed leaves. Too tender to be grown outside but a superb alpine house plant .................................................................. £9.00

CYPRIPEDIUM * calceolus Downy leaves on 25cm stems topped by 1-3 flowers with deep red petals around an inflated golden-yellow lip. Well-drained, open, compost in light shade. ...................................................... £45.00

*macranthos Broad leaves and a rounded flower with a globular lip and broad tepals. The flower is burgundy red, created by the overlay of fine rosy-purple lines on a pale background. .......................... £49.50

* pubescens A superb North American plant with up to 3 fat yellow pouches and long, curling brown tepals. The tepals vary in shades of tan and olive. ...................................................................................... £33.00

* ventricosum Varying from deep rich red plants with the form of calceolus to bicolours of red and

white, or pale yellow through to pastel pinks, all are superb........................................................................ £35.00

CYSTOPTERIS fragilis JMH.7980 Brittle Bladder Fern. A delicate-looking species with a small rootstock and small leaves. This unfurls its delicate, airy foliage in spring and lasts until autumn. ..................................... £5.00

DIERAMA argyreum (Pink) About 100cm tall with thin, grassy leaves below arching stems. Primrose buds yield conical ivory bells with pewter anthers and silvery bracts. Full sun, rich soil and good drainage. ................. £6.50

dracomontanum A clump-forming species with blooms held above narrow, grassy leaves, on arching stems of 60cm. From July flaring bells of coral, pink or purple, backed by rusty red bracts. ........................ £5.00

pulcherrimum 120cm narrow, grassy, leaves and 4-5cm long hanging bell-flowers of pink to purple, in July. An open spot, full sun and a well drained soil is all that it asks......................................................... £6.50

DIPHYLLEIA grayi “Skeleton Flower” This makes a pair of large, umbrella-like leaves below a small cluster of moonstone-white blossoms. Wet flowers are transparent, glass-clear. As they dry, they become opaque and white again. Bright blue berries on red stalks in Autumn. Leaf-soil, part shade. ..................... £24.00

DISPOROPSIS pernyi Makes tight, strongly perennial, evergreen clumps of stems reaching no more than 30cm tall. In May these bear the pure white, hanging strongly citrus-scented blossoms. ............................. £5.00

DISPORUM smithii Short stems of slightly hairy, leathery leaves and pendant bells of softest cream-yellow, followed by long lasting, bright orange, autumnal berries. ............................................................................ £5.00


ENNEALOPHUS fimbriatus Masses upon masses of small, pale, lavender-blue Herbertia-like flowers with narrow,

Iris-like leaves throughout the summer until Autumn. ................................................................................... £8.50

EPIPACTIS Lowland Legacy (gigantea x veratrifolia). E. veratrifolia has green petals overlaid with claret with a lip of

orange and white. The shades mix well with the brown, red and orange of gigantea. ................................... £7.50

ERANTHIS tubergenii This is not Guinea Gold, but the wide cross (hyemalis x cilicica) is an excellent plant.

Large slightly fragrant, lemon-peel yellow flowers, a week before Guinea Gold. ........................................... £6.50

FERRARIA welwitschii A rare, central African species. Makes very good-sized, bright golden yellow flowers, with the tepals speckled in dark madder red with crisped margins. It is also pleasantly if faintly scented. . £26.50

GALANTHUS Galanthus are available for ordering online at our web site from February to October. However dispatch is only in

late summer and autumn. Autumn is the only time that we send them. We do not sell them “In The Green” as moving

them in that way, in leaf and root, in Spring, damages them and sets them back badly. It is an old-fashioned,

outmoded idea. Hands-on experience proves it is highly detrimental in the long term.

I stress that what we send will NOT be dry bulbs, they are our own, damp-packed bulbs grown and produced here

and dug for ‘damp’ despatch at the right time. The period from late July-Oct. is, without a doubt, the best time to

move them (as damp bulbs). If someone tells you otherwise then, quite simply, they are wrong!

GLADIOLUS flanagannii Stunning, vivid red flowers with long tubes. Fully hardy and used to wet conditions this needs only well-drained, humus-rich soil to produce its spikes of superb flowers in early summer. ............. £6.50

oppositiflorus salmoneus Large flowers of pale salmon to pink and rarely scarlet with an infusion of orange. The lower petals are pink-white in the centre with the white speckled in scarlet-orange shades. ............... £11.00

GLAUCIDIUM palmatum Paired, almost maple-shaped leaves unfold in spring under large silk-textured flowers in a sumptuous shade of light blue-violet, with a boss of yellow stamens in the centre. ............................. £22.50

palmatum album In this rare, selected, albino form the silken flowers are pure white and stunningly beautiful, with their contrasting boss of yellow stamens in the centre. ........................................................ £31.00

GYMNOCARPIUM dryopteris The ‘Oak Fern’ spreads in a diffuse, open manner by thin rhizomes which roam through humus-rich soils making dainty 15-25cm fronds, giving coverage without crowding. ...................... £4.50

HELLEBORUS Plants ordered in spring will have already flowered when you receive them

* abruzzicus An extreme form of multifidus bocconei in which the leaves are greatly sub-divided in

the manner of serbicus, below lizard green flowers hinted with caramel. ................................................... £12.50

atrorubens Mazarine This superb and still very rare colour form is a true clone. Mazarine refers to the dark

metallic-blue colour of the exterior of the flowers. One of the very darkest and intense colours. ................ £29.50

cyclophyllus AH.8934 Large deep-green leaves are deeply cut into narrow toothed segments, in a whorl, the whole plant some 30-40cm tall and covered in pale lime-green clusters. Nov/Dec flowering. .... £14.50

* multifidus bocconei An early flowering plant with 4-5 cm, slightly ‘starry’, flowers opening green maturing to a paler shade with whitish edges to the petals and a very unusual currant-like sweet scent. ..................... £12.50

occidentalis Strongly perennial with multi-cleft, deep green leaves. In early spring, this bears hanging racemes of lizard-green flowers. ................................................................................................... £12.50


HEPATICA (JAPANESE) A very wide selection of Japanese Hepatica can be found on our website.

They are not listed in a paper list, just on the website.

These are for despatch after division in February.

IRIS albicans AH 9170 True albicans occurs only in Arabia and Yemen. It is 60cm, with grey leaves

and 1-3, sweetly scented, bone-white flowers and green bracts. Sana’a, Yemen. ........................................ £7.50

cretensis AH.0001 Small, very strikingly coloured flowers of violet and lavender over a white ground, with an orange-yellow stripe in the centre of the falls, and darker standards. .................................. £6.50

cretensis AH.0127 Short, narrow leaves and small, strikingly coloured flowers of violet and lavender over a white ground, with a central orange-yellow stripe on the falls............................................... £7.50

JEFFERSONIA dubia Rounded, deeply-divided leaves with numerous up-facing blue-lavender, chalice-shaped flowers. Long-lived and slowly clumping. Well-drained, humus-rich soil. ....................................... £13.00

LAPEIROUSIA * sandersonii A super little species with up to 4 slender leaves, which are pleated in the manner of a tiny Gladiolus. The flowers are mid pink purple, but the species is wide ranging and has been described in blue-

violet to deep purple ad even white forms ................................................................................................... £13.50

LILIUM * amoenum The strongly fragrant flower (for you get but one per plant) is a spreading, tubular bell in shades from purple-rose to pale pink finely spotted, all over, with tiny purple spickles, in June.. ............ £29.50

* auratum Kuchibeni A lovely form with deep-red streaks along the length of each petal. Stunningly coloured. This is a seed-grown strain, it is not a clone thus, there is some, inevitable, variation, however ALL have flowered and ALL have the characteristic red stripe on their petals confirmed. .................................. £55.00

auratum platyphyllum Stems from 1-2.5m with huge, strongly scented flowers. These have a golden yellow radial mark on each petal which is dotted all over with small purple-red spots. .......................................... £16.50

* bakerianum yunnanense Flowers with thick petals are white internally, with purple spickling crowded around the centre of the flower. The exterior is stained with rich cerise-purple towards the top. ............................ £29.50

japonicum One to several very highly fragrant, large, near white to very pale pink, bell-shaped flowers with bright red anthers in June and July. ........................................................................................ S/O

lancifolium flaviflorum Robust, hairy stems up to 150cm tall and superb, large, showy bright yellow flowers which are spotted with deep purple-brown.................................................................................................... £9.50

lancifolium flore pleno Stems clothed in narrow, deep-green leaves bearing 20-30 large, scentless, deep-orange, starfish-flowers spickled all over with dark purple-black spots. Flowering is July-Sep. .................... £7.50

* martagon cattaniae The darkest flowered of all of the martagon forms, with deep violet-purple blooms

though this is a strain NOT a clone, hence there is always some variability. .............................................. £14.50

oxypetalum insigne Opening pink and darkening further as the flower ages, this is the easiest of the dwarf Himalayan Nomocharis-like lilies. Good in moist, half-shaded sites in the peat.......................................... £13.50

* pensylvanicum Stout stems clothed in narrow dark green leaves. At the summit there are one to four, woolly buds which open, in June, to bowl-shaped, up-facing flowers of red-orange. .................................. £23.50

* poilanei Pale, greenish-white to pale lemon-yellow or greenish flowers with a throat infused with plum. Externally the flower petals have a characteristic median red line ..................................................... £29.50

rubellum Gently flared, sweetly fragrant trumpets of a beautiful pale shell-pink with a yellow throat on stems 30-45cm or more. Likes a long, cold, dry winter rest. Sharply drained, humus rich soil. ... £21.50

* taliense Blooms with a white ground colour, with a powerful, yellow central stripe on each petal and a yellow throat. The petals are dotted with raised, purple-red spickles ................................................ £29.50

MILLA * magnifica The largest of the known species, with an umbel reaching from 20cm to over 30cm across carrying a sequence of up to 20 large, pure white flowers. These are superb and are both strongly and beautifully perfumed, in the evening, with a scent of Tuberose. Mexico. .................................................... £22.00


MORAEA alticola Lovely, clear, pale sulphur-yellow, scented Iris shaped flowers with a darker "eye". Long and narrow, arching foliage with ornamental, golden-meshed leaf sheaths. ........................................ £7.00

* gigandra A strikingly beautiful species with the largest flowers of the group in fabulous shades of lavender-blue, blue and turquoise. ............................................................................................................ £5.00

robusta Good-sized flowers of primrose to mid-yellow (rare white forms are known). The outer floral segments are lightly lined and spotted with orange-gold nectar guides................................................ £9.50

spathulata Tight clumps of narrow leaves with stiff, upright stems bearing Iris-like flowers of bright

yellow over a period of weeks, in Summer. Humus-rich soil, full sun............................................................ £4.50

NOTHOLIRION bulbiferum A small bulb makes a basal rosette of narrow, rush-like leaves and then bears a tall (from 100-120cm) stem with a long spike of widely open, hanging pink-lavender bells in summer. ............. £5.00

campanulatum Hanging 4cm bells of crimson to purple, with each petal tipped in green, over bright green leaves. Likes humidity and summer shade. ........................................................................................ £6.00

macrophyllum This has small bulbs and short leaves, all below a compressed spike with widely flaring hanging bells of intense deep violet purple. Likes a deep rich woodland type soil in shade. .............. £5.50

PAEONIA anomala veitchii Large, strongly nutmeg-scented flowers, of rich pink, on medium sized plants in April. More compact, than woodwardii but with flowers as large. ......................................................................... £29.50

* broteroi Bowl-shaped flowers of bright pale pink, toning to deep pink-rose at the edges and contrasted with a central golden boss. Individual blooms can be 8-15cm across. ...................................... £39.50

daurica coriifolia The flowers are 9 cm across with rounded petals of bright rose pink, in May, on plants that can reach 50-60 cm. Almost flowering-sized rhizomes ....................................................................... £42.50

emodi Raised, by division, from plants traceable to Sir Frederick Stern at Highdown. Superb white chalices with a central boss of yellow. ............................................................................................... £35.00

japonica Blue-green, leaves on slender reddish petioles, held by red stems. Around May pure white, satin bowls open to reveal a tiny claret-coloured centre surrounded by chrome yellow anthers ........ £39.50

mascula mascula This is the true plant. 12cm purple flowers, with purple filaments, in April. The sharply pointed glaucous leaves are glabrous on the underside, as they should be................................................ £29.50

* obovata Pink Large lobed, blue-tinged, green leaves backed with red below topped by open pale to dark pink goblets with the central boss stained red in the centre of the yellow anthers .............................. £42.50

* officinalis True sp. A very desirable plant with divided blue-green leaves and large, bowl-shaped flowers of stunning bright pink. These are from Croatian seed. .................................................................................. £29.50

peregrina Ruby red bowls with pink or red filaments are held over deeply cleft, glossy-green leaves. Readily grown in the "usual" situation of light, leafy soil in half shade. ........................................... £39.50

PARADISEA * liliastrum The flower spikes bear a succession of pure white trumpet blooms (sometimes with a reddish petal stripe on the outside) for a long period in summer.. ................................................................ £9.00

lusitanica A clump-forming perennial from central Portugal. In growth it is a little smaller than liliastrum, more trumpet-shaped in the throat, but more flared at the mouth held on 75cm spikes. ............... £6.50

PLEIONE Please order as early so we can get them to you for flowering time. All are FS but size varies between species. A budded,

flowering-sized bulb may not flower in its first spring, variations in temperature can make the flower buds abort.

Based on past years’ performances they will not be available after about March 15th

A further selection, available in small numbers only, can be found on our website.

* aurita Deep pink petals of heavy texture around a very substantial, broad pink lip. The mouth flares open to reveal a white base with a deep yellow crest and beard. ...................................................... £17.50

forrestii Flowers of bright citrus-peel-yellow with blood red markings on the lip and an almost overpowering scent of primroses. Needs a VERY open, well-drained compost ......................................... £17.50

limprichtii Flowers with petals of rich, intense violet. The white lip is fringed at the mouth and stained and spotted inside with rich ruby-red................................................................................................ £6.00


PODOPHYLLUM * delavayi Juvenile leaves are usually patterned, marbled, zoned and blotched in shades of green, red, purple, bronze, black and white. The flowers are bright purple-red. ......................................... £29.50

hexandrum St. Andrews form Leaves marked with bronzed patterns and clouding on emergence, this fades as the flowers open. These are up-facing blooms of either pale-pink or white, fading to pale-pink. .............. £8.00

peltatum Fat rhizomes produce a polished umbrella of lizard green with a coppery sheen that fades as the large bud opens to a white, up-facing blossom. ....................................................................... £5.00

versipelle Large umbrella leaves deeply cut into 6-8 lobes, under which hang rounded flowers of deep purple- to garnet-red, with crinkled tips, the petals all set around a paler madder-pink interior. ......... £10.00

* versipelle album This brand new horticultural form has lost the red pigments in its flowers and the result is blooms of pure white which are held below the leaves. The flowers have a satin sheen to the petals. .... £55.00

POLYGONATUM cirrhifolium Flexuous stems with leaves in whorls up the stem with crisped margins and curling leaf tips. Clustered dusky mallow-pink flowers with recurved tips are borne in each leaf axil. ...................... £7.50

hirtum BM.7012 This varies from 25-40cms with arching stems clothed in slightly hairy, pleated leaves and clusters of hanging, green-tipped, 2cm, white flowers in the leaf axils. .......................... £4.50

hookeri A dwarf Himalayan species with loose spikes of small, bell shaped, lilac-pink flowers. Good in the peat garden making a very dwarf clustered tuft of rhizomes, leaves and flowers. ..................... £8.00

multiflorum variegatum Arching 70cm stems with heavily cream-variegated, alternate leaves. In spring, clusters of pendant, tubular, greenish-white flowers are produced in the leaf axils. ..................................... £5.00

odoratum florum plenum Fully doubled flowers hanging in each of the leaf axils like little jade and white ballerina dresses. In time, makes a nice clump of 25-45 tall stems, in well drained, humus rich soils. ........ £7.00

stewartianum Narrow leaves in whorls of about 4-5 at each node. The flowers are speckled in tiny pink-purple dots all over a paler ground, with the tips of the flowers picked out in bottle green. ................... £7.50

verticillatum Himalayan Giant Robust 60-130cm stems bear narrow, whorled leaves. In each axil are stalked, hanging clusters of several small, flowers of white spickled in purple. ......................................................... £6.50

PTERIDOPHYLLUM racemosum Fantastic, lime-green foliage, like that of a clumping fern with 15-20cm tall stems of pure white hanging bell-flowers appearing in June. These flowers hang on thin, wiry pedicels. ................. £17.50

PYRGOPHYLLUM yunnanense A herbaceous plant with furled, channelled leaves, reminiscent of Roscoea. The

growths are topped by 1-3 attractive pale-yellow flowers which open from July. ........................................... £9.50

RANZANIA japonica This develops very rapidly in spring making 20-50cm stems with two, downy leaves and 1-8 flowers of a gorgeous, soft lavender-pink, dangling on long stalks. ............................................... £21.50

RHODOHYPOXIS milloides Donald Mann (palustris) From April-Sept. a succession of vivid magenta-pink flowers are produced

one after the other. Totally hardy here planted out in peat beds 4-5cm deep. ............................................... £4.00

ROSCOEA alpina Ours is the real alpina which is a superb dwarf species but with virtually full-sized

flowers. These are of deep rich purple and emerge early in the summer with broad lips. ............................. £5.50

* australis This has superb, hooded helmet-shaped flowers of deep rich purple held amongst short but very sturdy, glossy leaves of heavy substance. ............................................................................. £5.50

cangshanensis This makes 30cm slender stems clothed in stem-clasping leaves each topped with one or two, 5 cm long violet-pink flowers striped with white. These are borne on long slender tubes. .......... £9.50

cautleyoides Kew Beauty A fabulous selection of a very good species (which has no bad forms). Larger and stouter than the type plant with larger flowers and a broad lip is of good, even, pale primrose yellow........... £8.50

humeana humeana A native of Yunnan with broad bright green leaves below good-sized and attractive flowers of bright purple, darker than horticultural forms. Raised from a seed collection made in Lijiang. ..... £8.50


purpurea Very variable with flowers of light and dark purple, sometimes slightly striped, over strong but narrow leaves that can sometimes take on a bronze flush. .......................................................... £3.50

schneideriana The dorsal petal is a pinkish-purple and is often speckled, the rest of the flower is a darker, more violet-purple. The elongated anther appendages are white and are unique to this species. ... £10.50

schneideriana alba A brand new plant, previously unknown in cultivation, this is a white-flowered form of R. schneideriana with the tiniest hint of coral pink on the upper petals and bracts. .................................... £21.50

tibetica atropurpurea Good sized flowers on very short tubes giving the effect of a dwarf plant. In our strain, the flowers are all purple with four, short, white stripes on the lip. This is the form atropurpurea............... £10.00

wardii Several, quite large flowers of a deep rich violet-purple held on a smooth stem. The lip is large and the edges of the lip lobes are frilled though this varies. ........................................................... £17.50

SANGUINARIA canadense Multiplex Waxy shoots which unfold to gorgeous blue-green, crimp-edged leaves around double, white pom-poms. In time makes a clump which is a highlight of the spring garden. ................................... £10.50

SCOLIOPUS hallii The flowers of hallii are caramel rather than black, they have downwardly reflexing,

rounded petals and are lightly and pleasantly fragrant. Half shade, humus rich soil ..................................... £8.50

SINNINGIA tubiflora A showstopper covered in spikes of good-sized, pendulous, white, trumpet flowers on 60cm stems. These will scent a garden with a sweet, lemon-like perfume in the evenings. ......................... £9.00

SISYRINCHIUM patagonicum Slender Iris type foliage produced in spring, accompanied by elfin, bright primrose

flowers with reflexing petals and a garnet throat. Well drained, peaty soil with grit. ...................................... £4.50

SMILACINA racemosa Stems of 70-90 cm are thickly clothed in soft, ribbed, downy leaves below a densely packed, 15 cm spike of foamy white flowers with a lovely, light fragrance. ................................................... £7.00

TIGRIDIA * chiapensis Flowers face upwards and have broad white petals with purple spotting at the base. The perianth cup sits in the centre of the flower and is yellow, leopard-spotted in purple or purple-brown ... £9.50

* hallbergii Guatamala Pale-yellowing green-yellow flowers with spots and lines of brown to purple which overlay the flower to such a considerable extent that it makes the flowers appear very dark ...................... £29.50

vanhouttei There are 3 large petals separated by 3 small spotted ones. The outers are primrose yellow with purple lines and veins and a deep purple base. The inners are cream with purple veins. ........... £9.90

TRILLIUM albidum Faintly-marbled leaves and white, upright, heavily textured, funnelled flowers with a hint of pink at the base. Contrasting cadmium-yellow anthers and a strong rose scent. ..................................... £8.00

apetalon A unique Japanese species in which petals are replaced by purple, petal-like sepals of blood-red to purple. Flowers early in the year. Half-shade and a humus-rich soil. ...................................... £14.50

camschatcense Kamishihoro Good-sized, white flowers with broad, slightly recurving petals. Fragrant. From a vigorous stock traceable originally to woodlands above Kamishihoro, Japan. .......................................... £18.50

cams. Nemuro Lightly fragrant, white flowers with broad, recurving petals. Originally found near Nemuro in S.E. Hokkaido, Japan. ............................................................................................................... £18.50

* cams. North Korea This is a lovely vigorous stock making good-sized, white flowers which have broad, slightly recurving petals. Raised from North Korean stock. ........................................................................ £49.50

erectum Polished mahogany flowers with a black nose above plain green leaves. These are cultivated flowered seedlings, with red petals and yellow pollen as they should have. .................................. £6.50

erectum blandum These are from seed of a true white form of erectum. Pure white flowers with contrasting green bracts and a central black-violet ovary.............................................................................. £6.50

flexipes x erectum Attractive hybrids combine the vigour and size of flexipes with the rich colour of erectum. They range from white through cream, pale yellow, pale salmon, orange, pink and red................. £8.00


grandiflorum Great big white flowers in April-May. This is the easiest Trillium to start with yet is still a

must for the connoisseur. Given time, this is capable of a superb garden display........................................ £7.00

grand. Roseum Ex seed of the wonderful Daisy Hill clone. Gorgeous pink flowers. Pink seedlings with diagnostic light-green foliage. Five year plants, NOT FS, though some have flowered already. ................. £27.50

grand. Snowbunting The lovely “Gardenia flowered” double with whorl upon whorl of petals of superb texture and poise. Long lasting and stunning. Flowering-sized, divisions of the original. ............................ £22.50

kurabayashi Slightly mottled leaves and robust, broad petalled, upright flowers of deep purple-red. This is the plant you want if you have seen sessile in garden magazines or Botanic Gardens. .................. £22.50

rivale Dwarf silvery veined, embossed blue-green leaves. Upright-facing flowers of white or pale pink, dotted with of deeper pink and violet. In the centre there are bright yellow anthers..................... £22.50

simile Prized for large, heavy-textured flowers with broad, overlapping petals, white flowers with a violet nose. Flowered seedlings, the parents from Fred Case seed.................................................. £10.50

smallii Purple-red flowers with both petals and sepals distinguish this from apetalon. They differ also in leaves, sepals & chromosomes, they are not synonyms! ....................................................... £62.50

sulcatum Thick, broad velvety petals, canoe-shaped petal tips. The petal colour, shape, texture and its grey anthers distinguish this from the related erectum, with yellow anthers. ..................................... £7.50

sulc. x flexipes Spangles A new hybrid combines the strong growing, deeply coloured sulcatum with the

equally large, vigorous white - flexipes to give a vigorous, free-flowering garden plant. .............................. £14.50

tschonoskii Aomori Pure white flowers ageing to soft pink. Easy & hardy early in the Trillium season.

Humus-rich soils, part shade. Strong growing, the largest tschonoskii form we grow. ............................... £18.50

vaseyi Horizontal form Very large flowers of deep, rich red with notably broad and recurving petals. In this form rather than being held downwards, the flowers are held stiffly sideways. ........................................... £19.50

TROPAEOLUM brachyceras Thread-like growths in early autumn followed by yellow flowers which cover the clover-like foliage early in the spring. It likes bright light in a well-drained, but cool, moist root run. ........................ £8.50

ciliatum A very vigorous climber with masses of old-gold flowers veined with blood red. This can rapidly make 10-15m in rich soil and then covers itself in flowers. ......................................................... £5.00

* leptophyllum Large flowers of a good yellow, with fine, dark markings, like Alstroemeria. Grows at high altitudes with occasional snow cover. In open ground it will go to 50cm deep. ................................... £11.50

Our next list is our Summer-Autumn Catalogue

The spring list that you are holding expires around April, when growth starts and

many plants become too fragile to send safely.

Our next list is our Autumn Catalogue (of bulbs for planting from September).

This follows in August-September 2020. Existing customers receive a printed copy through the post.

The summer range will however will be available online from mid April onwards,

well before the printed version is released.

The Summer-Autumn list contains species from Acis to Trillium and Tulipa

and it is the list you want, if you seek

Colchicum, Crocus, Erythronium, Fritillaria and Narcissus etc.

Borderline, Tender and Greenhouse species

AMARYLLIS belladonna Rich Flowered Strain Seed-raised from belladonna Durban. They are superb with large spikes of

individually large, pale to deep-pink flowers of lovely texture and colour intensity, in a multi-flowered head.£17.50

AMMOCHARIS tinneana The flowers are made in a large umbel which can have colours ranging from white to near purple, depending on the age of the individual flowers in it. Each petal normally has a darker central stripe. The flowers are sweetly scented................................................................................................................. £22.50


EUCROSIA * bicolor The flowers are unique in appearance and are a light, orange red in colour, with yellow stamens held on very elongated and conspicuous filaments. ..................................................................... £10.50

GRIFFINIA espiritensis Glossy leaves with clusters of good-sized, purple-blue flowers produced from May onwards and during the warmer periods of the year. .................................................................................. £55.00

HABRANTHUS magnoi White, trumpet-shaped flowers in which the longer, outer segments can be stained with pink. The throat is green on the outside but it is very pale, lemon-yellow inside. ................................. £15.00

* tubispathus Narrow leaves and copper coloured buds which open to strong orange-yellow flowers. These are produced in a flush when the plant is re-watered after its dry summer rest. Easy, reliable and dependably floriferous. .............................................................................................................................. £2.50

HAEMANTHUS albiflos Fat, succulent leaves held over green bulbs. These sit below a curiously attractive, white, tufted flower-head resembling an old-fashioned shaving-brush. This is followed by red berries. ....... £8.50

HIERONYMIELLA marginata The name Eustephia jujuyensis first appeared in the catalogue of Van Tubergen in the

1980s. The name was provisional, coined by Amaryllid enthusiast Arthington Worsely (of Worselya fame). It was found in Jujuy Province in the remote N.W. corner of Argentina by “Blossfeldt”, who lost both his notes and the locality, on the trip. Reputedly collected in 1936 but Karl Blossfeldt (the most likely candidate), died in 1932.

It has been grown as Eustephia jujuyensis ever since but it is in fact Hieronymiella marginata. At one stage the

stock was almost lost but has now been brought through two generations of seed from a stock directly traceable to the original introduction. It makes a good-sized bulb, with a long neck all clothed in black skins. It likes a well-drained, fertile soil and good feeding when the plants are in growth from April to October. It is not difficult or fussy. It accepts pot cultivation, preferably in a long tom, but it is better either planted out in a greenhouse bed or put into open ground once heavy frosts have finished and then lifted once the leaves yellow. It needs a cool, to cold, dry winter rest to flower. Cold but short of freezing, is ideal. In the wild it grows at altitudes of 3,000m (10,000ft). It overwinters under snow and it is not used to warm winters, it needs winter cold.

In spring the flower spikes appear with the developing leaves which are long, channelled and very narrow. About June the flowers open in clusters on red petioles (themselves made on red-purple stems) and are brilliant scarlet toning to orange-red at the tips, with age. The colour is intense and magnificent. £12.50

NERINE * masoniorum A dwarf plant with a 20 cm flower stem that can carry 12, white to rose flowers with a darker, almost magenta, base and tube. The petals are heavily crinkled and folded all along their length. ... £8.50

PAMIANTHE * peruviana Long, broad, bluish-green leaves and huge, pure white flowers, up to 30 cm long (including the tube) and 15 cm across, in clusters of 2-3. The long-lasting flowers are strongly and beautifully scented. Young bulbs, about 1-1.5cm diameter. ........................................................................................ £35.00

PROIPHYS * amboinensis This makes spectacular foliage with large, lustrous, glossy and almost circular leaves which look like a Hosta should look! The leaves can be anything up to 25cm wide and are borne with large

umbels of superb, scented, white flowers each with a yellow throat. .......................................................... £26.00

RHODOPHIALA * bifida Hill Country Red This is the old Texas clone originally brought into the US in the 1800’s by German immigrant Peter Oberwetter and grown in his garden in the Texas Hill Country. 30-40 cm tall stems crowned with two to four spectacular, deep blood-red funnels in autumn. Probably hardy in the UK ........................ £13.50


SCADOXUS multiflorus Fireball Lily A rounded, green and purple-spotted bulb makes a spotted stem which

bears a dense 15 cm round head of up to 100 tubular flowers of vivid orange-red. The anthers protrude to look like a yellow halo. Free draining, humus rich soil is best. .............................................................................. £4.50

SPREKELIA formosissima From April-June it carries a large flower of deep, rich, velvet-textured crimson with a most distinctive and attractive appearance basically like a Hippeastrum in which some petals are a different

shape to others. Larger bulbs bear more than 1 stem. ................................................................................. £5.00

ZEPHYRANTHES * Capricorn A very floriferous, bright pink hybrid, with the tiniest touch of orange to warm the red, contrasted with a white eye, a green throat and primrose yellow anthers. ..................................................... £6.00

chlorosolen Narrow, trailing, dull green or glaucous leaves and beautiful white stemless flowers which open in the evening with a strong, yet delicate, scent through the night. ............................................ £9.50

* drummondii San Carlos This has white-flowers and opens in the evening, remaining open for a few days. The blooms are beautifully evening-fragrant with thickly-textured, wavy petals. ............................................ £8.50

drummondii A very robust white species which opens in mid-afternoon with highly fragrant, large, white flowers. The tube is some 4 cm long and the petals are about the same length.................................. £8.50

* Grandjax A vigorous plant with upfacing, funnel-shaped, flowers in the form of a Crocus but

much larger. It opens in a unique shade of pink-coral, then slowly fades to soft creamy pink. ..................... £4.00

jonesii This opens in the late afternoon with chalice-shaped, fragrant flowers of pale yellow (darker on the opening day) each with a very small green eye in the centre of the flower ............................. £8.50

* Kings Ransom Flowers of deep, rich, amber yellow, with the broad petals edged in deeper golden orange. The anthers are the same deep orange. In the very centre of the flower is a small, green eye. ..... £24.00

Midas Touch Stunning, brilliant chrome-yellow flowers are made on watering the plants after summer dryness. These are highly fragrant with a powerful, sweet perfume ............................................. £17.50

primulina The flowers open to primrose yellow hinted on the outside of the flower with a red or orange stripe or keel. On the second day, the red has changed to an apricot flush. ..................................... £5.50

traubii Small, black-skinned bulbs make thread-like leaves in late-summer or Autumn. After watering expect a large pure white, heavy textured flower held on a very long tube. ..................................... £8.50

* traubii San Carlos This has a pure white flower in the form of a very flat, wide-open, 6cm disc borne atop a long narrow tube. The large flowers open in the evening and emit a sweet perfume. ................................ £6.50

verecunda Good-sized, strong, white flowers flushed strongly outside with deep madder. The white matures to pale pink. Flowers from June to September whenever moisture follows a dry period ........ £4.50

Yanti Chandra A gorgeous, glowing semi-double form with orange-yellow petals. The petals tone gradually from orange-yellow in the centre, to a deeper, more intense orange at the edges ....................... £37.50

secure, state of the art, ordering, 128 bit encryption - the highest available

Our site is audited by SecurityMetrics, certified to PCI standards and 3D compliance

safe - full transaction & fraud checking by Sagepay with secure card acceptance and secure processing (we do not even see your card details and we do not store them)

pictures of our plants and fuller descriptions with helpful cultural points where appropriate.

Our website features many extra plants which are available in small numbers only.

These don’t appear in our paper lists because of the small stock size.

New additions are listed first on our website, sometimes on the day that we lift the crop.

There is also a customer area containing cultural advice



ORDERING is simple

BY POST to: Rare Plants, P.O. Box 468, Wrexham, LL13 9XR, U.K

BY TELEPHONE (01978) 366399 Office hours 9.00am to 4.00pm (GMT) Monday-Friday only

Credit card orders can be made by telephone during office hours

Out-of-hours or at weekends, the office is not staffed

INTERNET You can order direct on the web using our shop with secure ordering facilities

SEPA We can accept SEPA direct to our Euro (€) bank account

CHEQUES Cheques, payable to either “RarePlants” or “Paul Christian”, in £ sterling only please

We can no longer accept cheques in € or $ sorry.

CARD PAYMENTS We take Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, (plus Amex, Discover & Paypal on our website only)

Please quote the following - we need all five to process your order

1/ Cardholder’s full name 2/ Statement address 3/ Card number 4/ Expiry date 5/ Security number


POST & PACKING UK: £6.60 for UK (optional, signed-for delivery, is an additional £2.00)

All other counties, please order via our website where air-postage, export cleaning,

export inspection, export packaging, materials and health-certificate are calculated.

EU Please consult website, costs may change after Brexit if we need health certificates.

INVOICES Terms are payment with order only, we do not supply plants on invoice.

SUBSTITUTES We do not normally substitute. If you say we can, then this will help to speed your order if we have crop failures. Substitutes are always of equal, or usually higher, value

DESPATCH : Plants are sent out when they are dormant. This normally means January to April. We want to get your plants to you as soon as possible but we ask for your patience during spring despatch. We cannot lift when the ground is frozen, we cannot send when there is any risk of your plants freezing in transit

ON RECEIPT Unpack and check your plants on arrival, even if you don’t intend to plant them at once. They

are packed to last a week or more but prolonged storage may harm them. Never, ever, put them to one side to check or plant later! This will only harm your plants.

PROBLEMS If any plants are in any way unacceptable to you when they arrive, send them back at once. I

repeat send them back, don’t struggle on if you are unhappy. We like to sort a problem at once. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase and come back to us each year. Plants are replaced without question as long as they are returned straight away. We also

refund the return postage. Once accepted then the responsibility for care and survival must pass to you.

We do not accept returns weeks or months later.

We do not replace or refund plants unless you return them.

NAMING We constantly monitor stocks for correct naming and pride ourselves on this.

We are only human and the rare mistakes that do occur will always be rectified.

VISITORS We are Mail Order Only. We do not accept any visitors.

SIZE We send the best plants we can produce. We would hope that they are flowering-sized and we strive for this, but this is not always possible. In addition most of our plants are natural species which just do not reach the obese size of garden centre hybrids. Dwarf species often naturally have small bulbs, a few are tiny, this is natural. We try to advise size in this list and on our website, where we can give greater detail.

All catalogue prices are in pounds sterling (£) per single bulb unless otherwise stated