
Sound & Vibration Awareness Course

Procession of the Equinox

Procession & Earths Axis

Sound & Vibration Awareness CourseDAY TWO

The Universal FactsWe are vibratory/energy beings

Our brain produces electric energy

Vibration is measured in hertz

97% junk unused DNA

The Universe is singing

Humans have existed on Earth for 100s of thousands of years

So Why Sound?

"The forms of snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form."

Quantum Physics/MetaphysicsConnectionBoth disciplines are based on the premise of vibration and frequency

Meditation and metaphysical practices are designed to increase your vibration

Individuals that have obtained enlightenment have in essence raised their vibratory frequency (measured in hz)

What is Quantum PhysicsQuantum mechanics (also known as quantum physics or quantum theory), is a fundamental branch of physics that deals with attempting to define and understand the sub atomic world

What is Metaphysics?The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, vibration and space.

Meta & Quantum Physics Terms Comparison


NONLOCALITYThe ability of objects to instantaneously know about each others state, even when separated by large distances (potentially even billions of light years), almost as if the universe at large instantaneously arranges its particles in anticipation of future events.Erases Einsteins theory that nothing can go faster than the speed of light since this form of communication is instantProves what ancient spiritual scriptures have been saying

Physics & Spirituality TODAYScience and religion are separate and often buttheads and disagree with one anotherSciences in todays world is based on Newtownian physicsNewtownian physics does not sync with quanum physics and technically both disciplines should not coexistThis is an Illusion. The only thing that exists are the frequencies and our perception is the dream

Illusion you say?The very act of watching the observer affects the observed reality.

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have conducted an experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer's influence on what actually takes place.

The Electron ExperimentWhen being observed the electrons being emitted would bounce of the barrierWhen not observed the electrons would act as waves and make it through the barrierWhen not observed the electron would exist in two locations simultaneously

Does the world exist when we arent looking? Or is it all just a frequency just passing by

We are one spec of light experiencing itself infinitely

Why is this important?Quantum physics is the bridge that is needed now to bring the sciences and spiritual traditions world wide together. It is the science where all religion was derived

The Universal language is math...

The universal language is music

The Universal language is Quantum Phsyics=The mathematics of the vibration (music/frequency) of the universe

Albert Einstein StatedConcerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.

The Physiology of the brainWe use a limited amount of our mental ability

Our brains excrete DMT

Prevalent in our brains for the first 3 years of life

Signs of DMT: dilated pupils, extreme joy, increased dopamine levels, bliss, cosmic understanding/higher perspective, usage of dormant parts of the brain

Psychedelic Plant MedicineAll psychedelic drugs excrete DMT that is stored in the pineal gland (third eye)

Inner sight and inner knowing of the third eye is a direct correlation to DMT

Examples of psychadelic drugs: Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro, Ayahuasca, Acid and more

How does this connect to sound healing?Sound healing aligns the chakra center and creates deep states of meditation in which DMT is released in the brain and dormant parts of the brain activate

The visions, sacred geometry and vibrations you see are the same that are seen in spiritual journeys using psychedelic plant medicine.

432 hz = A in Sound Chambers

The Cosmic 432 (hz)The frequency of the universeEminating from the center of our galaxyThe global music scale was set to 432 and moved to 440 in 1953432 hz Harmonic tone / unit440 hz chaotic/ separate consciousnessIt is said that Eastern languages communicate in 432 hz and western in 440 hz


Solfeggio Frequency HistoryThe origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scaleThe first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more like God/Christ

The Solfege Scale


Hymn to John The BaptistUt queant laxis Resonare fibrisMira gestorum Famuli tuorumSolve polluti Labii reatumSancte Iohannes

In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.

The above text seems to suggest that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine.

Book of NumbersThere is a code in the book of numbers from the Christian Bible that uncovers the exact hertz frequency of each tone

For example: In the book of numbers in each stanza speaking about each day of creation when the pythagorean reduction method is used we arrive at the first solfeggio frequency of 396 hz

The Solfeggio Scale (hz)396Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change528 Hz Love and Miracles (DNA Repair)639 Hz Connecting/Relationships741 Hz Expression/Solutions852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order

They were used in over 150 Gregorian Chants 9th and 10th centuries

Why this is important?You can utilize each of these frequencies to target certain issues (countless videos on YouTube)Many instruments you may come across will have these frequenciesDuring the time of Jesus and after the Romans engaged in a life of pleasure, luxury and entertainmentChristians saw the Romans as evil since they were the opressors; therefore correlated music as evil as wellThese chants and frequencies were given to Christians but not utilized as they should have been due to this fact.

Sacred Geometry Shapes

Sacred Geometry

Sacred GeometryGeomtrical shapes that are formed from equations that are the same equations of how our universe is created and black holes are formedGeometrical shapes that take on the design element of harmonic frequenciesGeometrical shapes that represent each dimension of exsistenceAncient art work used to expand and awaken the collective consciousnessUtilized in all ancient civilizations spiritual scriptures

Phi Ratio or the Golden Mean

Vibration of Music of the Spheres:"Every cell pulsates, reflects and interacts with acoustic oscillations of the medium. Even the earth and sun vibrate in unison based on a main rhythm of 160 minutes. Each musical note is therefore united to non-audible notes of higher octaves, and each symphony to other symphonies that we do not hear, and although they make our cells oscillate and possibly resonate. Even DNA has its own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now recognized by official science. by Candace Pert, Ph.D., she writes, " basically, receptors function as scanners (sensing molecules, on a cellular level). They cluster in cellular membranes, waiting for the right ligand (much smaller molecules than receptors), to come dancing along (diffusing) through the fluid surrounding each cell, and mount them binding with them and (tickling ) them to turn them on and get them motivated to vibrate a message into the cell. Binding of the ligand to the receptor is likened to two voices, striking the same note and producing a vibration that rings a doorbell to open the doorway to the cell."
