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The Spiritual Organisation

Marguerite Theron22/10/2009

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The purpose of the spiritual organisation• “The purpose of the spiritual organisation

is to support the spiritual development of employees, customers and other stakeholders and for the organisation to be an agent of change for positive good in the world “(Harman in Neal & Biberman, 2004:7).


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• Spirit breath, vitality, life force of

individualsAtmosphere place and

effect on peopleVitality and mood of group

• Spirit at work individual experience –

employees passion, energy group culture – trust,

cohesiveness, fairness


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Definition of Spirituality

Spirituality is the answer to the questions what do you believe in and what do you think life is all about? (Bennet, 2001:164)





Interfaith dialogue

New age mysticism

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Table 1: Clusters of terms identified in definitions of spirituality

Virtue Morality Self-actualisation

Wholeness Interconnectedness

Meaning Emotion Life force

Wisdom Values Self-fulfillment

Holism Interdependence

Purpose Passion Energy

Discernment Peace Self-awareness

Integration Inter-relationship

Feeling Vitality

Courage Truth Self-consciousness

Integrity Cooperation Heart Life

Creativity Freedom Self-discovery

Authenticity Community Intrinsic motivation

Justice Balance Teamwork


Source:Hicks, 2002:387

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Definition of Spirituality

3 main themes: Energy force or life forceSense of unity with the universeMeaning in life

(De Klerk, 2005:69)


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Organisational Spirituality

 • An organisation can be regarded as

being spiritual when it “recognizes that employees have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of community” (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000:134).



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Spirituality at work

• Definition:• “The search for spiritual wholeness

within the context of the workplace. It involves seeking to discover one’s true self, higher life purpose and meaning through one’s work activities and roles”

Coetzee & Roythorne-Jacobs, 2007:201


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Relationship with other constructs: culture, religion, mysticism

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Spirituality vs. Religion


• Belief within all individuals

• Internal focus • Goal: determine common

principles, values and ethics

• Beliefs about what is Good, True and Beautiful

• Unites people


• Expressly stated; organized belief system

• External focus, formal structure

• Goal : salvation through one truth; one right way

• Differentiates between groups of people who believe that only their Truth is absolute


Adapted from Hicks (2002:380-382 ); Mitchell & Denton (1999:83-92) and Pursig (1974: 362).

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Spirituality and Religion: what do they have in common?

• Beliefs about purpose and meaning• Underlying principle of hope and faith• Non-material ; beyond the physical• Transcends time • Service to others; community with others,

betterment of society• Limit greed: money and power• Beliefs guide decision making• Ethics and values


Sources: Bavister & Vickers, 2008:242; Bennett, 2001:164-166; Hicks, 2002:380-382; Mitroff & Dentron, 1999:89-90

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Relationship with other constructs: ethics and values





Doing the right thing: moral choices

Beliefs, that which is important or esteemed

Spiritual leaders demonstrate ethical behaviour and authentic expression of spiritual values

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Spiritual values of leaders compassion , forgiveness, hope,

perseverance (Dalai Lama, 1996:64)

integrity and honesty (Neal, 1997:121, Reave, 2005)

respect for others, humility. Reave, 2005 altruistic love ; community well-being (Fry

& Slocum, 2008, 89; Mbon, 1991:108)

Affiliative values: self respect; personal growth; responsibility; social rights; purposeful living; self discipline; personal integrity; fairness/justice; self-acceptance (Coetzee & Roythone-Jacobs, 2007:202)


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Models of Spirituality in Organisations

• Religious based • Evolutionary

organisation• Recovery based

organisation• Socially

Responsible • Values based


Chick Fil –A YMCA (evangelism to

general service -1877) 12 Step AA ideology

and principles (1935)

Medicins Sans Frontiers

Johnson & Johnson

14Mitroff & Denton, 1999:83

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What triggers a move towards a more spiritual organisation?

Employee workforce in crises: high

turnover, stress-related illnesses and absenteeism

Wellness Interventions: Body , Mind ,



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What triggers a move towards a more spiritual organisation?

Leaders who aspire to

integrate their spirituality , ethics and values into


Greed: profit, self interest,

unethical behaviour


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What triggers a move towards a more spiritual organisation?


Spiritual owner

•Create mission•Implement Strategy

New leader

•Revise mission •Add spiritual focus

Leader Epiphany

•Current leader •Change/ implement

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Why bring spirituality to work?

Spiritual Construct Outcomes

Spiritual development Increased individual effectivenessCumulative effect on organizational performance and profitability - Dent et al. 2005:639

Spiritual well-being psychological well-being (degree of happiness and satisfaction with life) Temane & Wissing (2006:592).

Meaning in life Career commitment,Motivation (instrinsic motivation and goal orientation)Work orientation (De Klerk, 2001:

Spiritual behaviour of leaders: positive eg. Respect for personal and inner life

Psychological well-being of followersHigher commitment (Rego, Cunha & Oliveira, 2008:165) 18

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Why bring spirituality to work?

Spiritual Construct Outcomes

Lack of spiritual behaviour from leaders: negative behaviour e.g. bossiness, laziness, disrespect

Negative emotions, protest, disobedience, decrease in performance (R ego, Cunha & Oliveira, 2008:165)

Meaning in life Healthy and balanced lifestylePositive work attitudeContribution to community and welfare work (De Klerk, Boshoff & Van Wyk, 2009)

Workplace spirituality – of work unit

Workplace spirituality of leader

Increase in work unit performance as measured by customer satisfaction

Covariance of attitudes of leader to spirituality , group spirituality and performance (Duchon & Plowman, 2005:826)


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Integrated performance and Spirituality

People• compassion• Care• Employee

well being• Social


Planet• Sustainable

caretakers• Responsible

use of resources

Profit• Avoid short

term greed• How did you

make your profit?


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We all have a moral duty to ensure that whatever we do today doesn’t compromise the needs of those who come after us. None of us is the owner of this Earth. We are all caretakers, and transient at that.”

King & Lessidrenska, 2009:421

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Implications of spirituality at work – the individual level

• Communicate honestly, act ethically• Recognize multiple employee commitments• Spirituality and religion part of cultural

diversity – respect and understanding• Develop employees professionally and

personally identify their own individual values; Develop Emotional Intelligence Develop Spiritual Intelligence


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Implications of spirituality at work – the individual level cont.

• Appreciation for individual and their contribution

• Manage ethically and impartially• Promote workplace wellness – incl. physical,

mental, emotional and spiritual wellness


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Implications of spirituality at work – the group level• Promote understanding, tolerance and

acceptance of diversity (Hicks, 2002:380)

• Promote interpersonal experience: sense of connection to others and common purpose

• Encourage and explore values of affiliation and altruistic love

• Consider group rituals that enhance spirituality (Raelin, 2006:68)


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Implications of spirituality at work – the group level cont.• Examples of group rituals:

Meaning-making “What do we plan to care about?” (Raelin, 2006:68)

Contemplation practices such as reflective dialogue, cycles of action and reflection, council circle (Duerr,2004:50)

Team based community upliftment or environmental care activities (Kinjersky & Skrypnek, 2004:28)


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Implications of spirituality at work – the organisation level

• Spiritual leadership• Value statement and mission• From values to action• HR policies and procedures

(congruence, authenticity, consistency)


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