Page 1: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Seventh · Prelude I Giorni (The Days) Ludovico Einaudi Arr: Kendall Driscoll King’s Strings, Directed


South Aiken Presbyterian Church

The Worship of God

Seventh Sunday of Easter

June 1, 2014 8:45 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.


Prelude I Giorni (The Days) Ludovico Einaudi

Arr: Kendall Driscoll

King’s Strings, Directed by Kendall Driscoll

Chiming of the Hour (11:00)

Welcome & Announcements John Kelly

Signing of the Friendship Register

*Entrance of 2014 Graduates (11:00)

Introit The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Tom Fettke

Preparation for the Word

*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: Sing to God, sing praises to his name;

All: lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds –

One: his name is the Lord –

All: be exultant before him.

*Prayer of Adoration (Unison)

Redeeming God, you call us to be one with you, as you are one with Christ. As his perfect love casts out our fear,

and changes it to love, unite us by your Spirit of peace, that we may be one with you, as you are one with Christ.


*Hymn #356 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

*Prayer of Confession (Responsive)

Living God, we confess that we look for the living among the dead. You have offered us your Word; still we trust

in worldly truths. You have offered us eternal life; still we cling to temporary things. Forgive us; give us new

life! Show us the glory of your presence and the gift of your promise: the life that death cannot destroy; through

Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Dwelling in the peace of God’s grace, the people said,

All: “Amen.”

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 579

Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his peace to others.

The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.

Children’s Moment (11:00) Valorie Vance

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Prayer Response The Prayer Carol Sager and David Foster

The Word of God

Prayer for Illumination

New Testament Reading Acts 1:6-14 Pew Bible Page 118

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem Beautiful Savior Fettke/Bach

King’s Strings, Directed by David Culp

Gospel Reading John 17:1-11 Pew Bible Page 111

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Overheard Prayer”

The Reverend Doctor Christopher Crotwell

*Hymn (11:00) (See Page 4) I Was There To Hear Your Bourning Cry

Recognition of Graduates and Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant (11:00)

*Affirmation of Faith, “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) Hymnal Page 14

The Eucharist

*Hymn #513 Let Us Break Bread Together

Words of Invitation

Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Words of Institution

The Communion

Prayer after Communion

*Hymn #514 Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ

Our Response to God’s Word

Offering of Tithes and Gifts

Offertory Incarnation of the Heavens Kendall Driscoll

*Doxology Hymnal Page 592

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn #525 Here I Am, Lord


*Congregational Response Amen

*Postlude Tant que vivray Claudin de Sermisy

Arr: Kendall Driscoll

*Those who are able may stand

Large print Hymnals are available in the Narthex along with Sound Amplification Devices.

If needed, please ask an Usher for assistance.

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Page 4: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Seventh · Prelude I Giorni (The Days) Ludovico Einaudi Arr: Kendall Driscoll King’s Strings, Directed

Current Prayer Concerns

(After one month names will be rotated to “Continuing Prayer Concerns” list that will be in our AIMS Newsletter.)

Those serving in the military:

Dustin Baker - grandson of Jim & Shirley Shaw

Daniel Bartlett - grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud - son of Ed & Robin Coward

Charles Hogan, II - son of Charles & Judi Hogan

Heather M. Kostov - niece of Caroline & Greg Teese

Kyle Luksovsky - nephew of Caroline & Greg Teese

Ben McCullough - son of Lisa McCullough

Katie Taylor McCullough - wife of Ben McCullough &

daughter-in-law of Lisa McCullough

Will McGarry - grandson of Felder & Dot McLaurin

Andrew Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Chris Radford

Chris Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Andrew Radford

Spencer Riffenburgh -

grandson of Tom & Lois Woodman

Timothy Tyler - grandson of Archie & Cheryl MacCrum

Louis Wilson - son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Do You Want To Be A Prayer Partner?

Prayer is a powerful force for those in need of healing, comfort, strength, and encouragement. It can also be a

blessing for the ones offering the prayer. The good thing about being an email Prayer Partner is that you can pray

for those in need at anytime and from any place you may be when you receive the request. This prayer ministry is a

part of our church’s Congregational Care Committee who are responsible for caring for the needs of our Church

Family and/or others as requested. At the present time there are 193 email and phone Prayer Partners involved. If

you want to become a Prayer Partner, or for more information, please call Mary Ann Laurey (648.9574 ext 100) or

email [email protected] or Emily Lockard (649.0473) or email [email protected].

Please contact the church office - 648.9574 ext 100 - if you wish to add a prayer concern or remove a name from

the list. Thank you.


Members and Those with Family Concerns

& Friends in Need of Prayer

Hank Hayes

Nancy Mayer - Judi Royalty’s Cousin

John Empie

Dan Freymeyer - Edith Freymeyer’s Son &

Bob Freymeyer’s Brother

Donald C. Snyder, May 15, 2014

Robert E. “Bob” Hajec, May 24, 2014

Sherry Hajec’s Husband

Allison and Brandon Hajec’s Father

Jim Cordell, May 24, 2014

“I Am The Resurrection and The Life”

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Sunday, June 1 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 6:00p - Youth (SAPC Lawn) Monday June 2 Tuesday, June 3 6:30p - Adult Education Committee (F203) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205) 7:00p - M’Aiken Music Rehearsal (FH) Wednesday, June 4 Thursday, June 5 6:00p - Women’s Bible Study (Library/Nursery) Friday, June 6 6:00p - Eagle Court of Honor (Gym) Saturday, June 7 Sunday, June 8 Boy Scouts (Bus through June 14) 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary)


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Communion Notes for Today The sacrament of Communion will be observed today. Please remember that this Table belongs to the Lord and our Savior invites all those who trust in him to share in the feast that he has prepared. At the 8:45 service, the elements will be served by officers to those seated in the pews. Worshippers are reminded to hold the bread and the cup until all have been served. We will consume the elements together as a sign of our unity in Christ. During the 11:00 service, worshippers will be invited to file forward down the center aisle to receive the elements from our full communion ware by taking a piece of bread from a plate and a cup of juice from a tray. After individually consuming each element, participants will return to their pews by the outside aisles. The sacrament can be brought to those that have mobility issues. Simply alert an usher before the service or a communion server of this request during the sacrament. At both services, gluten free bread will be available for those who require it; simply notify the communion servers. So that all may participate who wish to do so, the cups contain grape juice.

Youth Ministry

June 1 - Lawn Games at the Church - 6:00 - 7:30 PM

June 8 - No youth activities

June 15 - No youth activities


A Great Way You Can Help a Hurting Friend

Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who is going through a difficult time? Here's a great way you can help them--tell them about our Stephen Ministry! Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received special training to provide high quality, confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, coping with a cancer diagnosis, going through a divorce or separation, battling a chronic illness (or caring for a spouse or parent who is chronically ill), experiencing a great deal of stress, facing the loss of a job -- or encountering any of countless other life challenges.

Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. (Males are matched with males, and females are matched with females.) The caring relationship lasts for as long as the person needs care. It's free, and it's a powerful way you can help a hurting friend.

To learn how to connect someone you know with a Stephen Minister, talk with our Stephen Ministry Leader Lisa Lader (642-6840 or cell 439-2004), Dr. Christopher Crotwell or Parish Associate Rev. Bowling (648-9574). Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

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Please Sign Up for the following activity on the bulletin board just past the water fountain in the hall. June 6 - On this Friday we will meet at Duke's Bar-B-Q at 5:30 PM for good fellowship and a meal together. Deadline is TODAY. June 28 - 10:30 AM - On this Saturday we will leave for Abbeville where we will have lunch followed by a 3 PM performance of the most popular romantic comedies of the century, Same Time, Next Year, a Tony Award winner. It remains one of the most widely produced plays in the world. The plot follows a love affair between two people, Doris and George, married to others, who rendezvous once a year. A lifetime of manners and morals are hilariously and touchingly played out in this wonderfully written romantic comedy starring Michael Genevie and Lisa McConnell. Delicious wit, compassion, a sense of humor and a feel for nostalgia - The New York Times; Genuinely funny and genuinely romantic - New York Post. Tickets are $18.00 + $3.00, if you ride the bus. Deadline is June 8.

VBS - July 14-18

Mark Your Calendars for VBS!

Items Needed: Crayola Washable Markers (5 sets), Fabric Markers from Hobby Lobby (5 sets), Ballpoint Pens (12), Styrofoam Bowls 5-6” wide (3 dozen). Bring your donated items to the church office with attention to Sandy Erwin.

Monthly Items Needed

June - Bath/Dish/Laundry Soap July - Tuna /Salmon

August - Rice September - Peanut Butter

You may drop the items in the ACTS basket by the front door in the Narthex or in the basket by the church office. Monetary donations may be made by placing a check to SAPC in the offering plate and noting' for ACTS' on the check. Thanks for sharing with others!


Dear Church Family,

Valorie Vance and Stephan Kraus

invite you to the celebration of their marriage on

Saturday, the fourteenth of June at three-thirty in the afternoon

at South Aiken Presbyterian Church

Reception to follow by invitation only

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Congratulations High School Graduates

Mary Elizabeth Barringer Mary Beth, daughter of Elizabeth and Julian Barringer, will graduate with honors from Aiken High School. She will be attending the University of South Carolina in Columbia this fall taking classes from the Darla Moore School of Business.

Brandon Joseph Hajec

Brandon, son of Sherry and Bob Hajec, is a South Aiken High School

Class of 2014 and USCA dual enrollment honors graduate. Brandon plans to continue the Hajec family tradition of attending Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA this fall. He is accepted into the

Division of Undergraduate Studies, which will provide the opportunity to explore various fields of interest before declaring a major, such as

biomedical engineering or sports medicine.

Elizabeth Anne Hamman Liza, daughter of Margie and Gary Hamman, will graduate from South Aiken High School on June 5. In the fall she will be attending the Bridge Program at Clemson University. Her major will be Exercise Science and she hopes to go onto Occupational Therapy School to become a Occupational Therapist and work with children. Also, Liza will be continuing both of her jobs this summer, Caroline’s and Pitter Patter Boutique and Sunglass Image.


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Charles Pierce Hand Charley (The Tubanator), son of Mindy and Steve Hand, will graduate from South Aiken High School and will be attending the University of South Carolina in Columbia marching in the Mighty Sound of the Southeast Gamecock Marching Band. He plans to major in 20th Century History and be a part of the up-coming centennials of WWI, the Roaring Twenties, Great Depression, New Deal, WWII, and the Cold War. As a tuba player since the fourth grade, he has played and marched in the 2012 Rose Parade, Disney World and the good old Aiken Christmas Parade. He hopes that college life will allow for getting back to his love of Fencing and goal to dominate the airsoft fields.

Congratulations High School Graduates

Ethan Henry Matthews Ethan, son of Kit and Charles Matthews, will graduate from Aiken High School on June 5. He plans to attend USC-Aiken with a major in Biology to get into the Pre-Vet Program.

Abigail Bracey Meadows Abby, daughter of Jessica and John Meadows, will graduate Summa Cum Laude from South Aiken High School on June 5. She will attend Clemson University and major in Engineering. While at South Aiken, she was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Tri M, and the Science Club. Abby was a member of the South Aiken Band and will continue playing saxophone with The Band that Shakes the Southland! Go Tigers!


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Congratulations High School Graduates

Mark Emerson Reboul Mark, son of Debbi and Scott Reboul, is graduating from South Aiken High School and will be attending either the College of Charleston or USC-Aiken.

Joshua Evan Schutzenhofer Josh, son of Donna and Jeff Schutzenhofer, will graduate Magna Cum Laude from South Aiken High School on June 5. He will be attending Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina where he will pursue a degree in History and Social Studies in Secondary Education. Josh has also received his Eagle Scout this year along with achieving the rank of first degree black belt in Taekwondo.

Ryan William Ward Ryan, son of Kim and Billy Ward, will be graduating from Aiken High School and will be attending attend USC-Aiken this fall where he will major in Biology.


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Jessica Elizabeth Williamson Jessica, daughter of Cissy Kelley, will be a Cum Laude graduate from South Aiken High School. In the fall, she will be attending Columbia College in Columbia, SC majoring in Speech-Language Pathology intending to work with children. After fifteen years of dancing she can’t see herself stopping anytime soon; therefore, she will possibly be minoring in dance. Jessica also plans to join a volunteer service organization in order to continue her volunteer work in the community.

Congratulations High School Graduate

Congratulations College Graduates

Breanna Kierspe Burkes Breanna, daughter of Lynn and Greg Burkes, graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Genetics. During her years at Clemson, she was involved with Club Swimming, the Biochemistry and Genetics Club and the Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority. Breanna will be taking a gap year to teach English as a Second Language in Jukjeon, South Korea, which is 40 miles south of Seoul. After that, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Biomedical Research. She wants to thank her Church family for all the years of support.

Klaehn William Burkes Klaehn, son of Lynn and Greg Burkes, will be graduating in August from Clemson University with a Master of Science degree in Power Engineering. Klaehn will be starting his career as an Engineer at the Savannah River National Laboratory in July. He is looking to buy a small farm on the outskirts of Aiken so he can pursue his hobby of raising animals and gardening.


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Nathaniel Johnson Freymeyer

Nathaniel, son of Dr. Barb Johnson and Dr. Bob Freymeyer, graduated

from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA on May 10 with a major in Chemistry and a minor in German Language and Culture. He will enter the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at Vanderbilt University in


Abigail Smith Hamman

Abbie, daughter of Margie and Gary Hamman, graduated from Clemson

with a Bachelors Degree in Marketing and a minor in Management. She will be interning with Nordstrom over the summer and then will begin at the Fashion Institute in August 2014 pursuing a degree in Fashion

Merchandising Management. Abbie says she couldn’t have done any of this without support from her family, friends, and the Lord!! Go Tigers!

Brandon William Hanna Brandon, son of Missy Byrne, graduated from USC in Columbia with a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. He will remain in Columbia working for a medical clinic while studying for the medical school entrance exam. He plans to attend Medical School in the fall of 2015 and specialize in Orthopedics.

Congratulations College Graduates


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Congratulations College Graduates

Sarah Marie Schutzenhofer Sarah, daughter of Donna and Jeff Schutzenhofer, is now a Cum Laude graduate Furman University. She received her Bachelor of Arts on Saturday, May 10 with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. She has also accepted a teaching position in Charlotte, North Carolina at Corvian Community School where she will be teaching music to grades K-5.

Sarah Ashley Vanous Sarah, daughter of Debbie and Gary Vanous, has graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Sport Science: Pre-Physical Therapy. If the Lord wills, her immediate plans are to work as a Physical Therapist aide in Wimberley, TX at Physical Therapy and Rehab Concepts in order to gain experience in a PT clinical setting. This summer she will be taking the GRE and acquiring as many observation hours in various PT fields that she can, so that she may apply to graduate schools in the fall. If Sarah is accepted, then she will continue her education and pursue a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy; if she is not, she will continue praying about where the Lord wants to take her in the next chapter of her life.


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Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”

WELCOME This very hour, this very minute, we have the wonderful opportunity to come before the Lord with rejoicing. In a spirit of love and friendship, we welcome all who have come. Let us lift up our hearts to the Lord.

NURSERY AND CHILDREN’S CHURCH Infants are welcome in the Nursery during our 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM worship services and during our 10:00 AM Sunday School hour. During the 8:45 AM worship service children are invited to go to the Nursery or stay in the worship service. During the 11:00 AM worship service, 3 years-1st grade children are welcome to join our Children's Church Worship program following the Children's Moment. Chaperones will escort the children to the Fellowship Hall (down the back hallway and on the right) and you may pick your child up there after the worship service.

STEWARDSHIP REPORT YTD operating contributions & collections as of 04/30/2014 $ 205,493.09 YTD operating expenses as of 04/30/2014 203,758.81 Approved budgeted expenses for 2014 as of 04/30/2014 225,015.68


Worship Service (8:45) 65 (11:00) - 103

VOLUNTEERS FOR TODAY Flowers In honor of all graduates and their proud parents, given by Mary Margaret and Jack Smith In celebration of our granddaughter Tara’s high school graduation, given by Jackie and Bill Dulworth Pulpit Assistant (11:00) John Kelly Sound System (8:45) Robert Glance (11:00) John Kelly Ushers (8:45) Pam Pethick, Sharon Johnson, Dal Stanley, Joyce Stanley (11:45) Ted Nichols, Bishop Hare, Myra Toomajian, Leo Toomajian Officers to Serve Communion (8:45) Jim Marra, Don Haberkost, Sharon Johnson, Sue Haberkost, Pam Pethick (11:00) Sonni Callan, John Callan, Joe Anderson VOLUNTEERS FOR NEXT WEEK Flowers In honor of our wedding anniversary, given by Bob Purdy Pulpit Assistant Reverend Judy Bowling Sound System (8:45) Robert Glance (11:00) John Kelly Ushers (8:45) Kathleen Pearson, John Pearson, Bryant Stewart, Erin Stewart (11:45) John Callan, Sonni Callan, Caroline Day, Coker Day

Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Pastor and Head of Staff: Office 648.9574 Ext. 104 Rev. Judy Bowling, Parish Associate: Office 648.9574 Ext. 102 Cell 803.354.2447 Allison Kelly, Director of Young Children and Family Ministries: Office 648.9574 Ext. 105 Cell 803.336.9540 Phillip Hare, Director of Music: 648.9574 Scott Chappell, Organist: 648.9574 Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 103 Mary Ann Laurey, Office Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 100 Jeni Myers, Kindergarten Director: 648.9895 Cissy Kelley, Childcare Coordinator: 270.5808

Church Fax: 803.648.7972 Web Site: