
Speakers The 4th Herzliya Conference 2003

Mr. Zeev Abeles Chair of the Board of Directors, Union Bank of Israel and Former Supervisor of Banks at the Bank of Israel. Held senior positions in Israel and abroad, including Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Central Securities Company, Manager at the North America Bank, and Advisor to the World Bank. Represented the Bank of Israel in the Israeli Delegation to the peace talks with Jordan and with the Palestinians, and served on the Public Committee on Capital Markets. Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Economics and Accounting.

Mr. Kenneth Abramowitz Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, a company which focuses on buyout opportunities in the U.S. healthcare industry. Served as an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. for twenty-three years and as a Healthcare Fund Manager at EGS Securities. Awarded the top hospital supply and service analyst fourteen times by the magazine “All-America Research Team”. Received an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Mr. Joseph Ackerman President and Chairman of the Board, Elbit Systems. Held senior managerial positions such as Senior Vice President of the Operations Group at Elbit Defense Systems, General Manager of EFW Inc., Elbit’s plant in Texas, and as Vice President for Advanced Battlefield Systems. Received a B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technion.

Dr. Uzi Arad Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Concurrently, Advisor to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and Member of the Board of the Posen Foundation. Served in the Mossad for twenty-five years holding senior positions in Israel and abroad, his last position being Director of Intelligence, after which he was appointed Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Former research fellow at the Hudson Institute and Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University. Received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in International Relations from Princeton University, which he attended as a Fulbright scholar. Participated in advanced executive courses at Harvard University. Chair of the Herzliya Conference.

Maj. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi Deputy Chief of General Staff, IDF. Serves in the IDF for thirty-one years in various command and staff positions, including GOC Northern Command,, Deputy Head of the Intelligence Directorate, Head of Operations Directorate, Commander of the Lebanon Liaison Unit, Commander of a reserve armored division, Intelligence Officer in the Northern Command, and Commander of the Golani Brigade. Received a B.A. in Political Science. Graduated from the IDF’s Command and Staff College and the U.S. Marines Command and Staff College.

Dr. Ronald D. Asmus Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs in the Clinton Administration. Previously, a senior fellow at the RAND Corp. and for Radio Free Europe. Written widely on American Foreign Policy and U.S.-European issues. Recipient of the U.S. Department of State’s Distinguished Service Award, the Republic of Poland’s Commander’s Cross, the Republic of Lithuania’s Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas (Second Class), and the Republic of Estonia’s Order of the Cross of St. Mary’s Land (Third Class).

Prof. Shlomo Avineri Department of Political Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Held visiting appointments at several universities including Yale, Cornell, University of California, and the Central European University in Budapest, and several research institutes such as the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Brookings Institution, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Served as Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs during Yitzhak Rabin’s first government Recipient of the 1996 Israel Prize. Member of the editorial boards of various professional magazines. Authored several books in his area of expertise. Studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the London School of Economics.

Mr. Eli Ayalon Chairman of the Board and CEO, DSP Group Inc. and Executive Chair of ParthusCeva, Inc. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Technion and of the High-Tech Management School of Tel Aviv and Northwestern Universities. Involved in Israel’s high-tech industry since 1976 and served in various positions in the defense, communication, medical equipment, and semiconductor industries. Received a B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the Technion.

Dr. Shmuel Bar Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served in the Israeli Intelligence community for thirty years where he held senior analytical, planning, and diplomatic positions, specializing in regional security, Islamic Radicalism and Terrorism in the Middle East and East Asia. Published a number of books and scholarly articles in his areas of expertise. Received a Ph.D. in History of the Middle East from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Amir Barnea Professor of Finance and Founding Dean, Arison School of Business, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Deputy Chair of the Board and COO of Singer-Barnea & Co. Professor Emeritus of Tel Aviv University. Held visiting positions at several leading institutions, including Cornell University and New York University. Serves in several senior positions in Israeli businesses, private institutions, and on public committees of the Bank of Israel and the Finance Ministry. Received a Ph.D. in Finance and Managerial Economics from Cornell University.

Prof. Anne Bayefsky Professor of Political Science at York University of Toronto and an Adjunct Professor and Associate Research Scholar at Columbia University Law School. Active member of numerous Human Rights organizations on the national and international levels. Participated in American and Canadian delegations to United Nations Human Rights committees. Served as the Director of the Center for Refugee Studies at York University and Professor of Constitutional and International Human Rights Law at the University of Ottawa. Previously, a Lady Davis Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law. Recipient of several prestigious prizes for her research on human rights. Published many books and articles in her area of expertise.

Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor Professor of Political Science and Director of the National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa. Also served as the Rector of the university and as the President of the Israeli Political Science Association. Published seven books and over one hundred articles on Middle East politics, civic-military relations, conflict resolution, and ethnic politics. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies from Princeton University.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Eitan Ben-Eliahu Founder and CEO of Sentry Technology Group, Israel. Served for over thirty years in different command positions in the Israel Air Force (IAF), retiring as Commander Chief of the IAF. Received a B.A. in Economics and Business Administration from Bar Ilan University and an M.A. in Strategy and International Relations from Tel-Aviv University.

Mr. Yashar Ben-Mordechai Director-General, Oil Refineries Ltd. (ORL) He also held several managerial positions, such as Acting General Manager, Vice President of Operations, Manager of Operations Division, and Project Manager at ORL. Also served as Project Manager, Deputy Production Division Manager and an engineer at the Ashdod Refinery. Received a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the Technion.

Prof. Haim Ben-Shahar Professor Emeritus of Economics at Tel Aviv University. Chair and CEO of Ben-Shahar Associates (BSA), an international economic and business consulting firm and Chairman of the Hammer Fund for Economic Cooperation in the Middle East. Established the “Israel Democracy Institute” and served as its Chairman until 1991. Authored six books and published numerous articles on financial management, capital markets, economic policy, oil and energy, regional and urban planning, and economic cooperation and Middle East peace in academic journals. Received a Ph.D. in Banking and Finance from New-York University.

Dr. Yigal Ben-Shalom Director-General Designate, National Insurance Institute of Israel and Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. A senior lecturer in Social Policy at universities throughout Israel. Head of the Welfare Section of JDC Israel and a senior research fellow at the Minerva Center for Youth Studies at Haifa University. Served as Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Executive Director of M.B.S Systems Company, which deals with strategic planning, consulting and management of information systems. Received a Ph.D. from the University of Haifa.

Ambassador Yoram Ben-Zeev Deputy Director-General for North America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Has served in the Israeli Diplomatic Service for thirty years in senior positions in Israel and abroad including Consul General in Los Angeles, Coordinator for the Ministry’s Peace Process Delegation, and Acting Deputy Director-General for Middle Eastern Affairs. Also served as Deputy Director of the President’s Office and as Advisor to the President of Israel. Received an M.A. in Middle East Studies and Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Attended a Systems Management Course at UCLA.

Ambassador Yoav Biran Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Joined Israel's Diplomatic Service in 1963 and held senior positions in the Ministry, among them Senior Deputy Director General for the Middle East and the Peace Process Coordination and Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Elected distinguished member of the Israel Foreign Service as well as distinguished member of the Israel Civil Service. Received a B.A. in International Relations from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Herzle Bodinger Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and CEO of RADA, Electronic Industries. Served in the Israel Air Force for thirty-five years in a number of command and staff positions, including combat pilot, Deputy Commander Chief of the Force, Head of the Operations’ Division, and Commander of Flying School, retiring as Commander Chief. Also served as Military Deputy in the Office of the Defense Establishment Comptroller. Received a B.A. in Economics and Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University and graduated from the Advanced Management Program of Harvard Business School.

Prof. Avishay Braverman President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Served as Senior Economist and Division Chief at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. and conducted research and policy work throughout Africa, Asia, and South America regarding economic development and social justice. Author of several books and numerous papers on economic and public policy, development, and water and resource management. Recipient of a number of honorary degrees and academic awards. A member of several international professional associations, including the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the European Academy of Science and Arts, and the Israeli-American High-Tech Commission. Received a B.A. from Tel Aviv University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.

Ambassador Giancarlo Chevallard Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Israel. Served in the European Commission for more than thirty years in senior positions, including Acting Director for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Head of the Security Issues Unit, and Head of Policy Planning – all in the External Relations DG (RELEX). Prior to joining the European Commission, he was involved in University research and teaching. Holds a degree in Law and a M.A. in European Studies.

Dr. Patrick Clawson Deputy Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Senior Editor of the Middle East Quarterly. Previously, a senior research professor at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., and a research economist at the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank and the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Convened the Washington Institute’s Presidential Study Group, which offered its recommendations to the Bush Administration following the elections. Published over thirty articles on middle eastern political issues in professional publications and newspapers. Received a Ph.D. from the New School of Social Research.

Sir Ronald Cohen Founding Partner and Chairman, Apax Partners Worldwide LLP. Also serves as Chairman of the Social Investments Task Force. Formerly chairman of the DTI “Tech Stars” steering committee and a member of the DTI UK Competitiveness Committee. A promoter and founder of EASDAQ, the Pan-European Market for Growth Companies, for which he served as Vice Chairman. Chairman of Bridges Community Ventures Ltd. Founder, Director and past Chairman of the British Venture Capital Association, Founder and Director of the European Ventures capital Association and the Quoted Companies Alliance. Graduated from Oxford University and received an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Prof. Stuart A. Cohen The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), Bar-Ilan University and Chair of the Center's Academic Council. Member of the Royal United Services Institute in London. His research focuses on Jewish political theory and practice, diplomatic and military history, military force structures, and military-society relations. Served as Dean of Students at Bar-Ilan University. Formerly, Visiting fellow at the Kaplan Center of the University of Cape Town and at the Mershon Center at Ohio State University. Published eight books and several articles in his area of research. Received a Ph.D. in Diplomatic History from Oxford University.

Dr. Momi Dahan School of Public Policy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His areas of research include Public Finance, Macroeconomics, and Income Inequality. Held senior positions in Israeli public institutions, among them, Senior Economic Advisor to the General Director of the Ministry of Finance, and Chief Economist and Head of the Macroeconomics Section in the Bank of Israel’s Research Department. While on leave from the Bank, he worked for the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan President, Zionist Council in Israel. Former National Security Advisor and Head of National Security Council (NSC). Served in the IDF for over thirty years as a Commander in the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Sayeret Matkal) and in the Armored Corps. Served as Head of the Plans and Policy Directorate of the IDF General Staff and GOC of Central Command. Headed the Israeli security committee to the peace negotiations with the Jordanians, Palestinians and Syrians, and served as Senior Liaison Officer to the Jordanian Armed Forces. His last position in the IDF was Deputy Chief of General Staff after which he was seconded to his then position at the NSC. Received a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a M.Sc. in Operations Research from Stanford University.

Ms. Thיrטse Delpech Center for International Studies and Research (CERI). Director of Strategic Affairs at the French Atomic Energy Commission. Commissioner of the UN Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) in Iraq established by the UN Security Council. Additionally, an International Advisor to the ICRC. In 1999, chaired the UN Advisory Board for Disarmament Matters, prior to which she served as Advisor for Politico-Military Affairs to the French Prime Minister Alian Juppe. Held a number of senior positions in the French Atomic Energy Commission and was also a permanent consultant to the Policy Planning Staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Authored three books and numerous articles on nuclear and other non-conventional weaponry and strategic affairs.

Mr. Christopher DeMuth President, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI). Served as Managing Director of Lexecon, Inc. Held senior positions in the Administration including Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Executive Director, of the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief, in the White House. Also served as Director of the Harvard Faculty Project on Regulation and a Lecturer in Public Policy, at the Kennedy School of Government. Published articles and two books in his area of interest. Graduated from the University of Chicago Law School.

Prof. Alan Dershowitz Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Noted appellate lawyer, author and newspaper columnist. His research interests include criminal law and human rights. Lectures on Jewish and legal issues, appears frequently in the media, and is an author of several high-acclaimed books. Graduated from Yale Law School.

Mr. Avi Dichter Head, Israel Security Agency, (Shin Bet), for which he is serving for the past twenty years and held various command positions, including Deputy Head of the Organization, Head of the Security Division, Head of Southern District, and Commander of the Tzidon area. Received a B.A. in Criminology and Psychology from Bar- Ilan University and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein is the founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (Hakeren L’yedidut), a bridge building organization committed to promoting greater understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews and support for Israel. Rabbi Eckstein was ordained at Yeshiva University in New York and holds masters degrees from Yeshiva and Columbia University, where he also completed studies for his doctorate. Rabbi Eckstein has also served on the faculties of Columbia University, Chicago Theological Seminary and Northern Baptist Seminary. He is the author of six highly acclaimed books on Jewish- Christian relations, and is considered the leading Jewish authority on Evangelical Christians.

Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland Head-Designate of the National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office and Head of Plans and Policy Directorate, IDF General Staff. Served in the IDF for more than thirty years in several command and staff positions including Head of Operations Directorate, Commander of the Infantry, the Paratroopers’ Brigade Commander, and Commander of the Officer’ School. Received a B.A. in economics and an MBA. Graduated from an advanced infantry course in Port Bening, Georgia.

Mr. Robert Einhorn Senior Advisor on the International Security Program, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. where he works on a broad range of nonproliferation, arms control, and other national security issues. Served in the U.S. government for 29 years in senior positions dealing with arms control and nonproliferation, his last post being Assistant Secretary of State for nonproliferation, responsible for the State Department’s nonproliferation policy concerning non-conventional weapons, missile delivery systems, and advanced conventional arms. Recipient of the Secretary of State's Distinguished Service Award. Authored several publications on strategic nuclear issues, arms control, and nonproliferation. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute of Strategic Studies. Received a B.A. (magna cum laude) in Government from Cornell University and an MPA in International Relations from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Ambassador Dr. Oded Eran Ambassador of Israel to the European Union. Has been with the Israeli Foreign Service for over thirty years, where he has served in Israeli Embassies in London and Washington. During his posting as Ambassador to Jordan, he led the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, on the final status. As Deputy Director-General for Economic Affairs in Foreign Ministry, he directed negotiations on the Association Agreement with the EU (1995) and participated in the negotiations on the Paris Economic Agreement with the Palestinians. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from LSE.

Mr. Joschka Fischer Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany. A member of the “Greens” Political Party since 1982. Served in a variety of senior parliamentary and political positions primarily dealing with the environment and energy. Prof. Mari Fitzduff Professor of Coexistence and Director of the Master’s program in the Slifka Program on Intercommunal Coexistence at Brandeis University. Previously, the Chair on Conflict Studies at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland and Director of UNU/ENCORE, a United Nations University Center for International Conflict Research. Served as Director of the Community Relations Council, an organization dealing with developing policy, programs, and training that addressed issues pertaining to the conflict in Northern Ireland. Held numerous advisory positions and board memberships in local and international institutions dealing with conflict management and on projects addressing conflicts in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, the Basque Country, and in the Former Soviet Union. Published extensively in her field.

Mr. Aharon Fogel Chair of the Board of Ness Technologies and Migdal Group and General Partner of Jerusalem Venture Partners. Held a number of senior positions including Director General of the Ministry of Finance, Chairman of Leumi & Co. Investment Bank, Chairman of Hadassah Medical Center, and Director of the Economic & Control Division of Clal Israel. Received an M.A. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Mr. Abraham H. Foxman National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Prior to this appointment, he worked in the League’s international affairs and civil rights divisions. His career at the ADL has spanned four decades. Received a B.A. in Political Science from the City College, City University of New York, and a law degree from the New York University Law School. Graduated from the Jewish Theological Seminary and the New York’s New School for Social Research in International Studies.

Mr. Gideon Frank Director General, Israel Atomic Energy Commission. Joined the Commission in 1969, and held senior positions, among them Deputy Director General, Deputy Director for Engineering and Technology at Soreq Nuclear Research Center, as well as at other technological institutions. Served as Scientific Counselor in the Israeli Embassy in Washington and as an Inspector at the International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) in Vienna. B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering from the Technion.

Prof. Abraham (Rami) Friedman Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Professor Emeritus of the School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he served as Dean. Held visiting professorships at NYU, University of Minnesota, and University of Chicago. Served as Executive Director of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. Served on the boards of numerous public committees. Chair of the Israeli Committee for Human and Social Sciences. Received a Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences and Statistics from the University of Chicago. Graduated from Stanford University ICAME program in Human Resources Management.

Dr. John Gal Senior Lecturer at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research deals with Israel’s social policy, unemployment, poverty, and social security in a comparative perspective. Published several articles in professional magazines. Serves as Editor chief of the Social Security magazine. Received a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Col. (res.) Dr. Reuven Gal Deputy National Security Advisor at the National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office, responsible for domestic and social affairs and infrastructure . Founding President of the Carmel Institute for Social Studies, Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Outstanding Leadership and Founder and Director of the Israeli Institute for Military Studies. Served in the IDF and was the Commanding Officer of the Military Psychology Unit . Also served as Chief Psychologist in the Israel Navy. Received a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley.

Ambassador Yossi Gal Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Joined the diplomatic service in 1975 and since then has held senior positions in Israel and abroad. Served as Israel’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, spokesman of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., and Director of the Ambassador’s Office in Washington, D.C. Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ambassador Yossi Gal Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Joined the diplomatic service in 1975 and since then has held senior positions in Israel and abroad. Served as Israel’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, spokesman of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., and Director of the Ambassador’s Office in Washington, D.C. Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ms. Yael German Mayor of Herzliya. In this capacity, chairs several public municipal companies and organizations including the Herzliya Tourism Company, the Herzliya Development Company and the Herzliya Foundation. An executive board member of Magen David Adom (Israel’s National EMT Service) and the Israeli Archeological Authority. Associated with a variety of women rights’ lobby organizations. Previously, Co-CEO of Yariv Ben-Eliezer Media Consultant Company and Administrative Director of GG Electrical Industries. A professional schoolteacher and former Principal of the Herzliya “Tehilla” School for Adults’ Education. Earned a Teaching Diploma (English Language and Adult Education) from the Levinski Seminar and a B.A. in General History from Tel Aviv University.

Mr. Nir Gilad Former Accountant General for the Ministry of Finance. Previously served as Vice President of Finance in the Israel Aircraft Industry. Held several senior positions in the Ministry of Finance, such as Deputy to the Budget Supervisor and Assistant to the Budget Supervisor in charge of the Security, Civil Administration and Administration Budgets. Graduated from the Economics and Agricultural Departments at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Earned an MBA from Bar-Ilan University

Maj. Gen. Dan Haloutz Commander Chief of the Israel Air Force (IAF). A combat pilot for more than thirty years, he has held various command and staff positions in the IDF including Head of Operations and Assistant Head of Staff Directorate in the General Staff, Chief of the IAF Staff, Head of Air Directorate and Section Head in the Weaponry Division. Actively participated in all the Air Force military operations since the War of Attrition and carried out hundreds of combat sorties. Received a B.A. in Economics from Tel Aviv University.

Mr. Dan Halperin Founder and General Director of IFTIC, a private business-consulting agency. Chair of the Israel Festival Association and an active member of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Serves as Director for several companies and organizations, among them Continental Bank, the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation, and El-Al Israel Airlines. Served in the Ministry of Finance for over twenty years in senior positions, including Advisor to the Minister, Deputy Director-General for International Affairs, and Economic Attachי in Washington, D.C. Received a B.A. in Humanities from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Miriam Haran Director General, Ministry of the Environment. Prior to assuming her current position, held senior postings in the Ministry including Deputy Director General for Industries, Chief Scientist, and Deputy Chief Scientist. Previously, Executive Assistant to the Director of the Center for Applied Studies of the Environment at Hunter College, New York. Worked as senior researcher and a researcher in private and public laboratories in Israel and abroad. Former Lecturer and Senior Lecturer of Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Received a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Brandeis University.

Mr. David Harris Executive Director, American Jewish Committee (AJC). Director of United Nations Watch. Author, diplomat, and community leader, who has actively been involved in promoting the cause of free immigration (aliya) of the Soviet Jewry to Israel. In his current position with the AJC, was a major advocate of repealing the UN resolution equating Zionism with racism and of strengthening US-Israel relations. A member of several international commissions concerning the Holocaust and its commemoration. Plays a major role in dealing with Jewish identity issues. An author

of several books and scores of articles, op-eds and reviews published in leading newspapers and magazines. Served as a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Bologna. Recipient of the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Pursued graduate studies in International Relations at the LSE and conducted course work in languages at the University of Marseille and Cornell University.

Mr. Shouki Hatib Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of the Israeli Arabs, Chairman of the Mayors of Arab Local Authorities Committee, and Mayor of the Yafia Municipal Council. Member of the Regional Planning and Building Committee for the Northern region. Served as director for the Arab-Israeli Bank and worked as principal engineer in large construction companies. Graduated from the Technion in Civil Engineering.

Prof. Ronald Heifetz Director of the Leadership Education Project, lecturer in Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government, and Co-founder of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University. Author and co-author of two widely acclaimed books in the area of leadership. Graduated from Columbia University, Harvard Medical School and the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Brig. Gen. Dr. Ariel Heiman Chief Reserve Officer in the IDF and the Ministry of Defense. Re-enlisted to the army in 2002 to assume this position. As a reserve officer he also served in many command positions. Outside his military career he was senior research fellow in the Geological Institute and Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Received a Ph.D. in Geology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Completed post-Doctoral studies in the USA.

Mr. Yossi Hollander Chairman, JACADA. An entrepreneur in the high-tech sector. Founder of “The New Dimension”, which was bought out by BMC in 1999. Member of the Board of Directors of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Mr. Eli Hurvitz Chairman and Founder of Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Group. Served also as Teva’s President and CEO for over twenty-five years. Also served as President of the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, Israel’s Export Institute, Chair of the Board of Directors of Leumi Bank, Member of the Boards of Trustees of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Tel-Aviv University and the International Committee of Harvard University. Recipient of the Israel Prize and additional prizes from the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, International B'nai Brith and the Hugo Remansiano Prize for Economics from Tel Aviv University. Recipient of honorary doctorates from Ben Gurion University, the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Technion. Received a B.A. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Gen. (Ret.) Jim Jamerson Vice President for Middle East and Africa, Lockheed Martin Corporation. Served in various senior positions in the American Air Force, including Deputy Commander Chief in the U.S. European Command, Commander of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and of the Allied Air Force Central Europe (NATO). In addition to this he also held senior staff assignments in the Pacific, Europe, and Washington, D.C. Received an MBA from Auburn University. Graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy. Studied International Relations at Georgetown University.

Mr. Richard M. Joel President of the Yeshiva University and Former President of Hillel, The Jewish Foundation for Life. Served as Assistant District Attorney in New York and as Assistant Dean in Yeshiva University’s Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and as an adjunct member of its faculty. Received a B.A. and J.D. degrees from New York University, where he was a Root-Tilden law scholar.

Mr. Moshe Keret President and CEO of Israel Aircraft Industries. Has worked for the company since 1955 and has held several positions including Deputy Manager of Strategic Planning, Manager of Marketing and Business Development, Manager of Organization and Marketing, VP Aircraft Marketing and Deputy Manager of the Kfir Project. Recipient of the Laurel Award for a significant contribution to the international space and aircraft industry. Graduated from the Technion in Mechanic Engineering.

Mr. Evgeny Kiselev Editor Chief, “Moskovskiye Novosty” – Moscow News, a weekly magazine. A journalist, TV host, and a documentary producer. Former Director of the independent NTV TV station, where he also held the positions of Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Recognized as one of the most influential and informed commentators in Russia. Member of the Russian Council on Foreign Relations and Security Policy.

Mr. Eli Landau Chairman of the Board of Directors of Israel Electric Corporation. Served as Mayor of Herzliya for fifteen years, as Chairman of the Union of Local Authorities, Assistant Minister of Defense and Agriculture, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shekem Company. A journalist by profession, held reporting positions in Ma’ariv Daily newspaper. Member of the Herzliya Conference Presidium

Brig. Gen. (res.) Efraim Lapid Director of the Israel Region in the Jewish Agency for Israel. Served as spokesman for the Jewish Agency and the IDF. He held several senior positions in the IDF including, Senior Intelligence Officer and Commander of IDF Radio Station. Received an M.A. in Political Science and is a graduate of the National Security College.

Mr. Yosef Lapid Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and Head of the Shinui Party. Journalist and political writer by profession, he is a former editor of Ma’ariv, an Israeli daily newspaper. Previously served as Director-General of Israel Broadcasting Authority. Subsequently, one of the founders of cable television in Israel and Chair of the Cable Television Association. Received an LL.B. degree.

Dr. Michael A. Ledeen Resident Scholar in the Freedom Chair of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. Expert on U.S. foreign policy. His areas of research consist of state sponsorship of terrorism, Iran, the Middle East, Italy, U.S.-China relations, intelligence, Africa, leadership and the use of power. A former consultant to the U.S. National Security Council and to State and Defense Departments. Published three books and numerous papers and articles in his areas of interest. Received a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin.

Mr. Yoav Lehman Supervisor of Banks, Bank of Israel. Served as Deputy Supervisor of Banks, Senior Director, consultant to the Governor of the Bank of Israel and Bank of Israel spokesperson. Received an MBA in Finance from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Michael Leigh Deputy Director General, DG External Relations (RELEX), European Commission, responsible for Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and South Mediterranean. Recently appointed to head the ‘Wider Europe’ Task Force. Held a number of senior positions in the Commission and the General Secretariat of the Council for over twenty years. Lectured on European integration, foreign policy and international relations at Wellesley College, the University of Sussex, and Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna. Received a B.A. from Oxford and a Ph.D. from MIT, both in Political Science.

Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman Director, Israel and Middle East Office, American Jewish Committee. Served in IDF Intelligence Directorate for over 25 years. During his service, participated in Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) in the framework of multilateral Middle East negotiations. B.A. in Near Eastern Studies and General History from Tel-Aviv University, M.A. in Public Administration from John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, which he attended as a Wexner-Israel fellow. Ph.D. from the London School of Economics.

Mr. Isaac Levanon Served for over thirty years in research and diplomatic positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Positions held include Consul General in New England, Consul General in Montreal, Political Attachי at the Embassy of Israel in Paris, and the Deputy Permanent Representative to UNESCO. Held various positions at the Ministry’s Center for Political Research. Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Middle Eastern Studies and International Relations.

Dr. Yagil Levi Department of Sociology, Political Science, and Communication, the Open University of Israel and a management and strategic planning consultant. Served as Chair of the Board of Governors of “Merchavim”, the Institute for the Promotion of Common Citizenship in Israel, General Manager of WIZO International, Director-General of Ramla Municipality, and other managerial positions. Served in senior IDF positions over a period of twelve years. Published two books, Trial and Error: Israel Route from to De-Escalation and A Different Army for Israel. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Tel Aviv University and conducted post-Doctoral Studies at the New School for Social Research in New York.

Ms. Dalia Lev-Sadeh Director of the Service for Community Work, Project Renewal and Immigrant Absorption in the Ministry of Social Affairs. Served as Director of the National Community Approach and taught and supervised at the National Program for Community Development. A former Staff Director of the Community Work Unit at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality. Received a M.A. in Social Work from Bar Ilan University.

Ms. Limor Livnat Minister of Education, Culture and Sport. Knesset member since 1992 for the Likud Party. Also served as Minister of Communications, Acting Chairperson of the Likud World Movement, and Member of Israel Women’s Network. Chairperson of the Likud Central Board of Information during the 1996 Elections. Received a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Tel Aviv University.

Ms. Tzipi Livni Minister of Immigrant Absorption. Likud Knesset member since 1999 for the Likud Party. Also served as Minister for Regional Cooperation and as Minister without Portfolio. Prior to her election to Knesset, appointed as Director General of the Government Companies' Authority. Received a LL.B from Bar Ilan University.

Prof. Herbert London President of the Hudson Institute and John M. Olin University Professor of Humanities and Social Studies at New York University. Founding Dean of the Gallatin School also at New York University. At Hudson Institute, he established its Center for Education and Employment Policy. Produced television programs on American culture and has been a commentator on major radio and television news programs and guest lecturer at colleges and universities. Writes for major American newspapers, journals and has published sixteen books. Recipient of honorary degrees from the University of Aix-Marseille and Grove City College as well as awards for his writing and educational work. Received a Ph.D. from New York University.

Mr. Amir Makov Chairman of the Israel Institute of Petroleum & Energy, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Polion Plastic Industries and Entrosis. Serves as director in a few companies including Leumi, Dead Sea Works, Rotem Amfert Negev and Israeli Chemicals Fertilizers. Served as Chairman of the Israel Export Institute, Chairman and CEO of Pazchim, CEO of Granit Sonol Group and Haifa Chemicals. Recipient of the Industry Prize. Received a M.Sc. from the Technion in Chemical Engineering and a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law School.

Prof. Rafi Melnick Arison School of Business, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served as Senior Economist and Deputy Director in the Research Department of the Bank of Israel. Previously, Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and visiting lecturer at Boston University and the University of California, Davis. Specializes in Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Israel’s economy, and monetary policy. Developed the “Melnick Index”, a monthly measure of the state of the economy, published by the IDC. An economic consultant for Bank Leumi, a Board member

of Ofek Securities and Investment and a Research Associate of the Center for Social Policy Studies Research in Israel. Received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Adv. Dan Meridor Senior Partner at Haim Zadok & Co Law Firm. From 1984 until 2003 served as a Knesset member for the Likud and Central parties. Held several ministerial positions including Minister without portfolio in charge of strategic affairs, Minister of Finance, and Minster of Justice. Prior to his election to the Knesset, served as Secretary of the Cabinet. During his term as Minister of Justice he promoted human rights legislation. He has also practiced law in Jerusalem for many years. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Mr. Sallai Meridor Chairman of the Executive, Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization. Held senior positions in both organizations since 1992, including Treasurer and Head of the Settlement Division at the Jewsih Agency. Adviser to Minister Moshe Arens during the latter’s terms as Minister of Minority Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense. Served in the Beitar youth movement as Head of the Training Department, Head of the Rural Settlement Department, member of the movement’s National Executive and Chief Representative for North America. Received a B.A. in History of Islamic Countries and History of the Jewish People from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz Minister of Defense. Previously, IDF Chief of General Staff. Served in the IDF for more than thirty years in command and staff positions, including Deputy Chief of General Staff, Commander of IDF in Judea and Samaria and GOC of the Southern Command. As Head of the Plans and Policy Directorate, he participated in peace talks with the Syrian delegation and led the Security Committee in the negotiations with the Palestinians on the Hebron Agreement. Received a B.A. in Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University. Graduate of the US Marine Corp Command and Staff College in Quantico, Virginia.

Mr. Fred P. Moosally President of Lockheed Martin’s Maritime Systems and Sensors. During a 24 year career in the U.S. Navy, held command positions aboard a guided missile destroyer and a battleship and served as the Navy’s Deputy Chief of Legislative Affairs before retiring in 1990 with the rank of Captain. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and received a Master’s degree in Finance from the Central Michigan University.

Dr. Amit Mor Co-Director of Eco Energy Ltd., a consulting and investments firm in the energy and environment sectors. Manager of Amit Mor Consulting and Initiatives, an economic and strategic consultancy. Served as consultant and project manager for the World Bank in Washington, D.C., as Assistant to the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, and as Senior Principal Assistant at the Economic Planning Authority of the Ministry of Planning and Economics. Received a Ph.D. from the Department of Energy Economics, Environment and Minerals at Penn. State University.

Dr. Edward L. Morse Executive Advisor at Hess Energy Trading Co. Held several positions in the energy sector including senior posts in business, government, academia and publishing. Served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Energy Policy. Published the Petroleum Intelligence Weekly. A member of several prestigious professional associations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the Oxford Energy Policy Club, and the Petroleum Industry Research Foundation. Member of advisory boards of energy studies’ programs at New York University, the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, and the University of Houston. Author and co-author of four books and numerous commentaries and articles on politics, finance, energy and international affairs.

Prof. David Nachmias Professor of Government, the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. His research areas include Public Administration and Policy. Formerly, Rumulo Betancourt Professor of Political Science and Director of the Public Policy Program at Tel Aviv University. Served also as Professor of Political Science and Associate Director of the Urban Research Center at the University of Wisconsin. Held visiting professorial positions at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and at the University of Kentucky. Author of twelve books, contributed chapters to several books and published numerous articles in his areas of expertise. Awarded the Fulbright Senior Scholarship (twice) and the Donald Campbell Award. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Oregon.

Mr. Dan Naveh Minister of Health. Knesset Member for the Likud Party since 1999. Served as Minister Without Portfolio, Cabinet Secretary, Advisor to the Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Steering Committee for Negotiations with the Palestinians. Received a LL.B. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu Minister of Finance and Former Prime Minister. The first Israeli Prime Minister elected by direct vote. Served as Foreign Minister, Head of the Likud Party, Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador to the United Nations and Deputy Ambassador to the U.S. Worked in an international corporate finance firm in Boston and in a senior managerial position with Rim Industries, Jerusalem. Initiated and organized international conferences dealing with the struggle against international terror under the auspices of the Jonathan Institute. Published and edited three books about international terrorism. Served in the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Sayeret Matkal). Received a B.A. in Architecture and a Master’s degree in Management from MIT, where he also studied Political Science.

Mr. Ehud Olmert Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade, Labor and Communication. Served also as Minister of Health, Minister without portfolio, Mayor of Jerusalem and Treasurer of the Likud Party. Knesset Member for the Likud since 1973. Received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Philosophy and Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Mr. Zevulun Orlev Minister of Social Affairs. Served as Director-General of the Mafdal, the National Religious Party. Served also as General Director of the Ministry of Education and Culture and of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Knesset Member for the Mafdal since 1999. Held several public positions in the fields of culture and education. Graduated from the Moreshet Yaakov College and the Faculties of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ambassador Marc Otte European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process. Until recently appointed to his current position, served as Advisor to the European Union High Representative Javier Solana on European security and defense issues since 1999. Prior to that, he served in the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for over twenty years in senior positions, including Director for Security Policy and Disarmament, Ambassador to Israel, and Consul-General in Los Angeles. Previous postings included Kinshasa and Washington. Received an M.A. in Political and Social Sciences, and a postgraduate degree from the Institute for Developing Countries, both at the University of Louvain.

Mr. Joseph Paritzky Minister of National Infrastructures. A Shinui Knesset member since 1999. Received a LL.B. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Ami Pedahzur Lecturer of Political Science at the University of Haifa and Deputy Director of the University’s National Security Studies Center. His recent publications, including two books and several articles, deal with political extremism in Israel, political violence and political parties. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Mr. Shimon Peres Former Prime Minister. Chairman of the Labor Party and Vice-President of the Socialist International. First elected to the Knesset in 1959 and has served continuously since then. Held several ministerial positions including Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Regional Cooperation. Served as Prime Minister between 1984 – 1986 and after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Served in the Hagana and as Head of Israel’s Navy. In 1953, appointed Director General of the Ministry of Defense, during which he laid the foundations for the creation of Israeli military power. Authored ten books. Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

Col. (res.) Etti Peretz Chairperson, Union of Social Workers in Israel. Served as a member of the Editorial Board and Editor Chief of the Social Workers’ Association in-house magazine. Previously involved in projects of neighborhood gentrification and health services, an advisor on social legislation, and an advisor to the Social Lobby of the Knesset. Served as Chief Mental Health Officer at the IDF and serves in the Reserve Corps as a Senior Professional Advisor. Received an M.A. in Social Work.

Ms. Dalia Rabin-Pelossof Chair of the Executive Committee, the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies, Israel’s official memorial for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Elected to the Knesset in 1999 as a member of the Central Party. Served as Deputy Minister of Defense From 2001 to 2002 and chaired a few of the Knesset committees including the Ethics Committee and the Law and Justice Committee. Prior to her election to the Knesset, she served as the legal advisor of the General Labor Union (Histadrut) and as a public prosecutor. Received a LL.B. from Tel Aviv University.

MK Haim Ramon Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee and Chair, Subcommittee for Manpower. Knesset member since 1983 for the Labor Party. Served as Minister of Interior, Minister of Health, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, and Chairman of the General Labor Union of Israel (Histadrut). Graduated from the Tel Aviv University’s Law School.

Prof. Arye Rattnner Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa, specializing in sociology and criminology. Head of the Center for the Study of Crime Law and Society at the University. Co-authored two books, and published several articles in professional magazines and chapters in books. Received a Ph.D. in Sociology and Criminology from Ohio State University.

Dr. Yitzhak Ravid Senior researcher and Founding Director of the Center for Military Research at Rafael. Served in the Israel Air Force as Head of the Branch for Operations Research, completing his service with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Received a B.Sc. in Mathematics, an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science.

Prof. Uriel Reichman President and Founder, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Chaired the “Constitution for Israel” Movement and the Israel’s Law Bar. A member of several public and government commissions and committees. Prior to the establishment of the IDC, he was a Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University, the Dean of its Law Faculty, and Dean of the “Ramot Mishpat” College. An expert in Real Estate and Property Law. Received his Law Doctorate from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Pat Robertson Religious broadcaster, philanthropist, educator, religious leader, businessman and author. A guest of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (Hakeren L’yedidut, Israel). Founder of two television networks and Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network. Founded Regent University and several other international philanthropic organization. Served as a member of former President Ronald Regan’s Task Force Victims of Crime Unit and on the Governor of Virginia’s Council of Economic Advisors. He is an accomplished author of ten highly acclaimed books. Recipient of several Awards for his philanthropic work. Selected by Newsweek magazine as one of America’s 100 Cultural Elite. Received a law degree from Yale University and a Master of Divinity degree from New York Technological Seminary.

Col. (res.) Eli Ronen Director General of the Ministry of National Infrastructures. Held various positions in the Ministry including Deputy Director General and Head of the establishing team of the Natural Gas Department, Deputy Director General for Policy and Planning, and Director of Administration for the Development of Sewage Infrastructures. Served also as a transportation consultant and Deputy Director for Economics, Planning and Control in the Ministry of Transportation. Served in the Israel Navy for fifteen years as Commander of a missile ship, Head of Electronic Warfare Division, Commander of a missile ship company and Head of the Budget and Economics Department. Received an MBA from Bar Ilan University. Completed courses at doctoral level in the Economics of Transportation.

Prof. Amnon Rubinstein Dean, Radzyner School of Law, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Retired in 2002 from the Knesset after 25 years of serving as a member for the Shinui and Meretz parties. Held several ministerial positions including Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Minister of Energy and Infrastructures, Minister of Science and Technology, and Minister of Communication. Before assuming a political career, he was the Pinchas Rozen Professor of Constitutional Law and Dean of the Law Faculty at the Tel Aviv University. Widely published on both professional legal matters, and on wider political and social affairs. Recently co-authored Israel and the Family of Nations – A Jewish Nation-State and Human Rights with Dr. Alexander Yakobson. Received a B.A. in Economics and International Relations and a LL.B. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and a LL.D. from the University of London.

Mr. Eliezer Sandberg Minister of Science and Technology. A Knesset member since 1992, first for Tsomet Party and currently for Shinui Party. Served as Deputy Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, as Secretary-General of Tsomet and as legal adviser to the party. Received a LL.B. from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Oded Sarig The Shrem, Fudim, Kelner Professor of Finance and Dean of the Arison School of Business, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Formerly a faculty member at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Management, Columbia University and the Wharton School of Business, at which he also continues to hold an adjunct position. Authored books and numerous articles in leading academic journals. Received a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of California, Berkeley.

Mr. Aharon Scherf CEO, Israel Land Development Corporation – International. Former official in the Prime Minister’s Office, holding senior positions in Israel and abroad. Graduate of the Institute d’Etudes Politiques at the University of Sorbonne and the National Security College in Israel.

Prof. Hillel Schmid Dean of the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and the L. Jaques Mיnard Professor of Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His field of expertise is the policy and management of nonprofit organizations providing human, social and community services. Founded and directed the school’s first graduate M.A. program in Management of Community and Nonprofit Organizations and Public Policy. Published two books and several studies and monographs in his areas of expertise. Recipient of the Hebrew University Rector’s prize for excellence in research and teaching.

Mr. Dan Schueftan Senior Research Fellow at the National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa and a Senior Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem. Studies political history and strategic affairs of the contemporary Middle East, with special emphasis on Arab-Israeli relations. Teaches related graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Haifa and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Regularly briefs and advises senior levels of the diplomatic, defense and intelligence communities, in his fields of expertise.

Dr. Liliana Schumacher Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund. Formerly, an Adjunct Professor at the George Washington University School of Business and a Lecturer at Chicago University. Held senior positions in the Bank of Argentina. Received a Master’s degree in Tax Law from the University of Buenos Aires and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago.

Mr. Danny E. Sebright Associate Vice President, the Cohen Group. Prior to assuming his current position, served in U.S. Department of Defense and in the Defense Intelligence Agency for seventeen years. In the Office of the Under Secretary for Policy, he was involved in the Middle East peace process, for which he recevied the Paul Nitze Excellence Award in International Security Policy. In his last position, served as the Director of the Policy Executive Secretariat for the global war on terrorism and overseed Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan, Operation NOBLE EAGLE, and the defense of the U.S. homeland. Awarded the Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award. Holds a B.A. in International Affairs from the George Washington University, where he pursued studies for a Master’s Degree in National Security Policy. Received a MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government after completing a year-long mid-career program sponsored by the Defense Department.

Mr. Alan Senitt Former Chairman of the Union of Jewish Students of the UK and Ireland. Currently, Public Affairs Officer for the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) responsible for disseminating information on Israel in the House of Lords, for working with NGOs and the media, and for maintaining links with the Christian Community. Received an honors degree from the University of Birmingham in Management and Community Studies.

Mr. Giora Shalgi President and CEO of Rafael, the Armament Development Authority of the Ministry of Defense, and employed with the company since 1960. Previously served as Vice President of Research and Development, Head of the Missile Division and of the Electro-Optic Department. Recipient of the Israel Defense Prize twice and of the Bergman prize. Received an M.Sc. in Mechanics from the Technion and an Engineering degree in Aeronautics and Control from Stanford University.

Mr. Silvan Shalom Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Previously, Minister of Finance, Minister of Science, and Deputy Minister of Defense. Prior to his election to Knesset for the Likud in 1992, served as Chairman of the Israel Electric Corporation and Director General of the Ministry of Energy. A journalist by profession, received a B.A. in Economics and Accounting from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, a LL.B. and an M.A. in Public Policy from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Ron A. Shapira Dean, Faculty of Law, Bar Ilan University. Specializes in Evidence Law and in Criminal Law. Served as senior lecturer in the Tel Aviv University Law Faculty and Visiting Professor at the Columbia University Law School and Cardozo Law School in New York. Member of the editorial board of “Law Probability and Risk” published by Oxford University Press.

Mr. Natan Sharansky Minister of Diaspora, Society and Jerusalem Affairs. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction and Housing. Head of the Yisrael B’Aliya Party. Previously served as Associate Editor of the Jerusalem Report, worked for the Zionist Forum, and was one of the founders of Peace Watch, an independent organization committed to monitoring the compliance to agreements signed between Israel and the PLO. A ‘refusnik’ prisoner in the former Soviet Union for nine years released after heavy international pressure. Graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the prestigious Physical Technical Institute in Moscow.

Mr. Ariel Sharon Prime Minister of Israel and Chairman of the Likud Party. First elected to the Knesset in 1974, he held several ministerial posts in Israeli government including Defense, Foreign Affairs, National Infrastructure, Housing and Construction, Trade and Industry and Agriculture. In 1975, appointed as Security Affairs Advisor to the late Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Recruited to the IDF in the War of Independence and served in senior command positions. Founded and commanded the “101 unit”. His posts included Commander of the 202 Paratroop Brigade, and GOC of the Southern and Northern Commands, retiring at the rank of Major General. Published a book and numerous articles in Israel and abroad. Received a LL.B. from the Hebrew University and is a graduate of the Staff College in the UK.

Mr. Shabtai Shavit Associate of the Merhav Group and Chairman of the Governing Council of the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism, at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served in the Mossad for over thirty years, in senior positions in Israel and abroad, his last post as Head of the organization. Subsequently, appointed CEO of “Maccabi Health Services”. Received a B.A. in Arabic Language and Literature and Middle East History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Member of Presidium of Herzliya Conference.

Mr. Meir Sheetrit Minister in the Ministry of Finance and a Knesset member since 1981. Served as Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Chairman of the Coalition and Chairman of the Likud Party Caucus in the Knesset. Presided also as Mayor of Yavne and Treasurer of the Jewish Agency. Received an M.A. in Public Administration and pursued Ph.D. studies at Bar Ilan University.

Prof. Gabriel Sheffer Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Former Director of the Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations at the Hebrew University. Authored numerous publications on topics related to his research interests: Ethnic politics, the politics of ethno-national Diasporas, leadership, public policy and processes of change in Israel. Recipient of the Prime Minister Award for the political biography of Moshe Sharet. Received a Ph.D. from Oxford University.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Gideon Sheffer Corporate Vice President for Strategic Planning, Elbit Systems. Chaired the establishing-team of the National Security Council and then headed the Council during its first year. Served in the IDF for more than thirty years in various command and staff positions including Head of Manpower Directorate at the IDF General Staff, Head of the Air Division at the Israel Air Force (IAF), Commander of an IAF base and Head of the IAF Operations’ Department. Received a B.A. in Israel Studies from Bar Ilan University and is a graduate of Harvard University’s Advanced Management Program. Dr. Yacov Sheinin CEO and Scientific Director of Economic Models. Chair of the Board of Modelim Capital Markets Ltd., and Economics Lecturer at Tel-Aviv University. Possesses over thirty years of experience as an Economist, engaging in large and complex consulting projects and building computerized economic models in both the micro and macro in Israel and US. Served as Chair of Investment Committee of the pension funds of the First International Bank and as an economic consultant for Israeli public companies.

Rear Adm. (Ret.) John F. “Dugan” Shipway Vice President of General Dynamics and President of Bath Iron Works. Joined General Dynamics Electric Boat in July 2000 as Special Assistant to the President. Before retiring from the Navy in 2000 after 35 years of service, served in a succession of high-level posts including Director of Strategic Systems Programs, Commander of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Deputy Commander for Submarines at Naval Sea Systems Command, Program Executive Officer for Submarines; and Direct Reporting Program Manager for the Seawolf Program. Received a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering, both from the University of Louisville.

Dr. Shimon Shoshani Director, Taglit-Birthright Israel. Served as Director General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, of the Jewish Agency and of the Education, Youth and Culture Administration at the Tel Aviv Municipality. Presided as Chair and member in NGO’s and institutes dealing with education and social affairs. Served also as an adjunct professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Bar-Ilan and Tel-Aviv Universities. Co-author of several articles on education. Received a Ph.D. in Educational Administration.

Ambassador Zalman Shoval Chairman, Governing Council, the Institute of Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Twice Israel’s Ambassador to United States. First served in Knesset 1970-81, as a Member for Rafi and later the Likud. Re-elected to Knesset in 1988; resigned when appointed Ambassador. Awarded the title of “Diplomat of the Year 1999” by the Los Angeles Council on World Affairs. Was active for many years in private sector – banking, financing and industry. Serves in several public positions in fields of economics, politics, academics and the arts. Has published tens of articles on politics, history and economics. Member of the Presidium of the Herzliya Conference.

Mr. Alan B. Slifka Founder & Chairman of the Board, the Abraham Fund Initiatives. An investment manager and philanthropist who is the Founding Managing Principal of Halcyon/Alan B. Slifka Management Company LLC. The Abraham Fund is a public and non-profit organization whose purpose is to further coexistence between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens. He is also member founder and supporter of the Board of Directors of the Big Apple Circus, a Director of the Abraham Joshua Herschel School in Tel-Aviv, and a member of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Congress. Serves on several corporate boards. Received an MBA from Harvard University.

MK Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and Chair, Subcommittee for Defense and Security Doctrine. Knesset member for the Labor Party. Served as Minister of Transportation, Deputy Minister of Defense and Minister of Health. Served for 15 years in the Israeli Defense Forces, his last position as Head of Civil Administration of the West Bank. Held other command positions among them Medical Officer in the IDF Northern Command, Chief Medical Officer of the Paratroop and Infantry Corps, Commander of the Medical Team during the Entebbe Rescue Operation and Commander of an IDF Elite Unit. Received an MD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a research fellow at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Prof. Arnon Soffer Professor of Geo-strategy and Vice Chairman of the National Security Studies Center at Haifa University. Expert in Urban Economic Geography, Geo-strategy and Geo-demography. Authored numerous books and articles in these fields. Served in several academic administration positions at Haifa University, including Dean of Social Sciences and Mathematics. Served as a member of the Military Delegation to the peace talks (1993-1995).

Prof. Steven L. Spiegel Associate Director of the Burkle Center for International Relations and Professor of Political Science at UCLA, specializing in American foreign policy, in particular in the Middle East. Serves also as International Chair of the Middle East cooperative security program for the statewide Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University of California, San Diego. Authored and co-authored several books and numerous articles in his area of expertise.

MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz Chair, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Knesset member for the Likud Party since 1999. Prior to his election to Knesset, served as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Haifa. Received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Hanna Swaid Head of the Arab Center for Alternative Planning and Former Mayor of the Local Council, Ilabun. Member of the National Council for Planning and Construction and the Eastern Galilee Local Committee for Planning and Construction. Held lecturing and research positions at Haifa University’s Geography Department, at Reading University, UK, at the Technion’s National Building Research Institute and at its Architecture and Urban Planning Faculties. Published articles in professional magazines on building, physical Geography and urban planning. Received a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from the Technion.

Col. (res.) Jacob Toren Chairman of Rafael. Holds several public positions including Member of the Executive Committee of the Electronic Industries and of the Manufacturers’ Association, Chairman of the Israeli Defense Industry Forum and member of the Board of Governors of the Technion.. Served as President of El-Op and Co-Chairman after the company’s merger with Elbit, Deputy CEO and CEO of MBT, the Space and Weapon System House of Israel Aircraft Industries. Served in the Israel Air force and on the Directorate of Defense R&D for 25 years, engaging in diverse areas including development, acquisition and maintenance of aircraft avionics and air defense systems. Recipient of the Israel Industry Prize and Israel Air Force Association’s “Golden Wings” Prize for his achievements. Received a B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the Technion and a M.Sc. in Guidance and Control of Aircrafts.

Dr. Yoram Turbowicz Former Director-General, Investments Division of Bank Discount. A lawyer specializing in Commercial Law, Antitrust Law, Securities, Criminal Law and Arbitration. Holds a number of positions in public organizations such as the Jerusalem Fund, the Open University and the Israeli Institute for Democracy. Served in several senior executive positions such as the Israeli Trade Regulations Commissioner and Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Employed by a New York Law firm and a former lecturer at Tel Aviv University and at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Recipient of several prizes for excellence in his law studies, a fellowship from the Center for International Affairs and of the Rothschild Fellowship for Graduate Studies. Received a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

MK Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai Fomer Minister of Science. Knesset member from 1999 until 2002 and re-elected in 2003. Served in the IDF for 35 years in command and staff positions including Deputy Chief of the General Staff, GOC Southern Command, Head of Personnel Directorate and Commander of the Paratroop Brigade. Graduate of the National Security College, Harvard University Center for Strategic Studies and the IDF Command and Staff College. Received a B.A. in History from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Yoram (Jerry) Wind Lauder Professor of Marketing and Director of SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and Founder and Academic Director of the Wharton Fellows Program. Authored fourteen books and over 200 articles on marketing strategy, marketing research, new product and business development, global marketing strategy, and market-driven corporate strategies. Served as consultant to many Fortune 500 firms and corporations. Holds several senior professional positions including, Chancellor of the International Academy of Management and Member of the International Advisory Board of the IDC. Received a Ph.D. in Marketing from Stanford University.

Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon Chief of General Staff, IDF. Serves in the IDF for more than thirty years in senior command positions. His previous postings include Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Head of the Intelligence Directorate, GOC Central Command, Commander of IDF Forces in the West Bank, Commander of the Army Training Center and Commander of an armored division. Received a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa and is a graduate of the Command and Staff College in Kimberley, U.K.

Dr. Alexander Yakobson Senior lecturer, Department of History, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research focuses on the classical world as well as democracy, national identity, nation-state and the rights of national minorities in Israel and Western democracies. Served as political adviser to the Ministers of Communications, Energy and Infrastructure, Education and Culture. A former member of the Board of the New Israel Fund. Recently co-authored Israel and the Family of Nations – A Jewish Nation-State and Human Rights with Prof. Amnon Rubinstein. Received a Ph.D. in History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Completed post-Doctoral studies at the University of Kצln, Germany supported by a Rothschild Foundation fellowship.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yaron Director-General, Ministry of Defense. Served for over thirty years in the IDF in various command positions including Head of Operations Directorate, Chief Infantry and Paratroopers’ Officer, and Commander of the Paratroop Brigade. Received a B.A. in History and Middle East Studies from Tel Aviv University and a graduate of the National Security College.

Mr. Eliezer Yones Former CEO of Bank Hapoalim and currently a businessman. Member of the Executive Committee of the Israel Democracy Institute. Served also as Managing Director and CEO, Israel General Bank, Accountant General in the Ministry of Finance, CFO for Western Hemisphere. A former board member of several companies including Nice Systems, Zim, Israel Military Industries, Israel General Bank, and other companies owned by Discount Investments. Received an MBA from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Mr. Yehuda Zisapel Founding President of Rad-Bynet Group, a leading association of Israeli companies active in the development, production, and marketing of innovative solutions in the data communications industry. Received the Entrepreneur’s Award from the Tel Aviv University’s Business Administration School and nominated in 2000 as the high-tech entrepreneur of the decade. Received an honorary doctorate for outstanding business achievement from the Technion.
