Download pdf - Spring 2014_CS601_1

  • 8/10/2019 Spring 2014_CS601_1


    Assignment No. 01 (Graded)

    Semester: Spring 2014

    Data communication-CS601

    ota! "ar#s: 20

    Due Date: 1$%0&%2014


    To understand the fundamentals of network topologies and modes of communication

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    uestion No 1: "ar#s 10

    Suppose data is being transferred between two cell phones via blue tooth. You are re*uired to answer

    the following *uestions with proper reasoning)


    Point to Point line configuration. As it is the configuration between two devices. #ata and control

    information pass directly between devices with no intervening agent.

    2) 5at i!! e te re!ationsip eteen te ce!! pones7 (8eer to 8eer or 8rimar/



    Peer to Peer. (n this relationship devices share the link e*ually" both devices send and receive data

    easily through +luetooth.

    $) 5ic t/pe o communication i!! it e7 (9oca! or ,emote communication)


    ,ocal -ommunication. +ecause data is being transferred between two cell phones via blue tooth anddata can transfer through +luetooth only when both devices are present in same building or similarly

    geographical area.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Spring 2014_CS601_1


    4) 5at i!! e te medium o communication7 (5ire!ess or 5ired)


    ireless medium is re*uired for the transmission of data or information via +luetooth.

    uestion No 2: "ar#s &

    Suppose computer A is connected to another computer + by a passive hub at home. You are re*uiredto mention the type !,A'" /A' or A'& of this computer network0 Support your answer withreason.


    ,A's span on limited geographical areas as compared to /A' and A'.A home network based on

    hub is a type of ,A'.

    uestion No $: "ar#s &

    (dentify the following transmission modes as simple" half duple or full duple.

    a. alkie talkie )a! dup!e. Telephone conversation)u!! dup!e

    c. A person talking into microphone )a! dup!e

    d. Viber calling) u!! dup!ee. TV broadcasting ) simp!e

