Page 1: Spreading the Word: An Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund Project

Josefine FrankE: [email protected]: 0121 414 5800 @FrankJosefine

Spreading the Word: An Esmée Fairbairn

Collections Fund Project

Page 2: Spreading the Word: An Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund Project

Cadbury Research Library

Collects, manages, preserves and makes accessible the University’s collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, photographs and associated artefacts

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Mingana Collection of Middle Eastern Manuscripts

• Over 3,000 manuscripts encompassing Islamic, Christian and Jewish texts

• Over 20 languages, including Arabic, Syriac, Persian, Greek, and Ethiopic

• Dating from 7th to 20th century

Mi’a Kalimat attributed to Ali ibn Abu Talib , 1568-9, Islamic Arabic 1651

The Four Gospels , 17th century, Armenian 1

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World-class collection for Birmingham

Edward Cadbury (1873-1948) Alphonse Mingana (1878-1937)

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Birmingham – young and diverse

• One of the youngest cities in Europe

about 40% under 25

• Culturally and religiously diverse

42% other than White 46.1% Christians, 21.8%

Muslims, 19.3% no religion

22% born outside the UK

Source: 2011 census figures

Birmingham Council House

University of Birmingham

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Our ideaUse the Mingana Collection of Middle Eastern manuscripts 1) To connect local people with

their cultural and religious heritage

2) To encourage pride and confidence in Birmingham’s identity as a city shaped by faith diversity Masnavi-yi Ma'navi by Jalal al-Din Rumi,

early 19th century, Persian 1

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Project overview

• Internships• Volunteering


• Social media• Exhibitions

• Muslim women’s group

• Interfaith youth group

• Bookbinding survey• Archival research on collection


Research & documentation

Work with community


Training Dissemination

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Reflections after first project year

• Be brave and experiment because visitors’ responses are unpredictable .

• Working with the most obvious community partners does not always result in the best partnerships.

• There is an almost irreconcilable gap between Muslim scholarship and non-Muslim research on Islam.
