Page 1: Spotted Flycatcher African Dusky Flycatcher Ashy


BLUE-GREY FLYCATCHERS: Subtropical flycatchers with similar blue-grey plumage but very different foraging strategies: Ashy hawks insects at mid-levels or canopy edge in moist woodland and at forest fringes; Grey Tit-Flycatcher gleans insects inside tree canopies in woodland, bushveld and riverine bush.

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African Dusky FlycatcherMuscicapa adusta (Donkervlieëvanger)L: 12-13 cm M: 10-(12)-14 g[1: M. a. adusta; 2: M. a. fus­cula; 3: M. a. subadusta; 4: M. a. mesica]. Smallest and cutest flycatcher, with a dumpy body, large domed head and short wings (resident). Crown almost plain; breast smudged. Quietly waits on a low perch, catching insects in flight or on the ground; often calls from canopy. Does not flick wings as often as Spotted does.

SMALL BROWN FLYCATCHERS: Small and nondescript but common flycatchers that hunt from low lookout points. Spotted is a widespread non-br. migrant to virtually any habitat (but especially open woodland). Dusky prefers forest clearings and edges, riverine woodland, plantations and shady gardens.

Spotted FlycatcherMuscicapa striata (Europese Vlieëvanger)L: 13-15 cm M: 13-(16)-21 g[Races overlap: M. s. striata; M. s. neumanni; M. s. balea­rica; M. s. sarudnyi; M. s. inex­pectata]. A slim, elongated, streamlined, upright LBJ. Wings very long (migratory). Except for streaked crown and breast, lacks obvious features; best identified by shape and wing flicking. Common in open habitats, Oct-Apr.

'spotted' juv. plumage moulted before reaching Southern Africa, but may retain buff-tipped coverts

streaked crown

looks distinctly long-winged (migratory)

greyish white below

diffusely streaked

(may look plain)

plain greyish brown

small, spiky


long, tapering


flight dashing, swooping & agile; may

hover briefly

short legs and

weak feet

often darker lores and more distinct pale eyebrow/eye-ring than Spotted

looks distinctly short-winged (resident or short-distance migrant only)

short, narrow tail

short legs, weak feet

soft, dark grey-brown


tiny bill

darker below than Spotted

extensive golden or buffy white spots

relatively short wings

& tail, but still agile in flight

identifiable by shape: looks 'cute' with compact,

dumpy body, large head and short wings and tail

Ashy FlycatcherMuscicapa caerulescens (Blougrysvlieëvanger)L: 14-15 cm M: 12-(16)-19 g[1: M. c. caerulescens; 2: M. c. vulturna; 3: M. c. impavida]. An inconspicuous but rather tame flycatcher with attractive blue-grey plumage. It spends much time watching quietly from a secluded, shady vantage point, hawking passing insects in flight, usually just below the canopy or between 2 trees.

Grey Tit-FlycatcherMyioparus plumbeus (Waaierstertvlieëvanger)L: 13-14 cm M: 11-(12)-13 g[1: M. p. catoleucum; 2: M. p. orientalis]. A dainty warbler-like species. Blue-grey plumage recalls Ashy, but hunting strat-egy different: actively searches for prey inside of canopy, often waving black, white-edged tail. Usually located by its trembling telephone-like song, but easily overlooked if silent.

long, dark, fan-shaped tail


forages actively but unobtrusively by gleaning

in canopy; rarely flycatches inside canopy too (if space allows)

grey lores

robustly built: less dainty than Grey Tit-Flycatcher, less

elongated than Spotted and less dumpy than African Dusky

black lores; broken white


strong, typical flycatcher bill

soft, pastel blue-grey

no white in tail

often sits upright with head cocked to the side

tail often spread in




imm. striataBrits, NW

waits unobtrusively on a 1-3 m high perch, idly flicking tail, then swoops out to catch a flying insect with an audible bill- snap; upon landing flicks wings quickly

adult striataMaun, Bot

adult neumanni

Masvingo, Zim

pale edges in fresh plumage

identifiable by shape: elongated,

slender, streamlined; slim lower body

briefly flicks wings when landing

(a habit shared with e.g. Familiar Chat, p. 134)

juv. adustaKnysna, WC



essentially unstreaked

crown large, domed


ad. fusculaKosi Bay, KZN

ad. adusta

Tzaneen, Lim

plain dark grey-brown

smallest flycatcher


swoops & dives between trees or from branch

to branch inside canopy

ad. impavidaChobe, Bot

adult caerulescensDurban, KZN

extensive golden buff


juv. vulturnaSkukuza, MP

trio waiting for passing insects

scaly or barred below




no white

frequently waves and fans tail while foraging

ad. catoleucumShakawe, Bot

adult catoleucum

Pilanesberg, NW

juv. orientalis

Mkuze, KZN


conspicuous white corners

and sides when tail spread

slim and rather delicate in build;

carriage horizontal


