  • 1. SPAINperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming services

2. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventABOUT USAQUATRAVEL founded 15 years ago, with anextensive presence on the tourism market andin a continuous development.Our headquarters arelocated in Valencia (Spain) and the othersoffices are located in Cuba, Russia and Mexico .The Inbound Department, under theAquatravel SPAIN DMC & IncomingServices brand, puts at the disposal of itscustomers, a wide and varied range oflocal services, offering two option:Individuals & MICEJulinManagerMariaOnline DepRicardoCorporate DepAnaMarketing Dep.AliciaMICE & DMC DepPaulaBooking DepAdministration DepSalzinaRussian Dep.Vanessa MariolaBooking DepPuriRussian DepLauraCorporate DepSilviaAdministration DepAnaBooking DepLuciaAdministration DepCarmenBooking DepJorgeCEO 3. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventcloseto you 4. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesA CoruaMadridValenciaAlicanteMlagaOrenseValladolidSevillaBarcelonaCrdobaSantiagoOviedo SantanderBilbaoperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventcloseto youHighspeed trainLowspeed trainMadrid Valencia Mlaga Sevilla Barcelona Alicante A Corua Santiago Ourense Oviedo Santander BilbaoMadrid 391 km 90 min 513km 2:30h 471km 2:20hr 659km 2:30hr 419km 2:05h 592km 5:58h 599km 5:30hr 501km 4:40hr 446km 4:32hr 421km 4:35hr 394km 4:52hrValencia 391 km 90 min 626km 4:02hr 650km 3:50hr 348km 2:52hr 178km 1:35hr 949km 8:34hr 958km 8:01hr 859km 7:11hr 710km 7:45hr 613km 9:20hrMlaga 513km 2:30hr 626km 4:02hr 214km 2:26h 982km 6:35hr 473km 6:29hr 1.120km 10:09hr 1.017km 9:36hr 992km 8:46hr 947km 8:50hr 922km 8:46hrSevilla 471km 2:20hr 650km 3:50hr 208km 2:32hr 998km 6:03hr 598km 5:47hr 918km 9:29hr 808km 9:25h 787km 8:06h 774km 8:19h 826km 8:15h 859km 8hBarcelona 619km 2:30h 349km 2:55h 995km 5:25h 998km 6:30h 535km 4:44h 1087km 13h 1104km 12:25h 1058km 8:40h 896km 10:13h 608km 6:20hAlicante 419km 2:05h 178km 1:35h 473km 5:30h 598km 5:10h 535km 4:38h 1018m 10:14h 1025km 9:41h 927km 8:51h 872km 8:45h 833km 8:20h 798km 11:40hA Corua 591km 6:03h 949km 8:34h 1120km 10:09h 918km 9:29h 1082km 12:52h 1017km 10:14h 75km 33min 173km 1:08h 548km 10:37hSantiago 600km 5:30h 958km 8:01h 1017km 9:36h 810km 8:56h 1098km 12:20h 1027km 9:41h 74km 27min 104km 38min 564km 10:05hOurense 501km 4:40h 859km 7:11h 992Km 8:46h 785km 8:06h 1053km 11:37h 927km 8:51h 137km 1:06h 103km 37min 408km 6:37h 610km 9:03hOviedo 446km 4:57h 804km 7:42h 773km 8:30h 892km 10:30h 872km 8:45h 408km 6:37hSantander 446km 4:35h 710km 7:45h 947km 8:50h 825km 8:15h 831km 8:20hBilbao 398km 4:52h 613km 9:20h 922km 8:46h 860km 8h 606km 6:20h 801km 11:40h 551km 10:37h 567km 10:05h 612km 9:03h 5. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventwhyspainfor yourevent?More than 150Congress,Palaces andExhibitionCentresGastronomyWinesHistoric placesShoppingCarnivalsHolidaysMedieval CastlesRoyal PalacesSplendidMansionsPerfect WeatherExcellent hoteloffersTransportaccesibility In 2013 Spain was again third inthe world ranking of top tourismdestinations with a record number:60,6 million of internationalvisitors? 6. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesJump on our exclusive boats Colonial and Chill Out to discover theNatural Park of "La Albufera".You will get to know the life on the lagoon its corners and secrets withthe eyes of someone from Valencia.While on our boats, you will enjoy a tasting of our typical products fromValencia . You can choose to sail during the day and discover the lakeor feel the magic sunset in the evening.DiscoverLa Albuferaon board of ourexclusiveboatsWHAT TO DOIN SPAIN 7. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINHave fun withthe Paddle SurfSing up for the Paddle Surf, ournautical experience. A sport thatis causing sensation in all thebeaches worldwide, everyonecan practice this sport.To regain strength nothingbetter than to enjoy aFreetimer snack!!! 8. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINLearn How tocook PaellaValencianaCook your own "Paella" at oururban workshop, located in thecenter of Valencia. You will visitthe "Mercado Central" to buy theingredients, taste our "tapas"and also learn how to prepareour famous "sangra". 9. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINWine TastingEnjoy an exclusive andauthentic wine tasting in one ofthe XV centuries palace, "ElPalacio de Malferit".In this palace we will also beable to admire the tin soldiersworlds largest museum L' Iber". 10. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINWay of SaintJamesThe Way of St James is the pilgrimageroute to the Cathedral of Santiago deCompostela in Galicia in northwesternSpain, where tradition has it that theremains of the apostle Saint James areburied.Around the world known gastronomyregion where Properties alongunique natural locations. Top qualityingredients using local product.Michelin Starred Chefs. 11. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINTraditionalSpanish CookingClassTraditional Spanish cuisine class givenat a charming cooking workshop. Theparticipants will learn interactively toprepare Spains flagship dishes, suchas paella, tortilla, and more... or a tapasmeal. Afterwards lunch will take placewith the already prepared dishes andpaired with different wines. 12. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINJamnTortilla de patalasMigasEnjoy ourGastronomyMariscoPaellaEspetos VinoPintxosCalots CocidoGazpacho Agua de Valencia Sangria 13. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINCarnavalesFeria de AbrilTamborradaLa TomatinaEl Roco CastellsFallasMoros y CristianosEnjoy ourFIESTASSan Fermines 14. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINRoca Village (Barcelona) Shopping Las Rozas Village (Madrid) 15. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINFeel the passionfor soccer 16. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINVisit to theBullringOn your visit you will discover a placewhich is emblematic of the heart andsoul of tauromaquia, where the worldsfinest matadors present their artistryand skill. During the tour we will guidearound the key parts of the bullring,from the main entrance, to thetendidos, the callejn, and varioussignificant gate ways, putting intocontext the three protagonists of thismagnificent spectacle: the audience,the bullfighter and the bull, in order toexplain the Fiesta to a global audience. 17. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINEnjoy the Sunand Beaches 18. ?SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectTheperfectThedestinationfor yourdestinationfor yournext eventnext eventSPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesWHAT TO DOIN SPAINNightlife 19. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesTEAMBUILDINGRaftingRafting on KayaksCanoeingPaintballTreep Top AdventureArchery4x4 TrailsQuads Race TrackCicycle TrailsKart Raicing CircuitAdventure ParkBlowpipe ShootingHot Air BalloonsHorse TrailsHorse Carriage RidesCuisine Master ClassperfectThedestinationfor yournext event 20. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesPRIVATETRANSFERSTransfers in/out- Disposal cars- Routes around SpainFor individuals, families, groups,etcperfectThedestinationfor yournext event 21. SPAIN SPAIN TheperfectDMC-Incoming servicesdestinationfor yournext eventMadridIMPORTANT EVENTS:FITUR (January),Gastronomic Festival (Jan.-Febr.),Mercedes Benz Fashion Week(February),Carnival (February),Madrid International Autoshow(Febr.),Music Festivals, Theatre Festival(March),Madrid Open Tennis (May),Urban Culture Festival (May),Jazz Festival (November).IMPORTANT FESTIVITIES:San Isidro- Madrid s patronsaint, Day of Madrid, Virginof Almudena, Palomafestivities (Madrids popularpatron saint), National dayof SpainPOPULATION:3.215.633ANNUAL AVERAGETEMPERATURE:15C 22. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBUSINESSTOURISMMore than 80 thousand places where businessevents of different scale could be organizedExtensive Experiencecelebrating a kind ofexhibitions, concerts,sporting events andotherMany facilities andservicesLargeinfraestructureAccommodationcapableof adapt anyrequeriment 23. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSMadrid Tourto the PradoMuseum andRoyal PalaceMadridPanoramicMorningTourPanoramicTour ofMadrid andThe RoyalPalaceMadridSightseeingTour +BernabeuStadiumHistoricWalkingTour inToledoMadridSightseeingtour andbullfightingToledo +The RoyalSite ofAranjuezday tripEl Escorialand theValley ofthe fallen 24. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSShow ofFlamencoand dinnerTasting ofSpanishWinesWineGastronomicTour inMadridOne DayExcursionto Wineries 25. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCECENTERSPrincipe Felipe Congress Center 26. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Mapfre Convention CenterCENTERS 27. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE IFEMA Congress CenterCENTERS 28. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE EuroforumCENTERS 29. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Madrid Congress PalaceCENTERS 30. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Pabellon de Cristal, Casa de CampoCENTERS 31. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Palacio Municipal de CongresosCENTERS 32. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services MadridperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Hotel Convencin****CENTERS 33. SPAIN SPAIN TheperfectDMC-Incoming servicesdestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaIMPORTANT EVENTS:Formula One Grand Prix (May)Primavera Sound Festival(May-June)Sonar Festival (June)Moto GP Catalonia Grand PrixEIBTM (2013)Mobile World Congress (2013)IMPORTANT FESTIVITIES:La Merc, Sant Jordi, SantJoan, Els Castellets, ElsCorrefocsPOPULATION:1.620.943ANNUAL AVERAGETEMPERATURE:20C 34. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services BarcelonaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBUSINESSTOURISMAccording to the World Travel Awards,Barcelona is the best Europes Meetings &Conference Destination in 2014Barcelona hasmany facilitiesand services tomeet all tastesand requirementsInnovative art andarchitecture,outstanding hotels,state-of-the-artconference centresand unique venuesBarcelona is Spain'smost cosmopolitancity and one of theMediterranean'sbusiest ports 35. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSBarcelonaHighlights:Gothic +Sighseeing tour +Spanish Village +Montjuc CarArtisticBarcelona:the best ofGaudiSagradaFamilia tourSea & Cava:Sitges &Freixenetwine cavacellarsMontserratGirona +Figueres +DaliCosta Brava PyreneesBarcelona 36. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSPark GellCamp NouExperienceF.C.BarcelonaMuseum +tourFlamencoShowTapasWalkingTourBarcelona 37. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaFira BarcelonaCONFERENCECENTERS 38. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaEl Poble EspanyolCONFERENCECENTERS 39. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaMNACMuseu Nacional dArt de CatalunyaCONFERENCECENTERS 40. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaLa PedreraCONFERENCECENTERS 41. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaMuseu Martim de BarcelonaCONFERENCECENTERS 42. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaLAuditori de BarcelonaCONFERENCECENTERS 43. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaCasa BatllCONFERENCECENTERS 44. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBarcelonaGran Teatre del LiceuCONFERENCECENTERS 45. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainIMPORTANT EVENTS:Festival Internacional deTeatro de Vitoria (Oct - Nov)Festival Internacional de Cinede San Sebastin (Sept)San Sebastin Gastronomika(Oct)Bilbao BBK LiveIMPORTANT FESTIVITIES:La Tamborrada, La AsteNagusia, Fiestas de la Blanca,Semana Grande de SanSebastin,POPULATION:2.191.682ANNUAL AVERAGETEMPERATURE:13,1CPROVINCES:Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,Pas Vasco, Navarra 46. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services North of SpainperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBUSINESSTOURISMCombining tradition and modernity, the Northof Spain has important symbols that increaseits international presenceExcellent range offacilities, servicesand staffExcellentcommunications byland, sea and airOffers a widerange ofexperiences, toursand excursions, sothat each eventacquires a specialvalue 47. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSBasque Coast(Biosphere OfUrdaibai, Bermeo& GernikaVitoria &Rioja WineAreaSanSebastian& BiarritzSanctuaryOfLoyola,Getaria,Zarauz&SanSebas8anNorth of Spain 48. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainPalacio de Congresos de SantiagoCONFERENCECENTERS 49. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainPalacio de Exposiciones yCongresos de OviedoCONFERENCECENTERS 50. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainPalacio de la Magdalena, SantanderCONFERENCECENTERS 51. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainMuseo Guggenheim BilbaoCONFERENCECENTERS 52. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainPalacio KursaalCONFERENCECENTERS 53. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainPalacio de Congresos y ExposicionesEuropa de Vitoria - GasteizCONFERENCECENTERS 54. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainEl Palacio de la pera de A CoruaCONFERENCECENTERS 55. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming servicesperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventNorth of SpainBaluarte, Palacio de Congresosy Auditorio de NavarraCONFERENCECENTERS 56. SPAIN SPAIN TheperfectDMC-Incoming servicesdestinationfor yournext eventValenciaRegionIMPORTANT FESTIVITIES:Castelln: La MagdalenaValencia: Fallas, Tomatina,Semana Santa Marinera, Fiestas deSan Vicente Ferrer, Virgen de losDesamparados, procesin deCorpus Christi, Feria de Julio y el 9de octubre.Alicante: Hogueras de San Juan,Romeria de la Santa Faz, Moros yCristianossPOPULATION:5.111.706 peopleANNUAL AVERAGETEMPERATURE:17,8CPROVINCES:Castelln, Valencia,AlicanteIMPORTANT EVENTS:Moto GPValencia Fashion Week (February),Cevisama (February)Habitat (February). 57. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBUSINESSTOURISMValencia has also become a focus for businesstourism as well as a major destination forincentive tripsOne of the mostactive cities inEurope regarding tofairs andconferencesIt combines history,tradition andmodernity in aninusual wayA city experienced inhandling all kind ofeventsOne of the mostcomplete andversatiledestinations inEurope 58. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yourTOURSC.A.CValenciaCity TourAlbuferaParkGastronomical TourDinner+FlamencoShowShopping inValenciaWineryHoya deCadenasWater ParkAquopolisCulleranext eventCaves ofSant JosephPeiscola &Morella 59. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventAuditori y Palau de CongressosCONFERENCE de CastellnCENTERS 60. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Planetario de CastellnCENTERS 61. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Feria de ValenciaCENTERS 62. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Valencia Congress PalaceCENTERS 63. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE City of Arts & ScienciesCENTERS 64. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Palau de la Msica ValenciaCENTERS 65. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Palacio de Congresos de AlicanteCENTERS 66. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Valencia RegionperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Business Centre AlicanteCENTERS 67. SPAIN SPAIN TheperfectDMC-Incoming servicesdestinationfor yournext eventAndalusiaIMPORTANT FESTIVITIES:Andalusia day, Cadiz Carnival,Seville fair, Holy Week,International Flamenco Festival,Romeria de el Roco, Cordoba MayCelebration, August Malaga FairIMPORTANT EVENTS:Eureopean Forum of Science andTechnologies (February),Malaga Film Festival (April),Blues Festival (May),Granadas Music and DanceFestival (June),International Guitar Festival (July),Andalusia Tourism exhibition(October).POPULATION:8,424,102ANNUAL AVERAGETEMPERATURE:16CPROVINCES:Seville, Malaga, Granada,Cadiz, Cordoba 68. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventBUSSINESTOURISMA beatiful region where organizing meetings,events or corporate incentivesEasy acces andexcellentconnections. Fiveinternational airportsQualityaccommodation andexcellent meetingfacilitiesHistory, tradition,art and culture.The perfect placeto feel the SpanishpassionMild weatherduring all year.Outdoor activitiesall year around 69. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Andalusia - SevilleperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSSeville,Monumentaland HistoricalExcursionFlamencoNight inSeville 70. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Andalusia - GranadaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSGranadaguided tourTheAlhambraPalace andGeneralife 71. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services Andalusia - CrdobaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventTOURSCordobaTourThe RomanCordobasRoute 72. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCongress, Convention andCONFERENCE Tradeshow - FIBES. Seville.CENTERS 73. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventMlaga Conference andCONFERENCE Exhibition Center- FYCMACENTERS 74. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventJan Provincial Trade Fair andCONFERENCE Conference Center - IFEJA.CENTERS 75. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCordoba Conference andCONFERENCE Exhibition CenterCENTERS 76. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventGranada Congress andCONFERENCE Exhibition CenterCENTERS 77. SPAIN SPAIN DMC-Incoming services AndalusiaperfectThedestinationfor yournext eventCONFERENCE Ronda Exhibition CenterCENTERS 78. SPAIN DMC-Incoming services