
SpaceQ3 & B 12/15/14

Q3: How many star(s) are found in our Solar System?

Just 1! Our Sun!

 B: Trim and then glue the Unit 5 Objectives onto p. 48 of your

notebook. Somewhere on the page, write the mnemonic device that you use to remember the planets. On p.

47, draw a model of the solar system.

NB p. 47-48

Life in SpaceQ3 & B 12/16/14

Q3: What do the following terms have in common?central star (Sun), meteoroids, satellites (moons), planets, asteroids, dwarf planets, gravitational pull, 

comets  B: Pretend that you are investigating a new location for humans to live in our solar system. Hypothesize which celestial body would be best to support life. Give an explanation for your hypothesis. Draw a picture and label the components that would enable life to exist.

NB p. 49

Life in SpaceQ3 & B 12/18/14

Q3: What components are needed (on celestial bodies) to support life in space?

 B: Write a short story or create a cartoon strip about an alien that has come to visit Earth. Give details about the alien, what it looks like, where it’s from, what the conditions are like there, and why he/she/it is visiting Earth!

NB p. 50

Conditions for Life NotesheetNB p. 51

Conditions for Life NotesheetNB p. 51

Conditions for Life NotesheetNB p. 52

Conditions for Life NotesheetNB p. 52

Life in SpaceQ3 & B 1/5/15

Q3: How does the atmosphere enable life to exist on Earth?

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a T-chart and on the left side, make a list of items that you will need to take with you on your trip. On the right side, explain why you need that item.

NB p. 53

Life in SpaceQ3 & B 1/5/15

Q3: How does the atmosphere enable life to exist on Earth?


NB p. 53

A: 1.Shields Earth from small collisions 2.Offers protection from radiation3.Allows for gas exchange between plants and animals

Life in SpaceQ3 & B 1/5/15

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a T-chart and on the left side, make a list of items that you will need to take with you on your trip. On the right side, explain why you need that item.

NB p. 53

Astronomy Myth Debate!1. There is no gravity in space 

False! There is NO such thing as zero-gravity. There is always gravity… the amount depends on one’s distance from the celestial body. Very little gravity is called microgravity. 

2. Mass & Weight are the same   False! Your mass always stays the same. Your weight

depends on the amount of gravity present; therefore, it changes!

3. Living in space has no effect on the human body False! The feeling of weightlessness weakens bones and muscles.

Space TravelQ3 & B 1/7/15 & 1/8/15

 Q3: If zero-gravity is just the “feeling” of weightlessness and not an actual concept , what would  you call the small amounts of gravity present throughout the universe?

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a picture of a space suit and label the components necessary to allow you to successfully travel in space.

NB p. 55

Space TravelQ3 & B 1/7/15 & 1/8/15

 Q3: If zero-gravity is just the “feeling” of weightlessness and not an actual concept , what would  you call the small amounts of gravity present throughout the universe?

A: Microgravity!

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a picture of a space suit and label the components necessary to allow you to successfully travel in space.

NB p. 55

Space TravelQ3 & B 1/7/15 & 1/8/15

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a picture of a space suit and label the components necessary to allow you to successfully travel in space.

NB p. 55

Models of SpaceQ3 & B 1/9/15

 Q3: What are some limitations of using a solar system model?    1. Size of the Sun, planets, and moons    2. The distance between each celestial body   3. The composition of each celestial body

 B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a model of the solar system and use it to plan your trip. What are some details that you need to plan and can use the model for?

NB p. 56

Models of SpaceQ3 & B 1/9/15

  B: Pretend that you are an astronaut! You are preparing for a trip to space. Draw a model of the solar system and use it to plan your trip. What are some details that you need to plan and can use the model for?

NB p. 56

1. You would need to estimate the distance.2. You would need to estimate the travel time based on the distance.3. You would need to estimate the fuel cost.4. You would need to estimate how much food, water, and oxygen to bring.
