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(EHA) Special education programs in the United States were made mandatory in 1975 when the United States Congress passed the in response to discriminatory treatment by public educational agencies against students with disabilities.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA).

Education for All Handicapped Children Act

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• Assist students to choose opportunities for success and development of self advocacy.

• Commit to continued enrichment of skills and knowledge by special education personnel.

• Adapt as needed to serve an expanding and identified special education population.

• Expand inclusionary opportunities as appropriate.


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IDEA entitles every student to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment(LRE). To ensure a FAPE,1. a team of professionals from the local educational agency meet 2. Parents become part of the multidisciplinary team, along with

the local educational agency professionals, and collaborate with team members to make decisions on educational placement. These choices are recorded in a written Individualized Education Program(IEP).

3. The school is required to develop and implement an IEP that meets the standards of federal and state educational agencies. Parents have the option of refusing Special Education services for their child.

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Under IDEA, students with disabilities are entitled to receive special educational services through their local school district from age 3 to age 18 or 21. To receive special education services, a student must demonstrate a disability in one of 13 specific categories, including : autism developmental disability specific learning disability intellectual impairmentemotional and/or behavioral disability speech and language disability deaf-blind visual impairment hearing impairmentorthopedic or physical impairment, other health impaired(including attention deficit disorder)multiple disabilities traumatic brain injury

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Implementation through Cooperative FederalismSpecial education programs at the district level are structured upon a cooperative federalism model and therefore governed by both state and federal law. The Court explains:

IDEA is frequently described as a model of cooperative federalism.

It leaves to the States the primary responsibility for developing and executing educational programs for handicapped children, [but] imposes significant requirements to be followed in the discharge of that responsibility.

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Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)A Free Appropriate Public Education means special education and related services that:

Are provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge,

Meet state requirements and the requirements of federal regulations

Include an appropriate preschool, elementary school, or secondary school education in the State involved, and

Comply with a lawful Individual Education Plan

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Maintenance of Effort

The purpose of federal special education funding is to maintain or improve the quality of special education services. This purpose would be undercut if additional federal dollars were "supplanted" by merely reducing the level of state or local funding for special education. For this reason, like many other such programs, the federal law and regulations contain accounting guidelines, requiring "maintenance of effort”.

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The state says that federal funds provided to the local education agency :

1. Shall be used only to pay the excess cost of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities;

2. Shall be used to supplement State, local and other Federal funds and not to supplant such funds; and

3. Shall not be used …to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the local education agency from local funds below the level of those expenditures for the preceding fiscal year.

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Qualifying Students for Special Education

• By federal law, no student is too disabled to qualify for a free, appropriate education. Whether it is useful and appropriate to attempt to educate the most severely disabled children, such as children who are in a persistent vegetative state or in a coma, is debated.

• While many severely disabled children can learn at least simple tasks, such as pushing a buzzer when they want attention or using a brain implant if they are unable to move their hands, some children may be incapable of learning

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The Referral

Parents who suspect or know that their child has a problem making adequate school progress should request an from their local school district. The request, called a "referral for evaluation," should be initiated in writing.

The referral should be addressed to the principal of the local public school or the special education coordinator for the district, and should provide the child's name, date of birth, address, current school placement (if applicable), and the suspected area of disability or special need.

Referrals can also be made by general education teachers or guidance counselors.

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The Evaluation

After the referral process, the district will begin the evaluation.

• The law requires a comprehensive and nondiscriminatory school evaluation involving all areas of suspected disability.

• Testing must be in the native language of the child (if feasible).• Testing must be administered one-to-one, not in a group. • Teachers also document any interventions they have already

been using in the classroom. • In addition to testing, an observation of the child either in

school or in a comparable situation is required for an initial evaluation, and often at later stages as well.

• To insure objectivity and cross-referencing, this observation must be conducted by a Person other than the child's classroom teacher.

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• The observation need not be done exclusively in the child's classroom, especially when the child's suspected area of disability may become manifest in larger settings, such as the lunchroom, hallways or gym.

• For children over twelve years of age, vocational testing is required. This requirement is in keeping with the spirit of the IDEA 1997 Amendments that encourage preparation of children for useful employment.

• The privately obtained evaluative material and reports.

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Once all the evaluative material is presented and reviewed at the meeting, the IEP team must first determine whether the child is eligible for special education services.

An eligible child will require special education intervention in order to enable him/her to receive the benefits of instruction and an education. If the team finds the child eligible for special education, they must then classify the child in one of 13 categories.

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DISABILITY Students PercentageLearning disability (LD) 2,710,476 44.6%Speech or language impairment (SI) 1,160,904 19.1%Other health impairment (OHI) 599,494 9.9%Mental retardation (MR) (now known as Intellectually Disabled) 523,240 8.6%

Emotional disturbance (ED) 458,881 7.5%Autism 224,594 3.7%Multiple disabilities 134,189 2.2%Developmental delay 83,931 1.4%Hearing impairment (HI) 72,559 1.2%Orthopedic impairment (OI) 61,866 1.0%Visual impairment (VI) 26,352 0.4%Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 23,932 0.4%Deaf & blindness 1,472 0.0%

The following are the students in the U.S. and outlying areas aged 6 through 21 who received special education in the 2006-2007 school year.

The IDEA allows, but does not require, school districts to add the classifications of Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) at their discretion.

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Developing the Individual Education Program (IEP)

The Individual Education Program is developed by a team (sometimes referred to as the Committee on Special Education) that must include at least one parent and the professionals who work with the student. Teachers and a representative from the school administration are generally required to attend these meetings. Parents may additionally include anyone they choose, for any reason they choose.Parents must be notified of the meeting in writing. The notification must indicate the purpose, time and location of the meeting and list the people who will be in attendance, including the name and position of each person. If parents are unable to attend at the appointed time, the meeting should be rescheduled to accommodate the needs of the family.

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The Individual Education Program

The IEP must include:

1. A statement of the child's present levels of educational performance, which describes the effects of the child's disability on all affected areas of the child's academic and non-academic school performance.

2. A statement of annual goals including short-term objectives.

3. A statement of the specific special education and related services to be provided to the child and the extent to which the child will participate in regular education programs.

4. The projected dates for the initiation of services

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Determining the appropriate placement

After the IEP meeting the parents must be given written notice of exactly where and how the services will be provided for their child. Most often, the suggested program will be located within the public school system in the district. When a student's disability is such that his or her needs cannot be met in the district, the school district may suggest a placement in an out-of-district program. These programs can include a Day Treatment Program, a Non-public Special Education School, a Residential School or Home Instruction. In all cases, parents should visit the sites that are recommended to observe the program to determine if the program is appropriate for their child.

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Procedural safeguardsProcedural safeguards are procedures in special education explained to a parent or guardian in order for them to be informed throughout the special education process. Typically they are presented at a team meeting, but can be provided sooner. They include:Notice of procedural safeguardsRequired contentParental participation in processRight to participate in all meetings, including identification, evaluation, placement, and all discussions regarding the educational plan.Parent right to review all educational recordsParent right to an independent evaluationPrior written notice

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Prior written notice when a school proposes to initiate a service, conduct an evaluation, change a placement, or modify an IEP; or when the school refuses to provide a parent-requested service, identification, evaluation or change of placement or IEP

Content of prior written noticeRight to submit a complainMediationVoluntary mediation to be provided by SEA at no cost to parentsImpartial due process hearing

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Impartial hearing/mediation

Parents may disagree with the program recommendation of the school district. In that event, parents may reject the district's recommendations by notifying the school district in a clear and concise manner of the reasons for the rejection of the IEP recommendation. This notice must be given in writing within 30 days of receipt of the program recommendation

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The IDEA provides for two methods of resolving disputes between parents and school districts. These include:

1. Mediation

2. Impartial Hearing

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Student conduct and discipline

A student that has engaged in behavior that is in violating of student conduct codes that is punished with a suspension or change in placement exceeding 10 days must be given a Manifestation Determination Hearing.

The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether the bad behavior is caused by the disability. If it is, then the school district will attempt to change the student's program to address the problem or move the student into a more restrictive environment

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Diagnosis is a term that is more appropriately applied to medical classification systems, and individual professional's impression of a person's difficulties.

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The least restrictive environment (LRE) mandate requires that all students in special education be educated with typical peers to the greatest extent possible, while still providing FAPE. The LRE requirement is intended to prevent unnecessary segregation of students with disabilities, and is based on Congress' finding students with disabilities tend to have more success when they remain or have access to typical peers. School Systems must allow one of the following persons;

Special Education ProfessionalPsychologist or a Behavioral Specialist


Least Restrictive Environment

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African-Americans in Special Education

The studies found that grossly disproportionate numbers of minority students are identified as eligible for services, and too often placed in isolated and restrictive educational settings. When compared with their white counterparts, African-American children were almost three times more likely to be labeled "mentally retarded," according to a paper by Thomas B. Parrish, managing research scientist at the American Institutes of Research.

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Bilingual Special Education

This bilingual population is distributed throughout the United States with heavier concentrations in the southwest and northeast. The highest concentration is in the large urban areas.

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