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Spooks Crime Seen Shots

Gabby Vicente Media

Page 2: Spooks crime seen shots

What do you see?• Entering the clip through travelling around house to main room where the even takes place• Two women interrogators (feminine and masculine figures• One man being interrogated• Slow movement when entering• Dark and ragged house• Slow classical music to create tension and the mood reflecting upon the house and its

features (colour and what state its in)• Spooky• Text on screen explaining the setting and it’s where abouts• Anger from one woman by banging her hands on table• 360 degree shot of the whole room• Another man there to protect women?• Facial close ups (showing emotion and frustration in the mans face and seriousness in both

the women)• Body language from all characters

Page 3: Spooks crime seen shots

Shot 1

The opening of the clip starts off by weaving the camera through the house to show the atmosphere of the building and to what kind of a film it’s straight away referring to, the use of text shows to where the building is based at a and what the setting is there for (MI5 Safe House) The damp walls reflect upon the atmosphere and tension that is brought into the filming along with the long staircase bouncing off shadows and to what might lead upstairs or into other rooms where people might be. The wandering through the corridor almost references as a person who is spying on what is going on in the house almost as an agent, relating to the theme of (MI5)

Dark and damp house (Spooky)Dark and damp house (Spooky)

Text during the clip to show where the house is based and what it’s being used for

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Shot 2

After passing the stair case the camera shows a short clip of a male washing his hands in the bathroom in the distance who appears to not speak a word through out the clip, and is just there to protect the female characters. The character is darkened by the house and his identity isn’t so revealed as the others, then the camera follows his movement as he walks into the room where the main action happens during this short clip.

Secretive hidden character, WHO IS HE?

An opened door referencing that some one might be in there? Dark and hidden features still there referencing to the house and its coldness

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Shot 3

The 360 shot is shown here from when the camera enters the room and shoots the whole room and all the characters, as you can see in this clip there is a frustrated woman with her hands on the table, where as the man sitting down seems to be arrogant and not willing to give what the woman wants. (Body language and expression) In this room the house appears to give off more light through the windows, Obviously to let lighting in to the room enabling for us to see the characters and what they are investigating. In the background you can see another female, wresting her body against the back wall giving off a relaxed and easy feel towards her character and to expect what she does later in the clip and how she acts.

More lighting in the room from the windows

Three characters on show, with female dominating other male and in power

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Shot 4

The whole 360 angle has been shown now and we are now facing the other female character, still in role with her relaxed and easy motion of how she speaks and with her body language. The darkness of the room has disappeared and with the walls just remains the damp and dark colours reflecting on the atmosphere and mood. The shot shows the power to which the female house by how she is standing with her arms crossed compared to the man sitting on the table at a lower level than the woman.

Dark features with light still in the room

Female in control

Body language

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Shot 5

A close up shot is shown of the male character here and what his facial expression has to show, which by my vision is frustration and anger to what he is hearing by the women. The close up shot reveals all that the character is feeling just through the appearance on his face and features.

In slight view you can see the women's shoulder, almost as if the camera is peering over her should to reveal the male character. Close-ups are useful for showing detail and can also be used as a cut-in in film and emphasizes their emotional state in film.

After the male close up it then straight away transfers to one of the woman's response of what the man is saying in the clip. As mentioned in the other close up, this shot is there to record the emotional state the character is portraying and showing to the viewer of what situation they are in.

Also in this shot the background is shown, which reveals the other people in the film as well as the other man who doesn’t appear to do anything else apart from working on the computers whilst the women do the verbal work in the interrogation.
