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Sports Injury Prevention

Tips & Treatment

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Physical Activity is great for your health, but injuries can be common when you play sports or exercise. They can be caused by accidents, poor training practices, improper gear, or by being out

of shape.

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The most common sports injuries are

Sprains and strainsKnee injuriesSwollen musclesAchilles tendon injuriesPain along the shin boneFracturesDislocations

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How to Prevent Sports Injuries

Always warm up before exercise, Cool down after:

Warm up by focusing on large muscle groups first, such as your hamstrings. Then if necessary, do

exercises specific to your sport or activity. It shouldn’t leave you fatigued, but it may cause mild


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Stretch often:

It is recommended that your stretch at minimum 2-3 days a week to maintain flexibility, 5-6 days a week for optimal results. Do 2-3 repetitions of

each stretch, holding each for 10-20 seconds. The intensity of your stretch should cause mild

discomfort in the muscle surrounding the joint being stretched, however, it’s very important not

to stretch so hard that it causes pain.

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Know the rules of the sport and and abide by them:

This is especially important for participants of contact sports. Rules of conduct are enforced to

keep athletes healthy. Know them and follow them.

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Athletes that train for days on end are more prone to injuries. It’s a misconception that more training

will result in better playing. Rest is a critical component of proper training. It’s also important to

avoid playing when very tired.

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Know the warning signs:

Heal quicker and avoid serious damage or a long-term problem by paying attention symptoms of

acute and chronic injuries. Some of the signs are: Joint Pain, Tenderness at a Specific Point,

Swelling, Reduced Range of Motion, Comparative Weakness, Numbness and Tingling,

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Sport Injury Treatment

Treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method to relieve

pain, reduce swelling and speed healing.

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The next step is to get a proper diagnosis and treatment of any serious injury. Chiropractic

treatment from Kaster is done without prescription medication or surgery, so many athletes prefer to try such means first.

Dr. Kaster often works in conjunction with massage therapists to treat a variety of

musculoskeletal conditions.
