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  • 8/13/2019 Sowwy Momma


    Chapter 16 ~ Cassey ~

    I stare at Kyler wide-eyed. Did he just propose? Judging by the look in his face Im guessing he did.And hes waiting for me to respond. Uh My words disappear, and I immediately wish I hadnt

    said anything at all. Not

    exactly how I imagined my proposal, or how I would respond. Kylers expression shifts, and he slides

    out from under me.

    Not quite the response I was imagining, he murmurs. He pulls his sweats on, and starts to stand

    when I grab his forearm.

    Im sorry, I just -

    Dont want to marry me, Kyler intercedes, his body going rigid under my hand. Ive hurt him. I canhear it in his voice.

    Will you let me explain? I ask quietly. I hold the sheet to my chest, and move to sit on my knees.

    Theres nothing to explain,Kyler replies, sounding both resigned and agitated. How the hell did the

    mood change so quickly? One minute were kissing, and the next hes proposing and Im stuttering

    for an answer.

    Again, not how I pictured this moment happening.

    Kyler, I say quietly, pleading, its not that I dont want to marry you, I just -

    Didnt want to say yes, he interrupts again. Im going to crash on the couch.

    He pulls out of my grasp, and walks out of his bedroom, leaving me alone in bed. I have two options

    here. I can leave it until tomorrow, and potentially have him leave me, or I could chase after the

    stubborn man and sort

    this out right now. It only takes me a split second to make my decision. I jump out of bed, and throw

    on one of Kylers discarded shirts on my way down the passage. I find him standing next to his floor-


    windows that overlook the city. The lights shimmer, horns sound down below, and all I can really

    focus on is the ay Kylers shoulders move up and down with his every breath. The soft moonlightshines down on him,

    and the sight is almost enough to take my breath away. I take a few tentative steps towards him,

    and stop a few feet behind him.

    Kyler, I say quietly again. He doesnt acknowledge my presence. Instead he places his palms

    against the cool glass, and leans against it, hanging his head between his shoulders. He might not

    want to hear me out, but

    Im going to tell him anyway.

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  • 8/13/2019 Sowwy Momma


    My insides are screaming at me to argue, to fight, to make sure he understands where Im co ming

    from. Instead, I listen to him. Pressing a soft kiss to the side of his mouth, I say goodnight and make

    my way back to his

    bedroom, where I crawl back under the covers. I cant marry Kyler now. Its way too soon, and Kyler

    still has so much left to deal with after his father passed away. But I can compromise. That much Ican do for him.

    ~ Kyler ~

    Cassey is still asleep when I leave my apartment. Its a Saturday, but I have a few things to do in the

    office after my fathers funeral. I left her a note, telling her Ill be back later. I dont quite know what

    got into me last

    night, and if Im being totally honest with myself, Casseys rejection stung. But after brewing over it

    for a little while longer I realized that she was right. It is too soon. Our relationship has been nothing

    but a whirlwind of

    lust, sex, and a stupid arrangement that flipped my world on its head. What was I thinking proposing

    to her now?

    Im afraid to admit to her that proposing out of the blue like that was the wrong thing to do, simply

    because my head is a screwed up place to be right now. Im mourning the death of the man I

    idolized, the man I wanted

    to be when I grew up, and helping my mother grieve the loss of her soul mate and best friend.

    Needless to say Im not thinking clearly.

    After spending four hours in the office, I check my phone to see that Cassey hasnt called or texted,

    and decide to take a walk back to my apartment. The streets bustle as people do their usualSaturday shopping, but I

    barely notice it. I walk in a haze, thinking about everything and nothing.

    When I make it back to my apartment, its quiet, until I hear noises coming from my bedroom.

    Cass? I call out, walking down the hallway.

    In here, she responds.

    I find her standing in my closet, hands on her hips, a proud smile on her face. What are you doing?

    I ask, a light chuckle in my voice. Im happy to see her, despite my inner turmoil.

    Notice anything different? she asks, taking the few steps to where Im standing.

    I look around, and then start noticing little things. Her clothes are hanging next to mine, her shoes

    too, and her perfume bottles line my chest of drawers. I go to the bathroom, and find all her girly

    face products, body

    lotions and make-up taking up most of the space on my bathroom counter. What is all this? I ask,

    turning to face her again.

    Well, she sighs. I thought about last night, and decided that we could reach a compromise. I want

    to marry you, and be your partner in every aspect, give myself to in every way, but just not yet. So,

    she gestures to

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    everything around us, where all her belongings now take up residence in my home, this is me giving

    you what Im ready for.

    It all clicks, and my mouth turns up into a shit eating grin.

    You moved in.

    Is that okay? she asks, suddenly unsure.

    I press my lips to hers, and smile against her mouth. She giggles, and I swallow the sound, revel in it,

    in the way this woman is able to breathe life into me, into my soul.

    Its more than okay, I reply. I pull away and look into her beautiful, understanding and

    compassionate eyes. Welcome home baby.


    ~ Cassey ~ ~ 2 years later ~

    I stare at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair is pinned to the side and hangs down past my

    breasts. My white gold drop earrings shine in the sunlight, reflecting shards of color on every

    surface. Im wearing a white

    dress with a beaded lace bodice and tulle skirt that flares mid-thigh. I feel like a princess.

    I turn my head when the door opens and Quinn walks in.

    Cassey, she whispers, her eyes welling upwith tears. You look perfect. I smile. Thank you.

    Were almost ready, she says. Are you sure you still want me to walk you down the aisle?

    I nod, knowing I wouldnt want anyone else to do it.

    Sure, its unconventional, but nothing about my life has been conventional from the day Kyler Knight

    blew into my life like a tornado.

    Quinn smiles and checks her watch. Okay, girly, time to go.

    I grab my bouquet of white Calla Lillies, and follow Quinn outside into the warm summer sun. Kyler

    and I decided to get married in his parents backyard. Ive always dreamed of a small, white

    wedding, somewhere green

    and lush. And Kyler gave it to me. I walk down the deck stairs and hook my arm through Quinns as

    we make our way to the isle of rose petrels leading me to Kyler. Theres a small quartet band,playing soft music to the

    side. Theres no need for chairs, but at the end of the aisle is a small arch, decorated in white

    flowers. I smile at Kylers mother who wipes a stray tear rolling down her cheek. Jarred is standing

    next to her, holding his and

    Quinns daughter, Amelia. When my gaze finally falls on Kyler, my heart stops, and stumbles over

    itself before picking up again. He looks amazing in his black suit. His smile is blinding and my body is

    giddy with


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    Who gives this woman away? the priest asks as Quinn and I come to a stop in front of him and


    I do, Quinn says. She smiles and I see her eyes glaze over. She kisses my cheek, whispers I love

    you, sis, and goes to join Jarred. Its just the five of us, including little Amelia, and I wouldnt have it

    any other way. As

    Kyler and I say our vows and promise our lives and hearts to each other, I think about how quickly

    time has gone by. Kyler successfully took over Knight Media after his fathers passing, and soon after

    that, I was made a

    publisher, the youngest Knight Media had ever promoted. Wed shared moments of love, passion,

    lust, pain, sorrow, forgiveness, and anger, and through all of it we always found our way back to the


    You may kiss the bride, the priest says. Kyler steps forward and cups my face in his palms. His blue

    eyes shine bright and fierce, and in them I find the same peace he gives me.

    I love you, Mrs. Knight, he whispers against my mouth. Hearing my new name sets butterflies off

    in my belly, and I grin.

    I love you, too, Mr. Knight.

    Quinn and Jarred both clap, while Kylers mother comes to hug us. Im so happy for both of you,

    she says with a sniffle. I know today is bittersweet, for both Kyler and his mother, but we know his

    father is still here,

    watching us, celebrating with us.

    After having dinner, we say our goodbyes and Kyler takes me to our apartment. We leave for ourhoneymoon tomorrow, but the stubborn man wont tell me where were going. Instead, he simply

    said, Dont pack any

    clothes. Well be naked for a week. The anticipation made me shiver, but now I really do need to

    pack something. Kyler opens the door and then bends to pick me up. He carries me inside, and as

    soon as I take in what

    his apartment looks like, my breath catches in my throat. There are small candles on every surface,

    lighting up the space magnificently.

    Kyler, I sigh. This is beautiful.

    Welcome home, Mrs.Knight, he says, grinning. My heart hums in my chest. Kyler walks down the

    hallway into our bedroom, and puts me down. The bed is covered in rose petals, and my eyes well

    with tears, knowing

    he did all of this for me. Kyler pulls me into his chest and kisses my shoulder before moving his hand

    to the zip of my dress. His hands come around to my torso and he slips the dress down my body. I

    hear him suck in

    a ragged breath and smile in satisfaction. I turn to face him, and take a step back until the back of my

    legs hit the bed. Kylers eyes travel the length of my body and I see his want swirling in his blue eyes.

    Im wearing a

    white lace bustier with a plunging neckline and a matching garter belt.

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    Damn, Kyler exhales harshly. My wife is gorgeous. Are you trying to kill me, baby?

    I shrug, Maybe.

    Kyler closes the gap between us, and after I remove his suit jacket, I sit down on the bed and crawl

    backwards until Im in the center.

    Kyler joins me, covering me with his muscular body. He sears me with his gaze, and leans in to press

    our lips together. As his mouth seduces mine in a gentle, yet commanding caress, I realize that this

    moment, with me

    and Kyler, was inevitable. It was never my choice. I was always destined to fall