
We complete our Viking Topic this week and will be taking our learning outdoors where we will be learning about Long Boats.


We are learning to write in joined

up cursive writing.

We are learning to write an imaginative Christmas tale with a beginning, middle and end.

Maths / Numeracy

We are learning about the 5 times table

What are we learning in P3 this week?

Week beginning 7th December

Wider Achievement/Other

· Gold Coins

· Recognition board

· Assembly

· Read write count activities

Health & Wellbeing

The 12 Days of Sparkle commences this week and we will be enjoying all things Christmas with lots of SMPS cheer. Despite these strange times we will be creating oodles of festive community spirit across the school.

Literacy / Reading

We are revising the Block 8 rules and tricky words this week.

Spelling patterns covered in Block 8 are:

1. drop the ‘e’ at the end of the word and then add ‘ing’

2. add the suffix –ed

3. change y to i before adding ed.

Follow this link to find all the Block 8 tricky words: Block 1 - 8 Tricky Words single sheet (

We can choose a book to read for enjoyment.
