
Sound r Strategies

SoundEarth Strategies California. Inc. 5250 Claremont Avenue. Suite 133 Stockton. California 95207


To: Mr. Kevin Kauffman General M

Stockton East Water District

6161 East Main Street

Stockton California 95215

-CT - 7 2011

Date: October 6. 2011

Project No.: SlOl-001-01

Subject: Bozanno Property, Stockton. California

We Are Sending:




For Your:



Report of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Characterization and Site Assessment for the

Bozanno Property, Stockton, California, dated October 6. 2011

Sent By:

Use 1st Class Mail

Approval Fed Ex Ground

Review/Comments Fed Ex Overnight

Information Courier

Other X Other-Hand Delivery

Sound Earth appreciates the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please contact Gary Moore at {866) 850-1900 if you have any questions or require additional information.


SoundEarth Strategies California, Inc. 866.850.1900 "Always do right. this will gratify some and astonish the rest." -Mark Twain




SourtdEarth Strategies California, Inc. 5250 Claremont Avenue. Suite 133 Stockton. California 95207


Kevin Kauffman, SEWD DATE: October 21, 2011

John Lambie

Addendum to October 6, 2011 Report of Managed Aquifer Recharge

As we discussed, SoundEarth Strategies (SoundEarth) is providing this addendum to clarify how percolation rates for the Bozanno property were developed and to provide more legible copies of the calculation spreadsheets found in Appendix D to the October 6th report.

The field testing done by SoundEarth used a Guelph Permeameter which is a highly precise testing device for measuring the hydraulic permeability of soils. Further it allows for testing at depth without excavating soil; testing was done at 5.5 feet in depth by coring a small test hole 6 centimeters in diameter.

Testing with the Guelph Permeameter is done by introducing a small amount of water to the cored test hole and creating a "well" of water with a set height of water in it, usually between 5 and 10 centimeters. The rate at which water infiltrates the soil is measured from the rate of descent in an external reservoir that siphons water to the "well" keeping the same standing height of water in the "well" throughout the test. There are two different reservoirs on the Guelph Permeameter, a large and a small, to give the device tremendous range in measuring low to high hydraulic permeabilities of soils. The hydraulic permeability of the soil is then quantified by calculating the volumetric rate that water is introduced to the "well" and the height of the water in the "well". The test with the highest rate of percolating water was BP-10 using the large reservoir, followed by BP-03, and lastly BP-02 which was tested using the small reservoir due to its low infiltration rate. The calculations are based on the rate of water, Q introduced to the "well" and not the rate of descent on the reservoir since it depends on which reservoir size is in use. The calculations of hydraulic permeability reflected in Table 2 are correct. The supporting field sheets and calculation details are in Appendix D. However, the original printout in Appendix D had one of the calculation columns set to print too small to show the actual flow rate at BP-02. We have provided large color printouts of each of those sheets to this addendum to enable those values to be read.

The vertical rate of percolation or infiltration for ponded water upon this soil horizon five feet below present land surface is calculated in the manner described on pages 5 and 6 of the report using Darcy's Law for water flowing through permeable soil. The calculations of vertical percolation out of a pond footprint on page 6 allow for the geometric shape of the ponds and the estimated spreading of water laterally. What may cause confusion is that the measured rate of descent for the water in the reservoir for the Guelph Permeameter does not equal the vertical percolation rate for water into the ground. Table 2 reflects conservative estimates of vertical percolation rates for ponds since the standing

WW\v.soundearthlnc.cum 866.85D.19HO .. Alvtays do right this will gratify sorne and astonish the rest:· -Mark Twain

Kevin Kaufman, SEWD October 21, 2011

pressure of the water is conservatively estimated as if the water was poured on the surface rather than ponded with a standing pressure.

The permeameter testing from borehole BP-10 and the coincident sediment textural analysis of the local area at and around the Bozanno Property indicates that the infiltration rate for water at Bozanno Property will equal or exceed those at the existing 60-acre MAR basins. The sediment textures beneath the Bozanno Property are overall much coarser near surface than those beneath the 60-acre parcel as can be seen by comparing the left hand side of cross-section B-B' in Figure 8, the area beneath the Bozanno Property, to the right hand side of the same cross-section, the area beneath the existing 60-acre basins. Further, the testing of permeability at BP-10 is coincident with the left hand side of cross­section B-B'; infiltration rates are projected to be higher in the central area of the Bozanno Property. Thus taken as a whole, the Bozanno Property is anticipated to perform as well or better than the 60-acre parcel. The southern and central portions of the Bozanno Property are anticipated to infiltrate water more rapidly than the 60-acre basin area.

I hope this provides clarification of the work performed. My apologies for the legibility of the spreadsheets in the report. Please feel free to contact me or Gary Moore if you need further clarification on this area or other aspects of the work performed.

Attachments: {3) Guelph Permeameter Calculation {Single Head Method) Sheets for BP02, BP03, and BP10

cc: Gary Moore, SoundEarth Strategies Jeff Yarne

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SoundEarth Strategies California, Inc. V:\SlOl _Stockton\-001230 Acre Assessment\-Ol lnitial Site lnvestigation\7. Deliverables\Ciarification Memo on Permeability and Infiltration Rate Estima tes for Bozanno 10211l .docx

Page I 2



Guelph Permeameter Calculations (Single Head Method) Data

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Support: :[email protected]

Loc.1t ion: BP02 ANiyst: G,O. Moort

ANiysis One: 20110530

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Guelph Permeameter Calculations (Single Head Method)



Support: alitlsoil

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Analyst: G.D. Moore

AnatysisDate: 20llOIBO

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E Guelph Permeameter Calculations (Single Head Method)



Support : al!(ho ilmoistlK~ .com

Parameters ~rT'ft'C(e.nter"1."fot:CombiMd•nd"1" .forlnMf"rne:rwoir) :

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AMtyst: G.O. Moore

Analysis 20110830


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