Page 1: Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0

To take my final piece from the draft to the final cut I had to look carefully at the audio. The audio

for the clips I had filmed was majority muffled by wind. This compromised the quality of the dialogue

I had planned in my opening sequence so I had to think another way around the problem.

I had a think about what I could do to make the wind less noticeable and putting a music track in the

background was the best choice. The only problem with this was the timescale. I hadn’t been able to

compose my own track to use do to having troubles initially getting the footage and by the time I

had chance to edit this footage I had lost all chance to produce my own backing track, nevertheless I

imported a song into the draft and thought I would use a rock track due to the nature of the opening

sequence with the violence. In the final cut I had second thoughts about using the original track I had

used (highway to hell – AC/DC) as it comes in too powerful too fast. I decided to replace the track

with a more correctly themed song (Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive). As this is slow and gradually

builds and has a theme that is similar to the plot of my movie.

The actual audio of the movie clips I filmed using the camera I lowered their volumes depending on

how much noise was in each clip from the weather. Some clips I chose to just fade out the audio and

some I chose to cut it completely. I originally decided to use all the dialogue I had recorded in my

first draft but in my final cut I decided to use only select pieces of audio.

To get the gun effect to work I used the effects in Sony Vegas. It is not perfect due to me being

inexperienced but I tried to get the gunshot burst coming a couple of frames after the actual trigger

is pulled. I also timed the sound so it came slightly after the flash because of the realism. Although

there is little noticeable difference when viewing it gives me more piece of mind that I got a more

realistic gun shot. I was going to try to use tracking a bit more but I feel for the time you see the shot

it is unnecessary.

I rerendered the second video in 1080P instead of the 120kb the draft was rendered in . this means

the colour is much better and it is less pixelated.

Page 2: Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0

The titles I I added in last once I had allocated space for them. This allowed for me to insert “time

gaps” where the credits are. I tried to keep the text effects for the credits to a minimum just fading

in and out as I didn’t want them to distract from the actual film.
