Page 1: SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Exhibit Hall Coffee Hall Coffee Break Sponsor an exhibit hall coffee break and allow our attendees

Exhibit Hall Coffee BreakSponsor an exhibit hall coffee break and allow our attendees to enjoy an afternoon cup of Joe! We will provide several coffee stations throughout the exhibit hall with your product or company name displayed on a sign at each station. Additionally, you may provide coffee cups or napkins at each break.

$9,000/each, $25,000 for 3

B E N E F I T S I N C L U D E D :

D u r i n g t h e N a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e

• Support sign with company or product logo located at each break area

• Company name recognition in Conference Program Book distributed to conference attendees

• Company name recognition on National Conference Donor Boards

• Company name recognition in AAP News Today distributed to conference attendees daily

T h r o u g h o u t t h e Ye a r

• Company name recognition in the AAP Honor Roll of Giving printed in AAP News

• Company name recognition on the National Conference Website

• Company name recognition on Donor Signs at AAP Headquarters

Sponsorship opportunities sell out fast! For more information about this item/event or to secure this opportunity, please contact:

David KorajczykDirector, Corporate & Foundation Relations847-434-7380 [email protected]

Torstiner WoodburyManager, Corporate Relations847-434-7948 [email protected]


Exhibit Hall Coffee Break
