

SOUTH SCOOP Friday 11 May 2018

What’s on?Tuesday 15/5/18NAPLAN Begins

Wednesday 16/5/18NAPLAN Continues

Thursday 17/5/18 NAPLAN ConcludesMusical Rehearsals 3.30pm to 5.30pm.Musical Sets and Props 3.40pm to 5.30pm.

Friday 18/5/18College Choir Vocal Workshop at South CampusPlain English Speaking Western Region Final in Molong

Wednesday 23/5/18Musical Rehearsals 3.30pm to 5.30pm.Musical Sets and Props 3.40pm to 5.30pm.

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During Term 1, tutors from Bangarra Dance Theatre and The Arts Unit travelled to centres across NSW conducting Aboriginal Secondary Dance Workshops. 800 students from 121 schools across the state participated in this program and 117 students were shortlisted for consideration for the 30 places available for the NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company.

The final selections for the 2018 NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company have now been completed.

Following the very successful Aboriginal Dance Workshops held recently throughout NSW, Holly Faulds of Year 10 has been selected to be offered a position in the 2018 NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company. This is an incredible opportunity which requires commitment and dedication.

The NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company is one of The Arts Unit’s specialist programs known as Arts Initiatives. It is a highly motivational, elite program that will build

students’ skills, knowledge and cultural awareness. Students will work closely with choreographers from the internationally renowned Bangarra Dance Theatre and perform at the State Dance Festival in September and The Schools Spectacular in November.

Term 2 – Week 2 – 2018

Ella Stewart Hannah Coote Alicia Fernando

Congratulations Team Ella, Hannah and Alicia Year 8 Avid most successful muffin makers.

As part of our Maths Assessment we createdour own muffin business. We had to work out how much profit we made and how much we had to increase our price to do so. Thank you to Mrs Smyth we were able to make and put our muffins to the test. We made Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins. The teachers voted for the top 3 recipes.We were fortunate to receive the most votes.

We all used a basic recipe and added our own twist or idea to make it unique. We looked into two grocery outlets to determine how much the individual muffin would cost. We decided to use the most economic outlet to purchase our ingredients. We also investigated percentages (15%) for profits for each muffin to decide on an appropriate price for each. Thank you to our teachers’ for taking the time to enjoy our recipes.

As well as making the muffins, we had to do an assessment about muffins. We had to find out how much ingredients we needed. After we done the assessment, we made the muffins. Hannah, Ella and I made our Raspberry and White Chocolate muffins. The teachers’ sampled our muffins and assessed the quality and taste. Our muffins were the most successful of all.

Boundary Rd, Dubbo NSW 2830PH 02 6882 3744 FAX 02 6882 3213 EMAIL [email protected] WEB

Holly Faulds Fantastic Achievement DUBBO COLLEGE MUSICAL PRODUCTION

26, 27 and 28 June


Principal’s MessageI am very privileged to be keeping Mr Gorrie’s ‘seat warm’ while he is relieving in the Executive Principal position whilst Mrs Exner is on leave. The term has started smoothly and we are all pleased that the maintenance work we have tolerated all year, is almost completed and much of the scaffolding has been removed. It is funny how this experience has allowed us to appreciate our school environment much more than we did previously. We have had staff changes for this term which includes an unexpected transfer for Mr Alexander from the Science faculty to Singleton High School. His position is being filled by Mrs Haque. Mrs Tegart has commenced maternity leave and we are eagerly awaiting approval for Miss Smith to fill her role in PDHPE. Miss Flick has left the HSIE faculty to take on a new role in community services and is being replaced by Mr Dassios. Dr Anderson’s leave continues and her position is now being filled by Ms Churchward. Ms Dawson is on leave for four weeks and her replacement has been delayed but we hope to have it finalised today.

We continue to have a strong and consistent core of keen, hard-working staff, who I am very proud to be leading as Principal. Thank you to the many parents who continually support our efforts. Many of them will be present at the P and C meeting on Monday night 7.00 pm in the library, so please come along to meet them and contribute to this very valuable team at South Campus.

Suzanne ForanRelieving Principal

DON’T FORGET!Please register for the new Dubbo College South Campus Parent Portal

If you haven’t aready received your email with the instructions, please contact the schooll.

New home for the “Yellow-Bellied Sheathtail BatA back and beyond corner of Dubbo South Campus has been given a new lease on life as a native garden for the "Yellow- bel-lied sheathtail bat". We were approached by the Sydney Botanic garden to see if we were interested in participating in an envi-ronmental program for schools that is centered around building habitats. Of course we said yes and a dedicated group of students began preparing the disused and ignored ground for the arrival of plants and a pond.

Peter Dawe and Brenden Moore, the Youth Com-munity Greening project coordinators, arrived from Sydney with 85 plants at 8:30 am on Monday and by noon two classes and various other volunteers, had completed the planting which included building a small pond.

The idea behind the garden is to attract insects year round in hopes of creating a nice habitat for the little threatened insecti-vore bat. We still have some bat boxes to build and more work on the pond, however, this garden is looking good and will hopefully play an important role in our ecosystem at school.

Year 8 AVID present their Picture Books to Regard Park Child Care CenterOn Thursday 29 March 2018, twelve students from the Year 8 AVID class attended Regard Park Child Care Center and read their picture books to the students. The picture books were part of their English Assessment Task in Term 1. All students enjoyed the opportunity to share their work with the younger students. After the event all students were very excited to share their experiences.  Mrs McLachlanEnglish/AVID Teacher

Creativity in the KitchenLast term out Year 10 students cooked a Nachos Pizza in a practical lesson on foods suitable for cafes, an introduction to their next unit of work on Coffee Making and foods to be served in a cafe. It also recognised a fusion of cultures with pizza and tacos. A very exciting combination of cuisines for our students to enjoy preparing and consuming...!!!!

Our keen Year 7 Masterchefs have followed Mr Gorrie’s love of “The Dog”. This year the focus of Mr Gorrie’s mantra is the dog and our students are creating and producing food items related to the humble dog. The fudge dogs did create some interest amongst the budding food technologists and those who were taste testers. Some students even created dollops of Doggie Doo. Ahh the joy of it all...#lovingfoodtech #welovedogsatsouth

South Campus Students Excel in Astley Cup Teams Selection.Congratulations to Emma Duffy, Jorja Fuller, Tilly Irvine, Holly Keizer and Mackenzie Schulz who have been successful in gaining a position in the CHS Open Girls CHS Open Soaccer.

Congratulations to Aeddan Todhunter, Jesse Spang and Michael Toll who have been successful in gaining a position in the Open Boys Soccer Team.

Congratulations to Brooke Pilcher and Holly Keizer who have been successful in gaining a position in the Open Girls Hockey Team.

Congratulations to Mackenzie Schulz who has been successful in gaining a position in the Open Girls Tennis Team.

Congratulations to Paycee Cubby and Lucy Roberts who have been successful in gaining a position in the Open Girls Netball Team.

Congratulations to Emily Stewart, Paycee Cubby, Tilly Irvine, Michael Toll, Jesse Spang and Aeddan Todhunter in gaining selection into the Athletics Team.

Congratulations to Jayden Blade who has been selection to be part of the Open Rugby League Team.


Auntie Narell Boys talks Bush Tucker

Local elder Auntie Narell Boys came to talk to Year 9 and 10 Food Technology students yesterday. She spoke of her experience as a proud Wiradjuri woman from her younger days to present times. Auntie Narell brought with her possum and kangaroo pelts, hunting implements and stories of her childhood. She spoke of her descendants meeting John Oxley the explorer and guiding his party through the Western Plains. She spoke of hunting and gathering of foods plants and fish and how those foods were prepared for eating and medicine. All students were respectful and engaged during all sessions. Once again Dubbo South Campus is leading the way in developing positive community links and relationships. Many thanks to Mr Rod Ah-See and Dezerai Booth for their assistance.

Well Done LiamGood luck to Liam Deaves(South Campus)and Baydon Powell(Delroy Campus) who have been selected in the Western Area under 15 rugby league to play North West on Friday 11/5/18.  If successful the boys will travel to the NSW CHS championships later this month.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On the 15 May, students in Years 7 and 9 at Dubbo College South Campus will be taking part in the NAPLAN Language Conventions, Writing and Reading tests. These tests provide one snapshot of how your child is per-forming in these areas as compared to students of the same age in Australia.

Although your child has probably sat these types of tests before, they may still be feeling anxious about them. If this is the case, the English Faculty suggests your child speaks to their English teacher and also makes use of their WordFlyers subscription to practise grammar, spelling, vocabulary and punctuation skills. All the units on WordFlyers provide tutorials and lessons on the type of content they will encounter in the NAPLAN tests.


Benefit Concert in honour of Dawn WalshFormer South Campus students and the city’s favourite young singers Billie Palin and Nathan Bryon are returning this month to give a concert thanking their voice teacher, Dawn Walsh, for her years of service to the Dubbo community and to assist her as she battles a terminal cancer diagnosis.

The Benefit Concert will be held at

St Andrews Chapel in Wingewarra Street

at 2pm on

Sunday May 20,

with tickets available

at the door.

Amazing EffortElla Murray of Year 7 leads nsw all schoolsGolf Open Championships after Day 1 .

Ella has achieved an amazing score of 75shorts off the stick.
