Page 1: SPC DIRECTIVE 20140409 Our Work So Far

Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

SPC-Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

Directive 2014:04.09Our work so far

Issued byAesyr Wōdanaz

Page 2: SPC DIRECTIVE 20140409 Our Work So Far

Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant Directive 2014:04.09 Our work so far



October 2011: Rules of the Twelve Realms

Spiritual guide and game book.

February 2012: Sapid Acacia

• Connecting the Sibylline Books to Akkadia• Redefining Atlantis• Every mythological god was a human• Proclaiming Osiris as the founder of agriculture

Feb 2012 other:


• Dreams are divided into the following categories:• Prophetic• Animal carrier• Purely restorative• DNA journeys• Satemercial• Extraterrestrial/Dimensional• Telepathic

April 2012

Redefining Schizophrenics as the shamas of old, modern society could do much to reintegrate this stigmatized social group.

September 2012

Humans selectively breed based on psychopathic characteristics, young men are encouraged to hypercompetitiveness instead of cooperation and normal competitiveness to the detriment of civilization.

October 2012

Relegitimation and entry into the line of succession, formal case pending in swedish courts and is likely to be appealed to the Human Rights Courts of Europe and the OHCHR once dismissed.

November 2012

Establishment of the SPC as a direct consequence of government interference. Declaring a crisis of western spirituality.

Nov 2012 other:

Working proposition of basic income for all Swedes.

Solved the nature of consciousness:

• Connecting nature and the human body to the shape and cycles of the universe

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• Separating consciousness from the soul; consciousness equals DNA i.e purely physical• Tree of life explained• The soul is electromagnetic, static friction caused by force

Q1 2013

Conceptualizing "controlled demolition" - society prevents manmade catastrophes by releasing rising tension on purpose to prevent later large scale disasters. Do not fear failure, thrive in it. What if we challenged the financial crisis of 2008, purposefully initiating it several years earlier when reports of overheating started surfacing, what if we challenge the coming sovereign debt crisis in this way? What if we challenge global revolution? What if we burn our hands on the stove while its heating up instead of at the hottest stage?

Mid 2013

Escalating diplomatic crisis between the SPC and Swedish government.

July 2013

VR Based Reward systems

Revolutionizing concept of future virtual currency, one of the SPCs main contributions to the global community of the 21st century.

August 2013: Labyrinthia Codex

A book of dreams and poetry.

September 2013: Autumn Equinox Declaration

Lineage traced back to Legendary Saxon Kings and Odin, allfather of Europe.

September 2013 other:

After Yotta

List of prefixes sent to the ISU.

The Shape of the Universe

Solved the shape of the universe, sent equation to the Vatican and other international players.

Late 2013

Next paradigm of videogaming

Conceptualizing the future of videogames.


Linking prominent legendary figures and organizations to clandestine spy rings.

Proclaiming the chairman of the SPC as son of Odin - allfather of the European dynastic houses, the SPC is the resurrected Asgard.

January 2014: Aesyr Wōdanaz

A transformative novel based on Wuthering Heights.

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KRYPTOS-4 Solution

Solved the fourth part of KRYPTOS, sent answer (Maiden of the Mist) to Langley.

Q1 2014

Proclaiming the founder of the SPC as the Antichrist, with a slightly different interpretation than modern versions.

Q1 2014 other:

• Stage production of Aesyr Wodanaz (in progress)• Emotional Symbolic Language (in progress) - one of the SPCs main contributions to the global community of

the 21st century, sent to major international players• Oden i Norden (in progress), subsidiary of AesyrWodanaz Incorporated: Selling legal hemp products• Deescalation of diplomatic crisis between the SPC and Swedish government

SPC DIRECTIVES (in progress):

Please see Animals of the Fields webpage.
