Page 1: Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and

Western North American Naturalist Western North American Naturalist

Volume 72 Number 3 Article 1


Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and

ecosystem energetics in Devils Hole, Nevada ecosystem energetics in Devils Hole, Nevada

Melody J. Bernot Ball State University, Muncie, IN, [email protected]

Kevin P. Wilson Death Valley National Park, Pahrump, NV, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bernot, Melody J. and Wilson, Kevin P. (2012) "Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and ecosystem energetics in Devils Hole, Nevada," Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 72 : No. 3 , Article 1. Available at:

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Page 2: Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and

Ecosystem energetics in desert springs aretypically dominated by autotrophic processes inthe form of O2 production by primary produc-ers (algae). These energetics are less influencedby heterotrophic processes including respira-tion or consumption of O2 by bacteria and otherheterotrophs (e.g., Grimm and Fisher 1984,

Wilson and Blinn 2007). However, measure-ments in desert springs are limited, with moststudies conducted in lotic ecosystems. Further,the temporal variability of energetics in desertspring ecosystems is not well understood.

Devils Hole is a unique ecosystem nestledin one of the most extreme North American

Western North American Naturalist 72(3), © 2012, pp. 265–275


Melody J. Bernot1,3 and Kevin P. Wilson2

ABSTRACT.—Devils Hole, a unique ecosystem in the Mojave Desert, is home to a few dominant species of algae andinvertebrates as well as the endangered Devils Hole pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis. With consistently high water tempera-ture (33.5 °C / 93 °F) and low dissolved oxygen (O2) concentration (about 2.5 mg O2 ⋅ L–1), organisms are at the extremesof their physiological limits, and production of O2 by microbial biofilms is essential to ecosystem stability. Water columnO2 concentrations were measured from July 2008 to March 2010 in the deep pool and shallow shelf habitats of DevilsHole to quantify variability in O2 concentrations and ecosystem metabolism rates. Benthic O2 dynamics were also mea-sured in microbial biofilms using microelectrode surveys. Water column O2 ranged from 2 to 6 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 in summersand from 1.5 to 2.2 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 in winter across the deep pool and shallow shelf habitats. Primary production rangedfrom 4 to 21 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1, with a significant decline over the study period, potentially due to a change in the micro-bial biofilm community. Respiration ranged from 1.5 to 9.7 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1 and showed a significant increase over time.Within microbial biofilms, O2 ranged from 0 to 76 mg O2 ⋅ L–1. Higher concentrations of O2 produced by these micro-bial biofilms may be due to improved photosynthetic efficiency under limited sunlight exposure. Autotrophic biofilmshad higher O2 concentrations during direct light exposure than during indirect light exposure. In contrast, heterotrophicbiofilms had similar O2 concentrations regardless of light exposure. Because microbial biofilms are important compo-nents of this unique ecosystem, shifts in their composition or activity may threaten ecosystem stability by reducingbackground O2 concentrations below the physiological limits of the endangered Devils Hole pupfish and the entirebiotic community.

RESUMEN.—La Garganta del Diablo (Devils Hole), un ecosistema único en el Desierto de Mojave, es el hogar dealgunas especies dominantes de algas e invertebrados, así como también del pez Cyprinodon diabolis, que se encuentraen peligro de extinción. Con temperaturas elevadas constantes del agua (33.5 °C / 93 °F) y bajas concentraciones deoxígeno disuelto (O2) (~2.5 mg O2 ⋅ L–1), los organismos se encuentran en sus límites fisiológicos superiores y la produc-ción de O2 por parte de las biopelículas microbianas es fundamental para la estabilidad del ecosistema. Desde julio de2008 a marzo de 2010 se midieron las concentraciones de O2 en la columna de agua, en las pozas profundas y en hábitatssuperficiales de la Garganta del Diablo, para determinar la variabilidad en las concentraciones de O2 y las tasasmetabólicas del ecosistema. También se midió la dinámica bentónica del O2 en las biopelículas microbianas mediante eluso de microelectrodos. El O2 de la columna de agua varió de 2 a 6 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 en verano y de 1.5 a 2.2 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 eninvierno en pozas profundas y en los hábitats superficiales. La productividad primaria varió de 4 a 21 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1 conuna disminución significativa durante el período de estudio, posiblemente debido al cambio en la comunidad debiopelículas microbianas. La respiración varió de 1.5 a 9.7 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1 y aumentó significativamente con el tiempo.En las biopelículas microbianas, el O2 varió de 0 a 76 mg O2 ⋅ L–1. Las concentraciones más elevadas de O2 que estasbiopelículas microbianas produjeron podría deberse a una mejora en la eficiencia fotosintética bajo una limitada exposi-ción a la luz del sol. Las biopelículas autótrofas tuvieron concentraciones más elevadas de O2 durante la exposicióndirecta a la luz en comparación con la exposición indirecta, a diferencia de las biopelículas heterótrofas que tuvieronconcentraciones de O2 similares, sin importar la exposición a la luz. Debido a que las biopelículas microbianas son com-ponentes importantes de este ecosistema único, los cambios en su composición o actividad pueden amenazar la estabili-dad del ecosistema al reducir las concentraciones subyacentes de O2 por debajo de los límites fisiológicos del pez de laGarganta del Diablo que se encuentra en peligro de extinción, y de toda la comunidad biótica.

1Department of Biology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. E-mail: 2Death Valley National Park, Pahrump, NV 89048.3Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


Page 3: Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and

deserts, the Mojave, and this desert spring isthe sole habitat for the critically endangeredDevils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis). Afissure formed in Paleozoic times, Devils Holeacts as part of a subterranean drainage net-work of groundwater in this arid ecosystem(Riggs and Deacon 2005). Devils Hole wateris characterized by supersaturated calciumcarbonate concentrations, high water tempera-tures (33.5 °C), and low ambient dissolvedoxygen concentrations (about 2.5 mg O2 ⋅ L–1).Groundwater entering the Devils Hole ecosys-tem is remarkably stable and acts to buffer theecosystem from sources of variation (e.g., sea-sonal physiochemical variation).

Despite these extreme physiochemicalparameters, Devils Hole is home to approxi-mately 80 species of algae (Shepard et al. 2000)and 15 macroinvertebrates (Herbst and Blinn2003) in addition to Devils Hole pupfish, theonly vertebrate. The unique flora and fauna ofDevils Hole are at the extremes of their physio-logical limits for survival and reproduction andmust compete for limited available resources(Wilson and Blinn 2007). Overall, organismaldiversity in Devils Hole is low, which is typi-cal of thermal aquatic habitats (Naiman 1976,Wilson and Blinn 2007). Dominant algal speciesinclude cyanobacteria (primarily Chroococcusspp. and Oscillatoria spp.), diatoms (Denticulasp.), and filamentous Spirogyra (Shepard et al.2000). Dominant macroinvertebrates includean amphipod (Hyalella sp.), a spring snail (Tryo-nia variegata), 2 beetle species (Stenelmis cal-ida, Neoclypeodytes cinctellus), and dipterans(Herbst and Blinn 2003). The small (<30 mm)and short-lived (12–14 months) endemic DevilsHole pupfish was listed as endangered in1967. Population estimates have not exceededabout 530 individuals since counts began, andmonthly population counts in the early 1970syielded an average of about 200 individuals.For unknown reasons, the Devils Hole popu-lation began declining in the early 1990s, andcurrent population estimates indicate only50–100 adults remain. Annual population cyclesindicate peak populations occur in summer(Jul–Oct) after spawning in spring (Mar–Jun;Riggs and Deacon 2005). Reasons for the mostrecent decline have not yet been determined,but several hypotheses have been put forward.The hypotheses that are most pertinent to thiscurrent study include continuing water decline

due to increased groundwater mining (Riggsand Deacon 2005, Deacon et al. 2007), declin-ing solar radiation or allochthonous nutrients(Wilson and Blinn 2007), increasing watertemperature due to climate change (Threloffand Manning 2003), and shifts in algal/micro-bial community states that result in shifts indissolved oxygen (Riggs and Deacon 2005).Anthropogenic influences can thus affectphysio chemical parameters (e.g., temperature,O2) and food resources (e.g., algae) that areundoubtedly fundamental properties govern-ing Devils Hole pupfish populations. Althoughthe Devils Hole pupfish lives in a habitat withlow ambient O2 concentrations, the fish has noaccessory respiratory structures to make use ofatmospheric oxygen (Behnke 1981). Helfmanet al. (1997) states that certain species ofdesert pupfishes can live in habitats with aslittle as 0.13 mg O2 ⋅ L–1, which is the lowestrecorded concentration for fishes without res-piratory accessories. Pupfishes have also beendocumented living in habitats with tempera-tures from near freezing in winter to 44 °C insummer (the Cottonball Marsh pupfish; Feld-meth 1981). However, it is less clear how lifehistory traits such as egg hatching success andlarvae survival are affected at temperatures>37 °C (Kinne and Kinne 1962).

Dissolved O2 in Devils Hole is regulatedby ambient O2 concentrations coupled withmetabolism rates (photosynthesis and respira-tion) of both the algal and microbial communi-ties. The algal and microbial communities alsoregulate basal resource availability (i.e., food)for the Devils Hole pupfish (Minckley andDeacon 1975, Wilson and Blinn 2007). Fur-ther, the algal community provides a majorityof the carbon input into the ecosystem viaautochthonous production during the summermonths (Wilson and Blinn 2007), and themicrobial community may degrade more recal-citrant allochthonous carbon and inputs (e.g.,organic matter including but not limited toleaves, seeds, stems, insects, owl pellets, rodentdroppings, and debris from storm runoff) foringestion by invertebrates and/or pupfish.Because of the vital role physiochemical pa -rameters and basal resources (algae and sedi-ment microbes) play in maintaining a suitableenvironment for pupfish, dissolved O2 assess-ments must be coupled with an increasedunderstanding of ecosystem energetics (i.e.,


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production and respiration) so that managerscan make better decisions regarding recoveryefforts for the Devils Hole pupfish.

The objectives of this research were (1) todocument spatial and temporal variability ofdissolved oxygen in Devils Hole microbial bio-films and (2) to quantify ecosystem energetics(gross primary production and ecosystem res-piration) to assess changes over time. We pre-sent a novel assessment of oxygen dynamicsusing a 3-year data set of continuous oxygenmeasurements coupled with benthic oxygenmicroelectrode surveys. Currently, there havebeen few assessments (Shepard et al. 2000,Herbst and Blinn 2003, Wilson and Blinn2007) of the physiochemical dynamics withinthe water column of Devils Hole or within themicrobial biofilms, despite their likely impor-tance to pupfish survival and reproduction.Further, to our knowledge, these data are thefirst multiyear assessment of ecosystem ener-getics in this unique ecosystem.


Study Site

Devils Hole is separated from the contigu-ous Death Valley National Park and is locatedin Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge insouthern Nye County, Nevada, USA (36°26�N,116°17�W). Devils Hole is a limnocrene,located approximately 15 m below the landsurface, where groundwater is exposed, form-ing a small aquatic habitat approximately 3.5× 22 m. Within this area lies a “shallow shelf”near the southern end of the pool (approxi-mately 2.6 × 6.1 m; Fig. 1). This shallow shelfis seasonally covered by both autotrophic andheterotrophic microbial biofilms. The poolextends to an unknown depth >150 m (Riggsand Deacon 2005) and receives <5 hours ofdirect sunlight only during summer. The shal-low shelf has an average depth of about 0.3 mand receives 4–5 hours of direct sunlight dur-ing summer and only indirect light duringwinter (Wilson 2001). A majority of DevilsHole pupfish feeding and spawning occurs onthe shelf where microbial biofilm growth issubstantial.

Oxygen Measurements

O2 concentrations (mg O2 ⋅ L–1) and tem-perature (°C) were logged using YSI WaterQuality Sonde Model 6600V2-4 at 15-minute

intervals from July 2008 to March 2010 inboth the shallow shelf habitat (southern end at5 cm above substrate) and deep pool habitat(at 5 m depth, 5 cm above substrate). Sondeexchange, as described by Wagner et al.(2006), was followed due to the harsh environ-mental conditions frequently encountered atthe Devils Hole site (e.g., air temperature rou-tinely exceeds 45 °C), which can interfere withcalibration accuracy. Sondes were exchangedat both sites every 14 days with recalibratedinstruments, such that individual sondes wererotated over the sampling period. Calibrationprotocols also included temperature validationconducted by placing sondes into a water bathsimultaneously and validating sonde tempera-ture against an NIST thermometer to within0.2 °C. A full record of deployment details,possible biofouling, calibration checks, routinestation and instrument maintenance, and repairhistory was maintained for each sonde.

Oxygen sensors were calibrated accordingto YSI specifications. Sondes were equippedwith the YSI Rapid Pulse system that utilizeda Clark-type sensor similar to membrane-cov-ered steady-state DO probes. One-point cali-brations were conducted at 100% saturationduring each calibration and potential drift wasassessed. Calibrations were compensated fortemperature and barometric pressure per stan -dard techniques. Biofouling and instrumentdrift were checked by deploying a recentlycalibrated sonde next to the sonde being re -moved and assessing sensor equipment. Bio-fouling throughout the study period was mini-mal, though it accounted for loss of O2 data on26 days over the study period. Data fromthese days were eliminated from all analyses.

GPP and ER Calculations

Oxygen measurements at 15-minute inter-vals were used to calculate net ecosystemmetabolism (primary production and respira-tion). Instantaneous metabolism was calculatedbased on change in O2 concentrations (oxygenevolved during photosynthesis and removedduring respiration) while accounting for thereaeration flux of oxygen with the atmosphere(sensu Cole et al. 2000). Because direct mea-surements of reaeration flux were not possible,reaeration was estimated using the Bayesianmetabolic model (BaMM) for simultaneousquantification of reaeration and metabolism(Holtgrieve et al. 2010). Specifically, 10 days


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over the study period, spanning all years andseasons, were randomly selected for analysisvia BaMM. For each day, BaMM was used tofit observed variation in O2 concentrations tothe model and develop initial estimates of O2reaeration. The 10-day time period for assess-ment was selected to provide a period withminimal changes in the ecosystem, thus pro-viding a stable equilibrium consistent with

the model assumptions. Once model fit wasachieved, the initial reaeration estimate waschallenged by altering the O2 reaeration fluxby 1%, 2%, and 5%. For each day and eachtrial, best model fit was achieved with a reaera-tion flux estimate of 0.0012 d–1. Model fit wasnot achieved when reaeration was challengedwith adjusted estimates. Therefore, the reaera-tion flux rate of 0.0012 d–1 was applied for all


Fig. 1. The Devils Hole ecosystem in Death Valley National Park, Nevada, USA. Shallow shelf and deep pool habitatsare noted.

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metabolism estimates. Because reaeration isboth low and static in this environment, errorassociated with model estimates is likely mini-mal (Holtgrieve et al. 2010). BaMM tech-niques are not suitable for continuous esti-mates of metabolism over time due to theassumption of a static system (i.e., no seasonalchange); thus, instantaneous and daily meta-bolic rates were subsequently calculated foreach day (n = 739 daily shallow shelf esti-mates; n = 872 daily deep pool estimates)sensu Cole et al. (2000) using the O2 reaera-tion flux calculated with BaMM.

Microelectrode Measurements

Benthic microelectrode surveys were con-ducted in July 2009 and 2010 using cathode-type dissolved O2 microelectrodes (OX-500,Unisense, Aarhus N, Denmark; Revsbech andJørgensen 1986, Kemp and Dodds 2001) dur-ing periods of indirect light (10:00–12:40) anddirect light (13:30–15:20) in the shallow shelfhabitat of Devils Hole. A total of 16 O2 pro-files within the microbial biofilm were mea-sured in direct light, and a total of 16 O2 pro-files were measured in the shelf habitat duringindirect light in both 2009 and 2010. Profilesmeasured during indirect light periods werenot in the exact same position as profiles mea-sured during direct light periods, though thesame biofilm type and general location (wherepossible) was replicated in both sampling peri-ods. No microelectrode surveys were con-ducted in the pool habitat. Microbial biofilmswere classified as autotrophic or heterotrophicdepending on the dominant organisms. Auto -trophic biofilms were primarily composed offilamentous Spirogyra spp. and blue-greencyano bacteria. Heterotrophic biofilms con-sisted of sediment, senescing biofilm, and someBeggiatoa mats. Microelectrodes were cali-brated immediately prior to and following allsampling events (within 48 hours). We used a2-point calibration with N2-saturated waterand air-saturated water prepared as endpoints,and we simultaneously measured with a micro-electrode (mV) and handheld YSI dissolvedO2 meter (mg O2 ⋅ L–1). To ensure microelec-trodes were linear over the range of field datarecorded, subsequent calibrations were con-ducted using a 6-point calibration curve (0–60mg O2 ⋅ L–1), employing O2-saturated waterand Winkler titrations. During microelectrodesurveys, O2 concentrations were measured in

the water column, at the biofilm–water inter-face, and every 100 μm into the biofilm untilbedrock was reached. Field reference mea-surements of O2 concentrations were collectedas simultaneous measurements of O2, using ahandheld YSI O2 probe and a microelectrode,to ensure that no matrix effects or microelec-trode drift occured during field sampling. Bulkwater pH, temperature, and dissolved O2 werealso measured at each biofilm site with stan-dard YSI handheld meters.


Differences in mean O2 concentration (meanfor all O2 measurements over the course of thestudy period) between the shallow shelf anddeep pool habitats were compared using apaired t test. Changes in daily GPP and ERrates over time in the deep pool and shallowshelf habitat were analyzed using analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). Differences in O2 dynam-ics (mean, minimum, and maximum concen-trations and slope of change in the biofilm)among biofilm types and light periods (directversus indirect light) were compared usingANOVA. All statistical analyses were per-formed using SAS Statistical Software (SASInstitute® 9.2, 2002–2008, Cary, NC).


Over the study period, water column O2ranged from 1.9 to 6.5 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 on theshallow shelf (x– = 3.0 mg O2 ⋅ L–1) and from1.9 to 2.8 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 in the deep pool (x– =2.7 mg O2 ⋅ L–1). Mean water column O2 con-centrations in the deep pool were significantlydifferent from those in the shallow shelf habi-tat (n = 399, t = –26.96, P < 0.01). Deep poolO2 varied <2% over the study period andshallow shelf O2 varied approximately 67%over the study period (Fig. 2). Seasonalincreases in mean daily O2 concentrationsassociated with primary production were onlyobserved in the shallow shelf habitat duringperiods of direct light (spring and summer;Fig. 3).

Consistent with low variation in water col-umn O2 concentrations, the deep pool habitathad lower ecosystem metabolism relative tothe shallow shelf habitat (Fig. 4). Specifically,gross primary production (GPP) in the deeppool (0.5–6.7 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1; x– = 1.7 mg O2 ⋅L–1d–1) was significantly lower (~32%) than


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Fig. 2. Diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen (O2) concentrations in Devils Hole, Nevada, for selected days in January(1 Jan 2009), April (1 Apr 2009), August (1 Aug 2009), and October (1 Oct 2009). Data are shown for the shallow shelfand deep pool habitats. Shading denotes periods of direct light on the shallow shelf of Devils Hole.

Fig. 3.Variation in mean dissolved oxygen (O2) concentrations in the shallow shelf and deep pool habitats of DevilsHole, Nevada. Values are mean concentrations for each month.

Time of Day

Page 8: Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and

GPP on the shallow shelf (1.2–21.9 mg O2 ⋅L–1d–1, x– = 7.8 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1; n = 399 onthe shallow shelf, t = 38.44, P < 0.01). Ratesof ecosystem respiration (ER) were also signifi-cantly greater and more variable in the shal-low shelf habitat (–0.4 to –10.1 mg O2 ⋅L–1d–1) than in the deep pool habitat (–0.2 to–3.1 mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1; n = 399, t = –37.91, P <0.01). Both the deep pool and the shallowshelf habitat were net autotrophic over thestudy period (with the exception of 2 d in thedeep pool habitat and 11 d in the shallow shelfhabitat that had a net consumption of O2),with an average P:R ratio of 2.7 in the deep

pool and 3.0 on the shallow shelf. Overall,GPP decreased over the study period (F =50.78, df = 398, P < 0.01) and ER increasedover the study period (F = 45.85, df = 398, P< 0.01) in the shallow shelf habitat, but notemporal trends were observed in the deeppool habitat (Fig. 4).

Benthic dissolved O2 concentrations (asmeasured with microelectrodes) in autotrophicbiofilms ranged from 0 to 76.0 mg O2 ⋅ L–1

during direct light exposure and from 0 to 8.4mg O2 ⋅ L–1 during indirect light exposure(Fig. 5). Maximum O2 concentrations weremeasured at an average depth of 675 μm


Fig. 4. Variation in daily gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem productivity(NEP) from July 2008 to March 2010 in the shallow shelf and deep pool habitats of Devils Hole, Nevada.


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Fig. 5. Spatial variation of dissolved oxygen (O2) concentration within autotrophic biofilms during periods of directand indirect light. Each line represents an individual microelectrode profile with a random subset of profiles depicted.

Dissolved Oxygen (mg O2/L)


h int

o biof

ilm (

Fig. 6. Spatial variation of dissolved oxygen (O2) concentration within heterotrophic biofilms during periods of directand indirect light, Devils Hole, Nevada. Each line represents an individual microelectrode profile with a random subsetof profiles depicted.

Fig. 7. Differences in maximum dissolved oxygen (O2) concentrations in autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilms duringperiods of indirect and direct light. For each bar, n = 32, and one standard deviation is shown.

Direct Light Indirect Light

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below the sediment–water interface in auto -trophic biofilms. During direct light periods,O2 dynamics within autotrophic biofilms werespatially variable. In contrast, little variabilityin biofilm O2 dynamics was observed duringindirect light. Benthic dissolved O2 in het-erotrophic biofilms ranged from 0 to 39.0 mgO2 ⋅ L–1 during direct light exposure and from0 to 6.1 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 during indirect lightexposure (Fig. 6). Maximum O2 concentrationswere measured at an average depth of 233 μmbelow the sediment–water interface in het-erotrophic biofilms. Autotrophic biofilms hadhigher O2 concentrations during direct lightexposure relative to indirect light exposure(t = 6.32, df = 8, P = 0.001), in contrast toheterotrophic biofilms, which had similar O2concentrations regardless of light exposure (P> 0.05; Fig. 7).


Dissolved O2 concentrations in the watercolumn of Devils Hole have spatial and tem-poral variation consistent with other freshwa-ter ecosystems (e.g., Kemp and Dodds 2001,Bernot et al. 2010). This variation yields dis-tinct diurnal and seasonal changes associatedwith light availability and autotrophic activity.Further, estimates of GPP and ER in DevilsHole are comparable to previous studies infreshwater ecosystems (Table 1). However,based on the extensive algal biofilms on theshallow shelf of Devils Hole and previous esti-mates of GPP in Devils Hole (Wilson andBlinn 2007), we hypothesized that GPP inDevils Hole would be significantly higher rela-tive to other freshwater ecosystems, thoughthis was not the case (Table 1). Interestingly,previous GPP estimates in Devils Hole usingbenthic chambers (Wilson and Blinn 2007)found that GPP ranged an order of magnitude

greater than estimates based on the diurnal O2change measured in this current study (Table1). This inconsistency is likely due to the dif-ferences in techniques employed to estimateGPP. Benthic chambers allowed for the highproduction within the autotrophic biofilms tobe captured in GPP estimates. The high ben-thic O2 concentrations (~76 mg O2 ⋅ L–1; Fig.4) measured in this current study are consis-tent with an order-of-magnitude increase inGPP estimates. It is likely that much of the O2produced in the autotrophic biofilms of DevilsHole does not diffuse to the water columnwhere monitoring probes were located, thusaccounting for the underestimate of GPP ratesin this study.

In productive months, thermal streamshave significant spatial variation in primaryproductivity due to algal mat differences inphysiological states (e.g., growth, slough, drift)(Naiman 1976). In Devils Hole, there was sig-nificant spatial variation in benthic O2 concen-trations within both autotrophic and hetero -trophic biofilms (Figs. 4, 5). For example, maxi -mum concentrations in heterotrophic biofilmsexceeded 39 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 (Fig. 5) and werepotentially generated by diatoms living in con-sortia with heterotrophic organisms. Further,benthic O2 concentrations within autotrophicbiofilms ranged from 0 to 76 mg O2 ⋅ L–1 (Fig.4). Maximum O2 concentration in autotrophicbiofilms was about 10X saturation ([email protected] mg O2 ⋅ L–1 at specific temperature andbarometric pressure of Devils Hole) duringperiods of direct sunlight. Previous measure-ments of O2 concentrations in freshwatermicrobial biofilms have documented only about2X saturation (e.g., Paerl and Ustach 1982,Kemp and Dodds 2001). However, O2 concen-trations in water can theoretically exceed 100Xequilibrium solubility (Bowers et al. 1995).


TABLE 1. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) rates in Devils Hole compared to otheraquatic ecosystems. Data presented are ranges of estimates. An asterisk (*) denotes that data are not available

System GPP (mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1) ER (mg O2 ⋅ L–1d–1) Reference

Devils Hole 1.5–23 0.7–10.2 This studyDevils Hole (chambers) 6–246 * Wilson and Blinn 2007Thermal stream 7.5–12 * Naiman 1976Lakes 0.03–36.3 0.03–37.3 Duarte and Agusti 1998Rivers 0.02–36.6 0.12–42 Duarte and Agusti 1998Marine coastal 0–69.5 0–20.7 Duarte and Agusti 1998Estuarine marshes 3.7–16.3 2–12.6 Duarte and Agusti 1998Open sea 0–12.7 0–2.29 Duarte and Agusti 1998

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The high concentrations of O2 produced byautotrophic biofilms during direct light maybe a result of an adapted, more efficient pho-tosynthetic response to the brief periods ofdirect light this habitat receives. This idea isfurther supported by the steep slope of O2concentrations within the autotrophic biofilmsduring direct light, which indicates greaterrates of O2 production. Despite supersaturatedO2 concentrations within microbial biofilmsduring direct light periods, dissolved O2 con-centrations in the water column decrease. Thisdecrease is likely a function of the increase intemperature accompanying this period andmay prevent O2 from staying in a dissolvedstate.

Despite the limited direct light the DevilsHole ecosystem receives, the system is netautotrophic (Fig. 4). Stockner (1967) similarlymeasured a P:R ratio of 3.7 for OhanapecoshHot Springs, Washington. Although aquaticecosystems typically respire more energy thanis produced by autochthonous sources (P:R <1; Hynes 1972), most systems rely heavily onallochthonous energy sources derived fromtheir watersheds. Allochthonous input intoDevils Hole is limited to windblown organicmatter from the surrounding desert landscapeand rare flood events. Wilson and Blinn (2007)estimated that 60% of the total energy to thefood web of Devils Hole was in the form ofallochthonous carbon. In comparison, Naiman(1976) quantified that 11,065 kcal ⋅ m–2 annualinput of energy to a Mojave Desert thermalstream was completely accounted for by autoch-thonous primary production, with the bulk ofannual primary production (81%) channeledinto respiration and decomposers. Because ofthe isolation of production in the benthos, it islikely that only a small fraction of GPP inDevils Hole is allotted to invertebrates andthe pupfish, though changes in autotrophicproduction may still decrease availability offood and/or habitat.

Recent studies have anecdotally suggestedthat food availability for pupfish has likelydeclined, resulting in decreased success ofindividuals (Riggs and Deacon 2005). How-ever, the absolute biomass of algae has notdeclined, as recent estimates indicate greateralgal biomass in 2009 relative to measure-ments in 1999 and 2001 (K. Wilson, unpub-lished data). Rather, it is thought that the algalcommunity has shifted to comprise a greater

proportion of unicellular cyanobacteria anddiatoms, potentially due to changes in nutrientavailability (National Park Service, unpublisheddata). In the late 1960s, analysis of pupfishstomach contents indicated primary consump-tion of the green alga Spirogyra (Minckley andDeacon 1975). In contrast, analysis of stomachcontents in 1999 and 2000 indicated greaterpupfish consumption of diatoms (14.6% ofstomach contents) and filamentous cyanobac-teria (~1% stomach contents), particularly insummer (Wilson and Blinn 2007). Becausediatoms and cyanobacteria provide less energyper unit mass relative to green algae (Stocknerand Porter 1988), this shift in basal resourceuse may be negatively affecting pupfish sur-vival and recruitment. Although Spirogyra wasabundant in microbial mats of Devils Hole,particularly in summer, its abundance relativeto diatoms and cyanobacteria appears to bedeclining. Estimates of GPP and ER in thisstudy identified a decreasing trend in GPPand an increasing trend in ER (Fig. 4), sup-porting a potential shift in the benthic micro-bial community. However, an understandingof why the benthic microbial community maybe shifting is still lacking. If food availabilityacts to regulate the size of the Devils Holepupfish population on an annual basis undernatural conditions, small changes in the pro-ductivity of the system would likely immedi-ately result in fewer Devils Hole pupfish.

The Devils Hole pupfish feed and spawnprimarily within the microbial biofilms on theshallow shelf. Physiochemical parameters(e.g., pH, temperature, O2) and food resources(e.g., microbial biofilms) are undoubtedly fun-damental properties governing Devils Holepupfish populations. Specifically, algal produc-tion has a strong influence on O2 availabilityin the low-oxygen environment of the DevilsHole ecosystem, particularly in the benthichabitat. Because pupfish respond not only tothe absolute concentrations of O2 but also tothe variability in concentrations (Gustafsonand Deacon 1997), successful management ofpupfish recruitment demands a more compre-hensive understanding of dissolved O2 dynam-ics within this unique ecosystem. This void inour understanding must be addressed in orderfor managers to make more-informed manage-ment decisions about the Devils Hole ecosys-tem and to foster Devils Hole pupfish popula-tion recovery to historical levels.


Page 12: Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and


We thank Bailey Gaines of Death ValleyNational Park (Pahrump, NV), Matt Beer, JoeMeiring, and Maria Dzul for laboratory andfield assistance; Walter Dodds for equipment;National Science Foundation IDBR #1011787,Ball State University, and the National ParkService for funding; and 2 anonymous review-ers for helpful comments on the manuscript.


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Received 26 August 2011Accepted 26 April 2012

