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Invitation to tender No 2010CE16BAT052 by open procedure

"Performance of communication, publication and information activities in the field of

the European Union's regional and cohesion policy"

Lot 1: Design and production of information products, mailing list management

Lot 2: Organisation of events

Lot 3: Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products

Lot 4: Stands


Conclusion of four framework service Contracts for the performance of communication, publication and information activities in the field of the European Union's regional and cohesion policy

Lot 1: Design and production of information products, mailing list managementLot 2: Organisation of eventsLot 3: Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual productsLot 4: Stands

The contracting authority is the Directorate-General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO). The framework Contracts resulting from this invitation to tender may also be used by other Directorates-General and departments of the European Commission.


2.1. Purpose

The aim of this invitation to tender, divided into four lots, is to sign four framework Contracts with companies able to help the "Information, Communication and Relations with Third Countries" Unit of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO) by giving advice, designing, monitoring and producing information products under the DG REGIO action plan. It also aims to help DG REGIO in designing, organising and setting up various events, such as exhibitions, stands, activities, open days, or other events, to be held in existing or temporary facilities, outdoors, in tents, in marquees, etc.

While the DG REGIO departments concerned will remain in charge of their respective activities, the aim of this invitation to tender is to identify professional and competent service providers in the areas covered. No public service tasks or discretionary powers will be delegated to the Contractor. This invitation to tender is not intended as a way of securing staff to carry out public service tasks.


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Contractors may neither maintain nor acquire, directly or indirectly, any interest that might impair their independence in carrying out the duties entrusted to them in performance of this contract.

2.2. Background

The aim of DG REGIO's communication and information strategy is to enable European citizens to better understand the mechanisms, results and impact of European regional policy. Under this framework Contract, DG REGIO wishes to develop information and communication activities relating to the principles and achievements of cohesion policy, mainly with regard to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund but also, to a lesser extent, the Pre-Accession Instrument and the Solidarity Fund. With a view to greater overall transparency, publicity and information are intended to increase the public's awareness and knowledge of the programmes and projects co-financed by the funds, and to create a coherent image in all the Member States. DG REGIO's activities complement the communication activities of the Member States and the regions.

The legal provisions of EU regional and cohesion policy relating to information and communication activities are set until 2013 in Article 69 of Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on cohesion instruments on the one hand, and Articles 2 to 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 establishing their implementation on the other. These specific obligations and provisions should be viewed in the light of transparency requirements, as set out in the Council Financial Regulation, which requires that the list of beneficiaries of EU interventions managed jointly with the Member States be published. The list of beneficiaries of the cohesion policy must be published for each programme. Details must include the name of the beneficiary, the name of the operation, and the amount of public funding allocated to these operations.

Information and communication therefore form an integral part of the implementation procedure for regional and cohesion policy, and also add value to the quality of grass-roots programmes and projects. This needs to be understood, highlighted and put into practice by the national and regional administrations which are the beneficiaries, and also by the Commission departments. It is therefore important to continuously evaluate and improve the information and communication strategies and actions in relation to the overall objectives of the operational programmes.

DG REGIO’s information and communication activities mainly cover:

regional policy websites (Commissioner's website, INFOREGIO, DG REGIO and RegioNetwork 2020 platform);

information tools (Panorama information magazine, information sheets, brochures, press releases, multimedia tools, video clips, photos, exhibition panels, news in the form of Regioflash);

distribution lists;

organisation of conferences, seminars and exhibitions for the purpose of sharing information with EU regional policy experts, but also to raise public awareness.


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networking and exchange of best practice in the field of Member States' and regions' information and publicity programmes;

an information centre and library for visitors.

DG REGIO distinguishes between information and communication activities aimed at the "informed public" and those aimed at the "general public". DG REGIO must address these two categories, as well as roughly 230 000 monthly users of its website. The "informed" public comprises:

managing authorities, such as the regional and national ministries for economic affairs and labour, as well as bodies managing the European Structural Funds;

other involved institutions and individuals, such as EU institutions, regional development agencies, social partners, non-governmental organisations active in civil society, members of monitoring committees, etc.;

multipliers such as information centres, Europe Direct Centres, representations of the Commission and of the European Parliament, management authority spokespersons, etc.;

the academic world, including universities, researchers and students interested in EU regional development, town planners, economists, etc.

The “general public” comprises national and regional media, journalists in the field of economic and regional or local affairs, opinion leaders, and interested citizens, such as teachers, members of political parties, young people, etc.

Information and communication priorities and activities are planned on an annual basis under DG REGIO's general strategy, which consists of providing the different actions with a coherent image. The DG's communication plan for 2011 can be viewed at:

In 2011, DG REGIO employs 740 civil servants and, together with the Member States, manages a budget of EUR 38.4 billion. During the period 2007-2013, EUR 270 billion will be spent on funding 334 regional development programmes.


3.1. Nature of the Contract

The purpose of this invitation to tender is to conclude, for each lot, a single framework Contract with a single Contractor.

As the number of services and the precise dates when they will be required cannot be stipulated in advance, DG REGIO is planning to conclude a framework Contract (specimen enclosed in Annex II). Tenderers declare their acceptance of this and must take this into account in drawing up their bid.

The framework Contract does not constitute an order in itself but merely seeks to lay down the legal, financial, technical and administrative provisions governing the relations between the Contracting parties during the period of validity of the Contract. The


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services requested by DG REGIO will be ordered by means of an order form or specific Contract (following the specimens enclosed in Annex III) setting out the conditions for performance, including the price (in accordance with the contractual price schedule), deadlines, place of performance, etc.

Signature of the framework Contract does not commit DG REGIO to placing orders and does not give the Contractor any exclusive rights to provide the services covered by the framework Contract. DG REGIO reserves the right, at any time during the framework Contract, to cease placing orders without the Contractor thereby having the right to any compensation.

The implementation of a framework Contract is, however, subject to a condition precedent relating to Commission financing decisions concerning in particular the budget for technical assistance under the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund for the period 2011/2014.

3.2. Division into lots

In view of the large number of services, it was decided to create several lots. Tenderers may submit bids for one or more lots. For each lot, all the tasks involved must be carried out. If tenderers submit bids for several lots, then they must submit separate bids, including technical and financial bids, for each lot. Bidding for only part of the services in a lot is excluded and will lead to the rejection of the bid.

3.3. Schedule and duration, deliverables, place of performance

The framework Contract which will be signed following this invitation to tender will have a duration of one year, starting from the date of signature by the last of the contracting parties. It may be renewed automatically three times, unless written notification to the contrary is sent by one of the contracting parties and received by the other party three months before expiry of the framework Contract.

The actions covered by this invitation to tender will be performed mainly in Brussels and, generally, within the 27 EU Member States, but may also be performed outside the EU, particularly in the candidate countries or, exceptionally, in countries further afield with which DG REGIO is in contact (such as, for example, China or Brazil).

3.4. Technical specifications

The technical specifications for each of the four lots are described in Annex I.

The following provisions apply to all four lots:


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3.4.1. Orders, deliverables, quotations and monitoring

The Commission will follow the procedure below to place and follow up orders:

a) It will appoint a contract manager among its staff who, apart from the head of unit, will be the only reference person competent to give work instructions. The contract manager will discuss whether a specific task is appropriate within DG REGIO and, if necessary, with the Contractor.

The Contractor should also appoint a representative responsible for ensuring the consistency of the overall approach and the proposed products. This person will be the contact person for the Commission in all areas. The cost of this contact person's services will be incorporated into each deliverable, as defined in the price schedule.

b) On the basis of this initial discussion, DG REGIO will draw up a written service order and send it to the Contractor.

c) This will constitute the basis for the Contractor's quotation. This quotation must be submitted at the latest one week after the service order, except in urgent cases as specified in this order. It will comprise a detailed description of the work requested, with an estimate of the costs, in working time and materials, for the performance of the work requested. It will also provide for a delivery deadline and, in the case of lot 4 (stands), the date of assembly/disassembly. The quotation will thus be an undertaking with regard to the method, costs and level of quality in accordance with the service order. It may contain other indications regarding the communication and consultation arrangements and the measures to be taken in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Except in the case of ad hoc work, the cost in the quotation will be based on the price schedule annexed to the Contract, the form and amounts from which must be taken over without change.

d) The quotation, once approved by the Commission, will serve for the establishment of an order form or specific Contract, which will constitute the sole authorisation to perform the work. In principle, the order form/specific Contract will consist of a list of deliverables taken from the price schedule, or the bid in the case of ad hoc work. It will be signed by the Commission and then sent to the Contractor for signature. The Contractor must sign it at the latest 8 working days after it was sent by the Commission. It will not be valid until the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

e) When the Contractor returns the signed order form/specific Contract, they will enclose an advance payment invoice of 30%, stating the reference numbers of the framework Contract and of the order concerned (see point 10.1).

If significant changes arise in the nature of the work, the schedule of work or the estimate of costs, a supplementary order form will be required (in accordance with the same procedures as for the first order form).

The deadline for delivery of each specific order, which will depend on the scale and urgency of the product, will be agreed when the service order is sent by DG REGIO and confirmed by the Contractor when the quotation and detailed description of work is submitted. As a general rule the time allowed will be such that delivery can be made in normal conditions. However, the Contractor should note that sometimes circumstances may arise that necessitate faster delivery. The agreed deadline will be


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confirmed in the order form issued for this service. The Contractor must deliver the service within the deadline and in the format required. If no place of delivery is indicated, it will be made to DG REGIO's premises in Brussels.

f) Once the work has been concluded and the product/service delivered, the Contractor will submit to the Commission a proof of delivery, which will then be signed by the Commission as proof of receipt of each product delivered. The Contractor will also submit the final technical report. The Commission shall have thirty days from receipt to approve or reject the report, and the Contractor shall have ten days in which to submit additional information or a new report.

g) The Contractor may then submit the final invoice, for payment of the balance (see point 10.3). In the event of long performance deadlines (exceeding three months), an intermediate invoice may be submitted, subject to the Commission's approval of the progress of the work (see point 11.2).

h) The contract manager may conduct a half-yearly review of the services provided in accordance with the order forms or specific Contracts. An annual evaluation will be carried out to verify how the Contractor has performed his/her tasks, on the basis of the orders, the work performed and the half-yearly reviews.

3.4.2. Price schedule of standard deliverables and procedure for non-current deliverables

Each lot includes an annex entitled "Price schedule", which tenderers must use in their bid. Unit prices must be given for each deliverable or service listed in the schedule. These unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, visa fees, mobile telephone charges, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, travelling expenses to the main location for the performance of the tasks (Brussels), social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by Contractors in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to them.

The price schedules indicate most of the tasks which the Contractor will have to accomplish. However, the number of items and list of unit prices in the price schedule are not exhaustive. The Commission may request additional products and/or services from the Contractor. In such a case, the Commission will canvas the market for such products or services, the prices of which are not included on the price schedule. For items such as these, it is impossible to provide a price because of market fluctuations and the nature of the expenditure. They may include: leasing of multimedia equipment, catering, cost of decorating a stand with plants, cost of hiring a marquee, cost of hiring a space for an exhibition stand, or any other administrative task, etc.

Tenderers' attention is drawn to the fact that the only aim of the price schedule is to establish the financial conditions for the performance of the Contract and constitute a fair and non-discriminatory basis for comparing prices. Consequently, the price schedule cannot under any circumstances be considered to constitute a commitment on the part of the Commission to place specific orders/ or conclude specific Contracts for the associated goods and services, and cannot give rise to any right or legitimate expectation on the part of the Contractor.


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3.4.3. Simulations

Simulations/case studies have been developed for lots 1 and 3. The tenderer will describe the proposed approach to attain the objective described whilst establishing the budget for it. This budget must be based exclusively on the rates given in the price schedule. The approach proposed for each simulation/case study must demonstrate specifically the quality, creativity and profitability of the bid. Tenderers can thus prove their skill, the quality of their management and the allocation of human resources. The tenderer's response will be evaluated according to a qualitative award criterion (see point 13.3.1.).

3.4.4. Copyright

Reference should be made to Article II.8 of the framework Contract attached in Annex II (Ownership of the results - intellectual and industrial property).

The copyright for all texts, copy and still images submitted to DG REGIO belongs to the European Union and its authorised agents, which reserve the right to have them published, amended (by the Contractor or otherwise) or removed at any time. To this effect and without prejudice to the general copyright rules applicable, the Contractor undertakes to deliver all products copyright-free. In this respect the Contractor is solely responsible and liable for any damages resulting from any breach of copyright or of any kind of intellectual property or related rights as a result of publication by the Commission of product(s) delivered.

Should the Contractor use third-party copyright material, whether textual or artistic, for the purpose of the performance of the Contract, he shall have sole responsibility for taking the necessary steps to obtain unfettered rights from the copyright holder(s), or from his or their legal representative, to include, print, publish, and sell the material, for the full legal term of copyright, in whole or in part, in all editions, forms and media, and in any language, as well as for the European Commission itself further to license reproduction or translation and redissemination thereof.

3.4.5. Green life-cycle

Given the particularly high environmental challenge the services covered by these lots represent, the contractor should give particular attention to this aspect, aiming to provide the best possible "green life-cycle". This can include e.g. the use of non-aggressive/ecological components and materials for exhibition equipment, promotional gadgets or publications, re-use and recycling of exhibition materials, type of ink used for poster printing or publications, separate waste collection, sustainable transport of staff and material, energy efficiency measures, use of recycled paper in printed material, double-side printing, sustainable catering (use of local, organic and fair trade product, offer of vegetarian meal selections, recyclable food packaging, etc.), etc. This list is non-exhaustive.

The Green Public Procurement can be consulted on the website of Directorate-General for Environment at the following address:

3.4.6. Liquidated damages

If the work does not meet the terms or quality standards in the order form, it may be refused. Should the Contractor fail to perform his obligations under the Contract in


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accordance with the provisions laid down therein, the Commission may - without prejudice to its right to terminate the Contract - reduce or recover payments in proportion to the scale of the failure. In addition, the Commission may impose penalties or liquidated damages, as follows (cf. Article I.11 of the draft service contract in annex II): Delivery delays

In the event of delays in delivering/carrying out the services as defined by default in the technical specifications and/or as agreed before starting the work, the liquidated damages (L) shall be calculated according to the following equation:

L = V x R100

where V is the total value of the order form concerned (all services together, without exception) and R is the coefficient resulting from the number of working days overdue compared with the date defined by default in the technical specifications and/or agreed before starting the work, according to the following formula which uses a geometric progression:

R = 0.2 x D x (1.03)(D-1)

where D is the number of working days overdue. The values of R can be found in the following table:

Delay in days

Value of coefficient


Delay in days

Value of coefficient


Delay in days

Value of coefficient


1 0.2 13 3.7 25 10.22 0.4 14 4.1 26 10.93 0.6 15 4.5 27 11.64 0.9 16 5.0 28 12.45 1.1 17 5.5 29 13.36 1.4 18 6.0 30 14.17 1.7 19 6.5 31 15.08 2.0 20 7.0 32 16.09 2.3 21 7.6 33 17.010 2.6 22 8.2 34 18.011 3.0 23 8.8 35 19.112 3.3 24 9.5 36 20.0 Rejection of deliverables

In cases of obvious errors or poor quality of deliverables (publication, video clip, sign, etc.), the costs associated with correcting these errors, supplying new proofs, reprinting and redistribution, etc. shall be borne exclusively by the Contractor.

Any damaged products (stands, etc.) must be replaced. The associated costs shall be borne exclusively by the Contractor.


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Participation in tendering procedures is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons coming within the scope of the Treaties and to all natural and legal persons in a third country which has a special agreement with the Communities in the field of public procurement, under the conditions laid down in that agreement.

Where the Multilateral Agreement on Public Contracts concluded within the framework of the WTO applies, the Contracts are also open to nationals of States which have ratified this Agreement, under the conditions provided for therein.

Tenderers must indicate in which State they have their registered office or residence, providing the necessary supporting documents in accordance with their national law.

The bid may involve several service providers, who may:

– make a bid as a consortium, in which case all the providers must be considered as tenderers and, if theirs is the successful bid, as Contractors (in this case, one of the tenderers must be put forward as coordinator to manage the Contract);

– make a joint bid, in which case all the providers must be considered as tenderers and, if theirs is the successful bid, as Contractors (in this case, one of the tenderers must be put forward as coordinator to manage the Contract);

– make a bid in the name of only one tenderer, who is then the sole Contractor if the bid is successful, the other service providers being considered as subcontractors.

Please note that in the case of a tender presented by a consortium, after submission the consortium composition must remain the same for the duration of the validity of the offer.

Whichever type of bid is chosen (joint bid/consortium or bid in the name of one tenderer), the tenderer(s) must stipulate the role, qualifications and experience of each service provider and, where relevant, the monitoring arrangements that exist between them.

4.1. Consortium

The consortium selected may be required to assume a given legal form when it has been awarded the contract if this change is necessary for proper performance of the contract. However, a grouping of economic operators must nominate one party to be responsible for the receipt and processing of payments for members of the grouping, for managing the service administration, and for coordination. The documents required and listed in chapters 13.1 and 13.2 of the specifications must be supplied by every member of the grouping. In any event, such tenders will be treated in the same way as any other type of tender, each being assessed on its own merits in relation to the criteria and the evaluation procedure set out in these terms of reference. Each member of the grouping assumes a joint and several liability towards the Commission.


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4.2. Groups

Tenders may be submitted by groups of suppliers, who will not be required to adopt a particular legal form prior to the Contract being awarded, but may be required to do so after the award. However, a group of companies must nominate one party to be responsible for the receipt and processing of payments for members of the group, for the service administration and for coordination. The documents required and listed in points 13.1 and 13.2 must be supplied by every member of the group. Each member of the group must assume joint and several liability towards the Commission.

4.3. Subcontracting

The Contractor will be able to call on subcontractors to provide specific know-how or to deal with an unexpected, exceptional increase in the workload.

The Contractor will remain the sole interlocutor with legal and financial liability vis-à-vis DG REGIO for all services supplied, including that/those of the subcontractor(s). Among the selection criteria (see point 13.2), particular attention will be paid to the approach proposed by Contractors for the management of their subcontractors.

Tenderers must indicate the maximum percentage that they intend to subcontract, the type of work they intend to subcontract, and the names of the companies they intend to work with. The Contractor will of course be responsible for the quality of the work provided by the subcontractors. The work of the subcontractors will in no way change the Contractor's responsibility to the Commission. The Contractor must obtain the Commission's prior approval before engaging any new subcontractors during the Contract, in accordance with Article II.13 of the framework service Contract.

In addition to the documents concerning the exclusion and selection criteria provided for under points 13.1 and 13.2, each subcontractor must provide the following documents:

– a document drafted by the tenderer clearly defining the identity, roles, activities and responsibilities of the subcontractor(s) and specifying the volume or proportion of tasks assigned to each subcontractor;

– a letter of intent with an unambiguous undertaking to collaborate with the tenderer if they win the Contract and the extent of the resources to be placed at the tenderer’s disposal for the performance of the Contract.

Once the Contract has been signed, Article II.13 of the above-mentioned framework service Contract shall govern the subcontracting.

Tenderers must inform the subcontractor(s) that the Article (control and audit) of the draft framework service Contract (see Annex II) will be applied to them and include it in the documents governing the subcontracting.

Any human resources used under contract by the tenderer but not part of the permanent staff will be considered as subcontracted. This also applies to independent consultants employed for a limited time and staff on secondment from another firm.

If a proportion of the tasks in the tender are to be subcontracted, it is recommended that contractual arrangements with subcontractors include mediation as a method of dispute resolution.


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Initiation of a tender procedure imposes no obligation on the contracting authority to award the contract.

This invitation to tender is in no way binding on the Commission. The Commission’s contractual obligation commences only upon signature of the contract with the successful tenderer.

Up to the time of signature, the contracting authority may either abandon the procurement procedure or cancel the award procedure, without the candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation. This decision must be substantiated and the candidates or tenderers notified


All the information on regional policy necessary for the presentation of a bid under this invitation to tender is available on the website:

Paper documentation and examples of DG REGIO publications are available at the DG REGIO information centre at 41 Avenue de Tervueren, 1040 Brussels.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 2 pm to 5 pmTelephone: (+32-2)296 06 34 (information centre)E-mail: [email protected]


Not applicable.


Variants are not allowed.


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For lot 1 the indicative maximum amount is € 14 000 000 (up to 4 years).For lot 2 the indicative maximum amount is € 12 400 000 (up to 4 years).For lot 3 the indicative maximum amount is € 4 000 000 (up to 4 years).For lot 4 the indicative maximum amount is € 2 200 000 (up to 4 years).

These estimates are indicative.


– Prices quoted must be fixed and not subject to revision for the first year of the Contract. From the beginning of the second year of the Contract period, the price schedule may be revised upwards or downwards each year, where such revision is requested by one of the contracting parties by registered letter no later than three months before the anniversary of the date on which it was signed.

Revision shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

IrPr=Po (0.2+0.8 - )



Pr = revised price;Po = price in the original tender;Io = index for the month corresponding to the final date for submission of

tenders;Ir = index for the month corresponding to the date of receipt of the letter

requesting a price revision.

– Detailed information on this formula can be found in the Contract (Article I.3.3 of the special terms and conditions of the Contract attached in Annex 2). Under the terms of Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union, the Commission is exempt from all charges, taxes and duties, including value added tax; these charges cannot therefore be included when calculating the price. The amount of VAT should be shown separately.

– The price tendered must be all-inclusive and expressed in euros, including for countries which are not part of the eurozone. For tenderers in countries which do not belong to the eurozone, the price quoted may not be revised in line with exchange rate movements. The choice of the exchange rate to be used lies with the tendering party, who accepts both the risks and opportunities of any fluctuations in this rate.

– Tenderers must provide unit prices for each service or deliverable, as listed for each lot in the price schedule in Annex I. This schedule must be completed in full, item by item, with no item omitted. No additional item may be added by tenderers. The unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, visa fees, mobile phone, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm,


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secretarial services, travelling expenses to the main location for the performance of the tasks (Brussels), social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by Contractors in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to them.

– The attention of tenderers is drawn, in particular, to the fact that, for tasks for which travel expenses are necessary, the Specifications make no provision for the separate reimbursement of these costs within the European Union. These expenses should be included in the unit prices for these services. Tenderers must work on the basis of fixed costs.

In certain specific cases (described in the price schedules), these fixed costs are variable, depending on where the work is performed, subdivided into three zones:

Zone A includes Brussels and cities within a radius of 500 km, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam and Cologne;

Zone B includes places within a radius of 500 and 1 500 km of Brussels, such as Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Stockholm, Dublin, Copenhagen, Warsaw or Prague;

Zone C includes places within the European Union further than 1 500 km away from Brussels, and the candidate countries.

– Any reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses arising in the context of exceptional missions not included in the products in the price schedule (particularly for missions in the countries outside the European Union with which DG REGIO is in contact, such as Brazil, Ukraine and China) and carried out at the specific request of and after obtaining prior authorisation from the Commission, away from the main place of performance of the tasks (Brussels), will be made in euros. Reimbursement shall be made on the basis of original supporting documents in accordance with Commission rules on reimbursement of costs (see Article II.7. of the draft contract in Annex II and ceilings for hotel rates in Annex VIII).

– Costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders are to be borne by the tenderers and will not be reimbursed.


11.1. Pre-financing

The payment of pre-financing shall be accepted only for orders or specific contracts of a total amount of minimum EUR 50,000.

Within 30 days of the latest of the following dates:

- the date on which the Contractor returns the order form or specific contract and the relevant invoice, indicating the reference number of the Contract and of the order or specific contract to which it refers,

- the receipt by the Commission of a duly constituted financial guarantee equal to 30 % of the total value of the order or specific contract, where this pre-financing is at least EUR 50,000,

a pre-financing payment of 30 % of the total value of the order or specific contract shall be made.


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11.2. Interim payment

An interim payment is possible only for orders with a minimum value of €100 000 and where the period of execution for the order exceeds three months.

A 20 % of the total value of the order can be paid as an interim payment (see Article I.5. of the specimen framework contract in Annex II).

Requests for interim payment presented by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions laid down in Annex I will be admissible only if accompanied by:

– an interim technical report approved by the Commission;

– the relevant invoice, indicating the reference number of the Contract and of the order to which it relates;

– if applicable, statements of reimbursable expenses in accordance with Article II.7 of the framework Contract.

The Commission shall have 30 days from receipt to approve or reject the interim report, and the Contractor shall have 10 days in which to submit additional information or a new report.

Within 30 days of receipt of the relevant invoice(s), a corresponding interim payment will be made.

11.3. Payment of the balance

The Contractor’s request for payment of the balance shall be admissible only if accompanied by:

– the final technical report (approved by the Commission) (see Article I.5. of the specimen framework contract in Annex II);

– the relevant invoice, indicating the reference number of the Contract and of the order to which it refers;

– where appropriate, statements of reimbursable expenses in accordance with Article II.7 of the framework Contract.

The Commission shall have 30 days from receipt of the final technical report to approve or reject it and the Contractor shall have 10 days in which to submit additional information or a new report.

Then, within 30 days of receipt of the invoice concerned, the payment of the balance for this invoice will be made.


– The contractual conditions are laid down in the specimen framework service contract in Annex II.


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– An advance payment guarantee is requested if the advance payment is equal to or more than €50 000. Guarantees must be supplied by a bank or financial institution and may be replaced by a joint and several guarantee provided by a third party. They must be denominated in euro (see specimen advance payment guarantee form in Annex IV).


13.1. Exclusion criteria

13.1.1. Tenderers will be excluded from participation in the contract procedure if:

a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;

d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the Contract is to be performed;

e) they have been the subject of a judgement which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the European Union's financial interests;

f) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.

Means of proof:

Tenderers must provide a declaration on their honour, duly signed and dated, stating that they are not in one of the situations referred to above (Annex V). All members of the group or consortium and subcontractors must provide this declaration.

The selected tenderers must supply, within 10 working days and before signature of the Contract, evidence to back up the declaration on their honour described above.

As evidence that they are not in one of the situations provided for in the paragraph above and, in particular:


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– for points a), b) and e) above, a copy of an extract from the judicial record or, failing this, of an equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority;

– for point d), a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned.

Where no such certificate is issued in the country concerned, it may be replaced by a sworn or, failing that, a solemn statement made by the interested party before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his/her country of origin or provenance.

Depending on the national legislation of the country in which the tenderer is established, the documents referred to above relate to legal persons and natural persons.

13.1.2. Exclusion from award of Contract:

No Contract will be awarded to tenderers who, at the time when Contracts are being awarded under this procedure:

a) are subject to a conflict of interests. The Commission must ensure that, at the time of its bid, the tenderer is not subject to a conflict of interest in relation to this invitation to tender (a conflict of interest which could arise in particular as a result of economic interests, political or national affinities, family or emotional ties or any other relevant connection or shared interest. The Commission reserves the right to judge whether such a conflict of interest exists.To this end, tenderers must indicate whether any of the following are among their members of staff, shareholders, or on their payroll:

√ former European officials, contract staff, temporary staff or auxiliary staff who have worked for the European Union in the three years preceding this invitation to tender;

√ European officials on leave of absence;√ former agents seconded to the European institutions who have worked for the

European Union in the three years preceding this invitation to tender;√ former trainees having undergone a traineeship with the European Union

during the year preceding this invitation to tender.

Tenderers are also asked to declare:

√ that they have not made, and will not make, any offer of any type whatsoever from which an advantage can be derived under the Contract;

√ that they have not granted and will not grant, have not attempted and will not attempt to obtain, have not accepted and will not accept the slightest advantage, financial or in kind, to or from any party which might constitute an illegal practice or amount to direct or indirect corruption, as an incentive or reward for award of the Contract.

√ that they will inform the contracting authority without delay of any situation constituting a conflict of interest or which could give rise to a conflict of interest.

b) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information.


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Means of proof:

The contracting authority can accept as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer is not in one of the situations described in point a) and b), an on-honour declaration signed by the tenderer. The Commission reserves the right to verify the information.

13.1.3. Tenders submitted by consortia or groups of service providers and tenders involving subcontracting

In the case of tenders submitted by a consortium, group or a Contractor who plans to subcontract part of the work or who has allocated tasks to another economic operator, the exclusion criteria defined above must be fulfilled by each economic operator involved in the Contract.

Means of proof:

In the case of tenders submitted by consortia or groups of service providers, each economic operator participating in the tender must supply the documents provided for in points 13.1.1 and 13.1.2 to prove that none of the exclusion criteria for participation or award of Contracts applies to it. The tenderer to whom the contract is to be awarded shall provide, within 10 days preceding the signature of the contract, the evidence referred to above, confirming the declaration on honour for every economic operator part of the consortia or groups of service providers.

Each subcontractor must also supply all the documents provided for in points 13.1.1 and 13.1.2. The tenderer to whom the contract is to be awarded shall provide, within 10 days preceding the signature of the contract, the evidence referred to above for the exclusion criteria for participation or award of contracts, confirming the declaration on honour for every subcontractor for which the Commission will request it.

13.2. Selection criteria

13.2.1. Legal situation:

a) if tenderers require special authorisation or if they need to be a member of a specific organisation in order to provide the services required in their country of origin, they must be able to prove that they have the authorisation or are a member of the organisation in question;

b) tenderers must provide proof of entry in the trade or professional register, or provide a sworn declaration or certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Member State in which they are established.

Means of proof:

Proof of inclusion in a professional or trade register or a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a specific organisation, express authorisation.

In the case of tenders submitted by consortia or groups of service providers, each economic operator participating in the tender must supply the documents provided for in point 13.2.1.

Each subcontractor must also supply all the documents provided for in that point.


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13.2.2. Economic and financial capacity:

Tenderers must have sufficient resources at their disposal to be able to execute the tasks described and maintain their activity for the entire duration of the Contract.

Means of proof:

Such evidence may be provided by the following references:

– the tenderer must provide proof of at least one annual turnover in the last two financial years for which accounts have been closed at least equivalent to 1 million €;

– the presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established;

– a statement of overall turnover and turnover in respect of works, supplies or services similar to those forming the subject of this invitation to tender over a period not exceeding the last three financial years;

– appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance.

Other documentary evidence may be accepted by the contracting authority if the above documents cannot be provided for reasons duly justified by the tenderer.

13.2.3. Technical and professional capacity:

The technical and professional capacity of tenderers will be assessed in particular with regard to their know-how, efficiency, experience and reliability.

Lot 1: Design and production of information products, mailing list management

– tenderers must provide evidence of at least three years’ professional experience in all the sectors which are the subject of this invitation to tender;

– tenderers must demonstrate that they have the human resources needed to provide the products and services required;

– tenderers must demonstrate their capacity to respond to requests for services at short notice;

– tenderers must designate a project leader, who will be the Commission's contact point, the sole interlocutor to whom it will address any requests and who must attend progress meetings. The project leader must provide evidence of at least five years’ professional experience in the sector covered by the lot in respect of which they have submitted their tender;

– tenderers must demonstrate experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, proving the tenderer's capacity to mobilise/coordinate teams with well balanced composition and appropriate level of qualifications;


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– tenderers must demonstrate their capacity to work in all EU official languages, including excellent communication and drafting skills in English, French and German, and ability to read documents and communicate in those languages. Therefore, tenderers must demonstrate their ability to mobilise teams having such linguistic capacity to cover the order forms' linguistic requirements;

– tenderers must demonstrate expertise and good experience in the communication and institutional information sector (minimum level required: communication and information services provided in the last three years must cover at least three areas of public policy);

– the editorial staff proposed by the tenderer must provide evidence of at least three years’ experience in publications and other editing (minimum level required: experience covering at least three areas of public policy).

Means of proof:

– the service provider's educational and professional qualifications and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services, especially the contact person designated by the Contractor in charge of monitoring the Contract (see point 3.4.1.a);

– a list of the main services provided over the past three years, with the amount, the date, and the name of the public or private sector recipient of the services; services directly linked to the sector covered by this invitation to tender must be listed separately. If these services were performed in part by subcontractors, tenderers must clearly indicate their own role and contribution;

– a statement of the tenderer's average annual staff numbers and the number of management staff over the past three years;

– a statement describing the linguistic and technical skills of the staff, in particular the team directly responsible for performing the services in question. The tenderer must identify the main persons responsible for performing, coordinating and supervising the work, highlighting their experience and expertise in the activities concerned, their position within the firm, their knowledge of public policies, their language skills, their editing skills, and any other aspect considered useful for the Commission to know.

– a description of the technical equipment and the measures employed to ensure the quality of supplies and services, and a description of the firm's study and research facilities;

– an indication of which parts of the Contract the tenderer wishes to subcontract, including a description of any subcontractors already selected by the tenderer who may be called upon to perform certain types of work. This declaration must also demonstrate the tenderer's ability to manage the subcontractors effectively and describe appropriate mechanisms to find any new subcontractors to perform the services under optimum conditions, in particular in terms of value for money.

Lot 2: Event organisation

– tenderers must provide evidence of at least three years’ professional experience in all the sectors covered which are the subject of this invitation to tender;


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– tenderers must demonstrate that they have the human resources needed to provide the products and services required;

– tenderers must demonstrate their capacity to respond to requests for services at short notice;

– tenderers must designate a project leader, who will be the Commission's contact point, the sole interlocutor to whom it will address any requests and who must attend progress meetings. The project leader must provide evidence of at least five years’ professional experience in the sector covered by the lot in respect of which they have submitted their tender;

– tenderers must demonstrate excellent communication skills in English and French. Therefore, tenderers must demonstrate their ability to mobilise teams having such linguistic capacity to cover the order forms' linguistic requirements;

– tenderer must demonstrate experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, proving the tenderer's capacity to mobilise/coordinate teams when events are taking place at the same time.

– editorial staff must provide evidence of at least three years' experience in writing articles or similar.

Means of proof:

– the service provider's educational and professional qualifications and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services, especially the contact person designated by the Contractor in charge of monitoring the Contract (see point 3.4.1.a);

– a list of the main services provided over the past three years, with the amount, the date, and the name of the public or private sector recipient of the services; services directly linked to the sector covered by this invitation to tender must be listed separately. If these services were performed in part by subcontractors, tenderers must clearly indicate their own role and contribution;

– a statement of the tenderer's average annual staff numbers and the number of management staff over the past three years;

– a statement describing the linguistic and technical skills of the staff, in particular the team directly responsible for performing the services in question. The tenderer must identify the main persons responsible for performing, coordinating and supervising the work, highlighting their experience and expertise in the activities concerned, their position within the firm, their editing skills, and any other aspect considered useful for the Commission to know.

– a description of the technical equipment and the measures employed to ensure the quality of supplies and services, and a description of the firm's study and research facilities;

– an indication of which parts of the Contract the tenderer wishes to subcontract, including a description of any subcontractors already selected by the tenderer who may be called upon to perform certain types of work. This declaration must also


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demonstrate the tenderer's ability to manage the subcontractors and describe appropriate mechanisms to find any new subcontractors to perform the services under optimum conditions, in particular in terms of value for money.

Lot 3: Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products

– tenderers must provide evidence of at least three years’ professional experience in all the sectors which are the subject of this invitation to tender;

– tenderers must demonstrate that they have the human resources needed to provide the products and services required;

– tenderers must demonstrate their capacity to respond to requests for services at short notice;

– tenderers must designate a project leader, who will be the Commission's contact point, the sole interlocutor to whom it will address any requests and who must attend progress meetings. The project leader must provide evidence of at least five years’ professional experience in the sector covered by the lot in respect of which they have submitted their tender;

– tenderer must demonstrate experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, proving the tenderer's capacity to mobilise/coordinate teams when events are taking place at the same time;

– tenderers must demonstrate excellent communication skills in English and French. Therefore, tenderers must demonstrate their ability to mobilise teams having such linguistic capacity to cover the order forms' linguistic requirements;

– tenderers must provide evidence of expertise and good experience in the institutional communication and information sector (minimum level required: the communication and information services provided in the last three years must cover at least three areas of public policy).

Means of proof:

– the service provider's educational and professional qualifications and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services, especially the contact person designated by the Contractor in charge of monitoring the Contract (see point 3.4.1.a);

– a list of the main services provided over the past three years, with the amount, the date, and the name of the public or private sector recipient of the services; services directly linked to the sector covered by this invitation to tender must be listed separately. If these services were performed in part by subcontractors, tenderers must clearly indicate their own role and contribution;

– a statement of the tenderer's average annual staff numbers and the number of management staff over the past three years;

– a statement describing the linguistic and technical skills of the staff, in particular the team directly responsible for performing the services in question. The tenderer must identify the main persons responsible for performing, coordinating and supervising


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the work, highlighting their experience and expertise in the activities concerned, their position within the firm, their knowledge of public policies, their language skills, their editing skills, and any other aspect considered useful for the Commission to know;

– a description of the technical equipment and the measures employed to ensure the quality of supplies and services, and a description of the firm's study and research facilities;

– an indication of which parts of the Contract the tenderer wishes to subcontract, including a description of any subcontractors already selected by the tenderer who may be called upon to perform certain types of work. This declaration must also demonstrate the tenderer's ability to manage the subcontractors effectively and describe appropriate mechanisms to find any new subcontractors to perform the services under optimum conditions, in particular in terms of value for money;

– an indication of the environmental management measures which the economic operator will be able to apply when performing the Contract.

Lot 4: Stands

– tenderers must provide evidence of at least three years’ professional experience in all the sectors covered which are the subject of this invitation to tender;

– tenderers must demonstrate that they have the human resources needed to provide the products and services required;

– tenderers must demonstrate their capacity to respond to requests for services at short notice;

– tenderers must designate a project leader, who will be the Commission's contact point, the sole interlocutor to whom it will address any requests and who must attend progress meetings. The project leader must provide evidence of at least five years’ professional experience in the sector covered by the lot in respect of which they have submitted their tender;

– tenderer must demonstrate experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, proving the tenderer's capacity to mobilise/coordinate teams when events are taking place at the same time.

Means of proof:

– the service provider's educational and professional qualifications and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services, especially the contact person designated by the Contractor in charge of monitoring the Contract (see point 3.4.1.a);

– a list of the main services provided over the past three years, with the amount, the date, and the name of the public or private sector recipient of the services; services directly linked to the sector covered by this invitation to tender must be listed separately. If these services were performed in part by subcontractors, tenderers must clearly indicate their own role and contribution;


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– a statement of the tenderer's average annual staff numbers and the number of management staff over the past three years;

– a statement describing the technical skills of the staff, in particular the team directly responsible for performing the services in question. The tenderer must identify the main persons responsible for performing, coordinating and supervising the work, highlighting their experience and expertise in the activities concerned, their position within the firm, and any other aspect considered useful for the Commission to know.

– a description of the technical equipment and the measures employed to ensure the quality of supplies and services, and a description of the firm's study and research facilities;

– an indication of which parts of the Contract the tenderer wishes to subcontract, including a description of any subcontractors already selected by the tenderer who may be called upon to perform certain types of work. This declaration must also demonstrate the tenderer's ability to manage the subcontractors effectively and describe appropriate mechanisms to find any new subcontractors to perform the services under optimum conditions, in particular in terms of value for money.

In view of the specific nature of the contract, tenderers must take into account the fact that, as a general rule, the services requested are likely to take place in the 27 Member States, in the EU candidate countries (Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey) and in any other country where Structural Funds are likely to intervene.

13.3. Award criteria

The award criteria for each of the four lots are described in Annex I.

The following provisions apply to all four lots:

Tenders will be compared and ranked on a list according to the total number of points obtained, consisting of a qualitative and a financial score. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer that has obtained the highest score.

Tenders will be examined from the perspective of quality in order to assign to each a quality score calculated according to the rules set out in the section “Quality score” of each lot. The assessment will then look at the financial aspect according to the rules set out in the section “Financial score” of each lot.


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13.3.1. Quality score (maximum 100 points)

The quality of the proposals will be assessed out of 100 points. The criteria are described in part I of the specifications of each lot.

For all lots, tenders should obtain at least 50 % for each award criteria. Otherwise they will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

For all lots, tenders that obtain a total quality score of less than 70 points will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenderers should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. Merely repeating the mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without providing further analysis, will only result in a very low score. In addition, if certain essential points of these specifications are not expressly covered by the tender, the evaluators may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant qualitative award criteria.

13.3.2. Financial score (price index)

The financial value of the tender will be calculated as the total sum of unit prices in the price schedule. Each price will be multiplied by its corresponding weighting factor and the final total will be the sum of all the weighted prices. This total represents the price index and will be included in the final evaluation formula.

Price index = Σ (UP x WF)

Σ = sum

UP = unit prices in the price schedule of the lot to which the tender refers

WF = weighting factor of the unit prices

So far as lot 1 is concerned, please refer to point 9.2 of the specifications.

13.3.3. Final assessment

The contract will be awarded to the tender that offers the best quality/price ratio.

The final assessment of the qualitative value in relation to the financial value (price index) will be carried out by allocating a mark to each tender calculated as follows:

(Quality ÷ 100) x 60 + (lowest price ÷ price) x 40

Tenders will be ranked in descending order on the basis of the mark obtained. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has obtained the highest mark at the end of the final assessment.


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The bid must comply with the terms laid down in the letter of invitation to tender. It may be drafted in any of the official languages of the European Union.

Tenderers may submit bids for one or more lots. For each lot, all the tasks involved must be carried out. If tenderers submit bids for several lots then they must submit separate bids, including technical and financial bids, for each lot. Bidding for only part of the services in a lot is explicitly excluded and will lead to the rejection of the bid.

Submission of a bid implies that the Contractor accepts all the terms and conditions set out in these Specifications (including the annexes) and waives all other terms of business. Submission of the bid binds the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded during performance of the Contract.

The Commission shall not reimburse expenses incurred in preparing and submitting bids.

The tendering procedure shall not involve the Commission in any obligation to award the Contract.

No compensation may be claimed by tenderers whose bid has not been accepted, including when the Commission decides not to award the Contract.

The bid must be submitted in triplicate and must be accompanied by a letter dated and signed by the tenderer or by any other duly appointed representative, declaring acceptance of the conditions in this invitation to tender and undertaking to provide the services proposed in the bid. In the case of a bid presented by a consortium or a group of service providers, the bid must be accompanied by a letter signed by each member pledging to provide all the services in the bid and specifying the role and qualifications of each member.

All bids must be presented in three sections:

14.1.1. Administrative proposal

The administrative proposal consists of general information and specifically includes all the information and documents required in these Specifications to permit verification of possible grounds for exclusion (see point 13.1) as well as an analysis of bidders' capabilities on the basis of the selection criteria (see point 13.2). The administrative proposal will provide the following information:

The tenderer's name and legal form;

The address of the tenderer’s registered office;

The tenderer's telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and web page;

The names of the legal representatives (directors, etc.) of the tenderer who are authorised to sign contracts with third parties on behalf of the organisation;

The tenderer’s VAT number and trade-register entry number;


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The financial identification form completed and signed by an authorised representative of the tenderer and by the tenderer’s bank (see form attached in Annex VI);

The 'Legal entity' form duly signed and completed (see form attached in Annex VII);

A declaration of the tenderer’s eligibility certifying that the tenderer is not in any of the situations listed in Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation of the European Communities (Official Journal L 248 of 16 September 2002);

Proof of economic and financial capacity: documents listed in point 13.2.2;

Proof of technical and professional capacity: documents listed in point 13.2.3;

The CVs of the members of the team responsible for the services under the framework Contract.

Tenders from consortia of firms or groups of service providers (or contractors or suppliers, depending on the type of Contract) must specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member or of the group.

Proof of eligibility, a declaration that there are no conflicts of interests, and documents on the exclusion and selection criteria must be supplied by each member of the consortium of firms or group of service providers (or contractors or suppliers, depending on the type of Contract) submitting a single bid.

14.1.2. Technical proposal

This section is of great importance in the assessment of the bids, the award of the Contract and the future execution of any resulting Contract. The technical proposal must fulfil the technical specifications set out in point 3.4 of the Specifications and in the first part of Annex I.

The technical proposal will described how the tenderer plans to perform the tasks in the Contract, respecting all the obligations laid down in the Specifications and the technical specifications and should include all information and documents to evaluate the bids on the basis of the award criteria (see point 12.3). The structure of the technical proposal must be in line with the nature of the services requested, as described for the various lots.

For lots 1 and 3, two simulations are required; these are set out in the technical specifications for the lots in question.

14.1.3. Financial proposal

The price schedule should be completed (use the form provided to that effect), dated and signed on each page.


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I. Technical specifications

Lot 1 (description, simulations, price schedule)Lot 2 (description, price schedule)Lot 3 (description, simulations, price schedule)Lot 4 (description, price schedule)

II. Specimen framework contract

III. A. Specimen order formB. Specimen specific contract.

IV. Specimen advance payment guarantee form

V. On-honour declaration form

VI. Bank identification form

VII. Legal entity form

VIII. Hotel ceiling


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Technical specifications lot 1

Design and production of information products, mailing list management

The first part of the Specifications defines the subject of the Contract and describes the associated tasks, listed in eight sections, and the award criteria.

The second part describes the two simulations that the tenderer must complete.

The third part contains the price schedule to be submitted and which must also be completed by the tenderer for the simulations. This price schedule must be submitted by the Contractor with every offer.



The subject of this lot is to promote communication on European regional policy and reinforce relations between the Regional Policy Directorate-General (DG REGIO) and specific target groups, including the general public, via quality information products.

The aim of the information activities undertaken in the context of European regional policy is to increase awareness of the policy among a large number of organisations and the general public. They also reflect the important role of DG REGIO as a disseminator of good practices and experiences in planning, evaluating and managing the structural funds.

In the context of this lot, "information products" means all written, electronic or purely visual tools designed to inform a specific target group about the activities, achievements and plans of DG REGIO in the context of its mission and the provisions and achievements of regional policy.

As the EU Publications Office takes care of most of the printing and distribution of publications, the assistance required in the area of publications relates mainly to activities before the printing stage.

The Contractor will be required to create information products at the request of DG REGIO. Part of the Contractor's responsibility will also be to monitor the full range of information products and bring to DG REGIO's attention any cases where improvements or updates can be made. To this end, the Contractor should formulate specific proposals.


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This lot comprises a number of tasks listed under the following eight headings and which are described in more detail in section B:

1. Producing the basic versions of information products2. Producing the other language versions of the basic text 3. Graphic charter and graphic design of new information tools4. Selection of photos and managing the content of the digital library5. Layout and pre-press6. Electronic publications: internet sites, pages and applications7. Managing DG REGIO's mailing lists 8. Other information products and promotional tools.

Collaboration with the Contractor

The Contractor will work in close collaboration with the Commission.

The Contractor will appoint a person responsible for coordinating the Contract as the sole interlocutor (the text later refers to 'the main contact', which is clearer) with the Commission for all tasks relating to performance of the Contract, unless otherwise jointly agreed. The person responsible must be able to demonstrate at least five years' professional experience as a project manager in the field of communication. This person will be responsible for coordinating all the information products and, in particular, making sure that they are consistent with and compliment each other. They should therefore have a good understanding of regional policy so that they can propose appropriate communication activities.

For each of the tasks set out under this lot, the person(s) appointed by the Contractor to be in charge of their implementation must demonstrate the appropriate skills and experience.

The following provisions apply to all eight task headings:

Calculating prices

DG REGIO will apply a pricing system whereby the vast majority of tasks will be priced as complete deliverables including all aspects of coordination of the Contract, project management, coordination with the various parties involved, meetings, monitoring and planning, staff costs, information search, working meetings, overheads, materials costs and transport costs.

These expenses may not be invoiced separately, except where specifically stated to the contrary in the order form, e.g. travel expenses for exceptional missions.

The prices for parts 1 (correction, editing, drafting) and 2 (language versions) indicated in the price schedule will be based on a price per page (1500 characters (not including spaces) – including data in any tables and/or graphics). The pricing for part 3 (graphic design) includes a staff costs element for the development of new products. Part 4 concerns the selection of photographs and managing the content of the database of photographs. Provision is made in part 5 (layout and pre-press) for costing based on one page (recto), three levels of complexity and two levels of document (basic or language version made available from the basic version). Part 6 sets out the specific tasks associated with electronic publications. Part 7 relates to the management of DG REGIO's


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mailing lists, and part 8 (Other information products and promotional tools) relates to the printing of any information products.

The calculation of the price for the services requested is based mainly on a calculation grid comprising:

– 4 levels of drafting work (see point B.1);

– 3 groups of language combinations for the translations (see point B.2);

– 2 levels of document layout – basic version and language versions (see point B.5);

– 3 levels of layout complexity – simple, complex 1 and complex 2 (see point B.5)


The level of quality of the final basic version (the only version which will be subject to a "passed for press" order) and each of the language versions must be such that no corrections by the Commission are necessary.

Jobs must be carried out fully in accordance with the specific instructions given in each order form and must be complete and accurate. The Contractor must carry out a thorough check of the entire job to ensure that it can be used as it stands without further revision by the Commission.

The Contractor should pay particular attention to the following issues:

– all Internet links indicated should be operational,– references to published documents must be checked,– quotations must be correct and accompanied by a source,– reference documents provided must have been consulted and validated,– the terminology used must be consistent throughout the information support and

consistent with any official and/or previous versions.

DG REGIO sets great store by the environmental sustainability of its information products.

Date and time of delivery

The deadline for delivery of each specific assignment, which will depend on the scale and urgency of the product, will be agreed with the Contractor before the price offer is approved. As a general rule the time allowed will be such that delivery can be made under normal conditions. The Contractor should note that circumstances arising from time to time may necessitate more rapid delivery. The agreed deadline will be confirmed in the order form. The Contractor must deliver the work within the deadline and in the format required. The normal place of delivery is the premises of DG REGIO in Brussels.

Progress and planning meetings

In addition to day-to-day contact by telephone or email, regular working meetings (in principle twice monthly) will be held on Commission premises to monitor the progress of ongoing matters and to ensure compliance with the contractual undertakings relating to, for example, correct application of the quality standards, the speed and quality of


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reactions to requests for services, respect for deadlines, sound management of the Contract, etc.

For each of these meetings, the Contractor will submit:

– the day before the meeting, an agenda;

– within two days of the meeting, the minutes which must state as a priority who is to do what and which must be approved by the Commission.

Regular summary report

Every year, in principle, upon receipt of a briefing from the Commission, the Contractor will submit a report on DG REGIO information products (mainly paper publications, websites, mailing lists and promotional tools, but also, if necessary, other aspects of communication, such as information campaigns, press and audiovisual work, events, distribution, etc.).

This report, which must be in French or English, will be no longer than 20 pages.

The report should not be seen as an inventory of past, present or future orders, but, above all, as a broader document with the following aims:

– to draw any lessons from the past;

– to provide a qualitative analysis of the impact of any activities;

– to provide information about any existing good practices;

– to propose innovative and attractive solutions in order to better communicate European regional policy to the general public or specific target audiences.

To do this, the Contractor will:

– take note of DG REGIO's annual communication and information plans (;

– find out in general about information products on European regional policy (published by the European institutions, national/regional/local authorities, European/national associations and organisations, etc.);

– keep abreast of discussions within the INFORM Network (

All expenses associated with this regular report (coordination, research, drafting, meetings, etc.) will be included in the price indicated in the price schedule.

A meeting between DG REGIO and the Contractor will be organised during the month following submission of the report to discuss any follow-up to be taken.

This regular summary report corresponds to point 1.1.5 in the price schedule. It will be the subject of a specific contract.


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DG REGIO produces a wide range of information products, most of which require correction, editing or drafting element in their production. These are not the same.

Not counting the different language versions, DG REGIO publishes an average of fifty or so information products per year (quarterly magazine Inforegio Panorama, Regional Focus, working papers, leaflets, information sheets, reports, thematic brochures, posters, promotional tools, etc.). For information, here is a non-exhaustive list of elements where an editorial, text or copy element may be required: articles in the Inforegio Panorama magazine or thematic publications, short reports for the news section of the Inforegio site, project descriptions, press releases, press articles, interviews, editorials, PowerPoint presentations, photographic captions, messages on exhibition panels, etc.

For more information on DG REGIO information products, please consult the Inforegio site at

The Contractor must be able to correct/edit/draft DG REGIO information products in English, French and German. The staff proposed for this work must be able to demonstrate their ability to draft text in an accessible style and have at least three years' professional experience. Contractors should be aware that the information products are produced in all the European Union's languages, which means that the writers should have the capacity to review the accuracy and suitability of final text versions in languages other than English, French and German.

In addition to the specific requirements, the persons chosen by the Contractor (in particular the main contact and the journalists chosen for the correction/editing/drafting work) must keep themselves up-to-date with developments, trends and decisions in the field of European regional policy. They will have to gather information on these particular subjects and use it for products ordered by DG REGIO.

All costs associated with the search for information must be included in the per-page prices indicated in point 1 of the price schedule accompanying the tenderer's bid.

The texts processed by the Contractor must be corrected/edited/drafted by qualified journalists working in their mother tongue.

The rules and principles included in the Interinstitutional Style Guide ( and any specific rules set by DG REGIO must be taken into account in this work.

Contractors will produce original, clear and concise texts for the products specified. They will ensure, through their correction, drafting or editing of relevant texts, a high level of consistency and quality for the publication as a whole. The Contractor must ensure that the final text is attractive and can be understood by the general public by giving it an appropriate journalistic style. They must, for example, be capable of presenting administrative and technical texts for a wider public in a clear and concise manner. To make the text clearer and more consistent, any comments/corrections communicated by the Commission must be duly taken on board.


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End products should be delivered in one or more electronic formats (Word, Excel, InDesign and/or PDF format or any other format compatible with DG REGIO's software) and should comply with the specifications requested below or as requested in each case. The Contractor must use software compatible with that used by DG REGIO and its updates. The Commission currently uses Microsoft Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, PDF code 2.0).

1.1. Task description

1.1.1. Correction of proofs

In the context of proof-reading, the Contractor will ensure as a priority that there are no errors (typos, spelling or grammar errors) remaining in the text.

1.1.2. Editing of texts

The Contractor will also be responsible for copy-editing certain texts supplied by the Commission in order to make them more appealing and easier to understand for their target groups, without making any substantial changes to the length of the text concerned. If available, reference documents will also be provided so that the context can be better understood. If necessary, and as far as possible, the author may be consulted regarding the details of the text supplied.

There are no plans to establish different levels of editing. It must be assumed that the editing to be performed will be consistent and will constitute a significant workload.

1.1.3. Writing texts

The Contractor should carry out research before writing the text. The Commission will send reference documents of which it is aware and will, if possible, suggest a contact person with expertise in the subject. It will also define the length of the text to be provided and indicate the target audience.

1.1.4. Drafting a specific text for a specific document

If the Commission wishes to produce a text in a very specific field, the Contractor may use a subcontractor, the choice of which would be subject to prior approval by the Commission. The price per page of text will be that indicated in point 1.1.3 multiplied by a maximum of 2.5.

This price should be considered as a total amount to cover all the expenses of the person chosen (not including any travel costs) plus those of the Contractor. This item shall not be taken into account in the calculations relating to the award criteria for this lot. The weighting coefficient indicated in the price schedule will therefore be zero.

1.2. Calculating the price of the services

The prices to be set out in the price schedule will be for one page of standard text (1500 characters (not including spaces)). Texts which are shorter than this (for example, photo captions or panel texts) will be paid pro rata.

DG REGIO will indicate in a request for written services the type of service required (correction, editing, drafting).


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Many DG REGIO information products for which text and editorial input is required are published in all the EU official languages (brochure presenting European regional policy, quarterly Inforegio Panorama magazine, information sheets, etc.). Certain publications are usually produced in just one language, for example the Regional Papers (Regional Focus, working papers) or documents relating to the annual conferences OPEN DAYS and REGIONS FOR ECONOMIC CHANGE. Others are available in two or three language versions (certain thematic brochures), in six languages (like news for the Inforegio site), and others may be published in certain languages of the candidate countries, potential candidate countries or other non-EU countries. To give an example, since 2007, translations of documents into Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian and Japanese have been produced to support relations between DG REGIO and the authorities of various non-EU countries.

Contractors must work with a team of translators translating into their mother tongue and ensure that the texts are correct not only from a linguistic viewpoint, but also that they reflect the style and structure of the original. The translated texts must read like originals. They must all be revised (for style, syntax, spelling, punctuation) by the Contractor before delivery to the Commission.

All translations must conform to the rules and principles set out in the Interinstitutional Style Guide (

Documents will be sent to the Contractor in electronic format by email. The completed jobs should be returned to DG REGIO in the format requested. Files must be handled in strict accordance with the instructions given by DG REGIO to ensure that no reformatting has to be done on their return. The Commission currently uses Microsoft Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, PDF code 2.0). The Contractor will have to adapt to any future updates.

The delivery deadlines for the various deliverables will be indicated in the associated order forms.

2.1. Task description

Experience shows that the majority of original documents provided by the Commission will be in either English or French.

The various language combinations for the translations are categorised as follows:

(1) A page of translation from one of the following six languages into a language from the same group: EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, PL.

Translations of less than one page (1500 characters (no spaces)), for example brief items for the Inforegio site, must be delivered within a maximum of 24 hours of the moment when the Commission's request is sent.

(2) A page of translation from an official EU language into another EU language, not including the language combinations set out in the previous point.


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(3) A page of English, French or German to be translated into a language which is not an official EU language (languages of the (potential) candidate countries or non-EU countries such as Ukraine, Russia or China), or vice versa.

(4) Revision of a translation.

Revision of a text already translated by a third party will be invoiced per page.

2.2. Calculating the price of the services

The translation services required by DG REGIO are to be charged on the basis of a price per page, with one page being equal to 1500 characters (not including spaces). This price includes all translation-related expenses. Texts which are shorter than one page (for example short reports, panel texts) will be paid pro rata.

Where a text delivered in file form includes graphics (e.g. tables, diagrams or maps) containing written material to be translated, only the number of characters to be translated is counted. The price per standard page will cover all the Contractor's expenses.

Only the basic version of a text will be subject to a "passed for press" order by the Commission. Contractors will bear full responsibility for the quality of translations they send, which will not be subject to a "passed for press" order. Contractors will thus lay out these translated pages directly.

Without prejudice to the fundamental principle that DG REGIO expects to receive work of a quality sufficient for immediate printing and publication and will not, as a rule, check the other language versions sent by the Contractor, the Commission's translation service will, on an occasional basis, carry out random quality evaluations of the translations, on the basis of the laid out .pdf files or printed versions. As the various language versions will not be subject to a "passed for press" order, no payment will be made for revision work in the event of translations supplied by the Contractor containing errors. As set out in point of the general part of the Specifications for this invitation to tender, in the event of obvious errors in or poor quality of the texts supplied, DG REGIO reserves the right to request reimbursement of the translation fee, compensation for any printing already performed and correction/reprinting at no extra charge.


DG REGIO sets great store by its publications having their own visual identity. All information products developed by DG REGIO must therefore match the DG's identity, as expressed in the graphic charter covering the various types of information tool. Most new publications will be offered on the basis of elements defined in the graphic charter. There are specific rules in place for various publications such as the Inforegio Panorama magazine, Regional Focus, working papers, etc.

Recourse to section 3.1.1 (Graphic design) in the price schedule will therefore be occasional. The cost of each new graphic design will automatically include an update of the graphic charter.


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DG REGIO's graphic charter is available for consultation at:

3.1. Task description

3.1.1. Graphic design

Production of a specimen in the basic language of a new information product (new type of publication or any other new promotional tool), taking into account the general features of the existing graphic charter.

The Contractor must produce, depending on the objective of the publication and its target group, a specimen of the publication in the basic language. He/she must take account from the outset of the number of language versions in which the document is to be published.

The number of proofs to be submitted, which cannot be restricted in the quotation, will depend on the quality of the proposals. Several proofs must be provided for in the context of the validation process.

The Contractor must ensure that the chosen graphics reinforce the messages promoted by the publication.

The Contractor must incorporate the Commission's corrections.

3.2. Calculating the price of the services

This is described in section 3 of the enclosed price schedule and is expressed in person-days. The cost of each new graphic design will automatically include an update of the graphic charter.

Tasks charged by the person-day which take less than a day to perform must be charged in eighths of a day (person-hours).


The Contractor will place particular importance on the choice of photos and illustrations for DG REGIO information products. For each order, the Contractor will submit a carefully chosen selection of photos.

The Contractor will take into account the copyright issues outlined in point 3.4.4 of the Specifications to this invitation to tender.

The photo captions must be 100 to 150 characters long (not including spaces). The drafting of captions must be charged on the basis of point 1.1.3 of the price schedule. In the absence of instructions to the contrary, captions for photos intended for the database should be in English only.


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4.1. Task description

4.1.1. Selection and management of photos

The Contractor will give priority to photos from the DG REGIO digital library ( or those of other Commission DGs or other EU Institutions to illustrate DG REGIO information products.

If necessary, and after the Commission's agreement has been given, the Contractor may select other copyright-free images or buy photographs. The Commission will reimburse the price of the rights for these photographs on the basis of the actual purchase price incurred. The selection of photos for DG REGIO information tools will be invoiced on the basis of the unit price for a person-day stated in the price schedule.

4.1.2. Managing the content of the DG REGIO digital library

The Contractor may be asked to reorganise and manage the content of DG REGIO's digital library (

This work will be invoiced in person-days.

4.1.3. Drawings

Certain information supports should preferably be illustrated using drawings. The Contractor will call on the assistance of professional artists to create the drawings required.

4.2. Calculating the price of the services

This aspect is described in part 4 of the attached price schedule.

Tasks charged by the person-day which take less than a day to perform must be charged in eighths of a day (person-hours).


DG REGIO produces a wide range of paper publications which must be laid out professionally at production stage. These publications need to be laid out in such a way that the text and graphic elements conform to DG REGIO's current graphic chart.

The Contractor will be responsible for monitoring and coordinating the layout work, will make sure that the deadlines are met and be responsible for the quality of the pdf files delivered.

The number of proofs to be submitted, which cannot be restricted in the quotation, will depend on the quality of the proposals. Several proofs must be provided for in the context of the validation process.

The Contractor must incorporate the international identifiers provided by the Commission, take into account the corrections requested by the Commission and, after laying out, have the text checked by a professional proof-reader. Each web link in the brochure must be checked.


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The Office of Publications will carry out occasional random quality checks, in particular with regard to respect for the rules and principles outlined in the Interinstitutional Style Guide (

The specific delivery deadlines for the various deliverables will be indicated in the associated order forms.

For the basic version and each of the language versions of all information products, the Contractor will supply, on any appropriate medium, three pdf files (optimised for printing (Computer to Plate), optimised for the Web and optimised for printing on digital colour photocopier).

Finally, no more than three days after receipt of the final pdf files, the Contractor will send DG REGIO a digital archive on any appropriate medium and compatible with the software used by DG REGIO, assembling all the documents associated with the realisation of the product, in all the language versions required: texts (.doc or .txt format), illustrations (.jpg or .png format), layout files (.indd or equivalent format ), files for the Web (.pdf format), for digital printing (.pdf format), for offset printing (.pdf format), etc.

Complexity levels

There are three complexity levels for the layout of DG REGIO information products. Unless indicated to the contrary in the written request, the level required will be 'complex' (1 or 2, depending on the content of the pages concerned).

The 'simple' level is mainly for legislative texts (see, for example, the layout of the brochure 'Cohesion policy in support of growth and jobs' (KN-76-06-441-EN-C)).

The 'complex' level can be subdivided into two categories:

– level 1 for the layout of text with or without photos.

– level 2 for the layout of text with graphic elements such as graphs, tables, diagrams, maps, etc. and perhaps photographs.

Basic language version and other language versions

Versions other than the basic version are considered to be easy to lay out as most of the thought concerning the position of the various elements, the addition of images and any other graphic elements has already been done for the basic version. The per-page price for the basic version and the various language versions should therefore reflect this.

5.1. Task description

5.1.1. Basic version

The first task for the Contractor is to prepare the basic version of a document. The layout will be based on a manuscript, generally in French or English, or more rarely in German, into which illustrations (photos, graphs, tables, maps, etc.) may have to be incorporated, in line with the graphic charter. These illustrations are usually provided with the manuscript but may be adapted if necessary to meet the desired quality criteria.


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The work includes:

– the presentation of the necessary proofs, in pdf format for the interim proofs associated with the layout. The Commission will comment on these proofs, and these comments will be taken on board by the Contractor in the final proofs;

– presentation of a final proof in colour and on paper in order to check conformity with the final product ordered and allow signature of a "passed for press" order by DG REGIO.

Only the basic language version will be subject to a "passed for press" order.

5.1.2. The other language versions

A language version of a document is a version in a language other than the basic version, but otherwise identical to it, based on a manuscript in the language concerned and with the same illustrations, adapted to the language version requested. The Contractor will be responsible for preparing all language versions, including all the features that make up the document (texts, photos, captions, pagination, identifiers, etc.).

DG REGIO will therefore not issue a "passed for press" order for language versions other than the basic version, but it may request proofs (in pdf format) during performance of the work.

As indicated in point of the general part of the Specifications, if errors relating to constituent parts of the document, as mentioned above, are found after production and printing of the various language versions, the costs of correcting these errors, providing new proofs, reprinting and redistribution will be borne solely by the Contractor.

5.2. Calculating the price of the services

The all-in laying out price will be calculated per page (recto) of the final document and validated on the basis of the indications in the order form and the final number of pages in complexity levels 1 and 2.


DG REGIO publishes various documents and information on the following websites:  




Digital Library:

The Inforegio site attracts most of the traffic and exchanges with those interested in EU regional policy. It requires thousands of new publications and updates every year. Targeting the citizens of all the regions of Europe, it provides information in a large number of the Union's official languages and the languages of certain candidate countries.


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It publishes information mainly on .html or .cfm pages or in document form. An ORACLE database entitled "Super Regio" generates information on several hundred regional development programmes and projects financed under these programmes on dynamic pages.

The European Commission has launched a Web Content Management System or WCMS based on Documentum1. Certain parts of the Inforegio site are based on this system. Others may migrate to this platform or another WCMS later on.

DG REGIO also has a social networking site for persons interested in regional policy: RegioNetwork 2020.

Anyone involved in the publication of Internet sites or the development of IT applications for DG REGIO must ensure their conformity with the Commission's IT policy2 and its technical standards. Any product developed for the Commission becomes the property of the latter, which reserves the right to amend, adapt or reuse it in whole or in part.

Sites hosted on the European Commission's server must completely comply with the Commission's "Information Providers Guide"3 (or any future update). This guide is aimed at coordinators, webmasters and service providers who create pages on EUROPA4. It deals with editorial, technical and graphic-related issues, particularly in relation to copyright, information accessibility and ease of use.

It must be possible for any sites on other servers to be hosted by the Data Centre of DG DIGIT. They must comply with the Commission's platform, standards and IT governance system (RUP@EC).

The Contractor must remain informed of any developments in the provisions and standards concerning the Commission's (DIGIT) and DG REGIO's IT services, in order to ensure the compatibility of products delivered with the environment in which they will be deployed and respect for these provisions.

6.1. Task description

The Contractor will undertake to carry out for DG REGIO any operation required for the electronic publication, implementation, creation, development, modification and maintenance of websites and the associated applications, in terms of the contents and the software described below (indicative and non-exhaustive list):

– Pages and websites in all present and future EU languages (including those of the accession countries) and the languages of other countries with which DG REGIO establishes international relations, in the form of static pages (e.g. html) or dynamic ones (Coldfusion, jsp, etc.) and flash modules, audiovisual galleries, intended for the Internet or other support, also in the context of WCMS – Documentum, in line with DG REGIO's graphic charter mentioned above.

1 See See

4 EU portal at

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– Databases, "Super Regio" or others, including the creation of user-friendly management interfaces, and the automation of the transfer of data from other applications or files (e.g. .xls, dump, etc.).

– Various applications which may be used for services offered via our websites, e.g.:

– Mini CMS: small-scale content management tool to be created to allow easier management of webpage contents by novices by means of a simple and user-friendly interface geared to certain sections of the site (e.g. Coldfusion, Drupal, java, JSON, etc.)

– Digital library:

– Informative and dynamic geographic map (e.g. ArcIms, java, flash, etc.)

– INFOREGIODOC application: mailing list database (No of subscribers: 18 000) and application for the management and sending of the 'Regio Flash' newsletters hosted temporarily by the Contractor ( Information on the architecture used for this application:

– Language: Java EE 5 platform, JSP 2.1, framework JSF– Database: Oracle 10g– Application server: Sun Java System Application Server 9.1

Update 2 (Glassfish)

– The temporary hosting of sites, databases and applications, the reservation of domain names, the acquisition of the necessary rights for the smooth performance of the tasks set out in the contract and the delivery of electronic publishing products on ad hoc supports (CD ROM, DVD, etc.).

– Communication of the European Union's regional policy by means of the social media, including the creation of a presence on RegioNetwork2020 and in the most widely used social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare, etc.) and promotion activities (Facebook ads, etc.). Tenderers are invited to make proposals concerning the use of the social media to promote regional policy.

Each task performed by the Contractor must be duly documented (RUP@EC), in terms of the technical specifications and normal use, in order to allow further work to be performed or a product to be adapted by the Commission or another Contractor in the future as easily as possible, and each task must be accompanied by a technical warranty during the entire period of the Contract and for at least one year from acceptance of the finished product by DG REGIO. This acceptance may not take place until the full deployment of the product in its environment, whatever the deadlines imposed by the procedures governing the relations between DG REGIO and the Commission's IT services or these services' deadlines. The applications will be supplied so that they can be installed in the Commission's IT environment and the sources will also be supplied, non-compiled and documented.


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Texts or documents produced by the Contract to be published on DG REGIO websites must respect the ad-hoc formatting. For example, a success story drawn up by the Contractor must be formatted so that it can be easily incorporated in the Super Regio database. Documents must be named and indexed in accordance with the norms of the site for which they are intended.

6.2. Calculating the price of the services

Multilingualism is fairly widespread on the web pages of sites managed by DG REGIO. Consequently, DG REGIO will operate a price differentiation by page based on the original language, usually EN, and the other language versions. Versions other than the basic version are considered easier to produce, as most of the thought on the positioning of the elements, the addition of images, and the creation of links to the various language versions has already been undertaken for the original language.

Tasks charged by the person-day which take less than a day to perform must be charged in eighths of a day (person-hours).

The unit defined as a web page, at a standard resolution set by the IPG of 1024x768, is a maximum of four screens in length without horizontal scrolling.

Elements relating to the creation of web pages and their updating will be based on existing texts provided by the Commission or produced by the Contractor, as editing work is covered by other sections of the price schedule.

If, in exceptional cases, certain deliverables are not to be found in the price schedule, the Contractor will make a price proposal based on the structure and price level in the price schedule and the market price. This proposal will be negotiated with the Commission.


DG REGIO places great importance on the management and updating of its mailing lists. These lists allow it, in particular, to disseminate its information tools as efficiently as possible.

The management and temporary hosting of the INFOREGIODOC application (database for list management and sending Regio Flash messages) will be the performed by the Contractor (see point 6.1).

Around twenty targeted lists (institutions, management authorities, regional offices, regional and local associations, academic lists, etc.) have been developed, representing some 5 000 addressees. Spontaneous on-line registrations via make up the general list (13 000 subscribers).

The activities to be performed may include (non-exhaustive list):

– searching for new contacts for the targeted lists;– encoding new entries;– regular updates;– correcting contact data;– managing the lists in cooperation with DG REGIO's 'Information & Communication'

unit, in line with the prevailing data protection rules;


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– organising specialised or general mailings, including e-mailings;– managing the on-line database for subscribing, amending details or unsubscribing;– processing and integrating mailing lists;– printing labels;– managing the application which administers 'Regio Flash' electronic newsletters;– sending the 'Regio Flash' by email (Java Mail API).

All these tasks will be invoiced in person-days.

Tasks charged by the person-day which take less than a day to perform must be charged in eighths of a day (person-hours).

The data management, in particular the encoding, must be performed taking into account the specific nature of the files to be provided to the Office of Publications (OP), which is responsible for disseminating the publications. The OP currently uses SAGAP software to manage its contact data.


DG REGIO is responsible for the production of a range of communication tools intended to back up its messages, improve its visibility and profile and help officials of DG REGIO and others to communicate the features and successes of regional policy.

It produces some promotional material with messages relating to its current areas of activity for the events in which it participates or which it organises, such as the large-scale Open Days event in Brussels.

The Contractor must assiduously apply the DG REGIO graphic charter to all promotional tools ordered.

8.1. Task description

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the information products and promotional tools to be developed. The production process cannot be launched with the prior issue of a "passed for press" order. The prices in the price schedule must include production and delivery to an address in Brussels.

(a) USB sticks 2 GB. 1 colour marking: 1 logo + title + website. Price per hundred.

(b) USB sticks 2 GB. 1 colour marking: 1 logo + title + website. Loaded with various documents (texts, audiovisual supports, etc.). The documents to be uploaded will be provided by the Commission at least three working days prior to the desired date of delivery. Price per hundred.

(c) USB sticks 4 GB. 1 colour marking: 1 logo + title + website. Price per hundred.

(d) USB sticks 4 GB. 1 colour marking: 1 logo + 1 title + website. Loaded with various documents (texts, audiovisual supports, etc.). The documents to be uploaded will be provided by the Commission at least three working days prior to the desired date of delivery. Price per hundred.


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(e) Poster. Dimensions: A1 format. Paper 135 g. CMYK printing. Delivered flat. Price per hundred.

(f) Folders for A4 documents. Paper 350g. Four-colour printing recto/verso + plastification. Cut-out with back 14 mm. Double face closure. Price per hundred.

(g) A4 block with four-colour cover. 250g. Printing. Inside pages: 1 colour, 25 lined pages and EU logo. Paper 80g. Price per hundred.

(h) Ballpoint pens. 1 colour marking: logo + text. Price per 1000.

(i) Foldable information supports ("lamas"). Dimensions: 650 x 1900 mm. 2 different faces. 4 digital colours + lamination. Kraft paper 390g. With structure but without feet or base.

8.2. Calculating prices

The prices in the price schedule must include all the costs associated with producing the deliverable. No other expenses will be paid by DG REGIO. If, in exceptional cases, certain deliverables are not to be found in the price schedule, the Contractor will make a price proposal based on the structure and price level in the price schedule and the market price. This proposal will be negotiated with the Commission.


Tenders will be compared and ranked on a list according to the total number of points obtained, consisting of a qualitative and a financial score. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer that has obtained the highest score.

Tenders will be examined from the perspective of quality in order to assign to each a quality score calculated according to the rules set out in the section “Quality score” below. The assessment will then look at the financial aspect according to the rules set out in the section “Financial score” below.

9.1. Quality score (maximum 100 points)

The quality of the proposals will be assessed out of 100 points, broken down as follows:

– A maximum of 50 points will be awarded for the general approach according to the criteria set out in the table below;

– A maximum of 50 points will be awarded for the technical proposal put forward for the two case studies in accordance with the specifications and the criteria set out in Part II.

Tenders should obtain at least 50 % for each award criteria. Otherwise they will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenders that obtain a total quality score of less than 70 points will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.


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Tenderers should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. Merely repeating the mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without providing further analysis, will only result in a very low score. In addition, if certain essential points of these specifications are not expressly covered by the tender, the evaluators may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant qualitative award criteria.

The quality score will be calculated as follows:

Number of points obtained for the general approach (items 1-3 below) + number of points obtained for the case studies (item 4 below).

Award criteria Information to be providedMaximum


1.Quality, consistency and relevance of the proposed approach

(30 points)

Pass mark: 15/30

– tenderers must outline the approach they propose to achieve the objectives pursued by the European Commission and to provide the services and/or products requested in this invitation to tender;


– tenderers must identify the major challenges or obstacles and propose solutions, giving any suggestions they consider relevant;


– tenderers must explain the quality control mechanisms and the key performance indicators they intend to use to guarantee the quality of the services and/or products and compliance with deadlines.


2.Quality of the organisation of work, management of the team

(15 points)

Pass mark: 7.5/15

– tenderers must describe the composition and organisation of the team they propose to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of the costs, speed and quality of the services requested;


– tenderers must describe the various staff management measures taken to guarantee a consistently high level of services provided and identify the mechanisms for supervising the tasks they intend to subcontract;


– tenderers must outline their approach to the daily management of the work with the competent Commission services.



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3.Clarity, conciseness and presentation of the tender

(5 points)

Pass mark: 2.5/5

– tenders must comply with all the requirements in the specifications while remaining clear and concise, in terms of content, length and presentation. As regards the presentation, tenders must, in particular, include an index/table of contents, have continuous page numbering, and be assembled in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.); items attached to the tender (annexes on paper, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) must be marked with the Lot number, the number of that item, and its contents. Tenders must only contain information strictly related to the products and services requested and the criteria mentioned. Therefore, tenderers must avoid any theoretical, textbook-like descriptions of information and communication strategy.


4.Qualitative analysis of the two case studies

(50 points)

Pass mark: 25/50

Two case studies will be required (see Part II).

Detailed instructions for the tenderer’s proposal for the case studies are provided below. The detailed quality score for each of the case studies is listed in Part II.

Total number of points: 100

Pass mark: 70/100

Case studies (cf. Part II)

Tenderers are asked to make a specific technical proposal for each case study and to provide a cost breakdown (price estimate) for each technical proposal.

NB: The case studies have been drawn up solely for the purposes of the award process for this contract. They are entirely fictitious and cannot, in any way, be regarded as an indication of the priorities and the exact nature of future operations.

The technical proposal must:

– Describe in detail the approach, the stages and the working methods that the tenderer intends to use to carry out all of the work requested in the case study, specifying which parts will be subcontracted;

– For each stage, specify the composition of the project team and the assigned roles of the staff which are intended to be put into place, specifying the number of units per category of staff;


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– Propose a schedule setting out the time considered necessary for each stage and taking into account the time needed for interacting with the Commission departments and the various steps of the validation process;

– Provide the samples/work extracts requested.

The cost breakdown (estimated prices) must:

– Cover all the tasks and work that the tenderer must carry out for this case study;

– Be presented separately for each case study by filling in the tables at the end of Part II;

– Truly reflect the proposed price schedule.

NB: Although the price estimates of the case studies are not used for evaluating the financial score of the tender, they will serve as a reference for analysing offers relating to specific contracts implementing the framework contract to be concluded with the successful tenderers.

9.2. Financial score (price index)

The financial value of the tender will be calculated as the total sum of unit prices in the price schedule (see Part III).

(1) Each price will be multiplied by its corresponding weighting factor

Price index = Σ (UP x WF)

Σ = sumUP = unit prices in the price schedule of the lot to which the tender refersWF = weighting factor of the unit prices

(2) Subtotal are calculated for each of the 8 sections (produits nécessitant du texte, versions linguistiques, etc.).

(3) Subtotal for each sections is multiplied as follows:

Section 1 x 1Section 2 x 5Section 3 x 4Section 4 x 0.5Section 5 x 4Section 6 x 0.5Section 7 x 2Section 8 x 1

(4) and the final total will be the sum of all sections as indicated in point 3 hereabove This final total represents the price index and will be included in the final evaluation formula.


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9.3. Final assessment

The contract will be awarded to the tender that offers the best quality/price ratio.

The final assessment of the qualitative value in relation to the financial value (price index) will be carried out by allocating a mark to each tender calculated as follows:

(Quality ÷ 100) x 60 + (lowest price ÷ price) x 40

Tenders will be ranked in descending order on the basis of the mark obtained. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has obtained the highest mark at the end of the final assessment and has fulfilled all the requirements of the call for tender.


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Design and production of information products

1) Two simulations are requested. The content of the technical proposal to be supplied is described in detail in point 9 'Award criteria, case studies'.

Tenderers are reminded that these simulations are intended to demonstrate a) their understanding of regional policy, b) their originality of approach, c) their method of working, d) their time management skills and e) their understanding of the costs involved and their ability to keep costs within the limits set out in the price schedule. Tenderers can thus prove their skill, the quality of their management and the allocation of human resources. The tenderer's response will be evaluated according to a qualitative award criterion.

The budget must be based exclusively on the rates in the price schedule.


A) Background :

As provided for in DG REGIO's communication plan published in January, a conference is to be organised in Brussels (CHARL building) on 20 and 21 June 2011 on urban development.

DG REGIO needs a poster and a brochure (not the same as the conference programme) on the theme of the conference to accompany the event.

Free use may be made of information documents already on DG REGIO's Inforegio site.

B) Elements to be taken into account :

- Conference brochure, edition 38 of the Inforegio Panorama magazine: 28 pages to be printed in the 23 official EU languages, A4 format.

- From the moment it receives the validated file, the Office of Publications (OP) has three weeks (15 working days) for printing. The costs of printing the brochures and the poster are not to be taken into account for this simulation.

- The French, English and German versions, printed by the OP, must be available five working days before the conference. The other language versions (pdf files to be provided to the OP) must be available within a month of the conference.

- The tenderer must draft and submit the following brochure elements for this simulation: the cover, table of contents, editorial (approximately 2000 characters (not including spaces)) and a four-page article (approximately 8000 characters (not including spaces)) arguing in favour of an urban development policy,


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synergies with other Community policies and the need to pursue this policy for the programming period 2014-2020. Include at least 3 photos and 1 map.

- The other texts indicated in the table of contents (proposed by the Contractor) will be drafted by the Commission and edited by the Contractor. This represents 10 articles or a total, including the table of contents, of 52 589 characters (not including spaces). These texts should not be provided but will be reflected in the simulation. As far as possible, the timetable to be drawn up will provide for the drafting of the articles as close as possible to the dates of the conference.

- Two graphic proposals are requested for the poster and for the brochure (cover, table of contents, editorial and four-page article). The first proposal will comply with the graphic charter defined for the Inforegio Panorama magazine and for posters. No restrictions are placed on the second proposal, so be creative! The budget to be drawn up must take into account only the first proposal.

- Complexity levels: complex 1 (24 pages), complex 2 (4 pages).

- All the photos proposed must come from the digital library of DG REGIO or of other another Commission DG or another institution.

- The conference poster (in English only) must be available four weeks before the conference.

C) The Contractor will have to carry out the following tasks :

- Establish, using the date of 7 February 2011 as a basis, the timetable for production of the conference poster and brochure (the tenderer will state, in particular, when the Commission needs to transmit the draft articles for editing and will clearly state all the subsequent steps – including the time needed for each step – up to communication of the files for each of the 23 language versions to the OP);

- Propose (and lay out), in English, a cover and a detailed table of contents for the conference brochure;

- Draft, in French, the editorial for the conference brochure, to be signed by the Commissioner for Regional Policy (around 2 000 characters, not including spaces);

- Provide translations of the editorial into German and Swedish;

- Draft in English and lay out the main four-page article (approximately 8 000 characters, not including spaces);

- Select 20 photos to illustrate the conference brochure;

- Design two graphic proposals for the poster and the brochure (cover in English, table of contents in English, editorial in French and the four-page article in English). A paper version must be supplied, with the graphic sources supplied in InDesign or high-resolution pdf files.


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- For France, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia, send a single Excel file containing, for each country, the address details of targeted contacts in the field of urban development in each of these four Member States (20 in France and Poland, 12 in Sweden and Slovenia) who will be invited to take part in the conference on 20 and 21 June 2011.

- Evaluate the overall cost of producing the poster, the brochure (all language versions) and the lists of targeted contacts.

D. Marking criteria (maximum of 25 points) :

Technical award criteriaMaximum


1 Quality of general approach (pass mark: 3.5/7)

Consistency and relevance of the proposed approach and the working methods including detailed planning and consistency of the submitted price schedule


2 Quality of products delivered (pass mark: 9/18)

– Copy – Graphics– Translation– Targeted lists– Selection of photos



Total number of points 25

E. Estimated costs :

On the basis of the standard price schedule submitted with their offer, tenderers are requested to estimate the costs for the case study in accordance with the details provided above and the table given below.

Estimated cost for Lot 1, Case study No 1(*)

Description of task Type of unitNumber of

unitsUnit price Subtotal


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(*) All prices to be specified in EUR excluding VAT. Tenderers should take note of the following before filling in the table with the cost estimate for the case study:

A task may consist of different steps and each step may require the use of different types of units (i.e. belonging to the categories of staff, standard services, etc. in the relevant price schedule). It is therefore important to clearly identify and list the individual types of units necessary for completing a step or task.


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A. Subject :

Design and production in html pages of a mini-site on financial engineering. The mini-site should present four European Union financial instruments (JASPERS, JEREMIE, JESSICA and JASMINE) for potential beneficiaries of these actions. Tenders should adapt and, if necessary, update and enhance, the information published at the link below, gearing it to the needs of this target audience:

The mini-site should be produced in two language versions (English and French). The proposal should be accompanied by a full methodological description on the background and the form and by a plan of action for promoting the site.

The pages produced must comply with the rules in the Information Providers Guide (IPG), and particular attention should be paid to WAI standards.

The exercise includes drafting and producing a one-page general introduction which can be understood by the general public, a page on each financial instrument focusing on potential beneficiaries, and a more in-depth description of one of the instruments (choose one).

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the writing and the consistency between the content, the target audience and the objective being pursued. The product does not necessarily have to follow DG REGIO's graphic charter and may include a creative graphic element, reflecting the originality of the approach, whilst complying with the above-mentioned IPG.

The simulation must be supplied in the form of electronic files, accompanied by a print-out.

B. Marking criteria (maximum of 25 points) :

Technical award criteriaMaximum


1 Quality of general approach (pass mark: 2.5/5)

Consistency and relevance of the proposed approach and the working methods including detailed planning and consistency of the submitted price schedule


2 Quality of products delivered (pass mark: 7.5/15) 15

3 Quality of the proposed action plan (pass mark: 2.5/5) 5

Total number of points 25


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Estimated costs :

On the basis of the standard price schedule submitted with their offer, tenderers are requested to estimate the costs for the case study in accordance with the details provided above and the table given below.

Estimated cost for Lot 1, Case study No 2(*)

Description of task Type of unitNumber of

unitsUnit price Subtotal


(*) All prices to be specified in EUR excluding VAT. Tenderers should take note of the following before filling in the table with the cost estimate for the case study:

A task may consist of different steps and each step may require the use of different types of units (i.e. belonging to the categories of staff, standard services, etc. in the relevant price schedule). It is therefore important to clearly identify and list the individual types of units necessary for completing a step or task.


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Design and production of information products, mailing list management

Tenderers must use this price schedule to formulate their financial proposal.

Tenderers must complete both price columns (EUR and TOTAL) for each deliverable or service listed in the schedule. These unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by the Contractor in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to the Contractor. The last column is the unit price multiplied by the weighting coefficient.




1. Section 1 - Products requiring text1.1.1 One page of text (1 500 characters, not including spaces),

correction€/page 5

1.1.2 One page of text (1 500 characters, not including spaces), editing

€/page 75

1.1.3 One page of text (1 500 characters, not including spaces), drafting

€/page 75

1.1.4. One page of text (1 500 characters, not including spaces), drafting of a specific text for a specific document

€/page 0

1.1.5 Periodical summary report €/report 1Sub-total Section 1 xxx x



2. Section 2 - Language versions2.1.1 One page (1500 characters, not including spaces) from one

language (FR, DE, EN, IT, ES, PL) to a language from the same group

€/page 75

2.1.2 One page (1500 characters, not including spaces) from and into an official EU language (all current and future languages, not including the combinations in point 2.1.1)

€/page 20

2.1.3 One page (1500 characters, not including spaces) from FR/DE/EN into a non-EU language, or vice versa

€/page 5

2.1.4 Revision of an already translated text €/page 1Sub-total Section 2 xxx x



3. Section 3 – Graphic charter and graphic design of a new information tool

3.1.1 Graphic design €/person/day 5Sub-total Section 3 xxx x




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4. Section 4 - Illustrations, selection of photos and managing the content of the DG REGIO photo archive

4.1.1 Selecting photos €/person/day 204.1.2 Managing the content of the DG REGIO photo

archive€/person/day 10

4.1.3 Drawings €/person/day 1Sub-total Section 4 xxx x



5. Section 5 – Layout and prepress5.1.1 Delivery of a PDF (for printing, web and colour

photocopies), simple level, basic version€/page 1

Idem, complex level 1, basic version €/page 50

Idem, complex level 2, basic version €/page 505.1.2. Idem, simple level, language version €/page 1

Idem, complex level 1, language version €/page 50

Idem, complex level 2, language version €/page 50Sub-total Section 5 xxx x



6. Section 6 – Electronic productionStatic sites

6.1. Creation of a specimen home page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – original language

€/web page 1

6.2. Adaptation of a specimen home page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – each additional language

€/web page 1

6.3. Creation of a specimen second-level page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – original language

€/web page 10

6.4. Adaptation of a specimen second-level page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – each additional language

€/web page 20

6.5. Design of the structure and navigation of the site €/person/day 16.6. Creation of HTML pages based on a specimen and existing

texts - original language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 50

6.7. Adaptation of HTML pages based on a specimen and existing texts – each additional language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 75

6.8. Updating of pages on the basis of existing texts, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/person/day 10

Database application (ORACLE)6.9 Database design €/person/day 506.10 Analysis of existing database €/person/day 106.11 Loading of the data provided by the Commission in agreed

format, e.g. from an Excel table containing the data in columns, an email or another document

€/person/day 75

6.12 Installation of a database application at the Commission Data Centre (Luxembourg)

€/person/day 20

6.13 Design of the application, including back-office system €/person/day 5056

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6.14 Development of the application, including testing, debugging, etc.

€/person/day 50

6.15 Hosting of the Inforegiodoc database (mailing lists and newsletters), including back-up (see point 7 of the Specifications for this lot)

€/year 1

Dynamic application (e.g. Cold Fusion ; .jsp, java, etc.) As pages created dynamically often use just one specimen to display multiple content, in particular independent menus or parts of a page, a "page" is defined as a set of contents which, when displayed, become the equivalent of one page of HTML.

6.16 Creation of a specimen home page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphics charter – original language

€/specimen web page


6.17 Adaptation of a specimen home page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – each additional language

€/specimen web page


6.18 Creation of a specimen second-level page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – original language

€/specimen web page


6.19 Adaptation of a specimen second-level page, in accordance with the DG REGIO graphic charter – each additional language

€/specimen web page


6.20 Design of the structure and navigation of the site €/person/day 1

6.21 Creation of pages from an existing specimen – original language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links.Including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 50

6.22 Adaptation of pages based on an existing specimen – each additional language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 75

6.23 Updating of pages, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/person/day 10

Sites based on a WCMS (Documentum)

6.24 Definition of XML structure €/person/day 1

6.25 Adaptation to the format required in the graphic charter – original language

€/specimen web page


6.26 Adaptation to the format required in the graphic charter – each additional language

€/specimen web page


6.27 Loading of data for Documentum €/person/day 10

6.28 Conversion of an existing static website to Documentum – original language

€/web page 10

6.29 Conversion of an existing static website to Documentum – each additional language

€/web page 10

6.30 Creation of pages using a defined XML structure – original language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 50

6.31 Creation of pages using a defined XML structure – each additional language, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links

€/web page 75


Page 58: Specifications

6.32 Updating of pages using a defined XML structure, including insertion of metadata, enclosed files, adapting and testing of links.

€/pers./day 10

Web applications

6.33 Specification and design of tools for use with a website, e.g. see 6.1 Task description

€/person/day 1

6.34 Development of tools for use with a website, e.g. see 6.1 Task description

€/person/day 1

Sub-total Section 6 xxx xxx


7. Managing DG REGIO's mailing lists €/person/day 20Sub-total Section 7 xxx x



8. Section 8 – Other information products and promotional tools.

8.1 USB stick, 2 GB €/ 100 sticks 18.2 USB stick, 2 GB, including uploading of documents €/ 100 sticks 18.3 USB stick, 4 GB €/ 100 sticks 18.4 USB stick, 4 GB, including uploading of documents €/ 100 sticks 18.5 Poster A1 format €/100 posters 18.6 A4 flap folders €/100 folders 18.7 A4 pads €/100 pads 18.8 Ballpoint pens (1000) €/1000 pens 18.9 Foldable information supports €/support 1

Sub-total Section 8 xxx xxx



Signature : ........................................................

Name : ........................................................

Date: ........................................................


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Technical specifications lot 2

Organisation of events

The various components of this lot are described in the first part. The second part is the price schedule which must also be completed by the tenderer.

This lot covers the devising, organising, setting up and running of events such as conferences and seminars.



1. General considerations

Some of the most visible actions of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO) are events organised in Brussels and throughout Europe. It is therefore of great importance that the events are professionally organised and that they are fully consistent with DG REGIO's policy as well as all the material, programmes, messages and visual elements produced by DG REGIO specified under lot 1 "Conception and production of information products", lot 3 Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products" and lot 4 "Stands" of this call for tenders.

It is essential that the staff designated by the Contractor to supervise the contract should have a thorough understanding of Regional Policy issues and be capable of applying and interpreting policy messages of DG REGIO in an intelligent and independent way. The Contractor should be prepared to cooperate closely with the Contractor/s responsible for lot 1 "Conception and production of information products", lot 3 "Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products" and lot 4 "Stands" so that full and fruitful coordination is assured between activities covered by the different lots.

All staff employed by the Contractor on DG REGIO's work, whether as supervisors, constructors or drivers, have the necessary papers to travel to and work in any of the European countries where events and exhibitions are likely to be organised. The Commission is not prepared to intervene with national authorities to obtain visas. Tenderers are also reminded that DG REGIO will expect to be able to keep in touch with all members of their staff involved in events both in and outside Brussels.

Tenderers should also be aware that given the number of events and exhibitions which are organised or attended every year by DG REGIO, several events may take place in different locations at the same time. DG REGIO will look for evidence that tenderers have the capacity to handle these occasional peaks.


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An essential part of DG REGIO's communication activities is the organisation of events. Through these events, DG REGIO promotes capacity-building, enables exchange of experiences and discussion of regional policy issues and enhances its reputation and profile as a source of information. They can take different forms. The largest of them involved more than 6000 participants in 2010 (as an indication: the annual "Open Days - European week of cities and regions"), others are the "European Cohesion Forum" (which takes place every three years) or the Regions for Economic Change (which takes place every year), also organised in Brussels. A couple of other regular events per year involve up to 600 participants and take place mainly (but not exclusively) in Brussels. There are many other events of a smaller scale which may be organised in or outside Brussels either by DG REGIO alone or in partnership with national or regional authorities.

As a guideline, DG REGIO expects to organise three large events (more than 600 participants, including the annual OPEN DAYS, with around 6000 participants), six medium events (251-600 participants) and 5 to 15 small events (40–250 participants) per year.

The work required to make these events a success varies in proportion to the size of the events themselves. For the simplest of the 'smaller' events (40-250 participants) the main work could entail, for example, mailing invitations based on an existing mailing list of regional representation offices in Brussels, liaising with the host regional office and ensuring adequate refreshments, seating and sound equipment for a morning meeting in Brussels. At the other end of the scale, a four-day seminar in a major conference venue attended by high-level speakers and participants would require all the logistics, travel and accommodation arrangements to be made.


3.1. Core tasks: Event Types

The events are divided into three different categories:

'Small events' concerns events involving 40-250 participants, usually but not exclusively in Brussels.

'Medium events' concerns events involving 251 to 600 participants, usually but not exclusively in Brussels.

'Large events' may involve more than 600 participants, usually but not exclusively in Brussels.

Some activities such as, for example, preparing lists of participants, based on the registration website of the event, require a more important workload for larger events than for the others.

If the tasks required amount to less than 50 % of the core tasks, then the Commission will not be charged for the full core tasks of an event, but for its specific tasks separately.


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The "core tasks" necessary to help DG REGIO achieve a successful events programme can be set out as follows:

3.1.1. General advice

The Contractor will have to advise DG REGIO on the subject and format, the programme content and structure and the location of events.

3.1.2. Location and technical equipment

Identifying and liaising with the managers of suitable locations will also be under the responsibility of the Contractor. Where the location is not already known (as it would be for smaller events), finding a hall or conference complex of the right size and standing for the event in question, establishing the best price for all the services needed, ensuring that all necessary equipment and technical facilities are in place are under the responsibility of the Contractor. For all these aspects, including provision of sound equipment, web-streaming, lighting, staging, heating or air conditioning, flowers, catering, decoration, wardrobe facilities and stage furniture where necessary (please refer to points 5 and 6 of the price schedule).

3.1.3. Potential participants/people to invite

Whilst the main input will be the lists already available from DG REGIO, the Contractor will have, for the 3 categories of events, to help preparing, updating and finalising lists of potential participants/people to invite.

3.1.4. Invitation letter/form

DG REGIO will provide the text of the invitation to the Contractor and its potential translations.

The Contractor will have to adapt and personalise invitations with courtesy and politeness and update the programme if need be, before sending the invitations to the potential participants. While performing these tasks, the Contractor will have to pay special attention to the wording used, since they will act on behalf of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional Policy and will therefore be the first contact with the potential participants.

The Contractor will be expected to issue reminders by mail, e-mail, telephone or by any appropriate means, and to deal with queries about any aspect of the event.

3.1.5. Registration of and confirmation to the participants

The Contractor will be expected to use the CMS (Conference Management System) owned by DG REGIO for the registration and confirmation of participants. This system is mainly used for complex conferences with several parallel workshops. CMS is an existing web-based tool for presenting and managing workshops and attendance applications for all conferences organised by DG REGIO. Specific training for this system will be delivered to the Contractor by the Commission.

Also, the Contractor will have to be familiar with the use of another registration system called IPM (Interactive Policy Making system), which is mainly used for events that only have one working session.


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For some events, the Contractor might be requested to develop its own registration system.

The Contractor must ensure that correct details of speakers and participants (name, address, function, language, e-mail, date of birth, etc.) are obtained and kept secure. These data will be used exclusively for statistics (minimum set to be submitted on a regular basis), the preparation of badges, the list for the Security Directorate of the Commission (enabling the participants to enter the Commission premises) and for the preparation of participants' lists (to be handed out to participants).

This list must take into account the legal obligations relating to personal data protection and confidentiality, according to Regulation (EC) No. 45/2001. (

3.1.6. Liaison with speakers

For the three categories of events (small, medium and large events), the Contractor will be expected to ensure that all speakers are kept informed of the location, the programme and the presentation facilities.

Also, the Contractor will be expected to contact and liaise with speakers, notably in order to settle the travel and accommodation issues.

The Contractor will be expected to collect and prepare the papers to be distributed mainly to the interpreters. In some cases, i.e. medium to large events, the Contractor will put an ftp server at the speakers' disposal, so that they can upload their presentation themselves, e.g. on the occasion of the Open Days.

3.1.7. Liaison with participants

Purchasing, preparing and distributing the participants' kits (case, working documents, note pad, pen etc., in agreement with the Commission). See points 2.3 and 2.4 of the price schedule.

3.1.8. Liaising with DG REGIO

These contacts will vary in intensity depending on the type of event and the length of the preparation phase and the event itself. The costs of such liaison are included in the core tasks.

3.1.9. Programme

For the three categories of events, the main input will come from DG REGIO, and Contractors will be asked for help primarily in developing the format of the event and in formatting the programme in line with DG REGIO's graphical chart ( .

The Contractor will also be responsible for the printing of the programme. In each case, the programme must be printed in A4 format, coloured version for both the cover and the contents (quadri).

For the three categories of events, the translation of the final programme, if any, will be carried out by the Contractor responsible for lot 1 "Conception and production of


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information products", with whom the Contractor for lot 2 will have to cooperate in a professional and effective way. The laying-out and printing of the final programme for the conference itself will be under the responsibility of the Contractor for this lot.

3.1.10. List of participants

The Contractor will also be responsible for the preparation and printing of the final list of participants for each event.

For the three categories of events (small, medium and large), the final list of participants will be in A4 format, coloured version for the cover (quadri) and the inside contents in black and white and presented as such:

For small events: following the alphabetical ascending order of the family name of each participant.

For medium and large events: in the following order and following the alphabetical ascending order of the family name of each participant of each category:

1. Speakers

2. EU Countries (following the ascending alphabetical order of country in English language)

3. Other Countries (following the ascending alphabetical order of country in English language)

4. EU Institutions and Bodies

a. Institutions

European Parliament, European Council, Council of the European Union, European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank, European Court of Auditors, President of the European Council, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

b. Consultative bodies

European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions.

c. Other bodies

European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund, European Ombudsman, European Data Protection Supervisor.

For any updates, please refer to the following url:


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5. Text concerning the Protection of personal data (the text will be provided by DG REGIO)

Unless otherwise specified, the final list of participants will be in English.

3.1.11. Signposting

For all events, the Contractor will have to provide clear and appropriate signposting for each event. Design and printing of panels/visuals with support base (graphics, layout of texts and images 103x90cm) should be provided and adapted to the venue, and at least:

1 generic panel at the entrance; 1 panel "welcome and registration" at the registration desk; 1 panel in front of each room

These panels will be part of the core tasks of the event. Additional panels are to be foreseen under point 6.12of the price schedule.

The elements for the lay-out of the panels will be provided by DG REGIO, according to its graphical chart: ( to any graphical chart of the specific event.

3.1.12. Follow-up

The Contractor will be responsible for the follow-up to the event: publication (e.g. on the Web, CD) of the speeches and presentations, thank you letters, collection of press articles, or television or radio programmes.

3.2. Supplementary activities

In addition to the core tasks described above, some or all of the following tasks and or services might be required, depending on the nature, size or location of the event.

As the design and printing of the programme and list of participants relating to an event are part of the core tasks, the printing of other documents associated with the event should be mentioned under point 2.1 and 2.2 of the price schedule, being respectively printed in black and white or in colours.

The organisation and the reimbursement/cover of travel and accommodation for speakers, participants or journalists will be based on the maximum rates specified in Annex VIII of the General Specifications). Their amount may not exceed the maximum rates mentioned in this annex, unless the Contractor has received prior approval from DG REGIO. In many cases the Contractor will be expected to make the appropriate payments to the speakers and participants, and should have the necessary credit and fund handling facilities to do so, subject to reimbursement by the Commission in due course, upon presentation of supporting documents. The Commission must approve the final choice of hotel.

Cases/conference bags for the event should be mentioned under point 2.3 or 2.4 of this price schedule, depending whether they will be rigid (point 2.4) or not (point 2.3).


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3.3. Staff for events

3.3.1. Hostess

The Contractor will have to ensure the smooth running of the event. This will involve for all events the provision of hostesses to deal with on-site and press registrations, prepare and hand out badges, guide the participants to the correct meeting rooms, guide the speakers to any VIP facilities, prepare and distribute all kind of material foreseen for participants (bags, documentation, etc.), handle microphones during questions and liaise with the technical services in the room to ensure the smooth functioning of e.g. PowerPoint presentations, videos or slides.

The hostesses, as well as the staff from the Contractor, should all wear a uniform (for example: dark suit, light shirt and coloured scarf), in order to be identified at first glance by the participants, as being part of the staff. Also, the hostesses will have to be briefed by the Contractor, according to the specifications given by DG REGIO.

The suggested provision of hostesses is two hostesses per hundred participants, though the precise number will be calculated for each event and does not therefore form part of the costs to be calculated as part of the core tasks. Costing for the core tasks relates solely to the presence of the Contractors' staff in an active or supervisory role for the duration of the meeting. Provision of the hostesses constitutes part of the staff for events costs (see price schedule point 3.1).

3.3.2. Consultant, Moderator, Security guard

Potential staff such as consultant, moderator and security guard are referred to in points 3.2 to 3.4 respectively of the price schedule. Consultants will have to prepare some work prior to and after the event, according to specifications and guidelines given by DG REGIO. Moderators will be asked to moderate debates on the day of the event and to carry out some work prior to and after the event, according to the specifications and guidelines given by DG REGIO.

3.3.3. IT technician

IT technicians should be provided for under point 3.5 of the same price schedule.

3.4. Media-specific activities

For some of its events, DG REGIO invites a number of journalists to attend the conference and a specific media programme, covering their travel and accommodation costs (see point 3.2. above). The Contractor's tasks may include promotion of the events with the local and regional media beforehand and ensuring media coverage during the event by facilitating flows of information, on-site media organisation (press packs, preparing the press room, accompanying journalists attending the event), etc. Encouraging media coverage after the event by contacting journalists, periodicals or television/radio stations to check transmission times and answer any further questions.


Page 66: Specifications

3.4.1. Research list of appropriate journalists

Prepare a list of journalists with special interest in the subject or area covered by the event, and a backup list in case required. Lists will need to include comprehensive contact details and indicate region and country represented as well as media type (written press / TV / radio / internet etc.)

3.4.2. Send invitations / background documentation to appropriate journalists

As a general rule, invitations should usually be sent electronically. However, on certain occasions a written invitation sent by post may be required. To encourage interest in the event, background documentation explaining the key issues and themes of the event, and details on speakers and high profile participants etc. should be included as part of the invitation mailing. This can also include articles placement and press release distribution.

3.4.3. Undertake follow up calls to journalists

Undertake follow-up activities, by email, mail or by phone, send reminders by mail, email or phone to secure attendance and/or media coverage and to check if a story or programme has been filed and to obtain copies.

3.4.4. Assemble and distribute special press packs

Prepare packs of special press materials for distribution to the journalists at the event (average 50 pages of documents, printed and/or in USB keys).

3.4.5. Writing content for journalists

The Contractor will be responsible for drafting articles, press releases, info sheets for journalists as required.

3.4.6. Media training

Organize ad-hoc media training for staff members of the Commission before they meet with journalists (also covering simulated TV/radio interviews).

3.4.7. Key message development and communication strategy

The Contractor will provide support and expertise to DG REGIO, with a view to developing messages and building communication strategies, according to specific media requirements.

3.4.8. Additional media-specific activities

The Contractor may also be asked to make arrangements for registration of journalists on site.

Additional media specific activities such as the purchase of advertising space or advertorials in media for specific communication actions may also be asked for to the Contractor by DG REGIO.


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4.1. Costing

As far as possible the costing will be based on the 'core tasks' mentioned above. The price schedule (see part 2 of this lot) is divided into three types of events.

Given the range of events undertaken by DG REGIO, the core tasks set out in the basic event types indicated will not always correspond to the reality of the total requirements. For these reasons, a range of supplementary tasks and services are listed, some of which might be added to the reference price for the event in question in order to arrive at a correct total price.

The price schedules indicate most of the tasks which the Contractor will have to accomplish. However, these schedules are not exhaustive, and the Commission may ask the Contractor for additional products and/or services which the Contractor will offer at the best market price.

4.2. Research and liaison time

In calculating their reference prices, tenderers are reminded to include sufficient time to allow for a full programme of contact meetings with DG REGIO and for their presence at the event itself, since no extra will be allowed for once the order form has been signed. The price list indicates the expected preparation and running time for each type of event. Similarly it should be emphasised that the research and liaison time for the large and medium events will be greater than for the small events, as a general rule

4.3. Travel expenses

Prices in this lot are calculated both according to ad hoc requirements and as fixed products. However, the attention of tenderers is drawn particularly to point 10 of the general conditions dealing with distance and mileage/kilometrage. Three levels of price are requested for specific elements of the price list depending on the distance from Brussels of the event or exhibition in question.

The attention of the tenderers is drawn, in particular, to the fact that, for most tasks, the specifications make no provision for a separate reimbursement of travel expenses within the European Union. These expenses should be included in the unit prices. Tenderers will have to work on the basis of fixed costs.

These fixed costs can vary depending on the place where the services are performed, subdivided into three zones:

Zone A includes Brussels and cities within a radius of 500 km, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam or Cologne;

Zone B includes places within a radius of 500 and 1500 km from Brussels, such as Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Stockholm, Dublin, Copenhagen, Warsaw or Prague;

Zone C includes places located in the European Union, further than 1500 km away from Brussels and the candidate countries

We do not plan to vary travel or mileage costs within the zones.


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Any reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses arising in the context of exceptional missions not included in the products in the price schedule (e.g. for missions in non EU-countries in relation with DG REGIO, as for example Brazil, Ukraine or China) but carried out at the specific request of and after obtaining prior authorisation from the Commission, away from the main place of performance of the tasks (Brussels), will be made in euros. The reimbursement will be made on the basis of original supporting documents (see Article II.7. of the draft contract in Annex 2 – see also the hotel ceilings in Annex 8).

DG REGIO will always have the possibility to request from the Contractor one or several specific tasks without being charged for the core tasks of an event.


Tenders will be compared and ranked on a list according to the total number of points obtained, consisting of a qualitative and a financial score. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer that has obtained the highest score.

Tenders will be examined from the perspective of quality in order to assign to each a quality score calculated according to the rules set out in the section “Quality score” below. The assessment will then look at the financial aspect according to the rules set out in the section “Financial score” below.

5.1. Quality score (maximum 100 points)

The quality of the proposals will be assessed out of 100 points, broken down as follows:

Award criteria Information to be given Points

1. Quality and consistency of the proposal in respect of the services requested (60 points)

Pass mark: 30/60

Tenderers should demonstrate their understanding of the context and specify the approach proposed to attain the Commission's objectives and to provide the services and/or products requested.


Innovative elements proposed in achieving the organisation of events in accordance with point 3 of the specifications. The tenderer will highlight the quality of its services and creativity that he intends to be in his approach and his work, relying, including examples of similar work done.


They must also explain the key indicators and the approach that will be used to guarantee the quality of the services and/or products requested.


They must also identify the main risk factors and explain how they intend to overcome them.



Page 69: Specifications

2. Organisation and management of the team proposed to provide the services requested (30 points)

Pass mark: 15/30

Description of the work organisation and of the quality control mechanisms, including where the work is performed by sub-Contractors.


Composition and organisation of the team proposed to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of the costs, speed and quality of the services requested and day-to-day management.


3. Clarity, conciseness and presentation of the tender (10 points)

Pass mark: 5/10

Tenders must comply with all the requirements in the specifications while remaining clear and concise, in terms of content, length and presentation. As regards the presentation, tenders must, in particular, include an index/table of contents, have continuous page numbering, and be assembled in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.); items attached to the tender (annexes on paper, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) must be marked with the Lot number, the number of that item, and its contents.


Tenders must only contain information strictly related to the products and services requested and the criteria mentioned. Therefore, tenderers must avoid any theoretical, textbook-like descriptions of information and communication strategy.


Total number of points: 100

Pass mark: 70/100

Tenders should obtain at least 50 % for each award criteria. Otherwise they will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenders that obtain a total quality score of less than 70 points will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration when for the award of the contract.

Tenderers should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. Merely repeating the mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without providing further analysis, will only result in a very low score. In addition, if certain essential points of these specifications are not expressly covered by the tender, the evaluators may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant qualitative award criteria.


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5.2. Financial score (price index)

The financial value of the tender will be calculated as the total sum of unit prices in the price schedule (see Part II). Each price will be multiplied by its corresponding weighting factor and the final total will be the sum of all the weighted prices. This total represents the price index and will be included in the final evaluation formula.

Price index = Σ (UP x WF)

Σ = sumUP = unit prices in the price schedule of the lot to which the tender refersWF = weighting factor of the unit prices

5.3. Final assessment

The contract will be awarded to the tender that offers the best quality/price ratio.

The final assessment of the qualitative value in relation to the financial value (price index) will be carried out by allocating a mark to each tender calculated as follows:

(Quality ÷ 100) x 60 + (lowest price ÷ price) x 40

Tenders will be ranked in descending order on the basis of the mark obtained. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has obtained the highest mark at the end of the final assessment.


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Organisation of events

The tenderer will use this price schedule to formulate his financial proposal.

Unit prices must be given for each deliverable or service listed in the schedule. These unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, travelling expenses to the main location for the performance of the tasks (Brussels), social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by the Contractor in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to him. In the last column, the tenderer must indicate e ach unit price multiplied by the relevant weighting coefficient .


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(Weighting Factor)


1. Core tasks: Event Types

1.1 Small Event: Zone A.From 40 up to 250 participants, up to 10 speakers, one to one and a half days, two months preparation: core tasks (see point 1.1 to 1.12): general advice, location and technical equipment, list of people to invite, invitations (design, sending, follow up), registrations, confirmations, speakers liaison (travel, accomodation, presentations), liaison with participants, contacts with DG REGIO, programme, list of participants, signposting, follow-up.

€/event 10

1.2 Idem Zone B. €/event 41.3 Idem Zone C. €/event 11.4 Medium Event: Zone A

251–600 participants, up to 25 speakers, one to two days, four months preparation: core tasks (see 1.2.1)

€/event 2

1.5 Idem Zone B. €/event 21.6 Idem Zone C. €/event 21.7 Large Event: Zone A.

More than 600 participants, up to 200 speakers, two to five days, six months preparation: core tasks (see 1.2.1)

€/event 1

1.8   Idem Zone B. €/event 11.9   Idem Zone C. €/event 12. Supplementary activities

2.1 Photocopies black and white €/page 502.2 Printing of colour photocopies   €/page 502.3 Case/conference bag printed in two colours (stars +

title of conference) with A4 pad and pen with EU logo (canvas)

100 units 20

2.4 Idem    (rigid) 100 units 203. Staff for events

3.1 Hostess €/day/person


3.2 Consultant €/day/person


3.3 Moderator €/day/person


3.4 Security guard €/day/person


3.5 IT technician €/day/person


4. Media-specific activities

4.1 Research list of appropriate journalists 10 people 24.2 Send invitations, background documentation to 10 people 5


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(Weighting Factor)


appropriate journalists4.3 Undertake follow up calls to journalists following

invitation and following event10 people 5

4.4 Assemble and distribute special press pack (average 50 pages of documents)

€/pack 10

4.5 Writing content for journalists (one page is equal to 1500 characters without space)

€/page 5

4.6 Media training (price for 1 hour of training in Brussels for 10 people including use of video material, including preparation)

€/hour/ 2

4.7 Key message development and communication strategy



5. Multimedia (including transport and installation)

5.1 Rental of venue (conference room/reception and wardrobe)

€/event 50

5.2 Rental of PC, including connection €/unit 105.3 Rental of a DVD player €/unit 105.4 Rental of a video player  €/unit 105.5 Rental of a large 42'' plasma screen, connectable to a

PC or DVD player€/unit 5

5.6 Rental of a monitor on base €/unit 55.7 Rental of desktop photocopier €/unit 55.8 Rental of high-speed photocopier €/unit 55.9 Rental of laser printer (b/w) €/unit 55.10 Rental of projection screen €/unit 105.11 Rental of an overhead projector €/unit 105.12 Rental of a video/beamer projector €/unit 105.13 Rental of a telephone/fax machine €/unit 55.14 Rental of an interactive terminal €/unit 55.15 Rental of additional technical equipement, including

audiovisual and ICT€/unit 50

5.16 Recording of conference debates €/event 55.17 Webstreaming of conference €/event 105.18 Rental of interpreting booths, includingtechnical

installation for simultaneous interpretation in accordance with ISO 4043-1998 (




5.19 Infrared headphones/receivers unit/day 106 Extra furniture and other material  (including

transport and installation) for events in zone A6.1 Floral decoration event < 200 persons (two bouquets

at entrance to event and two at speaker's table) €/event 10

6.2 Floral decoration event >200 persons (two bouquets at entrance, five on stage)

€/event 10

6.3 Hire of coach up to 30 seats with driver €/hour 56.4 Hire of 50-seater coach with driver €/hour 10


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(Weighting Factor)


6.5 Musical entertainment invoice

6.6 Cocktail: sparkling and still wines, fruit juices, aperitifs, five canapés per guest with service (two hours)

€/guest 50

6.7 Coffee, tea, juice, water and biscuits for breaks €/guest 506.8 Buffet lunch –cold selection (meats, charcuterie,

shellfish, smoked fish)€/guest 10

6.9 Buffet lunch – as above with warm selection €/guest 106.10 Buffet lunch for reception (3 courses: starters, main

dishes, deserts) –cold selection (meats, charcuterie, shellfish, smoked fish)

€/guest 10

6.11 Buffet lunch for reception (3 courses: starters, main dishes, deserts – as above with warm selection

€/guest 10

6.12 Additional panel €/unit 107   Miscellaneous

7.1 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.2 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.3 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.4 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.5 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.6 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.7 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.8 ………………………………………………. invoice

7.9 ………………………………………………. invoice


Signature: ........................................................

Nom: ........................................................

Date: ........................................................


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Technical specifications lot 3

Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products

The various components of this lot are described in the first part.

The second part describes the two simulations that the tenderer must complete.

The third part is the price schedule which must also be completed by the tenderer.




The subject of this lot is to promote communication on regional policy and reinforce relations between the Regional Policy Directorate-General (DG REGIO) and specific target groups, including the general public, via quality audiovisual products.

The information activities undertaken in the context of European regional policy aim to increase awareness of the policy among a large number of organisations and the general public. They also reflect the important role of DG REGIO as a disseminator, via the Member States and candidate countries, of good practices and experiences in planning, evaluation and management of the structural funds.

As an indication, DG REGIO produces around 10 'project clips' per year, including the series of clips on the winners of the annual RegioStars awards (see, as well as other audiovisual products on important decisions relating to cohesion policy, such as the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region ( Given the fact that management of EU regional policy is shared between the Union and the Member States and regions, DG REGIO gives great importance to the fact that all its audiovisual products reflect the EU added value of the policy, as well as its impact on people's day to day lives.


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The Contractor will have to produce audiovisual products at the request of DG REGIO. This will involve preparing, producing and distributing audiovisual information products for specific audiences, the media or the general public.

These productions are for broadcasting on national, regional and local television or radio stations, conferences and other events, internet distribution, DVD or distribution through specific channels such as the regional authorities or associations.

Part of the Contractor's responsibility will also be to monitor the full range of audiovisual products and bring to the attention of DG REGIO any cases where improvements or updates can be made. Specific proposals to do this may be made at the initiative of the Contractor.

The Contractor may be required, in close collaboration with the Commission departments responsible, to carry out the following tasks (non-exhaustive list):

Producing video reports, documentaries, video news releases, adverts, video clips, animated films, teasers, screencasts, narrated tours of websites, slideshows, etc., mainly but not exclusively on the EU's regional policy, in any of the EU's official languages and/or other languages (including translation and/or adaptation of texts, commentaries, subtitles, etc.);

International versions, B-roll, shotlists, scripts and background information according to the requirements of the European Commission's Communication DG (see Annexes 1 and 2 of this lot);

Video and/or photo coverage of events in Brussels or elsewhere;

Organisation of video and/or audio coverage of events, in Brussels or elsewhere, by invited television/radio journalists (research of appropriate journalists, contacting and inviting them to attend the event, accompanying them during the event and assisting them on-site);

Producing photo reportages, including drafting of captions for each picture. This will require the Contractor to travel to different locations within the European Union and shoot high-quality photo reports on projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund;

Updating with new photos DG REGIO's online photo library [which is maintained and developed by the Contractor for Lot 1]; electronic archiving of productions on the online photo library, including captions for each new picture in several EU official languages;

Helping to identify target groups and their needs;

Identifying targets, such as journalists or TV/radio producers or websites who are interested in the activities of the European Union;

Advising the European Commission on its communication strategy vis-à-vis television channels, radio stations, websites and the various target groups;

Monitoring the impact of EU activities in the broadcast media and/or the Internet, particularly in the field of regional policy;

Miscellaneous tasks such as subtitling existing productions in other languages, voice-overs, mixing, video editing and duplication;


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Active dissemination to TV stations and networks and/or Internet platforms. This requires the Contractor to maintain regular contacts with existing and potential users of DG REGIO's video news releases (VNR) and to contact and issue media alerts to potential clients prior to launching VNRs or other products;

Handling enquiries from broadcasters and dealing with any problems related to the VNR or other products;

Providing DG REGIO with detailed reports on the use by broadcasters of REGIO's VNRs. The reports will include identification of the channel(s), transmission slot, type of programme, transmission date and time, rating and market share.

Delivery formats: In addition to the delivery of audiovisual productions to target audiences, the Contractor will make available to the Commission master copies of the edited material, cut raw footage and full rushes of the audiovisual products. The formats and number of copies required will vary according to the specific needs of any given project. Tenderers are therefore asked to specify unit costs for producing a wide variety of formats within their schedule of prices. The Contractor shall also provide all the audiovisual productions in video streaming format readable by the most popular viewers available either as high definition or low definition.

Detailed descriptions of the most recurrent products are included in the price schedule.


DG REGIO will apply a pricing system whereby the most recurrent tasks (video and photo dossiers) are to be priced as complete deliverables including all aspects of project management, coordination, staff, overhead, materials, travel and subsistence costs.

The attention of tenderers is drawn particularly to point 10 of the general conditions dealing with distance and mileage/kilometrage. Three levels of price are requested for specific elements of the price list depending on the distance from Brussels of the mission requested.

The attention of the tenderers is drawn, in particular, to the fact that, for most tasks, the specifications make no provision for a separate reimbursement of travel expenses within the European Union. These expenses should be included in the unit prices. Tenderers will have to work on the basis of fixed costs.

These fixed costs can vary depending on the place where the services are performed, subdivided into three zones:

Zone A includes Brussels and cities within a radius of 500 km, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam or Cologne;

Zone B includes places within a radius of 500 and 1500 km from Brussels, such as Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Stockholm, Dublin, Copenhagen, Warsaw or Prague;

Zone C includes places located in the EU further than 1500 km away from Brussels and in the candidate countries.

We do not plan to vary travel or mileage costs within the zones.

Any reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses arising in the context of exceptional missions not included in the products in the price schedule (e.g. for missions in non EU-countries in relation with DG REGIO such as, for example, Brazil, Ukraine or China) but carried


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out at the specific request of and after obtaining prior authorisation from the Commission, away from the main place of performance of the tasks (Brussels), will be made in euros. The reimbursement will be made on the basis of original supporting documents (see Article II.7. of the draft contract in Annex 2).


Even if there is provision for final checking by the Commission, the quality of work must be such that no further correction by Commission departments is required.

Jobs must be carried out fully in accordance with the specific instructions given in each order form or a specific contract and must be complete and accurate. The Contractor must carry out a thorough check of the entire job to ensure that it could be used as it stands without further revision by Commission departments. The Contractor must pay particular attention to ensuring that all references have been checked and quoted correctly, that any reference supplied has been consulted, and that the terminology used is consistent throughout the whole series of audiovisual products.


In their bids, tenderers must clearly designate a senior manager as contract manager. In particular, in the event of a contract being awarded, the contract manager will be the Commission's contact point, the sole interlocutor to whom it will address any requests and who must attend the follow-up meetings. The contract manager must propose answers and solutions to the Commission regarding both the subject of the contract and organisational or administrative matters (including problems related to invoicing and payment), and must implement them once the Commission has approved them. The Contractor must inform the Commission of any changes (departures, arrivals, promotions, etc.) in the composition of the team during the performance of the contract.

The contract manager shall appoint a team to carry out each specific order. The team will be led by a project leader. Both the contract manager and the project leader must have a good understanding of European Regional Policy and be aware of what DG REGIO's partners (in particular Member States) are doing in this field.

The team must combine all the know-how and experience necessary to carry out the tasks described in this specification. All the members of the team who are in contact with the Commission services must be able to work in French and/or English.

The Contractor must ensure that the composition of the team corresponds to the terms of his/her bid throughout the full duration of the contract. The Contractor must provide the training programmes necessary to ensure a constant high quality of services from his team. The Commission reserves the right to request the replacement of any member of the team whose experience and/or competence it deems to be inadequate, stating its reasons. Special attention will be paid to the approach proposed by the contractor for managing subcontractors. Tenderers will be required to indicate the kinds of work which they plan to subcontract and the name of any companies to which they are already intending to subcontract a part of the work, as stated in part 4.2 of the general tender specifications.

Annual or bi-annual meetings will be organised between the Contractor and the Commission, where the Contractor will present a short report on the period's activities, impact, how to


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improve, and issues/problems which have risen in the implementation of the contract will be discussed and solutions proposed by both parties.

Contractors have to be available for meetings in Brussels within 24 hours, and justify in their offer how they intend to do so.

The costs of managing the contract by the Contractor, as well as of the annual or bi-annual meetings and reports (including travel costs) will be carried out with no additional charge and are understood to be incorporated into each deliverable.


Tenders will be compared and ranked on a list according to the total number of points obtained, consisting of a qualitative and a financial score. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer that has obtained the highest score.

Tenders will be examined from the perspective of quality in order to assign to each a quality score calculated according to the rules set out in the section “Quality score” below. The assessment will then look at the financial aspect according to the rules set out in the section “Financial score” below.

6.1. Quality score (maximum 100 points)

The quality of the proposals will be assessed out of 100 points, broken down as follows:

– A maximum of 30 points will be awarded for the general approach according to the criteria set out in the table below;

– A maximum of 70 points will be awarded for the technical proposal put forward for the two case studies in accordance with the specifications and the criteria set out in Part II of this lot. The maximum number of points per case study is 35.

Tenders should obtain at least 50 % for each award criteria. Otherwise they will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenders that obtain a total quality score of less than 70 points will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenderers should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. Merely repeating the mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without providing further analysis, will only result in a very low score. In addition, if certain essential points of these specifications are not expressly covered by the tender, the evaluators may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant qualitative award criteria.

The quality score will be calculated as follows:

Number of points obtained for the general approach (items 1-3 below) + number of points obtained for the case studies (item 4 below).


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Award criteria Information to be providedMaximum


1.Quality, consistency and relevance of the proposed approach

(15 points)

Pass mark: 7.5/15

– tenderers must outline the approach they propose to achieve the objectives pursued by the European Commission and to provide the services and/or products requested in this invitation to tender;


– tenderers must identify the major challenges or obstacles and propose solutions, giving any suggestions they consider relevant;


– tenderers must explain the quality control mechanisms and the key performance indicators they intend to use to guarantee the quality of the services and/or products and compliance with deadlines.


2.Quality of the organisation of work, management of the team

(9 points)

Pass mark: 4.5/9

– tenderers must describe the composition and organisation of the team they propose to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of the costs, speed and quality of the services requested;


– tenderers must describe the various staff management measures taken to guarantee a consistently high level of services provided and identify the mechanisms for supervising the tasks they intend to subcontract;


– tenderers must outline their approach to the daily management of the work with the competent Commission services;


3.Clarity, conciseness and presentation of the tender

(6 points)

Pass mark: 3/6

– tenders must comply with all the requirements in the specifications while remaining clear and concise, in terms of content, length and presentation; as regards the presentation, tenders must, in particular, include an index/table of contents, have continuous page numbering, and be assembled in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.); items attached to the tender (annexes on paper, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) must be marked with the Lot number, the number of that item, and its contents;


– tenders must only contain information strictly related to the products and services requested and the criteria mentioned. Therefore, tenderers must avoid any theoretical, textbook-like descriptions of information and communication strategy.


4.Qualitative analysis of the

Two case studies will be required (see Part II).

Detailed instructions for the tenderer’s proposal


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two case studies

(2 x 35 points)

Pass mark: 35/70

for the case studies are provided below. The detailed quality score for each of the case studies is listed in Part II.

Total number of points: 100

Pass mark: 70/100

Case studies (cf. Part II)

Tenderers are asked to make a specific technical proposal for each case study and to provide a cost breakdown (price estimate) for each technical proposal.

NB: The case studies have been drawn up solely for the purposes of the award process for this contract. They are entirely fictitious and cannot, in any way, be regarded as an indication of the priorities and the exact nature of future operations.

The technical proposal must:

– Describe in detail the approach, the stages and the working methods that the tenderer intends to use to carry out all of the work requested in the case study, specifying which parts will be subcontracted;

– For each stage, specify the composition of the project team and the assigned roles of the staff which are intended to be put into place, specifying the number of units (person/day) per category of staff;

– Propose a schedule setting out the time considered necessary for each stage and taking into account the time needed for interacting with the Commission departments and the various steps of the validation process;

– Provide the samples/work extracts requested.

The cost breakdown (estimated prices) must:

– Cover all the tasks and work that the tenderer must carry out for this case study;– Be presented separately for each case study by filling in the tables at the end of Part II;– Truly reflect the proposed price schedule.

NB: Although the price estimates of the case studies are not used for evaluating the financial score of the tender, they will serve as a reference for analysing offers relating to specific contracts implementing the framework contract to be concluded with the successful tenderers.


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6.2. Financial score (price index)

The financial value of the tender will be calculated as the total sum of unit prices in the price schedule (see Part III). Each price will be multiplied by its corresponding weighting factor and the final total will be the sum of all the weighted prices. This total represents the price index and will be included in the final evaluation formula.

Price index = Σ (UP x WF)

Σ = sum

UP = unit prices in the price schedule of the lot to which the tender refers

WF = weighting factor of the unit prices

6.3. Final assessment

The contract will be awarded to the tender that offers the best quality/price ratio.

The final assessment of the qualitative value in relation to the financial value (price index) will be carried out by allocating a mark to each tender calculated as follows:

(Quality ÷ 100) x 60 + (lowest price ÷ price) x 40

Tenders will be ranked in descending order on the basis of the mark obtained. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has obtained the highest mark at the end of the final assessment.


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Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products

Two simulations are needed. For each one, the tenderer must describe the approach proposed to achieve the objective, whilst stating the budget he or she proposes to allocate, using the tables below.

Tenderers are reminded that these simulations are intended to demonstrate a) their understanding of regional policy, b) their originality of approach, c) their method of working and d) their understanding of the costs involved and their ability to keep costs within the elements listed in the price schedule. The tenderer can thus prove his/her skill, the quality of his/her management and the allocation of human resources. The tenderer's response will be evaluated according to a qualitative award criterion.

The budget must be based exclusively on the rates in the price schedule.

Please note that, for the purpose of this tender, tenderers are not required to provide a real audiovisual product for each of the case studies. Deliverables to be provided are described below for each of the case studies.


The tenderer has to produce a 3min, free of rights Video News Release (VNR) in English, French and German in a 16:9 format, about the 'Environmental Technology Centre' project, part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The VNR will have to show the project's results as well as the real benefits of cohesion policy through the specific project shown, mentioning EU contribution to the project and putting this contribution into the context of how this project helps achieving the overall objectives of cohesion policy(

This main product will be complemented by a short version (1min30) in English only and a 'testimony' (1min. clip) in English focused on the testimony of one citizen or enterprise showing the benefits that this specific project has brought to his/her daily life or business.

All three items (VNR, short version and 1min 'testimony') and the language versions form two single entries in the price list (points 1.12 and 1.15). However, for the purpose of this Call for Tender, tenderers must only include in their offer a description of tasks and deliverables referred to the 3min.VNR, even if all items (the basic VNR pack plus the additional languages versions) have to be included in the price offer in line with the price schedule. All aspects of management, coordination, staff, overhead, material, travel and subsistence costs are included in this price, which means that no other entries of the price schedule will be accepted, except for additional copies of the product for distribution.


Page 84: Specifications

The making of the film will comprise pre-production, filming, editing and image post-production and sound post-production stages, and take into account the following requirements:

The target audiences for the VNR are a) regional policy stakeholders (national, regional and local authorities), b) audiovisual media.

Tenderers shall use as the basis for developing the VNR the information on the Environmental Technology Centre project available at:



The tenderer has to propose the locations for shooting that he/she considers the most adequate to satisfactorily illustrate the subject.

Interviews will be sub-titled or dubbed in each language version;

It is up to the tenderer to decide on the approach he or she wants to follow for the shooting;

The video will also include 10 minutes of (B-Roll) footage intended for television journalists, featuring interviews or illustration sequences.

Tasks to be simulated by the tenderer:

NB: All of these tasks must be clearly identified in the price estimate drawn up by the tenderer.

(a) Advising, preparing the project (methodology for reaching target audiences, content, detailed planning and budget), monitoring the work and coordinating the project throughout its duration;

(b) Actual realisation of the VNR in English, including the steps of:

b.1 pre-production

b.2 shooting

b.3 editing

b.4 sound post-production and image post-production;

(c) Translation into French and German

(d) In parallel, production of the 10-minute B-Roll;

(e) Announcing the video to journalists from television channels in the countries / regions where the project is active, and providing on time a professional copy of the VNR to TV journalists on request;


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(f) Monitoring and reporting on the uptake and broadcasting of all or parts of the video by the television channels;

(g) Duplicating and dispatching:

– providing the European Commission with one digital Betacam copy per language version (+ international version + B-Roll) for archiving and one digital Betacam copy in English (+ international version + B-Roll) for broadcasting by Europe by Satellite (EbS:

– providing 40 copies in professional format to TV journalists in various EU countries.

Budget for task 2 is a fixed entry in the price schedule and includes the 1min30 short version and the 1min 'testimony'.

Budget for tasks 5, 6 and 7 has to be specified separately, and then a grand total calculated.

Deliverables to be provided to the Commission (in the context of this call for tenders) :

An explanation of the approach chosen by the tenderer to realise the VNR and the type of shooting chosen;

A detailed planning of realisation of the project, taking also into account the time needed for interacting with the European Commission and the various steps of the validation process;

A detailed shotlist of the VNR, giving for each sequence, in a tabular form:

– - the time code both at the beginning and the end of the sequence;

– - the precise content description of the sequence;

– - the description of the images (subject, location, graphics, etc);

– - the description of the sound, visual and transition effects, if any;

The tenderer must describe in detail how he/she intends to announce the VNR to TV journalists and to distribute it on request;

Similarly, the tenderer will provide a detailed explanation on how he or she intends to report on the uptake and broadcast of the VNR by TV channels and on the corresponding impact thereof on targeted audiences.


Page 86: Specifications

Marking criteria (maximum of 35 points):

VNR (Video report)


Technical award criteriaMaximum


1 Quality of general approach

Consistency and relevance of the proposed approach and the working methods including detailed planning.


2 Quality of product

Shooting: relevance of the proposed places for filming, quality & originality of shooting, relevance and originality of experts/people interviewed, etc.

Structure: story line, balance between topics addressed, etc.

Content: background on EU initiatives, messages, solutions/EU added value, relevance and originality of scenario, conclusions, etc.

Style: clarity and fluidity, rhythm, transitions/editing, graphics & visual effects, music & audio effects, etc.

20(5 + 5 + 5 +


3 Quality of promotion and distribution

Promotion among AV media. Distribution: relevance of geographical coverage and

delivery service.

5(2.5 + 2.5)

4 Quality of monitoring and reporting

Media coverage monitoring: broadcasting information of the AV production.

Reporting: both quantitative data and qualitative analysis of the media impact including conclusions and recommendations.

5(2.5 + 2.5)

Total number of points 35

Pass mark: 17.5/35


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Estimated costs :

On the basis of the standard price schedule submitted with their offer, tenderers are requested to estimate the costs for the case study in accordance with the details provided above and the table given below.

Estimated cost for Lot 3, Case study No 1(*)

Description of task Type of unitNumber of

unitsUnit price Subtotal

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Task 7


(*) All prices to be specified in EUR excluding VAT. Tenderers should take note of the following before filling in the table with the cost estimate for the case study:

A task may consist of different steps and each step may require the use of different types of units (i.e. belonging to the categories of staff, standard services, technical equipment, etc. in the relevant price schedule). It is therefore important to clearly identify and list the individual types of units necessary for completing a step or task.


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The tenderer has to produce a 60 seconds (maximum), free-of-rights short audiovisual product (hereafter referred to as clip) in 16:9 format in all official EU languages, to inform in a clear, original and attractive/eyecatching way the general public about the impact and benefits of the European Union Solidarity Fund. The clip should be suited to being promoted via the Internet, including by posting on various EUROPA and other internet sites and by viral marketing.

The realisation of the clip will take into account the following requirements:

The target audience for the clip is the general public;

Tenderers shall use the information on the European Union Solidarity Fund available at as the basis for developing the clip;

It is up to the tenderer to decide on the approach he or she wants to follow for the realisation of the clip. It can include shooting or not, be based exclusively on animation or not, include a commentary text or not etc.;

The product must be creative and attractive, while simultaneously passing clear information on the subject;

In case of shooting, the tenderer has to propose the locations for shooting that he or she considers the most adequate to satisfactorily illustrate the subject at EU level, and at a reasonable quality/cost ratio. Archive images may be used.

Tasks to be simulated by the tenderer:

NB: All of these tasks must be clearly identified in the price estimate drawn up by the tenderer.

(a) Advising, preparing the project (methodology for reaching target audiences, content, detailed planning and budget), monitoring the work and coordinating the project throughout its duration;

(b) Realising the clip in all EU official languages. All the steps of the production process must be clearly identified as sub-tasks;

(c) Providing the European Commission with one digital Betacam copy per language version for archiving plus three digital Betacam in English, French and German for posting on EUTube, as well as delivering for each language a CD-Rom with compressed files for subsequent streaming or download in the following formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, MP4, .mov, .wmv, .rm, .flv);

(d) Producing a master DVD-5 for subsequent duplication of the product on DVD copies. The DVD must contain a menu screen with the choice of the language and a title screen for each language version;


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(e) Delivering 2 000 DVD copies in carton sleeve (124 mm x 124 mm x 1.5 mm; two faces printed; four colours) wrapped into cellophane to the European Commission;

(f) Organising an internet promotion campaign, including viral marketing to guarantee the diffusion of the clip and reporting on the campaign. All the steps of the internet campaign promotion and reporting thereof must be clearly identified as sub-tasks.

Deliverables to be provided to the Commission (in the context of this call for tenders) :

A detailed explanation of the approach and format chosen by the tenderer to realise the product and explain the subject and its associated benefit in a clear and attractive way;

A detailed planning of realisation of the project, taking also into account the time needed for interacting with the European Commission and the various steps of the validation process;

A very detailed, table-like scenario in English giving for each sequence:

– the time code both at the beginning and the end of the sequence;

– the precise content description of the section;

– the description of the images (subject, location, graphics, animation, etc);

– the description of the sound, visual, transition or other possible effects;

– the accompanying text;

The tenderer must describe in details the strategy on how he or she intends to post and disseminate the clip on the Internet;

Similarly, the tenderer will provide a detailed explanation on how he or she intends to report on both quantitative data and qualitative analysis of the clip final impact on targeted audiences.


Page 90: Specifications

Marking criteria (maximum 35 points) :

Short Audiovisual



Technical award criteriaMaximum


1 Quality of general approach

Consistency and relevance of the proposed approach and the working methods including detailed planning.


2 Quality of product

Structure/content: context, story line, key message(s), relevance and originality of scenario, EU added value, conclusions, etc.

Style: type of product proposed, creativity, rhythm, transitions/editing, graphics and visual effects, music and audio effects, etc.

20(8 + 12)

3 Quality of promotion

Promotion by posting the AV production on Internet sites and viral marketing; efficiency, relevance and geographical coverage of the pathways followed to reach by internet the target audience.


4 Quality of monitoring and reporting

Monitoring: follow-up of the AV production impact on the Internet.

Reporting: both quantitative data and qualitative analysis of the Internet impact including conclusions and recommendations

5(2.5 + 2.5)

Total number of points 35

Pass mark: 17.5/35


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Estimated costs :

On the basis of the standard price schedule submitted with their offer, tenderers are requested to estimate the costs for the case study in accordance with the details provided above and the table given below.

Estimated cost for Lot 3, Case study No 2(*)

Description of task Type of unitNumber of

unitsUnit price Subtotal

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6


(*) All prices to be specified in EUR excluding VAT. Tenderers should take note of the following before filling in the table with the cost estimate for the case study:

A task may consist of different steps and each step may require the use of different types of units (i.e. belonging to the categories of staff, standard services, technical equipment, etc. in the relevant price schedule). It is therefore important to clearly identify and list the individual types of units necessary for completing a step or task.


Page 92: Specifications


Design, production and dissemination of audiovisual products

The tenderer must complete the price schedule in its entirety for the services concerned. Prices must be stated in EUR, excluding VAT. Please only give one amount per box.

The amounts stated in the price schedule, weighted by importance according to a variable factor from 1 (least important/frequent) to 10 (most important/frequent), will be taken into account for the calculation of the financial score of the offer. In the last column, the tenderer must indicate each unit price multiplied by the relevant weighting coefficient.Unit prices must be given for each deliverable or service listed in the schedule. These unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, travelling expenses to the main location for the performance of the tasks (Brussels), social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by the Contractor in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to him.

In the specific case of technologies not yet foreseeable or available, in particular in the field of IT or multimedia, the Commission may, at a future date, ask the Contractor for additional products or services, which the Contractor must propose at the most favourable market price. In these cases, the Contractor will propose a price corresponding to the schedule structure and price level. This proposal will be subject to agreement by the Commission.

Unless otherwise stated, all prices must include delivery of the products to the Commission in Brussels.


Page 93: Specifications

Description Unit EuroWF (Weighting


1. Dossiers

1.1 Photo dossier: Zone shoot 1 project, 10 images of different aspects of the project, as well as of project beneficiaries, including set-up, shooting and editing time of photographer and photographer's assistance, travel and subsistence, drafting of one caption per image in English copy of all images on hard drive and CD, copy of photos sent to managers of projects involved. Note: cost is per shoot, not per day of work

Note: captions must have 100 to 150 characters without spaces and will include:

Projects: project name, project description, place and financing period

Key words

/dossier 10

1.2 Idem Zone B /dossier 101.3 Idem Zone C /dossier 10

1.4 Additional photo dossier in the same geographical area/region: Zone A

/dossier 10

1.5 Idem Zone B /dossier 101.6 Idem Zone C /dossier 101.7 Photo coverage of event: Zone A

Including set-up, travel, shooting time of photographer, selection of photos and drafting of one caption per image in English.Note: captions must have 100 to 150 characters without spaces

and will include: Events: event title, place and date of event, name of VIPs

on picture or description of scene Key words

/person/day 10

1.8 Idem Zone B /person/day 51.9 Idem Zone C /person/day 51.10CD with photos of conference (up to 1000 high resolution

photos)/set of CDs 10

Photo reportage of 'concept photos', including set-up, travel inside Belgium, shooting time of photographer and assistant, selection of photos and drafting of one caption per image in English.Note: captions must have 100 to 150 characters without spaces

and will include: Concept photos: theme, place and date Key words


/person/day 10

1.12Video dossier: Zona AComposed of three products on the same subject: a) One Video News Release (3 minutes) in a 16:9 format on a project financed by ERDF funds in one EU member state in English; b) A short version (90") of the same clip in English; c) One 'testimony' (1min. clip) in original language with EN subtitles centred in the testimony of a project beneficiary; d) 2 page (3000 characters without spaces) description of the project in a journalistic style.

/dossier 10


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The VNR will have to show the real benefits of cohesion policy through the specific project shown, mentioning EU contribution to the project and putting this contribution into the context of how this project helps achieving the overall objectives of cohesion policy ( include all preparation, pre-production, setting up and shooting time, editing, sound and image post-production stages, archive research, sound studio, materials and equipment.Providing the European Commission with one digital Betacam copy per language version (+ international version + B-Roll) for archiving and one digital Betacam copy in English (+ international version + B-Roll) for broadcasting by Europe by Satellite (EbS:, including metadata (type of product, title, languages, date and place of production, detailed script or shotlist, etc), copyright information and release forms; web formats MPEG2 and flv.; one DVD; upload on DG REGIO's online video database by the contractor.

1.13Idem Zone B /dossier 101.14Idem Zone C /dossier 101.15 Video dossier, additional language version /version 51.16Video coverage of event: Zone A

Including short interviews to speakers and participants. Includes preparation, set-up and shooting.

/film crew/day


1.17Idem Zone B/film


1.18Idem Zone C/film


1.19Daily News: in English, maximum 5 minutes summary of one event day, using the images obtained under points 1.16, 1.17 and 1.18 if this price schedule.

Providing the European Commission with the filecompressed to a web-compatible format and to a DVD format and to a MPEG2 and flv format to be published on the conference website in the morning after the conference day, one digital Betacam copy (+ international version + B-Roll) for archiving and ; upload on DG REGIO's online video database by the contractor .

/daily clip 10

1.20Interviews: video messages (maximum 2 minutes each), in English, using the images obtained under points 1.16, 1.17 and 1.18 of this price schedule.

Providing the European Commission with the filecompressed to a web-compatible format and to a DVD format and to a MPEG2 format to be published on the conference website in the morning after the conference day; .

/lot of 5 video


1.21 Composite clip: maximum 10 minutes clip in English composed of an introduction, showcasing 3-4 examples of ERDF-funded projects and conclusion. This product will mainly use existing footage, except for one short interview to obtain brief quotes for the introduction. Video clip with voice-over and music to include all scripting and preparation, pre-production, setting up and shooting time of the interview, editing, sound and image post-production, archive search, sound studio, materials and equipment.

All films (per language version) will be delivered to the

/composite clip



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European Commission compressed to a web-compatible format, to a DVD format and to an MPEG2 and flv format for its inclusion in the European Commission's Audiovisual Library, including metadata, copyright information and release forms. The contractor will also upload the film on DG REGIO's online video database.

1.22 Idem, additional language version/version 5

2. Staff

2.1 Senior manager /person/day 22.2 Project manager, coordinator /person/day 32.3 Junior Project manager /person/day 12.4 Journalist /person/day 12.5 Scriptwriter, scenarist /person/day 22.6 Film director /person/day 32.7 Assistant to the film director /person/day 12.8 Production manager /person/day 3

2.9 Production assistant /person/day 1

2.10Senior lighting engineer, director of photography /person/day 22.11Cameraman /person/day 32.12Assistant cameraman (video) /person/day 12.13TV/Radio expert, communication advisor /person/day 22.14Video editor /person/day 32.15Specialist in web viral marketing/ 3G phones /person/day 22.16Press relations officer, press attaché /person/day 32.17Assistant to press relations officer /person/day 12.18Studio sound engineer /person/day 22.19Sound operator, sound technician /person/day 32.20Cartoonist /person/day 2

2.21 Graphic designer /person/day 1

2.22Technician, electrician, set mover /person/day 32.23Stylist – Props /person/day 12.24Set designer /person/day 12.25Actor /person/day 12.26Extra /person/day 1

Reduction factor for ½ day for the above staff categories 50%_

3. Technical equipment for filming videos, VNRs, advertising spots and similar

3.1 Betacam SP camera /day 3

3.2 Digital Betacam camera /day 3

3.3 Video accessories /day 33.4 Machinerie/travelling /day 33.5 Basic sound material /day 33.6 Micro HF /day 33.7 Light equipment: kit 1 (reportage) /day 33.8 Light equipment: kit 2 (equipped van) /day 103.9 Insurances (% on above material) _

Reduction factor for ½ day for the above equipment categories 50 % _

4. Technical equipment and basic services for editing and sound tracks

4.1 Computer workstation to view rushes/footage /day 34.2 Purchase of archive pictures (average European rights) /min 2


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4.3 Technical costs for archive pictures (average estimate) /min 24.4 Digitalisation of images /hour 34.5 SD editing (editor included) /hour 34.6 HD editing (editor included) /hour 14.7 Renting of studio /day 14.8 Prompter /day 14.9 2D graphic palette (graphic artist included) /hour 34.103D graphic palette (graphic artist included) /hour 1

4.11Translation/adaptation into an EU language

/page (1 500

characters without spacing)


4.12Transcription of interviews in their original language

/page (1 500

characters without spacing)


4.13Voice-over, commentator, speaker /hour 34.14Recording studio –recording /hour 34.15Subtitles (for interviews, including translation and spotting) /min 34.16Dubbing for interviews /min 24.17Recording studio -mixing /hour 34.18Musical adaptation (with assignment of rights) /min 24.19Original music (with assignment of rights) /min 24.20Research for photos or illustrations /person/day 14.21Touching up photos /photo 14.22Purchasing photos (including exclusive reproduction rights) /photo 1

Reduction factor for ½ day for categories 4.1, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.20 50 % _

5. Distribution/Broadcasting5.1 Delivery by express courier in EU-27 and beyond /unit 35.2 Delivery by express courier/messenger service (national) /unit 25.3 Download service in professional format /unit 35.4 Satellite broadcasting /minute *5.5 Co-production of TV broadcasts with European TV channels /minute *The boxes marked with an asterisk * are not taken into account in the calculation of the price index formula.

6. Creation of multimedia products (CD-Rom, DVD etc)[All staff costs included]

6.1 Compression in multi-formats for duplication, download and videostreaming (MPEG1, MPEG2, MP4, formats .rm, wmv, .mov and .flv)

/min/5 min/10 min/20 min

/30 to 60 min


6.2 Creation Master CD-Rom /unit 16.3 Creation Master DVD5 /unit 36.4 Creation Master DVD9 /unit 16.5 Creation Master Blu-ray /unit 1

7. Standard supplies7.1 DVD with content up to 4GB (see section 5 for editing costs)

with ISBN, label and leaflet 4 pages 4 colour in plastic case (up to 100 copies)

/unit 3

7.2 IDEM (up to 500 copies) /unit 37.3 IDEM (more than 500) /unit 37.4 DVD/CD with ISBN and label in plastic pouch (up to 100 / unit 3


Page 97: Specifications

copies)7.5 IDEM (up to 500) / unit 37.6 IDEM (more than 500) / unit 37.7 Video Betacam digital cassette (up to 5 minutes, 200 copies,

box, transcripts, sleeve with title)/ unit 3

7.8 IDEM, up to 20 minutes / unit 37.9 IDEM, 20-60 minutes / unit 37.10 DV cam cassette (up to 5 minutes, 200 copies, box,

transcripts, sleeve with title)/ unit 3

7.11 IDEM, up to 20 minutes / unit 37.12 IDEM, 20-60 minutes / unit 3

Signature: ........................................................

Nom: ........................................................

Date: ........................................................

Annex 1: Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the European Commission's Audiovisual Library

Annex 2: Europe by Satellite production vademecum


Page 98: Specifications




Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the Audiovisual Library (DG COMM)

February 2011

The Audiovisual Library of DG COMM functions as central deposit for any audiovisual material (photo, video, audio) produced by the services of the Commission.

It only accepts material for which the Commission is the copyright owner.

If a service wants to integrate some material into the Audiovisual library for long term archiving and distribution/publishing via EbS, EU-tube or the audiovisual portal, the following guidelines should be respected.


Publication Indicate which type of publication is wanted: EbS, audiovisual portal, EU-tube or only for archives

Editorial context If the material is news/event related, give short information about its context and the desired publication date.

Name of the editor responsible for the contentDelay Material (including metadata and copyright information)

should be sent at least 2 days before publication/transmission!

Whom to inform In general: [email protected]

EU-Tube: [email protected] and [email protected]

Where to send your material

DG COMMService audiovisuelMédiathèque centraleSandra Nsambi NzaliBERL -1/ME26

Contact tél.: 02.2959471 e-mail: [email protected]

Technical issues tél.: 02.2995235 e-mail: [email protected]

EU-Tube tél.: 02.2968684 e-mail: [email protected]

Page 99: Specifications


1. Video

Technical aspects The preferred delivery is by FTP following these guidelines:

SD files:

MPEG2 15Mb/s MP@ML or H264 MP4 Hip level 3 at 10Mb/s.

Resolution: 720*576, 25 pictures / 50 fields per second ("PAL")

Aspect ratio: 4/3 or 16/9 (no letterbox, if transmission on EbS is intended)

Chroma 4.2.0 1 file per language version

HD files:

MOV (DV100) file, XDCAM EX, H264 MP4 at broadcast quality bit rates. Other formats can be accepted after prior consultation.

Resolution 1080i25 or 720p50 1 file per language version.

Upload on:

ftp: (port21) login: eu_upload pswd: 1onion:( No other FTP server allowed

Alternatively a delivery on a physical carrier is also accepted:

SD items: 1 copy of all language versions in a professional format (preferably BetaDigital or BetaSp, BetaSX, DVCpro). Consumer formats will not be accepted.

HD items: 1 copy of all language versions on an IT support (external hard disc, solid state memory), P2 (DV100) or HDCAM

each version has to be preceded by a title different versions on the same tape have to be separated by

black images clear description of the sound tracks

Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the Audiovisual Library - 99 –DG COMM/A.4

Page 100: Specifications

indication of the duration of the product tapes have to be clearly identified (title, producer, duration,

sound tracks)

Sound, if transmission on EbS is intended:

Single mono sound track Multiple sound tracks or A/B sound tracks are not

acceptable Applies only to the international version. Other language

versions are not transmitted on EbS

Any questions regarding formats, compression and other technical details must be cleared with the audiovisual library before delivery.

Metadata Detailed information in English and/or French:

type of product: video news release, documentary, stockshots, clips, …

title original title (if different) language versions producer director place of production end date of production place of event start date of shooting end date of shooting start date of distribution (if the distribution is authorised

only from a certain date on) end date of distribution (if the video may not be distributed

after a certain date) summary script or shotlist with names and functions of the

personnalities filmed and clear identification (e.g.: from left to right; 2nd from left; etc.)

links to IP note, other useful information/website, DG website where the product can be viewed or downloaded

For EUtube:

A "Punchy Title" Context Web link Pertinent tags in each version

Copyright Videos realised within a framework service contract: copy of the signed framework service contract and the signed

Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the Audiovisual Library - 100 –DG COMM/A.4

Page 101: Specifications

specific agreement. The contract has to contain the standard copyright clause (see annexe 1)

Videos and video sequences acquired from third parties (agencies, archives etc.) oudside a framework contract: copy of the signed rights agreement (see annexe 2)

Persons filmed: signed model release for all persons that are not public figures. For children the model release has to be signed by their parents. (text of the model releases see annexe 3)

Work of art photographed: clear identification (author, title) and signed publishing agreement

Third party rights (music, pictures): detailed information (author, title) and copy of the declaration and payment to the appropriate collecting society

Site licensing and property release, where applicableCost and impact Copy of the invoice

DG's assessement of the impact of the audiovisual product in terms of distribution/real audience'

2. Photo

Technical aspects Format: jpeg-file for news photos and tiff-file for thematic photos

Resolution: news photos: 300dpi with a 15x21 cm picture sizethematic photos: 300 dpi with an A3 picture size

Image Quality in Photoshop: 10/12 compression 8Bit RGB

Metadata Detailed information in English and/or French:

date when the photo has been taken place where the photo has been taken event description description of each photo with names and functions of the

personnalities photographed and clear identification (e.g.: from left to right; 2nd from left; etc.)

name of the photographer links to IP note, other useful information/website, DG

website where the product can be viewed or downloaded

Where technically possible, the IPTC metadata fields of the jpeg-file should be filled in by the photographer/producing service.

Copyright photos produced within a framework service contract: copy of the signed contract and the signed specific agreement. The contract has to contain the standard copyright clause (see annexe 1)

photos acquired from third parties (agencies, archives etc.)

Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the Audiovisual Library - 101 –DG COMM/A.4

Page 102: Specifications

oudside a framework contract: copy of the signed rights agreement (see annexe 2)

Persons photographed: signed model release for all persons that are not public figures. For children the model release has to be signed by their parents. (text of the model releases see annexe 3)

Work of art photographed: clear identification (author, title) and signed publishing agreement

Site licensing and property release, where applicable

3. Audio

Technical aspects WAV (PCM) ou MP3 file (64Kbps to 192Kbps – professional encoding CBR & VBR)

international sound has to be mixed indication of the duration of the product

Metadata Detailed information in English and/or French:

type of product: magazine, documentary, speech, interview, …

title original title (if different) language versions producer director place of production end date of production place of event start date of recording end date of recording start date of distribution (if the distribution is authorised

only from a certain date on) end date of distribution (if the video may not be distributed

after a certain date) summary script with names and functions of the personnalities

interviewed links to IP note, other useful information/website, DG

website where the product can be viewed or downloadedCopyright Sound recordings realised within a framework service

contract: copy of the signed framework service contract and the signed specific agreement. The contract has to contain the standard copyright clause (see annexe 1)

Sound recordings acquired from third parties (agencies, archives etc.) oudside a framework contract: copy of the signed rights agreement (see annexe 2)

Persons interviewed: signed model release for all persons that are not public figures. For children the model release has to be signed by their parents. (text of the model releases see annexe 4)

Guidelines for the deposit of audiovisual material at the Audiovisual Library - 102 –DG COMM/A.4

Page 103: Specifications

Third party rights (music): detailed information (author, title) and copy of the declaration and payment to the appropriate collecting society

Site licensing and property release, where applicable


Copyright clause for framework contracts:

Article II.8 - OWNERSHIP of the results - Intellectual and Industrial Property

Any results or rights thereon, including copyright and other intellectual or industrial property rights, obtained in performance of the Contract, shall be owned solely by the Community, which may use, publish, assign or transfer them as it sees fit, without geographical or other limitation, except where industrial or intellectual property rights exist prior to the Contract being entered into.

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Assignement of rights for videos, photos and sound recordings acquired from third parties outside a framework contract


Audiovisual Service

COMM/C-1 D (2008)



Content of documents assigned:

Entire duration:

Article 1

The assignor shall assign exclusively to the European Commission all copyright and related rights associated with the film, photographs, sound recordings or other elements of the film necessary for producing, making, publicising and distributing the film, photographs and/or sound recordings. These rights shall include rights of reproduction, communication to the public, secondary use and derived use of the film, photographs and/or sound recordings and, in particular, the rights listed below:

1.1. The right of reproduction and, in particular:

- the right to record or commission the recording of photographs in black and white and in colour, in two and three dimensions, original and dubbed sound, titles or sub-titles, fixed film photographs and animated sequences, texts and programmes which comprise the film, and to do so on all media, whether mechanical, optical, magnetic, electronic, etc., known or unknown at this date, and by all analog or digital processes known or unknown at this date, in all definitions and in all formats, using all framing ratios;

- the right to make and/or commission the making of, in such numbers as the European Commission or those entitled under it see fit, one or more originals, duplicates and/or copies, in all formats and by all procedures known or unknown at this date and on all mechanical, optical, magnetic, electronic, analog or digital and/or optical-digital media known or unknown at this date;

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- the right to deal with all manufacturers and producers of videos and sound recordings for the use, reproduction, communication to the public and distribution of the film, photographs and/or sound recordings on all videos and sound carriers and, in particular, on videocassettes, videodiscs, DVDs, CD-Roms or on any other medium or by any procedure known or unknown at this date;

- the right to put into circulation or commission the putting into circulation of these originals, duplicates and/or copies, for sale, hire, loan for public use and private use by the public, and in general for all communication to the public using the methods of distribution set out in the following paragraphs;

- the right to create or commission the creation of all language versions of the film and/or sound recording as well as dubbed, sub-titled and/or localised versions in all languages;

- the right to digitise the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings, to store it on any medium, to modulate, compress and decompress or use any other technical procedure of the same kind with regard to the film, digital photographs and/or sound recordings, for the purposes of storing, transferring and/or distributing the film or sound recording;

- the right to hire and loan.

1.2. The right to communicate to the public, in particular:

- the right to communicate to the public or authorise the communication to the public of the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings, worldwide, in all original, localised, dubbed and/or sub-titled versions, in all languages, in all public places, by all broadcasting bodies, by wave transmission, cable transmission, satellite transmission, digital television, and all other telecommunication networks, etc. and by all audiovisual procedures on all media known or foreseeable, unknown and unforeseeable at this date;

- the right to authorise the communication of the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings by all bodies other than the broadcasting and television company and in a general manner, the right to show, make or distribute the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings in any way using all methods known or unknown at this date;

- the right to broadcast or to commission the broadcasting of all or part of the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings worldwide, to all audiences in the original, dubbed and subtitled versions, in all languages and on all networks, such as IT and computer networks, in particular on the Internet, by all procedures used for these types of distribution;

- the right to use the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings privately;- the right to communicate the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings to the

public on the premises of cultural and educational institutions, whether public or private, whether domestic or foreign (museums, libraries, educational and training establishments, etc.), on internal networks belonging to companies, corporate groups or all other natural or legal persons, whether public or private, domestic or foreign;

- the right to communicate the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings to the public by means of videos, whether linear or interactive, such as videocassettes, videodiscs, CD-Roms and DVDs (this list being indicative and not exhaustive);

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- the right to distribute the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings by all processes which are known, unknown or unforeseeable at this date;

- all forms of communication to the public which are designed to provide information, promote, demonstrate and publicise the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings.

1.3. Rights of secondary use, in particular:

- the right to authorise the reproduction and communication to the public of any extract or fragment of the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings, as well as all the images and sound elements of the film with a view to distribution using all procedures and on all media;

- the right to include the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings in the European Commission’s database, accessible to the public free of charge.

1.4. The European Commission shall be able to exercise the aforementioned rights and do so by the conclusion of any contract for this purpose. It shall be able to assign or grant all or some of the rights assigned and all or some of the extracts of the film, photographs and/or sound recordings.

Article 2

For each of the methods listed above, the assignment of rights shall apply worldwide for the entire duration of the copyright, related rights and any extensions thereof in exchange for a lump-sum payment of € … . The payment shall be divided equally between each distribution method.

Article 3

The assignor guarantees:

– that he has acquired all the copyright on the subject, screenplay, dialogue, shooting script, editing, names, image, photographs of individuals and other creative elements of the film and of any individual involved in making the film;

– that he has had assigned to him all the rights ordinarily acquired for all the methods of televisual and audiovisual distribution of the film, photographs and/or sound recordings, these rights being the most extensive possible (including the right of distribution on videos and videodiscs, via transmission on digital networks, via all forms of televisual and audiovisual communication, including pay per view (video on demand, near video on demand, cable, satellite)), on the subject, screenplay, dialogue, shooting script and the other creative elements of the film and, in particular and in a general manner, all the rights of distribution and reproduction on all media and in all formats, all rights to communicate the film and/or sound recordings to the public in

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cinemas and by audiovisual means, and the right to add or authorise the adding of publicity messages to episodes of the film and/or sound recording, worldwide and for the entire duration of the copyright;

– that he has acquired or is confident of acquiring all the related rights from everyone involved in the performance side and production side of the film, photographs and/or sound recordings;

– that he has settled all the copyright on the music track of the film;

– that the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings do not violate the rights of any third party and that, where appropriate, he has obtained all the requisite authorisations from these third parties and has met all his obligations towards these third parties;

– that he has obtained all the requisite authorisations from all recognisable persons represented in the film, photographs and/or sound recordings and has met all his obligations towards these third parties.

Article 4

The assignor guarantees that:

– the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings will not make any allusions to persons or events which are likely to provoke a lawsuit, nor bear any unlawful resemblance to other works;

– the elements used in the production of the film, the photographs and/or sound recordings are not borrowed unlawfully from other works;

– the rights acquired have not been assigned to third parties and are not held by them;

– the exercise of these rights has not been entrusted to third parties, other than copyright belonging to authors who are members of authors’ associations with respect to rights which these associations normally manage and, to the extent necessary for the management of these rights, the rights which they acquire from authors and other service providers do not violate the rights of third parties;

– this contract sets out all the rights and obligations of the parties and that there is no other impediment or commitment to third parties which could make it impossible or more difficult to perform the services which each party has guaranteed to the other to perform.

Should it transpire that the rights acquired by the assignor have not been acquired lawfully as provided for in this contract, the party at fault shall bear the full cost of, and assume full liability for, the resultant losses and shall assume liability for any costs, compensation and other expenditure which could arise from such fault, including legal defence costs, without prejudice to any rights to damages on the part of the other party.

(Signature of the assignor preceded by “read and approved”)

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A. Model release form for photos or videos of adult persons


Audiovisual Service

…………………………, ……/……/2008COMM/C-1 D(2008)


Subject of the photograph/take:

Date and location of the photograph/take:

I the undersigned:

Position (where appropriate):

Resident at:

hereby declare that I have posed willingly and agreed to be photographed or filmed by

……………………………………………........….…(name of photographer, cameraman or producer) working on behalf of the European Commission.

I authorise the European Commission:

– to make free use of the photographs and films bearing my image in all types of publications, television broadcasts or communications via the Internet;

– to include and archive these photographs and films in the European Union’s online database, accessible to the public free of charge online. Third parties with access to the European Union’s database may use these photographs and films for information or education purposes only.

This authorisation shall apply worldwide for as long as my image is subject to legal protection.

(Signature preceded by “read and approved”)

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B. Model release form for photos or videos of children


Audiovisual Service

…………………………, ……/……/2008COMM/C-1 D(2008)


Subject of the photograph/take:

Date and location of the photograph/take:

We, the undersigned (name of both parents/guardians in capital letters):



with parental authority over our child/ward, who is still a minor,

residing at:

hereby declare that our son/daughter/ward ……………………………….

may be photographed and/or filmed by …………………………………………..

(name of photographer/cameraman), working for the European Commission.

We authorise the Commission, free of charge, to:

– use without restriction the photographs and films bearing our son’s/daughter’s/ward’s image, in any publication, in any form of televisual broadcasting or communication on the Internet ;

– include and store these photographs and films in the European Union database accessible free-of-charge to the public. Third parties with access to this database may use these photographs or films only for information or educational purposes.

This authorisation is granted worldwide for the entire period of legal protection of the image of our child/ward.

(Signatures of BOTH PARENTS preceded by the words “ read and approved”)

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A. Model release form for sound recordings of adult persons


Audiovisual Service

…………………………, ……/……/2008COMM/C-1 D(2008)


Subject of the sound recording:

Date and location of the sound recording:

I the undersigned:

Position (where appropriate):

Resident at:

hereby declare that I have posed willingly and agreed to be interviewed by

……………………………………………........….…(name of sound engineer or producer) working on behalf of the European Commission.

I authorise the European Commission:

– to make free use of the recording bearing my voice in all types of publications, television broadcasts or communications via the Internet;

– to include and archive these sound recordings in the European Union’s online database, accessible to the public free of charge online. Third parties with access to the European Union’s database may use these sound recordings for information or education purposes only.

This authorisation shall apply worldwide for as long as my voice is subject to legal protection.

(Signature preceded by “read and approved”)

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A. Model release form for sound recordings of children


Audiovisual Service

…………………………, ……/……/2008COMM/C-1 D(2008)


Subject of the sound recording:

Date and location of the sound recording:

We, the undersigned (name of both parents/guardians in capital letters):



with parental authority over our child/ward, who is still a minor,

residing at:

hereby declare that our son/daughter/ward ……………………………….

may be interviewed by …………………………………………..

(name of sound engineer/producer), working for the European Commission.

We authorise the Commission, free of charge, to:

– use without restriction the sound recordings bearing our son’s/daughter’s/ward’s voice, in any publication, in any form of televisual broadcasting or communication on the Internet ;

– include and store these voice recordings in the European Union database accessible free-of-charge to the public. Third parties with access to this database may use these voice recordings only for information or educational purposes.

This authorisation is granted worldwide for the entire period of legal protection of the voice of our child/ward.

(Signatures of BOTH PARENTS preceded by the words “ read and approved”)

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INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 114

USERS' GUIDE TO AV SERVICES AND GLOSSARY................................114

INVENTORY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES...........................................114

EbS and EbS+........................................................................................... 114

News Edits................................................................................................ 115

Audiovisual Portal....................................................................................115

Video stockshots.......................................................................................115

Archives................................................................................................... 115

Videoclips................................................................................................. 116

Complete TV productions (documentaries)...............................................116

Studios and technical AV assistance.........................................................116

Non-studio-based live broadcasts from elsewhere.....................................116

Library services for TV, photo and radio..................................................116

Photo services........................................................................................... 116

Consultancy and assistance.......................................................................117

Framework contracts................................................................................117


Page 113: Specifications

TECHNICAL ANNEX..................................................................................... 117

Basics and General Principles...................................................................117


Technical Requirements..................................................................118


Filming EU presence.......................................................................119

News Edits................................................................................................ 119

Video Stockshots......................................................................................121

Archives................................................................................................... 122

Examples of best practice: shotlists...........................................................123

Example 1: Press Conference edit...................................................123

Example 2: News edit:....................................................................124

Example 3: Report..........................................................................126

Example 4: Video Stockshots..........................................................127


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The Audiovisual Service of the European Commission (COMM Unit C1) offers a range of media production services to a wide variety of institutional and non-institutional users.

Building on long-established links with the worldwide professional media community (TV, radio and multimedia), the service is constantly extending its services to include new formats and to help Commission communicators reach their various target publics, both professional and non-professional.

Its mission extends to the creation of content for the enhanced Europe-by-Satellite service including EbS+ and EbS and to production aimed directly at the general public.

This Vademecum contains guidelines covering the availability, use and definition of the services on offer and the procedures for production.

The central contact point for the Audiovisual Service is [email protected].


The range of productions and services offered by COMM C1 vary according to:

target medium, and target audience, and the speed with which they are required

The client base can vary, both from within the EU and beyond it. Projects may be made only for reuse by journalists and broadcasters or as finished products aimed at the general public, or specialist audiences.

The format is vital too, dictated by the medium for which the production s intended- TV broadcast quality in digital or non-digital, Internet file, or narrowcast cassette.

Because of these factors it's important to identify the likely impact of production work in terms of audience outreach at the beginning and to evaluate the appropriate product required. Quite simply, what? why? when? how?



8.2. EbS and EbS+

EbS has been to date an EU-wide satellite broadcast offer of copyright free pictures featuring live EU events or illustrative material on key EU themes, for use by broadcasters.

Distribution is by free-to-air satellite receivable in Europe and North Africa, the Eastern US seaboard, the Caribbean and Central and South America and increasingly via Internet.


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This offer - of audiovisual raw material in pictures and sound - is inter-institutional – making available inter alia Council meetings, European Parliamentary proceedings, and Commission events and press conferences. Contents are intended to relate to the television news agenda, making the speed with which material is put on air, a key factor in terms of its interest for client broadcasters.

Swift and efficient cooperation between the EU institutions is therefore critically important as well as a harmonised approach and style to the material contributed. The Vademecum contains technical annexes covering the optimal procedure for the production of news items and video stockshots.

The joint editorial approach is discussed in a weekly editorial meeting (see below under planning) and the Vademecum contains editorial guidelines covering the principles governing the agreed approach by the institutions taking part.

8.3. News Edits

News edits of 3.5 minutes' duration are fundamental to the service offered to journalists by EbS. A news edit may often consist of an edit of a long press conference or VIP corner, providing the journalists with the most salient points and best soundbites.

News edits can be extended to up to 4.5 minutes in order to be more detailed and involve more production. They are, in effect, a news report without a commentary. They open with visuals to situate the story and then intercut with appropriate soundbites from one or more persons, more footage of the subject, and end on a closing visual sequence.

8.4. Audiovisual Portal

The audiovisual service's website offers Internet access to the European Commission's audiovisual material of videos, photographs, and sound clips either from the archive or from topical coverage of the news. The site is intended for audiovisual media professionals, but the general public can access information through the EU Tube channel on YouTube.

All the material is free of charge and of rights for EU-related information and educational purposes on condition that a "European Union" credit is given.

The portal also offers video streaming of Europe by Satellite in 23 official languages.

8.5.  Video stockshots

Are compilations of semi-edited broadcast quality video footage with natural sound but without commentary, shot to illustrate priority Commission dossiers and activities, with a duration of between 5 to 60 minutes. They are intended to help the audiovisual media produce their own programmes, for example, news reports or documentaries. Technical and production specifications are annexed to the Vademecum.

8.6.  Archives

Are also short, sequences of semi-edited pictures without commentary, taken from the archives to illustrate specific news events and again aimed at professional users. Technical and production specifications are annexed to the Vademecum.

8.7. Videoclips

Are, in the main, voiced productions of short duration (maximum three minutes) in various European Union languages, produced as part of a package of publicity materials around a specific event. They are more and more produced for the Internet.


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8.8.  Complete TV productions (documentaries)

With voice-over in various languages, sound track, opening and closing title credits etc, these are productions aimed directly at the general public, and a product in the service which is currently under expansion. They may be entirely on video, studio-based or a mixture of the two, and are more time consuming to produce because of their greater sophistication, increased post-production needs and multi-lingual nature.

DG COMM C1 has framework contracts for documentary production and can give relevant advice.

8.9.  Studios and technical AV assistance

Two broadcast quality TV studios and a radio studio are located in the Berlaymont building. They may be used for live broadcasts or for recorded programmes featuring one or more participants. Video crews are also available for non-studio recordings of EU –related material.

They are available to broadcasters reporting on EU-related news or making longer programmes about Europe, and play-out services are provided for journalists and broadcasters wanting to send material back to their home stations.

Editing and copying facilities may also be requested. The studio recordings are available in various TV and radio formats, either aimed at use on websites for the general public, or by radio or TV broadcasters.

Recordings for use at conferences can also be arranged where a recorded message may be used to replace the physical presence of a Commissioner or similar key figure, and are available in various copy formats to be specified by clients.

8.10. Non-studio-based live broadcasts from elsewhere

These special events have to be arranged via external contract, for happenings of considerable EU political significance and must be broadcast at a minimum, by EBS.

8.11. Library services for TV, photo and radio

The library is the biggest single source of AV material on the EU project and its history with more than 100,000 items in the catalogue dating from 1948. It also acts as the central deposit for the videos, photos and sound recordings produced throughout the Commission. Most of its contents may be consulted and downloaded from the AV Portal and are also available in various professional and general public formats.

8.12.  Photo services

The photo service provides extensive picture coverage of personalities and events, from the official portrait of the President and his college to daily EU-related news images. Users can access urgently-required pictures via the Europa website. The photos are available within 60 minutes after the event covered.

8.13. Consultancy and assistance

The unit offers general advice on Audiovisual Production questions, particularly to the SPP, to DG COMM project teams and to other DGs, in various inter-service forward planning fora. This advice covers the production and formatting of VNRs to ensure compliance with EbS requirements (see technical annex).


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8.14.  Framework contracts

The service has a series of specific service contracts covering a wide range of types of media production and post-production, which are at the disposal of other Commission services, at their expense. They include worldwide video and photo news coverage, multimedia production such as video documentaries, clips and graphic design and audio, photo, video and multimedia work. Conditions of access are available on request.


Editorial and production guidelines for news output: video stockshots, news edits and archives

9.1. Basics and General Principles

Shots are approx 6 seconds in duration

Audio is always mono and fully mixed: one transmission track only. A/B and stereo sound tracks will not be transmitted.

Basic TV grammar applies: "Wide shot – Medium shot – Close-up"

Never finish an edit on a sound-bite

Always finish an edit on pictures (no sound over black after the last picture).

As a general rule, do NOT use pans or zooms: they are difficult to edit with

Pans and zooms must add to the visual story if used (i.e. perhaps at a massive demonstration)

A pan is 3 shots combined: 3" fixed – 5" the pan motion – 3" fixed, and certainly no more than 11 seconds in total. Allows an editor 3 shots rather than 1!

Always provide cutaways (especially for talking-heads, interviews, press conferences) so that broadcasters can make 'a join' if they want to. Cutaways must not be inserted over speech: They must be either placed at the end of the edited section or be placed between different parts of the press conference. In both cases the sound with the cutaway must be general ambience: there must be no speech or questions audible, even at low level.

As a general rule, an edit should be 3 minutes duration. Maximum 5 minutes for very important subjects.


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EbS is a service whereby its principal clients expect coverage during the period 0900CET-1900CET. Aim for our news bulletins (1130CET, 1430CET, 1730CET and 1900CET) or classic Eurovision slots (1030CET, 1200CET, 1515CET, 1700CET, 1830CET).

Communication is key! Keep the newsdesk and production desk updated on developments.

Do not miss a feed without good reason! (Traffic is not an excuse – it just shows poor planning!)

9.1.1. Languages

English is the working language of EbS Other European languages may be used as and when our resources allow for edit &

translation by a translator or producer in the field (cf 'Language Targeting' below) We must NEVER offer a soundbite when we have no comprehension (or promised

translation coming in a script) of what is being said On occasions, crews may be asked to produce different language versions of the same news-

package to widen our potential target audience This means the edit stays virtually identical – only the soundbites change with the local

European language being 'dropped' into the edit This results into 2 language versions of the same edit i.e. a) English Version (all sound-bites

in English) b) German/Italian Version (a mix of soundbites with the same speakers but in German and Italian)

9.1.2. Technical Requirements

Good picture and sound quality is required, meeting accepted good broadcast practice. The footage forms the basis for news reports, extended news reports and even documentaries.

Radio microphones, boom mikes MUST be used for interviews/soundbites/speeches and press conferences.

Always carry a boom mike to ensure you can get the sound in the all situations! Classic TV grammar is to be followed, e.g. filming in sets of sequences with a minimum of

three shots. Wide, medium and close up shots to be provided. Tripods MUST be used in most circumstances. Exceptions: demonstrations, arrivals etc. Creative camerawork is appreciated especially where subject matter is visually uneventful Unless specific to subject matter, avoid filming trade names (Coca Cola, Spa, Renault, etc.)

to avoid inadvertent product placement. For news and for close-ups of people doing work, hand held ,shoulder shots and low

travelling shots are welcome, e.g. filming people working on computers or other equipment

9.1.3. Producers

Producers are responsible for all logistics and planning from A-Z, with regard to the quality of the finished product

Producers on location are responsible for editing their item Producers are responsible for meeting deadlines Producers should have excellent knowledge and understanding of edit techniques It is desirable for producers/cameramen to be able to complete basic news edits on portable

edit machines and ensure they have the machine with them


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Feeding RUSHES is NOT acceptable except in specially agreed circumstances Producers are expected to be able to direct scenes to ensure maximum benefit from the shoot

and the expense involved. Producers must understand the various products e.g. news-package, stockshots and explain

those to cameramen/soundmen and all those involved in the production. Producers must ensure when filming on EU premises not to show special security

arrangements. Producers must clearly explain the nature of the filming to all those involved (press officers,

interviewees etc.) and that it is a news edit or video stockshot. Please explain that it is an 'agency-style' production designed to optimise its use by professional broadcasters. It is NOT a finished product, voiced-over and ready for broadcast!

9.1.4. Filming EU presence

Shots of EU flags on buildings and nameplates are very important and should be part of a sequence not just a one off shot , e.g. the EU flag plus the host country flag and then close up of the EU flag and ditto for the nameplate of organisation. You should also carry a stock of EU or EU agency stickers in various sizes.

9.2. News Edits

Why are news edits important?

Because broadcasters always prefer 'fresh' picture when our resources allow it. Because broadcasters cannot afford to endlessly record EbS. Broadcast journalism is based upon a principle of being concise and to the point. We must be

the same. The art of good television journalism is the ability to turn a complex issue into a short and

easily comprehensible story. Broadcasters/journalists are very busy. Give them what they need - quickly and efficiently. Are we editorialising? It is true that an element of editorial decision must go into an edit

otherwise we must feed 30 minutes (or more) of rushes every time we cover an issue. The 'agency-style' package is a compromise. We must try to be fair and balanced whilst providing the elements that broadcasters need and want.

In the field:

Do NOT over-shoot . It only slows you down and makes you inefficient! This is news, NOT documentaries. As a rule, you should be able to visualise your news item already before you start or it

should come very quickly once you begin. Start – Middle – End. Knowing your piece is 3.5 minutes maximum, including sound-bites means you quickly

have all that you need, e.g. 2 relevant interviews will be enough to get 2 sound-bites. When you can shoot your edit in the camera – do so! Start: the pictures that set up your

story. Middle – the core or main pictures needed to illustrate. The End: pictures to close your story.

Interviews: normally a couple of questions are sufficient to get 'the sound-bite' you need. Keep it short if possible.

Press Conferences: Are sometimes long and tedious! If you are under time-pressure – often all you need is said in the initial remarks. Take it and leave.

Soundbites: If a press conference is too late for EbS editorial requirements – try to arrange a quick 'door-stop' with the Commissioner. Advance contact with spokespeople is essential!


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Be flexible! Television news is a business whereby changes take place all the time. Quick thinking 'on your feet', flexibility, strong logistics are all key to its success.

News Edits: Duration 3.5 minutes maximum

1. Press Conferences/VIPs:

When possible an exterior starts the edit and ends the edit (we are covered legally for news-usage). Important to place an EU flag (or other central object) in the picture – this way we are shooting the flag and not the building which happens to be behind it!

Pan (wide) is acceptable to follow walk-in of VIP to podium. Make sure you have plenty of cutaways of press and wide shots (done during questions). Soundbites on average 30" to 40" unless very important. Use editorial judgement/the news-

wires To avoid clipping the first or last words of a soundbite, it's best to leave several frames at the

beginning and end but with natural ambience. This will give picture editors the choice to dissolve or mix rather than just make a simple cut.

All soundbites are to be followed by cutaways of journalists listening or writing, but never talking to each other or asking a question. The sound should be of general room noise.

There must not be any blacks between soundbites. Always consider whether there is a particular theme/story the media is chasing i.e. Iraq. We

cannot always be 'all things to all men' but we can try to do one thing well!

2. Arrivals and roundtables:

When possible an exterior starts the edit and ends the edit (we are covered legally for news-usage) Important to place an EU flag (or other central object) in the picture – this way we are shooting the flag and not the building which happens to be behind it!

Make sure you have plenty of cutaways. Soundbites on average 30" to 40" unless very important. Rarely longer than 1 minute. Be aware of the news of the day and which personalities arriving, or at the roundtable, are in

the news if it increases the "saleability" of our item.

3. Structure:

Start with exterior, wide shot of room, or arrival of participants. Use the cutaways with ambient sound (no speech) to then 'break-up' the soundbites. Do NOT

use black intervals! Never end on a soundbite – always end on pictures i.e. wide of press room or exterior (with


4. Audio

Channel 1 = Channel 2. Audio is mono and mixed: there is one transmission track only. A/B tracks are not acceptable.

All images must have natural sound. Audio is always original and not translation.

Shotlists & Scripts:


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Shotlists are in English with English translation of soundbites All interviewees (press conference, statement or VOX POP) must have their correct name

and title included in the shotlist Editorial accuracy is essential ! If in doubt – check and ask. Mistakes undermine our

credibility. As a general rule, shotlists should follow within 30 minutes of transmission. Preliminary

shotlists can be dictated over the phone but the final shotlist should always follow electronically, via a Commission's web application designed especially for shotlists..

Storyline only needs to be three to five paragraphs of information providing a general understanding of the piece and placing it in context

Use press releases from the Spokespersons' Group if necessary as background, but do not copy and paste. Take it and turn it into a few comprehensible journalistic lines that are digestible. You can always add the link so people can access further info.

Spelling – please try and be accurate. Use an on-line dictionary. Remember many users don't have English as a first language, so just do the very best that you can.

Extended News Edits: Duration 4.5 minutes

The extended news edit aims to:

Provide broadcasters with up-to-date pictures with sound-bites to provide visual references for the event. It is NOT voiced-over but natural sound footage

It is generally shot within 48 hours of broadcast i.e. recent pictures linked to the news agenda It contains all that a broadcaster needs to illustrate an issue – in simple and basic terms Ideally, the pictures 'tell' a comprehensible story without a voice-over At its simplest, it has a start – middle – end It should be edited with an average duration of 4.5 minutes maximum. Even less is

acceptable/better. Speed is of the essence and the edited material must be sent to the EbS control room in

Brussels as soon as possible. Shotlist to follow –normally within one hour by email. Never finish an edit with a SOUNDBITE! Always end with general views. If we have the news that counts then we automatically have the archive that counts.

Broadcasters only use the best archive to illustrate a piece.

9.3. Video Stockshots

Most Commission stockshot production will be in HD from March 2010. All material, both SD and HD must be shot in 16:9 protected for 4:3 use.

Masters in SD must be o A file format delivered by FTP

Preferably MPEG2 at 15Mb/s MP@ML or H264 HiP level 3 at 10Mb/so a digital video tape

Preferably digital Betacam or DVCPro Masters in HD must be

o In the preferred format of 1080i/25. where it is unavoidable 720p/50 will be accepted

o A file format delivered by FTP H264 at bit rates appropriate to the format.. EBU recommendations on

the matter are used as a referenceo a digital video support

P2 or HDCam


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Titles in English and French fully visible in both 4:3 and 16:9 Use the Audiovisual Service’s start and end credits (copyright “European Union”) Length of video stockshots: typically for transmission slots of 5, 15, 30, 45 or 60

minutes. Mono sound track, tracks 1 and 2 should be identical. A/B tracks are not acceptable. Sound levels should be carefully checked and consistent throughout the item The video stockshot should be divided into chapters (with English/French titles on

screen for 5 seconds at the beginning of each chapter). Maximum duration of each chapter is 10 minutes

The editor should complete a detailed technical report noting any problems which arise from the original footage.

Supply a shotlist either in French or English. The relevant EBU technical specifications and good broadcast practice must be

observed. Shotlists and scripts as per News Edits.

9.4. Archives

Edited items based on archives are produced to the same standard as Video Stockshots.

When the whole edited item is based on 4:3 original material, the master version must be produced in 4:3 but a 16:9 master must be provided as well with the cropping adapted to the picture content on a shot by shot basis (a standard centre crop is rarely satisfactory).

When the item is a mix of 4:3 and 16:9 original material, the material on the editing time line must be kept in the original format. When the edit is complete, two masters must be created separately, one in 4:3 and one in 16:9. As appropriate 'pan and scan' and cropping adapted to the picture content for each shot separately (and for each version) must be provided.

In all cases there should never be a black bar at the sides or at the top or bottom of the picture in either format unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

Either or both versions may be transmitted on EbS. Where there are time constraints to complete the edit, only one version may be transmitted (consult the Newsdesk). The other version can be completed and delivered later.


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9.5. Examples of best practice: shotlists

9.5.1. Example 1: Press Conference edit

General Affairs and External Relations Council (Development): extracts from the joint press conference by Alain Joyandet and Louis Michel

First Transmission: 11/11/2008

Duration: 00:03:46

End of Production: 11/11/2008

Ref: I-059530

EU Ministers for Development met on 11 November 2008, on the occasion of the Council of General Affairs and External Relations. They prepared the EU position for the UN meeting in Doha (29 November-2 December) on financing for development. They discussed the consequences of the financial crisis for development aid and especially on food security. The EU will meet in Paris in 8-9 December 2008 in order to launch a process which would lead to a kind of Common Agriculture Policy for Africa. Regional integration and economic partnership agreements (EPAs) were also discussed.

10:27:14 Title

10:27:19 General view press conference room

10:27:25 SOUNDBITE (French) by Alain Joyandet, French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, with responsibility for Cooperation and the Francophonie and President in office of the Council of the EU: I can confirm that there will be an international conference, in Paris, on 8-9 December 2009, in the context of the French Presidency, whose objective is to launch a process of a structural and sustainable revival of the food-producing agriculture; this conference will focus on two points; first, it will do an inventory of the needs in terms of public equipment necessary to revive the agriculture (such as dams, irrigation, stock, communication road, etc); it will create a Common Agricultural Policy for Africa.

10:28:25 Cutaway

10:28:32 SOUNDBITE (French) by Louis Michel, Member of the EC in charge of Development and Humanitarian Aid, on the possibility of an agreement on the EPAs: I am optimistic regarding this issue; the developing countries now realize that it's for their own interest to take an active part in the regional integration; they will not be able to take full advantage of the globalisation if they don't accept to play an active role in the regional integration and if they don't accept reforms that can be sometimes difficult but necessary.

10:29:00 Cutaway

10:29:06 SOUNDBITE (French) by Alain Joyandet: The EPAs can not be only a trade agreement but they need to enclose a strong notion of development; Agriculture must be an integral part of these APEs; we can not revive the agriculture in developing countries in a sustainable manner, if we don't have a strong idea on the agriculture; the Presidency asked for an exception in the regulation of the food-producing agriculture; now with the ongoing "Breton


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Woods 2", we can not consider the food-producing agriculture as any other commercial product.

10:30:00 Cutaway

10:30:06 SOUNDBITE (French) by Louis Michel (on the 1 billion euro aid): In my opinion, the proposal is set for 2009-2010, and I know that certain dream of setting it on a longer term period in order to make it easier accepted by some Member States; it is not possible and it doesn't correspond to the EC's proposal; the EC's proposal is on 2 years, it is 1 billion euros and will serve essentially to promote the access to the seeds and to fertilisers, to save the harvests; if we want to do this - I mean, if we want to put in place this billion euros fast- we must finance existing projects and programmes.

10:30:48 Cutaways (2 shots)

10:31:01 END

9.5.2. Example 2: News edit:

Operation of the European Agency for the Management of the External Borders Frontex

First Transmission: 14/09/2006

Duration: 00:04:30

End of Production: 14/09/2006

Ref: I-052219

Italian and Spanish boats and planes started patrolling the coast of Senegal on September 8th in order to prevent 'Cayucos', small wooden boats carrying African migrants to land on the Canary Islands. This Frontex operation is called Hera II. Previous deployments took place in Cape Verde where Portuguese Corvette 'Baptista de Andrade' operates and in Mauritania, lead by Spanish Guardia Civil boats and helicopters.

586 people have been intercepted so far in Senegalese waters since 'Hera II' started. The ATR-42 Italian aircraft together with the 'Diciotti', Italian overseas patrol vessel, 2 Guardia Civil patrol boats, 1 Spanish Police helicopter and 3 Senegalese boats are covering the area. 23 Spanish Guardia Civil officials are working there. The Frontex deployment in Senegal was delayed due to the lack of an agreement with the government of that country.

The Italian aircraft crew (3 pilots, 3 system operators and 3 technical staff) flies from 3 to 5 hours a day to cover an area of around 1200 sea miles. The Italian vessel (500 tons, 50 meters length, consuming 1500 litres per hour) has on board a crew of 30 marines and commanders. At least one Senegalese official must be on board as only they have the authority to stop and return the 'Cayucos' inside Senegalese territorial waters. When a target is seen, they get in touch with the other Frontex means deployed and Frontex local coordination centre in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and prepare the interception.

Normally the Senegalese boats escort the migrants inshore, start the legal procedure and try to arrest the people that were paid for organising the journey. With Spain overwhelmed by 20,000 arrivals so far this year, the European Union external border agency, Frontex, is redoubling efforts to secure greater cooperation from African states


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and other EU states in fighting the problem. Experts from Italy, UK, Portugal, The Netherlands, and Germany are working in Tenerife with the identification of the migrants landed on the Canary Islands, in the framework of Hera I operation.

10:01:38 Title

10:01:43 General view of the Italian plane at Dakar Airport

10:01:49 Pilots inside the cockpit

10:01:56 Plane taking off

10:02:04 General view inside the plane with radars

10:02:13 Reading the map of Dakar: they are flying from North to South, the inverse way of 'Cayucos'

10:02:20 Radio operator

10:02:26 Screen showing a 'Cayuco', (boat of African migrants) being targeted by the plane

10:02:33 Captain Tommaso Santillo, Pilot of ATR-42 Italian plane, (in ENGLISH): "In fact we were able to find out 2 targets of interest, 2 'Cayucos' full of immigrants West of Dakar a little bit south with a track of 290/300 heading to the Canary Islands"

10:03:00 Zoom on a 'Cayuco' through the plane's bubble window

10:03:09 Exterior view of the Italian 'Diciotti' Guardia Costiera boat patrolling near Dakar

10:03:16 Senegalese, Italian and EU flags

10:03:21 Inside the helm room

10:03:29 Member of the crew looking for targets with binoculars

10:03:35 Major Aldo Venditti warns Frontex headquarters in Tenerife and Italian boat 'Diciotti'

10:03:48 Radio operator on 'Diciotti' gives their position, a bit far away from the target

10:03:57 Taking pictures from bubble window

10:04:03 While seeing the target, the communication continues: the orders are that a Senegalese boat will approach and intercept the 'Cayuco'

10:04:11 Close up of the 'Cayuco'

10:04:17 Operator with radar inside the plane (3 shots)

10:04:40 General view inside the plane

10:04:54 Screen showing a second migrants boat (2 shots)

10:05:14 Second in Command of Italian patrol vessel 'Diciotti' Pasquale Golizia and Commanding Officer Felice Tedone looking at the plane and giving instructions

10:05:21 Close up of the 'Diciotti'


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10:05:26 Pasquale Golizia (in ENGLISH) "Our duty is to report any sight of the so called 'Cayucos' to the Frontex coordination centre in Canarias, Tenerife, so they can arrange with Senegal authorities to stop and repatriate them immediately before they leave territorial waters"

10:05:46 Senegalese authority inside the Italian boat, talking to another Commander

10:05:56 Patrol vessel 'Diciotti' sailing (2 shots)

10:06:02 Cutaway

10:06:09 END

9.5.3. Example 3: Report

Visit of Louis Michel to Kinshasa

First Transmission: 13/12/2008

Duration: 00:03:31

End of Production: 13/12/2008

Ref: I-059939

Louis Michel, Member of the EC in charge of Development and Humanitarian Aid, was in Kinshasa on 12 December 2008 to meet with Leon Kengo Wa Dondo, President of the Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and with Raymond Tshibanda, Director of Cabinet of Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

11:19:22 Title

11:19:27 Arrival of the EU plane at Ndolo Airport, Kinshasa (4 shots)

11:19:43 Louis Michel, Member of the EC in charge of Development and Humanitarian Aid, stepping out of the plane and shaking hands (4 shots)

11:19:58 Louis Michel's convoy (3 shots)

11:20:06 Arrival of Louis Michel at the National Palace (2 shots)

11:20:13 Louis Michel meeting Leon Kengo Wa Dondo, President of the Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (3 shots)

11:20:23 Arrival of Louis Michel at the Parliament (3 shots)

11:20:30 Louis Michel meeting with Members of the Parliament (3 shots)

11:20:40 Cutaway

11:20:41 Louis Michel (in FRENCH) saying that Laurent Nkunda does not have the right from a personal opinion to want to change the constitution and to discuss and negotiate everything; he is not President, he is not Prime Minister; what he can do is to complain about what is legitimate and try to bring those issues to discussion with the government.


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11:21:14 Cutaway

11:21:15 Louis Michel (in FRENCH) saying that he is in favour of European troops; saying that first, an agreement is needed between the European Member States because their analysis is different; but what is sure is that all the EU Member States want peace in east DRC; some think the only option is the diplomatic one and others think the military option is the good one; he thinks that the truth lies in the middle; they must work hard on the diplomatic option and maybe stabilize the agreement by the military option to protect the people. (2 shots)

11:21:47 Cutaway

11:21:49 Louis Michel (in FRENCH) saying that he met with Olusegun Obasanjo, United Nations Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, and with Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda; he also met with Laurent Nkunda, as requested by Olusegun Obasanjo; saying that he has the feeling that there are some perspectives, that the political dialogue can start, that final solutions can be found.

11:22:14 Cutaway

11:22:15 Louis Michel (in FRENCH) saying that he has good contacts with all the protagonists; saying that the message he gave to Laurent Nkunda was very clear: what he wants to negotiate is not reasonable because he is asking for a change of government and regime, for a constitutional change, he wants to talk about all the problems in DRC.

11:22:37 Louis Michel and Raymond Tshibanda, Director of Cabinet of Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the conference room of Kabila's office at national palace

11:22:39 Louis Michel (in FRENCH) saying that some analyses have evolved in some minds so that today, there is real awareness that regional stability requires good neighbourhood relations.

11:22:53 END

9.5.4. Example 4: Video Stockshots

India - 2009

First Transmission: 03/11/2009

Duration: 00:36:33

End of Production: 29/10/2009

Ref: I-063233

In order to illustrate the EU/India Summit which will be held on 06/11/2009 in New Delhi, the EC's audiovisual service has produced a video stock shot on India, which contains the following images:


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- general views of the main cities of India: New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai;- and areas of trade, aid, and high technology work in the subcontinent, in

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, and in Noida and Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh State.

10:00:00 Credits and title


General views and aspects of daily life in New Delhi, the capital of India, which is the political hub of the country and seat of the federal government. The city has grown exponentially during the last two decades, with expanding commerce, urbanization, and migration straining its infrastructure to the extreme. The city also includes stray pockets of rural economy, not far from the urban, modern areas.

10:00:17 Title

10:00:19 India Gate (War Memorial) with its reflection seen in water

10:00:26 India Gate (2 shots)

10:00:37 Indian Parliament with pigeons flying in the foreground

10:00:45 Parliament and Secretariat buildings housing the various Government Ministries

10:00:58 North Block of the Secretariat

10:01:03 South Block of the Secretariat

10:01:08 President's Residence

10:01:13 Jama Masjid, Delhi's largest mosque (2 shots)

10:01:24 Red Fort (2 shots)

10:01:34 Qutab Minar

10:01:39 Central business district, Connaught Place

10:01:45 Commercial complexes housing various businesses

10:02:00 Buildings housing offices (2 shots)

10:02:11 Traffic (4 shots)

10:02:39 Delhi Metro, which runs on an elevated corridor, with traffic moving under it

10:02:46 Metro construction (5 shots)

10:03:17 Exterior of a shopping centre (2 shots)

10:03:37 Smoke coming out of a chimney at a thermal power plant (2 shots)

10:03:51 Yamunâ River with polluted water (2 shots)

10:04:05 Boatmen collecting garbage from the river (2 shots)128

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10:04:21 Man bathing in the river

10:04:29 Slum housing

10:04:35 Rubbish dump on the banks of the Yamunâ River

10:04:41 Woman seated inside a pipe with two children seated on top of it, barber, and woman doing dryer clothes (2 shots)

10:04:52 Metro train moving on its elevated corridor with slums beneath it

10:05:15 Paddy fields with train moving in the background

10:05:21 Harvested fields and threshing grain (5 shots)

10:05:52 Fields with planting crops (3 shots)

10:06:19 Winnowing grain (3 shots)

10:06:36 Fields with men working (4 shots)

10:07:11 Haystack

10:07:18 Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) showroom

SEWA is a trade union that works with poor, self-employed women workers. These women earn a living through their own labour, or by working for small handicraft businesses, and have remained in the unorganized labour sector for a long time. SEWA also provides support services such as savings, credits, health care, and legal aid. The EC has supported many of their projects in the past, including the rehabilitation and reconstruction of houses, educational institutions, and livelihoods after the Gujarat earthquake in 2001.

10:07:24 Exterior and show window of a SEWA shop

Hansiba is a shop which sells products made by women, from rural areas under the Non-Government Organisation Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) (3 shots)

10:07:47 Posters and publications inside the shop (7 shots)

10:08:40 Hand-crafted articles and clothes (9 shots)

10:09:39 EU Delegation: European Union flag, exterior views, and reception (9 shots)


Mumbai, a teeming cosmopolitan city, is home to the country's financial and movie business. It is the nerve centre of the Indian stock market and industrial activity. It is also the city that symbolises the stark contrasts in wealth distribution, being home to one of the biggest slums in Asia.

10:10:40 Title

10:10:45 Skyscrapers

10:10:52 Traffic

10:10:59 Sea with buildings in the background129

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10:11:05 Skyscrapers

10:11:10 Taj Mahal Hotel and Gateway of India (3 shots)

10:11:37 Statue of Hindu Warrior Shivaji astride a horse

10:11:42 Traffic outside CST station (3 shots)

10:12:03 Crowded market place (4 shots)

10:12:27 Exterior of the National Stock Exchange building (2 shots)

10:12:45 Bombay Stock Exchange and Dalal Street (4 shots)

10:13:17 Bridge (3 shots)

10:13:41 Building under construction

10:13:53 Roadside rubbish dump

10:13:58 Man being shaved in a roadside salon

10:14:05 Polluted sea shore with woman washing a young boy (2 shots)

10:14:16 Family squatting at roadside

10:14:21 Slums (2 shots)

10:14:27 Slums, polluted pipes, rubbish (8 shots)

10:14:38 Smoking chimney (2 shots)

10:14:50 Local train with smoking chimney in background

10:15:43 Bollywood billboards with traffic in foreground (5 shots)

Bollywood is the Indian film empire which produces nearly 1000 movies every year, mainly in Hindi and 29 other languages. The Bollywood dream brings in thousands of aspiring actors and film-makers, to Mumbai every day, who hope to become part of this industry, which offers an escape from the reality, through its glitzy songs and emotional celluloid dramas.

10:16:12 'Famous Studios': film studio (2 shots)

10:16:22 Humsafar Trust building

The Humsafar Trust was set up in April 1994 by the leading gay activist Ashok Row Kavi and 2 other men, who wished to reach out to the gay population in the Mumbai Metro and surrounding areas. It is a Gay Community Based Organization, and its activities include inviting gay men and lesbian women, to attend workshops at its drop-in centre, and address issues like coming out to self and family, dealing with relationships, dealing with legal issues of gay men, health and human rights related issues. Their outreach programme distributes over 700,000 condoms every year. One of their projects, which supports Indian civil society organizations in many social sectors, including health and HIV-AIDS, is funded by the EC.

10:16:28 Humsafar Trust sign

10:16:33 People in the office (7 shots)

10:17:20 Notice board with various HIV-AIDS awareness posters


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10:17:25 People consulting the doctor, attending counseling sessions, and doing blood tests (7 shots)

10:18:15 Group discussion (4 shots)

10:18:44 Volunteers performing street theater, and distributing condoms to spread AIDS awareness (7 shots)

10:19:50 Condom packet with a message saying: "Say yes to condoms, for a healthy life"

10:19:57 AIDS awareness posters at the Humsafar Trust (2 shots)

10:20:13 Humsafar Trust Board and boxes of condoms


Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is the capital city of Tamil Nadu State in South India. Chennai's economy has a broad industrial base mainly in sectors, such as the automobile industry, technology, hardware manufacturing and healthcare industries. The city is one of India's largest exporters of software, information technology and information-technology-enabled services; it is also the hub of India's automotive export sector.

10:20:25 Title

10:20:30 Statues at Marina Beach

10:20:37 Horse riding on Marina beach

10:20:43 People on the beach in the morning

10:20:50 People walking in the street

10:20:57 Exterior of the Kartikeya Hindu temple

10:21:03 Elderly man seated by the roadside

10:21:08 Women making flower garlands

10:21:13 Traffic (4 shots)

10:21:41 Bus depot

10:21:47 Train arriving in the railway station, people alighting from the train (2 shots)

10:22:03 Traffic on the bridge (2 shots)

10:22:15 Exterior of a building

10:22:21 Traffic on road leading to a building site

10:22:27 Construction work (4 shots)

10:22:52 Crowded market place (4 shots)

10:23:17 Saravan Selvarathnam building: a well-known South Indian food chain

10:23:26 Man frying snacks (3 shots)131

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10:23:45 Men chopping onions and grating cabbage (3 shots)

10:24:02 Preparing "dosas", pancakes made of rice (3 shots)

10:24:17 Women selling fish (2 shots)

10:24:27 Shops selling vegetables and spices (4 shots)

10:24:53 Slum-dwellers collecting water from a handpump (2 shots)

10:25:06 Man bathing a child in the street

10:25:12 Female slum dweller collecting water from a handpump, and washing clothes (4 shots)

10:25:45 Call centre: people working on computer (7 shots)

10:26:38 Hyundai car showroom (2 shots)

10:26:49 AVM film production studio sign


Handloom weaving is one of India's most ancient traditions, and is the second largest rural employment provider in the country, next to agriculture. Hundreds of thousands of domestic handlooms are spread across India, providing livelihood to weavers and their families. Handloom products from India enjoy international reputation, and are much in demand in the global market, but weavers have been facing hardships due to increasing costs and rising competition from machine-made cloth.

10:26:58 Title

10:27:03 People and traffic

10:27:14 Traditional handloom weaver's factory

10:27:20 Women weaving cloth on handlooms (15 shots)

10:28:43 Man spinning cotton thread on a loom (3 shots)

10:29:00 Handloom sarees and clothes (3 shots)


Nokia Siemens is a leading global communication infrastructure and service provider, that has established its operations in India, to tap into one of the fastest growing telecom markets in the world. India is also one of the world leaders in providing business process outsourcing services for global companies. Nokia Siemens has opened a Global Network Solutions Centre (GNSC) in Noida, as part of the company's response, to the growing trend for operators to outsource network management, and maintenance as a way to increase efficiency.


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10:29:18 Title

10:29:22 Exterior of the building and sign (2 shots)

10:29:42 "Nokia Siemens Networks" sign in the reception area

10:29:50 People working on computer in the service centre (14 shots)

10:31:13 "Nokia Siemens Networks" sign in the reception area (2 shots)


ST Microelectronics, one of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturers, has a state-of-the-art design and development facility in Greater Noida, near New Delhi. It has been designing integrated circuits and developing software solutions in India since 1992. The manufacturing facility showcases the capabilities and competences of the technical community of India, in developing a portfolio of products and technologies. India has recently become one of ST's major centers, for developing key applications, such as set-top box (STB), DVD, wireless-telecom and multimedia imaging.

10:31:27 Title

10:31:32 Exterior of the building and sign "ST" (2 shots)

10:31:55 People working in an office, using electronic equipment (26 shots)

10:35:26 Multi-storied office building complex (3 shots)

10:36:12 Company logo "ST Microelectronics"

10:36:21 Copyright

10:36:33 END

Inde - 2009

Première diffusion: 03/11/2009

Durée: 00:36:33

Fin de production: 29/10/2009

Réf: I-063233

Afin d'illustrer le Sommet UE/Inde qui se tiendra le 06/11/2009 à New Delhi, le Service audiovisuel de la CE a produit une banque d'images vidéo sur l'Inde, qui contient les images suivantes:

- vues générales des principales villes de l'Inde: New Delhi, Mumbai et Chennai;- et zones de commerce, aide, et travail de haute technologie, dans le sous-continent, à

Thiruvananthapuram, dans l'Etat du Kerala, et à Noida et Grand Noida, dans l'Etat de l'Uttar Pradesh.


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10:00:00 Générique et titre


Vues générales et aspects de la vie quotidienne à New Delhi, la capitale indienne. Il s'agit du centre politique du pays et du siège du gouvernement fédéral. La ville s'est développée de façon exponentielle durant les deux dernières décades avec un commerce grandissant, une urbanisation et une migration épuisant ses infrastructures à l'extrême. Non loin des quartiers modernes et urbain, coexistent des zones d'économie rurale.

10:00:17 Titre

10:00:19 Porte de l'Inde ("India Gate", monument aux morts) et son reflet dans l'eau

10:00:26 Porte de l'Inde (2 plans)

10:00:37 Parlement indien avec pigeons volant à l'avant-plan

10:00:45 Parlement et bâtiments du Secrétariat, abritant plusieurs ministères

10:00:58 Bâtiment nord du Secrétariat

10:01:03 Bâtiment sud du Secrétariat

10:01:08 Résidence présidentielle

10:01:13 Jama Masjid, plus grande mosquée d'Inde (2 plans)

10:01:24 Fort Rouge (2 plans)

10:01:34 Qutab Minar

10:01:39 Quartier central des affaires de Delhi, Connaught Place

10:01:45 Complexes commerciaux abritant différentes sociétés

10:02:00 Bâtiments abritant des bureaux (2 plans)

10:02:11 Trafic routier (4 plans)

10:02:39 Métro de Delhi circulant sur une voie surélevée, avec le trafic routier évoluant en dessous

10:02:46 Construction du métro (5 plans)

10:03:17 Extérieur d'un centre commercial (2 plans)

10:03:37 Fumée sortant des cheminées d'une centrale thermique (2 plans)

10:03:51 Eau polluée de la rivière Yamunâ (2 plans)

10:04:05 Bateliers recueillant des déchets dans la rivière (2 plans)

10:04:21 Homme se baignant dans la rivière

10:04:29 Bidonvilles


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10:04:35 Dépôts de déchets sur les berges de la rivière Yamunâ

10:04:41 Femme assise dans un large tuyau avec deux enfants assis au-dessus, barbier, et femmefaisant sécher le linge (2 plans)

10:04:52 Zoom arrière depuis le métro aérien vers un plan d'ensemble de bidonvilles situés en dessous

10:05:15 Rizières avec un train se déplaçant à l'arrière-plan

10:05:21 Champs moissonnés et battage du grain (5 plans)

10:05:52 Plantations de cultures dans les champs (3 plans)

10:06:19 Vannage des céréales (3 plans)

10:06:36 Champs avec des hommes au travail (4 plans)

10:07:11 Meule de foin

10:07:18 Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA)

La SEWA est un syndicat qui travaille avec des femmes pauvres et indépendantes. Ces femmes gagnent leur vie grâce à leur propre travail, ou en travaillant pour des petites entreprises artisanales, et étant restées dans le secteur du travail non organisé depuis longtemps. La SEWA fournit également des services de soutien tels que l'épargne, les crédits, les services de santé et l'aide juridique. La CE a soutenu bon nombre de leurs projets dans le passé, comme la réhabilitation et la reconstruction des maisons, d'établissements d'enseignement, et des moyens de subsistance, suite au tremblement de terre survenu à Gujarat en 2001.

10:07:24 Extérieur et vitrine d'un magasin de la SEWA

Hansiba est une boutique qui vend des produits fabriqués par des femmes des zones rurales sous l'égide de l'ONG SEWA (3 plans)

10:07:47 Affiches et publications à l'intérieur du magasin (7 plans)

10:08:40 Articles et vêtements artisanaux (9 plans)

10:09:39 Délégation de la CE: drapeau de l'Union européenne, vues extérieures, et réception (9 plans)


Mumbai, ville cosmopolite grouillante de monde, est le centre financier et de l'industrie du cinéma. C'est le centre névralgique du marché boursier indien et de l'activité industrielle. C'est aussi la ville qui symbolise les contrastes dans la répartition des richesses, avec l'un des plus grands bidonvilles d'Asie.

10:10:40 Titre

10:10:45 Gratte-ciels

10:10:52 Circulation

10:10:59 Mer avec bâtiments en arrière-plan135

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10:11:05 Gratte-ciels

10:11:10 Hôtel Taj Mahal et Porte de l'Inde (3 plans)

10:11:37 Statue du guerrier hindou Shivaji sur son cheval

10:11:42 Circulation en-dehors de la station CST (3 plans)

10:12:03 Marché bondé (4 plans)

10:12:27 Extérieur du bâtiment de la Bourse nationale (2 plans)

10:12:45 Bourse de Bombay et rue Dalal (4 plans)

10:13:17 Pont (3 plans)

10:13:41 Immeuble en construction

10:13:53 Décharge le long de la route

10:13:58 Homme se faisant raser dans un salon en bordure de route

10:14:05 Bord de mer polluée avec femme lavant un jeune garçon (2 plans)

10:14:16 Famille au bord de la route

10:14:21 Taudis (2 plans)

10:14:27 Cheminée fumante (2 plans)

10:14:38 Train local avec cheminée qui fume en arrière-plan

10:14:50 Bidonvilles, canalisations polluées, ordures (8 plans)

10:15:43 Panneaux d'affichage Bollywood avec circulation en avant-plan (5 plans)

Bollywood est l'empire du cinéma indien qui produit près de 1000 films chaque année, principalement en hindi et dans 29 autres langues. Le rêve bollywoodien attire chaque jour à Mumbai, des milliers d'acteurs en herbe et des cinéastes, espérant faire partie de cette industrie, qui offre une évasion hors de la réalité, à travers des chansons et des drames émotionnels.

10:16:12 'Famous Studios': studio de cinéma (2 plans)

10:16:22 Bâtiment Humsafar Trust

Le Humsafar Trust a été créé en avril 1994 par l'activiste gay Ashok Row Kavi et deux autres hommes, qui voulaient aider la population gay dans le métro de Mumbai et de ses environs. Il s'agit d'une organisation communautaire gay, qui invite les gays et les lesbiennes à participer aux ateliers dans ses haltes-centres; elle traite des problèmes tels que les coming-out personnel et familial, les relations, les aspects juridiques des hommes gays, la santé et les questions relatives aux droits de l'homme. Grâce à leur programme de sensibilisation, plus de 700.000 préservatifs sont distribués chaque année. Un de leurs projets, qui soutient les organisations de la société civile indienne dans de nombreux secteurs sociaux, notamment la santé et le VIH-SIDA, est financé par la CE.

10:16:28 Panneau Humsafar Trust

10:16:33 Gens au bureau (7 plans)

10:17:20 Tableau d'affichage avec diverses affiches de sensibilisation au VIH-SIDA136

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10:17:25 Personnes consultant le médecin, assistant à des séances de soutien, faisant des tests sanguins (7 plans)

10:18:15 Discussion de groupe (4 plans)

10:18:44 Bénévoles jouant un spectacle de théâtre de rue, et distribuant des préservatifs, pour étendre la sensilibilisation au problème du sida (7 plans)

10:19:50 Paquet de préservatifs avec un message disant: «Dites oui aux préservatifs, pour une vie saine»

10:19:57 Affiches de sensibilisation au sida au Humsafar Trust (2 plans)

10:20:13 Panneau Humsafar Trust et caisses de préservatifs


Chennai, anciennement connu sous le nom de Madras, est la capitale du Tamil Nadu en Inde du Sud. L'économie de Chennai est largement basée sur l'industrie, principalement dans les secteurs de l'industrie automobile, de la technologie, du matériel de fabrication et des industries de soins de santé. La ville est l'une des plus grandes exportatrices de l'Inde de logiciels, de technologies de l'information, et de services habilités à la technologie de l'information; elle sert également de plaque tournante dans le secteur de l'exportation automobile en Inde.

10:20:25 Titre

10:20:30 Statues à la plage de Marina

10:20:37 Courses de chevaux sur la plage de Marina

10:20:43 Gens sur la plage le matin

10:20:50 Gens marchant dans la rue

10:20:57 Extérieur du temple hindou de Kartikeya

10:21:03 Homme âgé assis au bord du chemin

10:21:08 Femmes confectionnant des guirlandes de fleurs

10:21:13 Circulation (4 plans)

10:21:41 Dépôt de bus

10:21:47 Train arrivant en gare, gens descendant du train (2 plans)

10:22:03 Circulation sur le pont (2 plans)

10:22:15 Extérieur d'un bâtiment

10:22:21 Circulation sur la route menant à un chantier

10:22:27 Travaux de construction (4 plans)

10:22:52 Place du marché bondé (4 plans)

10:23:17 Bâtiment du Saravan Selvarathnam: chaîne alimentaire bien connue du Sud de l'Inde


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10:23:26 Homme faisant frire des snacks (3 plans)

10:23:45 Hommes hachant des oignons et râpant des choux (3 plans)

10:24:02 Préparation des "dosas", crêpes à base de riz (3 plans)

10:24:17 Vendeuses de poissons (2 plans)

10:24:27 Echoppes de légumes et d'épices (4 plans)

10:24:53 Habitants de taudis recueillant de l'eau d'une pompe manuelle (2 plans)

10:25:06 Homme donnant un bain à un enfant dans la rue

10:25:12 Habitante de taudis collectant de l'eau à la pompe, et lavant des vêtements (4 plans)

10:25:45 Centre d'appel: personnes travaillant sur ordinateur (7 plans)

10:26:38 Showroom de voitures Hyundai (2 plans)

10:26:49 Panneau du Studio de production cinématographique AVM


Le tissage à la main est l'une des plus anciennes traditions de l'Inde, et est le deuxième plus grand secteur de l'emploi rural dans le pays, à côté de l'agriculture. Des centaines de milliers de métiers à tisser domestiques sont répartis à travers l'Inde, et fournissent des moyens de subsistance aux tisserands et à leurs familles. Les articles tissés à la main et fabriqués en Inde, jouissent d'une réputation internationale, et sont fort demandés sur le marché mondial, mais les tisserands ont été confrontés à des difficultés, en raison des coûts croissants et de la concurrence grandissante des tissus fabriqués à la machine.

10:26:58 Titre

10:27:03 Gens et circulation (2 plans)

10:27:14 Usine de tisserand traditionnelle

10:27:20 Femmes en train de tisser du tissu sur des métiers à tisser (15 plans)

10:28:43 Homme filant du coton sur un métier (3 plans)

10:29:00 Saris et tissus faits main (3 plans)


Nokia Siemens est une entreprise mondiale de premier plan de communication et un fournisseur de services, qui a établi ses opérations en Inde, afin de s'insérer dans l'un des marchés de télécommunications les plus dynamiques au monde. L'Inde est aussi l'un des leaders mondiaux dans la fourniture de services d'externalisation pour les entreprises mondiales. Nokia Siemens a ouvert un Centre mondial de solutions réseaux (GNSC) à Noida, en réponse à la tendance croissante des opérateurs, qui externalisent la gestion du réseau, et à la maintenance comme un moyen d'accroître l'efficacité.


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10:29:18 Titre

10:29:22 Extérieur du bâtiment et enseigne (2 plans)

10:29:42 Enseigne "Nokia Siemens Networks" dans le hall d'accueil

10:29:50 Personnes travaillant sur ordinateur dans le centre de services (14 plans)

10:31:13 Enseigne "Nokia Siemens Networks" dans le hall d'accueil (2 plans)


La société ST Microelectronics, l'un des premiers fabricants mondiaux de semi-conducteurs, détient le modèle dernier cri, et une facilité de développement, dans la Grand Noida, près de New Delhi. Il a conçu des circuits intégrés et développé des solutions de logiciels en Inde depuis 1992. Les usines de fabrication démontrent les capacités et les compétences de la communauté technique de l'Inde, dans le développement d'un éventail de produits et de technologies. L'Inde est récemment devenue l'un des principaux centres dans le domaine de la technologie de logiciels, grâce à un développement d'applications clés, tels que le set-top box (STB), le DVD, la télécommunication sans fil et l'imagerie multimédia.

10:31:27 Titre

10:31:32 Extérieur du bâtiment et enseigne "ST" (2 plans)

10:31:55 Personnes travaillant dans un bureau sur du matériel électronique (26 plans)

10:35:26 Complexe de bureaux à plusieurs niveaux (3 plans)

10:36:12 Logo de l'entreprise "ST Microelectronics"

10:36:21 Copyright

10:36:33 FIN


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Technical Specifications lot 4


The first part of the Specifications defines the subject of the Contract and describes the associated tasks and the award criteria.

The second part contains the price schedule to be submitted. This price schedule must be submitted by the Contractor with every offer.



The aim of the exhibition stands is to give visibility to and present to various audiences (experts in the field of regional policy and the general public) the various forms of intervention under the structural funds, the European Union's regional policy mechanisms, the results and examples of cofunded projects. It is therefore important for these stands, in their design and installation, to have a very high quality visual impact and to be informative.

There must be interaction between the Contract for exhibition stands and the other framework Contracts relating to the production of information tools and the organisation of events so that consistency in the corporate image, graphic line, logos etc. can be achieved.

The Contractor will store and keep an inventory of the exhibition panels (forex panels, textile panels, umbrella panels). DG REGIO attaches a great deal of importance to the panels being kept under optimum conditions (this includes existing panels). Each (existing and new) panel must be photographed, numbered and classified in a database for easy locating.

The staff tasked with designing the content of an exhibition should have a thorough knowledge of European regional policy and be able to interpret and talk about this subject. DG REGIO does not lay down any other specific requirements for the professional qualifications of other persons employed under the Contract.

It is vital that all staff employed to set up the exhibition stands – including any subcontractors, assemblers and drivers – comply scrupulously with all the administrative rules for travelling and working throughout the EU and other countries where


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DG REGIO may be called to set out stands. DG REGIO will not intervene with any embassies in matters of obtaining visas.

Tenderers are also reminded that DG REGIO must be able to keep in contact with all members of staff (including assemblers and drivers) during trips abroad in the context of a mission.

Tenderers should also be aware that, in exceptional cases, DG REGIO may require that several stands be assembled in different places on the same day. Tenderers should therefore demonstrate their technical ability to deal with any such requests.


The tasks for which DG REGIO could call on the Contractor are the following:

2.1 Creating a draft exhibition, with a visual identity and content, for both experts and the broader public, on the basis of the context described in point 2.2 of the Specifications and in accordance with the instructions of DG REGIO. This means proposing two or three possible communication designs which could be amended by DG REGIO before being approved. These will be innovative, modular designs, adjustable to the various venues, interactive and using multimedia resources.

2.2 Designing appropriate exhibition supports and designing and fixing the decoration and dressing of the stands (stand design). The price offered will relate to:

– either 3 x 3 m octanorm modules (verticals, struts, HDK or textile panels) or other modules, which can be joined together to create a stand of 18, 27, 36 m², etc. depending on the space available and the size of the event. The price schedule must indicate the price for one module and, if possible, discounts as increasing numbers of modules are used;

– or a price per m², calculated using the total surface area of the exhibition stand for an octanorm type modular system (verticals, struts, HDK or textile panels) or other, and, if possible, offering a discount as increasing numbers of modules are used.

The lease of an exhibition stand as described above does not include either carpet or lighting (spotlights).

It is for the tenderer to present several proposals (with or without a central island) and to specify precisely, understandably and in chronological order, the various concepts and materials used. If necessary, the type and quality of carpet used (carpet tiles, floating carpet, ecological quality, etc.) should also be mentioned. The technical specifications of the various concepts and drafts/designs suggested by the tenderer will form part of the bid. The fact that various concepts and drafts will be proposed does not imply different prices. The creativity of the drafts will be considered in the award of the Contract.

2.3 Leasing of free-standing partitions with spotlights for the fixing of panels or photographs, with or without shelving to hold documentation.


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2.4 The creation (layout and graphic design) of visuals for portable stands and new panels or textiles, in accordance with DG REGIO's graphic charter, respecting the deadline for delivery requested by DG REGIO. DG REGIO's graphic charter is available at:

2.5 Printing new panels and textile/fabric printing, on the basis of the design/graphic created by the Contractor (2.4) or a PDF file supplied by DG REGIO on CD ROM or sent by email.

2.6 Printing of visuals for a portable umbrella stand (existing structure – indicative dimensions: height: 228cm, width: 375cm) on the basis of the design/graphic created by the Contractor (2.4) or a PDF file supplied by DG REGIO on CD ROM or sent by email.

2.7 Four-colour printing of wall hangings (kakemonos) and creation of panels measuring 0.80m x 2.28m on honeycomb cardboard or on a roll-up system.

2.8 Reprinting of existing panels (fabric/forex) and visuals on the basis of an existing PDF file or one provided by DG REGIO on CD ROM or sent by email.

2.9 Printing of a new panel on paper (as a poster). Printing of posters (A2, A1 or A0 format) on the basis of the design/graphic created by the Contractor (2.4) or a PDF file supplied by DG REGIO on CD ROM or sent by email.

2.10 Printing and production of signposts with or without support feet.

2.11 Printing of new lightbox panel.

2.12 Leasing of furniture and accessories, as described in the price schedule.

2.13 Leasing (per day) of (a) plasma screen(s), DVD player(s) and one or more PCs.

2.14 Leasing of shelving, display racks, tables or other folding equipment for displaying documentation. DG REGIO places great importance on the rational and practical arrangement of documentation (given the many different languages and the number of copies to be distributed).

2.15 Transport, assembly and disassembly of the stand (see 2.2 above). The price should include, as appropriate: the erection of panels (photos, text, posters or textiles, using an appropriate adhesive), cleaning after assembly and disassembly, removal of rubbish, transport of documentation from Brussels, delivery to the stand and recuperation of any undistributed documentation prepared by the DG REGIO agent in situ, provision and installation of furniture, one or more PCs and, if necessary, a plasma screen with DVD player. The PC should have the following minimum technical specifications: Intel Core i7860 processor; 8 Go DDR3 1600 Mhz; 1 To network card, modem, WIFI; blu-ray player; 22-24" screen with TV function; graphics card; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 (1536 Mo); Windows 7 and multimedia player; Office 2007.

The PC, DVD player and a plasma screen should be incorporated in the stand in such a way as to prevent their being stolen. Installation of all the various elements making up the stand (lighting, furniture, documentation display racks, plasma


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screen, DVD player, PC, etc.) including connections (internet etc.) should be included in the price for assembly and disassembly. The only variant allowed in the price schedule is: with or without carpet.

2.16 Transport and assembly of the self-supporting partitions with spotlights.

2.17 Provision of spare document storage capacity and safe storage facilities for personal effects and equipment, as well as all types of assistance to facilitate the work of the exhibitors and representatives of DG REGIO, before, during and after the event.

2.18 If necessary, if specified in the order form, presence of a member of staff (permanently or upon request) at the stand (during the assembly, the event or the dismantling), including at weekends.

2.19 Purchase of complete portable stands, with spotlights and transport case.

2.20 Leasing of pagodas (mini-tents) measuring 3 x 3m.


The Commission may request additional products or services from the Contractor. In such a case, the market must be canvassed for such products or services, the prices of which are not included on the price schedule. For items such as these, it is impossible to provide a price because of market fluctuations and the nature of the expenditure. They may include: renting of a space for mounting the stand, leasing multimedia equipment, miscellaneous expenses such as catering, plants to decorate the stand, rental of a marquee, etc.

3.1. Rental of exhibition space, in exceptional circumstances

As a rule, DG REGIO does not exhibit in places where rental fees are required. However, there may be occasions when, for reasons of convenience, DG REGIO agrees, exceptionally, to pay the rental for the space. In this case, subject to prior agreement, these charges are paid by the Contractor and then reimbursed by DG REGIO, without the Contractor being able to impose any management charges for the service provided.

3.2. Multimedia

This relates to the leasing, in exceptional circumstances, of multimedia equipment, the price of which is subject to regular fluctuations, meaning that the tenderer cannot propose an accurate fixed price for the duration of the Contract. This may include leasing a plasma screen, on a stand, which can be connected to a PC or a DVD player, including installation and transport; rental, installation and transport of a screen wall (4.8 or 12 screens); rental, installation and transport of an interactive terminal; rental, installation and transport of an video projector/beamer; rental, installation and transport of a sound system (exterior and interior); rental, installation and transport of a large screen exterior projector. For these products and services, the Contractor will have to canvas the market, on the basis of which DG REGIO will make its choice. The price accepted must be included in the Contractor's final offer. Tenderers must indicate in their bids the percentage margin to be applied to the total cost to cover their administrative costs.


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With the invoice, the Contractor will summarise the results obtained from an operational point of view and, if relevant, will make suggestions for the future.

3.3. Miscellaneous

This relates to the following occasional costs: catering/reception services, hostesses, ornamental plants, leasing, installation and transport of marquees, including insurance; leasing, installation and transport of heaters for marquees/exhibition tents; leasing, installation and transport of an exterior and interior air tower; the leasing, installation and transport of poles with winder or cord, purchase of certain deliverables in the general context of the Contract on the specific request of DG REGIO. The tenderer will apply the same procedure as for Multimedia (3.2).


Tenderers must provide unit prices for each service or deliverable, as listed in the price schedule. This schedule must be completed in full, item by item, with no item omitted. No additional item may be added by tenderers. The unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, visa fees, mobile telephone charges, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, travelling expenses to the main location for the performance of the tasks (Brussels), social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by the Contractor in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to him/her.

The attention of tenderers is drawn, in particular, to the fact that, for most tasks, the Specifications make no provision for the separate reimbursement of travelling expenses within the European Union. These expenses should be included in the unit prices. Tenderers will have to work on the basis of fixed costs.

In certain specific cases (described in the price schedules), these fixed costs are variable, depending on where the work is performed, subdivided into three zones:

Zone A includes Brussels and cities within a radius of 500 km, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam and Cologne;

Zone B includes places within a radius of 500 and 1 500 km of Brussels, such as Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Stockholm, Dublin, Copenhagen, Warsaw or Prague;

and Zone C covers other places of performance in the European Union located more than 1 500 km from Brussels, and the candidate countries.

Postage, customs charges or charges for sending a stand by air must be included in the invoice with presentation of the relevant supporting documents. For services of this kind, the quotation can include an amount for contingencies.

The price of leasing, assembly and dismantling for each zone must include transport costs from the Contractor's place of business to the location of the exhibition and return, on-site mileage and subsistence expenses if relevant. Variants are not permitted.


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Any reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses arising in the context of exceptional missions not included in the price schedule (in particular missions in countries outside the EU with which DG REGIO is in contact, such as Brazil, Ukraine and China) and carried out at the specific request of and after obtaining prior authorisation from the Commission, away from the main place of performance of the tasks (Brussels), will be made in euros. Reimbursement will be made on the basis of original supporting documents (see Article II.7. of the draft Contract in Annex II – see also the caps on accommodation costs in Annex VIII).

Electricity and Internet communication charges in a conference centre will be paid by the Contractor and reimbursed by DG REGIO at actual cost, without the imposition of any administration charges by the Contractor.


As described in point 3.4.6 of the general section of the Specifications, if the work does not meet the terms of the order form and the quality standards therein, it may be refused. Should Contractors fail to perform their obligations under the Contract in accordance with the provisions laid down therein, the Commission may - without prejudice to its right to terminate the Contract - reduce or recover payments in proportion to the scale of the failure. In addition, the Commission may impose penalties or liquidated damages, as provided for in Article II.16 of the Contract.


The deadline for delivery of each specific order, which will depend on the scale and urgency of the product, will be agreed when the order is issued by DG REGIO and confirmed by the Contractor when the quotation and detailed description of services are submitted. As a general rule, the time allowed will be such that delivery can be made in normal conditions. However, the Contractor should note that sometimes circumstances may arise that necessitate faster delivery. The agreed deadline will be confirmed in the order form/specific contract issued for this service. The Contractor must deliver the service within the deadline and in the format required. If no place of delivery is indicated, delivery will be made to DG REGIO's premises in Brussels.


Tenders will be compared and ranked on a list according to the total number of points obtained, consisting of a qualitative and a financial score. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer that has obtained the highest score.

Tenders will be examined from the perspective of quality in order to assign to each a quality score calculated according to the rules set out in the section “Quality score” below. The assessment will then look at the financial aspect according to the rules set out in the section “Financial score” below.


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7.1. Quality score (maximum 100 points)

The quality of the proposals will be assessed out of 100 points, broken down as follows:

Award criteria Information to be detailed (Maximum points)

1. Quality and consistency of the bid with regard to the technical specifications and context of the Contract (55 points)

Minimum points required: 27.5/55

Tenderers should show here their understanding of the context and specify the approach proposed to attain the European Commission's objectives and to provide the services and/or products requested.


Suggestions for innovative elements for the stand, in line with point 2.1 of the Technical Specifications. Tenderers should demonstrate the quality of the service and creativity they intend to bring to bear in their approach and in their work, e.g. by giving examples of similar work.


Impact of the activities carried out. Tenderers must also explain the key indicators and the approach that will be used to guarantee the quality of the services and/or products requested.


2. Organisation and management of the team proposed to provide the services requested (40 points)

Pass mark: 20/40

Description of the work organisation and of the quality control mechanisms, in particular the mechanisms used to monitor the quality of work performed by subcontractors. Detailed description of the part of the work which would be sub-contracted.


Tenderers should describe the composition and organisation of the team proposed to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of the costs, speed and quality of the services requested and in terms of day-to-day management.


3. Clarity, conciseness and presentation of the tender (5 points)

Pass mark: 2.5/5

Tenders must comply with all the requirements in the specifications while remaining clear and concise, in terms of content, length and presentation. As regards the presentation, tenders must, in particular, include an index/table of contents, have continuous page numbering, and be assembled in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.); items attached to the tender (annexes on paper, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) must be marked with the Lot number, the number of that item, and its contents.


Tenders must only contain information 3146

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strictly related to the products and services requested and the criteria mentioned. Therefore, tenderers must avoid any theoretical, textbook-like descriptions of information and communication strategy.

Total number of points: 100

Pass mark: 70/100

Tenders should obtain at least 50 % for all award criteria. Otherwise they will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenders that obtain a total quality score of less than 70 points will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure and will therefore not be taken into consideration for the award of the contract.

Tenderers should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. Merely repeating the mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without providing further analysis, will only result in a very low score. In addition, if certain essential points of these specifications are not expressly covered by the tender, the evaluators may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant qualitative award criteria.

7.2. Financial score (price index)

The financial value of the tender will be calculated as the total sum of unit prices in the price schedule). Each price will be multiplied by its corresponding weighting factor and the final total will be the sum of all the weighted prices. This total represents the price index and will be included in the final evaluation formula.

Price index = Σ (UP X WF)

Σ = sum

UP = unit prices in the price schedule of the lot to which the tender refers

WF = weighting factor of the unit prices


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7.3. Final assessment

The contract will be awarded to the tender that offers the best quality/price ratio.

The final assessment of the qualitative value in relation to the financial value (price index) will be carried out by allocating a mark to each tender calculated as follows:

(Quality ÷ 100) x 60 + (lowest price ÷ price) x 40

Tenders will be ranked in descending order on the basis of the mark obtained. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has obtained the highest mark at the end of the final assessment.


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Tenderers must use this price schedule to formulate all their financial proposals.

Tenderers must complete both price columns for each deliverable listed in the schedule. These unit prices will be firm and will include all costs and expenses. The prices of the deliverables will therefore include all the tasks (including drawing up quotations and reports) necessary for their performance, including all costs (management of the project, coordination, quality control, training of the Contractor's staff, support resources, etc.) and all expenditure (management of the firm, secretarial services, social security, wages, etc.) incurred directly or indirectly by Contractors in performance of the tasks which may be entrusted to him/her.


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1. Create an exhibition design with content and a visual identity. See point 2.1 of the Technical Specifications. Leasing of a stand, assembly, carpet, spotlights, etc. not included in this price. person-hours 25

2. Design of appropriate exhibition supports, including decoration and dressing; leasing and assembly.  2.1 Stand design; plan for a stand at the Commission's premises (Charl.) which often has the same configuration, the plan for which must be submitted to the appropriate Commission department. person-hours 20

2.2 Stand design; design the plan for a stand to be erected in other locations (i.e. not in Commission premises). person-hours 202.3 Leasing of modules with a surface area of 9m² (3 x 3m), 18 m², 27m², 36m² etc., with HDK panels or textile padding (variant). Tenderers should provide for an increasing discount as the number of modules increases.

price/module 1

2.4 Price per m² for a modular ensemble made of HDK panelling or textile padding (variant); if possible, an increasing discount depending on the size of the exhibition. price/m² 12.5 Leasing of self-supporting partitions, 2 x 1 m with spotlight  2.5.1 with shelving for documentation price/unit 102.5.1 without shelving for documentation price/unit 103. Assembly and disassembly      3.1 Assembly and disassembly – panels made of HDK or textile (variant) - by 3 x 3m module, including transport and, if necessary, accommodation expenses – for zones A, B and C respectively.3.1.1 without carpet

Zone Aprice/module   1  

Zone Bprice/module 1

Zone Cprice/module 1

3.1.2 with carpetZone A

price/module   5  

Zone Bprice/module 5

Zone Cprice/module 5

3.2 Assembly of an exhibition stand made of HDK or textile panels (variant), including transport and, if necessary, accommodation expenses – for zones A, B and C respectively.3.2.1 without carpet Zone A price/m²   1  

Zone B price/m² 1Zone C price/m² 1

3.2.2 with carpet Zone A price/m²   5  Zone B price/m² 5Zone C price/m² 5

3.3 Assembly of self-supporting partitions, including transport and, if necessary, accommodation costs - for zones A, B and C respectively.

Zone A price/unit   10  Zone B price/unit 10Zone C price/unit 10

3.4 Simple carpet (tiles, roll, fireproof) price/m²   20  3.5 Carpet with four-colour printed logo (fireproof) price/m²   20  3.6 Spotlights for the stand price/unit   20  3.7 Production of a light box price/unit   5  


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3.8 Assistance on site, upon request person-days   5  3.9 Raised platform price/m²   5  3.10 Raised floor price/m²   5  3.11 Construction of a registration desk price/m²   10  4. Furniture, display racks      4.1 Standard modular counter price/unit   10  4.2 Top of the range modular counter price/unit   10  4.3 Chair, low price price/unit   5  4.4 Chair, standard price/unit   10  4.5 Chair, top of the range price/unit   5  4.6. High stool, low price price/unit   5  4.7 High stool, standard price/unit   10  4.8 High stool, top of the range price/unit   5  4.9 Low stool, standard price/unit   10  4.10 Low stool, top of the range price/unit   5  4.11 Meeting table 150 x 80 x 70 cm price/unit   20  4.12 Table 120 x 80 cm price/unit   10  4.12 Table 60 x 60 cm price/unit   10  4.14 Low table for cosy corner price/unit   20  4.15 Arm chair/sofa price/unit   40  4.16 Round table (diam. 80 cm) price/unit   10  4.17 Coat stand price/unit   40  4.18 Lockable cupboard, metal (capacity 1/2 m³) price/unit   40  4.19 Documentation display racks price/unit   10  4.20 Leasing of pagodas (mini-tents) measuring 3 x 3m price/unit   25  4.21 Leasing of racks for documentation price/unit   20  5. Design/graphic design and printing      5.1 Graphic design (layout) of a panel, textile or visual (see 2.4) person-hours   1  5.2.1 Printing of panels (see 2.5) price/m²   1  5.2.2 Printing on textiles (see 2.5) price/m²   15.3 Printing of visuals for a portable stand (see 2.6) price/m²   1  5.4 Printing of wall hangings (kakemonos) in four colours:  

5.4.1 on honeycomb cardboard (see 2.7) price/m²   105.4.2 on fabric/vinyl (see 2.7) price/m²   10

5.5.1 Reprinting of existing panels (fabric) and visuals (see 2.8) price/m²   20  5.5.2 Reprinting of existing panels (forex) and visuals (see 2.8) price/m²   205.6 Printing of a new panel on paper as a poster (see 2.9). price/m²   1  5.7 Printing and production of signposts (see 2.10) price/m²   20  5.8 Printing of light box panel (see 2.11) price/m²   20  6. IT & AV equipment      

6.1 Leasing of a plasma screen which can be connected to a PC or DVD player (see 2.13 and 2.16)

price per day   30  

6.1.1 As in 6.1, applying a coefficient depending on the duration of the leasing; 2, 3, 4 days, etc.

price per day   30  

6.2 Leasing of a PC (see 2.13 and 2.16)price per day   30  

6.2.1 As in 6.2, applying a coefficient depending on the duration of the leasing; 2, 3, 4 days, etc.

price per day   30  

6.3 Leasing of a DVD player (see 2.13 and 2.16)price per day   30  

6.1.1 As in 6.3, applying a coefficient depending on the duration of the leasing; 2, 3, 4 days, etc.

price per day   30  

 7. Purchase of portable stands, including transport case and spotlights Unit price   30    Real cost % of total management cost

Signature : ........................................................


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Name : ........................................................

Date: ........................................................

