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Page 2: Southern Cross Newsletter




Newsletter of Toastmasters

International District 73

August 2014 – Edition 110

Published bi-monthly. Editions

will be available online from the

Southern Cross page of the

District 73 website


southerncross) on the first day

of the month available.


Andrew Breeden DTM

Email: [email protected]


Anthony Murray DTM DG

Email: [email protected]

The views and opinions

expressed in Southern Cross

are not necessarily those of the

editor, the district executive or

Toastmasters International.

To submit articles and photos

for Southern Cross:

Email them to the editor at [email protected]

Next Edition:

October 2014

– Edition 111

90th Anniversary Edition

Deadline for articles:

Wednesday September

17th 2014

Released on:

Wednesday October 1st

2014 at


Welcome to the first edition of the Southern Cross for this

Toastmasters year. Some of us have new positions; some of us

still retain our old positions. We are all another year older, and

another year wiser.

Talking about another year, this year we celebrate two

significant anniversaries. Firstly, this very newsletter has been

distributed to you over the internet for 10 years now. The first

edition of the Southern Cross that was distributed online was

the August 2004 edition. Read more about that transition on

page 11.

This year is also the 90th anniversary of Toastmasters

International. There will be more about the 90th anniversary in

the October edition. For now, welcome to the new toastmasters

year, and enjoy this August edition of the Southern Cross.

Editorial .................................................................................. 2

What’s in this edition of the Southern Cross .......................... 2

District Governor’s Message ........................................... 3 & 4

Lt. Governor Education and Training’s Message ................... 5

Lt. Governor Marketing’s Message ........................................ 6

Public Relations Officer’s Message ....................................... 7

Treasurer’s Message ...................................................... 8 & 9

District Change Over Dinner ................................................ 10

Murphy’s Law ...................................................................... 11

Southern Cross – Celebrating 10 years online .................... 12

Articles from the past ten years

of the Southern Cross ................................................. 13 to 15

The year ahead for: Southern Cross ................................... 16

2014 District 73 Annual Convention

Relive the excitement of the Annual Convention ................. 17

2014 Toastmasters International Convention ...................... 18

Reach for your star – 2014 Semi-Annual Convention .......... 19

Congratulations to these recent award recipients ....... 20 to 22

Put it in the Diary ................................................................. 22

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Changes are a part of life; they can be an exciting and inventive time, a troubling time and even a scary time.

We've all been through changes in life, some are better than others and there are some we would rather forget about. Do you remember your change from high school to your first job? What about from being single to being married, or like some of us - back again? Or the big one, change from being carefree to the responsibility of being a parent. When we look back through our lives we can see many changes. Guess what? Now it is change time in Toastmasters too.

The first change you’ll notice is with your

club. From July 1, your club's executive

committee has changed and the new

committee taken on responsibility for the

leadership of your club. They will be busy

putting their own stamp on things; creating

and implementing a blueprint for a successful

year. Some of the committee members may

be taking on a leadership role for the first

time and they probably feel a little nervous,

but it is also an exciting time.

We’ve also had a change in the district

leadership team. From July 1 a new district

leadership team took the helm. From area

governor to district governor, they have

made a change in their Toastmaster career

and taken on a leadership role with a

commitment to serve you, the members, to

the best of their ability during this coming


Toastmasters can change your life. When I

joined Toastmasters 18 years ago I never

expected it to take me to where I am today. It

has changed my life. I particularly noticed

the change when I took on leadership roles;

suddenly I had people believing in me; they

trusted me and asked my advice.

Since taking on the role of District Governor

people have asked me what changes I will

make. “Well,” I reply, “we already have a

great product and as someone once said, ‘If

it ain’t broke – don’t fix it’.” However, there

are a few things I would like to improve. One

of the things I want to change is our number

of members. We need more members and

more clubs and we can do that by making

people more aware of our great organisation.

How many times have you said to someone

“I'm a Toastmaster” and they just stared back

at you wondering if you're from another

planet. I want to change that and make our

name as well-known as Bunnings,

McDonalds, Dick Smith, Coles and


Above: These billboards appeared around Texas

advertising Toastmasters last year. You can read

about this on the District 23 webpage.

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The reason these companies are so

successful is because you see them

everywhere and I would like to see

Toastmasters name everywhere too.

Imagine arriving at the airport and passing a

large billboard advertising Toastmasters as

you drive into the city. Imagine watching the

6.00pm news and seeing – not a Bunnings

add – but a Toastmasters advertisement.

Sure! These are big changes but we need to

make a start.

Above: News broadcast by WYFF 4 from Greenville,

SC USA about Toastmasters. You can see it at



What about you? You may not be a district

leader or on your club’s committee but you

can still make changes in your life too. This

is a great time to ask yourself; “What

Toastmasters changes am I making as a

communicator and leader?

Maybe this year is the year you change from

a good speaker to a great speaker. Perhaps

it’s time to make the change to enter

contests; who knows, we may be cheering

you on as the World Champion of Public

Speaking next year. Do you sit in the back of

the room with your head bowed during Table

Topics, hoping the Table Topics Master

won’t notice you? If that’s you, then make the

change to put your hand up to speak. What

about changing to be a better leader?

When someone joins Toastmasters it doesn’t

take long for them to realise that our

organisation is about far more than just

public speaking. If you’re a leader, it’s far

more than just a fancy title or a bunch of

statistics. We've all heard wonderful stories

of how Toastmasters has changed

someone’s life; I know it certainly changed

mine and it can change yours too.

Make a change now!

As we begin a new Toastmaster year, why

don’t we revisit those New Year resolutions

we made on January 1st and make some

changes? After all, change is part of life! But

above all make it fun!

I like a quote from Bruce Barton who said

“When you are through changing, you are


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Many start down a path thinking they know

where it will lead. They start with a goal or

objective in mind only to find the path may

change with many unexpected twists and

turns. Whilst my TM journey has been like

that, I have been open to each and every

undulation, hopefully growing and improving

as I continue on my path.

As I commence this next chapter in my TM

journey I think of where it all began: my Ice

Breaker speech. I recall the butterflies and

nervous fluttering in my stomach. I recognize

now, 6 years later, that feeling nervous is not

a bad thing; in fact it is normal and can be

stimulating and exciting. The key is to

manage the feelings to get them to work for

rather than against you. And so, let the

excitement begin…

This year my path will take me through club

officer training (COT), various iterations of

the four speech contests from club, area,

division and district, then landing at the

distinguished club program (DCP) where I

aim to promote, encourage and support

clubs to achieve their very best.

It is important to highlight that attending club

officer training (COT) is more than a DCP

point for your club; it is an opportunity to

access information, tools and techniques

necessary for your role. For those of you who

are experienced it is an excellent opportunity

for you to share your experience – what you

did well and would recommend, and

conversely what you have learned and would

do differently. Furthermore, the training is a

perfect setting for you to network and grow

your Toastmasters community.

As an incentive, and to encourage all club

officers to participate, the district will

especially acknowledge all club officers who

attend both the first round COT (July –

August) and second round COT (February-

March). Furthermore the district will

especially recognise clubs that send all 7

club officers to both first round and second

round COT (watch this space for an update

on these special acknowledgements).

It is my hope that our club officers aspire to

be and do their best for themselves, for their

club and for our district. Let us all lead by


Tell me – and I may forget

Show me – and I may remember

Involve me – and I will understand

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Who has a dream that is yet to become a reality? Have you worked out a plan for achieving this aspiration? And do you believe that one day, you will reach this goal?

My inspiration for goal-setting was sparked

by a man by the name of Ian Usher. In 2008,

Usher, an English traveller, writer and public

speaker, decided to 'sell his life' on eBay.

While his original plan was to sell everything

he owned and embark on a fresh new life,

this instead evolved into setting '100 goals in

100 weeks'. These goals ranged from

climbing the Eiffel Tower, to riding an

Ostrich, to juggling with fire clubs! Ian's

global following allowed him to connect with

people all over the world in pursuit of these

100 goals, which he managed to achieve in

100 weeks.

While my experiences have not been quite

as exhilarating as Ian's, I have enjoyed the

pursuit and accomplishment of goals in

recent years. These have included buying an

apartment, obtaining my driver's licence

(after 3 attempts!) and being promoted at


The beginning of a new Toastmasters year is a great time to review your personal and Toastmasters goals. Once you have determined your objectives, it is important to share them with your family, friends and anyone else you believe will help and support you. In relation to your Toastmasters goals, I would recommend that you share them with your club VPE and/or mentor(s) so that they can help to ensure that your club(s) are meeting your needs.

My overall vision for District 73 this year is

that we will strengthen our membership

growth and retention - and see Toastmasters

continue to influence and change lives

across Victoria, South Australia & Tasmania.

Therefore, my goals as Lieutenant Governor

Marketing are to:

Promote speaking & leadership opportunities across the District and enable the sharing of knowledge and resources among clubs,

Implement membership and club growth strategies I have developed in partnership with other Toastmasters, and

Introduce a realistic and achievable action plan to address membership retention, ensuring that clubs struggling with membership or meeting attendance receive the right level of support.

I am looking forward to meeting many of you throughout the year, and working with you in the pursuit of our goals and aspirations. Good luck!

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I hope you are all enjoying this busy time of year in Toastmasters! With new club leaders, officer training and contests, there is much to do!

I am really looking forward to a great year as Public Relations Officer (PRO) for 2014-2015.

I have spent a long time around Toastmasters... I still have my first manual that I received when I first joined in 1990. I recall the night I joined Ryde District Toastmasters Club.

A team member had come to me, his team leader. He said that his Toastmasters club had a "Bring a Friend" night that night... and he was a bit worried that he would be the only one that didn't bring a friend!

I eventually found the RSL club meeting room – late. In the rush, they pointed me to a seat as the Toastmaster was starting the meeting. I was confused and amused by their formality – the gavel, strange titles, the business meeting with motions, and points of order… and the people sitting up the back of the room, who were clearly in some seat of power!

Then I heard this wonderful speech – a speech about a talking dog. A speech that had me laughing more than I had in years!

I joined that club that night. Apart from a period when I moved from Sydney to Melbourne, I've been a member ever since.

I am very happy to be the PRO for 2014-2015.

We have a lot to do...

We need to improve our communication within our organisation. I’d like to see us sharing best practices across our community more than we do, and I’d like to see us improve the way the District communicates with its membership.

We need to increase the profile of our organisation in our community. I know a number of clubs are doing that very well, and are growing significantly. I am very keen to find ways to leverage that across the District.

Just imagine. The next person we introduce to Toastmasters may become a member for 25 years… just as I did.

I hope to continue this conversation with you in-person, in this newsletter, in our social media platforms, by emails and also through my Public Relations newsletters. Sign-up for those, at:

I look forward to working with you, part of the marketing team for District 73, as we “talk up Toastmasters”, and make a difference to more people, more often.

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How did I come to join Toastmasters?

I heard about Toastmasters at work but

always said, ”I’m too busy working fulltime

shift work. No way. I can’t go. It’s too hard.”

Excuse after excuse... until bad news struck

at home and I needed to speak up for myself.

This was hard because before that time my

opinions had not counted for anything and

were always dismissed.

I decided it was time to do something for

myself. Little did I know this would be the

best decision I made. “I am just going there

to improve my speaking confidence; I don’t

want to do anything else,” I thought. When

looking at the members and the executive,

and admiring their skills and dedication, I told

myself I would never take on any of the roles.

They looked too difficult!

This changed when I was asked if I would

consider being the VPM for the next year,

and I said, “yes.”

Taking on the role as VPM on the club

executive team gave me a new challenge.

One I had previously thought I could never

do. Since then I have been a member of the

executive team and had the role of VPE,

Sergeant at Arms, President and Secretary,

at times the same role in more than one club!

During my early time as VPM, I was

approached to see if I would consider

updating the Club Website. The Website had

been inactive for some time. “Me?” I asked, “I

have no knowledge of website design.” What

to do? Where to go and get this done?

Toastmasters International came to the

rescue by updating the Free Toast Host site

information, which clubs could use for free to

get a new website. That solved getting the

website - but then what? I did not have any

knowledge on Webhosting or Domain

names. This time Mr Google come to the

rescue and provided so freely, I found what

was required. Since then I had setup three

Websites one for each club I belong to and I

do most of the updates on the pages.

One of my mentors always challenged me to

take on different leadership roles. The first

Leadership project was to coordinate Club

Officer Training. This was a great success

and it gave me courage to try new projects.

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The most challenging role I have taken was

last year, when someone whispered in my

ear, “take the role as District Treasurer, you

will be great.”

Again, “Me?” I ask! “I have no financial


“You will be great, you can do it,” was the

reply I got. The year has been the biggest

learning curve I had in a long time. Learning

the financial terms ‘surplus’, ‘deferred

revenue’, ‘deferred payments’ and the

financial system which is set by

Toastmasters International in the USA was a

daunting task; sitting through hours of on-line

learning modules where they show you what

to do but you can’t practice. Personally, I like

hands on learning. “I watch you, you show

me. I do, you correct me.” is my preferred

learning style.

Everything went well. Or so I thought until the

midyear audit! I collated all the papers

according to the stipulations from World

Head Quarters finance team. I was confident

this would be easy when handing over the

papers to the audit chair. Little did I know

that there would be a barrage of questions,

which had to be answered in a specific way.

The emails summed through cyberspace

thick and fast, back and forth, back and

forth... for three weeks! Eventually I checked

over the documents one more time, and after

one more afternoon of answering questions,

after printing the documents again, it was all

done. Relief.

Throughout the year, the District Team has

supported me. A special thank you goes to

the outgoing District Governor David Murphy,

DTM. He was always there with answers

when needed. David answering the emails

that went back and forth to reach

agreements on difficult claims. If I had

question on the reporting system from World

Head Quarters I could ring them in the wee

hours of the morning or send an email and

the answer was back the next day.

As your outgoing treasurer I like to thank

everyone which has supported, encouraged

and challenged me during the year. This has

been a fabulous year for learning and I look

forward to being Treasurer again in this new

year. I like to work with you all for the benefit

of the members, District 73 and

Toastmasters International. Next time

someone asks you to fill a role or taking on a

position, say, “YES!”

You are never alone and there are people

around you to help you and to guide you.

Saying “YES” to the District Treasurer role

has been the best decision I have made yet.

Never stop learning.

Two quotes I have on my fridge which guide

me every day

“If is it to be, it is up to me”

“Cherish Yesterday, Live Today, Dream


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There are ten reasons why YOU should have been at the District 73 Changeover dinner:

1. To enjoy pre-dinner drinks and catch up with old and new friends at the Rydges on Swanston bar overlooking the park before entering the function room. Delightful!

2. As he entered the room, to stand and applaud District 73 Governor David Murphy DTM for his exceptional commitment and leadership of District 73 in 2013/14. Memorable!

3. To socialise around a table of friends sharing an antipasto course and drinks prior to the main meal being served. Fun!

4. To eat delicious food and wine, served by attentive and friendly staff. Yummy!

5. To help you table decipher and name “who was who?" from baby photos of the executive – plus one "wild card” entry – in order to win individually wrapped homemade shortbreads and old aged port to share. Challenging!

6. To buy a raffle ticket for the opportunity to win an overnight stay at Dalblair, one of the most exclusive B&Bs in the Yarra Valley. Lucky for one!

7. To loudly applaud the evening’s winners in recognition of outstanding and sustained excellence. Exciting!

Above: Lilydale Toastmasters, winners of Above and

Beyond for 2013/14

8. To THANK the outgoing district team and WELCOME the incoming district team. This is, of course, the purpose of the evening. Fun, excellent food and additional highlights only added to the experience - a bonus appreciated by all who attended. Meaningful!

Above: Outgoing Public Relations Officer Kay

McCartney DTM

9. To have heard a memorable and entertaining "roast" given by Toastmaster of the Year, Keir Wells DTM to District Governor David Murphy DTM. Amazing!

10. To hear the accolade given to the love of David's life at the conclusion of the evening, which touched the heart of EVERY romantic in the room. Absolutely gorgeous!

Above: Club of the year, Carlton Toastmasters

It was much more than a changeover dinner. It was a night in which accolades and loud applause was given to everyone who make Toastmasters special in District 73.

Next year YOU need to be there. There is absolutely nothing not to like.

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Contestants, How Badly DO You Want It?

Kim Harris from Lilydale Toastmasters wrote an article for a previous edition of Southern Cross entitled “How Bad Do We Want It”. The object of the article was for it to be a conversation starter about the district helping contestants in their quest to win the World Championship of Public Speaking. It definitely was a conversation starter as Kim & I engaged in an excellent discussion. I know other people were talking about it too. Kim suggested I write an article on the flip side of her idea.

Kim mentioned that a judge had commented to her that "It was probably for the best [I didn't place] as the stage is not the proper place for a woman." I would sincerely hope that the person was joking otherwise they should disqualify themselves from judging. At the recent annual convention after any of the contests, it was very pleasing to hear that the members agreed with the judges' decisions.

I absolutely agree that the whole district has to throw their support behind our contestant. Could you provide speaking opportunities or advice on procedural matters, to help contestants? Are you a past winner, or have you been to an international convention and could offer coaching & advice to a district winner on what to expect? Having been to seven international conventions I have seen many different ways of preparing for the semi-finals and finals from people in our district. I’ve seen many people from other districts prepare as well. Will you be the type of contestant who seeks & accepts the help of those who have walked the path before you?

The people who are the most successful are those who hunger after the prize. They seek out information on the process of the event. They get as much stage time as possible and advice from past champions where available. They understand and know the rules. Most members competing at the club level of the contest don’t read any further in the rules to know that you must give a different speech in the finals to the one given in the semis. That’s understandable as they don’t really need to know what happens beyond the club level yet. However at the international level you need to know this. An outline of the speech presented in semi-final is required so the qualifying judges can verify it is different to your final speech. Not knowing this can send a contestant into panic mode as there is only 1.5 days between the semis and the finals.

I’ve seen some contestants arrive at convention a week before to begin acclimatising and preparation. On the other hand I have seen others out on tours and drinking at the bar the night before. There are those who have two speeches in the bag before they leave home and others who have left with only a hint of an idea for their second speech. You can guess who is the more successful.

When you read about the preparation which Darren La Croix, Ryan Avery and Presiyan Vasiliev did for the finals, it is just amazing. District 73 can certainly support our contestant by opening wide our club doors to provide speaking opportunities and the information outlined above. Combine this with a hunger to win and then our contestant would do us proud whatever the outcome.

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This month ten years ago the first edition of the Southern Cross was released online. In the past ten years we have seen 110 editions, including this one be released to inform the members of clubs of District 73. Before the Southern Cross was an online newsletter it was a printed newsletter that was distributed from the printers to Division Governors, then onto Area Governors and onto Club Presidents.

How did the Southern Cross become an online newsletter. While looking through some past Convention books I found an explanation for the change to the District’s Newsletter, which was written by then District Governor Ed Biggs DTM PDG.


15 January 2004 District Officers Dear All,

At the forthcoming District Executive Meeting (9 March) we will review our publications with the aim of ensuring both financial responsibility and effective communication.

Currently we have two Publications:

Southern Cross Produced in printed & bound format, includes the essential District Directory, A quality magazine, but very costly. Historically issued twice per year, but due to reduced income, only once for 03/04.

Focus Produced in a newsletter style on a monthly basis. Essentially distributed in electronic format, but available in hard copy as necessary. Very cost effective.

Given that our income from TMI has reduced significantly this year, as a result of the rise

in the Australian Dollar and an identified need to allocate more of available funds to marketing, the Management Committee recommends:

That District produce one publication, in a format similar to Focus, with six editions per year, distributed electronically to email addresses provided by clubs and District Officers, with a District Directory published separately and updated quarterly.

A larger publication than the present Focus would be too heavy a workload on a monthly basis and also difficult to fold and post. A two months gap seems reasonable for communication and whilst not everyone has access to email, we can reasonably assume that at least one member in each club committee would have. Hence the above recommendation.

The title of the publication can also be reviewed if desired.

Communication is obviously an important issue and we look forward to your input at the meeting. If the District Executive supports the proposal it will then be presented to the May Council Meeting for the clubs to vote upon.

Ed Biggs

The above proposal was put to the District Council Meeting at the District Convention in May 2004 held at Lorne. The proposal was passed and from the start of the 2004/5 Toastmasters year, the Southern Cross became an online newsletter.

The first edition of the Southern Cross online was Geoff Morrissey DTM PDG. Geoff was assisted by the current editor of the Southern Cross Andrew Breeden DTM.

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From Page 1 of Edition 1

A note from Marlene …

“Discover the Magic”

District Governor Marlene Sinclair has challenged members with the theme for this year, “Discover the Magic”.

The magic is Toastmasters according to Marlene. Discovering it is something that many members have already experienced. However, the magic continues as we introduce others to Toastmasters and watch them grow through the experience.

You can make a difference simply by inviting someone to visit your club or by telling a friend, colleague or relative about Toastmasters.

We ended the last Toastmasters year on a high note. District 73 achieved Distinguished District. Congratulations to Ed Biggs DTM IPDG, the others in the District team and members. We did this largely because members achieved their goals, started new clubs and introduced others to the Toastmasters experience. “I’m hoping that we can build on this wonderful achievement and make this year another

distinguished year”, says Marlene.

Our District leadership program will continue to channel resources and energy into building new clubs and helping existing clubs to rebuild.

We need to identify opportunities for members to contribute to the club building and rebuilding programs; and those members that want to take up the challenge of being a Club Specialist, Sponsor or Mentor.

Join with me in discovering the magic that is Toastmasters.

Marlene Sinclair DTM District Governor

Over the past ten years there have been editors of the Southern Cross. They have been:

Geoff Morrissey DTM 2004 - 2005 13 Editions

Phil White DTM 2005 – 2008 31 Editions

Michelle Monaghan DTM 2008 – 2009 20 Editions

Gerry Prewett 2010 – 2011 17 Editions

Andrew Breeden DTM 2011 - 29 Editions plus more to come

Top: August 2004 Edition 1

Middle: December 2005 Edition 17

Bottom: June 2007 Edition 35

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To look through the past ten years of Southern Crosses and find the best articles would be a huge task. So instead I have taken the last Editorials of each of the above Editors so we can look at their time as Editor.

From Page 16 of Edition 44 – March 2008

What does one say in their last editorial message?

Thank you for allowing me to be the editor of this newsletter for two and a half years. I suppose I could stop there, but there are people who have helped along the way. Andris Bilkens was District Governor at the time I began the role. He gave his full support to my quirky ways and also provided encouragement of his District Executive to provide material. Geoff Morrissey was next District Governor and he had already been an editor of the newsletter. He gave assistance from a readership perspective and contributed many articles to the newsletter and still does.

By the time Mike Helm came on board as District Governor, I could say, I had it all my way, but alas that was not true. Mike has also been of great assistance and many a time some editorial corrections were noted by his eye.

Along the way there have been some stirring articles, some great personal stories. Two of the contributors to the newsletter have been honoured with DTMs, and I speak of David Reynolds and Stan Blackford. David, in his role as a Division Governor, always provided, or had people from

his Division provide articles with photos. As soon as I went to the Launceston Convention, I was able to recognise people because of the photos submitted by David. Stan Blackford, who started the first club in South Australia, and eventually the District, has likewise supplied many an interesting article.

This year’s District Secretary, Jeanette Farrar, has been brilliant in her distribution work. She has added a little extra touch by including a brief summary of the newsletter with her dispatch. Franco Principe, the web maintainer when I first started the role, has also endured many emails and provided superb assistance at change-over times.

Readers just would not comprehend the number of corrections and changes to emails that Franco made, to ensure the newsletter was distributed to the right people at the right time.

Michelle Monaghan takes over and I am sure that she will continue to produce a quality newsletter. Michelle’s role is not to write articles, it is to edit them and produce a magazine. Please help her.

To take a phrase from television - “It’s time to go ...”

Phil White ATM B, CL Editor

Top: March 2008 Edition 44

Next: June 2008 Edition 47

Next: June 2009 Edition 58

Next: December 2009 Edition 64

Bottom: June 2011 Edition 81

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From Page 2 of Edition 64 – December 2009.

From the Editor’s desk... In this Issue...

It’s almost 2 years since I first commenced as editor for Southern Cross and now, three Conventions and three District Governors later, it is time for me to pass on the role to someone else. Thank you to everyone who has contributed articles and/or sent me words of encouragement over this time.

Gerry Prewett from Western Australia brings a lot of experience to his term as incoming editor and I wish him all the best.

Toastmasters provides fabulous opportunities for people. This is just one.

Happy Toastmastering!


From Page 1 of Edition 81 – June 2011,

Welcome to the June edition of Southern Cross.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. OK someone else beat me to writing that but whilst there is great elation here in Western Australia about the formation of the new District 17 there is also great sadness that we will be breaking away from our ‘family’ in South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.

All the formalities were gone through during the Swansong on the Swan District Convention and we had our last

West Australian Changeover Dinner where we were told not to announce results so that those ‘in the East’ could enjoy their Changeover function.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who have helped me over the last two years in getting the Southern Cross published albeit pushing the deadlines. Special thanks go to Immediate Past Distict Governor Damian Chong and to current District Governor Bruce Hill.

I am also very pleased that I never had to resort to regaling you with the history of Bristol Rovers Football Club, although as the Duke of Wellington memorably remarked after Waterloo, “It was a close run thing”

Gerry Prewett

I haven’t written my final editorial yet, I have signed on for at least another 12 months.

Adding to the thanks that they have said, I would also like to thank the three District Governors that I have been editor of the Southern Cross under. Firstly there was Carol Jones, then Catherine MacGillivray and finally David Murphy. Now I have my fourth District Governor in Anthony Murray. This is my 29th edition as Editor, with more to come.

Top: June 2012 Edition 88

Middle: August 2013 Edition 100

Bottom: June 2014 Edition 109

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It was a decision made by the new District Governor and myself that the Southern Cross will only be produced every second month for this year. Firstly, looking through many websites of other Toastmasters District I have found that most District produce a newsletter every three months. Secondly, from former District Governor Ed Biggs DTM proposal from 2004 about the District newsletter, “A larger publication than the present Focus would be too heavy a workload on a monthly basis. A two months gap seems reasonable for communication”. Thirdly, I only had two articles to produce a newsletter last month. Taking all this into account, the discussion to have an edition every two months was made.

The following is the editions for this year; theme and description, deadlines and release.

Edition 110 – August 2014 – Theme: Toastmasters New Year/10th Anniversary of Southern Cross Online. The new District Executive will give an outlook to the year ahead in Toastmasters. We also look at the past 10 years of the Southern Cross online. Contributions: July 18th, Release: August 1st

Edition 111 – October 2014 – Theme: International Convention/Toastmasters 90th Anniversary. We have a look at what happened at the International Convention. We also look at the 90th Anniversary of Toastmasters.

Contributions: September 17th, Release: October 1st

Edition 112 - December 2014 – Theme: Holiday Time and Toastmasters. As we are getting ready for the Christmas/New Year Holidays, we look at what you can do over the break in regards to Toastmasters. Contributions: November 17th, Release: December 1st

Edition 113 - February 2015 – Theme: Membership. If you haven’t got members, you haven’t got a club. We look at what you can do to increase your clubs membership. Contributions: January 18th, Release: February 1st

Edition 114 - April 2015 – Theme: 2015 District 73 Convention. The convention is on next month, so why should you go? Hopefully, the answer will be in this edition. Contributions: March 18th, Release: April 1st

Edition 115 - June 2013 – Review Edition – Convention and the Toastmasters Year. A review of what happened at the 2015 Annual Convention. Who won, what happened, it is all here. We will also look at what has happened over the past 12 months in District 73 Contribution deadline: June 1st, Release: June 15th, extra few days because of the first day of the Convention would have been the deadline.

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Relive the excitement of the Annual District 73 Convention Connect Create Communicate

Purchase DVDs or the Convention Brochure

2014 Convention DVD

It's not too late to order a copy of the Connect Create Communicate 2014 Convention DVD which includes all four contests: International Speech Contest, Humorous Speech Contest, Table Topics Contest & Evaluation Contest. For the low price of just $30.

Above: The contestants from the District Humorous

Speech Contest with the then District Governor David

Murphy and the current District Governor Anthony


Anthology of Speeches - DVDs of past International & Humorous Speech Winners

Norman Lingwood from ENEL Multimedia has been the official videographer at many previous conventions. He is creating 2 DVDs which include the winners of the International & Humorous Speech Contests over six years 2008 & 2010-2014. This is a unique opportunity to revisit some of these fabulous moments and study the techniques of past winners. You can order these as single DVD's for $25 each (International OR

Humorous Speech Contest) or both the DVDs International & Humorous Speech Contest Winners for $50.

Convention Brochure

Would you like to read about those members who achieved their DTM? The Convention Brochure is packed full of information and you will also receive a copy of the Convention Newsletters (x 3). The newsletters feature the results of contests and other relevant articles. For just $6 we will post this to you.


OR EMAIL [email protected]

Convention photos on facebook

Kara from Firemark Photomedia took some fabulous photos over the three days of convention. These are available on Facebook. Search for the group “2014 Convention D73” and ask to join – once joined you will be able to access all the photos. You can download photos from Facebook however the quality is poor for printing. If you want a high quality printable version – post a message for Carolina Kara and she will arrange a downloadable version for you.

Kara, Firemark PhotoMedia, 0452 241 337

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Be a Part of History

For the first time in its history, Toastmasters is holding its International Convention outside North America. Join thousands of Toastmasters from around the world at the beautiful Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre this August. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned conventioneer, there's never been a better year to attend!

The International Convention is the most anticipated event of the Toastmasters year, as members and non-members alike gather together to hear world class public speakers, network with like-minded people, elect International Officers and Directors, and attend the spectacular and soul-stirring public speaking competition known as the World Championship of Public Speaking. If you’ve never attended convention, make 2014 the year you come to see what it's all about.

Must see attractions

Batu Caves These limestone caves were discovered in 1892 and are considered a sacred Hindu shrine. If you visit, be prepared to climb 272 steps to reach the caves. At the foot of the caves you will find clay figurines and wall paintings depicting Hindu mythology.

KL Bird Park With more than 3,000 birds representing more than 200 species in their natural habitat, this eco-tourism park is billed as “the world’s largest free-flight walk-in aviary.” The KL Birdpark receives an average of 200,000 visitors annually.

Jalan Alor If you're an adventurous foodie, Jalan Alor's exuberant “street-eat” scene will impress. Sample your way through ambitious offerings like stingray grilled in banana leaf, slow-cooked satay and bak kut teh (herbal stew).

Islamic Arts Museum A premier resource centre for Islamic studies, the museum boasts a large collection of Islamic artifacts as well as an impressive four-story, turquoise dome those floods with natural light.

Petronas Twin Towers Designed by Argentine architect César Pelli, these 88-story skyscrapers have become emblematic of the city of Kuala Lumpur and its commitment to progress. Once the tallest towers in the world, they offer striking views of the city at night.

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Come and celebrate this wonderful event

We are looking for you to celebrate this wonderful event and for us to help you with your Toastmasters objectives! This incredible semi-annual District 73 Convention for 2014 will take you on a journey of self- discovery that will help you shine like a Star.

Lots to learn, see and do.

Wonderful workshops, fabulous food, fun friends and you can even ask questions of the District Executives; at the appropriate time of course.

From the Semi-Annual Convention page on the District Website,, you can do the following:

Download a detailed convention brochure.

Register for the convention Speaker proposals-Request for

Proposal Find Convention location details Hotel accommodation information

Getting to Brighton Beach by Train

Please make sure you pay at registration for

this service and a package will come to you

in the mail with your train ticket. No refunds

for lost tickets.

This journey usually takes 23 minutes from Flinders Street Station. As Milanos is next

door to the train station, this would be the best option for travel.

When in the station, head to the platform for the Sandringham line. This is within Zone 1 and your ticket will cover your journey.

Hop off at Brighton Beach and you will see Milanos to your right if you are looking at the beach.

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Bruce Hill DTM PDG from Postmasters

Michael O'Keefe DTM from Chadstone Oaks

Competent Communicator

Keir Wells Victorian Governors

Mehrnoush Salehpour

Tea House

Mrinali Raizada Rowville

Bala Balachandra Rowville

James Carrigg Geelong

Tom Johnson Adelaide

Joseph Parisi Mawson Lakes

Mark Norman Champion

Shane Lavelle Kingston Communicators

Senthil Dharmalingam

Kingston Communicators

Athula Bogoda Tuesday Chatters

Ian Sands Tuesday Chatters

Clayton Pearson SA Governors

Vikas Kaushal Hobart

Michael Byrne Rowville

Kausik Samanta Tea House

George Randall Toast of the Country

Henk Van Den Bergen

Toast of the Country

Niruparaj Sundararajah


Lewis Huffa Adelaide Central

Emily Goode Glen Iris

Jamie McLeod Glen Iris

Kay McCartney Lilydale

Sujatha Singavarapu

Footscray Skyline

Daniel Abdulkhalek

Tea Tree Gully

Andrew Conley Heidelberg Health

Competent Communicator cont’d

Janet Gray Sandbelt

Rene Da Silva Sandbelt

Tracy Green Gourmet

Grace Cornwell Talking Blue

Peter Cesco Champion

Moira Clarke Speakers Corner

Logan Smith Moorabbin Saints

Natalie Hart Carlton

Patrick Shing Carlton

Henning Hartung Mornington Peninsula

Ravindra Perera Epping

Matthew Price Happy Hour

Steven Van Ruyven

Mornington Peninsula

Susan Pederick Adelaide

Fiona Ahern Speakers Corner

Andrew Barclay Croydon - Yarra Valley

Susan Linley Croydon - Yarra Valley

Ross Burchill Raconteurs

Terry Barridge Hawthorn

Brendan Butterworth

Croydon - Yarra Valley

Freeda Talukdar Glen Waverley

Evelyn Low Docklands

Andrew Choong Docklands

Helen Thomas Yakety Yaks

Daniel Yong Dandenong

Vivien Ellard Yakety Yaks

Elizabeth Sellar Champion

Wipula Wasala Mawson Lakes

Brenton Dohse Footscray Skyline

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Competent Communicator cont’d

Anton Deev Synergy

Abaran Deep Glen Iris

Jayaram Dorai Brimbank

Tiannii Tang Moonee Ponds

Peter Frazer Tea Tree Gully

Fernando Rante Mawson Lakes

Jim Noonan CFA District 13

Gawain Simpson Hawthorn

Nick Hindle Mawson Lakes

Competent Leader

Helen Millicer Business Talk

Joanne Philippe Williamstown

Anthony Murray SA Governors

Claire Richardson SA Governors

Gary Chau Dandenong

Joseph Parisi Mawson Lakes

Graham Fuller Wangaratta

June Brown Glen Iris

Brien Armstrong Footscray Skyline

Darrell Klar Raconteurs

Thomas Hendrick Synergy

Kevin Magee Synergy

Tracy Green Gourmet

Maxine Chenoweth

Northern Stars

Greg Edmunds Sandbelt

Henri Guillaume Rowville

Keir Wells Victorian Governors

Deborah Roffey Sandbelt

Henri Guillaume Victorian Governors

Michael Kuech Dandenong

Gregory Freebairn Tea Tree Gully

Barbara Hapgood Business Talk

Michael Killmier Adelaide Central

Adelaide Fenwick Tuesday Chatters

Melissa Palmer Knox

Advanced Communicator Bronze

Natalie Mudge Northern Stars

Robert McIlroy Yakety Yaks

Joanne Kneebone Raconteurs

Heather Pemberton


Ananda Kularatna Brimbank

Yanli Xu Deakin University

Damon Nazeran More Than Words

Nick Brew Moorabbin Saints

Joanne Philippe Williamstown

Advanced Communicator Bronze cont’d

Ross Brunt Docklands

Thomas Hendrick Synergy

Anthony Veal PostMasters

Darko Kulesko Mawson Lakes

Jonathan McComb Hobart

Anthony Browne Ivanhoe

Tracy Green GE

Green Tracy Hawthorn

Kapal Malhotra GE

Clayton Pearson, SA Governors

Anna Vandenberg Glen Iris

Maria Checa Ringwood

Advanced Leader Bronze

Mala Sivakumaran Dandenong

Joanne Philippe Williamstown

Kerryn Riseley Yakety Yaks

Susan Pederick Adelaide

Barbara Hapgood Business Talk

Clayton Pearson SA Governors

Anna Vandenberg Glen Iris

Grant Colwell Epping

Kevin Broughton National Australia Bank

Darko Kulesko Mawson Lakes

Advanced Communicator Silver

Seng Hee Tan Manningham

Julian Guess Healesville

Alex Moss Croydon - Yarra Valley

Greg Lush Southern Cross

John Arthur Champion

Vicki Travers Spirit Of Devonport

Catherine MacGillivray


Advanced Leader Silver

Bruce Hill Ivanhoe

Michael O'Keefe Chadstone Oaks

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Advanced Communicator Gold

Chris Horsman Speakers Corner

Kay McCartney Lilydale

Elaine McCarthy Lilydale

Uma Thakar Tuesday Chatters

Bruce Hill Talking Point At Docklands

Nicholas Kastelein Tea Tree Gully

Graham Fuller Wangaratta

Leadership Excellence

Michael O'Keefe Chadstone Oaks

Henri Guillaume Victorian Governors

Bruce Hill Victorian Governors

Bernadette Gow Toast of the Country

Seng Hee Tan Manningham

Melissa Palmer Knox


Sun 17

Master the Gavel

Venue: South Melbourne Town Hall, 210 Bank Street South Melbourne Time: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Meeting procedure training, Learn how to confidently control formal business meetings, about motions, amendments, Standing orders, etc. RSVP to Terry Barridge by 15th August


Wed 17

Southern Cross Deadline

Deadline for articles for the October Edition of the Southern Cross. Send to [email protected]


Wed 1

Release of Southern Cross

Release of the October Southern Cross – Edition 111. Download it at:


District Event


Sat 8 2014 District 73 Semi-Annual Convention

Venue: Milanos, 4 The Esplendar, Brighton Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm We are looking for you to celebrate this wonderful event and for us to help you with your Toastmasters objectives! This incredible semi-annual District 73 Convention for 2014 will take you on a journey of self- discovery that will help you shine like a Star. Lots to learn, see and do.

Wonderful workshops, fabulous food, fun friends and you can even ask questions of the District Executives; at the appropriate time of course. Cost: $ 90 Day $ 35 Dinner $ 125 Day and Dinner
