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Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi and his Lotus Qigong Chi Kung Grand Master Professor Wei Ling Yi is a world-renowned and recognized authority in the science of Chi Kung. He is the President of the World Qigong Head Office Association and since 1995 he has held seminar workshops and has lectured widely in Europe, America and other parts of the world. Chi Kung or Qigong, as it is spelt using Chinese version, is an ancient system of life cultivation that focuses on using the original creative Yi Qi—the power of the universe—to promote personal good health, family harmony and world peace. Wei Ling Yi teaches the Lotus Great System of Qigong, which is the highest form of qigong practice. Professor Wei Ling Yi has been appointed and entrusted with many teaching positions and research projects in various universities in China including Beijing University and Qin Hua University. Through his years of experiment and research, Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi paved the way for Qigong as materia medica and as an academic subject in China. In 1992 he started with another experiment giving teachings at many schools to improve the students` intellectual abilities. He could improve the knowledge and health condition successfully of over 90% of the students. Thus Professor Wei Ling Yi became famous in the field of education. In Germany he conducts seminar workshops on a regular basis for children branded as hyperactive or ADHD cases. In 1993 he founded the First International Qigong University at the foot of Emei Mountain in Sichuan, China. He is well known for the education of high-level Chi Kung masters and experts in the unfolding of human potentials. Through the years, not only has he been recognized as a medical scientist, but has also attained the respect as a spiritual guardian and an enlightened Lotus Chi Kung Master. The son of a well-known life-cultivation family, he has extraordinary capabilities that were discovered early. He subsequently received a demanding education. His most important teacher was his mother, Bai Zi, who brought him up with the basic idea, “De Wei Gong Mu”: “Virtue is the mother of the Gong”. At 16 he was named “Bai Xing Shen Yi” - miracle healer of the people. Lotus Qigong which has been developed by him stands in the tradition of internal alchemy and makes use of the classical methods of relaxation, breathing accompanied by body movements, exercises in motion, meditation, visualisation, mantras, mudras and his transmission of Qi.

Malta Lotus Chi Kung Week

featuring Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

Qi - The Basis of Qigong The Qigong tradition in China is based on the existence of a universal life-energy principle called “QI”. This energy is fundamentally necessary for the vital functions of all beings. In the human organism the cosmic Qi is received by certain receivers of the body. Qi (chi) circulates within the body in the subtle energy channels called meridians and provides energy to every organ and to every single cell. Illnesses develop if the energy circulation is disturbed for over a certain time, if blockages emerge in the flow of Qi or if the body takes negative information and accumulates it. The healthy energy flow can be affected by certain toxic, destructive substances, by harmful mental “fields” as well as by mental or psychic processes. Professor Wei Ling Yi, has developed a system of different exercises to combat various illnesses including terminal diseases. These exercises reactivate the energy course in the body and make it harmonious by dispelling and eliminating the sick Qi. By practising Qigong regularly the reception of oxygen in the organism increases and the cellular metabolism improves. The whole central nervous system, particularly the cerebral cortex and the pituitary gland are stimulated. The electromagnetic field surrounding the human body becomes stronger and more harmonious while a substantial stimulation of the immune system has been observed. A qualified Qigong teacher can bundle the cosmic Qi and can transmit it within seconds over huge distances (Remote-Healing). This energy called “Wai Qi” contains high information, has harmonious effects for the organism and helps to purify the sick Qi. For instance, by continuous, diligent and a longer duration of the practice of Yi Qi Kang Ai Gong devised by Professor Wei Ling Yi for persons suffering from cancer, the activity of the cerebral cortex and the pituitary gland rises while the oxygen content and the nourishment of the cells improve. The mental and physical equilibrium will be balanced. Meridians and blood vessels relax and are more permeable. The quality of qi and blood improves. The immune system is stimulated and increases the activity of the anti-cancer specific defence cells. If the practitioner manages through his practice to reach a high Qi-level, cancer cells can be destroyed. This Yi Qi complimentary method in the treatment of cancer has been devised to function in tandem with Western medicine, surgery, chemotherapy and other methods.

As can be seen from the above, Qigong, with over 5000 years of observation and rich treasures of knowledge, is taking its responsibility to share it with the western scientific community.

The basic idea is to incorporate the experiences of the East and the West through science and culture, and with the resulting assimilation to promote a more humane civilization in harmony with the natural environment. Promoting the practice of Qigong among western scientific community is particularly important for the future because if scientists practise Qigong, it will enhance their abilities to reach new dimensions of knowledge still unknown today. This rests on the fact that the human brain stores cosmic energy and information.

The Lotus as Symbol Lotus is symbolic of the universe and the great Dao. In the lotus culture, the lotus encompasses a wide meaning. It is more than a plant, more than a symbol of morality, it is an entire Fu Hao (yantric sign) that contains a myriad phenomena. It is symbolic of the entire universe. The myriad things are within its representation. Every petal of the lotus represents a thousand great worlds. The entire lotus represents three thousands of these great thousand worlds thus encompassing all things of this universe. This world is an embodiment of Tian (Heaven), Di (Earth) and Ren (Man). In its entirety and singularly, they all correlate completely. Hence they possess all the original characteristics and qualities of the lotus being transmuted from it. A lotus stores the secret codes to the entire information system of the universe.

The lotus expresses the principle governing the elevation, descent, opening and closing mechanism of Qi in the human body. The lotus growing out of the water surface represents the rising mechanism of Qi. The falling of its seeds into the water and mud represents the descending mechanism. The growing root and blooming flower represents the opening of Qi and the stage where it bears seeds means the closing of the Qi. The whole cycle of the lotus sprouting from seed, growing roots, blooming flower, bearing fruit (seeds) is a movement of life. It allegorizes that principle governing the rise, fall, opening and closing of human body`s Qi mechanism.

The Earth – Our home planet

A Mother Earth Event is held in September in Berlin on a yearly basis as we need to enhance the quality of our global environment for the benefit of all its inhabitants. For this to be achieved we need to promote a better understanding of the effects our society has on the long term health of our planet.

The Mother Earth Festival activities convey a message to the earth spirit that a number of its children are genuinely concerned about its state and are willing to help to reverse the environmental deterioration and to raise the level of awareness among the people for the future of our planet.

The Street Parade in honour of our Mother Earth is usually a kaleidoscope of multi-ethnic talents and the different styles of music and dancers attract a number of people along the route it pursues down the sunny Berlin streets on a Saturday morning.

What people say − Experiences of practicing Qigong “Over time, I’ve achieved a certain evenness in temper, no longer becoming upset or negatively affected by things that happen in my life. The practices are so simple and practical. If I notice I’m in need of energy I rub my hands for a few seconds in order to create fragrance and inhale the fragrance, which fills my body with Qi. This has made a big difference in my life.” Kerstin, Berlin. “Since I first attended a seminar with Sifu, Wei Ling Yi, my life has changed profoundly. I’ve been practicing the Great Lotus System for 3 months now and have gained a much deeper awareness of myself in a physical, mental and spiritual way. I have a deeper sense of love for all people and find peace within myself.” Eric, Bremen. “My husband and I feel so much better after doing our practices. I love the subtle inward integration of mental understanding with the connection of the body experience and spiritual energy flow.” Sabrina and Jean, Mittenwald.

Malta Lotus Qigong © 2010
