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Page 1: Sparks letter

Subj: Francis Family Support for Tim Sparks

My name is David Francis, and I am the brother of Susan Sparks. I

am a retired Lieutenant Colonel, and I spent 20 years as a Judge Advocate in

the U.S. Marine Corps. I am now acting as spokesperson for our family on

behalf of Tim Sparks. Tim was married to my beloved sister, Susan, for 34

years. On behalf of the family we would like to extend our gratitude for the

outpouring of support, love and prayers for Tim and the boys and the entire

extended family during this very difficult time.

As a result of several news stories that have been released regarding

the unfortunate death of my sister, I believe the public should know that our

entire family fully supports Tim Sparks. Susan and I were extremely close,

and we tried to schedule our lives so our families could spend holidays and

vacations together. We spent time with the Sparks family for a minimum of

one or two weeks per year for over 30 years. I can state without reservation

that there has never been any doubt as to the love each had for the other.

There was no marital discord between Tim and Susan. They were happy

and in love.

Unfortunately, my sister suffered from depression. While it could

usually be controlled with medication, there were times when it could not.

This even led to her hospitalization on one occasion. Our entire family

believes the incident that ended in Susan’s tragic death was a direct result of

her depression. We are certain Susan would be upset if her untimely death

cast any doubt or suspicion upon her loving husband, Tim.

Page 2: Sparks letter

David C. Francis

LtCol USMC (Ret.)
