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• PSA’s Public Service Announcements• Program promotional announcements

(promos• Sales advertising• Why are we even thinking about this? Does

she want us to shoot commercials? NO.• We are going to make an ad for a web page.

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A Spot

• Selling an item, a business, a concept, a philosophy, or a need to be filled in some way through an interchange of money, time, or effort

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10 seconds to 2 minutes

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Background Material

• Announcements, especially commercials, were not expected to contribute to radio when it first began at the start of the 20th century.

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• First commercial radio station 1922 and sold airtime—the sponsor would have to develop the program.

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Why it’s good: Advertising strengthens the economy

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Audience Analysis

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• Demographic groups arranged by age, income, education, gender, occupation and home location.

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• Psychographic groups arranged by lifestyle, personal interests, hobbies, attitudes, beliefs and political preferences.

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Goal: Master of Persuasion

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If you ad is to work, it must reach your audience, be accepted by the audience, and make it understand and react in a positive manner.

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Audience’s today have more control over viewing and listening habits.

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What are your rules of ethics?

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There are no hard rules of ethics?

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• Making choices between good and bad? Fair and unfair, true and false, and responsible and irresponsible.

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Ethics are gray

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The Law

• Freedom of speech• Deceptive advertising• Obscenity• Defamation• Privacy• Copyrights and trademarks

• Break into groups and research and report on Canada’s understanding and laws regarding the above issues.

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U.S. Law Prohibits

• A broadcast hindering a war effort• Obscene material• Communication that incites acts of violence

• U.S. Patriot Law and how it affects Canadians?

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Writing Spot Copy

• Copywriting belonged originally to the art and science of creating the words and designs for print advertising. Since that time, the term has been attached to any writing of advertising materials, whether it is for print, electronic, or now digital advertising on the Internet.

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All spot writing may be compared to miniature dramas.

• Capture the audience’s attention• Hold its interest• Convince them to take action

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Strong Characters, Strong Storyline

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Explore ads and share your favorite

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What to Avoid?

• Passive verbs• Gender-specific terms• False claims, exaggerations, false testimonials,

false depictions, and language and scenes in poor tast

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Copy Formatting

• The form the copy takes on the printed page signifies whether the writer is knowledgeable of professional writing techniques and standards or not.

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Even though the standards vary!

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Two Basic Formats

• Film style, single-column

• Television or AV format, double-column

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No matter the format, demonstrate that you have carefully written precise instructions.

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• No matter the format, demonstrate that you have carefully written precise instructions.