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Page 1: Spring 2014 Issue

spring 2014

EST 2010


The maine

MOST ANTICIPATED ALBUMS OF 2014 The Ready Set, Blink 182, Conor Oberst, Real Friends, Augustana,

There For Tomorrow, Austin Gibbs, Yellowcard, Nick Santino, The Cinema

Page 2: Spring 2014 Issue

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{Contents}about | 1

concert tips | 2most anticipated albums | 3

acoustic tours photo feature | 5

Windows Down Mag is an

alternative music magazine

established by sisters Gloria “Jack”

& Kim Mejía-Cuéllar in 2010.

Avid music lovers and concert

photographers, the sisters are

currently undergraduates at Yale

University. Their passion for music

and photography led them to

establish Windows Down Mag.

The magazine aims to provide

the latest music news through meJÍa-cuÉllar sisters

original articles, photography,

and live music videos. All concert

photographs and articles are

original content unless stated


Tay Jardine of We Are The In Crowdreunion tour | march 12, 2014

check out more photos on our flickr

Page 3: Spring 2014 Issue

Arrive early. Waiting in line for concerts a few hours before doors can help you get a great spot near the stage. If you’re into concert photography or hope to score a set list, guitar pick, drum stick, etc., securing a spot closer to the stage can be your best shot.

Stay hydrated. Most concerts and festivals can be a fun rush of adrenaline. It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of liquids before a show. Make sure the energy expended in the pit or in the crowd won’t take a toll on staying hydrated. Sitting out the rest of the concert after fainting or collapsing isn’t fun for anyone.

Be conscious of your (limited) space��&RQFHUWV�FDQ�EH�DQ�DPD]LQJ�H[SHULHQFH��$W�ÀUVW��WKH�FORVH�TXDUWHUV�you share with other concert-goers can feel somewhat uncomfortable, but they are something you must grow used to if you want to experience the concert in the crowd rather than hang in the back. Most fans are just as excited to see your favorite performer as you are, so much so that some people may push to JHW�FORVHU�WR�WKH�IURQW��,I�\RX�VHH�D�PRVK�SLW�IRUPLQJ�RU�QRWLFH�D�KLJK�YROXPH�FURZGVXUÀQJ�DUHD�DQG�WKDW�LV�not your idea of a good concert experience, move! Be conscious of the fact that different fans celebrate music in varied ways. Withstanding distractions like a mosh pit when all you want to do is listen to the performance might not be a worthwhile idea.

Below are a few essential tips for getting the most out of a rock show from concert veterans. Do you have any advice you would like to share? Submit your ideas on our website.

Quick Tips: concerT-GoinG

HYPING UP THE CROWD State Champs perform a high energy set at San Francisco’s Bottom of the Hill on March 12.

Page 4: Spring 2014 Issue

10 Most AnticipAted AlbuMs of 2014A lot of amazing albums have been released this year, including We Are The In Crowd’s “Weird Kids” and You Me At Six’s “Cavalier Youth.” Here’s a list of ten artists we are excited to see more material from in the remaining months of 2014!

Austin Gibbs “With butter” (MArch 25)$XVWLQ�*LEEV�UHOHDVHG�KLV�ÀUVW�IXOO�OHQJWK�EDFN�LQ�������6LQFH�´&KDUOLHµ�Gibbs remained under the radar until he announced the release of the amusingly titled “With Butter.” We saw a progression between his PHODQFKROLF�VHOI�WLWOHG�(3�DQG�WKH�YDULHG�WUDFNV�RQ�´&KDUOLH�µ�:H�FDQ·W�ZDLW�WR�KHDU�*LEEV·�QHZ�VRXQG�GURSSLQJ�QH[W�ZHHN�

AuGustAnA “Life iMitAtinG Life” (ApriL 22)After a brief hiatus following their run on the 2012 LG Ones To Watch Summer tour, Augustana will be releasing a highly anticipated IROORZ�XS�WR�WKHLU������VHOI�WLWOHG�DOEXP��


conor oberst “upside doWn MountAin” (MAy 20)&RQRU�2EHUVW�ZLOO�EH�UHOHDVLQJ�KLV�ÀUVW�VROR�UHFRUG�WKLV�VSULQJ��$VLGH�IURP�KLV�ORQJ�UXQQLQJ�EDQG�%ULJKW�(\HV��2EHUVW�KDV�VWDUWHG�VLGH�SURMHFWV�LQFOXGLQJ�Desaparecidos and a collaboration with the Mystic Valley Band. Oberst recently signed to Nonesuch Records. The upbeat single “Hundreds of Ways” has us excited for “Upside Down Mountain,” slated to hit record stores on May 20.



indication of his change in sound, we can’t wait for “The Bad & The Better”!

there for toMorroW

sprinG$IWHU�WKHLU������IXOO�OHQJWK��´7KH�9HUJH�µ�)ORULGD�URFNHUV�7KHUH�)RU�7RPRUURZ�did not release much material or tour as frequently. There For Tomorrow gained a large following after their stint on Warped Tour in 2010. However, the EDQG�KDYH�EHHQ�KDUG�DW�ZRUN�LQ�WKH�VWXGLR�DQG�UHFHQWO\�GHEXWHG�WKH�VOHHN�VRXQGLQJ�VLQJOH�´'DUN�3XUSOH�6N\µ�LQ�)HEUXDU\��9RFDOLVW�0DLND�0DLOH�LVQ·W�

Page 5: Spring 2014 Issue

10 Most AnticipAted AlbuMs of 2014A lot of amazing albums have been released this year, including We Are The In Crowd’s “Weird Kids” and You Me At Six’s “Cavalier Youth.” Here’s a list of ten artists we are excited to see more material from in the remaining months of 2014!

afraid to diversify his vocal range on the new single. Their third full-length is expected to drop this spring.

Yellowcard (Fall)Scene veterans Yellowcard hit the studio this year to record a new full-length. 7KH�EDQG�UHFHQWO\�ÀQLVKHG�XS�WZR�DQQLYHUVDU\�WRXUV�LQ�FHOHEUDWLRQ�RI�WKHLU�hit album, “Ocean Avenue” which turned ten in 2013, and signed to Razor & Tie. We wonder how the departure of long-time drummer Longineu Parsons will affect the band’s unique sound. Yellowcard haven’t announced a release date, but the band will be playing the Vans Warped Tour this summer.

Release Dates To Be Announced

Nick SaNtiNo aNd the NortherN wiNd)RUPHU�$�5RFNHW�WR�WKH�0RRQ�IURQWPDQ�1LFN�6DQWLQR�ÀQLVKHG�UHFRUGLQJ�KLV�new album this year with the help of Arizona rockers the Maine. Santino’s solo material has adopted a more personal, country-inspired sound than ARTTM’s material. He recently released the upbeat sing-along single “Long Way Home” in collaboration with the Maine’s John O’Callaghan. Santino has not given a release date, but we are eager for new material!

real FrieNdSThe Vans Warped Tour worked wonders for the

suburbs of Chicago pop punk quintet Real Friends. The band’s angsty and earnest album “Put Yourself Back Together” was an instant hit with fans. Real )ULHQGV�UHFHQWO\�VLJQHG�WR�)HDUOHVV��JRW�LQWR�WKH�VWXGLR��DQG�ÀQLVKHG�UHFRUGLQJ�WKHLU�ÀUVW�IXOO�OHQJWK��VHW�WR�UHOHDVH�WKLV�VXPPHU��&DWFK�WKH�EDQG�DJDLQ�RQ�WKH�Vans Warped Tour this year.

BliNk-182Legendary rockers Blink-182 are expected to release their seventh full-length album this year. The band recently reunited after a nearly decade-long hiatus. Although they haven’t picked a producer, their ability to put out successful records leaves us hopeful for a new release.

the ciNemaLydia vocalist Leighton Antelman teamed up

SURGXFHU�0DWW�0DOSDVV�LQ������WR�UHOHDVH�WKH�&LQHPD·V�ÀUVW�DOEXP�´0\�%ORRG�is Full of Airplanes.” Fun electronic-tinged pop that differs greatly from Lydia’s more serious sound, Malpass has reported that the album is being mixed.

Page 6: Spring 2014 Issue

The intimacy of an acoustic show is an unforgettable experience. I have been lucky enough to experience three of these shows in the last few months in New

MELANCHOLIC MELODIES Nick Santino and the Northern Wind (top left) and The Maine (bottom left and top right) play a sold out acoustic show in the Studio at Webster Hall on Feb. 27.

York City – an acoustic set by the Summer Set at Pace University on Feb. 20, An Acoustic Evening with the Maine and special guest Nick Santino and the Northern

Wind on Feb. 27, and another the Summer Set show during the Legendary Unplugged tour on March 1.

Most bands only slow down an energetic set with an acoustic song or two and then resume their roaring performance. An acoustic show can be a vastly different experience – a hushed crowd can offer precious moments, when nearly all that ÀOOV�\RXU�HDUV�DUH�WKH�VRXQGV�of the vocalist(s) backed by the hum of acoustic instruments, PRPHQWV�WKDW�DUH�RIWHQ�ÁHHWLQJ�in average rock shows. An acoustic show can accentuate melancholic songs (like the Maine’s “Raining in Paris” or Nick

Photo Feature Acoustic tours play NYC

Page 7: Spring 2014 Issue

Santino and the Northern Wind’s “Sold My Soul”) and catchy tunes when a quiet crowd sings the chorus of “Boomerang” or “Into Your Arms.”

Nick Santino and the Northern

Wind opened the show. The former A Rocket to the Moon frontman strictly played his solo material (a few tracks off the albums “Going Home” and “The Ones You Meet Along the Way”). His performance was

FRXQWU\�ÁDYRUHG�DQG�SDFNHG�ZLWK�heartbreak songs, broken up by the light-hearted and catchy single “Long Way Home.”

The Maine were raw, relentless and pure rock and roll during their acoustic. I appreciated WKH�YDULHW\�RI�WKHLU�VHWOLVW��IDQV�were treated to songs from their four full-lengths and acoustic Imaginary Numbers EP). As someone who has gone to their VKRZV�VLQFH�������,�KDYH�VHHQ�WKHP�HYROYH�IURP�D�VWDQGDUG�pop band to hard-hitting rock musicians.

The Summer Set has nearly perfected their pop rock show. The Summer Set surprised the

POP ROCK SWEETHEARTS AZ quintet the Summer Set (above) give excited Pace University students an exclusive set on Feb. 20.

Photo Feature Acoustic tours play NYC

Page 8: Spring 2014 Issue

crowd with a cover of fun.’s “Carry On” during their Legendary Unplugged show. They played the entirety of their latest album “Legendary” and a couple of songs from their previous LPs. The Summer Set managed

CROWD PLEASERS The Summer Set play their latest LP “Legendary” to a packed house at the Studio at Webster Hall on March 2.

to translate the youthful high-powered sing-alongs into excellent acoustic performances. At the end of the Legendary Unplugged show, the quintet jumped off stage and performed their signature song “Chelsea” in

the middle of the audience.

Acoustic shows are worth checking out for music lovers eager for a new concert experience.For more photos, visit our Flickr.

Page 9: Spring 2014 Issue

Tours We’re exciTed ForWe have a few good U.S. tours to look forward to this spring. The Warped Tour line-up (including Mayday Parade, the Story So Far and Of Mice & Men) gives us high hopes for the touring summer festival. For a list of complete dates and ticket info,

please visit each band’s respective website.

Page 10: Spring 2014 Issue