
South Korea Comes to the Fore in Biosimilars Space

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Aided by government

funding and big pharma

partnerships, South Korea is

staking its claim on

biosimilars, with Celltrion

and Samsung the main


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South Korea is pushing to be a leader in

the biopharmaceuticals field, so says a

recent Financial Times report. While that

country’s Celltrion is already a big player

in manufacturing, partnering with Pfizer-

owned Hospira, Samsung’s more recent

foray into the research and development

of biosimilars in particular should be

interesting to watch, given the company

continues to take a bite out of Apple’s

market share in the

smartphone/smartwatch space.

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Samsung has partnered with U.S. pharma

company Biogen to form Samsung

Bioepis to develop and manufacture

biosimilars. It has also secured a

marketing agreement with another U.S.

group, Merck.

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According to the Financial Times article,

South Korea wants “a big share of the

$110 billion of value that Citigroup

expects to flow from [originator biologics]

companies to biosimilars over the next

decade. Seoul has set a goal to increase

pharmaceutical exports to Won23tn

(USD$20.5 billion) by 2020 – up tenfold

from the 2012 figure – when it wants to

have three of the world’s top 50 pharma


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Celltrion’s Remsima/Inflectra was the

first copy of Johnson & Johnson/Merck’s

rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade, the

world’s third best-selling drug last year

with sales of $10 billion. Launched in

Europe in February, this biosimilar is now

sold in 40 countries worldwide. And

Merck took a hit earlier in the year when

Orion Oyj, the company marketing

Remsima in Norway, cut the local price

for the drug by 69 per cent, nabbing half

the market in that country.

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By partnering with Samsung Bioepis,

Merck could make up for this, given

Samsung Bioepis is awaiting European

regulatory approval for its own Remicade

copy, along with their copy of another

arthritis drug, Pfizer/Amgen’s Enbrel. And

with promising clinical trial data for the

two drugs presented at the European

League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)

Annual Congress in Rome in June,

approvals may not be far off.

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By partnering with Samsung Bioepis,

Merck could make up for this, given

Samsung Bioepis is awaiting European

regulatory approval for its own Remicade

copy, along with their copy of another

arthritis drug, Pfizer/Amgen’s Enbrel. And

with promising clinical trial data for the

two drugs presented at the European

League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)

Annual Congress in Rome in June,

approvals may not be far off.

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An article in

quoted Samsung Bioepis as saying it

could launch its Enbrel biosimilar in

South Korea late this year and in Europe

in early 2016.

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