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Son s of the

Am e r ican Revo lu t ion .

N ew York S ta te Socie ty

I S9 3—94


H istorian and Registrar

Page 3: Sons of the American Revolution

Copyrighted and Printed byTHE REPUBLIC PRESS

(Tue New YORK Pamrmc COMPANY)

5 36-5 38 Pearl Street, New York

in the 1 1 8th year of theIndependence of the United States

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Con ten ts












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S ons of the Am e rican Revolu tion


(erred be nefits upon the descendants of

those who won our nat iona l independence ,exact ed du ties from them and gave to

them a d ist inct ion , the recogn it ion of

wh ich led to the format ion of the SOC I ETY OF THE SONSOF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION . Of these three—thebenefits . the dut ies and the d ist inct ion— the fi rst ment ioned

least exclusively belong to the immed iate descendan ts o i the

founders of the Republ ic . They have been so un iversa l in

their operat ion and so far-reach ing in the ir

influence that no one country cou ld . i f it Benefits Con

wou ld , monopol ize them . So great has been “m “,

by "W

American Revthei r magn i tude that the m ind I s unable

a lum “ .

fu lly to grasp them , and the h istorian and

studen t are overwhelmed in the contemplat io’

n of them .

The American Revolution was a prod igious event in human

annals . I t seems l ike the burn ing focus o f al l preced ingand the rad iant point of all succeed ing h istory . I t m arked

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the beginn ing of a new pe riod in h igher civi l izat ion as defi

n ite lv as the star which led the wise men on the plains of

J udea gave the lum inous po int from which the Christ ian erais measured . I ts fert i l iz ing and qu icken ing power is felt to

day by every nat ion o f the earth , in its higher c iv i l izat ion ,

its pol it ical advancement , and its material progress already

achieved , and in its hopes for and faith in greater fru its in the

fu ture . The progress in the d irect ion of popu lar government

alone has been marvelous during the centu ry s ince the achieve

men t of American au tonomy . The Republ ic of Switzerland

secured her fi rst Const itu t ion free from foreign influence some

s ixty years after the adopt ion of the Const itu t ion o f theU nited States , which she stud ied . F rance , our own ally , now

has a stab le popu lar form o f government . England c losely

approximates a democracy . I reland , ethnolog ical ly a dis

t inct nat ion , though pol it ical ly a part of the U nited K i ngdom ,

is apparent ly on the threshold of se l f-governmen t . And in a

greater or lesser degree , every other c ivi l ized nat ion of the OldWorld feels the influence of the American Revolut ion in a

more l ibera l const itu t ional government and other mod ificat ions

of pol i t ical l i fe . In the New World , the operat ion o f the

d ist inct ively American idea embod ied i n the Monroe Doctrine

extends the princ ip le o f se l f-government to every country of

the Western Hemisphere except Canada .

With the promot ion o f popu lar government,which in its

essence is a governmen t for the happ i ness of the people , there

has been a long stride away from the perpetual mi l itan t idea

of the o ld c ivi l izat ion toward the more humane and fraternal

idea of the new , that peace is the right fu l normal cond i t ion of

the people . The princ ip les which were embod ied in the cov

enant known as the Armed Neu tral ity . which were estab l ished

during the war o f American Independence , restrict ing the fie ld

of host i l it ies to the nat ions actua l ly at war, i n themselves con

st itu ted one of the most rad ical and be neficen t changes in the

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h is tory of human warfare and , fol lowed , as might have been

expe cted , by the st i ll more advanced princ iple of internat ional

arbitrat ion between poss ible bel l igerents , establ ished between

ou rse lves and the m other country with in the last quarter of a

centu ry through the efforts o f American statesmen , has done

more than any one th ing to c i rcum scribe the area of war ,pract ical ly promote peace and fratern ity among the nat ions of

the earth , and recogn ize the interests o f peace as paramount to

those of war .

In these and other d irect ions it is imposs ible to est imate

the powerfu l insp irat ion which the accomp l ished fact of the

American Revolu t ion has been to men of lo fty aims , and the

strong. sustain ing moral support it has given to every great

effort at popu lar advancement i n the world during the past

century . The contemplat ion of these things by any in te lligent man , in any part o f the world , is enough to st i r up the

pro foundest sense of grat itude toward those stem and hardy

men who , fort ified with a righteous purpose and strengthened

with an unwavering faith , struggled in the midst of indescribable hardships and offered the greatest sacrifices which are in

human power to give , i n order to establ ish their inal ienable

rights . And i f this be so , how much deeper a sense of

obl igat ion ought the American cit izen in general and the

descendant o f Revolu t ionary ancestry in part icular to feel

when he cons iders the inest imab le spec ial bless ings wh ich he

enj oys within h is own nat ional boundaries in consequence of

these sacrifices and sufferings o f the fathers of the nation .

In the cont i nu ity o f the race , every genera

t ion is inseparably connected with that which

preceded i t and that which wi l l fo l low it . F rom Z?its zxthe one i t receives al l that the gen ius o f the my Sim ,

pas t has accumu lated ; to the other it gives thiswith whatever add it ions i t may be ab le to make . I f this were

not so , and i f every generat ion had to beg i n afresh to form its

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own cond i t ions , human h istory cou ld gather no momentum

and civ i l izat ion wou ld be no farther advanced to-day than itwas at the creat ion o f the world . Every man , therefore , owes

a duty to the past that what he has rece ived from i t shall at

least not deteriorate in his hands he owes it to his contem

poraries that he shal l do his share toward preserving it he

owes it to the fu ture that h is successors shall receive from him

as good a se t of c i rcumstances as he h imself came in to at birth .

The debt to the pas t may be partly paid , but on ly part ly , by

cherish ing the memories of our ancestors who founded the

Republic . Bu t no adequate return to a dead generat ion can

ever be made by the l iving . By far the greater port ion of the

obl igat ion can be d ischarged by making a defin ite efiort to

protect from harm what they have given to u s and by giv ing it

i n as good i f not better cond it ion to the succeed ing generation .

No se t o f men are better qual ified by nature to be the

guard ians of th is treasure than those who d irectly inherit the

blood of the founders of the Republ ic . None w i ll do it with

such zeal , none w ith such sympathy , none wi th such intel

l igen t comprehens ion , none with such equ ipmen t of all the

facu lt ies that come by hered ity from the Revolutionary

fathers . The laws o f hered ity , to which the pers istence of

ind iv idual and nat ional characterist ics is due , make the actual

descendants of the fathers of the Repub l ic the best inter

p reters of the ir ideas and the best exponents of the ir principles .

Ol iver Wendel l Holmes uttered a profound tru th when , inresponse to an inquiry as to when the educat ion of a chi ld

shou ld begin , he repl ied , One hundred years before it is

born . The educat ion o f the present generat ion of Americans

began a cen tury ago , and the education of a generat ion to be

born a century hence is beginning to-day . I t is a du ty , not

on ly to the present bu t to the fu ture , that the ideas of the

founders be protected from pervers ion and m isconcept ion .

One cannot have followed publ ic events of late. years without

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real iz ing the serious need of the exercise of a restrain ing, cor

rect ive , and educat ing influence , in order to preserve some of

the fundamental ideas o f the nat ion . One may cite as a single

i l lustrat ion the unfortunate m isconception of the word inde

pendence ” by those un fam i l iar w ith our nat ional h istory and

the genius of the American people . In their m inds , America

too often stands for independence Of everything— law , order,and moral and phys ical restraint of every kind . They con

ce ive the Revolutionary fathers more or less in the l ight of

successful anarch ists , who had some new not ions of their own ,and who , in order to carry them out , defied and overthrew

ex ist ing authori ty . That misconcept ion , in a much d ilu ted

form , is embod ied in the common express ion “ Y oungAmerica"

when appl ied in good natured to lerance to the members of

the rising generat ion who are incl ined to over-ride parental or

c iv i l au thority .

Th is is as unfortunate as it is unj ust . The war of the

Revolut ion was not inaugurated for the purpose of acqu iring

newly conceived and unaccustomed priv i leges . Independence ,as embodied in the great Declarat ion , meant s imply nat ional

or pol it ical independence of a despot who had deprived the

co lon ists of immemorial rights ; and even as such , was their

slow and reluctant conclus ion . The colon ists endured years

of Oppress ion wi thou t th inking of separat ion . Aflect ion for

the mother country , to wh ich they were bound by natural t iesand trad it ions , made them very re luctant to sever themselvesfrom her. Even after the ru ler o f a common race had set

brother to ki ll brother, and b lood flowed at Concord and

L ex ington , the thought of independence was not general ly

entertained . Washington assumed command of the Americanforces under a flag which bore not on ly the thirteen st ripes of

the colon ies bu t also the cross of St . George , s ign i fying

loyalty to the crown . Ticonderoga was captured , Canadainvaded , Bunker H ill fought , Montreal captured , Quebec

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assau lted , the Brit ish driven from Boston , and several other

batt les fought , before i t was demonstrated that reconc i l iat ionwas ou t of the range of poss ibil ity and the necess ity of independence was driven in upon the minds of the colon ists with such

force as to be embod ied in a formal Declarat ion . There were

a few men l ike Samue l Adams , whose prophetic v is ion saw that

independence was the inev itab le logic of even ts to come , and

yet even he was foremost in proceed ing in conform ity with

the estab lished laws o f the exist ing government . In fact,the

strictness with which the co lonists kept within the law was so

extraord inary , that abroad i t was m isconstrued as t im id ity . I t

was only after the L ord had hardened the heart of Pharaoh so

that he wou ld not y ield to the prayers of the peop le , that

they were constrained to assert their independence ; and that

independence was not independence of law , bu t of lawless

ness . I t was not the demand ing of unheard of privi leges and

the establ ishment of new ly devised princ ip les , but the re -asser

tion and re-establ ishment of hered itary rights older than Magn a

Charta , mod ified by , and adapted to , the changes of t ime and

circumstance . I t shou ld never be al lowed to be forgotten that

the an imat ing sp i ri t of the Ameri can people was then , and isto day ,

the sp i rit of sel f-control and amenity to the law .

T ime and history have placed the seal of approThe Distinc


fim bat ion on the issue of the war o f the American

2; 521220"

Revolut ion . The Am erican colonists seem to

have been marked by Dest iny to accomp l ish a

wonderfu l work in the world ’

s history . The three primord ial

forces— race , surround ings and epoch— to wh ich Taine , in

another connect ion , al ludes as the factors of al l soc ial and

econom ic cond it ions , gave to them‘

alone , of all the peoples of

the earth , the power to accompl ish the great resu lts wh ich

they ach ieved . No other race , or port ion of race , at that

t ime had at once the hered itary trai ts , the pecu l iar environ

ment of t ime and c i rcumstance , and the stage of historical

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mom entum that equ ipped the American co lonists for their

work . And it was on ly when their gen ius asserted itse l f ,threw off its encumbrances and entered upon a free exerc ise ,that this country bounded forward in its course of phenomena l

prosperity , and grew vast ly more in one cen tury than in al l

the three previous centuries which had e lapsed s ince the d is

cove ry of America . That this wonderfu l progress cou ld not

have occu rred under cont inued Bri t ish dominion may reason

ab ly be inferred , i f from no other premises , from the fact that

it d id not occur before Independence was secured and has not

been paral leled by any nat ion under s imi lar cond it ions s i nce .

I t is ce rta in ly a great d ist inct ion to be descended from that

chosen race of men whose dest iny i t was to work that great

revo lu t ion in the world'

s history and to give that wonder

fu l impetus to the spread and advancement o f c ivi l izat ion .

The essent ia l ly peacefu l des ire of the Revo lu

t iona ry fathers , and the re luctance wi th which Origin Of the

they j o ined the host i l it ie s forced upon them , ifizficgrf

‘ R2:are i l lustrated i n the react ion which fol lowed Olution .

the conc lus ion of the war . Peace secured , the

cit izens of the new Republ ic turned back to the plows which

they had deserted i n the furrows and devoted their attent ion

so ass iduous ly to domest ic affai rs that the animos it ies engen

dered by the war passed away pract ica l ly wi th the generat ion

that fought it , being revived on ly temporari ly by the war of

1 8 1 2 . Enterprise , bound ing forward with the strides o f a

giant , absorbed the thoughts of the people , and the even ts of

succeed ing years consp i red to erase the memories of 1 776.

After the comparat ively ins ignificant war with Mexico i n 1 848

came the great and lamentab le c iv i l confl ict of 1 86 1—65 , thefresh memories of which almost ob l i terated those o f the Warof Independence . The F ourth of j u ly became bu t a feeble

reminder o f the glorious achievemen ts Of the prev ious centu ry

and the deeds of the founde rs of the nat ion were rap id ly

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S ta tue on the United States Sub-Treasury ste ps , corner ofWal l and Nansen Streets , New YorkC ity , erec ted vo lun tary subscript ions unde r the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of theSta te of New orlt , Nov . O6, 1 883 .

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Nearly a year was allowed to elapse after the


OF THE AMERICAN REvOI .UTION was formed , in order to give

the then exist i ng society of revo lu t ionary descendants in thisState an opportunity to j o in the Nat ional Soc iety but as no

common ground o f un ion could be reached , and as the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION was i n the anomalous cond i t ion of having no branch in

this State , it authorized Mr . George Creighton Webb o f NewY ork C ity to take steps for the format ion o f a Soc iety in thisState . He performed the congen ial task with zeal , and on

F ebruary I I , 1 890 , the N Ew Y ORK STATE SOCIETY OF


at the office of D r . W i l l iam Seward Webb of New Y ork

C ity , who was then P res ident General of the Nat ional

Soc i ety , and whose pract ical interest , generous assistance

and earnest personal efforts have great ly promoted the growth

o f the Soc iety at large . The ofli cers of the Soc iety then

elected and the ir successors are g iven on the following pages .

Th is Soc iety is a pract ica l and not a mere ly

Sent imental and ornamental organ izat ion . In

its genealogical work alone i t is o f inest imable

value . Men have been stimu lated to i nvest i

gate the ir ancestry and to rescue unrecorded facts from the

generat ion now passing away wh ich wou ld have been lost for

ever i f they had waited a few years longer . Throughou t the

country the Society is sav ing from destruct ion historical land

marks , such as the headquarters of Jonathan Trumbu l l in

Connect icut , wh ich has been obtained for a museum . I t ismarking historical spots and d irectly or ind i rect ly securing

the erect ion of memorials of the Revo lut ionary heroes ,such as the great Bennington monument near that famous

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battle-fie ld ,the statue of Gen . John Stark in New Hampshire ,

and the monument to be erected in Balt imore to Maryland'


heroes of the Revolut ion . I t has obtained from Congress alaw prov id ing for the co l lect ion and indexing of the records of

serv ice in the Revolu t ion now in Wash ington . I t has not on ly

done much to restore the patriot ic observance ofWashington ’


Birthday and the F ourth of Ju ly , bu t has establ ished the annual

observance of J une I 4 as F lag Day , in commemorat ion of

the adopt ion of the Stars and Stripes and the Nat ional Stand

ard . I t has developed a general publ ic interest in American

h istory . I t has led to the format ion of the Nat ional Society

o f Daughters of the American Revolut ion , and in coun tlessother ways is d o ing a great patriot ic work for the country .

The officers of the New Y ork State Society s ince its organ

i z ation are given on the fo l lowing pages .

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P r esident,


S ecr etary a nd Reg istra r ,


Tr easur er,


M anager s,













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OFFICERS FOR 1 89 1— 1 892 .

P r esident,


S eer eta ry ,


Treasu r er,















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OFFICERS FOR I S92- 1 893.

P r esz aent,


Vice P r esident,


S ecreta ry ,


Treasurer and Regi strar ,


M anager s,












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OFFICERS FOR 1 893- 1 894.


P resident,


Grand Central S tation.

Viee P r esident,


3 3 Nassau S treet .

S eer eta ry ,


z Nassau S treet .

Tr ea su r er,


5 1 Cham bers S treet.

R eg istr a r and H i stor ian,


5 3 8 P ear l S t reet .

C/lapla in ,

TH E RE V . SAMUB I. H . V IRG IN , D . D .,

I 6 E ast 1 2 5 th S treet .

















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Con stitu tion


The name of this Society shall be The New York State Society of the Sonsof the American Revolution .


Th is Society sha l l be a part of the Nationa l Society of the Sons of the

American Revolution. I t recogn izes al l State Societies of the Sons of the

Am erican Revolution as co-equa l , and the ir members as their compa tr iots , entitledto receive from th is Society such informat ion , assistance and fraterna l considerat ion as m ay best promote the objects of the Society.


The objects of th is Society sha l l be to perpetuate the memory of the m en who,by the ir services or sacrifices during the War of the American Revolution


achieved the Independence of the American people to un ite and promote fe llowship among their descendants to inspire them and the community at large with amore profound reverence for the principles of the governmen t founded by our

fore fathers to encourage historica l research in re lation to the American Revolu

t ion to acquire and preserve the records of the individual serv ices of the patriotsof the war, as well as documen ts , relics and landmarks to mark the scenes of theRevolution by appropriate m em orials to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the War ; to foster true patriotism ; to mainta in and extend the

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payable in advance on the wt of Apri l in each year. Members admitted duringthe month ofApri l Sha l l pay annua l dues for the fu l l year ; bu t members admittedafter the 3oth of Apri l Shal l make firs t payment on ly at the rate of 25 cents forevery month and fract ion of mon th rema in ing be fore the w t of Apri l next

fol lowing .


The Annua l Mee t ing Sha l l be he ld on the 22d of February,or as near that

date as m ay be conven ient , a t a time and place to be determined by the Board of

Managers,for the e lection of Officers and De legates, and the transaction of busi

ness ; and a specia l meeting sha ll be ca l led by the Pres ident or Board of Managersat any t ime when reques ted to do so in wri ting by ten members , speci fying theobject of such mee ting. Fifteen members shal l constitu te a quorum . Genera lbusiness m ay be transacted at any specia l meeting.


Upon the pet ition of fi fteen or more members res iding in the same town or

coun ty, the Board of Managers m ay authorize the formation of a local organ i z ation to be known as the Chapter of the New York State Socie tyof Sons of the American Revo lut ion . Such Chapter m ay enact such by-laws andregu lations as do not conflict with the Const itu tions or By-Laws of the Nationa lSociety or New York State Society of Sons of the American Revolution . No

person Sha l l be admitted to such Chapter who is not a member of the New YorkState Society of Sons of the American Revolution , and a ll members of this Societyresiding within the territory of such Chapter sha ll be el igible to membersh iptherein . Any member who sha ll be suspended, expe lled , or in any way losemembership in the State Society , Sha l l thereupon cease to be a member of suchChapter.



The sea l of this Society sha ll be the same as that of the Nationa l Society ,wi th the exception that it sha l l bea r the legend New York State Society of the

Sons of the American Revolution , organ ized F eb . I I , in place of the

legend of the Nationa l Society.



The insign ia Sha l l be the same as that of the Nat iona l Society , name lyA Silver cross of four arms and eight poin ts , same size as the Cheva lier’s

Cross of the Legion of Honor of France arms ename led wh ite in the cen ter, a

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BY- LAWS . 2 5

gold meda l lion bearing the bust of Genera l George Wash ington in profi le , surrounded by a ribbon in blue ename l , bearing the legend Libertas et Patriaencircling the meda ll ion and midway between it and the po ints of the cross , alaure l wrea th in green ename l . Reverse : same as the obverse , except that themeda llion bears the figu re of a Continen ta l sold ier, and tha t the blue ename ledribbon bears the t it le Sons of the Amer ican Revolution .

”The whole is sur

moun ted by an eagle of gold or Si lver and is suspended from a blue and wh iteribbon .

A sma l ler badge , the same as the foregoing in every respect except that it ison ly one-ha lf the diame ter of the large one , and a blue and wh ite rosette or button ,

seven-sixteenths of an inch in d iame ter.



Amendmen ts to th is Const itution m ay be offered at any mee ting of the Societybut Sha l l not be acted on un ti l the next meeting at least one month therea fter . Acopy of every proposed amendmen t sha ll be sent to each member

,with a not ice of

the meet ing at which the same w i l l be acted upon , at leas t one week prior to sa idmee ting.A vote of two-th irds of those presen t sha l l be necessary to the adoption of an





An appl icant for membersh ip Sha l l send to the Secretary his appl ication form embership , made ou t in dupl icate upon standard b lanks furn ished by the Society,in wh ich b lan ks he sha l l give his pedigree back to the ancestor onwhose service theapplication is based , state defin ite ly the patriotic service of sa id ancestor, and givesuch other in formation , documentary or otherwise , as may be required to sat isfythe Registrar of the va l idity of the cla im . The Secretary Sha ll transmit the

These badges are m ade by the Soc ie ty's Officia l j ewe lers , T iffany Co U n ion Square ,N ew York City, and are obta ined from them on ly on a pe rm it issued to the m em ber by theRegist rar Genera l a t Wash ington , through the Sta te Registra r. The large cross m th gold eagle

costs The large cross w ith si lver eagle cos ts The sm al l cross w ith gold eagle costs$ I o.oo. To obtain the ba dge , the m em be r w i l l write to the Sta te Registrar , Spec ifying the kinddes ired, a nd he wi l l obta in for and se nd to the m em ber the necessary perm it . The m em ber wi l lthen send th is perm it to T iffany Co . , accom pan ied by his check, made payable to them , and

wi l l receive the badge d irect ly from the j ewe lers .

The blue and wh ite rose ttes (or bu ttons) of the Society m ay be obta ined from the Sta te

Regis trar , and cost as cen ts apiece.

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applicat ion to the Registrar who sha l l invest igate it , and upon the applican t'scompliance with the requirements of the Society, the Registrar shal l report it tothe Board of Managers with his signature . Upon its acceptance by the Board ofManagers and approval by the Registrar Genera l , the Secretary sha l l send notificat ion of his e lection to the applicant , who sha ll become a member upon the paymen tof his in itiat ion fee and dues to the I st of Apri l following.


The Pres iden t, or in his absence the V ice Pres ident , sha l l pres ide at all mee tings of the Society and Board of Managers and have a casting vote . H e sha l lexercise the usua l funct ions of pres iding Offi cer

,and sha l l en force a strict observ

ance of the Const itution and By-laws of this Society .



The Secretary sha l l conduct the genera l correspondence and keep a fair andaccu rate record of all the proceedings of the Socie ty have charge of the records ,sea l , certifica te of incorporation ,

Cons titution and By-laws of the Society ; givenotice to the severa l offi cers of all votes or proceedings affect ing their duties ;noti fy members of their e lection give due not ice to membe rs of a ll m eet ings ofthe Society ; and perform such other dut ies as may be imposed upon h im by theBoard of Managers . H e sha l l a lso

, toge ther with the Pres ident , certify all acts ofthe Society .



The Treasurer sha l l keep the accoun ts of the Society sha l l issue bi l ls of

indebtedness to members sha ll col lect a ll moneys of the Society and depos it thesame in some bank approved by the Board of Managers , in the name of the New

York State Society of the Sons of the America n Revo lution ; and he sha l l d isbursethe same on ly on checks drawn for accoun ts wh ich have been duly approved by theBoard of Managers, or a committee appoin ted thereby for such purpose . H e sha l lgive his rece ipt for moneys rece ived

,and sha ll keep a true accoun t of his financia l

transact ions and make report of the same a t the annua l meeting of the Society.



The Registrar sha l l , upon rece ipt of an appl ica tion for membership, investiga tethe proofs of e ligibil ity, and if they be not satisfactory , require further proofs fromthe applicant . Upon the verifica tion of the appl ican t's cla im to e ligibi l ity, theRegistrar sha l l affix his signa ture and transmit the applicat ion to the Board of

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after due opportun ity has been afiorded him no snpp ly sat isfactnty evidena . I n

ei ther of the foregoing casea , the mem ber may be restored m the ro lls upon the

paym ent of arrears and dues to da te, or the furnishing of the required evidence of

e ligibi lity , as the case may be .

Upon the signed complain t of ten mem bers . the Board of Managers shall have

power to drop from the ro lls or expe l any mem ber who sha ll v ilfully and pers'

s t

en tly transgress the regu lat ions of the Society , or who , by conduct un bea l ning a

gen t lem an and man of honor , sha l l have com e in to disrepu te‘

m the comm un ity in

general ; provided , that such mem ber sha ll have received at lea : two weeks'

not ice

of the ha r ing on the com p la int and sha ll have had ru sonable opportnn ity m be

heard in person . Any m em ber thus u pelled or dropped from the rolls sha ll have

the pfi vilege of appeal m the Sod a y , and may be res tored d ther by the unanhnm

vote of the Board of Managers or a ma jon'

ty vote of the Society .

A m a jority vote of al l the m em bers of the Board of Manag-ers sha ll be requ ira


to drOp or expe l a m em ber from the Society as herein provided .



Amendm en ts to these By-laws may be proposed at any me et ing of the Socie ty ,

but shal l not be acted upon un t il a subsequen t meet ing of which due no tice sha ll

have been given .

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Magna Cha rta

HE GREAT CHARTER granted by K ing John o f

England , June 1 5 , A .D . , to the Barons , is

considered the corner stone of Engl ish libert ies . I f

one exam ine it for eloquent ly rounded periods and

h igh sou nd ing phrases , he w i ll be d isappo inted . I ts import

ance li es ch iefly in the fact that it restored to the people

hered itary rights wh ich had been granted years before by

Edward the Confessor and H en ry I , and of wh ich they had

been deprived that it was not the voluntary gift of a ben ign

monarch , bu t was exacted from a despot by an armed force

and that by its provisions i t establ ished the supremacy of the

law o f the land over the wi ll of the monarch . One of the fi rst

eFlect ive steps toward the acqu is it ion o f th is Charter occu rredin I 2 I4 when , afte r K ing John had repeatedly broken his

prom ises to restore to the Ba rons the ir anc ient rights , Arch

b ishop L angton convened a general assembly o f peers and

ecc lesias t ics at St . Pau l'

s and d isc losed to them “ a newly

d iscovered charter o f K ing Henry I , the wh ich , i f ye are wi ll ing

to support , your long lost l ibert ies may be restored in all thei r

original purity Of Character . The Barons then solemn ly

swore on the a ltar to regain those rights . Th is they aecom

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p lished on J une 1 5 , 1 2 1 5 , whi le encamped over against theKing at Runn im ede . The Charter was wri tten in Latin , of

which fac-s im ile specimens , are herew ith given , be ing the

beginn ing , the famous sect ion (XXX IX) establishing trial by

j u ry o f peers , and the attestat ion .

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In Roman text , with abbreviat ions spel led out , they read

as fol lows

Johannes , de i Grat ia Rex Angliae,Dominus H ibern iae, Dux Normann iae ,

Aqu itan iae, et Comes Andegaviae , Archiepiscopis , E piscopis, Abbatibus, Com itibus ,Baron ibus , Justiciariis , Forestariis , V icecom itibus , Preposit is , M in istris , et omn ibus Ba llivis , et fide libus suis, Salu tem .

Nu llus libe r homo capiatur ve l im prisonetur au t dissa isiatur au t u tlagetur, au texu letu r au t a liquo modo destruatu r nec super cum ibim us nec super cum m ittem us

n isi per lega le judicium parum suorum ve l per legem terrm .

Data per manum nostram in pra to quod vocatur Runn igm ed, inter Windelesorum et Stanes

, Quinto decimo die Jun ii , Anno Regn i nostri Septimo decimo.

The original is preserved in the arch ives of L incoln

Cathedra l , from which the fol lowing translat ion is made


OHN , by the Grace of God King of England , Lord of Ireland , Duke of

Norm andy and Aquita ine,and Earl of Anjou , to his Archbishops , Bishops,

Abbots, Earls , Barons , Just iciaries , Foresters , Sherifls , Governors , Ofi cers ,and to a ll Ba ilifi s , and his fa ithfu l Subjects , Gree tingKnow ye , that We , in the presence of God , and for the salvation of our own

soul , and of the sou ls of a ll our ancestors, and of our he irs, to the honour of God

and the exa ltation of the Holy Church and amendmen t of our Kingdom , by thecounci l of our venerable fathers , Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury , Primate of a ll

England,and Cardina l of the Holy Roman Church , Henry Archb ishop of Dublin ,

Wi ll iam of London , Peter of Winches ter, Joce line of Bath and G las tonbury,

Hugh of Lincoln , Wa lter of Worcester , Wi l liam of Coventry, and Benedict of

Rochester,Bishops ; Master Pandu lph ou r lord the Pope ’

s Subdeacon and fami liar,Brother Almeric , Master of the Kn ights Templars in England , and of these noblepersons , Wil liam Marescha l Earl of Pembroke

,Wi l liam Earl of Sa lisbury, Wi l liam

Earl ofWarren , Wi l l iam Earl of Arunde l , A llan de Ga lloway Constable of Scotland

,Warin Fitz-Gera ld , Hubert de Burgh Senescha l of Poictou , Peter Fitz

Herbert , Hugh de Nevi l , Matthew Fitz-Herbert , Thomas Basset, A lan Basset ,Phi lip de Albin iac, Robert de ROppel , John Marescha l , John Fitz -Hugh , and

others our l iegemen ; have in the first p lace granted to God, and by this our

present Charter have confirmed , for us and our he irs forever :I . That the English Church sha ll be free , and sha ll have her whole rights and

her l ibert ies inviolab le ; and we wi ll th is to be observed in such a manner tha t it

m ay appear from thence , that the freedom of e lections , which was reputed mostrequis ite to the Engl ish Church , wh ich we gran ted and by our Charter confirmed ,and obtained the Confirm ation of the same from our Lord Pope Innocent I I I ,be fore the rupture be tween u s and our Barons

,was of our own free wi l l : wh ich

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Cha rter we shal l observe,and we wi ll it to be observed wi th good fa ith , by our

heirs forever .

I I . We have a lso gran ted to all the F reem an of our Kingdom , for us and ou r

heirs forever , all the underwritten Liberties , to be en joyed and held by them and

by their he irs,from us and from our hei rs . I f any of our Ear ls or Barons , or

others who hold of us in ch ief by mi l itary service sha l l die , and at his death hisheir sha l l be of ful l age. and sha ll owe a rel ief, he shal l have his inheritance bythe ancient re l ief ; tha t is to say , the heir or hei rs of an Ear l , a who le Earl’sBarony for too pounds : the he ir or heirs of a Baron for a whole Barony, by too

pounds the heir or heirs of a Kn ight, for a whole Kn ight's fee , by too shi ll ingsat most : and he who owes less , sha ll give less, according to the ancien t custom of


I I I . Bu t if the heir of any such be under age , and in wardsh ip, when hecomes to age he sha ll have his inheri tance wi thout re lief (r

elevio) and withoutfine.

IV . The warden of the land of such heir who sha l l be under age , shall not

ta ke from the lands of the heir any bu t reasonab le issues , and reasonable customs ,and reasonable services , and that withou t the des truction and waste of the m en

or goods ; and i f we com m it the cus tody of any su ch lands to a Sherifl, or any

other person who is bound to us for the issues of them . and he shal l make destruct ion or waste upon the ward-lands, we wi l l recover damages from h im and the landssha ll be comm itted to two lawful and discree t m en of that fee, who sha l l answerfor the issues to us , or to him to whom we have ass igned them . And if we sha l lgive or se l l to anyone the cus tody of any such lands , and he sha l l make destruction or waste upon them, he sha l l lose the custody and it shal l be comm itted to

two lawfu l and discreet m en Of that fee , who sha l l answer to us in like manner as

it is said before .

V. Bu t the Warden,as long as he ba th the custody of the lands, sha ll keep

up and mainta in the houses. parks , warrens , ponds , m i l ls , and other thingsbe longing to them, out of the ir issues .

V I . Heirs sha l l be married withou t disparagemen t, so tha t before the

marriage be con tracted , i t sha l l be notified to the re lations Of the heir by consanguini ty .

VI I . A widow. after the dea th of her husband. shal l immed iately and withou t difii cu lty , have her marr iage (ma ri tagium) and her inheritance , nor sha l l shegive anything for her dower , or for her marr iage , or for her inheritance , whichher husband and she he ld at the day of his dea th . and she may rema in in her


s house forty days after his dea th , wi thin which time her dower sha l l beassigned.

V I I I . No widow sha l l be distra ined to marry hersel f, wh i le she is wi l ling to

l ive wi thout a husband ; bu t yet she sha ll give securi ty that she sha l l not marryherse l f wi thou t our consen t if she hold of us, or wi thou t the consent of the lord ofwhom she does ho ld

,if she hold of another.

IX . Nei ther we nor our Ba il ifls will seize any land or ren t for any debt , wh ile

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the chatte ls of the debtor are sufficient for the paymen t of the debt nor sha ll thesureties of the debtor be distrained , wh i le the principa l debtor is able to pay thedebt ; and if the principa l debtor fa il in the paymen t of the debt

,not having

wherewith to d ischarge it , the sureties sha l l answer for the debt ; and if theybe wil ling they sha l l have the lands and ren ts of the debtor, un ti l sat isfaction bemade to them for the debt which they had be fore pa id for h im , un less the principa ldebtor can show himse lf acquitted thereof aga inst the sa id sure ties .

X . If any one hath borrowed anything from the Jews , m ore or less,and die

be fore tha t debt be pa id , the debt sha l l pay no in terest so long as the he ir sha ll beunder age , of whom soever he m ay hold and if the debt sha l l fa l l i n to our hands ,we wi l l not take anything except the cha tte l con tained in the bond .

XI . I f any one sha ll die indebted to the Jews , his wife sha l l have her dowerand sha ll pay noth ing of that debt and if chi ldren of the deceased sha ll rema inwho are under age . necessaries sha ll be provided for them ,

according to the tene

ment wh ich be longed to the deceased : and ou t of the res idue the debt sha l l bepa id , saving the rights of the lords (of w lz om the la nds a re lit /d ) . I n like mannerlet it be with debts owing to others than Jews .

XI I . No scutage nor a id sha l l be im posed in ou r Kingdom , un less by theCommon Counci l of our Kingdom , excepting to redeem our person

,to make our

e ldest son a Knight,and once to m arry our e ldes t daugh ter , and not for these

un less a reasonable a id sha ll be demanded .

XII I . I n like manner let it be concern ing the a ids of the City of London .

And the City of London should have a ll its ancient l ibert ies and its free customsas we l l by land as by water . Furtherm ore

,we wi ll and gran t that a ll other Cities ,

and Burghs , and Towns , and Ports , shou ld have a ll the ir liberties and freecustoms .

X I V . And a lso to have the Common Counci l of the Kingdom,to asse ss and

a id, otherwise than in the three ca ses a foresa id : and for the assessing of scutageswe w il l cause to be sum moned the Archbishops

,Bishops , Abbots , E arls , and Great

Barons , individua l ly , by ou r le tters . And besides,we w i l l cause to be summoned

in genera l by ou r Sherifl'

s and Ba ili ffs , a ll those who hold of us in chief, at a

certa in day, tha t is to say , a t a d istance of 40 days (befor e t/m'

r m eet i ng) at the

least,and to a certa in p lace ; and in a ll the le tters of sum m ons , we wi l l express

the cause of the summons and the summ ons be ing thus m ade the bus iness sha l lproceed on the day appoin ted accord ing to the council of those who sha l l bepresent

,a lthough all who have been summoned have not come .

XV . We wi l l not give leave to any one , for the future , to take an aid of his

own free-m en , except for redeeming his own body , and for making his e ldestson a Kn ight, and for marrying once his e ldest daughter ; and not that un lessit be a reasanable aid.

XV I . None shal l be distra ined to do more service for a Kn ight's-fee , nor forany other free tenemen t , than what is due from thence .

XV I I . Common pleas sha l l not follow our court,bu t shall be he ld in any

certain place.

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XVII I . Trials upon the wri ts of Now /D in dn'

n . of Mor t J'

Ana rtr: (deathof the ances tor) and Dar r in P u m a s! (last pres entation) shal l not be taken bu tin their proper counties , and in this manner : We. or our Ch ief Justiciary, if weare ou t of the K ingdon

,wi ll send two Jus ticiaries into each coun ty, four times in

the yea r, who wi th four Knights of each coun ty. chosen by the county , shall holdthe aforesaid ass ise, within the county on the day and at the place appointed.X IX . And if the aforesaid assi z e cannot be taken on the day of the county

court,let as many Knights and F reeholders of those who were presen t at the

coun ty court. remain behind , as shall be sufficien t to do jus tice. according to thegreat or less im poitance of the business .

XX . A freeo man shall not be amerced for a small ofl’

ence,but only according

to the degree of the offence ; and for a great delinqueny according to the magni tude of the delinquincy. savi ng his con tenemen t ; a Merchan t shall be amercedin the same manner, saving his m erchandise , and a vil lain shall be amerced afterthe sam e manner saving to him his Wainage, if he shall fall into our mercy ; andnone of the aforesaid amerciamen ts shall be assessed bu t by the oa th of hones tmen of the vicinage .

XX I . Earls and Barons shall not be amerced bu t by their Peers , and thatonly according to the degree of their delinquency.XX I I . No clerk shall be amerced for his lay-tenem en t, but accord ing to the

manner of the others as afores aid,and not according to the quan ti ty of his

eccles iastical benefice.XXI I I . Nei ther a town nor any person shal l be d istrained to bu ild bridges

or en trenchmen ts except ing those which anciently and of right are bound to do it.XX IV. No Sherifi , Constable , Coroners . no r others of our Bail ifls, sha l l

hold pleas of our crown.

XXV . Al l coun ties , and Hundreds , F rethings and Wapontakes shall be atthe ancien t rent , wi thou t any increase. excep ting in our Dem esne-manors.XXVI . I f any one holding o f us a lay-fee d ies , and the Sherifl or our Bailiff

shall show our letterv paten t of summons concern ing the debt which the defunctowed to us . it sha l l be lawful for the Sherifl or our Bail iff to attach and registerthe chattels of the defunct found on that lay-fee. to the amount of that debt. bythe view of lawfu l men, so that nothing shal l be removed from thence unti l ourdebt be paid to us and the res t shal l be left to the execu tors to fulfi l the wi l l ofthe defunct and if noth ing he owing to us by h im

,al l the chattels sha ll fall to the

defunct. saving to his wife and chi ldren thei r reasonab le shares .

XXVI I . I f any free man shall die in testate, his chattels shal l be distribu tedby the hands of his nearest relation s and friends , by the view of the Church


to everyone the debts wh ich the defunct owed.

XXV I I I . No Constable or other Bailiff of ours shal l take the corn or othergoods of anyone withou t instantly paying money for them . unless he can obtai nrespite from the free wi ll of the sel ler .XX IX . No Cons table (Gover nor of 4 Castle) shal l distraln any Knight to

give money for castle-guard , if he be wi ll ing to perform it in his own person or by

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are treated who are found in the eountry at war against us ; and if ours be in

n fety there , the othen shal l be in safety in our land .

XLI I . I t shafl be hwfu l w w y pa m for the fnm w go out of onr king

to ns , un lea it be in tim e of war , for some short space , for tbe common good of

tbe kingdom ; excepfi ng pfi soners , and oudaws , aeeording to the h ws of the land

and of the pw ple of the nation at war agninst us,and merehants who shall be

trea ted as it is said above.

xnm . l f any hold of any eechu n as of the l i onour of wfllfing‘h q hiot»

are Baron iee. and sha ll die , his heir shall not give any other relief nor do any

other sm iee to us. than he sbould have done to the &ron. if that Bam y had

been in the hands of the Baron ; and we will hold it in the same manner that the

Baron he ld it.

XLIV . Men who dwe ll wi thout the Foresn shall not oome fm the fumre,

befm e our j usddafiu of the Foreet on a common summ ona un lm they be

perfla in a ph or surefiee for som e pen on or persons who m am ched for the

Forest .XL V. We wil l not make Justiciaries . Cons ta bles. Sheriffs or Bailiffs . except

ing of such as know the laws of tbe land . and are well dispo¢ed to observe them .

XLV I . A11 Barons who have founded Abbies which tbey hold by Cherters

from the Kings of England. or by aneien t tenure , shall have the eustody of themwhen they beeome vaeann as they onght to heve.

XLV I I . Al l Forests wh ich have been made in our tim e shall be im nwdiately

disforested ; and it shall be so done with waterbanks which have been tahen or

fenwd in by us during our reign .

XLVI I L All evil customs of Forests and Warrens . and of Forecters nnd

Warreners, Sherifis and the ir ofi oers. Waterbanks and the ir keeperm shal l

im media tely be inquired into by twelve Knights of the same county , upon oa th,who sha ll be elected by good men of the same ooun ty ; and within eo days after

the b quiaifim is madm they shall be alwgether desm wd by tbem ,never to be

restored ; provided that this be notified w us befom it be donq or toour j usticiary ,

ifwe be not in E nz land.

XLIX . We will immed iately restore all bostages and charm which havebeen delivered to us by the English. in securi ty of the peace and of their fai thfu l

L . We wi ll remove from their bailiwicks tbe re lations of Ge rard de that for the future , they shall have no bai liwick in E ngland r E ngeiard deCygany. Andrew, Peter and Gyone de Chance l], Oyoue de Cygony, Geoffrey deMartin

,and his brothers Ph ilip, Mark. and his brothers. and Geoflrey his nephew.

and all their fol lowers.LI . And immediate ly after the oonclnsion of the peaee, we will remove out of

the Kingdom al l foreign Knights,cross-hom er) , and stipendiary so ldiers , who

have com e with horses and arms to the moles tation of the Kingdom .

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LI I . I f any have been dissei z ed or d ispossessed by us , without a legal verdictof their peers , of their lands , cas tles , l ibert ies , or rights , we wi l l immediate lyrestore these th ings to them ; and i f any d ispute shal l arise on th is head, then itshal l be determined by the verd ict of the 2 5 Barons , of whom mention is madebe low , for the security o f the peace. Concerning al l those th ings of which anyone hath been dissei z ed or dispossessed

,without the legal verd ict of his peers


K ing Henry,our father, or K ing R ichard , ou r brother, wh ich we have in our hand ,

or others hold with our warrants , we shal l have respite unt i l the common term of

the Croisaders , excepting those concerning wh ich a p lea had been moved or aninquisi tion taken by our precept, before ou r taking the Cross ; but as soon as wesha l l return from our expedition

,or if by chance , we shou ld not go upon our

expedition , we wi l l immediate ly do comp lete justice therein .

LI I I . The same respite we shal l have and the same justice shal l be done,

concerning the dis fores ta tion of the fores ts , or the forests wh ich remain to be disforested, which Henry , our father, or R ichard , our brother, have aflorested ; and( It: sam e concerning the wardsh ip of lands wh ich are in another’s fee

,but the

wardsh ip of wh ich we have h itherto had, occas ioned by any of our fees he ld byM i l itary Service and for Abbie; founded in any other fee than our own, in whichthe lord of the fee hath claimed a right and when we shal l have returned

,or i f

we shal l s tay from our exped ition , we shal l immed iately do complete justice in al lthese pleas .

LIV. No man sha l l be apprehended or imprisoned on the appea l of a woman ,for the death of any other man than her husband .

LV. A ll fines that have been made by u s unjustly or contrary to the laws of

the land and al l amerciaments that have been imposed unjustly or contrary to thelaws of the land , shal l be whol ly remitted , or ordered by the verdict of the 2 5

Barons , of whom mention is made below ,for the securi ty of the peace , or by the

verd ict of the grea ter part of them , together wi th the aforesaid Stephen , Archbishopof Canterbury

,i f he ca n be present

,and others whom he may th ink fit to bring

with h im ; and i f he cannot be present , the business shal l proceed , notwi thstand ingwithout h im ; but so , that i f any one or more of the aforesaid 25 Barons have as imi lar p lea ,

let them be removed from that particu lar trial and others elected andsworn by the residue of the same 2 5 , be substituted in their room , on ly for thattrial .LV I . I f we have d issei z ed or d ispossessed any Welshmen of their lands or

liberties or other th ings without a lega l verdict of the peers , in England or Wales ,they shal l be immed iate ly res tored to them ; and i f any dispute sha l l arise uponth is head, then let i t be determined in the Marches by the verdict of their peers ,for a tenement of England

,according to the law of E ngland for a tenement of

Wales , according to the law of Wales ; for a tenement of the Marches , accordingto the law of the Marches . The We lsh shal l be the same to us and to oursubjects .

LV I I . A lso concerning those th ings of which any We lshman hath been dissei z ed or dispossessed without the legal verdict of his peers , by K ing Henry , our

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father , or K ing R ichard , our brother. wh ich we have in our hand, or others holdwith our warran t. we shall have respite un til the common term of the Croisaders ,

excepting for those concern ing wh ich a plea had been moved , or an inqu is itionmade by our precept before our taking the Cross. Bu t as soon as we shall retu rn

from our expedi tion,or if by chance , we should not go upon our exped i tion. we

shall immediately do complete just ice therein according to the laws of Wales andthe parts aforesaid .

LV I I I . We shal l immediate ly de liver up the son of L lewelin,and all the

hos tages o f Wales. and release them from their engagemen ts which were madewith us for the secu rity of the peace.

L I X. We shal l do to Alexander, King of Sco tland , concerning the restora tionof his sisters and hos tages . and his liberties and his rights , according to the formin which we act to our other Barons of England

,un la s it ought to be otherwb e

by the charters which we have from his father W illiam , the late King of Scotland ;and th is sha l l be by the verdict of his peers in our court.

LX . Also all these cus toms and l iberties aforesa id , which we have granted tobe held in our Kingdom . for so much of it as be longs to us, al l our subjects . aswell clergy as lai ty , shall observe towards their tenan ts as far as concerns them.

LX I . Bu t since we have gran ted al l these things aforesa id. for GOD and forthe amen dment of our K ingdom ,

and for the be tter extinguishing the discordwhich has arisen between us and our Barons

,we being des irous that these things

should pom ss enti re and unshaken stabili ty for ever. give and grant to them thesecuri ty underwritten , name ly , that the Barons may elect as Barons of the Kingdom . whom they please , who sha ll wi th their whole power observe. keep. andca use to be observed the peace and liberties which we have gran ted to them andhave confirmed by th is our present Charter, in this manner ; that is to say, if weor our Jus ticiary or our Bail ifls or any of our ofiicers shal l have injured anyone inanything

,or shall have violated any article of the peace or security, and the injury

shall have been shown to 4 of the aforeeaid as Barons , the said a 8 am ns shal lcome to us or to our Justiciary if we be ou t of the K ingdom ,

and making known tous the excess committed , petition that we cause that excess to be redress ed withoutdelay . And if we shall not have redressed the excess. or if we have been out ofthe K ingdom

,our j us ticiary shall not have redrem ed it within the term of ao days ,

compu ting from the time when it shal l have been made known to us , or to ourJust iciary if we have been ou t of the Kingdom , the aforesaid 4 Barons shalllay that cause before the residue of the 2 5 Barons ; and they , the as Barons , withthe communi ty of the whole land , sha l l d istress and harass us by all the ways in

which they are able that is to say , by the taking of our castles , lands andpossess ions . and by m other means in their power , un til the excess shal l havebeen redressed , according to their verdict ; saving Ad m it s: our person and I t :per son: of our Queen and chi ldren and when i t hath been redressed

,they shall

behave to us as they have done before. And whoever of our land pleaseth mayswear that he will obey the comm ands of the aforesaid as Barons . in accompl ishingall the th ings aforesaid, and that wi th them he will harass us to the u tmost of his

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power and we publ icly and freely g ive l eave to everyone to swear who is wi l lingto swear and we wi l l never forbid any to swear. But al l those of our land whoof themse lves and of their own accord are unwi lling to swear to the 25 Barons , tod istress and harass us together with them ,

we wi l l compe l them by our commandto swea r as aforesa id . And if any one of the twenty-five Barons shal l d ie


remove out of the land,or in any other way shall be prevented from executing the

things abovesa id , they who remain of the 2 5 Barons shall e lect another in his place,according to their own pleasure , who shal l be sworn in the same manner as theres t . In al l those things wh ich are appo inted to be done by these 2 5 Ba rons , i f i thappen that al l the 25 have been present and have differed in their Opinions abou tanyth ing. or if some of them who had been summoned wou ld not , or cou ld not bepresent

,that wh ich the grea ter part of those who were pre sent shal l have provided

and decreed sha l l be he ld as firm and as va lid as i f al l the 25 had agreed in it andthe aforesaid 2 5 shal l swear that they wi l l faithfu l ly observe, and with a l l theirpower , cause to be observed al l the th ings mentioned above. And we wi l l obtainnoth ing from anyone, by ourse lves or by another , by wh ich any of these concessionsand liberties may be revoked or d iminished. And i f any such thing sha l l haVebeen obtained

,let it be void and nu l l and we wi l l never use it

,neither by ourse lves

nor by another .LX I I . And we have fu l ly remitted and pardoned to al l men , al l the i l l-wi l l

rancour and resentment wh ich have arisen between us and our subjects . bothclergy and laity

,from the commencement of the discord . Moreover, we have

fu l ly remitted to al l the clergy and laity, and as far as be longs to us , have fu l lypardoned al l transgressions committed by occas ion of said d iscord, from Eas ter, inthe l oth year of our reign , unti l the conclus ion of the peace . And moreover, we havecaused to be made to them test imonia l letters-patent of the Lord Stephen , Archb ishopof Canterbury , the Lord Henry , Archbishop of Dubl in , and of the aforesaid B ishops ,and of Mas ter Pandu lf concerning th is security and the aforesaid concess ions .

LX I I I . Wherefore ou r wi l l is , and we fi rm ly command , that the Church o fEngland be free , and that the men of our K ingdom have and hold the aforesaidl iberties , rights and concess ions , we l l and in peace, free ly and quietly , fu l ly andentire ly

, to them and their heirs , of us and our heirs , in al l th ings and p laces , forever

, as is aforesaid . I t is also sworn, both on our part and on that of the Barons ,that al l the aforesaid shal l be observed in good faith and wi thout any evi l intention

W itnessed by the above and many others . G iven by our hand in the meadowwhich is ca l led Runn ingm ead, between W indsor and Staines , th is 1 5th day ofJune

,in the 1 7th year of our reign .

Page 47: Sons of the American Revolution


Johannes , Dei Gratia Rex Ang lic. Dominus H ibem ie .

ai Jobs :Du: Normannic ct Aqu itann ie : Com es Andegavic.

SEAL or Knee Joan ATTACH ED TO m om Can -u .

Page 48: Sons of the American Revolution

The D eclaration of I ndependence


has previously been said , was not the start ing po intof the American Revolu t ion , as many a schoo l boyhas va in ly imag ined . So reluctant were the colon ists

to separate from the mother country , to which they were

natu ral ly and strongly bound by t ies of blood and affect ionatememory , that they regarded the m il itary operat ions of the irforces during the fi rst e leven months of the war in the l ighto f defensive and prevent ive rather than aggress ive measu res ;and the Dec larat ion of I ndependence m ight have been avertedup to within a few weeks of its adopt ion i f the K ing cou ldhave seen and frank ly acknowledged h is errors and grantedthe Colon ies the i r rights.Although several o f the Colon ies ind ividual ly had dec lared

for independence before R ichard H en ry L ee o f V i rg in ia of

fered , as he d id in Congress June 7 . 1 776, his famous mot iondec laring

That then U nited Colonies are , and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from al l al legiance to the Bri tish Crown

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happiness . Prudence, indeed , wi l l dictate, that governments long establ ishedshould not be changed for light and trans ient causes ; and according ly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disw ed to suffer. while evils are sufferable , than to right themselves, by abol ishing the forms to which they are accus e

tomed. Bu t when a long train of abuses and usurpa tions , pursuing invan ablythe same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism ,

it istheir right, it is their duty , to throw ofl

su ch governmen t, and to provide newguards for their future security. Such has been the patien t suflerance of thesecolon ies ; and such is now the necess ity t constrains them to alter their formersystem s of governmen t. The history of tbe presen t King of Great Britain is ahistory of repeated injuries and usurpations , all having in direct object the establishm ent of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts besubmitted to a cand id world .

He has refused his as en t to laws the most wholesome and necessary for thepub lic good.

He has forbidden h is Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance , un less suspended in thei r opera tion til l his assent should be obtainedand , when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them .

H e has refused tO pass other laws for the accomm oda tion of large districts ofpeop le, unless those people wou ld rel inquish the right of represen tation in thelegislature—a right inestimable to them

,and formidable to tyrants on ly.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual , uncomfortable ,and distant from the depository of their publ ic records , for the sole purpose offatiguing them in to commiance with his measures .

He has dissolved representative houses repea ted ly , for Opposing, with manlyfirmness

,his invasions on the rights of the m ic.

He has refused , for a long time after such dissolu tinns, to cause others to beelected ; whereby the legislative powers , incapable of ann ihilation, have re turnedto the people at large , for their exercise ; the State remain ing, in the to all the dangers of invas ion from wi thout , and convu ls ions wi thin .

He has endeavored to preven t the popu lation of these States ; for that purpose,obst ruct ing the laws for natu rali z ation of foreigners ; refusing to pass Others toencourage their migra tion hither, and raising the cond itions of new appropriationsof lands .

He has obstructed the adminstration of justice , by refusing his assent to lawsfor estab lish ing judiciary powers.

He has made judges dependent on h is wi l l alone. for the tenure of theiroffices, and the amount and payment of their salaries .

H e has erected a mul ti tude of new offi ces, and sent h ither swarms of ofi cers .

to harass our people,and eat out thei r substance.

He has kept am ong us. in times of peace. standing armies wi thout the consen tof our legisla tures .

He has affected to render the mi litary independent of, and superior to, thecivil power.

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He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to ourconstitution

,and unacknowledged by our laws giving his assent to their acts of

pretended legislationFor quartering large bod ies of armed troops among us

For protecting them , by a mock trial , from punishment for any murders whichthey should commit on the inhabitants of these Sta tes

For cutting off our trade with al l parts of the worldFor imposing taxes on us without our consentFor depriving us , in many cases , of the benefits of tria l by juryFor transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended ofiensesFor abolish ing the free system of Engl ish laws in a neighboring province ,

estab lishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as

to render it at once, an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute ru le into these colonies

For taking away our charters , abo l ishing our most valuable laws , and altering,fundamenta l ly, the powers of our governments

For suspending our own legis latures , and declaring themse lves invested withpower to legis late for us in al l cases whatsoever .He has abdica ted government here , by declaring us out of his protection ,

and waging war against us .

He has plundered our seas , ravaged our coasts , burn t our towns , and destroyedthe lives of ou r people.

He is, at th is time, transport ing large armies of foreign mercenaries to com

p lete the works of death , desolat ion and tyranny, a lready begun , with circum-fstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages , andtota lly unworthy the head of a civi li z ed nation .

He has constrained our fellow citi z ens , taken captive on the high seas , to beararms against their country

,to become the executioners of their friends and

brethren , or to fal l themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrect ions amongst us, and has endeavored tobring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merci less Indian savages


known ru le of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of al l ages , sexes and


In every stage of these oppress ions we have petitioned for redress,in the

mos t humble terms : our repea ted petitions have been answered only by repea tedinjury. A prince. whose character is thus marked by every act which may definea tyrant, is unfit to be the ru ler of a free people.

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren . We havewarned them

,from time to time

,of attempts

,by their legis latu re

,to extend an

unwarran table jurisd iction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstancesof our emigration and se ttlement here. We have appea led to their native justiceand magnanimity, and we have conjured them , by the ties of our common kindred ,to d isavow these usurpa tions , which wou ld inevitably interrupt our connect ions andcorres pondence . They

,too , have been deaf to the voice of justice, and of nonsan

Page 53: Sons of the American Revolution


gn lnity . We must , therefore, acqu iesce in the necessity , which denounces oursepa ration , and hold them , as we hold the m t of m nklnd enem iec ln war, in

peace friends .

We, therefore , the repreaen tatives of the UN ITED STATES OF AMERICA,

in Gl Nl RAL CONGRESS am bled. appealing to the Suprem e Judge of the world .lor the rectitnde of our in tentiom , do, in the name and hy the anthorlty of the

good people of these colon ic,solemnly publish and declare that these United

Coloniee are, and of right ought to he


they are ahcolved from all alleg lance to the Brltish Crown, and that all politicalconnection hetveen them and thc state of Great Briu in {L and onght to bg

totally dissolved : and that,as F m AND I m m om STATE S , they have

to do all other acts and thin gs,which independen t States may o! right do. And

Ior the snpport of this declm tion , with a firm relianoe on the protection ofD IVI N:

PROVID ENCl,we m ntnally pledge to each other our llm oor fortnnea. and our

sacred honor .

The foregolng declaration was , by order of Congress, engrossed, and s igned























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[ton .





















Page 55: Sons of the American Revolution

The Mecklenbu rg Resolve s




ao-cal led , was a series Of

reso lves adopted by the Scotch-I rish inhab itants ofMecklenbu rg Cou n ty , N . C May 3 I , 1 775 , which

acqu ired a fict it ious impo rtance from the controversy whicharose con cern ing them years afterward . The shedding of

blood at Concord . April I 9 , I 77 5 . had aroused the colon ies

and all were pass ing resolu tions denounc ing the wanton assas

sinat ion . The Mecklenbu rg resolves were given to the NorthCarol ina delegates to the Cont inental Congress bu t were neverprese nted by them to that body . Thu s they were of l ittle

more than local importance . and the early Ameri can h istorian s

qu i te ignored them . Abou t twenty years later , some of theactors in the proceed ing , apparent ly ignorant of the fact thatthe resolu t ions had bee n permanently recorded i n p rint ,attempted to supp ly them from memory , and pu t forth a

version garn ished with ph rases from the nat ional Dec larat ionof I ndependence which gave rise to a fierce contention concern ing its au thent ic ity . Many bel ieved it to be the prototype

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of the great Declarat ion Of Independence and Charged J effersonwith p lagiarism ; bu t the d iscovery Of the original resolu t ions

in print v ind icated the au thor of ou r Magna Charta and

stripped the legendary Mecklenbu rg “ dec larat ion of indep end

ence of its u ndeserved importance . The fol lowing copy of

the resolves is taken from “ The S ou t/z Ca rol ina Ga z ette and

County j ou r na l , Of J une , 1 775 , NO . 498 , printed at Charles

town,by Charles Crou ch , on the Bay , corner of E l l iott



,N . C. ,

May 3 I st , 1 775 .

This day the committee of th is county met and passed the fol lowing reso lvesWH E REAS , By an address ,

presented to H is Majes ty by both Houses OfParl iamen t in February last

,the Am erican Colon ies are declared to be in a state

of actual rebe l l ion , we conce ive tha t a ll laws and commiss ions confirmed by orderived from the au thori ty Of the K ing and Parliamen t are annu l led and vaca ted ,and the former civi l constitu tion Of these colon ies for the presentwho l ly suspended .

To provide in some degree for the exigencies of th is county , in the present alarmingperiod , we deem it prope r and necessary to pass the fol lowing reso lves

,vi z

I . That al l commiss ions,civi l and mi l itary , heretofore gra n ted by the crown

to be exercised in these colonies , are nu l l and void , and the constitut ion of eachparticu lar colony whol ly suspended .

I I . That the Provincial Congress Of each province,under the d irection Of

the Great Continental Congress , is invested with al l legislative and executivepowers with in their respect ive provinces

,and that no other legis lative or executive

power does or ca n exis t at th is t ime in any of these co lonies .

I I I . AS al l former laws are now suspended in th is province,and the Congress

has not provided others , we judge it necessary for the better preserva tion of goodOrder , to form certa in ru les and regu lations for the internal gove rnment of th iscounty , unti l laws shal l be provided for u s by the Congress .

IV . That the inhabitan ts Of th is coun ty do meet on a certain day , appo intedby the commi ttee , and having form ed themse lves into nine companies (to wit :eight for the colony and one for the town ) , do choose a colonel and other mi l itaryOffi cers , who shal l ho ld and exercise the ir several powers by virtue of the choice


and independent of the crown of Great Brita in , and former cons titution Of th isprovince .

V . That for the be tter preserva tion Of the peace and administration Of justice,

each Of those companies do Choose from the ir Own body two d iscree t freeholders ,

who shal l be empowered each by h imse l f,and singly

,to decide and determine a l l

matters of controversy aris ing w ith in said company,under the sum of twenty

shi ll ings , and jointly and toge ther , all con trovers ies under the sum of fortysh i l lings , ye t SO as the ir decisions m ay admit Of appea l to the convention of the

Page 57: Sons of the American Revolution


se lect men of the county, and also that any one of these men shal l have power toexamine and commit to confinement persons accused of petit larceny.

V I . That those two select men , thus chosen , do jointly and together choosefrom the body of their part icu lar company two persons to act as constables , whomay ass ist them in the execution of their Office .

VI I . That upon the comp laint of any persons to either of these select m en,

he do issue his warran t, d irected to the constable, commanding h im to bring theaggressor before him to answer sai d comp laint.V I I I . That these select eighteen se lect men thus appointed do meet every

third Thursday in January,Apri l , Ju ly and October, at the Court House in

Charlotte , to hear and determ ine a l l matters of con troversy for sums exceeding40 s . , a lso appea ls ; and in case of felony to commit the persons convicted thereofto close confinement unti l the Provinc ial Congress shal l provide and es tabl ish lawsand modes of proceed ing in a l l such cases.

IX . That these eighteen se lect m en thus convened do choose a clerk,to

record the transactions of said convention , and that said clerk , upon the application of any person or persons aggrieved , do issue his warran t to any of the constables of the company to wh ich the ofi


ender belongs , d irecting said constable tosummon and warn said oflender to appear before said convention at their nexts itting

,to answer the aforesaid com plaint.

X . That any pe rson mak ing complaint upon oath , to the clerk or any memberof the conven tion, that he has reason to suspect that any person or persons iadebted to h im in a sum above forty sh i l lings , intend Clandestine ly to Withdrawfrom the county without paying the debt, the clerk or such member shal l issue hiswarrant to the constable , command ing h im to take said person or persons intosafe custody unti l the next sitting of the convention .

X I . That when a debtor for a sum above forty sh i l lings shal l abscond andleave the county, the warrant granted as aforesaid shal l extend to any goods orchattels of said debtor as may be found , and such goods or chattels be se i z edand he ld in custody by the constable for the Space of th i rty days . in which time , i fthe debtor fai l to re turn and d ischarge the debt , the cons table sha l l return thewarrant to one Of the select men of the company where the goods are found , whoshal l issue orders to the cons table to se l l such a part of said goods as shal l amountto the sum due.

That when the debt exceeds forty sh i l l ings,the return shal l be made to the

convent ion , who shal l issue orders for sale .

X I I . That al l receivers and col lectors Of qui t rents , publ ic and county taxes ,do pay the same into the hands of the chairman of th is committee , to be by themd isbursed as the public exigenc ies m ay require , and that such receivers andco l lectors proceed no further in the ir office un t i l they be approved of by, and havegiven to , th is committee good and suffi c ient securi ty for a faithfu l return of suchmoneys when co l lected .

X I I I Tha t the commi ttee be accoun table to the coun ty for the app l ica tion ofa l l moneys received from such public Offi cers .

Page 59: Sons of the American Revolution

Roll of M em be rs

NOTE : Members hip in the Sow of the American Revolu tion is based only onl inea l dw a t from an se na tor who assism in secu ring the Independence of theUni ted Sa m and the Revo lu tionary set-vim of collateral mem bers of afamily are givm in the follow ing pages , they are men tioned m ly as ofintem t , as are m y other facts which in them se lves consti tu te no ground forel igibility. Generafions ante—da ting the Revolutionary ancestors are given whenthey have been available

,as add ing to the value of the book

,but the absence of

an lineage in otha m dm not necem ri ly indica te that the fam i lia can

be traced no furthe r. as the Societ y does not require that the line shal l be givenfurt her back than the Revo lutiona ry pa triot . I n order to m ist the eye. an indexfigure has been substitu ted for a repeti tion of the word “ grea t in generations

than gm t grandson . Thus “ grea t’-grandson ” sign ifies N grea t-gm t ‘ grandson mm s

“ great -great -great -great -grea tgrandson ,


etc. The names of l ineal ancestors who pa rt icipa ted i n theRevo lution are printed in i talics . The accompany ing illustrations are thevolunm '

y w n tribntions of the m em bers .


N ew Y ork City .

M erchant . Born in Lancaster , N . H . , October 26, I 848 .

Son of Harvey Adams and Nancy Du st in Rowel l , grandson ofBenj am in Adams and Sal ly Lamb , great-grandson of Andrew

Adams and Ru th Wad sworth , great’-grandson of John Adams ,

Page 60: Sons of the American Revolution


whose first wi fe was Sarah Swift and second W idow Warren ,great’-grandson of Edward Adams , whose first wi fe was RachelSau nders and second Sarah Bracket , great ‘ -grandson of John

Adams and Deborah Partridge , great°-grandson of Edward

Adams and Lyd ia Rockwood , and great°-grandson of H en ry

Adams and Mary A lexander , who came to America fromDevonshire , England , in 1 630 , and with the i r eight sons settled

near Mou nt Wa llaston , Mass . Andrew Adams was born inM i l ton , Mass . , Augu st 1 2 , 1 7 3 5 ; married ,

December 1 6,

1 7 57 , Ru th Wadsworth , daughter of Rev . John Wadsworth ;her grand father was Benj amin Wadsworth , pres ident of Harvard Col lege from 1 72 5 to 1 73 7 , the t ime of h is death ; General

PelegWadsworth , Adj u tan t-Genera] of Massachu setts , was herbrother . The Wadsworths were lineal ly descended fromP risc i l la M u l l ins and J ohn A lden , of Mayflower memory .

Before the war Andrew Adams held commiss ions as Coroner

and L ieu tenant of Cavalry , u nder George I I I . nevertheless heen l isted in Apri l , 1 775 , u nder Captain Joseph Vose , served atCambridge , Squantum and other places u nti l March 4 ,

1 776,

when he belonged to the first detachment that took DorchesterHeights . H e was an officer in Colonel Robertson 's regiment atRoxbu ry , and also marched with L ieu t . -Colonel Wheelock on

an alarm for Bennington . H e moved to Palmer , Mass . , in 1 802 ,

thence to Lancaster , N . H . , where he d ied Apri l 1 4 , 1 83 3 .


New Y ork City .

Cou nsel lor-a t-law . Born in New Y ork , December 6, 1 849 .

S on of Henry M . A lexander and Su san M . Brown , grandson of

Matthew Brown and Mary VVill iam ina F ergu son , great-grand

son of Wil l iam F erg uson and Su san Ewing , great’-grandson

of U sher F ergu son and Mary , his wife , of Armah , I reland .

W i l l iam F ergu son was appointed Third L ieu tenant in ColonelThomas Proctor's regiment of Pennsylvania arti l lery , October

Page 61: Sons of the American Revolution

54 sous or amam cax RE VOLUTION .

5 . 1 776, and pa rticipated in the batt les of Tren ton , Princet on ,Brandywine and Germ antown ; in 1 779 . was with Sul l ivan



forces i n the expedi tion against the S ix Nat ions ; in 1 780 was

a prisoner o f war at F latbush , L . I . , and was exchanged

December 1 , 1 780 . Be fore the close o f the war he had bee n

promoted to a captaincy for h is bravery . H e was one o f the

original members o f the C inc innat i . and was one o f those who

gave one m onth'

s pay to the soci ety'

s funds . I n 1 787 he was

in command o f Fort McI ntosh (now Beaver , Pa . ) and later at

Fort Wash ington (now Cinc innat i). On Wash ington'

s nom ina

t ion he was made Major o f Art i l lery and fel l wh il e fight ing the

I nd ians under Gen eral St . C lair, Novembe r 3 , 1 79 1 .

ALLEN , ADDISON , 4 1 3 5 .

New York Ci ty .

Lawyer . Born in New York , February 2 8 , 1 865 . Son o f

J ohn Hu l l Al len and Mary H i l l , grandson o f Samue l Fleming

Al len and Phce be Goble , grea t-grandson of Capta in Sam uel

Allen and E l izabeth Flem ing , etc . [See Ethan Allen] .


New York Ci ty .

Lawyer . Born in Monmouth County , N . J . , May 1 2 ,

1 83 2 . Son of Samuel Fleming A l len and Phcebe Gob le ,grandson of S am uel A llen and El i z abeth Fleming, great

grandson of Samue l Allen , Sr . , and Annar Ell ison , great’-grand

son of Daniel (or David) Allen . Samuel Al len was born i n

Monmouth County , N . J . , in 1 757 , and died there in 1 830 .

H is grand father sett l ed i n New Jersey about 1 740 , and was

brothe r of Joseph . who was the father of the famous Ethan

Allen of Vermont . The sen ior Samuel was a Quaker , but his

son fu l ly compensated for h is father'

s non-combatant principles

by the energy and daring with which he espoused the Ameri

can cause . A bold and dash ing youth , at the head o f a com

Page 62: Sons of the American Revolution


pany Of independent patriots , he was the champion O f the

persecuted and the terror of the Tories . He was repeatedly

driven from home by part ies sent to captu re h im ; th rice saw

h is house burned ; once captured and escaped . He was merci

less with his enemies , and captured and hanged them by h isown decree . H is daring and his wealth gave h im a command

ing posi t ion in his vicin ity , and he was by common consent the

General-in-Chief Of mi l i tary movement in his district,and the

j udge Of the prisoners brought before him . Captain Allen

was one Of the most pictu resque figu res Of the Revolution

outside O f the regularly en l isted troops .


Glens Falls , N . Y .

Captain , U . S . A . , ret i red . Born i n Plattsbu rgh , N . Y . ,

Apri l 22 , 1 83 3 . Son Of David A . Ames and Lou isa Gordon,

and grandson of David Am es O f Holl is , N . H . , who was one

Of those many patriots who sprang to arms on hearing O f the

fight at Concord Bridge , and who part icipated in the battle

Of Bunker H i l l , where he was wounded . A return Of Captain

Reu ben Drew'

s company Of Colonel Wi l l iam Prescott ’s regi

ment , dated Cambridge , Mass . , October 1 77 5 , contained i n

the Massachu setts Revolut ionary Rol ls , bears his name .


New York City .

Commission merchant . Born in Memph is , January 9 ,

1 862 . S on Of J oseph I . Andrews and Miriam Nones , grand

son Oi J oseph B . Nones and Evel ine De Leon , and great

grandson Of Benj am in N ones and Mir iam Marks . Benjamin

Nones was born in Bordeaux , France , March 9 , 1 7 57 , and

came to America in 1 777 . He settled i n Philadelphia , where

he d ied Febru ary 9 , 1 826. Early in the war he formed the

acquaintance Of Lafayette and Washington , and subsequently

Page 63: Sons of the American Revolution


served on the staffs Of both . He entered the service under

Pu laski , from whom he received a letter commend ing h is

bravery under fire at Savannah , of which he was an eye

witness . He was also an aide on D eKa lb'

s staff , and helped

carry him from the field when he fel l . On his ret i rement from

the army , Major Nones became the sworn interpreter of the

United States government at Phi ladelphia .

Also grandson Of J oseph Andrews and Sal ly Salomon , and

great-grandson Of H ay m Sa lom on and Rachel Frank . [See

Wil l iam Jones Salomon] .


New York City .

Glass i nterests . Born in New York May 1 8 . 1 866. S on

Of J oseph I . And rews and Miriam J . Nones ; etc . [See David

Curran Andrews] .


Fort Thomas , Newport , Ky .

Lieutenant . U . S . A . Born in St . Lou is , MO . , January

2 , 1 8 59 . Son Of Edward Graham Atkinson and Harriette L .

Walker , grandson of Benjamin Walker , 3d , and Mary Hon s

ton ; great -grandson Of Benjamin Walker , 2d , and Sarah

Mu zzey ; and great’-grandson Of Benj am in IVa /ker

,t st , and

Sarah Webster . Benjam in Walker , t st , was born in Brad ford ,

Mass . , i n 1 73 5 . He was Captain in the Fou rth battal ion O f

New York State m il it ia , raised i n November , 1 776 ; Captain Of

the Sixth company Of the Fourth regiment Of the New York

l ine November 2 1 , 1 776 ; aide to Baron Steuben , Septem ber ,1 778 ; and aide to Washington , January 2 5 , 1 782 .


New York City .

Broker . Born New York City , September 1 8 , 1 854 . Son

Of Lewis Atterbu ry and Susan Lewis Butler , grandson Of

Page 64: Sons of the American Revolution


Lewis Atterbury and Catharine Boud i not , great-grandson Of

E l ie/ta Boudinot and Kate Smith , and great’-grandson Of

Will zam P ea r tr ee Sm ith and Mary Bryant . Wil l iam P eartree

Smith Of New York and New J ersey , was the grandson Of the

Governor-General O f Jamaica on on e side and O f Wil l iam Pear

tree , a wel l-known Mayor Of New York City , on the other .

He was a member Of the First and Second Provincial Con

gre sses O f New Jersey . As member Of the First , he was

chairman Of the Committee Of Correspondence appointed in

J uly , 1 774 , which virtual ly assumed the functions Of govern

ment and raised money and t roops for de fense . The Second

Provincial Congress , which met at Trenton , May 2 3 , 1 775 ,

elected Wil l iam Peart ree Smith and Elias Boud inot (brother

O f El isha) a commit tee to attend the Continental Congress at

Philadelphia and report act ion and ask advice .

The Boud i not fami ly are descendants Of Elie Boud inot and

Janice Baraud Of Rochel le , France , who came to N ew York

about 1 686. Elisha Bou d inot married Kate Smith 1 778 .

Alexander Hamilton was “ best man , being then twenty-one

years Of age and an aide on Washington’

s staff . El isha Boud i

not was a member Of the General Committee Of Safety elected

at a meeting Of freeholders Of Newark , N . J . , May 4 , 1 77 5 , and

later was a member Of the Committee Of Safety Of New J ersey .

After the war he was ele cted J udge Of the Supreme Court Of

New J ersey , and h is portrai t is in the cap ital at Trenton .


Bu ffalo , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Lenox , N . Y . , J uly 30 ,1 83 7 . Son Of

Ja red Newel l Avery and Cornel ia Benham , and grandson Of

Ga rdner Avery , S r . , and Amy Newell . Gardner Avery , Sr . ,was born in 1 7 52 . and l ived i n Monson , Mass . , and afterwards

in Paris Furnace . Oneida County , N . Y . In 1 776 he enl isted

in Captain Ball ’s company , Colonel L arne t’

s regiment,Massa

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chu se tts mi l it ia , and served one year , during which he took

part in the batt le Of East Chester . In 1 8 1 8 , wh i le l iving i n

Oneida County , he was pensioned by the Un ited States GOV

em m e nt . The name was then spel led Avary .

AYRES , CHARLES G . 422 3 .

Fort Assiniboine , Mont .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Amsterdam,N . Y . , February

26, 1 854 . Son O f R . B . Ayres and Emily L . G . Dearborn ,grandson O f Greenl ief Dearborn and Pame la A . S . Gilman (his

cousin), great-grandson Of Allen Gilman and Pamela Augusta

Dearborn , and great’-grandson O f H enry S . Dea rbor n and

Mary Bart lett . Henry S . Dearborn was born in Northam p

ton , N . H . , February 2 3 , 1 7 5 1 , and d ied at Roxbu ry , Mass . ,

J une 6, 1 829 . In 1 77 5 he led a company to Lexington ; was

Captain in Stark'

s regiment ; accompan ied Am old’

s expedi t ion

in to Canada , and was made a prisoner at Quebec . He was

p romoted to Major in Scamme l l’

s regiment in 1 777 , and made

D eputy Quarte rm aster-General on Washington’

s staff in 1 78 1 .

H e was appointed Br igad ier-General Of mil i t ia O f Maine in

1 787 , and Major-General in 1 79 5 . In civi l l ife he was a Mem

ber Of Congress , Secretary Of War , Minister to Portugal , etc .

Allen Gilman , above ment ioned , was Judge Of the Massachu

setts Su preme Cou rt ; Greenlief Dearborn , Co lonel Of United

States In fantry ; and R . B . Ayres , Major-Genera l i n the Army

Of the Potomac .

2 39 . BACON , FRANC IS MCNEIL . 42 39 .

New York City .

Merchant . Born in Dorchester , Mass . , J une 2 7 , 1 836.

Son Of Lora Ba ldwin Bacon and Sarah Ann Hammond , and

grandson Of Rufus Bacon and El len Edwards. Rufus Bacon 's

ancestors came from England in the early 1 600’

s , landed near

Cape Cod and sett led in Worcester County , Mass . He was

born in Su tton , Mass . , about 1 75 5 , and d ied about 1 830 .

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Ashevi l le . N . C .

P . A . Surgeon , U . S . N . Born in Nash County , N . C. ,

August 4 , 1 854 . Son Of W i l l iam Smith Batt le and MaryE li zabeth Dancy

,grandson Of James S . Batt le and Harriet

West ray , great-grandson Of Jacob Battle and Penelope Lang

l ey,and great’-grandson o f E l islz a Ba ttle and El i z abeth Sum

ner. El isha Battle was born in Nanesm ond county , Va . ,

J anuary 9, 1 72 3 , and moved to Tar River, Edgecomb county ,N . C. , in 1 746. H e was a member Of the North Carol ina

Congress which adopted the State Cons t i tut ion , December 1 8 ,1 776, and member Of the State Senate du ri ng the war , render

ing valuable service to the cause in that capaci ty .


New York City .

Lawyer. Born in New York December 2,1 857 . Son Of

Edmund Linco ln Bay lies and Nathal ie E . Ray , grandson Of

Edmund Bay lies and El izabeth Payson , and great-grandson Of

H odij ah Bay l ies and E l i z abeth Lincoln . Hod ijah Bay lies was

born in Uxbridge , Mass . , September 1 7 , 1 756, and l ived in

Dighton , Mass . He entered the army as Lieutenant in

Colonel J ackson 's Massachusetts reg imen t , and was appointed

aide to General Benjam in Lincoln with rank Of Major in

November , 1 777 . Upon Lincoln'

s cap i tu la t i on at Charleston,

Major Bay lies became a prisoner , but was exchanged , re-en

l isted , and served in Lincoln'

s d ivision in the S iege of York

town . A fter Cornwall is'

su rrender and appo intment of General

Lincoln as Secretary OfWar, Bay lie s , promoted to Lieutenan t

Co lonel , served as aide to Wash ingt on at Newburgh , MountVernon , etc . I n 1 784 he retu rned to Massachusetts and mar

r ied El izabeth Linco ln , daughter of General L inco ln . H is

appointment as aide to General Wash ington was dated May

3 , 1 782 .

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Bayonne , N . J .

Merchant . Born in New York March 1 3 , 1 852 . Son

of Roderick Beebe and Jane El i za Lovejoy , grandson of

Roderick Beebe and Harriet Sou , and great-grandson Of

Roder ick Beebe and Nancy Vaughn . Roderick Beebe,the

patriot , was born in Kent , Conn . . December 1 , 1 7 5 3 , and

l ived in Columbia coun ty , N . Y . He enl isted for six

months under Captain Baldwin , Colonel Elmore’s regiment


New York mi l it ia , i n J une , 1 775 re-enl isted as private

under h is brother , Captain Roswel l Beebe ; re -enl isted as

Sergeant in J une , 1 776 , in Captain Marv in’s company


“ under the immed iate command of General Wash ington,

and re -enl isted in March , 1 777 , and served as Capta in ,without commission , under General Schuyler .


New York City .

Lawyer . Born in Bridgeport , Conn . , December 2 5 , 1 868 .

Son of Roderick Seward Beers and Georgia Lou ise Banks,

grandson of Alpheus Beers and Tabitha C . Lewis , and great

grandson of join t Beers and Betsey Ann Cl inton . John

Beers was born in Strat ford , Conn .

,May 2 , 1 757 , and

died in Derby , Conn . , Apri l 2 2 , 1 847 . On May 1 4 , 1 777 ,

he enl isted in Captain Whiting'

s company , Colonel Samuel

Blachley Webb’s regiment , Connecticut Continental Line ; was

made Corporal J anuary 1 , 1 78 1 , and Sergeant J u ly 1 2 ,

1 78 1 , in the Th i rd regiment of the Line ; served chiefly

along the Hudson ; and shared the terrible sufferings at

Val ley Forge with General Wash i ngton’

s army in the winter

1 777- 1 778 . He was a sent inel at West Point and one of

the guards when Major André was captu red , and was in

New York when it was evacuated by the Brit ish . He was

pensioned under the act of 1 8 1 8 .

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Cli n ton , N . Y .

Princ ipal o f Houghton Seminary . Born in Lysan der , N .

Y August 1 1 , 1 848 . Son o f Asa Benedict and Esther Par

dee , grands on o f So lomon Ben ed ic t and Anna Northrop ,great-grandson o f Solomon Benedict and Hannah Benedict ,great’-grandson o f j osep/i Benedict ( father o f Hannah) and

Keziah Wood,and great'-grandson o f John Benedict and

D i nah Bouton . Solomon Bened ict was born in South Salem ,

Westchest er county , N . Y . , i n 1 748 , and d ied o f sma l lpox i n

the army in 1 777 .

J oseph Benedict was born in Norwalk . N . Y .,May 20 ,

1 730 , and l ived in South Salem , N . Y . H e was appo i nted

Captain o f the Second company,Fou rth regiment , New York

Continenta l Line , wh ich he assisted in raising , J une 2 8 , 1 77 5was promoted to Major in 1 776, and was Lieutenant-Colone l

o f Assoc iated Exempts o f Westchester county in 1 780 . I n

September,1 776, he addresse d a let ter to Co lonel Gibb

Drake , complain ing of the intolerab le bo ldness o f h i s Toryneighbors as the enemy drew nearer , and advis i ng the“ immed iate removal of some persons .


Also grandson o f David Pardee and Betsey Hu ll , and great

grandson of David P a rdee , S r . , who l ived in South Salem , N .

Y . , and was captain of the company from that place in the

Second (M iddle) regiment of Westchester county mi l it ia , o fwh ich Thomas Thomas was Colonel . After the war he was

given a t ract of land near h is home in South Salem .


New York City .

Architect . Born in St . Andrews , Lower Canada , May 20 ,

1 830 . Son of George Norton Bened ict and El iza M . Beatt ie ,grandson o f Charles Bened ict and Damari s Capron , great

grandson of Peter Benedict , f r and Susannah Norton ,

Page 70: Sons of the American Revolution


great’-grandson Of Peter Benedict and Mary Parish , great’

grandson of J ames Bened ict and Sarah Hyatt , great‘-grandson

Of J ohn Bened ict and Phoebe Gregory , and great‘-grandson O f

Thomas Benedict of Nottinghamshire , England , who was born

in 1 6 1 7 , and came to Massachusetts Bay in 1 63 8 . Peter

Bened ict , J r . , was born in North Salem ,Conn . , March 4 , 1 7 5 3 ,

and d ied in St . Andrews , Lower Canada , May 20 , 1 830 . He

was appointed Second Lieu tenant in the Third New York

Cont inental regiment in October , 1 776, and promoted to

First Lieutenant November 2 1,1 776 , but decl ined promotion ,

although remain ing in the service . He was with Montgomery

in the Canad ian exped ition . He was Offi cial ly recorded as a

very good Ofl‘i cer . His son Charles was a Major in 1 8 1 2 .


Fort Omaha , Neb .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in New Bedford , Mass . , Feb

ru ary 2 8 , 1 858 . S on Of Henry W . Benham and El izabeth

McNe il , grandson of J ared Benham and El izabeth H ill , and

great-grandson of f a red Ben/ta m , S r . Jared Benham , Sr

was Sergeant-Major in Captain J ames Stoddard '

s company ,Colonel Moseley


s regiment,Connecticu t m i l it ia . H is brother

Si las , L ieu tenan t in the Second regiment , was kil led at White

marsh , Pa December 7 , 1 777 . The m il itary strain in th is

family appears in the grandson , General Henry W . Benham,

U . S . A. , and great-grandson , Lieu tenant Henry H il l Ben

ham , U . S . A .

Also grandson Of General J ohn McN e il , U . S . A . , and

El i z abeth Pierce , and great grandson of Benj am in P ierce and

El i z abeth Andrews . Benjamin Pierce was born in Che lm s

ford , Mass . , December 2 5 , 1 757 . He was l i teral ly one of themen , represented in the seal Of th is Society , who abandoned

h is p lough when , i n the field , he heard Of the batt le o f L ex

ington . The next day he was at Cambridge , under Captain

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John Ford , and fough t at Bunker H i l l . He continued in

service th roughout the war , attain ing the rank o f Captain and

Brevet-Major. A fter the peace , he went with h i s regimen t to

take possession o f New York , and rema ined under arms unt i l

the last troops d isbanded at West Poin t i n 1 784 . H e subse

quent ly became Governor o f New Hamps h i re .


New York City .

Pub l isher . Born in Gu i l ford , Conn . , September 24 , 1 854 .

Son Of Park Benjamin and Mary Brower Western , grandson o fHenry M . Western and H annah Romeyn , and great-grandson

o f Benj am in Rom ey n and Mary Brower . Be njamin Romeyn

(or Romaine) was of French-H uguenot extract ion , and wasborn in New York . H e en l isted in the American army for

severa l terms of six months each , attain ing the rank of Ser

geant , and was engaged in several hot ly contested sk i rm ishes .

H e was twice a Bri tish prisoner in New York . A fter the war

he was z ealous in preserving the memory o f the patriots , and

as Grand Sachem of Tam many in 1 808 , was large ly instru

mental in the proper interm ent and memoria l iz ing o f the re

ma ins o f those who peri shed on the pri son sh ips in New York .


New York City .

Lawyer. Bo rn in Port J ervis , N . Y November 9 , 1 870 .

Son of J am es Bennet and A l ice Leonard St i les , grandson o f

Edward Augustus Stiles and Evel ina Be lmont Howe ll , great

grandson of John Stil es , J r . and E lsa Sayre , and great'-grand

son of john S t iles and Mary Sand ford . J ohn Sti les , the

pa triot , was bo rn i n Morri s County , N . J . , i n 1 753 , and d ied

in S t ilestown , N . J . , October 2 3 , 1 830 . During the Revo

lu t ionary war he was Commissary o f I ssue in the Commissa ry

General 's department of New J ersey .

Page 72: Sons of the American Revolution


BIDDLE , JAMES . 4 1 44 .

Wash ington , D . C .

Colonel , U . S . A . Born in Ph i ladelph ia , Pa . , December

1 1 , 1 83 2 . Son Of Edward R . Bidd l e and El iza T . Davis ,grandson of Clem ent B iddle and Rebecca Cornel l , great-grand

son of J ohn Bidd l e and Sarah Owen , great’-grandson of

Will iam Bidd le and Lyd ia VVarde ll , great’~grandson of

Wil l iam Bidd le and Sarah Kemp , and great‘-grandson of

Michael Bidd le of E lm shu rst , S tafi ordsh ire , England . Th i s

name was original ly spel led “ Biddu lph . Clement Biddle was

born in Ph i ladelph ia , Pa . , May 1 0 , 1 740 ,and d ied there J uly

1 4 , 1 8 1 4 . He helped organ ize the Quaker company in Ph i la

delph ia in 1 775 ; on J uly 8 was appointed Deputy Qua rter

master-General of forces in Pennsylvan ia , Maryland and Dela

ware ; part icipated in the batt les of Trenton , Princeton ,Brandywine and Germantown , at Trenton being se lected by

Washington to rece ive the swords of Hessian Offi cers ; and

wintered at Valley Forge . He was also Quartermaster-Gen

eral u nder Washington , during the Wh iskey insurrect ion .


Fort Sheridan ,

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Piermont , N . Y . , May 1 1 ,

1 85 1 . S on of J ohn Wil l iam Blauvel t and Maria Demaray,

grandson of John Gerri t Blauvelt and El izabeth Blauvel t,

(maiden name), great -grandson of Gerrit Blauve lt and Maritge

Sickles , great’-grandson of yo/z a nnes I saac B la uvelt and Catrina

Krum , and great’-grandson of I saac B la uvelt and Maria

Booge rt . Johannes I . Blauvelt was born in Rockland county ,N . Y July 1 5 , 1 743 , and l ived there . He was First Lieu

tenant Oi the Northern company O f the Lower (Orange town)regiment of Orange County , N . Y mil i t ia . (Orangetown is

now in Rock land county). He was also member of the

Committee of Correspondence .

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I saac Blauve lt was a private in Capt . Tourneur's company ,

Col . Hay’s regiment , of O range county mil i tia , and Corporal

in H ogencam p'

s company , same regiment . He was a lso on

the Committee o f Correspondence .


San Francisco , Ca l .

Late Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Boston , Mass . , Oc

tober 3 1 , 1 847 ; died , August 2 3 , 1 892 . Son O f J ohn A .

Bo l les and Catherine Dix , grandson o f Tim othy D ix and

Rache l Burbank , and great-grandson o f J onathan Dix and

Martha Sherman Shu ttuck . Capt . Timothy Dix descended

from Anthony Dix , a sea captain , who landed at P lymouth in

1 62 3 . H e was born at Boscawen Plain , N . H . , December 7 ,1 743 , and died in Pembroke , N . H . , J une 27 , 1 824 . He

raised and equ ipped a company for the war , and was i n com

m and o f i t under Gen . Stark at the battle o f Bunker H i l l .


New York C i ty .

Edi tor. Born in New York , Apri l 1 4 , 1 854 . Son o f

Addison F . Bond and Anne E . H utch ings , grandson o f

W i l l iam Bond and El izabeth Thompson , great-grandson o f

Benjamin Thompson and great’-grandson Of D an iel Thompson

and Phebe Snow . Daniel Thompson was born in Concord ,Mass . , in J une , 1 73 2 . Previous to the Revolut ion he was

Captain of the Guards attached to the royal Governor of

Massachusetts , but resigned his commission on the breaking

o u t of the war , and went to Woburn , where h is family l ived .

On the morning o f Apri l 1 9 , 1 775 , hearing of the Bri tish

a dvance on Concord , he gal loped to that town to warn the

people,and joined in the fight there . Stat ioned beh ind a

barn,i t i s said that he ki l l ed one Brit ish Offi cer and three pri

vates , but several of the enemy ran around the barn and shot

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United States Army.

Capta in , Med ical Dept . U . S . A . Born in Watertown , N .

Y May 1 9 ,1 8 58 . Son o f Danie l J . Borden and Mary

Lou isa Cline , grandson o f Dan ie l Borden and Mary Avery ,

great-grandson o f Pe le tiah Borden and E leanor Gardin ier ,gre at'-grandson o f yoseph Borden and Sarah Baker , great’

grandson o f Francis Borden and Mary L ippencot t , grea t‘

grandson o f R i chard Borden and Mary“Worthley , great

grandson of Ben jamin Borden and Abigai l G lover , and great‘

grandson o f Ri chard Borden and J oan his wi fe , who came from

Borden , Kent county , England , i n 1 63 5 , and sett led in Provi

dence , R . I . , in 1 638 . The Borden fami ly is o f o ld Engl ish

and French stock , the records in Borden , Ken t county , Eng

land , ca rrying the fami ly back to the t im e o f the invasion of

England by Wi l l iam the Conqueror , when i t appears that ,coming from Bourdonnay in Normandy and figh ting under

Wi ll iam at Hast ings , the fi rst of the Eng l ish Bordens was

given est ates in Kent . J oseph Borden was born i n Mansfield ,N . J . , Febru ary 1 1 , 1 74 1 ; died in Newburgh , N . Y . , October

7 , 1 8 1 0 . He was commiss i oned Captain o f a troop of Burl ing

ton county , N . J . , l ight horse , Oc tober 6, 1 777 , and served as

such throughout the war. The name of this fam ily is perpet

ua ted in the town o f Bordentown , N . J . , wh ich was founded

by J oseph Borden , grandson of R ichard Bo rden , the emigrant .


Lebanon , Penn .

Ensign , U . S . N . Born in Lebanon , Penn . , January 1 4 ,

1 869 . Son o f Amos Bough te r and Ann ie Raigue l , grandson

o f John Henry Ra iguel and Anna Catherine R i echert , great

grandson of J ohn R iechert and Margaret Berry , and gra n?

grandson o f P eter Ber ry and Marga ret Kublinge r. Peter

Berry o f H e idleberg townsh ip , Lebanon county , Penn served

Page 76: Sons of the American Revolution


as Second L ieu tenant o f the Sixth com m ny , Greenwa lt’


batta l ion , Pennsylvania m il i t ia , raise d with i n the l im i ts o f

Lebanon county (then Dauph in) i n the autumn o f 1 775 , and

was in se rvice with the Cont inental army du ring the campaign

of 1 776 , end ing with the retreat through the J ersey s . Mart in

Boughter , brother of John Boughter, great-grandfather o f

Franci s Boughter , was a private in the Pennsylvan ia mi l i t ia .


West Point , N . Y .

Offi cer U . S . A . Born in Nunda , M inn . , August 2 7 ,

1 858 . Son o f Nelson Boughton and Mary Fisher,grandson

o f Alan son Boughton and Charlotte Keeler , grea t-grandson o f

John Boughton and Cu rrence Downs , great’-grandson o f

Tim othy Bouton and Martha Scott , greatfigrandson o f

Ebenezer Bouton and Abiga il , h is wi fe , great‘-grandson Of

Jakin Bouton , great'-grandson of Joseph Bou ton and Mary .

his wi fe , great'-grandson o f John Bou ton , Sr . , and Mary

Stevenson . John Bouton , Sr. , came to Ameri ca in 1 63 5 , and

settled , finally , in Norwa lk , Conn . The fo l lowing i s h i s signa

tu re , attached to h is wi l l . Timothy Bouton (subsequently

spe l led Boughton , ) was born in

4 “ m o w /Ont. New Canaan , Conn . , J une 1,

1 746, married in 1 767 , and

sett led in Poundridge , N . Y . At the outbreak o f the Revo

lu tion he left h is dependent fam ily with his father-in-law ,

Capta i n James Scott , and se rved as a private in Capt . Danie l

Bouton's company of L ieut . -Col . Crane'

s regiment (the Fourth

West chester county) New York m il i t ia .


New York Ci ty .

Banker . Born in New York September 2 5 , 1 83 3 . Son

o f George R . J . Bowdoin and Fanny Hamilton , gran dson o f

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James A . Hami lton and Mary Morris , great-grandson O f

Alexander H am ilton and E l iza Schuy ler . The great h istorica l

family Of Hami l ton has been traced back to Walter Fitz-G i l

bert , cal led Hami lton , who in 1 296 he ld lands in Lanarksh i re

and swore fealty to Edward I . A lexander Ham i lton , one of

the greatest American statesmen , was born January 1 1 , 1 757 ,

i n Nevis , West Indies , and d ied J u ly 1 2 , 1 804 , from wounds

received in a duel wi th Aaron Burr . He was Captain of

arti l lery in New York and New J ersey ; the confidant o f

Wash ington , whose aide he was ; performed distingu ished ser

vice at the batt le of Yorktown , and reti red with the rank o f

Co lone l . After the war he took up his law studies . I n 1 782

he was a member o f Congress , and in 1 789 Secretary of the

Treasury . He ret i red from Offi ce in 1 79 5 , but continued the

influential adviser of Wash ington and others ; was the leader

o f the Federa l party and foremost in the party stri fe of 1 80 1

and , thwart ing his riva l , Aaron Burr , he became involved in

the duel wh i ch terminated h is l i fe .

BOWDO IN , TEMPLE . 4052 .

New York City .

Banke r . Born in Woolfert’

s Del l , I rvington , N . Y . , J uly

24 , 1 863 . Son o f George Sul l ivan Bowdoin (NO. 4) and J ul ia

I rving Grinnel l , etc . [See George Su l l ivan Bowdoin] .

BRAND , CHARLES A . 42 37 .

Colchester , Conn .

Ensign , U . S . N . Born in Norwich , Conn . , May 1 1 ,

1 868 . Son of Christopher A . Brand and E l i zabeth Tracy

Bu lkeley , grandson of J ohn W . Bulkeley and Eli z a Rip ley

Lee,great-grandson of J onathan Lee and Mary Tracy , and

great’-grandson of F reder ick Tracy and Deborah Thomas .

Frederick Tracy was born in Norwich , Conn . , August 3 , 1 749 ,and died in -Hayt i , West Indies , J une 2 1 , 1 803 . He was

Page 78: Sons of the American Revolution


Um ph u enm ed for lodp'

oedit ion of flam ilton ‘t Worh N. Y.



Page 79: Sons of the American Revolution
Page 80: Sons of the American Revolution


assistant to C01 . Wadsworth of Connect icu t in the commissary

department of the Continental arm y .


Fort Riley , Kan .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in New Lisbon, O. ,

April 1 6,

1 854 . Son o f Anson Lorenzo Brewer and Sarah A h is

wife ; grandson Of Cha r les B rewer and Anna Chatterton ,great-grandson of I saac Brewer and Mary Bl iss , and great’

grandson of Daniel Brewer and Catherine Chauncey . Charles

Brewer was born in Wi lbraham , Mass , December 1 8 , 1 748 ,

and d ied December 2 3 , 1 836 . He was one Of a number Of

persons who went upon an alarm last Apri l , occas ioned by

Lexington fight , who d id not imbody under the command

of any officer . He , h is son , and h is grandson , represent

three successive generat ions in the country’s m il itary service ,Anson Lorenzo Brewer having been a Paymaster in the

Un ited States Navy .


New York City .

Commission merchan t . Born in Rochester,N . Y

October 1 8,1 858 . Son o f Charles Dew i tt Bridgman and

Lucette C . Bened ict , grandson of O l iver M il ls Benedict and

Cordel ia Lincoln , great-grandson of Stephen Benedict and

J oanna M i lls , and great’-grandson of joseph Benedict and

Keziah Wood . [See Asa Gard iner Bened i ct] .


San Francisco , Cal .


s C lerk , U . S . A . Born in New York City

January 1 6, 1 85 1 . Son of J ohn C . Brinck and Rebecca A .

Marshal l , grandson Of Cornelius P . Brinck and Polly Webb ,and great-grandson Of N a than iel Webb and Margaret Deyo.

Page 81: Sons of the American Revolution


Nathani el Webb was born in New York state November 29 ,

1 754 , and d ied near Kingston , N . Y November 1 0 , 1 797 .

H e was Orderly Sergean t i n the Eighth company o f the

Second regiment , New York Cont inental L ine , of which Ph il i p

Van Cort landt was Colonel . He entered the company

January 1 , 1 777 . On Apri l 8 , 1 777 , he was made Sergean t

Major ; served for three years , and was d ischarged at Morris

town , Apri l 8 , 1 780 .

BROWN , EDWARD T . 4 1 49 .

San F ranc isco , Cal .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Paris , Me . , J une 7 , 1 849 .

Son o f Thomas H . Brown and J u l iette Hammond , grandson of

Moses Hammond and Mehi tabe l , h is wi fe ; great-grandson Of

Benjamin Hammond , Jr . , and Rebecca Smith . and great’

grandson o f Benj am in H am m ond and Sarah Cragie . Benjamin

Hammond resided in the Saratoga dist rict o f Albany county,

N . Y . , at the outbreak o f the war . On May 3 , 1 775 , the

A lbany county committee reso lved to raise troops for the

defense o f the colony , and some seventeen reg iments were

formed . Benjam in Hammond enl isted as a private in Capt .

Peter Van Woert’

s company of the Th i rteenth regiment

(Sa ratoga d istrict). H e d ied at Ticonderoga , N . Y .


Sayvi l le , L . I .

Medical inspector , U . S . N . Born in Smithtown , L . I .

November 3 , 1 836. Son of Philet us Smith Brush and

Dorothy Ann Brush (maiden name) , grandson of Henry Brushand Charity Smith , great -grandson o f Nehemiah Brush and

Mary Garvis , great’-grand son of N ehem iah B rush , S r . , and

Be thsheba Bru sh (maiden name), great'-grandson of Thomas

Brush , great‘-grandson of R i chard Brush , and great



o f Thomas Brush , who sett led at Southo ld , L . I . , as early as

Page 83: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson o f john Bry a nt and Mary Owsley , great'-grandson

o f James Bryant and Jane Guerrant , great'-grandson o f James

Bryant and El izabeth Lefevre , great ‘ -grandson o f J ames

Bryant . John Bryant was bo rn in Cumberland county , Va . ,

January I , 1 760 , and d ied in Garrard county , Ky . , J uly 4 ,

1 83 3 . I n May , 1 780 , he en l isted and served three months as

private under Capt . Robert Hughes and CO1 . Thomas Ne lson ,i n Virgi n ia ; re-en l isted in February , 1 78 1 , in Col . Beverly

Rando lph’

s regiment , and served six months ; and again

en l isted as Sergeant under Capt . I saac Porter and Robert

Goode . He part ic ipated i n the battle o f Gui l ford Court

House among other engagements .


Ashevi l le , N . C .

Captain,U . S . A . Born in Mercersburg , Penn . , Septem

ber 9 , 1 84 1 . Son o f Samuel Wo llston Budd and Jane

Wi l l iams , grandson of O tho Wil l iams and Catherine Maxwell

McDowe ll , and great-grandson o f Thom as Owen Wil l iam s and

Mary Claggett Berry . Thomas Owen Wi l l iams was born in

Prince George’

s county , Md Feb . 2 1 , 1 748 . He was Major

of the Mary land L ine under commission from Gov . J ohnston ,dated May , 1 778 . This commission is i n possession Of the

fami ly . He served in the Carol inas with h is re lat ive , Gen .

O tho Holland Will iams , who commanded the Maryland L ine .


Rochester , N . Y .

Merchant . Born in Geneseo , N . Y October 1 2 , 1 822 .

Son o f Eben No rton Buel l and Rebecca Root , grandson o f

J esse Root , J r . , and Becca Fish , great-grandson of jesse Root

and Mary Banks , great’-grandson o f Ebenezer Root and Sarah

Strong , greaF-grandson o f Thomas Root and Thank ful Strong ,great ‘ -grandson of Thomas Root , J r. , and Abigai l A lvord , and

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great°-grandson Of Thomas Root . J esse Root was born in

Covent ry,Conn .

,in January , 1 73 7 , l ived there and in Ha rt

ford , and d ied in Covent ry , March 29 ,1 82 2 . On December

30 , 1 776, he enl isted as Captain O f a company of able-bodied

men of the town of Hartford , on the west side of the river .

On J uly 9 , 1 777 , he was appointed by Gen . Putnam , in orders

Camp Peekskil l , Depu ty Adj u tant -General for this depart

ment,namely , the east side Of the H udson . I n May , 1 779 ,

he was elected to the Cont inental Congress , and held that Offi ce

t i l l 1 783 . I n 1 789 he was appointed Assistant J udge of the

Connect icu t Superior Cou rt , and in 1 796 became Chie fJu st ice

of Connecticu t for eleven years .

Also grandson Of Timothy Buell and O l ive Norton , great

grandson Of E benez er N or ton and El izabeth Baldwin , great”

grandson ofSamu el Norton and Dinah Birdsley Beach , great’

grandson of Thomas Norton and El izabeth Mason , and great‘

grandson of Thomas Norton and Grace , his wi fe . Ebenezer

Norton of Goshen , Conn . was born at Du rham , Conn . , Decem

ber 30 , 1 7 1 5 , and d ied at Goshen March 1 5 , 1 785 . He

was conspicuous in the civi l as well as the mi l itary afi'

a irs o f

his state , having been a member of the General Assemb ly for

twenty-two term s . On the outbreak of the Revolu t ion he was

Lieutenant-Colonel of the Seventeenth regiment of mil it ia ,

composed of companies from L itchfie ld , Goshen , Torrington

and Winchester (First socie ty) ; res igned in 1 776 , but was

active in col lect ing arms for the Connect icu t troops .


New York City .

Broker . Born in New York City , 1 84 5 . Son of Frederic

Bu l l and Mary H . Lanman , grandson of Peter Lanman and

Abby Trumbu ll , great-grandson of David Trumbul l , and

great’-grandson Of jona tha n Tr um bu ll and Faith Rob i nson .

Jonathan Trumbu l l , the d ist ingu ished American patriot , was

Page 85: Sons of the American Revolution


born in Lebanon , Conn . , Octobe r 1 2 , 1 7 1 0 , and died Augu st

1 7 , 1 785 . H e was graduated at Harvard College in 1 72 7 ;

was successively J udge , De pu ty-Governor and Governor

( 1 769 83) o f Connect icut , and was very z ealous in forwarding

the cause of indepen dence . H e was the int imate and confi

dent ial fri en d o f Washington , who placed great re l iance on his

w isdom and j udgm ent , and who frequently tu rn ed to him for

counsel . From th is habit o f Wash ington’

s and h i s oft-repea ted

phrase , “ Let us hear what Brothe r J onathan has to say ,”

arose the express ion Brother J onathan as the pe rsoni fica

t ion o f the Uni ted States . The name Trumbull was anciently

Turn-bu l l ,” which is sa id to have been earned by the faith

fu l attendant of a Scott ish k i ng , who turned from his majesty

a maddened bu l l which at tacked h im in the chase .


New York Ci ty .

Pay Inspector , U . S . N . Born in Oxford , N . Y J une

29 , 1 84 1 . Son o f Rev . Arthur Bu rt is and Grace Ewing

Phill ips,etc . [See Morse Bu rt is] .

BURTIS , MORSE . 43 34.

New York City .

Merchant . Born in Cherry Val ley , N . Y J une 1 0 , 1 834 .

Son o f Rev . Arthur Bu rt i s and Grace Ewing Ph i llips , grandson

of Arthur Bu rt i s and E li z abeth Palmer , great-grandson o f john

Bur t is , 2d, and Sarah Foster , and great’-grandson o f J ohn

Bur t is , 1 st , and Mary Au ler. J ohn Bu rt is , 2d , was bo rn in

Foster's Meadow , L . I . , Febru ary 26, 1 749 , and l ived in

H empstead , L . I . J ohn Burtis , I st , was born in 1 7 1 2 . They

were both on the training l ist o f Cow Neck and G reat Neck ,

and the father was an Assoc iator i n 1 776, and on the Com

m itt ee o f Safety . The son was a private in Capt . R ichard

Manee’s company , Col . J osiah Smith’

s regiment , and served

Page 86: Sons of the American Revolution


on Long Island and in New York . He entered the service

J u ly 2 3 , 1 776.


Buffalo , N . Y .

Vice-President and Treasu rer of Howard I ron Works .

Born in Oxford,N . Y . , Apri l 24 , 1 844 . S on Of Rev . Arthu r

Bu rtis and Grace Ewing Ph i l l ips , etc . [See Morse Burt is] .

2 8 . CALHOUN , JOHN CALDWELL . 4028 .

New York City .

Rai l roads and banking . Born in Marengo county , Ala . ,

J u ly 9 ,1 843 . S on Of Andrew Pickens Calhoun and Margaret

Maria Green,grandson of J ohn Caldwel l Calhoun and Floride

Calhoun,great-grandson Of P a tr ick Ca lhoun and Martha Cald

wel l,great’ -grandson of J ames Calhou n and Catherine Mont

gomery . Patrick Calhoun was born in Donegal , I reland , and

came to America with his father in 1 73 3 . They l ived suc

ce ss ive ly i n Pennsylvan ia , Virgin ia and South Carol ina , con

stan t ly engaged in desperate encounters w ith the Indians , by

whom Patrick’

s mother and brother James were slain . When

the Revolu t ionary war began , Patrick was appointed by the

Provincial Government to the command Of a body of Rangers

for the de fense of the front ier , and d ist ingu ished h imsel f by

h is prowess in fight ing both I nd ians and Tories . Patrick’s

son , J ohn Caldwel l Calhoun . was Secretary of War under

President Monroe , Vice-President of the Un i ted States under

Presidents J ohn Quincy Adams and Jackson , and Secretary o f

State u nder President Tyler . The maternal ancestors above

mentioned came from dist ingu ished fami l ies . Floride Calhoun

was sister of John Ewing Calhoun , fi rst Senator from the

up-country o f South Carol ina . Martha Caldwell ’s brother

John was murdered by Tories ; another fel l at Cowpens with

th i rty sabre wounds ; and a th i rd was a Brit ish prisone r at

St . August ine .

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Also grandson o f Dq Green and Lucret ia Edwards , great

grandson of Will ia m Green and Ann Marshal l,great’-grandson

o f Duff Green and Ann W i l l is , and great’-grandson o f Robert

G reen and Eleanor Dunn of Scotland , who came to America

in 1 7 1 7 and settled i n what is now King George county,Va .

Wil l iam Green was a so ld ier at the age o f 1 5 , and was with

Washington at Val ley Forge in the winter o f 1 777- 1 778 , and

afterwards with Morgan at the Cowpens in J anuary , 1 78 1 .

Duff G reen’

s brother J ohn was Colonel o f the First Virgi n ia

regiment . Lucret ia Edward s was sis ter of N i n ian Edwards ,fi rst Governor o f I l l i nois . Ann Marshal l was close ly re lated

to H umph rey and Chie f J ust ice Marshal l . Ann W i l l is wasdaughter o f Henry Wi l l is . founder o f Fredericksburg , Va . , and

M i ldred Wash ingt on , cousin of Gen . Wash ington .

CAREY , HENRY DEWITT , 4 1 3 1 .

New York Ci ty .

Manager . Born in M i n isink , N . Y March 24 , 1 844 .

Son Of Samuel Carey and Arm inda Mul lock , grandson o f

Absa lom Ca rey and Temperance Cooley , great-grandson o f

E lihu Ca rey and Catheri ne North , great’-grandson of John

Lemuel Carey and M . Devoe , great’-grandson of John Carey

and E l i z abeth God frey , great‘-grand son of Joseph Carey ,

great‘ -grandson o f J ohn Carey who came from England about

1 63 5 , and sett led at B ridgewater , Plymouth county , Mas s.

Absalom Carey was born in Walkil l , N . Y . , April 9 , 1 765 ,

and d ied in Chemung , N . Y . , December 30 , 1 84 1 . I n 1 779

he enl isted as wagoner and for fat igue duty under Capt . W .

Cummings and CO1 . Mi tchell , and was stat ioned at New

burg,N . Y . He re-enl isted twice , and was fina l ly appointed

art ifice r at the sol ic i tation of h is father .

El ihu Carey was an a rt ifice r under Col . M i tchell , com

mandant at the post at N ewbu rg .

A lso ,grandson o f jesse M ull ick (or Mu llock) and Amy

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Raynor. J esse Mul l ick was a private in Capt . Bailey’s com

pany , Col . Hawthorne’

s regiment of Orange county mi l i t ia .

He assisted at the forging of the great chain placed across the

Hudson at West Poin t .

Also , great-grandson of N a than iel Cooley and Sarah Car

pen te r , and great’-grandson of Benj am in Ca rpen ter . Nathan iel

Cooley , of Orange county , N . Y . , was an I nd ian scou t . He

signed the Articles Of Associat ion in Orange county .

Benjamin Carpenter was an Associator of Orange county ,N . Y . , and First J ustice of the Peace of Goshen , N . Y .


Puget Sound .

Captain U . S . A . Born in Med ina , O. , April 1 7 , 1 836.

S on of James Sumner Carpenter and Frances Catherine Salton

stal l , grandson of Will iam Ca rpen ter and Lucina Sumner ,great-grandson of Greenwood Carpen ter and Sarah Leathers ,great’-grandson of Ezra Carpen ter and El izabeth Greenwood ,

great ’-grandson of Nathan iel Carpenter , great‘-grandson Of

Will iam Carpenter , Jr . , and great‘-grandson OfWill iam Car

pen te r, who emigrated from Surrey , England , i n 1 63 8 , and

settled at Weymouth , Mass . , and to whose father , Will iam ,

of Cabbosi , Surrey , England , was granted a coat of arms .

Will iam Carpenter , the patriot , was born in Charlestown ,Mass . , September 2 2 , 1 7 52 , and died in Potsdam , N . Y . , J u ly

24 , 1 843 . He served in Capt . Samuel Wright’

s company ,Col . Nichols

’ regiment , Gen . Stark’

s brigade ; marched from

Winchester ; j o ined the Continental army at Bennington and

St i l lwater , J u ly 2 3 , 1 777 , and was discharged September 24 .

Also , grandson Of J oshua Sal tonstal l and Abb ie Lewis ,great-grandson of D udley Sa ltonsta ll and Frances Babcock ,great’-grandson of Gurdon Sa ltons ta ll and Rebecca Winthrop ,great'-grandson Of Gurdon Saltonstal l , Sr . , who was in the

th ird generation from Sir R ichard Saltonstal l , who commenced

Page 89: Sons of the American Revolution


the sett lement o f Wate rtown in 1 630 , and was an origina l

pa ten tee of Connect icut . The Saltonstalls were a d ist ingu ished

family in Connect icut history . Gurdon , Sr. , was Colon ial

Governor from 1 708 to 1 724 . Gu rdon , J r. , o f New London ,was born December 22 , 1 708 . H e was Colonel o f the Th i rd

m il i t ia regiment in 1 775- 1 776 ; wa s appointed September 1 0 ,

1 776, Brigad ier-General o f n ine regiments to serve at New

York , and in December , 1 776, Brigad ier-Genera l o f the Third

brigade , on duty ge neral ly at New London and eastern end o f

Connecticut . H e ret i red be fore J une , 1 777 .

Dudley Sal tonstal l , born September 4 , 1 738 , was Com

mander of the Continenta l frigate Trumbu l l , and t ransferred

as Commodore to the Continental frigate Warren , wh ich wasbu rn ed in the Pen obscot exped i t ion , August , 1 779 .


New York City .

Dry goods commission merchant . Born in Somers ,Conn . , August 1 , 1 836. Son of J ames Chaflee and HarrietB il l ings , grandson Of Elam Chaffee and Eli z abeth Spencer.

great-grandson of Cy r il Chafi'

ee and Patience Sex ton , great’

grandson of Asa Chaf ee and Mary Howlett . Asa Chafi ee

was born in Woodstock , Conn J une 5 , 1 734 , and l ived in

South Wi lbraham (now Ham pden), Mass . On the Lexington

alarm he marched i n Captain J ames Warriner’

s company

from W i lbraham served in Captai n Dan ie l Caldwel l’s

company at T iconderoga , December 2 5 , 1 776 ; and in

Capta i n Joseph Wi l l iams’

company , J anuary 1 8 , 1 787 ,

ordered by Major-Genera l Shepard to pu t down Shay ’s

Rebel l ion .

Cyr il (or Cari ll) Chaffee was in Captain Faxon’

s com

pany of smiths at Springfi eld , Massachusetts , in the service

o f the Continental army , and was a pensioner resid ing in

Hart ford county , Connect icu t , in 1 832 .

Page 91: Sons of the American Revolution


son o f J ohn Chatfie ld and E l i z abeth Ives , and great-grandson

of I saac Cha tfield and Sarah Whi tem ore . I saac Chatfie ld was

bo rn in 1 754 . and died i n Ox ford , Conn . , Septembe r 2 5 , 1 837 .

H e was a private in Capt . Danie l Pend leton’

s company in the

Cont inental reg iment o f Art ifice rs raise d i n Connect icu t to be

under the command o f Col . Jedu than Baldwin o f Massachu

setts . H e en l isted October 1 . 1 777 , and served th ree years .

The regiment was at B randywine , Germantown , Monmouth

and other fields .


I nwood , N . Y .

Civi l engineer. Born in Ba l t imore , Md J une 5 , 1 849 .

Son of Geo rge Davenpo rt Chenoweth and Franci s An n Craw

ford , grandson Of J ohn Chenoweth and Mary Davenport , and

great-grandson o f john Chenoweth and Hannah Cromwe l l .

J ohn Chenoweth , Sr. (pronounced and O ften incorrectly spel led

Chine th) was born in 1 74 5 and l ived in Ann Arunde l county ,

Md . H e was a Sergeant in Capt . Richard Davis’ company,

Col . Rawl ings’ reg iment , attached to the Fourth Maryland

regiment commanded by C01 . J . C . Hal l . He fought at

Harlem Heights , N . Y Wh i t e Plains and Germ antown , and

was d ischarged August 9 , 1 779 . He founded a homestead i n

Berk ley county , Va . , where he d ied in 1 820 .

A lso grandson o f Capt . Wi l l iam B . Crawford and El i z abeth

Cook,great-grandson o f J ohn Crawford , and great’-grandson

o f Col . Will ia m Crawford and Hannah Vance . Co l . Wi l l iamCrawford was born in Westmore land , Va . , in 1 722 ; commis

s ioned Ensign by the Governor o f Virgin ia in 1 75 5 ; was with

the Virgi n ia troops under Wash i ngton at Fort Duquesne in

1 7 58 ; entered the Seven Years War ; moved to Fayette

county,Penn . was appo inted J ustice o f the Peace of Bedford

county,Penn . , i n 1 77 1 ; was engaged in 1 774 i n Lord Dun

more ’s war against the Shawn ees and Mingoe s ; i n 1 776 was

Page 92: Sons of the American Revolution


appointed Lieutenant -Colonel Of the Fi fth Virgin ia regiment

promoted to Colonel of the Seventh V irgin ia I egim en t ; and

was burned at the stake by the Delaware Indians in 1 782 .

He was a friend Of “l ashington , and author of the Wash

ington-Crawford Letters .


Morristown , N . J .

Banker and broker . Born in Beau fort , S . C November

1 9 , 1 834 . Son Of Edward Ne u fille Ch isolm’

and Mary El iza

beth Hazzard , grandson of Will iam Wig H a z z a rd and Sarah

Screven , and great-grandson ofWill iam Hazzard . Co l . Wil l iam

H a z z ard of the Brit ish army owned H a z z ard’

s Neck , Beau fort

county , S . C. , where his son William Wig Hazzard was born .

The latter , at the age of n ineteen , joined the American army ,serving much Of the t ime as an aide to Gen . Anthony Wayne .

He fought at the batt le of Fort Moultrie , and was wounded at

the taking of Savannah . He bore the ti tle of Major at the

c lose of the war .


New York City .

Lawyer . Born in Will iston , V t . , May 24 , 1 824 . Son of

Giles Chit tenden and Betsey Ha llenbeck , grandson Of Truman

Chittenden and Lucy Jones , and great-grandson Of Thom as

Chittenden and El izabeth Meigs . Thomas Chittenden was

born in Gu i l ford , Conn . , Apri l 8 , 1 730 , and in 1 7 5 1 moved to

Sal isbu ry , where he held prominent Of’fices . In 1 774 he moved

to what is now Will iston , Chittenden county , Vt . He waschai rm an Of the Committee of Safety ; confident ial corre

sponden t of Washington ; fi rst Governor of Vermont in 1 778 ,

to wh i ch posit ion he was re -elected eighteen t imes , and d ied

August 2 5 , 1 797 . H is serv ices form an important part Of theh i story Of Vermont . To his sagacity was largely due the

Page 93: Sons of the American Revolution


happy terminat ion of-the controversy with New York and the

admission o f Verm on t in to the Un ion .


New York City .

C lerk . Born in New York , May 2 , 1 864 . Son o f Fred

erick Hamilton Clark and E l izabeth Stebbins Waterbury ,grandson of Amos Hoyt Waterbu ry and Cec i l ia Stebbin s ,great-grandson o f Sam uel S tebbins and Ruth Wi lson , great

grandson o f joseph S tebbins and Joanna Smith , great'-grandson

o f Benjam in Stebbins , great‘-grandson o f Benoni Stebbins and

Hannah (widow o f J oseph Edwards) , great‘-grandson o f J ohn

Stebbin s and Ann , h i s wi fe , and great‘-grandson o f Rowland

Stebbins and Sarah , his wi fe , who came from Ipswich , England ,in 1 634 , and fi rst settled in Mas sachusetts . J oseph Stebbin s

was born in Ridgefie ld , Conn . , J u ly 4 , 1 73 5 , and died there

December 1 3 , 1 794 , Before the Revo lut ion , namely , Apri l

I , 1 76 1 , he was Ensign in the Sixth company o f Col . Nathan

Wh i t i ng’

s regiment of Foot . On May 29 ,1 780 , he was

commissioned Lieutenant in the Second company , Sixteenth

regiment , Connect icu t m i l it ia , and November 3 , 1 780 , was

promoted to Captain . His commissions are yet preserved .

Samuel Stebbins , of Ridgefie ld , F a irfie ld county , Conn . ,

was a private in the Th i rd company (Capt . Case’

s) , Eighteenth

reg imen t,Connect icu t mi l it ia . He also served the last six

months o f 1 780 in the Fi fth regiment Of the Line . I n 1 794

he was Second Lieutenant of a Matross company in the

Th irty-fourth regiment . He was a pensioner .


New York City .

Merchant . Born in Framingham , Mass . , August 3 1 , 1 850 .

Son o f J ames W . Clark and Catherine March , grandson o f

P eter Cla rk and El izabeth Wilson , great-grandson of Atherton

Page 94: Sons of the American Revolution


Clark and Patience Loon , great’-grandson of J ohn Clark and

Ann Pie rce , great’-grandson Of J ohn Clark and E l izabeth

Norman , and great‘-grandson of Hugh Clark o f England

(b . 1 6 1 3) and El izabeth . Peter Clark was born in Hopkinton ,

Mass .,January 1 0 , 1 762 , and d ied there Apri l 2 2 , 1 8 1 8 . He

enl isted in 1 777 ; was present at Burgoyne’

s surrender ; win

tered at Valley Forge ; fought at Monmouth ; served in Rhode

I sland in 1 779 ; sailed on the U nited States ship Al l iance in

1 78 1 , carrying Lafayette to France ; was promoted to Sergeant

of Marines ; was tw ice wounded in act ion , and served on

board unt i l 1 783 . He decl ined a Lieu tenant ’s commission on

account of the expense of the hospital ity expected from an

Officer of that rank .


Mount Vernon , N . Y .

Salesman . Born in New York , November 1 3 , 1 858 . Son

of Charles Henry Clark and Mary Caroline Gibert , grandson

ofWill iam N icholas Gibert and El izabeth Schermerhorn , great

grandson of J ohn P . Schermerhorn and Rebecca Stevens ; and

great’-grandson Of E benez er S tevens and Rebecca Hodgson .

Ebenezer Stevens was born in Boston , Mass . , in 1 752 , and

d ied September 2 , 1 82 3 . H e was a Son of Liberty ; one of

the Boston Tea Party ; Lieutenant in the Army of Obse rv

at ion , 1 77 5 ; recru ited art i l l ery for Quebec ; commanded

art i l lery at Ticonderoga and Sti l lwater ; was Lieutenant

Colonel in 1 778 ; served wi th Lafayette in Virgin ia in 1 78 1 ,

with rank Of Colonel , and commanded art i l lery with CO1 .

Lamb at Yorktown . A fter the peace , he located at New

York as a me rchant , at the same time act ing successive ly as

Colone l , Brigadier and Major-General of Arti l lery , State o f

New Y ork ; superintended the constru ct ion Of the fortificat ions

on Governor’

s I sland , New York , i n 1 800 ; helped de fend the

c ity in 1 8 1 2 , and was Sen ior Major-Genera l unt i l 1 8 1 5 .

Page 95: Sons of the American Revolution



New York City .

Lawyer and au thor . Born I n Washington , D . C.,J uly 3 ,

1 82 7 . Son o f Walter Clarke and Ra chael Boone , grandson ofWil l iam Cla rke and Mary Simms , great-grandson of Robert

C larke and Ann J enkins , great'-grandson Of Walter Clarke


gre at'-grandson o f John Clarke , and great‘-grandson of Robert

Clarke . The latter settled in Mary land abou t 1 63 8 , and

was Su rveyor-Genera l and Privy Council lor under Lord Bal ti

more , and sat in the Legislature wh ich unan imously enacted

the Mary land Re l igiou s Liberty law in 1 649 . Wi ll iam C larke

was born i n Prince George’

s county , Md . , March 1 6, 1 7 50 ;

se rved as Second L ieutenant i n the Seventh batt al ion o f the

Maryland L ine under Capt . Frederi ck Deans . Col . J ohn H .

Stone , and Brig -Gen . Wm . Smal lwood ; part i cipated i n the

defense of Staten Island , N . Y . , i n 1 777 , and the battles of

Brandywine and Germantown ; camped at Va l ley Forge with


s a rmy in the terr ible winter o f 1 778—1 779 , and

fought at Monmouth . He was in the serv ice three years .


N ew York City .

Dry goods commission merchant . Born in Hart ford ,Conn . , February 2 2 , 1 848 . Son of Charles Col l ins and MaryHall Terry . grandson of Amos Morris Col l i ns and Mary

Lyman , and great-grandson o f Moses Ly m a n and Mary Buell

J udd . J ohn Co l l ins , the emigrant ancestor of the Coll ins

fami ly , was a member o f the H onorable Art il lery company o f

Boston in 1 646. Clarence Lyman Col l ins t races through five

l ines o f ancestry to those who fought in the Revolu t ionary war ,namely , through the fami l ies Of Col l ins , Morris , Buel l . Coit

and Lyman . For the services o f Moses Lyman , above men

t ioned , on which his membersh ip in th is Soc iety is based , see

Hart Lyman .

Page 96: Sons of the American Revolution



Sailors’ Snug Harbor , Staten I sland .

Ret ired seaman . Born in New London , Conn . , J une 1 1 ,

1 83 3 . Son of George W . Comstock and Abby , his wi fe , and

grandson o f jason Com stock and Hannah C. , his wife , Jason

Comstock was born in England in 1 7 57 , came to Connect icut

and l ived in Montvi l le and Norwich t i l l his death , about 1 84 1 .

He was a private in Capt . Spicer’

s company , Col . Putnam’



,1 77 5 ; and in Capt . Shapley

s company,August

, 1 77 5 ; drummer in Capt . Bingham’

s company , Col .

S e lde n’

s regiment , J une , 1 776 ; and private in Capt . Shapley’s

company in 1 777 and 1 778 . He was a pensioner .

CONE , ANDREW . 437 1 .

New York City .

Advertising agent . Born in Nashvi l le , Tenn . , November

6 , 1 862 . Son of Edward Payson Cone (NO. and Anna

Maud Roche , etc . [See Edward Payson Cone] .


New York City .

Manager . Born in West Granby , Conn . , March 4 , 1 83 5 .

S on of Silas Cone and Sarah Hayes , grandson of D a n iel H u r l

bu r t Cone and El izabeth Atkins , great-grandson of Daniel

Cone and Susannah Hurlburt , great’-grandson of Caleb Cone

and El i z abeth Cunningham , and great’-grandson of Daniel

Cone and Mehitable Spencer . Daniel H . Cone was born in

M iddletown , Conn . , J uly 1 6, 1 7 53 , l ived in Winchester , Conn . ,

and died Apri l 1 6, 1 84 1 . He was a private in the Fourth

company , Second regiment , Connect icu t Continental Line ; at

Page 97: Sons of the American Revolution


Bunker H i ll , was fi rst to step from ranks upon a ca l l for twelve

men to recaptu re a si lenced gun ; was on guard duty in New

York when Wash ington evacuated ; i n 1 777 re-en l isted for

three years ; was in the batt les o f Monmouth , Germantown ,etc . , and al though always in the th ickest o f the figh t , seemed

to bear a charmed l i fe , and was never wounded . At Mon

mouth , his Captain , Scott , had h is head blown Off at the sec

ond fi re . I n private l i fe he was z ealously re l igious , and i n

t imes o f reviva l made house to hou se visits for conversa

t ion and prayer .


St . Lou is , Mo .

Advert is ing agent . Born in Nashvil le , Tenn . , October 2 2 ,

1 865 . Son o f Edward Payson Cone (No . and Anna

Maud Roche , etc . [See Edward Payson Cone . ]


Un ited States Arm y .

Captain , Medica l Department . Born in New York , Apri l

1 0 , 1 844 . Son o f Wi l l iam M . Corbusier and Mahala Myers ,grandson o f James Henry Corbusier and E leanor Catherine

Sloat , great-grandson o f A lexander Sloat and Sarah Layton ,great’-grandso n o f Cor nel ius S lott and E l len McKinney ,

great'-grandson o f Johannes S lott and Christ ina Ackerman ,and’ great ‘ -grandson o f J acobus Jansen S lott and Mary

Demarest . Cornel ius S lott (afterwards spel led Sloa t) wasborn in Orange county , N . Y . , December 2 2 , 1 742 , and l ived

i n Montgomery . He was an O rderly Sergeant i n Co l . James


s regiment o f mi l i t ia , and was at the tak ing o f

Fort Montgomery , October 6, 1 777 . On that occas ion he

was taken prisoner and was confined for seve ral mon ths in the

Old Sugar H ouse in New York City , where , owing to il l-trea t

ment , h is health was seriously impaired .

Page 99: Sons of the American Revolution


can troops and to force h im to cheer for George the Th i rd .

H e gave them no in format ion and cheered for George

Wash ington . He was then

taken to NewYork Ci ty and

impri soned for some months

in the Old Sugar Hou se ,where he wou ld have frozen

and starved i f h is fami ly had

not contri ved to send h im

food and cloth ing by a

pa triot ic woman . H is son

Joris (or George). a lad

about fou rteen , escaped cap

u tnu t tree from wh ich Joris Mm . saw M.tu re by h id ing i" a chestnut

”um”"m “m ” tree into wh ich the maraud

ers fired several shots , bu t as these d id not dislodge h im theysupposed he had h idden elsewhere .


A lbany , N . Y .

Manu factu rer . Born in Albany , N . Y J une 1 6, 1 827 .

Son Of Eras t us Corn ing and Harriet We ld , grandson of Bl i ss

Corn ing and Lucinda Smith , great-grandson o f Nehem iah

Com ing and Freeborn Bl iss , great‘ -grandson o f Joseph Com

ing and Rebecca Woodbu ry , great'-grandson of Samuel Corn

ing , J r . , and El i z abeth , h i s wi fe , and great‘ -grandson o f

Samuel Corn ing , Sr . Bliss Corn ing was born in Preston ,Conn . , October 30 , 1 763 . I n 1 779 he en l isted in Capt . El ij ah


s company , Col . J eded iah Rogers’

regiment , and was

stat ioned at New London three months . In 1 780 he served

three months under Capt . Jabez White , guard ing the frigate

Trumbul l , and at Forts G riswo ld and Trumbull . He wa s

d ischarged at Mohegan , Conn . On Arnold ’s invasion , i n 1 78 1 ,he tu rn ed out again u nder Capt . Wh i te to repel the traitor .

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CORY , L . WALDO . 43 3 7 .

Cooperstown , N . Y .

Merchant . Born in Cooperstown , N . Y . , Apri l 4 , 1 85 3 .

Son of Will iam E . Cory and Samantha Wood , grandson of

Levi Wood and O l ive Mason , and great -grandson Of Dan iel

Wood and Rebekah Ingal ls . Daniel \Vood was born in

Swansea , Mass . , May 2 3 , 1 749 , and l ived in Chesh i re , Mass .

He was a private in Capt . Daniel Brown’

s company,which

marched from Lanesborough,Augus t 1 4 , 1 777 , and cont inued

therein for three years . He and h is brother Nathan were at the

batt le O f Bennington , August 1 6,1 777 . They were among

the early settlers of Lanesborough in the town O f Chesh ire .


Ashevil le , N . C .

Captain , U . S . A . , ret ired . Born in Chil l icothe , O. ,

January 7 , 1 844 . Son of I saac Cory and Sarah Ann Bratt in ,grandson of Stephen Cory and Rhoda Wright . great-grandson

Joseph Cory and Phoebe Simpson , and great’-grandson of

E lna tha n Cory and Sarah (or H annah) -his wi fe . Elnathan

Cory l ived near El izabethtown , N . J . , and served as a private

in the Essex county , New J ersey , mil it ia .


New York City .

Consul General of N icaragua in the Un ited States . Born

in New York City November 5 , 1 804 . S on Of Henry Cothea l

and t be B . Warner , grandson of I saac Cothea l and

El izabeth Evans , and great-grandson of Wil l iam Cotheal and

Charlotte Dove . Isaac Cothea l , merchan t , farmer and sold ier ,was born in Woodbridge , N . J October 1 3 , 1 743 , and died

May I , 1 8 1 2 . He served with the Fourth battal ion,Second

establ ishment , New Jersey Continental Line , as a private .

On Apri l 1 9 , 1 777 , near Woodbridge , he attempted , single

Page 101: Sons of the American Revolution


handed , to cut his way through a body of H essians , and fe ll

terribly wou nded . He was imprisoned for th irteen months in

a Brit ish prison in Pearl street , New York . Upon his re leasehe was discharged , May 1 , 1 778 , on account o f his wounds .

He repeatedly decl ined a commission , bu t at various t imesaccepted confident ial and del icate duties usual ly entrusted to

offi cers of h igher rank , and at the end o f the war received a

United States pension as an i nval id private .


New York City .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Zanesvi l le , O. , March 22 ,

1 846. Son of Robert H u tchason Cotton and Margaret A .

Hager , grandson of J ames Cotton and Jemima Chalffin , and

great-grandson of Solom on Cha lfi n and Constance Eaton .

Solomon Chalfii n was born in Berkley county , V a . , June 2 5 ,

1 7 52 , and died i n Mononga lia county , V a . , October 1 4 , 1 840 .

He enl isted i n August , 1 776, as a private in Capt . Gabrie l

Long’s company , Col . Rawl ings’ regiment , of Virgin ia , and

served three years and seven months . Among other batt les ,he was in act ion at the battle Of Brandywine , and was

present at Yorktown at the surrender of Cornwall is. H e

was pensioned in 1 83 2 .

CRANE, N I ROM M . 407 1 .

H orne llsville , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Benton , N . Y December 1 3 , 1 828 ,

Son of N irom Crane and Anna Goodrich , grandson of

Da n iel Cra ne , 2d , and Sylvia Marrium , great-grandson of

Dan iel Crane,

I st , and Lyd ia Parker , great’-grandson o f

Ebenezer Crane,great ’-grandson of John Crane , and great

grandson Of Henry Crane , who came from England i n

1 63 5 . Daniel Crane , 2d , was born in We the rsfie ld , Conn . ,

May 1 5 , 1 756, and died i n Yates county , N . Y . , about

Page 103: Sons of the American Revolution


county Derry , I reland , to Lancaster county , Penn . , i n 1 72 5

The Rev . Wi l l iam Foster was known as the “ Rebel Preacher .

He l ived in Chester county , Penn . , and great ly aided the

American cause by his patriotic sermons . One Sunday morn

ing, being warned of the approach o f a party of British , he

le ft the pu lpit , picked up a gun , and led a company who met

and dispersed the enemy .

A lso great-grandson of 5’am es Gordon H eron and Eleanor

Evans . Capt . Heron l ived in Ceci l county , Md having come

from Dum frieshire , Scotland . He raised and armed at his

own expense a company for Congress’ Own regiment , and

commanded i t t i l l he resigned in 1 780 . Apri l 8 , 1 777 , he was

promoted from a Lieutenancy to Captaincy , and partic ipated

in al l the movements of that famous regiment . August 2 3 ,1 777 , he was captu red at Staten I sland , and , when exchanged ,rejoined h is command . After the war he held many promi

nent offices in Maryland and Venango county , Penn . , whither

he moved in 1 800 . He was a member of the Cinc innat i .


New York City .

Physic ian . Born in New York , December 1 5 , 1 856.

Son o f Wil l iam Edmond Curt is and Mary A . Scovi l l , grand

son Of Holbrook Curt is and El izabeth Edmond , great-grand

son Of Will iam E dm ond and E l i zabeth Paine , and great’

grandson of Rober t E dm ond. W i l l iam Edmond was born inWoodbury , Conn . , September 2 8 , 1 7 55 , and l ived in New

town , Conn . While a student at Yale Col lege , i n 1 777 , he

j oined Col . Moseley’

s regiment to repel the raid on Danbury ,and was maimed for l i fe at R idgefie ld , April 2 7 , 1 777 . He

was a member of Congress from 1 798 to 1 802 ; appointed

J udge of the Connect icut Supreme Court , 1 805 , and held other

publ ic ofii ces . Robert Edmond was an act ive member of the

F a irfie ld county Committee o f Safety .

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Boston , Mass .

Late Colonel , U . S . A . Born in Boston , May 2 7 , 1 830 .

Died in February , 1 892 . Son o f Charles Pelham Curt is and

Anna W . Scol lay , grandson of Thomas Cu rt is and Helena

Pelham , great-grandson of Obadiah Cu r t is and Martha Buck

minster,great’-grandson o f Samuel Curt is and Hannah Gore ,

great’-grandson of I saac Curt is and Hannah Poly , and great‘

grandson of Wil l iam Curt is , who came to th is country in 1 632 .

Obadiah Cu rt is was born in J amaica Plain , Mass . , i n 1 724 ,

and died in Boston , November 8 ,1 8 1 1 . He was a wheel

wright by trade , and a storekeeper in Boston by occupation .

He was a member of the Boston Tea Party . From h is fortune

he advanced specie for Arnold’

s Canada expedit ion , receiving

Continental currency in retu rn , and thereby sustain ing great

loss ; and was otherwise SO practical ly patriot ic that Tory hos

t ility was directed toward him and he was forced to flee to

Providence unt i l the evacuat ion .

Also grandson of Scol lay and great-grandson of john

Scollay o f Boston , Mass . , who was Chairman of the Board of

Selectmen of that town during the Revolu t ion . He was the

owner o f considerable real estate , i ncluding what is now known

as Scollay Square .


Rochester , N . Y .

Arch i tect . Born in Albany,N . Y . , April 24 , 1 848 . Son

of J ohn N . Cutler (NO. 3 36) and Mary El izabeth Goold , etc .

[See John Nathan Cutler . ]


Catski l l , N . Y .

Manu factu rer . Born in Albany , N . Y . , February 9 , 1 82 3 .

Son o f JOhn Nathan Cutler , Sr . , and Magdalena Goewey , and

Page 105: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson o f Na tha n Cutler and Betsey Travers . Natha n

Cu tler, was bo rn i n Coeyman'

s , N . Y . , 1 754-5 , and d ied

in M i l lport , N . Y . , Apri l 24 , 1 848 . He enl ist ed Oct ober 1 2 ,

1 775 , i n Capt . I saac Bloom’

s company , Sixth regiment , Cum

ber land county mi l i tia ; re-en l i sted J une 1 0 , 1 776 ; was

stationed at Fort Montgomery ; re-enl isted again ; marched to

Sa ra toga , Fort M i ller and Fort Edward ; and in the spring o f

1 779 marched to meet the Bri t i sh at the H ighlands and Peek

ski l l , also to Stony Point and West Point . He was com

missioned Lieutenan t and detai led to open a recru it ing offi ce

at A lbany , and remained i n the service t i l l the c lose o f the

war , act ively work ing to re in force the armies .


Rochester , N . Y .

Manu factu rer . Born in A lbany , Ju ly 1 3 , 1 857 . Son of

J ohn Nathan Cut ler (NO . 3 36) and Mary El izabeth Goold , etc .

[See John Nathan Cutler] .


Bwalo , N . Y .

Coal merchant . Born in Geneva , N . Y August 1 6,

1 856. Son o f George Dak i n and Charlotte C . Brown , grand

son o f Amos Dak in and Phce be Barret t , great-grandson o f

James Barrett and M i l icent Estabrook , and great’-grandson o f

Col . james Ba rrett and Rebecca Hubbard . Col . James Bar

rett was born in Concord , Mass . , J u ly 29 , 1 7 1 0 , and died

there Apri l 1 1 . 1 779 . He was representat ive to the Genera l

Court from 1 768 to 1 777 ; member o f each Provinc ial Con

gress ; Colonel o f a reg imen t of Concord m i l i t ia , Apri l 1 9 ,

1 77 5 , at the batt le o f Concord and Lexington , when the fi rst

blood o f the Revolut ion was shed ; and superintended the

manu factu re , col lect ion and deposit o f mi l i tary stores at

Concord .

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born in Chatham , Conn . , in 1 749 , and l ived in Chatham and

Glastonbu ry , Conn . , dying i n the latter town , November 1 5 .

1 826. He was a private in Capt . Jabez Barney’

s company , Col .

Dru ry ’s reg iment , Massachusetts troops , i n service at West

Point . He was captured by the Bri t ish and held for a long

t ime on the prison Ship J ersey , lying in the Wallabou t ,

where he endu red great suffering and hardship , unti l exchanged .


New York City .

Un ited States Consu l at Florence , I taly . Born in Ph i la

delphia , Penn . , February 2 3 , 1 866. Son Of L . Clarke Davis

and Rebecca Hard ing , etc . [See Richard Hard ing Davis . ]


New York City .

Author . Born in Phi ladelphia . Penn . , Apri l 1 8 , 1 864 .

Son of L . Clarke Davis and Rebecca Hard ing , grandson of

Richard Wil l iam Hard ing and Rachel Leet Wilson , great

grandson Of Hugh Wilson and Rachel Leet , and great’-grand

son of I saac L eet and Rebecca , his wife . I saac Leet was born

i n Ohio county , Va . , and after the Revolut ion moved to

Washington , Penn . I n the French and Ind ian war he served

with Washington , and at the outbreak Of the Revolution , in

the capacit ies of J ust ice and Deputy Sheriff of Ohio county ,did much to promote the cause of i ndependence . He had

seven sons in the Revolut ion , one of whom , Daniel Leet ,was a Brigade-Major .

DE FOREST , GEORGE B . 4 1 52 .

New York City .

Born in New York City , October 1 5 , 1 848 . Son o f

George B . D eF orest and Margaret El iza D eF orest (maiden

name) , grandson of Benjam in D eF orest and Mary Burlock ,

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and great-grandson Of E l ihu D eForest and Rachel Lambert .

Elihu D eF orest was born in H untington , Conn . , in Novem

ber , 1 739 , and d ied i n R idgefie ld , Conn . , J uly 6, 1 806 .

He was Lieutenant Of the “ Eighth company of the Alarm

List in the Sixteenth regiment ” of Connecticu t .


Indianapol is , Ind .

First Lieu tenant , U . S . A . Born in Ind ianapol is,Ind . ,

March 20 ,1 858 . Son Of John D . D eF rees and El izabeth

Mitchel l Morris , grandson Of Morris Morris and Rachel , his

wi fe, great -grandson of J ames Morri s , J r . and Eleanor, h is

wi fe , and great2-grandson of jam es M or r is , S r . [See Lou is

T . Morris ]


New York City .

President H udson R iver Bank . Born in New York,March

29 , 1 82 5 . Son of Henry de Groot and Mary Nesbi tt , grand

son of Wil l iam de Groot and Anne La Tourette , great-grand

son of John de Groot and Elizabeth O lden , and great’-grand

son of Jacob de Groot . Will iam de Groot was born in New

J ersey,J une 7 , 1 7 5 1 , and d ied i n Bound Brook , N . J . ,

August 2 8 , 1 840 . He served as a Sergeant , was promoted

to Ensign , and again promoted to Lieu tenant in the First

regiment o f M idd lesex county , N . J . , mil it ia .


New York City .

Merchant . Born in Brooklyn , N . Y December 1 0,1 867 .

Son of Edward D . Denn is and Imogene Page Cooper , grandson

of George H . Cooper and Carol ine A . , his wi fe , great-grand

son o f George H . Cooper and Catherine Luff , and great’-grand

son o f Sam uel Cooper and Mary Horton . Samuel Cooper was

Page 109: Sons of the American Revolution


born i n Boston in 1 760 , and d ied in A lexand ria , Va . , August

1 9 , 1 840 . He was a m ember of the Bos ton Tea Party ;Second Lieutenant o f Crane’s art i l lery , February 1 , 1 777 ;

Quartermaster May 1 4 , 1 778 ; fough t at Bunker H i l l , Trenton ,Brandywine , Germantown , Monmouth and other sangu inary

ba tt les ; and was made Lieutenant and Adj utant in 1 783 .

H e was offi cia l inspector o f pearl ashes in 1 808-30 ; and was

one of the founders o f the Cincinnat i . H e left several d isti n

gu ished descendan ts ; h is son Sam uel was Adj utant-General ,U . S . A. , unt il 1 86 1 , and subsequently Adj u tant oGene ral ,

C . S . A . , and h is grandson , George H . Cooper was Rear

Admiral U . S . N . , unti l 1 884 , when he was ret i red .


New York City .

President of the New York Central and Hudson R iver

Rail road Company . Born in Peeksk il l,N . Y . , Apri l 2 3 , 1 834 .

Son Of I saac Depew and Martha Mitchel l , grandson o f

Chauncey Root M i tchel l and Ann Johnstone , great-grandson

Of Rev . J ustus M itchel l and Martha Sherman , great'-grandson

o f Rev . jos iah Sherm a n and Martha M inot , great'-grandson

of Wi ll iam Sherman and Rebecca Cut ler, great‘ -grandson o f

J oseph Sherman and El i z abeth Winsh ip , and great‘-grandson

Of Capt . J ohn Sherman , who came from England in 1 634 .

The Rev . J osiah Sherman was born in Woodbury , Conn . , in

1 734 , and d ied November 24 , 1 789 . He was graduated from

Princeton Co l lege in 1 754 , and received the honorary degree

of A . M . at Harvard in 1 758 , and at Yale in 1 765 . He was

an able wri ter and powerfu l orator , and labored with h is

brother , Roger Sherman , signer o f the Dec laration o f I nde

pendence , with voice and pen , for the estab l ishment o f

American Independence . His eflort s,however , were not

confined with in the secure l im its of his pulpit,but he pract iced

what he preached . and served in the fie ld as Chaplain of

Page 111: Sons of the American Revolution


D I LL E NBACK , JOHN W . 4 1 34 .

United States Army .

Capta i n F i rst Art i l lery . Born in Orleans , J efferson county ,

N . Y May 1 9 , 1 842 . Son of Solomon D illenback and Amy

McMu llen , grandson o f J ohn B . D illenback and SusannaMoak ,great-grandso n o f Ba ltus D illenback and Mary Met z ger , and

grea t'-grandson Of Mart inus Dillenback . The D illenback

fami ly were among the fi rst sett lers , nearly 200 years ago , Of

what is now Montgomery and Herkimer counties , N . Y . , but

what , with the present count ies of Fu l ton , Ontario , Otsego ,Tioga and H am ilton

,composed the large terri tory known as

Tryon county , over a centu ry ago . Baltus D illenback was

born there , and on Augu st 5 , 1 763 , married Mary Metzger .

He was a private in Captain Henry D iefendorf'

s company , (theF ifth ,) o f the Tryon county mil i tia , wh i ch was in act ive serv ice from 1 779 to 1 783 . At the batt l e of Oriskany , August

6, 1 777 , the Captain o f h is company fel l , as did also his

brother , Capt . Andrew D illenback , and many others . At one

t ime three o f the enemy ru shed within the American ci rc le

and t ried to make a prisoner o f Capt . D illenback , who had

dec lared that he wou ld never be taken al ive . One Of them

se ized his gun , but the Captain wrenched it from him , struck

h im down wi th the butt , tu rned upon the second , shot h im

dead,and in an instant more had thrust the th ird through with

the bayonet . Hard ly had he accomp l ished th i s feat when a

musket ball ki l led h im .

D I L L E NBACK , L . SPENCER . 4 1 3 3 .

New York City .

Merchan t . Bo rn in Orleans , N . Y . ,December 3 , 1 844 .

Son Of So lomon D illenback and Amy McMu llen , grandson

o f John B . D illenback and Susanna Moak , great-grandson o f

Ba ltus D illenback and Mary Met z ger, and great’-grandson o f

Martinus D illenback . [See John W . D illenback ]

Page 112: Sons of the American Revolution



Elmira , N . Y .

Retired lawyer . Born in Catharine (now Dix), N . Y

February 1 0 ,1 809 . S on ofjohn D iven and Eleanor Means ,

and grandson of Alexander Diven and Margaret Smith . John

Diven was the son of Protestant I rish parents who came to

this country from county Tyrone , I reland . He was born in

1 752 , l ived i n Pennsylvania , and d ied i n 1 838 . He was a

cabinet-maker ’s apprent ice,and was induced

,with other

apprent ices , to enter the company Of a cabinet maker named

Kelly . He was at the batt le of Princeton , and he lped to

guard the Hessian prisoners , whose terror at fear of execution

he described to h is son , Gen . Alexander S . Diven . He win

te red at Valley Forge , and h is experiences there , includ ing h is

hardsh ips and a patheti c Scene at a review of troops by Wash

ington ,A . S . Diven also had from h is father

s own l ips . The

patriot ic spi rit O f the father was inheri ted by the son , whose

t i tle Of General was earned i n the Un ion army in the late war.

On the maternal side , Gen . Diven is grandson of J ohn

M eans and El izabeth Clark , and great-grandson O f Robert

Means and Jane I rving , S i ster of Gen . I rving of the Con

t ine n ta l army .

DODGE , R ICHARD IRV ING . 4 1 7 1 .


s Harbor , N . Y .

Co lone l , U . S . A . , reti red . Born in Huntsvi l l e , N . C. ,

May 1 9 ,1 82 7 . Son of J ames Richard Dodge and Susan

Wil l iams , grandson Of Richa rd Dodg e and Ann Sarah I rving ,

and great-grandson of Samue l Dodge and Helena Amerman .

The Dodge fam ily runs back to Will iam Dodge (great’-grand

father of Sam uel), who was Of pure Saxon stock . He came

from England to Salem , Mass . , J une 30 , 1 629 . Tristram,

great-grandfather o f Samue l , acqu ired Block I sland by pur

chase from the I nd ians . Richard,the pa triot , was born in

Page 113: Sons of the American Revolution


New York , December 3 1 , 1 762 ; married the S ister o f Wash

ington I rving Febru ary 1 4 , 1 787 ; and died September 3 , 1 83 2 ,

i n Johnstown , N . Y . H e was a drummer boy in h i s brother

Capt . H enry Dodge’

s company , in Wessenfe l’

s New York

regiment,havi ng run away from h is home i n Poughkeepsie

when the army was at Va l ley Forge . In the war o f 1 8 1 2 he

was Brigadier-Genera l o f the Mohawk brigade .


New York City .

Retired . Born in Southbu ry , Conn . , November 30 , 1 8 1 7 .

Son of Ebenezer Downes and Mary Esther Bryan , grandson

o f E bene z er Downs and Abigai l Stancl iff , great-grandson of

Capt . E benez er Downes and Dinah Bris tol , and great'-grand

son of Ebene z er Downes and Mary U m be rfie ld . Capt .

Ebene z er Downes was bo rn in New Haven , Conn . , March

2 8 , 1 707 , and l ived in Woodbu ry , Conn . H is ti tle was

derived from h is command Of a company du ring the French

wars . During the Revol u t ionary war he was a member o f the

Committee of Safety o f h i s town .

Also grandson of jehiel Bry an j r . , and Mary Treat , and

great-grandson of jehiel Bry a n , S r . , and Esther Buckingham .

J eh i el Bryan , Sr . , o f M i l ford , Conn . , was married J une 4 ,

1 753 . He was fi rst L ieu tenant in the Th i rd company , Col .


regiment , Wadsworth’

s brigade , o f Connect icu t ,served in New York and Brook lyn ; part i cipated i n the batt le

o f Long Island and i n the retreat from New York in Septem

ber , and fought at Wh i te Plains in October . H i s term

expired Decembe r 2 5 , 1 776.

J ehie l Bryan , J r . , was bo rn i n M i l ford , Conn . , i n 1 75 5 ,

and was Sergeant in Capt . M ix’

s company , Col . Moseley’


regiment , ordered to the H udson soon after the battle of Mon

m outh , and stat ioned at Fort Cl inton , West Point and other

crit i ca l places in the dangerous terri tory a long the Hudson .

Page 115: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson of Peter Dudley and Lucy Barnard , great-grandson

of S tephen D udley and Lyd ia Harwood , great’-grandson of

Samuel Dud ley and Abigai l Waters , great’-grandson of Samue l

Dud ley and Abigai l King , and great‘-grandson o f Francis

Dud ley and Sarah Wheeler . Stephen Dud ley was born in

Litt leton , Mass . , J u ly 2,1 73 5 , and d ied in South Carol ina i n

1 784 . He was a private in Capt . I saac Wood’

s company ,Col . Jonathan Reed

s regiment of Guards , at Cambridge , Mass . ,1 778 . This family has been noted for i ts mi l itary service .

Franc is Dud ley Of Concord , Mass . , took part in the Ind ian

wars of 1 67 5 , and his descendants have part icipated in every

war in America S ince then except the Mexican . O f fi fteen

grandsons of Gen . Peter Dud ley of mil itary age in 1 86 1 —65 ,

twelve were in the Service , of whom three d ied in the war,three were wounded , and S ix won commissions .

Also grandson of S am uel Swa r twou t , and Parthen ia Cl ine ,great -grandson Of Johannes Swartwout and Altj e Begle ,

great°-grandson Of Samuel Swartwout and Phce be Poedne (or

P udney ) , great’-grandson of J acobus Swartwout and G illet z en

Corn e lisse Newkirk , great‘-grandson Of Thomas Swartwout

and L y sbe t Gard iner , and great°-grandson of Roe loff Swart

wout and Eva Alberts Bradt . Roe loff Swartwout came to

America from Holland in 1 65 5 , and was fi rst Schout , or

Sheriff, of U lster county under Peter Stuyvesant . Samuel

Swartwout , the patriot , of Kingston , N . Y . , was born January

2 3 , 1 726, and was a private i n Capt . Shu l ts’

company , Co l .

Brincke rhoof’

s regiment , of Dutchess county , N . Y . , mil i t ia .

Also great-grandson Of Benj am in Ba r na rd and Lucy Wood .

Benjam in Barnard l ived in Peru , V t . , whither he moved from

Westm inster , Mass . , in 1 800 . On the Lexington a larm he

marched to Cambridge in Capt . Noah Miles’

company . He

fought at Bunker H il l ; was i n Boston when Washington

assumed command , and served i n New J ersey . He received

a wound i n the leg which crippled h im for l i fe .

Page 116: Sons of the American Revolution



Johnstown , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Oppenheim , N . Y . , September 1 1 ,

1 852 . Son of James M . Dud l ey and Maria Swartwout , etc .

[See Edgar Swartwout Dud ley . ]

DUNNELL , JOHN H . 40 57 .

Brooklyn,N . Y .

Born in Croton , N . Y . , December 1 2 , 1 8 1 3 . Son o f

Elbridge Gerry Dunnel l and Sarah N ichols , grandson O f

Henry Dunnel l and Tamar Gale , great-grandson Of H enry

D u nnell and Hannah Daggett , great’-grandson Of Jonathan

Dunnel l and Mehitab le Kenny , great’-grandson of Thomas

Dunnel l and Dinah Brim sde ll , and great‘-grandson Of M ichael

Dunnell and Mary , h is wi fe . There were eleven d ifferent

authent ic ways Of spel l ing the name of the Old New England

fam ily Of Dunnel l , namely , Doniel , Donell , D unme l , Dunnel l ,D unn i l , D unn ill , Dw inne lle , Dwinnel l , Dw inne l ; Dw in e l and

D u nwe ll . Hen ry Dunnel l (or Dw in e l) , was born in Sutton ,Mass . ,

February 2 2,

1 762 , and d ied October 1 7 , 1 805 , at

Albany , N . Y . He was a private in the Sutton company Of

Massachusetts m i l i t ia ; partic ipated in the battle Of Stony

Point ; and was at West Point when Andre was hung . Five

other members Of the Dw ine l fam i ly of Sutton were sold iers in

th e Revolution .

DU VAL , HORACE CLARK . 4 1 2 7 .

New York City .

Private secretary . Born in Brooklyn , N . Y . , J u ly 4 , 1 85 1 .

Son of Wil l iam Du Va] and Carol ine N ichols Clark , grand

son of Horace Clark and Emily N ichols , and great-grandson

of Thaddeus N ichols and Aner Cone . Thaddeus N ichols was

born in Princeton , Mass . , February 9 , 1 762 , and died in

M iddletown , Conn . , February 8 , 1 842 . In 1 778 he en l i sted

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in the Chore Rangers , under Capt . A ldrich , Maj or Ben

jam in Whitcomb ’s command , employed on the northern

frontier watching the l ines and protect ing settlements from

Ind ians . I n November , 1 778 , they defeated a body o f

I nd ians and Brit ish between Ticonderoga and Crown Point .

I n March , 1 78 1 , he was made Orderly Sergeant in Capt .

B lakely ’s company , Col . Samuel Fletcher’s regiment , Vermont

troops ; was stat ioned at Castleton , on the Canadian frontier ,and Served as clerk to El isha Clark , Issu ing Com m issa rv to the

brigade . He was a Un ited States pensioner .


New York City .

Proprietor o f hotels . Born in Hartford , Conn . , Septem

ber 1 1 , 1 839 . S on Of Wil l iam P . Earle and El izabeth

P inney , grandson Of Benjamin P inney and Sarah McKenney ,

great -grandson of E lea z a r P inney and Eunice King , great”

grandson Of .Capt . Benjam in Pinney and Susanna Lathrop ,great’-grandson of Humphrey Pinney , 2d , and Mary Hul l ,and great ‘ -grandson Of Humphrey Pinney , I st . Eleazar

P inney was born in Ell ington , Conn . , i n February , 1 753 , and

was one of the fi rst c it izens of that town . He was Sergeant i n

the campaign against Burgoyne ; fought at St i l lwater , Septem

ber 1 9 , 1 777 ; also at Saratoga , October 7 , 1 777 , and was in

the division that stormed Burgoyne’

s camp . In c ivi l l i fe he

represented the town in the Legislature , was a Se lectman of

the town for fourteen years , and was such an authori ty in the

sett lement of estates and other responsible trusts that he was

j ocu larly cal led the Admin istrator-General of Ell ington .


New York City .

Banking . Born in Albany , N . Y October 5 , 1 856. Son

of Wil l iam Wallace Eggleston and Clara I rene Pease , grandson

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White was born in Rehobeth , Md . , May 1 5 , 1 756 , and died in

1 820 . At the beginn ing o f the Revolu tion he raised and

equ ipped at his own expense , a company o f the Virgin ia l ine ,and was Captain of it throughout the struggle , being present at

the surrender o f Cornwall is . Col . Wil l iam Stevens ( 1 6301 687) was one of Lord Balt imore

s trusted counsel lors,and was

Depu ty-Governor o f the Province . He was founder Of the

Presbyterian chu rch in Maryland , at Snow Hi l l .


Kingston , N . Y .

Merchant . Born in Bath , N . Y . , February 1 1 , 1 83 7 .

S on of Ebenezer Everett and Lau ra M . Walden , grandson o f

E lea z er E verett , j r . , and Lucy Battel le , great-grandson o f

Eleazer Everett and Beth ia Morse , great’-grandson o f John

Everett and Mercy Brown , great'-grandson Of Capt . J ohn

Everett and El izabeth Pepper , and great‘-grandson of Richard

Everett and Mary , h is wi fe . Richard Everett came to

America from England and was one Of the original settlers o f

Dedham , Mass . , i n 1 636. E leazer Everett was born in Ded

ham , April 2 5 , 1 76 1 , and died at Francistown , N . H . ,

December 22 ,1 82 8 . He was a private in the company o f

mil i t ia raised in Dedham for the Revo lut ionary army .

A lso grandson of Nathan Walden and Mercy Eggleston ,and great-grandson of N a tha n Wa lden , S r . , and Beth ia

Bil l ings . Nathan Walden , Sr . , was born in Frankl i n , Conn . ,

J anuary 1 4 ,1 762 , and died in L eRoy , N . Y . , May 2 3 , 1 855 .

H e served as a private in the Connect icu t mi l it ia , and was held

a prisoner of war in New York City nearly a year.


San Franc isco , Ca l .

Clerk . Born in Podo l ia , Russia , December 3 1 , 1 866.

Son of Charles Frederick Exner and J u l ia Pu laski , grandson

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of Mart in Pu laski and Eva Rose Kant , and great-grandson of

Casim ir P u la ski . Count Casimir Pulask i was born in Podo l ia,

Poland , March 4 , 1 748 , took an act ive part in the war against

Russia , lost h is estates and was outlawed in the fi rst part it ion

of Poland in 1 772 ; came to America in 1 777 ; en l isted under

VVash ingtOn ; part icipated i n many battles , and for his conductat Brandywine was given a brigade Of cavalry . In March ,

1 778 , he organ ized Pulask i s Legion , composed Of lancers and

l ight infantry ; entered Cha rleston in May , 1 779 ; fol lowed the

Brit ish unt i l they left South Carol ina ; partic ipated in the Siege

of Savannah , whe re he fel l at the head Of his brigade , October

9 , and d i ed on the brig two days later . He lies

buried on one Of the islands near Savannah , and a monument

has been erected to him in that city .


New York City .

Banke r and broker . Born in N ew York , March 3 1 , 1 8 57 .

Son Of Andrew Morton Ferris and Evel ina Frankl in, grand

son Of Floyd Thomas Ferris and Catherine Morton , great

grandson of James Ferris , 3d , and Sa rah Oakley ,great’-grand

son of jam es F er r is , 2d , and Charity Thomas , great ’-grand

son of J ames Ferris and Anne Sands , and great‘-grandson Of

J ohn Ferris (born who moved from F a irfie ld ,Conn . ,

and became one of the fi rst pate n tees Of Westchester , N . Y

in 1 667 . James , 2d , owned the homestead in 1 776, when the

Bri tish occupied i t . He was subsequently captured by the

Queen ’s Rangers , carried to New York , imprisoned in the Old

Sugar House , and so maltreated that he d ied a few days after

h is re lease . H is son Thomas , whose natural patriotism was

rein forced by the desi re to avenge h is father , was one of the

most act ive , daring and dangerous enem ies Of the invader .Also grandson Of R ichard L . Frankl in and Evel ina Crary ,

great -grandson Of Anthony Frankl in and Lyd ia Lawrence , and

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great’-grandson of john F rankl in and Deborah Morris . J ohn

Frankl in was act ive in beha l f o f the prisoners on the prison

Sh ips off Blackwe l l ’s Island , N . Y . , during the war , and per

formed much peri lous service for the ir re l ief . H is wi fe was

one of those patriot ic women who rendered as much service as

those who bore arms . She was banished from New York for

her act ive sympathy with the prisoners , and removed to

Philadelphia . Upon her death , Congress adj ou rned ou t of

respect for her .


Fort Custer , Mont .

First Lieutenant , Tenth U . S . Cavalry . Born in Charles

ton , S . C. , J une 9 , 1 856. Son of Wil l iam P e ronn ea u Finley ,

LL . D . , and Anna Maria Harris Gibson , grandson of jam es

E dwa rds Bu r r F in ley , M .D . , and Mary Pe ronneau,great

grandson Of Samuel F inley , D .D and Sarah Hal l , and great"

grandson Of M ichael Fin ley , a native Of cou nty Armagh ,I reland , Of Scott ish descent , who came to Phi ladelphia , Penn . ,

September 2 8 , 1 734 , and set tled as a farmer in Sadsbury town

ship , Chester county , Penn . H is son Samuel was President

of Princeton Col lege from 1 76 1 unti l h is death in 1 766. Dr .

J ames E . B . Fin ley was born in Nott ingham , Md . , May

1 5. 1 7 58 , and d ied in Charleston . S . C J une 1 3 , 1 8 1 9 .

He was a med ical pupil of his fi rst cousin and guard ian .

the ce lebrated Dr . Benjam in Rush . He was Surgeon o f

the Fi fteen th Massachusetts regiment , February 2 5 , 1 778 ;

t ransferred to the Fi fth Massachusetts , J anuary 1 , 1 78 1 ;

t ransferred to the .Fou rth Massachusetts , J une 1 2 , 1 783 ; and

served to November 3 , 1 783 . At the t ime of h is death he was

Secretary o f the South Caro l i na Cincinnat i . H is three

brothers were also offi cers in the Cont inenta l l ine : Surgeon

Samuel Finley , Fourteenth and Seventh Massachusetts

regiments ; First Lieu t . J ohn H . F in ley , Fi fth and Sixth

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Pennsylvan ia regiments ; and Capt . -Lieut . Ebenezer F in ley ,First Continental Art i l lery , later Deputy J udge Advocate ,Southern Department .


Chattanooga , Tenn .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Phi ladelphia , Penn . , J anuary

2 1 , 1 857 . Son Of Surgeon -General Clement Alexander

Finley , U . S . A . , and El izabeth Moore , grandson Of Maj .

S am uel F in ley and Mary Brown , great-grandson of John

Fin ley and Martha Berkley , and great2-grandson of M ichael

Fin ley,a nat ive of county Armagh , I reland , of Scotch

descent,who came to Phi ladelph ia , Penn . , in 1 734 , and

Se ttled in Sadsbury township , Chester county , Penn . Samuel

Fin ley was born Apri l 1 5 , 1 7 52 , and d ied in Phi ladelphia ,Apri l 2 , 1 829 . He was appointed Lieutenant of Sheppard ’s

Virgin ia Rifle company , J u ly 9 ,1 776 ; Captain in the Eleventh

Virgin ia , December 20 , 1 776 ; promoted to Major of Posey’


Virgin ia R iflem en , and served to the close of the war . After

the war he was appointed by President Wash ington a Receiver

Of Pub l ic Moneys for the Northwest Territory , and for many

years was a resident of Chi l l icothe , 0 . Two of his brothers

were also officers during the Revolut ion : First Lieut . Andrew

Finley Of the E ighth Pennsylvania , and Capt . John Fin ley

of the Eighth , Fi fth and Second Pennsylvania regiments .


N ew York City .

General Superintendent Of the Wagner Palace Car CO.

Born in Newton Lower Fal l , Mass . , December 1 5 , 1 83 7 .

Son of Cassander S . Flagg and Hannah Jones , grandson o f

john F lagg and Anna Cook , great-grandson Of James F lagg

and Anna Morse , great”-grandson Of Eleazer Flagg

, J r. ,

and Deborah Tompkins , great’-grandson of Eleazer Flagg and

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Deborah Barnes , and great‘-grandson Of Thomas F lagg and

Mary , his wi fe . John Flagg was born at Westboro , Mass . ,

October 6, 1 7 58 , and l ived there and in Wilmington , Vt . H e

marched with the Westboro company on the Lexington alarm

fought in the battles of Bunker H i l l and Saratoga,and con

t in ued i n se rvice to the close of the war .


San Francisco , Cal .

Accoun tant . Born in New York City , September 2 1 ,

1 83 3 . Son Of Lewis Deland Folsom and El izabeth Woodwe ll

Hunt:grandson of Lewis Folsom and Eunice B . Deland ,great-grandson of Benjamin Folsom and Mary Baker , great

grandson of L ieu t . jona tha n F olsom and Deborah Hal l , great’

grandson Of Jonathan Folsom and Anna Ladd , and great‘

grandson of John Folsom and Ab igai l,his wi fe . The origin

of the Folsom family , so far as known . dates back to J ohn

Fou lsham , prior o f a Carmel ite monastery , Provincial Of al l

England and D . D . of Cambridge , who d ied in 1 348 . Lieut .

Jonathan Folsom was born in Exeter , N . H . , i n 1 724 , and

l ived i n Newmarket , Epping and New Durham . He was a

soldier in 1 74 5 and 1 7 5 5 , in the latter year receiving a bu llet

i n the shoulder . I I I 1 766 he lost a leg by the burst ing Of a

cannon celebrat ing the repeal of the Stamp Act . On the ou t

break of the Revolut ion , he made his way to Bunker H i l l ,hobbled into battle on his wooden leg , and took charge of a

mortar . I t is recorded that the second bomb he fired landed

on a Brit ish man -of-war and compelled its withdrawal . He

was a brother of Gen . Nathaniel Folsom ofRevolut ionary fame .

FOYE , ANDREW J . C . 4 1 1 2 .

New York City .

Merchant . Born in Shamokin , Penn . , D ecem ber z 3 , 1 83 3 .

Son ofWil l iam Foye and Jane M il ler , grandson Of Barkley

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Virgin ia . Joel l ived and d ied in Woodfork , Charlotte cou nty ,Va . He was Lieutenant -Colonel in a regiment raised i n

Charlotte county in 1 78 1 , commanded by C0 1 . Thomas Read ,to rein force Gen . Green

,who had been driven across Dan

river by Cornwall is . I t is said that this regiment turned the

t ide of batt le and had the pleasure of witnessing Cornwal l is’

su rrender at Yorktown . Wi ll iam Mor ton ,brother of Joel


wi fe and great’-grand father Of Mr . Gaines through

his father’

s mother , was a Maj or in the same regiment .

Also great-grandson Of Samuel Woodson Venable and

Mary Read Carrington , great’-grandson Of P a u l Ca r r ing ton

and Margaret Read , and great°-grandson of Clement Read and

Mary H il l , who came from England and sett led i n Virgin ia .

J udge Paul Carrington was a mem ber of the Committee of

Safety for Charlotte county , V a , , member of the House Of

Burgesses , J udge of the Court Of Appeal , and in various

capacit ies was patriot ically act ive in pub l ic affa i rs before and

during the Revolut ionary war .


New York City .

Lawyer . Born in Sumter , S . C. , J u ly 9 , 1 840 . S on Of

Ale ste r Garden (Gibbes) and Elizabeth R ichardson , grandson

Of Wilmot S . Gibbes and Anna Frances de Saussu re , great

grandson of H enry Will iam de S a ussu re and El iza Ford , and

great’-grandson of Da n iel dc Sa ussu r e and Mary McPhe rson .

The father of H ugh R . Garden was born a Gibbes , but at the

request of h is uncle , Major Alexander Garden O f Lee’s Legion


had his name changed by the Legislature to Aleste r Garden .

Daniel de Saussure was born in Beau fort District , S . C. ,

August 1 2 , 1 73 3 ; l ived i n Charleston ; agitated to expel theBrit ish Provincial Governor ; was member of the Provincial

Congress ; captured in the defense of Charleston , 1 780 : sent

prisoner to St . Augustine , and after the war was State Senator

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of the last strategic poin ts of the Brit ish in South Carol i na to

be abandoned , and was thoroughly dyed with Tory sympathy .

He also served on occasions as Scout and part isan soldier .


New York City .

Physician . Born in U t ica , N . Y February 5 , 1 866. Son o f

Col . AudleyW . Gazzam and Mary Elizabeth Van Deusen , grand

son Of‘

Edward D . Gazzam , M . D . , and El izabeth Antoinette

Beelen,great-grandson of Will iam Ga z z am , j r . , and Ann

Parker,and great’-grandson of Will iam Gazzam and Martha

Hart . Gaz zam is a Bib le name , “ the children of Gazzam

being mentioned in Nathan iel vi :5 1 , among those who returned

from the capt ivity in Babylon . Wil l iam Gazzam , J r . , was an

Engl i sh journal ist , born in Cambridge , who espoused the

American cause , incurred the enmity of George I I I , and was

forced to flee . He arrived in Ph i ladelph ia , Penn . , and moved

thence to Pittsbu rg , Penn . , of which port he was appointed

fi rst col lector by Mad ison . He died in Pittsburg in 1 8 1 1 .

Also , grandson of Edwin Mart in Van Deusen , D . D . , and

Eliza Maria Gi lbert , great-grandson of I saac Laird Van Deusen

and Lovina Hart , great’-grandson of jacob Van D eusen and

Mary Laird,and great'-grandson of I saac Van Deusen and

F it ie (or Fiche) Burghardt . Isaac Van Deusen was of Dutch

ancest ry . With his father-ln -law , Coonrod Burghardt (son Of

Hendrick Burghardt), he moved from Kinderhook , N . Y . , to

Great Barrington,Mass . , of which he was one of the fi rst

settlers . Jacob Van Deusen was born there J uly 1 5 , 1 74 1 ,

and died May 26,1 8 1 2 . He was a member of the Committee

of Safety of Great Barrington in 1 776.

Also great-grandson of Ban ford Gilbert and Elizabeth

Edwards,and great


figrandson of Thaddeus Gilber t and Martha

Turney . Thaddeus Gilbert was born in Connect icu t in 1 756

and d ied in Spencertown , N . Y . , in 1 83 3 . On May 8 , 1 775 ,

E rra tum : I n twe l fth l ine rea d Nehem iah V I I : 5 1 .

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he enl isted in the Fi fth company , Fi fth regiment , Connect icut

m il i t ia , and served t i l l December 1 3 , 1 775 , and re-en l isted for

the war March 4 , 1 777 , i n Capt . Comstock’

s company,Eighth

regiment , Connect icu t Line .

Also great’-grandson of Sam uel E dwa rds and Jane She lton .

Samuel Edwards of F a irfie ld county,Conn . ,

was born October 20 , 1 756, and d ied in

Man-l iu s , N . Y . , August 5 , 1 83 8 . He en

l isted May 8 , 1 77 5 , i n the Second company ,Fifth regiment , Connect icu t Line .

Elizabeth Anto inette Beelen , menti oned

above , was daughter Of Constant ine Antoine

de Be elen and granddaughter of BaronE dwa rds w f-Arm s Antoine de Bee len de Berthol f , first Aus

trian ambassador to the Un ited States in 1 783 .


N ew York City .

Lawyer . Born in Newburg , N . Y May 1 7 , 1 868 . Son

of George W . Gedney and Mary E . VVeygan t , grandson of

Cornel i usWeygan t and Mary I’inckney , great-grandson of John

VVeygan t and Elizabeth Du Bois , great“-grandson of VVilhe l

m u s Du Bois and Mary H udson , great’-grandson of Lew is D u

Bois and Rachel Jansen . Lew i s Du Bois was born in New

Paltz , September 1 4 , 1 728 , and d ied i n Marlborough in 1 802 .

On September 20 , 1 77 5 , he was commissioned Captain in the

Fourth Ulster county , N . Y regiment under Brig . Gen .

Cl inton , recru ited for the Canad ian service ; promoted to

Major ; commiss ioned Colonel J une 2 5 , 1 776, with instruct ion s

to raise a regiment for three years ; was stat ioned i n the H igh

lands in 1 777 when Forts Cl in ton and Montgomery succumbed ;was taken prisoner and exchanged about a year later ; resigned

December 2 2,1 779 , and J u ly 1 , 1 780 , was appointed Co lone l

of levies raised to re -in force the United States Army .

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New Haven , Conn .

Law student . Born in New York , J une 2 5 , 1 872 . Son

o f George Edward Gouraud and Florence W . Snow , grandson

o f George M . Snow and Frances M . Jackson , great-grandson

o f Nathan J ackson and Soph ia Squ ires , great’-grandson of

Giles jackson and Anna Thomas and great'-grandson of John

Jackson . G i les Jackson was born in Weston , Mass . , Feb

ruary 2 2 , 1 73 3 . He was a representative in the Genera l

Court fourteen years. member of the State Congress wh ich

met at Watertown , and o f the F i rst Congress which met in

1 7 74 . On August 30 , 1 77 5 , he was commissioned Major of

the First Berkshi re county , Mass . , regiment ; was again chosen

to that office by the Legislature in 1 776 ; served at Peekski l l ,N . Y . ; was d ischarged August 6, 1 776 ; agai n commissioned

Apri l 4 , 1 777 , and on October 1 1 , the same year , was appo inted

by the Legislatu re as Lieut . -Co lonel , the same regiment , in

place of Lieut . Col . Root , deceased . I t is family trad ition

that Col Jackson drew up the so-called “ Convent ion o f

Saratoga under wh ich Burgoyne su rrendered .


Hyattsvi l l e , Md .

Captain , U . S . A . Bo rn i n Wake Co N . C September

2 8 , 1 83 7 . Son of Daniel Sm ith Gordon and Mary E l i z abeth

Hammett , grandson of H enry Gordon and E l izabeth Smith ,and great-grandson o f Dan iel Sm ith and Shu l l . Dan ie l

Smith was bo rn in York county , Penn . , September 2 1 , 1 755 ,

l ived in Frederick county , Md . , and d ied there in h i s 84th

year . H e was in Capt . Ambrose’

s company o f Frederick

county m i l it ia , 1 777 ; Lieutenant in Capt . Simpkins’

company ,Cotoct in battal ion , May 1 3 , 1 778 , and Captain in Co l . Bake r

J ohnson’s battal ion , March 29 , 1 779 . He reso lved not to

marry unt i l American independence was secured , and in fu lfil

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Lexington he was Captain Of a company of minutemen , and ,as he said , had forty-two very fair shots at the enemy , many

ofwhich were del iberately fi red as near as from 1 1 to 30 yards .

For h is coolness and daring he was made Major in Col . Gard


s regiment , Massachusetts mi l it ia : promoted to Lieutenant

Colonel ; then Colonel Of the Eighth Massachusetts regiment ,and finally Brigad ier-General . He was wounded at Lexing

ton a ud Bunker H i ll , and severely in a n ight attack on Brit ish

entrenchments on an island in East River,New York .

Amasa was born in Newton , Mass . , J une 5 , 1 765 , and

died in New York March 24 , 1 824 . Being only ten years Of

age he enl isted as a drummer boy , and at the close of the war

was made an Ensign .


New York City .

Commission dealer . Born in Canandaigua , N . Y Decem

ber 2 2 , 1 865 . S on of J ohn Albert Granger (NO . 1 1 9) and

Annie Townsend , etc . [See J ohn Albert Granger] .

GRANT , ASA NELSON . 4 1 73 .

Weatherford , Texas.

Cash ier . Born in Canton , MO . , December 7 , 1 85 5 . Son

of Asa Nelson Grant and Mary E . All in , grandson Of Thomas

Dag Grant and Jean Stone , great-grandson of john Gran t and

Avis , and great’-grandson of Dona ld (or Dan iel ) Grant

and Janet MacGregor . Dona ld (or Daniel) Grant , born about

1 72 5 , was a supporter o f Charles Edward Stuart in the

rebel l ion of 1 74 5 i n Scot land ; escaped to America via France ,and died in Fauqu ier county , Va . He was a private in the

Eleventh Virginia regiment . His son John was with h im in

the same regiment , i n the capacity Of bugler at first . Theywere under Col . Wil l iam Washington up to the t ime Of his

captu re,being present at Cowpens and Eutaw Springs .

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GRAVES , JOHN C . 4 1 30 .


a lo , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Herkimer , N . Y . , November 1 8 , 1 839 .

S on of Ezra Graves and Maria Card , grandson Of J ohn Graves

and Ab igai l Munn , great-grandson of Russell Graves and Anna

M ill ington , great°-grandson of Jeded iah Graves and Elizabeth

Allen , great’-grandson of Benjamin Graves and Mary Sterl ing ,

great ‘ -grandson of Benjamin Graves and Mary Hoar , and

great"-grandson of J ohn Graves , who was born in England

about 1 600 , and settled i n Concord , Mass . , before 1 640 .

Russel l was born in East Haddam , Conn . , Apri l 1 7 , 1 75 1 , and

j ust prior to the Revol ution moved to Albany county , N . Y .

He served as private in Capt . Brown’

s company and Capt .

Had lock’s company in the Fourteenth regiment of Albany

cou n ty m ilit ia , and partic ipated in the batt le ofOriskany . His

brothers , J onah and Stephen , were Captain and Lieutenant

of Albany county mil i t ia , J onah being ki l led at Oriskany .

GREEN , JAMES O . 42 34 .

Hillsdale , Mich .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in H u dson,W is . , J une 3 , 1 859 .

S on of Dr . J oseph Green and O l ive Chi ld , grandson of Asa

Green , J r . , and t bc Had ley , great -grandson of Asa Green

and Achsa Sanderson , great’-grandson o f Benjamin Green

and Lucy Masters , great’-grandson of Capt . Nathaniel Green

and El izabeth Sprague , great‘-grandson o f Wil l iam Green and

El izabeth H i ll s , great’-grandson of Will iam Green and Eliza

beth Wheeler , and great°-grandson of Thomas Green of

Leicestershire , England , who settled in Massachusetts in

1 636. The Rev . Asa Green was born in Leicester , Mass . ,J u ly 2 7 , 1 76 1 and died in P lvm ou th , V t . , September 1 6,

1 842 . He enl isted in May , 1 778 , in Capt . J ohn Cut ler’

s com

pany , Col . Wood’

s regiment , Massachusetts mi l i t ia , and

successively re -en l isted in 1 779 , 1 780 , and 1 78 1 , in Co l .

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s and CO1 . Nixon’

s regiments . Part Of h is service was

performed in Rhode Island and New York . He was present

at the execut ion of Major André .


Washington , D . C .

Ofli ce r , U . S . N . Born in Adams , N . Y .,August 3 , 1 83 8 .

Son of J oseph Langford Greene and Susanna Maxson , etc .

[See David Maxson Greene . ]


Troy , N . Y .

Civi l engineer , director , etc . Born in Brunswick , N .

Y . , J uly 8 , 1 83 2 . S on of Joseph Langford Greene and

Susanna Maxson , grandson of David Maxson , J r . , and Sarah

St i l lman , great grandson of D avid Maxson and Ab igai l

Greenman , great’ -grandson of John Maxson , 3d , and Thank fu l

Randall , great’-grandson of John Maxson , 2d , and J u d i th

Clarke , great‘ -grandson Of John Maxson and Mary Mosher ,and great°-grandson of Richard Maxson , the emigrant . David

Maxson was born in Westerly . R . I . , J u ly 24 , 1 729 , and d ied

there before 1 800 . He was appointed on a committee for

Westerly pursuant to an act of the Legis lature Apri l 22 , 1 77 5 ,

to procure powder , bul lets and flin ts ; was receiver of moneys

for paying bounties , 1 780 , and deputy from Westerly , 1 78 1 .

Many others , brothers or cousin s , participated in the war .

Asa was Lieutenant ; J oseph , Lieu tenant ; Phineas , Captain ;George , Lieu tenant ; Zacche u s , Ensign , and Jonathan , Deputy .

GREEN E , HORACE L . 49 92 .

Fort Plain , N . Y .

Born in Danube , N . Y . , October 1 3 , 1 839 ; d ied October

2,1 89 1 . Son of Lester Greene and Emily Herk imer , grandson

of J oseph Herkimer and Eun ice Trowbridge,great-grandson

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Also great’-grandson o f Will iam Webb and E l i z abeth H udson , and great'-grandson of E benez er Webb and Mary Terre l l .Wi l l iam Webb of Southo ld , L . I . , was an Assoc iator in

Su ffolk county ; private in E ighth company , Co l . Josiah


s regiment , at the batt le of Long Island ; carried home

camp fever ; buried two ch i ldren in consequence fled to Con

nect icu t and served in that State . Ebene z er Webb was another

Associator of S uflolk county , and died in 1 776 at the age o f 80 .

Also grandson Of Edwin B . Munson and Amel ia C . Sperry ,great-grandson of Charles Munson and Mabel Beach , and

great’-grandson of joseph K irk M unson and Luc inda Sears .

J oseph Kirk Munson , when 1 2 years old , accompan ied Capt .

Joseph Birdseye’

s company , Fou rth regimen t , Connecticu t

m i l i t ia , to F i shk i l l , N . Y . , and in J u ly , 1 779 , was in service

at New Haven and Fairfield , Conn .

A lso great-grandso n o f Wy llis Sperry and Cathy Ramsde l l ,and great”-grandson Of H a rthau Ram sdell and Catherine Bu rns .

H arthon Ramsdel l was a pensioner for Revolut ionary service

i n Massachusetts mi l i t ia .

Also great’-grandson of D . L . Sperry and Chloe All ing ,

and great'-grandson o f Ma rsha ll All ing and Abigai l Brocket .Marshal l All ing was a private i n Capt . Pre nt ice

s company,

F i fth battal ion , Co l . Will iam Douglas , Connect icu t mi l i tia .

GREENE , OLIVER D . 43 1 7 .

San Franc isco , Cal .

Assistant Adjutan t-General , U . S . A . Born in Scott , N .

Y J anuary 2 5 , 1 83 3 . Son o f George S . Greene and Ame lia

Maxon,and grandson o f john Green o f Rhode Island , who

was a Captai n i n the French and I nd ian war , and a private in

the Rhode Island mi l i t ia du ring the Revolut ion .

Also grandson o f Zaccheus Maxon , who was an Ensign in

the Third company , F i rst battal ion , o f Kings county mil i t ia ,o f Rhode I sland , i n 1 780 and 1 78 1 .

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1 0 1 . GREENOUGH , JOHN . 4 1 0 1 .

New York Ci ty .

Banker . Born in Boston , Mass . , March 2 5 , 1 846. Son

of David Stoddard Greenough and Anna Augusta Parkman ,grandson of David Stoddard Greenough and Maria Foster

Doane , great-grandson of David Stoddard Greenough and

Ann Hough Doane , great’-grandson of Thom as Greenough

and Sarah Stoddard , great’-grandson of J ohn Greenough and

Elizabeth Gross , and great‘-grandson of Wi l l iam Greenough ,

who emigrated from England to Boston in 1 642 ,and Ruth

Swi ft of Dorchester . The Greenough and Stoddard fam i l i es

have been prominent in the h istory of Boston from the time

of its sett lement . Thomas , who went by the t it le of Captain ,was born in Boston , May 6, 1 7 1 0 , and died there August 1 0 ,

1 785 . He was an active patriot and served as a member o f

the Committee of Correspondence . The Greenough mansion

in Roxbury , which has been in possession of the family Si nce

1 784 , is o f historic interest , having been bu i lt in 1 760 by

Commodore Loring , who commanded the British naval forces

at Boston .


Buffalo , N . Y .

Physic ian . Born in Bufl'

alo , February 24 , 1 870 . Son o f

Dr . Ro l l in R . Gregg and Hattie Wi ll iams , grandson of Samue l

Gregg and Rhoda Hayden , great-grandson o f Hugh Gregg

and Sarah Holmes , great’-grandson of Sam uel Gregg and

Agnes Smi ley,great’-grandson of John Gregg and Agnes

Rank in , and great‘-grandson o f J ames Gregg and J anet Cargil .

Samuel Gregg was the grandson of Capt . James Gregg , who

was born in Ayrsh ire , Scot land , emigrated to I re land i n 1 690 ,

thence to America in 1 7 1 8 , and was one of the founders o f

Londonderry . N . H . Samue l was born in 1 738 , and died

December 1 0 , 1 808 . He was a Sergeant in the French and

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I ndian war , and fought on the Plains o f Abraham under Wol fe .

On the ou tbreak o f the Revolution , he decl ined a British

commission , and was appointed Major o f the regiment formed

i n Peterborough , which was summoned to Charleston at the

t ime of the battle of Bunker H i l l . He marched on foot with

his men and shared al l thei r hardships .

HAGAN , ALBERT . 424 5 .

Coeur d’

Alene , Idaho .

Lawyer . Bord in Monroe county , MO . , October 1 6, 1 842 .

Son of J oseph Hagan and Mary Beal , and grandson o f Rapha el

H agan and Mary Lavial le . Raphael (Ral f) Hagan was born in

Upper Marlboro , Md . , and d ied i n Kentucky about 1 8 1 8. He

was a Corporal in the First Maryland regiment under Colonels

Peter Adams and Otho A . Will iams . He was wounded at the

battle of Brandywine .


New York Ci ty .

Born in Boston,Mass . , November 2 1 , 1 80 1 ; d ied Augu st

1 7 , 1 892 . Son of Benjamin Hale and Marianna Lovel l , and

grandson of jam es Lovell , who was a member Of Washing


s staff , with rank O f General .


New York City .

Pub l isher and printer . Born in Auburn , N . Y . , November

3 , 1 858 . Son of Benjamin Frankl in Hal l and Ab igai l Farnam

Hagaman , etc . [See Henry Hal l . ]


New York City .

Business manager Of the New York Tr ibune . Born in

Auburn , N . Y December 6, 1 845 . Son of Benjamin Frankl in

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in Capt . Aaron Cleveland’

s company ; fought at the battle Of

Bennington , when he and a son were wounded ; was subse

quently appointed recru it ing ofli cer for the State during the war.

At the beginn ing of the war he was a man o f wealth and

pledged his resources to provide for the fami l ies of recru its ,and was thus impoverished . He received in retu rn for h is

advances Continental currency worth on ly two and one -hal f

cents on the dol lar .


New York City .

Editor . Born in Auburn , N . Y . , September 2 , 1 849 . Son

of Benjamin Frankl in Hal l and Ab igai l Farnam Hagaman , etc .

[See Henry Hal l . ]

HAMILTON , HUGH . 42 54 .

Harrisburg , Penn .

Physic ian . Born in Phi ladelph ia , May 1 8 , 1 847 . Son of

Adam Boyd Hamilton and Catherine Louise Nauda in , grand

son O i Hugh Hamil ton and Rosanna Boyd , great-grandson of

john H am ilton , j r .,and Margaret Alexander , great


Of J ohn Hami lton and Jane Allen , and great’-grandson of

J ames Hamilton of Scotland and Katherine Potter . J ohn

Hamilton , Jr . , was born i n New London Cross-roads , Chester

county , Penn . , J une 1 7 , 1 749 , l ived in Cumberland county ,Penn . , and d i ed in Harrisburg , August 2 8 , 1 79 3 . He

was Sergeant in Capt . James Gibson’

s company , Col .


s regiment , Fourth battal ion of Cumberland county

Associators , 1 776 ; Captain of a volunteer independent com

pany of horse , December , 1 776, for assistance at Trenton , and

Captain Of Fi fth class , Cumberland mi l i t ia , J anuary 20 ,1 778 .

Also great-grandson of Adam Boyd and Janet McF a rlan e ,

great’-grandson of John Boyd , J r . , and El izabeth Young ,and great'-grandson of John Boyd and Jane Craig . Adam

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Boyd was born in Bath , Penn . , i n 1 746, and d i ed in Harris

bu rg , Penn . , May 1 4 , 1 8 1 4 . He was commissioned Second

Lieutenant of the armed boat “ Burke , Janu ary 2 3 , 1 776

promoted to First Lieutenant October 4 , 1 776 ; and honorably

d ischarged J u ly 1 6, 1 777 .

Also great’-grandson O f H ugh Alexa nder and Martha

Edmeston ; and great'-grandson of John Alexander (o f Scot

land) and Margaret Glasson . H u gh Alexander was born i n

Cumberland county , Penn January 2 3 , 1 724 , and l ived there .

He was member of the Provincia l Con ference at Carpenter’s

Hall , Philadelph ia , 1 776 ; signer of a declarat ion o f independ

ence dated J une 24 , 1 776 ; member o f the Fi rst Consti tu t ional

Convent ion of Pennsylvan ia , and d i ed i n Philadelph ia while

serving as member of the First Assembly , 1 777 .


Fort Monroe , Va .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Fond du Lac , Wis . , J une

1 3 , 1 85 5 . Son of Charles Smith H am i lton and Sophia J .

Shepard , grandson of Zay ne A . Hamilton and Sylvia Putnam ,

great-grandson of Hosea H am ilton and Mary Symonds great”

grandson of Samuel Hami lton and Mary Hamilton (his

cousin) , great’-grandson of Benjamin Hamil ton , and great

grandson of Will iam Hamil ton , who was born in Scotland i n

1 647 , married Lucy Berry of England , came to America in

1 668 , and sett led at North Kingston , R . I . The latter was

son O f Gallat in Hami lton of Glasgow , who was a l ineal

descendant of James , Duke of Ham i lton , and once heir to the

Scott ish crown . Hosea Hamil ton was born a t Colchester,N .

Y . , in 1 748 , and d ied in Chatham , N . Y . , in 1 79 3 . He was

a surgeon by profession,and served as Adj u tant in Co l . Henry

L uddington’

s regiment (Seventh) New York mi l i t ia . He was

a personal friend of Wash ington 5 , and at h is desire , entered

New York i n d isgu ise to gain in format ion for the Commander

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in-Ch ie f . Being suspected , he escaped on horseback , c losely

pu rsued , and was saved on ly by the flee tness o f h is steed .

HAMMOND , ANDREW G . 4 1 75 .

Fort Meade , S . D .

L ieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Hart ford , Conn . ,May 26


1 857 . Son of Andrew G . Hammond and Mary S . R ipley ,grandson o f Frankl in Ripley and Char lotte Barrett , great

grandson Of J ohn Barrett , J r . , and Martha Dickinson , and

great’-grandson o f john Ba r rett and El izabe th Edwards .

J ohn Barrett , Sr . , was born in Boston , December 7 , 1 73 1 ,

and died i n Springfield , Verm ont , December 3 , 1 806. He

was Captain in Co l . Seth Warner’

s regiment , New York

mil it ia , begi nn ing in J anuary , 1 776 ; in March , 1 776 , was

about Quebec , and in May , 1 776, at Crown Point . H e was

promoted to be L ieu tenant-Colonel . and received instruct ions as

such from General Gates , dated Ticonde roga ,S eptem be r 7 , 1 776.


New York City .

Dry goods commission merchan t . Born in Pittsburgh ,Penn . , September 1 7 , 1 846. Son of J ohn Harper and Lyd ia

E lecta Metcal f , grandson o f Nathan Wil l iams Metcal f and

J erusha C lark , great-grandson of Aru nah Metcal f and Eun ice

Wi l l iams , great’-grandson o f Veach B il/ram s and Lucy Wal s

worth , great'-grandson of Ebenezer Wi l liams and Mary Veach ,

and great‘ -grandson o f I saac W i l l iams Of Newton , Mass . , andE l izabeth Hyde . Veach W i lliams was born in Lebanon ,Conn . ,

Apri l 2 3 , 1 72 7 , and d ied September 1 1 , 1 804 . A

fel low-townsman o f J onathan Trumbul l , he was assoc ia ted

with him in the conduct Of publ ic affa i rs for many years .

From 1 765 to 1 778 , inc lusive , he was member o f the Boa rd

o f Selectmen , with Gov . Trumbu l l , Wi l l iam W i l l iams , sign erOf the Dec larat ion of Independence , and other prom inent

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grandson of Marcus H emst reet and Mary Lovejoy and grea t

grandson of Na tha n Lovej oy and Lo is Davis . Natha n Lovejoy

was born in Connect icu t , November 1 1 , 1 757 ; enlis ted in

Ma rch , 1 776, in Capt . Joel Dick inson’

s company , Col . Elmore’


reg iment , Connect icut Cont inen tal Line ; stat ioned in FortDayton , “ German F lats , N . Y ; re-en l isted in Apri l , 1 778 ,

in Capt . Wright ’s company , Co l . Ph i l ip Van Cort landt’

s regi

m ent , of New York and fought at Monmouth ; and served

short te rms in othe r commands .


Brooklyn , N . Y .

Born in Waterbu ry , V t . , February 2 5 , 1 834 ; died May

2 5 , 1 89 3 . Son o f James M . Henry and Mati lda M . Gale ,

grandson of Peter Gale and Hannah Tottingham , great

grandson of Peter Ga le and Prudence French,great’-grandson

of I saac Ga le, j r . , and Mehe table Dw ine l , and'


o f Isaac Ga le and J udith Sawyer . [See J ohn F . Henry Jr . ]


Brook lyn , N . Y .

U . S . Assistant Appra iser . Born in Waterbu ry , V t . ,

January 28 , 1 863 . Son of John F . H enry (NO. 9 3 ) andJ oseph ine Barrett , grandson o f James M . Henry and Mati lda

M . Gale , great-grandson of Peter Gale J r . and Hannah

Tott ingham , great'-grandson o f P eter Ga le and Prudence

French , great‘-grandson of I saac Ga le j r . and Mehe table

Dwine l , and great‘-grandson of I saac Gale and J udith Sawyer .

Peter Gale was born in Sutton , Mass . , December 4 , 1 756 ;

se rved in the Massachusetts regiment commanded by Col .

John Jacobs during the campaign o f 1 778 , six months and

e ight days . On Apri l 1 5 , 1 779 , he married Prudence French

at Royalston , Mass . , and in February , 1 79 3 , moved to Barre ,V t .

Isaac Gale J r . was born in Fram ingham , Mass . , in 1 732 ,

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and l ived in Royalston . He served as a Sergeant in the

Northern army ” at Ticonderoga under Col . Samuel Brewer .


New York City .

J ourna l ist . Born in New York City , October 1 5 , 1 845 ,

S on of Horat io Morris H en ry and Sarah Ann Nugent , grand

son of Will iam Hamilton Henry and E l iza Ann Neal , great

grandson of H ugh H enry and Phoebe Morris , and great’-grand

son of John Henry and Ann Hamilton . Hugh Henry was

born Of Scotch Presbyterian parents in Coleraine , county o f

Londonderry , I reland , in 1 740 , and came to America in 1 765 ,

settl ing in Phi ladelph ia . The fami ly were related by marriage

w i th the Van Ren sselaers and other influent ial colon ial fam

il les . H ugh Henry’

s father , John Henry , was a kinsman of

J ohn Hen ry , the father of Patrick Henry of Virgin ia , and i t

was upon his sol ici tation that Hugh Henry and his sister , Mrs .

Dunkin (the m other of Mrs . Wil l iam Van Rennse lae r o f

Albany) , settled in Ph iladelph ia in 1 765 . Upon the outbreak

of the Revolu t ionary war , Hugh Hen ry incu rred the host i l i ty

of the Tories by h is moral and substant ial aid to the American

cause , and was forced to flee to Lancaster . There he took

the oath o f allegiance to the Un ited States and host i l i ty to

the Crown September 2 1 , 1 777 , the original o f which is'


possession of his descendant .


Portsmou th , N . H .

Boatswain , U . S . N . Born in Auburn , Iowa , October 1 7 ,1 85 5 . Son of Hen ry Clay H i l l and Margaret J . Cater ,grandson of James H i l l and Betsey B lanchard , and great

grandson of Sam uel H ill of Cam bridge , Mass . , who was born

about 1 750 . On December 9 , 1 776, he en l isted in Capt .

J ohn Walton’

s company , that was detached for Nodd le’


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I sland , Boston Harbor , and was d ischarged twelve days later .

He also served from March 1 0 , 1 777 , unt i l December 3 1 ,1 779 , in Capt . Will iams

’ company , Col . Greaton’

s regiment .

Also grandson of Denis Cater and Mary Messer , and

great-grandson of E benez er M esser , who descended from the

Messers who sett led in Methuen , Massachusetts Bay Colony ,early in the seventeenth century . He was born about 1 74 1 in

what is now Landaff , N . H . , and l ived in Andover , Mass .

He enl isted October 1 4 , 1 779 , in Capt . Stephen Webster’


company , Co l . Jacob Ge rrish’

s regiment , Massachuset ts

mil i t ia , served fi fty days , and re-en l isted J u ly 1 0 , 1 780 , i n

Capt . J ohn Abbott’

s company , Col . Nathanie l Wade’

s regi

ment , for three months’

Service at West Point .

1 2 1 . H IMES , J EH IEL WEBB . 4 1 2 1 .

Cohoes , N . Y .

Manu factu rer. Born in We the rsfie ld , Conn . , November

1 8 ,1 842 . Son of J ehiel Webb H imes and El iza Slocum


grandson of John Slocum and Pol ly Parker , and great-grand

son Of joshua‘

S locum and Lucy Dunn . Joshua Slocum was

born in Frankl in township , Mass . , about 1 759 , and l ived in

Sutton , Grafton , Southbridge , and last ly Northbridge , Mass . ,where he died May 28 , 1 8 1 6. He was a farmer and shoe

maker . As a sold ier in the Revolu t ionary war , he served in

Rhode Island in 1 779 . In 1 780 he was a member of Capt .

Ebenezer Batt le ’s company in Lieut . -Col . Samuel Pierce’


reg iment , Massachusetts troops . His widow was a pensioner

resid ing in Coven try , Conn . , i n 1 840 .

HOUSTON , J . B . 4097 .

New York City .

Born in Wash i ngton , D . C. , October 3 , 1 83 8 . Son of

J ohn H . Houston and Gertrude Parker Truxton , and grandson

of Thom as Tr ux ton and Gertrude Von Dri l l . Capt . Thomas

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New York Ci ty .

Born in Providence . , R . I .,December 6, 1 862 . Son of

Ezra Wi l l iams Howard and Elizabeth Stuyvesant Ne ilson , etc .

[See John Nei lson Howard ]

HOWE , WALTER . 4 1 92 .

Washington , D . C .

Captain . U . S . A . Born in Bloomington , I nd . , December

3 1 , 1 846. Son of James M . Howe and Mary F . Graham ,

grandson o f John Graham and Isabel la P . Everitt , great

grandson of J oseph Everitt and Agnes Gaines and great’-grand

son of 7am es Ga ines and E l izabeth Strother . James Gaines’

father came from Wales . James l ived in Culpepper , V a . , at

one time and was (probably) born in Virgin ia . He died in

Kingsport , Tenn I n 1 829 . He was Captain of a company of

North Carol ina mil i t ia , mem ber of the North Carol ina Leg isla

ture , and took part in the Convent ion that rat ified the Federal

Const i tu tion . One of his i l lustrious descendants was Gen .

Edmund Pend leton Gaines , who acqu ired qu ite a reputat ion

during the war o f 1 8 1 2 and several Ind ian wars . His Second

wi fe , Mrs . Myra Gaines , spent her l i fe in the famous lawsu its

to recover property in New Orleans .


Wi l lett’

s Point , N . Y .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in New York City , August 7 ,1 844 . Son of J oseph Hoxie and Jacque l i ne Barry , grandson

of Ichabod Hoxie and Electa Norton , great-grandson Of P elegH ox ie and Lucy Babcock , great

’-grandson of Gideon H ox ie

and Dorcas , h is wi fe , great’-grandson of Joseph Hoxie , Jr . ,

and Deborah Babcock , great‘-grandson of J oseph Hoxie and

Sarah Tucker , and great°-grandson of Lodowick H auksie , who

came from Wales and settled at Sandwich , Mass . , i n 1 650 ,and

Page 160: Sons of the American Revolution

ROLL or ME MBERS . 1 39

Mary P resbu ry . Although a Quaker , his descendants free ly took

up arms for thei r country . G ideon was born at Charlestown ,R . I . , December 1 4 , 1 729 , and was Lieutenant-Colonel of

Col . Richmond’

s reg iment of Rhode I sland t roops . Peleg

was born at Charleston , R . I . , September 1 5 , 1 756, and was

a L ieu tenant in L ipp itt’

s (Second) reg iment o f Rhode I slandtroops , and in Co] . Christopher Green

s battal ion from about

August , 1 777 , to the close of the war .


Denver , Col .

Treasu rer Brook lyn Investment Company . Born in Bu r

l ington , V t . , September 1 5 , 1 863 . Son ofCharles Albert Hoyt

(No . 260) and J u l ia Sherman , etc . [See Charles Albert Hoyt . )


New York City .

Merchant . Born in Burl ington , V t . , J u ly 2 7 , 1 839 . Son

of Will iam Henry Hoyt and Anne Deming , grandson o f

Daniel Hoyt and Sarah Flanders , and great-grandson of yoscplz

H oy t and Betsey Folsom . J oseph Hoyt , of Sandwich , N . H . ,

was one of the signers of the famous “ Association Test ,” as

fol lows : “ WE , TH E SUBSCRIBE RS , do hereby solemnly engageand promise that we wi l l , to the u tmost of our Power , at the

R isque of ou r Lives and Fortunes , with ARMS , oppose the

Hostile Proceed ings of the Brit ish Fleets and Armies aga inst

tlz e Un itca'

Am er im n Colon ifs .

A lso grandson of Eleazer Hubbe l l Deming and Fanny

Fol lett , and great-grandson o f Powna l D em ing and Abbe

Hubbel . Pownal Deming of Colchester , Conn .

,was Sergeant

in Capt . Worthy Waters’

company on the Lexington Alarm ;Sergeant in the Eighth Company , Second reg iment , Connec

t ien t Line , 1 775 ; Ensign in the Twenty-second reg iment o f

the Line , 1 776 ; Sergeant of Capt . Wi l l iam Coit’s company

Page 161: Sons of the American Revolution


when i t took charge of the privateer ”Harrison , at Plymouth ,

1 776 ; Lieutenant in the Fourth regiment . 1 777 , and Lieu

tenan t in the Fi rst Regiment , 1 783 , when he ret ired with the

army . H e was an original member o f the Cinc innat i .

Al so great-grandson o f Timothy Fol lett and Susanna Fay ;and great°~grandson o f j okn Fay and Mary F iske . J ohn Fay

was born in Hardwick , Mass . , i n 1 734, and l ive d in Benn ington ,Vt . He was a private i n Capt . E l ij ah Dewey


s company ,Col . Moses Robinson


s regiment o f mili t ia at Ticonderoga in

1 776. H e was one o f the five brothers— John , E l ijah ,Benjamin , Joseph and David— who pa rt icipated i n the batt le

of Benn ington , where he was ki l led , August 1 6,1 777 .


Fort Apache , Ariz .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Mi lo,N . Y . , October 9 , 1 849 .

Son of Benjam in Levi Hoyt , and Celest ia U . Mariner , grand

son o i Levi Hoyt and Anna Bissel l , grea t-grandson o f N a t/am i d

H oy t , j r . , and Anna Wh ite, great'-grandson of Nathan iel

Hoyt and Ruth , h is wi fe , great’-grandson o f Benj . Hoyt , and

Mary . h is wi fe , great‘-grandson o f John Hoyt and Mary

Lindal l , great'-grandson o f Walter Hoyt , and grea t


of Simon Hoyt , who came from England and settled in

Charl estown , Mass . , 1 629 . Nathan iel Hoyt , Jr . , was born in

Danbu ry , Conn . , about 1 7 50 and d ied in W inches ter about1 840 . He was an Ensign in the Connect icut mi l it ia five years ;was in the batt le of Wh i te Plains. and was under Wash ingtonand Putnam in New York and Long I s land . When Danbu ry

was burned , h is wi fe and five chi ldren fled to New M i l ford .


New York City .

Physician . Born in Natura l Bridge , N . Y August 28 .

1 860 . Son of George Northorp H ubbard and Amel ia E l len

Page 163: Sons of the American Revolution


was d ischarged November 1 6. He had previously served as

Lieu tenant i n Capt . D im on’

s company of Fa irfie ld , raised

in May , 1 775 .


New York City .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in New York , February 8 , 1 842 .

Son o f Henry Wi lson Hubbe l l and J ane Mar ia Bostwick ,

grandson o f E z ekiel H ubbel l and Catheri ne Hubbe l l (daughtero f Amos Hubbel l), great-grandson o f j o/z n H ubbell and E leanor

Bu rr , great’-grandson o f Nathan H ubbel l and Martha F in ch ,

great'-grandson of Samue l Hubbel l and E l izabeth , h is wi fe ,and great ‘g rand so n o f R ichard H ubbel l and E . H . (in i tials ontombstone ; su rn ame unknown .) R ichard H ubbe l l was born

i n England , 1 62 7-8 . jo ined the New Haven Co lony in 1 645-7 ,

and was one o f the eleven grantees of F a irfie ld , Conn . ,i n

1 675 . J ohn H ubbe ll was born in Norwalk , Conn . , August

1 0 , 1 734 , and d ied in South-east , Putnam county , N . Y

March 1 0. 1 8 1 0 . H e was a Lieutenant in Capt . Jonathan

D im on’

s compa ny o f F a irfie ld , Conn . , on coast guard duty

du ri ng 1 776.


Tuxedo Park , N . Y .

President American Pig I ron Storage Warrant Company .

Born in Dansvi l le , N . Y November 2 2 , 1 840 . Son of Rev .

Leverett Hu l l and Sarah Lord , grandson o f D r . Titns H ull

and O live Lewis Parmelee , and great-grandson of Dr . Zephenia

H u l l and Hannah Cook . Dr. Titus H u l l was born in Be thle

hem , Conn . , March 2 5 , 1 75 1 , and lived in Bethlehem , L itchfie ld

and Danbury . I n J u ly , 1 776, he was a volunteer in Capt .

Andrew Mart in'

s company of househo lders who engaged to

equ ip ou rse lves for the de fence o f ou r rights , etc .

Also grandson o f Ze lotu s Lord and Sa l ly Farnham , and

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great-grandson of Solom on Lord . Solomon Lord was born in

Lyme , Conn . moved to Windham , Conn died about 1 8 1 5was a private in the Fourth regiment , Connecticu t Continental

Line , under Col . J ohn Durkee whose regiment was in the

F i rst Brigade . This brigade was under Lafayette at one

time , and subsequently under Major-Gen . Green .

H UNTT I NG , TE UN I S D IMON . 42 3 5 .

Brooklyn , N . Y .

Salesman . Born in East Hampton , L . I September

22 , 1 848 . S on of J . Mad ison H u n t t ing and Mary E . Dimon ,grandson of Abraham H u n t t ing and Mary Mul ford , great

grandson of N a t/ion ic!H un tt ing , 3d , and Mary Murdoch , great“

grandson of Nathanie l H u n tt ing , 2d , and Mary Hedges ,great ’-grandson of Nathan iel H u nt t ing , I st , great


of John and great“-grandson of John of England , who sett led

in Massachusetts in 1 63 8 . Nathaniel H u n tt ing , 3d , was born

in 1 730 , and was an Associator in the town of East

Hampton , L . I .

Also grandson of J ohn Dimon , J r . , and Hannah H icks ,great-grandson of J ohn Dimon and Esther Fi ler and great”

grandson of Abra/1am D im on and Hannah Foster . Abraham

Dimon was an Associator in the town of East Hampton , L .

I . , May 5 , 1 77 5 .

Also great-grandson of Zac/z a r ia/z H icks and Rebecca

Sherie ll and great°-grandson of Joseph H icks and Hannah

Sche llinge r . Zacharich Hicks was born in East Hampton ,

November 1 , 1 749 ; d ied there October 6, 1 83 3 ; mustered in

Capt . Ezekiel Mu l ford's company of minute-men , J u ly 26,

1 776,and ordered to j oin Col . Josiah Smith

s regiment .

Also great’-grandson of TIz om as F i ler and Esther Osborn .

Thomas Fi ler enl isted in Capt . John Davis’

company , Fou rth

regiment , New York Line , November 2 1 , 1 776, and was k i l led

near P oughkeepsie , N . Y . , October 3 1 , 1 777 .

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Jam estown , N . Y .

Editor. Bo rn in Dunkirk , N . Y . , February 2 1 . 1 858 .

Son of W i l l iam Lyman Hyde and Fran ces El i z abet h R ice ,

grandson of Henry Hyde and Maria Hyde (a relative) , grea tgrandson o f Hyde and Mary Lyman and great


son of E l ij ah Hyde and Mary Clark . Th is family goes back

to Wi l l iam Hyde , who came to th is country from Englandand was one o f the Hart ford , Conn . , colon ists in 1 636, mov

ing thence to Saybrook. and thence to Norwich i n 1 660 .

E lijah Hyde was born in Norwich , January 1 7 , 1 73 5 ; died

in Lebanon , Decembe r 3 1 , 1 800 ; appointed Major o f Second

regiment of Connect icut Ligh t Horse in November , 1 776 ;

was field oflicer under L ieu t . -Col . Thos . Seymour , with Ligh t

Horse at New York , 1 776, and at St i l lwater, October 2 , 1 777 .

He was Quartermaster of Second Troop of Horse in the

Twel fth Connect icu t regiment four years before the war .

Zabdie l Hyde , born i n 1 762 , and eventual ly Colonel o f

mil it ia , assisted i n driving the Bri tish to their sh ips after the

massacre at Fort Griswold .

I LSLEY , CHARLES S . 43 52 .

Fort Robinson , Neb .

Major, U . S . A . Born in Port land , Me Augu st 4 ,

1 83 7 . Son o f Nathan I lsley and Betty Pett ingel l , grandson

of Dan ie l Pett inge l l and Mehitable Ca rle , great-grand son o f

Sam uel Car l e and Betty Berry , great’-grandson o f Samuel Carle

and Mary Me llik in , grea t'-grandson o f John Me llikin and

El izabeth A lger and greaV-grandson o f J ohn Alger and Mary

Wilmott . Samue l Carle (or Car l l , as i t was then sp e l led), wasa nat ive o f Scarboro , Me . On J anuary 22 , 1 776, he en l i sted

as a p rivate in Capt . Benjamin Hooper'

s company , stat ioned

at Fa lmouth . i n the service of the Massachusetts Bay , and

se rved cont inuously until November 24 , 1 776.

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Brooklyn , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Rockaway , N . J November 1 6, 1 830 .

Son of Wil l iam Jackson and Susan D . Halsey , grandson o f

S tep/z en jackson and Mary Burwel l , great-grandson o f Joseph

Jackson , great’-grandson of James Jackson and Rebecca

Hal l ett , great’-grandson of John Jackson and E l i z abeth

Seaman , and great‘-grandson o f Robert Jackson , one o f the

origina l set t lers o f Hempstead , L . I . Stephen Jackson was

born in Rockaway , N . J . , September 8 , 1 744 : died March 2 8 ,

1 8 1 2 ; was member o f the Committee o f Observat ion in

Pequonnock , Morris county , N . J . , i n 1 775 ; Captain of a

company of Morris mil i t ia 1 777 ; and commanded a company

o f cavalry scout ing the fol lowing win ter. He cont racted lung

troub le wh i ch led to h is resign ation .

Also grandson o f Abraham Halsey and Nancy Beach ,great-grandson of E noe/z Beaelz and Susan Day , and great

grandson of Noah Beach . Enoch Beach of Morris county ,

N . J . ,was a private in the Morris m il i t ia . I n his com pany

with h im was h is son Samuel . Abraham Halsey descended

from Thomas Halsey Sr . , one o f the original sett lers of

Southampton , L . I . , in 1 640 .

J ENKINS , E . FELLOWS . 4039 .

New York City .

Superintendent New York Society for the Prevent ion of

Cruel ty to Chi ldren . Born in Weedsport , N . Y . , J uly 28 ,

1 844 . S on of John St i lwel l J enkins and Minerva Porter

Fellows,grandson of Edmund B . Fel lows and Pol ly Kellogg ,

and great-grandson of f a1 m F ellows and Mary Ash ley . John

Fel lows was born in Pomfret , Conn . , i n 1 73 3 , and l ived in

Sheffield ,Mass . He Served i n the French and I nd ian wars ;

was member of Massachusetts Provi ncial Congress in 1 775 ,

commanded a reg iment of Berkshire minu tem en , 1 775 ;

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Brigadier General at the battles of Long I sland , White Pla ins

and Bem is Heights ; took an active part in Burgoyne’

s su r

render ; and for severa l years H igh She rifi'

of Berksh i re

county . H is wi fe was daughter of Major General John

Ashley who commanded the forces wh ich d ispersed the insu r

gents in Shay’

s rebel l ion .


New York City .

Banker . Born in Westport , Conn . , J une 2 1 , 1 830 . Son

of Charles J esup and Abigai l Sherwood , grandson of Ebenezer

J esup and Sarah Wright , and great-grandson of E benez er

j est/p , S r . , and Eleanor And rews . Ebenezer J esup , Sr . , was

born in Green Farms , Conn March 1 4 , 1 739 , and died there

May 6 , 1 8 1 2 . He served as Ensign in Capt . Nash's company ,Col . Samue l Whiting

s regiment , Connecticu t mi l i t ia . On the

day after Gen . Tryon burned F a irfie ld , J uly 7 , 1 779 , his house

and al l its contents were destroyed , i nfl ict ing a loss o f

which is recorded i n h istory as having been greater

than that of any other person , with a single except ion .

J EWETT . EDGAR B . 43 3 5 .

Buffalo , N . Y .

Manu factu rer . Born in Ann Arbor , Mich December 1 4 ,

1 843 . Son of John C . Jewett and Prisci l la Boardman,grand

son of Josiah J ewett and Sophia Skinner , and great-grandson

o f yosep/t 7 ewett and Lucretia Rogers . J oseph Jewett was

born in Lyme , Conn . , December 1 3 , 1 73 2 , and was Captain in

Co] . Hunt ington’

s (Seventeenth) regiment , Connect icut Line .

A fter the seige of Boston , his command proceeded to New

York and part ic ipated in the battle of Long Island . Col .

H untington 's regiment was compelled to surrender,.after

which Capt . Jewet t was made the target for several bayonet

thrusts . After he had surrendered his sword he was cut down

Page 169: Sons of the American Revolution


by the bayonets o f the i nfu riated enemy . He l ingered two

days , and died on August 29 , 1 776.


Brooklyn , N . Y .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Brooklyn . N . Y . , Septem

ber 26, 1 86 1 . Son of Capt . Evan M . John son and Amy

Grant , grandson o f Rev . Evan M . Johnson and Maria Pu i'dy ,

great-grandson o f Sam uel johnson , 2d , and Lydia Bu ll , great"

grandson o f S am uel f oim son , I st , and Ann Malbone , great‘

grandson of Thomas J ohnson and E l i zabeth Pil lsbu ry , great‘~

grandson o f John J ohnson , 2d , and great ‘ -grandson o f John

Johnson , I st , whose ancestor , Robert Johnson , sett led in

Salem , Mass . , abou t 1 630 , and moved in 1 636 to New Haven ,o f wh i ch he was one o f the founders . Samuel J ohnson , I st ,

was born in Connec t icu t about 1 720 , and d ied January 1 2 ,

1 782 . H e was Sergeant , and Samue l Johnson , 2d , a private in

the Seven h company,F i rst regiment , Connect icu t Cont inental

L ine . Th is regiment was recru i ted in New Haven coun ty on

the first ca l l for troops by the Legi slature , May- J une , 1 775 .

The Samuels J ohnson were d ischarged November 28 , 1 775 .

F ive generations o f th is fami ly have served the i r country in a

mi l itary capac ity : the two Samue ls ; Thomas , who was a

Capta i n o f colon ial mi l i t ia ; Capt . E . M . Johnson o f the

Twenty-th i rd Brooklyn reg iment , in the Civi l war ; and Lieut .

E . M . Johnson , Jr .,U . S . A .

JOHNSON , JULIUS A . 42 74 .

Auburn , N . Y .

Ed i tor . Born in New York City , April 1 8 ,1 826. Son o f

J ul ius C . J ohnson and Anna Rockwell , and grandson of

Chr istopher j o/z nson and Mary Aust in . Christopher Johnson

was born in M idd letown . Conn . , in 1 754 , and died in New

York City , J anuary 2 , 1 82 3 . He served i n Capt . David

Page 171: Sons of the American Revolution


com pany , Col . Douglass'

regiment ,

attacked by Bened ict Arno ld , 1 78 1 .


New York City .

J ewele r . Born in Sidney , N . Y May 2 5 , 1 83 7 . Son o f

Wm . S . Johnston and Fanny Dickerman , and grandson of

j olz n D ickerm an and Thankfu l Smith . John Dickerman was

born in New Haven , Conn . , March 1 8 , 1 765 ; removed to

Brattleboro , V t . , where he en l i sted , 1 78 1 , i n Capt . J ames

Blakely ’s company , Col . Samue l Fletcher’

s regiment , Vermont

m i l i t ia , and served n ine months . A fter the war he l ived in

Gu il ford , N . Y .


Tyler , Texas .

Attorney at law . Born in Springfield , I l l . , Apri l 4 , 1 860 .

Son of Andrew J . Kane and Caro l ine Beers , grandson of

Ph i lo Beers and Martha Sti l lman , great-grandson of Zae/za r ia/z

Beers and Mary H u rd , great’-grandson o f Daniel Beers and

Pho ebe Wa lker , great’-grandson o f Joseph Beers and Sarah

Clarke , great‘-grandson of J ames Beers and Martha , his wi fe ,

great ‘-grandson o f Capt . Richard Beers o f Watertown , Mass . ,who was ki l led in King Phil ip’

s war . Zachariah Beers was

born i n Woodbury , Conn . , J une 3 , 1 758 , and died in Tu l ly ,N . Y . He was a private and afterwards an Orderly in Capt .

Nathan H ine'

s company , Thirt eenth regiment , Connect icut

mi l i t ia . H e was a clever man with h i s pen and somewhat o f

a wit , and was qu ite the lead ing poet in the valley in h is day .

Connect icu t m ilitia ; served

to the north

w a r d u n d e r

Gates in I 777 ,

a n d a t N ew

London when

Page 172: Sons of the American Revolution


He gave public not ice of his change from the Congregational

to the Episcopal chu rch in verse ; delivered the ve rsified shaftso f h is sarcasm at various absurd it ies of his t ime , and wrote

p atriot ic songs about Independence .


Un ited States Army .

Captain , Medical Department , U . S . A . Born in Lynch

burg , Va . , J une 2 8 , 1 860 . Son of Robert Garl ic H i l l Kean

and Jane N icholas Randolph , grandson o f Thomas Jefi'


Randolph and Jane Hol l ins N icholas , great-grandson of

Thomas Mann Randolph and Martha Jefi'

erson , and great’

grandson of T/z om as j efi'

erson and Martha Skelton . Thomas

J efferson was born at Shadwel l , Va . , Apri l 1 3 , 1 743 and died

at Monticel lo on the fi ft ieth ann iversary of the Declarat ion o f

Independence , of which he was the author . H is father Peter ,a planter and surveyor , and member of House of Burgesses ,was of Welsh descent . H is mother was a granddaughter o f

Will iam Randolph ( 1 650 He studied law ; was dele

gate to the House of Burgesses ; powerfu l ly promoted patriotic

measures before the war ; was member of Second and Th i rd

Continental Congresses ; Governor of Virg i n ia , 1 779-8 1 ; sent

on foreign diplomatic m issions ; Min ister to France during

the French revolu tion ; Secretary of State under Washington

in 1 790 ; Vice-President in 1 797 ; President in 1 80 1 , re -e lected

i n 1 805 ; and ret i red to private l i fe in 1 809 .


El izabeth , N . J .

Lawyer . Born in Un ion , N . J . , April 24 , 1 854 . Son o f

J ohn Kean and Lucy Halsted , grandson of Peter Kean and

Sarah Sabina Morris,great-grandson Of Jacob Morris and

Mary Cox , great’-grandson of L ew is Al arms and Mary Walton ,

great’-grandson of Lewis Morris ( 1 698 great ‘-grandson

Page 173: Sons of the American Revolution


o f Lewi s Morris ( 1 67 1 and great ‘-gran dson o f R ichard

Morris an offi ce r in Cromwe l l'

s army who migrated to New

York about 1 650 . Lewis Morris was born in Morrisan ia , N .

Y . , 1 726 ; d ied January 22 , 1 798 ; graduated at Ya le 1 746

was delegate to Congress 1 775 ; on committee withWash ingtonto rai se m i l i tary stores ; i n Ju ly , 1 776, signed the Declarat ion

o f Independence ; suflered in consequence the bu rn ing o f a

thousand acres o f wood land and the devastation o f h is estate ;i n 1 777 resigned h i s seat in Congre ss to h is hal f brother

Gouvem eu r ; and a fterw ards was member o f the New York

Legi slatu re and Major General of state m il it ia .


Fort Stanton , N . M .

F i rst L ieutenant and Ass istant Su rgeon , U . S . A . Born

in Venango county , Pa . , October 1 0 , 1 865 . Son o f John B .

Kee fer and Caro l ine R . Royer, grandson o f Andrew Kee fer

and Catherine Brua , and great-grandson o f F rederick Keefer

and Ann Maria Krause . Frederick Keefer was born in Berks

county . now Lebanon county , Penn . , in 1 7 58 . On the alarm

i n 1 775 , he entered the se rvice as drummer in the vo lunteer

com pan ies in York county , and subsequent ly became Sergeant .

Some o f the officers under whom he served were Capta ins

Bush,Shoemaker , Weaver and Thomas Fisher and Lieut .

Henry M i l ler . For severa l years after the war he l ived in

Gettysburg ; thence moved to Harri sbu rg , where he d ied .


San Francisco . Ca l .

Past Assistant Surgeon , U . S . N . Born in Lebanon , I l l . ,March 1 6, 1 862 . Son of J oseph Keeney and H e len C . F in ley ,grandson o f James Caldwe l l Fin ley and Margaret G . Sm ith ,great-grandson o f Robert F i n ley and Esther Ca ldwel l , and

great'-grandson o f jam es Ca ldwell and Hannah Ogden . The

Page 175: Sons of the American Revolution


offi cer in October , 1 774 , and Sen ior Brigad ier General i n

Febru ary , 1 775 . He was in the batt le o f Bunker Hi l l , and

d ied in the se rvice at Peeksk i l l , N . Y . , February 1 9 , 1 777 .


Fort Logan , Co lorado .

Captain , U . S . A . Born i n A l bany , N . Y . , Octobe r 26,

1 838 . Son o f Edward E . Kendrick and h is wi fe Carol ine E .

H ; grandson o f Samue l Kend ri ck and Nancy Hawk ins , great

grandson o f Sam uel Kendr ick S r . , and Anna Sm ith , great

grandson of Nathan iel Kendrick and J ud ith Ell s , great'-grand

son o f Ebene z er Kendrick and Hannah , h i s wi fe , great‘-grand

son o f El ij ah Kendrick and Hannah Jackson , and great‘-grand

son o f John Kend rick o f England who came to Boston in

1 639 . Samuel Kendrick Sr . , was born in Coventry , Conn . ,

March 28 , 1 753 : moved to Hanover , N . H . ; and died March ,

1 3 , 1 845 . H e was among those who marched from Corn ish

and adjacent towns to rein force the garrison at Ticonderoga

on the a larms o f J une 2 7 , and J uly 4 . 1 777 . Later in the

same year he was a Sergeant in Col. J onatha n Chase’

s regi

ment Of New Hampsh ire mil i t ia , commanded by Major

F rancis Smith , and rendered se rvice at Saratoga under Gates.


New York City .

Secretary , U . S . A rmy A id Assoc iat ion . Born in New

York,J uly 1 1 , 1 83 7 . Son o f David Ch i chester Ketchum

and Ann e Greene Requa , grandson o f E l ijah Requa and

E ustacie Combs , great-grandson o f james Requa and Rebecca

Conkl in , and great’-grandson o f Dan iel Requa . The fami ly

of Requa , spe l led variously Requau , and Requaw , part ic ipated

numerously in the Revolu t ionary war. James was born in

Tarrytown ,N . Y . , i n 1 730 and died there in 1 8 1 7 . He was

appointed by the Provinc ia l Congress a member of the Com

Page 176: Sons of the American Revolution


m it tee of Safety for Ph illipsbu rgh , Wescheste r coun ty , N . Y

to serve from May 2 , 1 776, to May 2 , 1 777 . He had three

brothers , Gabriel , G lode and I saac , al l Captains in the Revo

lu t ionary war . Their father Dan ie l was a Huguenot , who

came from La Rochel le , France , to New Rochel le , N . Y . , and

afterwards purcha sed a farm near Tarrytown abou t the

beginn ing of the last century .


Fort Clark , Tex .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Vernon , N . Y August 1 4 ,

1 840 . Son of Charles Kilbourne and Margaret Sergeant

Sayles , grandson of Gi les Kilbourne and Abigail Doane , great

grandson of j olz n K illbour n and Anna Smith , great’-grandson

of Samuel Kilbourn and Mary Garrett , great ’-grandson o f

Abraham Kilbourn and Sarah Goodrich , and great‘-grandson

of J ohn Kilbourn and Susannah H i lls . J ohn K illbou rn the

patriot was born in L itchfie ld , Conn . , Apri l 1 2 , 1 73 5 , and

moved about 1 768 to Adams , Mass . , of which he was one o f

the first sett lers . He entered the Revolu t ionary army in

1 777 , and marched to Ticonderoga . In August of that year

he was promoted to Sergeant i n Capt . Parker’s company ; i n

1 780 commanded a company in Col . Symond’s regiment on

the “ Vermont alarm ; and in 1 79 7 moved , with the rest

of h is family , to P lainfie ld . O tsego county , N . Y . , where he

d ied September 5 , 1 820 . The fam ily name was subsequent ly

spell ed with a fina l e

Also grandson of Welcome Sayles and Harriet Sergeant,

and great-grandson of Tlz om as Say les and Prudence , his wi fe .

Thomas Sayles of Rhode I sland was a Lieutenant in the regi

ment commanded by C01 . Angel l at Camp Barber H eigh ts,

September 1 0 , 1 779 . A fter the war he moved to Wh i testown,

N . Y . , near U t ica , where h i s son Welcome Sayles was born in

the year 1 785 .

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KING , JOHN S . 4 1 96 .

Brooklyn , N . Y .

Manager o f “ The I ron Age .

”Born in M idd letown , N .

Y October I , 1 84 1 . Son of H iram V . King and Charlotte

Sawyer , grandson o f J onathan King and Mary Vai l . and great

grandson o f William Va il and t bc , hi s wi fe . Wil l iam

Vai l l ived on h is farm near Chester vi l lage , Orange county , N .

Y . , at the t ime o f the Revo lu t ion , and j oined h is brother

Capt . Benjamin Vai l i n Co l . H athom’

s reg iment o f Orange

county mi l it ia to ass ist i n repel l ing Brant . Du ring the march

W i l l iam was taken i l l and sent back . Capt . Benj am in con

t inu ed with the troops and fel l at M in isink , Ju ly 22 , 1 779 .

A lso grandson o f Mose s Sawyer and E leanor Holly , and

great-grandson o f jam es Sawy er and E l i z abeth Bradner .

James Sawyer, at the t ime o f the Revo lut ion . l ived near

Goshen , N . Y . , i n the Drowned Lands district . He was a

Captain in Col . Will iam Al l ison’

s Goshen regiment , February

6,1 776 ; and subsequent ly Quartermaster with rank of Major .

He was wounded at the battle of M inisink ; and was at the

defense of Forts Cl inton and Montgomery , October 6 , 1 777 .

I n the latter engagement his son James was taken prisoner

and died in capt ivi ty ,


Oneonta , N . Y .

Merchant . Born in East Frankfort , N . Y . , J une 22 , 1 848 .

Son of Danie l Kirkland and El izabeth Hatch,grandson o f

Danie l Kirk land and Betsey W i l l iams ; and great-grandson o fDa n iel K irkla nd and Theodosia M ix ter. Danie l Kirkland , the

patriot , was born in Norwi ch , (now Huntington), Mass . ,October 1 2 , 1 72 5 ; enl isted Apri l 2 7 , 1 775 , as Ensign in Capt .

Abner Pomeroy'

s compa ny . Col . Fel lows’

regiment ; commis

s ioned Second Lieu tenant J u ly 6, 1 776, i n Col . I srael Chapin’


regiment ; marched to Benn ington in 1 777 , i n Capt . J ohn

Page 179: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson of George Ebert ; grea t-grandson o f Mart in Ebertand Anna Maria Smyser, great

’-grandson o f M ic/rad Smy ser ,

great'-grandson o f Math ias Smyser , and great‘ -grandson o f

Mart in Smyser and Anna Barbara . M ichael Smyser o f

Pennsy lvan ia went to the front as Captain of a company in

Co l . M . Swope’

s regiment ; and was taken pri soner at Fort

Wash ingt on,N . Y . , Novem ber 1 6, 1 776. I n 1 778 he was

e lected to the Legislature from York county , and from tha t

t ime unt i l 1 790 he was seven times chosen'to serve in that

capac i ty . He did many ge nerous and patriot ic deeds , such as

raising 2 50 pounds spec ie for the rel ief o f Boston .


I nterlachen,F la .

H ote l propri etor . Born in Catskill , N . Y . , February 1 0,

1 863 . Son o f Charles R . Knapp and Mary E . Shepard ,grandson o f Edwin Gavin Knapp and Marietta Ferris , great

grandson o f j os/ma Knapp and Lodem a Warn er, and great”

grandson o f joshua Knap and Abigai l Bostwick . The name

Knapp was formerly spe l led with one p ,”the second p ”

having been added the la tter pa rt o f the last centu ry . J oshua

Knap was born in Danbu ry , Conn ., i n 1 7 1 6 and was enl i sted

for a short t ime in defense o f the town . H e was ca lled

Deacon to d ist ingu ish him from h i s eldes t son . Three o f

h is four sons served in the Revolut ion . H is son J oshua was

born May 6, 1 762 , l ived in Danbu ry , New M il ford , Conn . , and

Sherbu rn ,N. Y . , and d ied about 1 836 ; enl isted November

1 5 , 1 78 1 , as Ensign in F i rst regiment , Connecticut L ine ; and

ret i red with the army . He was a member o f the Cincinnati .


New York Ci ty .

Born in New York , Augu st 9 , 1 868 . Son of Johannes

Koop and Marie E l i z abeth Jackson , grandson of O l iver Phelps

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J ackson and Anton ine Hugon des Demaines , great-grandson

of Am asa jackson and Mary Phelps ; and great’-grandson o f

M icha el jackson and Ruth Parker. Michael J ackson was born

in Newton , Mass . , December 28 , 1 734 , and died Apri l 1 0 ,

1 80 1 . He had four sons in the Revo lut ionary war . AS a

subaltern he had seen some service before the war . At Lex

ington he was Captain of a company of minute men , and , as

he said , had forty-two very fai r shots at the enemy , many o f

which were del iberately fi red as near as from 1 1 to 30 yards .

For his coolness and daring he was made Major in Col .

Gardner’s regiment , Massachusetts mi l it ia : promoted to Lieu

tenant Colonel ; then Colonel of the Eighth Massachusetts

regiment , and finally Brigad ier General . He was wounded at

Lexington and Bunker H il l , and severely in a night attack on

Bri t ish entrenchments on an island in East River whi le he was

stat ioned at New York . At West Point , on one occasion ,Gen . J ackson was weighed with Gen . Wash ington and other

officers. A memorandum made at the time shows that the

Commander-in-Ch ief of the armies weighed 209 pounds , wh ich

was less than might be expected of a man of Washington ’


statu re . Gen . Lincoln weighed 224 pounds ; Gen . Knox , 280

pounds ; Gen . Greaton , 1 66 pounds ; Col . Hunt ington , 1 82

pounds , and Gen . M ichael Jackson 2 52 pounds .

Amasa was born i n Newton , Mass . , J une 5 , 1 765 and died

in New York , March 24 , 1 824 . Being only ten years of age

he enl isted as a drummer boy and at the c lose of the war was

made an Ensign .

Page 181: Sons of the American Revolution


LA BREE , BENJAMIN . 403 3 .

Ph i ladelph ia , Pa .

Publ isher . Born i n Ph i ladelph ia , February 1 1 , 1 855 . Son

o f Benjamin La Bree and Ann ie Faunce , grandson o f J ohn

La Bree and Catharine Tees , great o

grandson o f Benjam in La

Bree and Mary Hewson , and great'-grandson o f jam es La

Bree . James La Bree , wi th h is son Benjamin , aged abou t 1 2

years , le ft France for Canada in 1 780 ; reached Boston in

1 78 1 ; en l isted in Capt . Benjamin L em onte’

s company , Co l .Samuel Cobb ’

s regiment and served from May 1 0 . to Decem

ber 1 , 1 78 1 . Upon the exp i ration o f his term o f service he

retu rned to France . Benjamin became a sai l ing master with

Ph iladelph ia for his home , and in 1 799 married Mary Hewson ,daughter of Captain J ohn H ewson , a Revolut ionary patriot

who is said to have establ i shed the fi rst cotton spm n ing and

calico print works in the Colonies .


Litt le Fal ls , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born i n Manheim , N . Y .,J u ly 29 , 1 856. Son

o f Samuel Stewart Lansing and Catharine Fox ; grandson of

Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing and Jane Ann Stewart , and o f

Jacob E acker Fox and Ann Maria Van Horne : great-grand

son o i Sanders Lansing and Catharine Ten Eyck , Samuel

Stewart and Content Douglas , Jacob Wi l l iam Fox and E l i z a

beth E acke r, and Richard Van Hom e and Corne lia Ten Eyck ;great’-grandson o f Ger r it jacob Lans ing and Jane Waters ,Abraham jacob Ten Ey ck and Frances Anna Lansing

,h is

wi fe , j okn S tewa r t and Ruth Smith , Wheeler Douglas and

Martha Rathbone , Wil l iam Fox and Cathar ine Zimmerman ,

jacob E acker and Margaret F inck , Abrabam Van H or ne and

Hannah Hoff , and jacob Ten Ey ck and Ann Cownhoven ; and

great’-grandson of jacob La ns ing (father o f Frances Anna)and Mary tj e Egberts , Asa Doug las and Rebecca Whee ler ,

Page 183: Sons of the American Revolution

1 62 9 0145 or THE AME R ICAN REVOLUTION .

and Lydia Ransom , great-grandson of Samuel Ransom and

Mary Nesbitt , and great’-grandson of Sam uel Ransom and

E sthe r Lawrence . Samu el Ransom was born in Colchester (or

Canterbu ry) Conn . , and l ived in Norfolk , Conn . , and Wyom ing

Va l ley , Penn . I n October, 1 775 , he was commissioned

Capta in o f the Th i rd company , Twenty-fourth regimen t ,Connect icut m i l it ia ; Captain by commission from Con t inen

tal Congress August 26, 1 776 ; joined the Continental army

wi th his company at Morristown , N . J . , and engaged in the

batt le o f M i llstone , near Somerset Courthouse ; part ic ipated

in batt les o f Brandywine , Germantown , Bound Brook , and

Mud Fort ; i n J une , 1 778 , proceeded to Wyoming Valley to

de fend h is home against the Bri t ish and I ndians ; reached

Forty-Foot on the morn ing of the massacre and reported to

Col . Zebu lon But ler ; detai led to make a reconnoissance and

was k i l led at the front .


New York City .

Me rchant . Born in New Britain , Conn . , May 1 9 , 1 8 1 8 .

Son o f Thomas Lee and Electa R i ley , grandson of Isaac

L ee , 3d , and Abigai l Goodrich , great-grandson of Col . I saac

Lee and Tabitha Norton , great’-grandson of Dr . Isaac Lee ,

great'-grandson o f Stephen Lee nad El izabeth Royce , and

grcat‘-grandson of John Lee , who came to America from

Co lcheste r , England , in 1 634 . and Mary Hart . The name of

th is anc ient Engl ish fami ly was original ly spel led Lega . I n

the Doomsday Book Lega and Lee are frequently

u sed to indicate the same fami ly . The name sign ifies a

m eadow . Co l. I saac L ee was born in Farmington , Conn . ,

J anuary 1 7 . 1 7 1 6. and died December 1 3 , 1 802 . He was

Capta i n of the Thirteenth company of the tra i n band in the

Sixth regiment of the Colony in May , 1 767 ; made Lieutenan t

Co lone l of the F i fteenth r e

g iment , Octobe r , 1 767 , and was a

Page 184: Sons of the American Revolution


member o f the Colon ial Assembly , with the excep t ion of four

years,from 1 76 1 to 1 775 . I n March , 1 775 , he was appointed

Colonel . He was a member of the General Assemb ly from

1 776 unti l 1 79 1 , except during 1 779- 1 782 , being a member of

the Assembly meet ing at Hartford when that body took the

oath of allegiance under Gov . Trumbul l to the new govern

ment of the United States in October , 1 776, and was chie f

magistrate of h is town unt i l incapacitated by age . His w i fe

was the heroine Of Mrs . Wil lard’

s Steal ing the Bride .


New York City .

With Clyde Steamship Company . Born in Lewisburg , Pa , ,

September 1 , 1 854 . Son of Preston Shepard Lincoln and

Ann ie E liza Moore , grandson of M inor Sprague Lincoln and

Almira Shepard , and great-grandson of Rufus L incoln and

Lyd ia Sprague . The Lincolns were of Engl ish descent , com

ing to America and settl ing in H ingham , Mass . , in 1 636.

Capt . Ru fus Lincoln was born in Taunton , Mass . , November

1 0 , 1 75 1 , l ived there and in Wareham , Mass . , and d ied Feb

ru ary 1 1 , 1 83 8 . He joined the army at the outbreak of the

war ; was at Cambridge when Washington assumed command ;was at the batt le Of Dorchester H eights ; raised a company at

Taunton ; was i n Saratoga campaign ; thence went to Penn

sylvania ; was captured December 2 8 , 1 777 , whi le Scout ing

near Val ley Forge ; exchanged and rej o ined the army ; was

stat ioned at Newburgh , N . Y . , and was d ischarged near there

November 3 , 1 783 .


New York City .

Retired . Born in Victory , N . Y June 2 3 , 1 83 3 . Son

of Homer Lockwood and Sally Benedict , grandson o f I saac

Lockwood, j r . , and Aner N ichols , great-grandson o f I saac

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Lockwood and R u th Wh i t ney , great’-grandson o f J oseph

Lockwood and Mary Wood , and great’-grandson o f Ephraim

Lockwood and Mercy St . J ohn . Eph raim Lockwood was

probably born in Watertown , Mass . , where the ancestor from

England settled in 1 630 . I saac Lockwood , Jr . , was born in

Norwalk , Conn . , December 2 2 . 1 76 1 , and d ied in Brookfi eld ,

Conn . , December 1 6, 1 83 8 . When he was about n ine yearso f age , h is mother , a larmed lest her sons be pressed into

the se rvice of Brit ish ves sels wh i ch were scou ring the coast

for that pu rpose , took her youngest three sons up into the

country and le ft them with fa rmers . I saac was le ft with a

tai lor named Bunnel , i n Brookfi eld , whe re he learned the tai lor’


t rade . A t the age o f 1 6 he en l i sted in the Continental army for

seven months , and then t e-enl isted for the war . On account

o f a lame kn ee , he served in the fie ld on ly in em ergencies ,emp loying most o f h is t ime mak i ng ofli ce rs

un i forms . H is

grandson , E li Hayes , o f Longmeadow , Mass . , has the Shears

with which he made Wash ington’

s clothes , and H . N . Lock

wood has h i s musket . H e was mustered out at West Point ,h is honorable d ischarge being signed byWash ington . H i s own

son ,I saac , 3d , i s l iv ing i n Brookfie ld , Conn . , i n h is 9oth year .


New York City .

Lawyer. Born in Washington , Conn . , April 1 5 , 1 847 .

Son Of Seth S . Logan and Abigail Hol l ister , grandson o f

Sherman H ol l i ster and Polly Nettleton , great-grandson o f

Sherm an Preston H o l l i ster , great’-grandson o f Gideon H ol ister ,

great'-grandson o f John Hol ister and Rebecca Sherm an , and

grea t‘ -grandso n Of J ohn Hol ister who came from Scotland

and settled in Watert own , Mass . The Hol l isters , ( formerly

the McAllisters of Scot land) ancient ly spel led thei r name withone “ I .

" Gideon Ho l ister was a nat ive of We the rsfie ld ,

Conn . , and l ived in We thersfie ld , Strat ford and Woodbu ry .

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and Sarah , hi s wi fe . Char les Lowndes , Jr. , emigrated from

England in early l i fe to St . Ch ri stopher’

s , W . I . , and in 1 730

sa iled for Charleston , S . C . H i s son Raw l i ns was born in the

island o f St . Kitt’

s (St . Chri stopher) i n J anuary , 1 72 1 , andd ied in Charleston , 5 . C. , Augu st 24 , 1 800 . A lthough be fore

the Revolut ion he held Severa l ofli ces under the Crown , never

the less he gave the fi rst j ud ic ial dec ision in America against

the const i tu t ional ity o f the Stamp Act . I n 1 775 he was

member o f the Sou th Ca rol ina Provinc ial Congress : member

o f Committee o f Safety ; member o f legislat ive counc i l , 1 776

Presiden t o f South Caro lina in 1 778 . As “ war president

he powerful ly aided the American cause . He was subse

quently member o f the state government in various capacit i es .

LUSK , JAMES LORI NG . 43 1 2 .

West Point , N . Y .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Pittsburgh , Pa , , February 1 9 ,

1 85 5 . Son o f Amos Lusk and Agnes Sterrett Clow , grandson

of Loring Lusk and Mary Smith , great-grandson o f Amos

Lusk and Mary Adams ; and great’-grandson o f j olz n Adam s

who settled in Alford , Berksh i re county , Mass . , between 1 7 5 1

and 1 760 . He was a private in Capt . Samuel Wo lcott ’s company

,Col . J ohn Brown

s regiment , from Berksh i re county ,

ordered to rein force the northern army in 1 777 ; re -en l isted

October 1 5 , 1 780 , as Lieutenant in Capt . Wi l lcock’

s company ,Col . J ohn Ash ley

s regiment , and served two days ;‘ and then

served on a committee in Al ford to raise troops . In 1 789 ,

with a large fam i ly and company from Shefli e ld , Mass . , he

sett led the town o f East Bloomfield,Ontario county , N . Y .


New York City .

Bui lder. Born in New.York , Augu st 6, 1 836. Son o f

Cornel ius L uy ste r and Hannah Totten , grandson o f E lbert

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L uy ste r and Catharine Lawrence , great-grandson of Da n iel

L aw rence and Eve Van Horn,great’-grandson of J ohn

Lawrence and Pat ience Sacket , great'-grandson of J ohn

Lawrence and Deborah Woodhu l l , and great ‘ -grandson of

Thomas Lawrence and Mary , his wi fe . Daniel Lawrence was

born in Newtown , L . I . , November 26, 1 739 , and died at

Lawrence Point , L . I . , November 7 , 1 807 . He was a zealous

Whig ; was Captain o f the Newtown troop o f Horse in 1 776 ;

was exiled from h is home from 1 776 to 1 783 ; and served as a

member of Assembly from Queens county by appointment o f

the Convention of 1 777 .

LYMAN , HART . 4024 .

New York City .

Editor . Born in Plymouth , Conn . , December 8 , 1 85 1 .

Son o f Ephraim Lyman and Hannah Dolbeare Richards ,grandson o f Erastus Lyman and Abigail Starr , and great

grandson of Moses Ly m an and Mary Buel l J udd . Major Gen .

Moses Lyman was born in Goshen , Conn . , March 20 , 1 743 and

d ied September 29 , 1 829 . I n the French war , the Con

nect icu t troops that were dest ined for Crown Point i n 1 7 5 5

were placed under his command . He was i n several important

exped it ions i n 1 776- 1 777 and was especial ly engaged at Long

Island , New York and Peekskil l . He was commander of a

body of troops stat ioned on the n ight of October 7 , 1 777 , to

watch the movements of Burgoyne’

s army and was the fi rst

to in form Gen . Gates that the Bri t ish had deserted their camp .

In consideration O f dist ingu ished services in the batt le o f

Saratoga , he was honored with the duty o f conveying to

Washington , personal ly , the first intel l igence of the surrender

of the Brit ish . He was also commander of the guard over

Major André , at , and previous to , his execution .

Also grandson of Peter Ri chards and Ann Hunt ington ,

and great-grandson of j ededia lt H unting ton . J edediah Hunt

Page 189: Sons of the American Revolution


ington was bo rn in Norwi ch , Conn . , August 4 , 1 743 ; and d ied

in New London , September 2 5 , 1 8 1 8 ; He was a graduate

o f Harvard , and Captain o f mi l i tia prior to 1 775 . H e was

Colonel o f a regiment from Norwich at Cambridge , Apri l 26,

1 775 ; marched to New York , entertain ing Wash ington atNorwich en route ; helped repe l the enemy at various points

in Connect icut and New York ; was made Brigad ier General

i n 1 777 : and subsequent ly Brevet Major General : was on the

cou rt mart ial that t ri ed Genera l Lee ; and on the cou rt o f

i nqu i ry in André’

s case ; helped d ra ft the const itut ion Of the

Cincinnat i ; and was Sheriff , State Treasurer , and Col lector o f

Port o f New London , for many years . His m u n ificence was

celebrated .


Un i ted States Army . 4 1 98 .

Lieutenant in Med i cal Department . Born in St . Pau l ,M inn . J u ly Son of Edward Yorke McCau ley , U .

S . N . , and J osephine McI lva ine Berkeley , grandson o f Dan ie l

S . McCau ley , U . S . N and Sarah Yorke , and great-grandson

of joli n McCa uley and De l ia Stewart , (sister of AdmiralCharles Stewart , U . S . N .) J ohn McCau ley (original ly and

subsequent ly spel led Macau ley) o f Ph i lade lph ia wa s of Pres

by te rian Scotch-I rish ancest ry . H e was member o f the Fi rst

t roop Of Phi ladelph ia City Cavalry , one o f the o ldest mi l i tary

organ i z a t ions in the Un ited States , formed November 1 7 ,

1 774 . H is son Danie l was a Lieutenant in the Un ited States

Navy in 1 8 1 2 ; and h is grandson Edward , Rear Admira l i n

the Un ited States Navy , 1 84 1 - 1 886.

A lso grandson o f Carter Nelson Berkeley and E l len Reed

McI lvain e ,great-grandson o f Carter Berkeley and Frances

Nelson Page . great’-grandson o f Nelson Berkeley and E l izabeth

Worm ley Carter , great’-grandson o f Edmund Berkeley and

Mary Nelson,and great’-grandson o f Edmund Berkeley



Page 191: Sons of the American Revolution



Ashevi l le , N . C .

Lawyer . Born in Ba l t imore , Md . , May 7 , 1 854. Son o f

J . G . Mart in and Marianne Read , grandson o f George Read ,

3d , and Lou isa Dorsey , great-grandson o f George Read , 2d ,

and Mary Thompson , and great'-grandson o f Georg e Read ,

I st , and Gert rude Ross . George Read , 1 st , was bo rn in Mary

land , September 1 8 , 1 73 3 , and l ived in Newcastle , Del . He

was a signer o f the Declarat ion o f I ndependence , and , with

Cae sar Rodney , represented the state o f De laware in the

Continental Congress th roughout the struggle .

A lso great'o

grandson o f Wi ll iam T/zornpson and Catherine

Ross . W i l l iam Thompson of Car l isle , Penn . , was Captain o f a

troop o f Ligh t Horse in the French and I ndian war. On J une

2 5 , 1 775 , he was commis sioned Co lone l o f a battal ion o f Rifle

men raised for the army at Boston . The first Pennsylvan ia

so ldier to fa l l i n the war was in th i s battal ion . Co l . Thompson

was promoted to Brigad ier-General March 1 , 1 776, and com

m anded , for a short t ime , the American army in Canada .

H e was captured at Three Rivers and exchanged in 1 780 .

MAY , ALFRED H . 43 1 3 .

Sackett ’s Harbo r , N . Y .

Prin ter . Born in Sudbu ry , Mass . , January 1 1 , 1 870 . Son

o f W i l l iam A . May and Sarah O l ive Dudley , grandson o f

J oseph Dud ley and El izabeth Winch , great-grandson o f

D an ie l D udley , j r . and Lucy Pose , great'-grandson o f Dan ie l

Dud ley , Sr . , grea t g randson o f J ohn Dud ley , and Mary , his

wi fe , and great‘-grandson o f Francis Dudley and Sarah

Wheeler. Francis Dud ley came from England about 1 663and se tt l ed in Concord , Mas s. Daniel Dud ley , J r was born

in Concord , March 2 7 , 1 758 , and l ived in Way land . Mass .

He served thi rteen days on the Lexingt on alarm in Capt .

Timothy Underwood’

s company o f minute-men . Co l . Pres

Page 192: Sons of the American Revolution


cott ’s regiment ; re-enl isted in Capt . Wright’

s company of the

Sixth Middlesex reg iment , and on September 1 7 , 1 777 . was d is

charged into Capt . Bal lard’s company in Col . Alden

s regiment

for three years .


New York City .

Born in New York , January 1 6, 1 844 . Son of James N .

McE lligot t and Catherine Halstead Peckwe ll , grandson o f

Henry Wil l iam Peckwe ll and Sarah Nicholson Parker , and

great-grandson of j oltn P a rker and Abigai l Halstead . J ohn

Parker was a nat ive of Red Bank , N . J . , and was a matross

in Capt . Joshua Huddy’

s company Of art i l lery , New Jersey

mil i t ia . He was captu red in the Block House at Tom ’


River i n March , 1 782 .


Orange , N . J .

Broker . Born in New York , Apri l 1 3 , 1 868 . Son o f

Henry Richard McE ll igott (No . 86) and Harriet Griswold

Sprague , etc . [See Henry Richard MCE lligott . ]


Delhi , N . Y .

Publ isher . Born in Kortr ight,N . Y November 29 , 1 829 .

Son o f George McI n tosh and Sarah Jaqu ish , and grandson o f

S im on McI ntoslt and Sal ly Phelps . Simon McI n tosh l ived in

Dutchess county , N . Y . , and was a private in the First o f the

Northeast Prec inct companies of the First regiment o f

Du tchess county mi l it ia , I saac Smith , Captain , Petrus TenBroeck and Morris Graham , Colonels .

Also grandson o f j o/m j aqu islt , j r . , and Catharine , hiswi fe , and great-grandson o f J ohn Jaqu ish , a French sai lor .J ohn Jaqu ish , J r . , was born in New J ersey (or New York City)

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J une 1 7 , 1 7 53 , and d ied in Delhi , N . Y . , August

He en l isted in New York City , about J une 1 776 ; was made

Corporal , February 20 , 1 777 ; Sergeant , May 24 , 1 778 to

J anuary , 1 782 , in the Fou rth company . Second regiment , New

York Line ; part ic ipated in battles of Monmouth and Saratoga ,Sul l ivan

s CM pa ign against the Ind ians , and the battle o f

Yorktown .

1 co . MCKEE , JAMES COOPER . 4 1 oo .

Butler, Penn .

L i eutenant Co lone l , U . S . A . , retired . Born i n But ler ,Pa . , May 1 8, 1 830 . Son o f Hugh McKee and Margaret

Dunbar , and grandson o f Tliomas McKee and Margaret Hogue .

Thomas McKee (Magee) was born in county Down , I re la nd ,i n 1 749 , migrated to th i s country in 1 763 or 1 767 , and sett led

in Tuscarora Va lley , Pa . H e was one o f nine brothers , al l o f

whom were noted for thei r great statu re and hercu lean strength .

They were known as Scotch-I rishmen . Thomas was a private

in Capt . Cluggage’

s company . raised in the Tuscarora Val ley ,

belonging to the F i rs t Pennsy lvania regiment o f the L ine .

He d ied in Butler , Pa . , in 1 8 1 4 .


New York City .

Banker. Born in Ba l t imore , Md October 4 , 1 83 1 . Son

o f I saac McKeever and Mary Flower Gamble , grandson of

J oseph Gamble and Mary Thomson , and great-gran dson o f

Tliom as Thom son and Mary Jane Hale . Capt . Thom as

Thomson was a nat ive o f Scot land and died in Phi lade lph ia ,Penn . H e se rved with the Pennsy lvania troops


at the batt le

o f Yorktown and was present at the su rrender o f Cornwal lis .

On h is ret u rn to Ph i ladelph ia he was presented by h is admirers

with a sword wh ich was in the possession o f the fami ly many

years t i l l destroyed by fi re with va luable papers and contents

Page 195: Sons of the American Revolution



New York City .

I nsu rance . Born in New York , November 24 , 1 849 . Son

o f James Monroe McL ean and Lou isa Wi l l iams , grandson o f

Corn e l ius McL ean and H annah Hammond , and great-grandson

o f jam s: Hamm ond . J ames Hammond was a nat i ve o f Westchester coun ty , N . Y . , and was Lieutenant-Colone l o f the

F irst regim ent o f that coun ty'

s mi l i tia .


Fort H uachu ca , A . T .

L ieu tenant , U . S . A . Born in Columbia , S . C May 30 ,1 869 . Son o f F i t z W . McMas te r and Mary Jane Maefie ,

grandson o f J ohn McMaster and Rache l Buchanan , and grea t

grandson o f H ugh McMas ter and Margaret Kil loch . Hugh

McMaster was bo rn in county Antrim , I reland , i n 1 754 , and

settled with h i s two brothers , John and Patrick , i n the famous

N inety-six District of Sou th Caro l ina , where each was granted

[00 acres of land in 1 775 . Notwi thstan d ing the predom inati ng Brit ish sympathy of th is last interior Tory st ronghold o f

South Carol ina to yield to American arms , he en l isted with

h is brothers . J ohn was k i l led at Augusta , and Patrick d i ed a

prisoner at Camden . Hugh su rv ived the war and d ied on the

Atlantic ocean in 1 787 . Rache l Buchanan , above mentioned ,had two unc les— J ohn Buchanan , who was a Captain in the

Cont inenta l army , afterwards a member o f the Cinc innat i , and

who d ied at W insboro , S . C 1 826 ; and Lieut . Robert

Buchanan,who was captu red at the fa l l of Charleston , and

d ied on a Bri t ish prison sh ip i n Charleston harbor .


Warsaw , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Ka lama z oo , Mich . , January I, 1 850 .

Son of David A . McNa ir and J u l iana Trumbu l l W i l lcox ,

Page 196: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson o f Charles Wil lcox and Alm ira Rood , great-grandson

of Capt . j o/m Willcox and Margaret Kelsey , great’-grandson

o fWill iam W illcoxson and great'-grandson of J ohn W illcoxson .

Will iam W illcoxson came from London and became a freemanin Massachusetts Bay in 1 636. Most of his descendants

dropped the termination “son

” from their names . His son

J ohn , o f Kill ingworth , Conn . , was born in 1 760 ; served as

private in Capt . J ohn Wil l iams’

company , under Lieut . Col .

Gal lup , stat ioned at Fort Griswold , 1 779 ; was among the

short levies who served in the Seven th Connect icut reg i

ment in 1 780 and enl isted in the Provi sional regiment , (Capt .Prent ice ’s com pany

, ) 1 78 1 , raised“to march on the shortest

not ice in case H is Excel lency Gen . Washington shall ca l l for

them . Some sixty persons named Willcox and Rood , al l

more or less connected , part icipated in the war .


Ashland , Wis .

Lieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Bufl'

a lo , N . Y .

, March 1 9 ,

1 85 5 . Son o f Wil l iam M ercer and Eleanor Carol ine A l l en ,grandson o f Archibal Mercer and Harriet Wheat , great-grand

son of Samuel Wheat and Sarah Deshon , great’-grandson o f

join t D es/mu and Sarah Starr , and great’-grandson of Danie l

Deshon and Ruth Christopher . The D eshons are o f French

Huguenot extract ion . J ohn was born December 2 5 , 1 72 7 , in

New London , Conn . , and died in J une , 1 792 . Under the

t it le o f Captain he served as agent in erect ing fort ificat ions at

New London and as Commissary of various enl istments o f

troops . H e was also member o f the Nava l Board of the

Eastern Department . Two o f his brothers were also consp ic

nous in the Revolution .

A lso grandson of Lewis Al len and Mary Dennison Smi th ,grea t-grandson o f Dennison Smith and Waity Burrows , and

great’-grandson o f Oll iw r s


t/z and Mary Denn ison . O l l ive r

Page 197: Sons of the American Revolution


Smith was born at Poquonnoc. Conn . , Apri l 27 , 1 739 , being a

descendant o f Nehemiah Smith who came to America from

England about 1 639 and settled near New London , Conn .

On August 30 , 1 77 5 , he was Captain o f a company at

Ston ingt on , Conn . , when that town was bombarded ; and

rapid ly advanced through the grades o f Maj or and Lieu tenant

Colone l to Colonel i n May , 1 777 .


Mi ller’s Corners , N . Y .

Born in M il ler’s Corners , N . Y August 1 0 , 1 83 3 . Son o f

Silas M i l ler and Almira Wilcox , grandson of Samuel M i l ler,

J r . , and Susannah Cleveland , and great-grandson o f S am uel

M iller and Z ilpha Hayes . Samuel M i l ler of Connect icut , who

died in M iller’

s Fal ls , N . Y . , in 1 80 1,enl isted from the town

of Simsbury , Conn . , in Capt . Amos Wil lcox’s company , on

the Lexington alarm and served three days . In the fol lowing

May he re -enl isted in Capt . Abel Pet t ibone’s company from

Simsbu ry i n Gen . Spencer’

s (Second Continental) regiment

and was discharged October 24 . This regiment was raised on

the first cal l for t roops , and participated in the siege of Boston .

Detachments took part in the battle of Bunker H i ll and

Quebec exped ition .


Canandaigua , N . Y .

Student . Born in M i l ler’

s Corners , N . Y September 6,

1 870 . Son of Carlton Silas M i ller (No . 3 79) and Harriot L .

Vary , etc . [See Carlton Silas M i l ler . )


Sacramento , Cal .

Banker . Born in M i lwaukee , W is . , J anuary 1 9 , 1 842 .

S on o f Henry M il ler and Nancy Robinson,grandson o f

Page 199: Sons of the American Revolution


Captain in Colonel Bradley'

s regiment of Wadsworth 's brigade,

i n J une , 1 776. He was in Fort Wash ington when it fel l ; and

in 1 780 was Captai n in Col . Beebe’s regiment .

z oo . MONTGOMERY , JOHN C . 4200 .

Denver, Col .

Capital ist . Born in Bentonsport , Iowa , February 1 9 ,

1 85 1 . Son o f J oseph Montgomery and Mary M ills , grandson

o f John Morton Montgomery and Mary Wilkins , great-grand

son of Joseph Montgomery and Mary Morton , and great’-grand

son of j o/z n Mor ton and Anne J ust is . J ohn Morton was born

in Ridley township , Chester county , now in Delaware , i n

1 724 , and died in April , 1 777 . He was member of the Stamp

Act Congress from Pennsylvania , J udge o f the Supreme Court ,delegate to the Fi rst Conti

nental Congress i n 1 774 ;

Speaker of the House of

Assembly ; and was re -elected to the Continental Congress ,1 776 . He was a signer of the Declarat ion of Independence .

A monument in the o ld Episcopal Church yard at Chester , Pa .

bears an eloquen t tribu te to h is services , clos ing as follows“ J ohn Morton being censured by some of h is friends for h is

boldness in giving the cast ing vote for the Declarat ion of I nde

pendence ,h is prophet ic spirit d ictated from his death-bed the

fol lowing message to them Tel l them that they wil l l ive to

see the hour when they shal l acknowledge i t to have been the

most glorious service that ever I rendered to my country .


P la infie ld,N . J .

Broker . Born in Champlain , N . Y March 1 , 1 82 7 . Son

o f Am asa Corbin Moore and Charlotte El izabeth Mooers ,grandson of P r iny M oor e and Martha Corbin , great-grandson o f

Nodiah Moore and Ann ie Loomis , and great’-grandson of J oseph

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Moore and Owens . Pl iny Moore was born in Sheffield ,Mass . , Apri l 1 4 , 1 7 59 , and after the war , l ived at Champlain ,N . Y . He joined the exped i t ion to Canada under Armstrong

i n 1 775 . being obl iged on account of his youth , to en l ist as a

music ian . Later he was made Lieutenant of Capt . Wright’


com pany in Co l . Marinus Wil le tt’

s regimen t and became Adj u

tant of the regiment .

Also grandson of Benj am in Mooers and Hannah Platt ,great-grandson of Benjam in Mooers and Abigai l Hazen , great

grandson of Jonathan Mooers and Mary Poor,great'-grandson

of J onathan Mooers and Con stance Langhorn , great‘ -grandson

of Edmund Mooers and Anna h is wi fe , who came from

England in 1 63 8 and landed at Boston . Benjam in Mooers

was born in Haverh i l l , Mass . , Apri l 1 , 1 758 , and after the war

l ived in Plattsburgh , N . Y . He enl isted i n 1 776 in Capt .Eaton ’s Haverhi l l company , Col . Edward H iggleworth

s regi

m ent ; jo ined Gates’

army ; re -en listed in 1 777 in Capt . (Gen .)Brickett

s com pany ; was on guard over prisoners taken with

Bu rgoyne ; i n 1 778 , appointed Ensign in Co l . Hazen’

s regi

ment “ Congress’

Own ; in 1 779 , promoted to Adjutant of

the regiment , which posit ion he held unt i l the close of the

war ; crossed the ice to Staten Island with Sterl ing in 1 779 ;

was member of Washington’

s Li fe Guard 1 779-80 ; and was

present at Andre’

s execut ion . After the war he held m any

posit ions of publ ic tru st and honor . He served i n the mil it ia

30 years , being commissioned Major General i n 1 8 1 1 .

Also great-grandson of N a t/z a n iel P la tt and Phoebe Sm i th,

great2-grandson of Z epha n iah P la tt and Hannah Saxton,

great'-grandson of J onas Platt , great‘-grandson of E p ine tu s

Platt and Phoebe Wood . great ‘ -grandson of Richard Platt and

Mary , his wi fe , and great°-grandson of Joseph Platt . Nathan iel

Platt of Suffolk county , N . Y . , was commissioned in 1 776,

Captain of a company in Col . Josiah Smith’s regiment of

minu te-men , Second battal ion of Suffolk county,and was

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attached to Gen . Woodhu l l’s brigade in the battle of Long

I sland . He was later attached to the commissary depart

ment and rendered effic ien t service in gathering suppl ies for

Wash ington ’s army along the Hudson . Co l . Zephaniah Platt

of the Associated Exempts was taken prisoner by the Brit ish

and died on one of their prison sh ips at the age of 74 .


New York City .

Agent with U . S . Express Company . Born in L itchfie ld ,

Conn . , Septem ber 2 , 1 843 . S on of J am es C . Morehead and

Nancy Bissell , grandson of Hi ram Bissel l and Beatta Wetmore ,and great-grandson of Benj am in B issell and Mabel Griswold .

Benjam in Bissel l was a nat ive of L itchfie ld , Conn . , and enl isted

as Sergeant in Capt . Beebe’

s company formed in that town in

January , 1 776, fo r an exped i t ion to New York , in Co] .

Andrew Ward ’s regiment . He re -en l isted i n May , 1 776,

i n the same com pany .


New York City .

Grain business . Born in Cinc innati,O. ,

October 1 2 , 1 862 .

S on of J ohn W . Morris and Sarah Ford Poore , grandson of

Nathaniel Peabody Poore and Mary Ford , great-grandson of

E l ip/z a let Poore and Elizabeth Litt le,great°-grandson of

Sam u el , great’-grandson of Henry , and great ‘ -grandson of

J ohn Poore the fou nder , who was one of three brothers who

came from Wiltshire , England , i n 1 63 5 , and settled in New

bu ry , Mass . Eliphalet Poore was born in Rowley , Mass . ,

March 1 8 , 1 746 (or and d ied i n Hopkin ton , N . H . ,

October 1 9 , 1 82 7 . He en l isted September 2 5 , 1 777 , i n Capt .

Hezekiah Hutchins’

company , Col . Joseph Welch’

s regiment ,of New Hampshi re mil i t ia , and was d i scharged with the regi

ment November 6, 1 777 .

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Also great-grandson o f Abner Gooda le and Mol ly Howe ,great’-grandson of Nathan Goodale and Persis Wh i tney , great

grandson o f J ohn Goodale and E l izabethWitt , grea t‘-grandson

o f Zachariah Goodale and E l i z abeth Beacham , great‘-grandson

of Robert Gooda le and Katherine who came from Ipswich ,England to Dorchester , Mass , , in 1 634 . Abner Goodale

was born in Marlborough , Mass . , August 22 , 1 75 5 ; and died

there May 1 6, 1 82 3 . On the day o f the batt le o f Lexin gton

he j oined Capt . Howe'

s company and marched to Cambridge .

On December 4 , 1 77 5 , he re-enl isted in Capt . Gates’ company

Co l . Ward ’s regiment . His brother Wi l l iam was a lso a so ld i er .A lso , grandson o f A lpheus R ice and Huldah Ca l l ; and

great-grandson o f S‘edu tli a n R ice and Lucinda Merchant .

Jedu than Rice of Montagu e , Mass . , was a private in Capt.Houghton

s company , Seventh Reg iment , Gen . Wam e r’


Brigade , in 1 778 . He descended from Edmund Rice o f

England . one of the settlers of Sudbu ry , Mass . in 1 639 .

NICHOLS , MAURY . 4034 .

Salt Lake City , U tah .

Lieutenant . U . S . A . Born i n Wash ington , D . C. , March

3 , 1 86 1 . Son of Charles Hen ry N ichols and E l len Grymes

Mau ry , grandson of Cabel N ichols and Eunice Hobby , great

grandson o f Samuel N icho ls and Dorcas Bu ffum and grea t’

grandson of David N ichols,and Phcr be Chase . David N ichols

was born in Salem , Mass . , November 1 6, 1 73 5 , and served

during the siege of Boston as a private i n Colonel Phinny'


regiment o f Massachnse t ts mil it ia .


New York C ity .

Student . Born in New York , September 2 7 , 1 872 . Son

o f Alexander Nones and Emi ly Adele Nones (maiden name),grandson o f Joseph B . Nones and Evel ine De Leon , and

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great-grandson of Benj am in Nones and Miriam Marks . Ma

j or Benjamin Nones was born in Bordeaux , France , and came

to America in 1 777 , settl ing in Ph iladelphia . Early in the

war he formed the acquaintance of Lafayette and Washington

and subsequently served on the staffs of both . He entered the

service under Count Pu laski , from whom he rece ived a letter

commending his bravery under fi re at Savannah , of which

Pu laski was an eye witness . He was also aide on De Kalb'


s taff and helped carry h im from the field when he fel l mortally

wounded at Camden , S . C . On h is ret i rement from the army

Major Nones became the sworn Interpreter for the Un ited

States Government at Phi ladelphia .


Canandaigua , N . Y .

Teacher . Born in Palmyra , N . Y J une 1 4 , 1 849 . Son

of Jacob Norris and Lydia M . Griswold , grandson of Si las

Norris and Katherine H ines , great-grandson of Wa lter N or r is

and Ann Baldwin , and great’-grandson of Job Norris and

Lindsley . Walter Norris was born and l ived in Morri s

county , N . J . ,and served as a private in the Morris m i l it ia .

Also great-grandson of Robert H ines and Lindsley

and great’-grandson of E lea z er L indsley . Job Norris’

wi fe and

Robert H ines’ wi fe were both daughters of Lieu t . -Co l . Eleazer

Lindsley, who was second Major of the Eastern battal ion of

Morris county , New J ersey mil it ia , J anuary 1 3 , 1 776, and

was promoted to Lieu tenant-Colonel and Colonel of the

Continental Army .


*43 3 3 .

Buffalo , N . Y .

Fire insurance . Born in Chazy , N . Y May 1 3 , 1 847 .

Son of Samuel Church i l l and J emima D . Jackson , grandson

o f Darius Church i l l and Try phen ia A . Newton , great-grandson

Born Churchi ll ; adapted nam e, Nort h , legal iz ed March 1 3 , 1 880.

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o f Wil l iam Churchi l l and Eun ice Culver , great’-grandson o f

S am uel C/mre/z i ll , j r . , and Thankfu l Hewitt , great'-grandson o f

Samue l Chu rch i l l and Martha Boardman , great‘-grandson

o f J oseph Church i l l and Mary Foster , and great‘-grandson of

J osias Churchi l l (Wethersfie ld , Conn . , 1 636) and E l i z abeth

Foote . Samuel Churchi l l , Jr . , was born inWe the rsfie ld , Conn . ,

Apri l 27 , 1 72 1 ; led the pioneer settlement to Hubbardton ,V t . , 1 772 -3 , and d ied in 1 80 1 . He was taken prisoner at the

batt le of Hubbard ton , bound to a tree , with faggots at his

feet , by Tories and Ind ians , but spared and imprisoned at

T iconderoga ti l l h is escape after Bu rgoyne’s surrender . H e

then searched for the women of h is fami ly who had fled through

the wilderness to Sheffi eld , Mass . , the former home of his

wi fe . Two sons were also made prisoners .

Also great grandson of Liberty Newton and Cynth ia North

and great’-grandson of Abij a/z N or th and Tryphe n ia Grant .

Abijah North , of Farm ington , Conn . , en l isted J u ly 2, 1 778 ,

in Capt . Bray’

s company of three months’

men ; re-en l isted

in October in Capt . Barton’

s company of art ifice rs under Col .

Flower and served unt i l 1 78 1 , largely in Pennsylvania .

Also grandson of I srael J ackson and Esther Allen , great

grandson of D a n iel 7 ackson and Mary Greene , and great’

grandson of Ca leb Gr eene and Catherine , h is wife . Daniel

Jackson (born Apri l 2 2 , and Caleb Green (born March

2 2 , 1 734 ; d ied February 24 , were of the Quaker set

t lem ent at Quaker H i ll , Dutchess county , N . Y . They were

non -combatants , but gave thei r t ime to nursing the sick and

wou nded in the Meeti ng-House Hospi tal , and impoverished

themselves by giving of their substance to the cause .

1 1 1 . NORTON , PORTER . 4 1 1 1 .

Bu ffalo , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Bu ffalo , N . Y . , J uly 9 , 1 853 . Son o f

Chas . D . Norton and Jeanette Phelps , grandson of J oseph G .

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New York City .

Merchant . Born in Cast ine,Me . , October 2 3 , 1 854 . Son

o f Samue l Thomas Noyes and Mary Jane R i chardson , grandson o f Samue l Noyes and Susanna C . Haskel l , great-grandson

o f H ump/trey Noy es , j r . , and J ud ith , h is wi fe , great’-grandson

o f H umphrey Noyes and E l i z abeth L i t t le , great‘-grandson o f

J oseph Noyes and Joanna Hale , great‘-grandson o f James

Noyes and Hannah Knigh t ; and great'-grandson of N icholas

N oyes who came to M assachu setts from England in 1 634 .

Humphrey , Jr . , was born in P la istow , N . H May 9 , 1 749

d ied there May 1 6, 1 8 1 4 . He was a mem ber o f Capt . E z ek ie l

G i les’ company tha t went from Plaistow and joined the army

a t Saratoga in 1 777 . H is son Samuel was Second Offi cer o f

the American privateer “ Lark " i n 1 8 1 3 , and assisted in

cutt ing out and capturing a brig cal led the Trave ller " from

the convoy o f the Engl ish brig-o i-war Boxer. "

Also grandson o f Alpheus Richardson and Su san Laurence ,great-grandson o f Alpheus R ichardson and Phoebe Merriam ;a nd great’-grandson o f Benj am in Richa rdson and Eunice Swan .

Benjamin Richardson was born in Leicester , Mass . , February

2 2 , 1 732 , and d ied in Sterl ing , Mass . , J une 8 , 1 82 1 . H e was

First L ieu tenant o f the Leicester company on the Lexingt on

a larm , Captai n o f the Fi rst company , F i rst reg iment o f

Worcester county , Apri l 4, 1 776 ; and a fterward served as

Captain in Col . Dyke’

s regiment . A fter the war he was

member of the Legislatu re and held other civi l offi ces .


Catsk i l l,N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Hart ford , Conn . , J u ly 20 , 1 83 3 . Son

o f J esse O lney and Eli z abeth Barnes , grandson o f E z ekiel

Olney and Lydia Brown , grea t-grandson o f J erem iah O lney

a nd Susannah Brown , great'~grandson o f John O lney and

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Rachel Coggshall , great’-grandson of E pe ne tu s O l ney and

Mary Whipple , and great‘-grandson of Thomas O lney and

Maria Small who came from Hert fordshire , England , in 1 658 ,

and with Roger Wil l iam s founded Providence . Ezekiel was

born in Providence in 1 740 and d ied i n Eastford , Conn

October 2 1 , 1 826. He was Second Lieu tenant and Ensign in

the Rhode I sland mil i t ia . Many members of th is fami ly were

consp icuous in Colon ial and Revolu t ionary h istory .


Fort Keogh , Mont .

Lieu tenant , U . S . A . Born in Ben icia Barracks , Cal

November 9 , 1 858 . S on of E . O . C . Ord and Mary M ercer

Thompson , grandson of James Ord and Rebecca Cresap , great

grandson of D a n iel Cr esap and Van Swearingen,and

great" grandson of Thomas Cresap and Van Swearingen .

Every one of the male ancestors here ment ioned was a sold ier .Col . Thomas Cresap was one of the Lord Baltimore ’s surveyors .Daniel Cresap , born in Maryland , d ied in Pennsylvan ia in

1 794 ; was a m ember of h i s uncle M ichael Cresap’

s battal ion

o f Maryland volunteers ; was taken prisoner at the battle of

Long I sland and whi le in confinement nearly ki l led a Brit ish

offi cer who cal led h im and a fel low prisoner two of the

rebels . James Ord was a Lieu tenant,U . S . A 1 8 1 2 - I 4 .

E . O . C . Ord was Major General , U . S . A . , and his son is a

Lieutenant , U . S . A .

OTIS , JAMES . 402 1 .

New York City .

Born in New York , October 1 2 , 1 836. Son of J am es W .

O t is and Martha C . Church , grandson of Harrison Gray Ot isand Sal ly Foster , great-grandson of S am uel Alley ne Ot is and

El i z abeth G ray , great°-grandson of jam es Ot is and Mary

Alleyne , great’-grandson of John Ot is and Mercy Bacon , and

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great‘ -grandson of J ohn Otis and Mary Jacob . Samuel

Al leyne Ot is and his brother James O t is , known as the

Pat riot were bo th d istingu ished statesmen . Samue l was

born in Barn stable , Mass . , November 24 , 1 740. and died at

Wash ingt on , D . C. , Apri l 22 , 1 8 1 4 . He was represe ntative to

the General Court in 1 776 ; member o f the conven t ion wh ich

framed the State Const i tu tion ; m em be r of the Board o fWar ; i n

1 784 speaker of the H ouse ; i n 1 787 appo inted commissioner

t o negotiate wi th insurgents in Shay’

s Rebel l ion ; Member o f

Congress in 1 788 ; and after the adoption o f the Federa l Con

s t itu t ion , was chosen secretary o f the fi rst Un ited States

Senate .

Co l . James Ot is , father o f Samuel , a man of dist inction

a nd influence , was born in Barn stab le , Mass . , J un e 1 4 , 1 702 ,

a nd died in November , 1 778 . He was successively member o f

the provinc ial Legis lature in 1 758 ; speaker o f the House ,

J udge o f Probate for Barnstab le county , and Ch ief J ust ice o f

Court o f Common P leas from 1 764 t i l l 1 775 ; and President

o f the Counc i l Board du ri ng the fi rst years of the Revo lution .

He has frequent ly been spoken o f as the compee r o f Adams ,

Qu in cy and Hancock .

1 50 . OTTO , JOHN .

Buflalo , N . Y .

Broker. Bo rn in Ph iladelphia , Pa . , J une 27 , 1 82 1 . Son o f

J acob S . Otto and Phoebe Wh i tehead , grandson o f Bodo Otto,J r and Catharine S chwe ighau se r, great-grandson o f Bodo

Otto, S r . , and Cathari ne Dorotha Doehenke n , and great’

grandson o f Ch ristopher Otto and Maria Magdalena Menecken .

Bodo Otto , Sr . , was born in Laudenberg , Hanover. i n 1 709

and in 1 752 came to Ph i ladelph ia , Pa . H e d ied in Read ing ,Pa . , J une 1 3 , 1 787 . H e took charge gratu itously o f the

hospital at Val ley Forge in the memorable winter of 1 778 .

Bodo Otto , J r. , was.appointed by the New J ersey Pro.

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Jeded iah Hun t ington'

s regimen t . Connecticu t m il it ia ; parfi ci e

pated in batt les of Ge rman town , Monmou th and Stony Poin t ,and wintered at Va lley Forge . Two brothers were ki l led and

on e desperately wounded at the massacre of Fort G riswo ld .

Thei r fathe r , the Rev. Park Avery , was pastor of a chu rch in

Groton , and eve ry ma le membe r of his congregation was

either k i l led or wounded in tha t bat tle .

PARKE , L E U RA I NE L . 4 1 54.

Sa l t Lake Ci ty , U tah .

Civ il Engi neer . Born in Parkesburg, Pa . , May 3 1 , 1 868 .

Son o f J ohn B . Parke and E llen F . Lumbe rt , grandson o f

David Parke and Mary A . Brandt , and great-grandson o f

j okn Parke and Jane Gardner. J ohn Parke’

s ancestors spe lle d

their name withou t the fina l e ,"

he having added i t a fte r the

Revo lut ionary war . He was born in Connect icut in May ,1 752 , and d ied in Parkesburg , Pa . , Septembe r , 1 836. H e

was appointed Second L ieu tenant i n the Second Pennsy lvania

regimen t and promoted to F i rst L ieu tenant , Apri l 1 5 , 1 779 .


Fort McH enry , Md .

L ieutenant , U . S . A . Born in Roxbury , Mass . , J une 29 ,1 849 . Son o f W i l l iam H enry Parkhu rst and Sarah Tanner,grandson o f Hen ry Parkhu rst and Susan Angel l . grea t-grand

son o f Timothy Parkhu rst and Hannah Walker , great’-grand

son of 1 0m m Pa rk/nen t and J ud ith Wi lson , grea t'-grand

son o f Timothy Parkhu rst and El i z abeth Cady , great‘



son of J oseph Parkhurst , J r. , gre at‘o

grandson o f J oseph Park

hu rst , Sr . , and great‘-grandson o f George Parkhu rst . J onathan

Parkhu rst was born in Pla infie ld , Conn . , J u ly 2 5 , 1 72 5 , and

died August 2 2 , 1 787. H e se rved from Augu st 2 to Septem

ber 1 2 , 1 778 , in Captain Danie l Cady'

s company , Col . Cha p

m an’

s regiment , Connect icu t m i l i t ia , in Rhode Island .

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Also Grandson o f Ch ristopher Tanner and Sarah Wi l l iams ,.and great-grandson o f Sam uel Tanner and Mary Gorton .

Samue l Tanner o f Rhode Island was Corporal in the companyof Capt . Thomas Gorton , wh ich was part o f the regimentordered by the Rhode I sland Assembly to be raised January

1 9 , 1 776. I t j oined Wash ington at New York after ' the battle

of Long Island ; and was at the battle of Trenton under Co l .Danie l H itchcock . Corporal Tanner (afterwards ca l led Colonel)d ied between December 1 7 , 1 800 , and January 29 , 1 80 1 .

A lso great-grandson of N a tlz an iel Will iam s , j r . , and Sarah

Burgess , great’-grandson of Nathan iel Wi ll iams and Anna

Hawkins , great’-grandson of James Wil l iam s and El izabeth

B lackmar,great ‘ -grandson of J oseph Wil l iam s and Lydia

O l ney , and great°-grandson of Roger Wil l iams of Rhode Island .

Nathan iel Wil l iams , J r . was born in Rhode Island Jan .

and died Nov . 8, 1 809 . He served in the Rhode Island mi l it ia .


Santa , F é , N . M .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Hyde Park , N . Y . , Apri l 6,

1 852 . Son o f Peter Kemb le Pau lding and E l izabeth Parsons

Pearson , grandson of Jam es Kirke Pauld ing and Gertrude

Kemble , and great-grandson o f Will iam Pau lding and Katheri ne

Ogden . Wil l iam Pau lding was born in Westchester , N .Y . , in

February , 1 73 5 , and di ed in Tarrytown , N . Y . , February 20 ,

1 82 5 . At a meet ing of the freeholders of Westchester county

May 8 , 1 775 , he was appointed with Gouvem eu r Morris and

n ine others as de legates to the Provinc ial Congress . I n 1 776,

he supp l ied the American forces in the neu tra l ground ,”

under Gen . C l in ton , with rations , giving h is private obl iga t ion s

there for,and was arrested and cast in to jai l for debt , wh ich

he had contracted to save h is country . I n October , 1 784 , he

had to pet i ti on the leg i slatu re to l iqu idate h i s long audited ac

c ounts i n order to save h im from fu rther incarcerat ion .

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Oneonta , N . Y

Physic ian . Born in Thomaston , Conn ., May 8 , 1 83 5 .

Son of O z ias Peck and Harriet Ann Pond , and grandson of

Asahel P eck and Anna Marsh . Asahel Peck was born i n

L itchfie ld , Conn . , August 1 3 , 1 762 and d ied there Febru ary6 , 1 83 7 . H e fi rst entered the service at L itchfie ld i n J une ,1 777 , and rendered at d i fferent pe ri ods abou t eight months

se rvice as private in Capt . Miles Beach'

s company , Seventeenth

Connect icu t regiment . Th is company a lso tu rn ed ou t to

repel Tryon ’s invas ion , J u ly 5 , 1 779 .

Also grandson o f Ph i l ip Pond and Anna Adams , great

grandson o f L uke Adams and Lucy N i cho ls , great’-grandson

of Wil liam Adams and Susanna Bronson , great’-grandson o f

John Adams and Esther h is wi fe , grea t‘-grandson of John

Adams and great'-grandson o f J eremy Adam s , an i nn-keeper

i n Hart ford , Conn . , who d ied August 1 1 , 1 683 , and Rebecca ,h is wi fe . Luke Adams was born in Waterbu ry , Conn . , March

8 , 1 756 ; died in South i ngton , Conn . , Apri l 1 8 , 1 83 1 . I n

1 776 he en l isted in Capt . J ohn Lewis’

company , Col . W il l iamDouglas ’ regiment , and se rved seven months , during wh ich

t ime , he was in the batt le o fWh i te P lains . On May 1 4 , 1 777 ,

he t e-en l isted for three years in Capt . E li Leavenworth'

s Com

pany , Col . Retu rn J . Meigs’

Regiment ; was made Corpora l in

January , 1 779 , and discharged May 1 4 , 1 780 .


New York City .

Po l ice Offi cer . Born in New York , Apri l 20 , 1 856. Son

o f Wm . E . Petty and Mary J . Petty , (h is cousin) , grandson o f E z ek iel Petty and El i z abeth Pétty , (a re lat ive),great-grandson o f J eremiah Petty and Esther Downs , and

great’-grandson o f E z ekiel P etty and E l i zabeth Youngs .

E z ekie l Petty was born in Aquebogue , L . I . , i n 1 73 3 , and d ied

Page 219: Sons of the American Revolution


regiment . I n 1 78 1 he moved to Northampton , where he

deve loped an extensive law pract ice and he ld offi ces o f publ ic

trust . H e once purchased acres on the Genesee river ,embrac ing the si te o f the present ci ty o f Rochester, N . Y .


New York Ci ty .

Boatswain , U . S . Navy . Born in Sa lem , Mass . , Jan . 1 8 ,

1 859 , Son of Charles Henry Pierce and Carol ine Augusta

F ranc is , grandson o f John Henry Franc is and Lucy Trask ,great-grandson of Jose ph Trask and Lucy Wiggings , and

g rea t'-grandson o f j osep lt Wigg ings and Jane L e favou r. J oseph

W iggings (Wiggins) was born in Sal em , Mass . , J an . 8 , 1 7 50.

He was a sh ip carpenter and b lockmaker , and enl isted Oct . 7 ,1 777 , on the b rig

“ Tyrann ic ide , J onathan H araden com

m ander , and was d ischarged May 8 , 1 778 .


Marshal ltown , Iowa .

L i fe insu rance . Born in Earlvi l l e , Iowa , December 7 ,

1 868 . Son o f Wm . Pierce and Martha J . Moore , grandson o f

Wi l l iam Pearce and E l i z abeth Tanner, and great-grandson of

jal m Pea rce and Eun ice Briggs . John Pearce (latterly spe l led

Pierce) was born in North Kings ton , R . I . , February

1 5 , 1 749 , H e served as Ensign in the Fi rst reg imen t

o f the Rhode Island State brigade in 1 776, and in December

o f that year became First Lieutenant in Capt . Hawkins'

company , Col . Stanton’

s regiment , Rhode I sland mil i tia .

POOR , H ENRY WI LL IAM . 43 3 1 .

New York City .

Banker. Born in Bangor , Me . , J une Son o f

Henry V . Poor and Mary Wi ld Pierce , grandson o f Sy lvanus

Poor and Mary Merri l l , great-grandson o f E z ekiel Merr ill and

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Sarah Emery ; and great’-grandson of Roger Merri l l and

Mary Hale . Ezekiel Merri l l was born ' in Newbu ry , Mass . ,December 9 , 1 748 enlisted on the Lexington alarm as Cor

poral under Capt . Will iam Rogers and C0 1 . Gerrish : moved to

Pelham ,N . H . , where he re -en l isted as Corporal , J u ly , 1 776 ,

under Capt . David Qu inby and C0 1 . Bartlett , and again under

Capt . Amos Gage in Co] . Moore’

s regiment , September 29 ,1 777 ; marched to Saratoga ; witnessed Bu rgoyne

s su rrender ;re -enl isted August 5 , 1 778 , under Capt . Benjam in Wh i tt ier

and Co] . Gale , and marched to Rhode Island . He moved

from Pe lham to Bethe] , Me . , thence in 1 789 to Andover, Me

where he died March 6,1 830 .


New York City .

Vice-President Pul lman Palace Car Company . Born in

H arrisbu rgh ,Penn . , Apri l 1 5 , 1 837 . Son of David R . Porter

and Josephine McD e rm e tt , grandson of Andrew Por ter and

El izabeth,h is wi fe ; and great-grandson o f Robert Porter.

Andrew Porter was born in Worcester , Penn . , Septem ber 24 ,

1 743 , and died in H a rrisbu rgh , Novem ber 1 6, 1 8 1 3 . I n J une ,1 776, he was appointed Captain of Marines ; was transferred

to art i l lery ; subsequen t ly Major , Lieutenant-Colonel and

Colonel of the Fourth Pennsylvan ia Art i l lery ; on the field of

Brandywine received Washington’

s personal commendat ion ;was boundary commissioner of Pennsylvania , 1 784-7 Brigad ier

Genera l o f Pennsylvania mi l i t ia , 1 80 1 ; subsequently Major

General ; and in 1 809 , Surveyor General , wh ich position he

held t i l l h is death . Owing to the infirm it ies of age he

decl ined the ofl'ices of Brigad ier-General , U . S . A and Secre

tary o f War under Monroe . H is son , David R . Porter , was

tw ice Governor of Pennsylvan ia . H is grandson , Gen . Horace

Porter , graduated from West Point in 1 860 , and during the

Civi l War rose through al l the grades in the regu lar army up

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to Brevet Brigadier Genera l . H e served on Grant’s staff and

was h is pri vate secretary when Pres ident .


Ph i ladelph ia , Pa .

Captain , U . S . Navy . Born in Med ina , N . Y May 9 ,

1 83 3 . Son o f E leaz er H ubbe ll Pot ter and Adel ine Ee l ls ,grandson o f Wi l l iam Cicero Potter and Nancy Hubbe l l , great

grandson o f jam es P otter and Abigai l , his wi fe ; great‘-grand

son o f J oseph Potter and Thankfu l Bud ley , gre at'-grandson of

J ohn Potter , 3d , and E l i zabeth Ho l t , great‘-grandson o f John

Potter , 2d , and Hannah Cooper, and great‘-grandson o f John

Potter (and Eli z abeth) who signed the P lan ta t ion Covenan t ,New Haven , Conn . , J une 4 , 1 639 . Dr . J ames Potter was

born in East Haven , Conn . , September 26, 1 736, and died in

S herman , Conn . , February 1 0 , 1 804 . He was a private in

Capt . Crosby ’s company , Third bat ta l ion , Connect icu t state

t roops raised in J une , 1 776 , to re in force Washington in New

York ; served in New York City and Long I sland ; and was

engaged at Wh i te Plains , O ctober 28 , 1 776.

PRATT , EUGENE W . 43 1 1 .

New York City .0

Manager o f the Equ itable Li fe Assu rance Soc iety o f the

U nited States . Born in R ipon , Wis . , August 22 , 1 857 . Son

o f Edward W. Pratt and F idel ia , h is wi fe ; grandson of

Wi ll iam Prat t and Abigai l , h is wi fe ; and great~grandson of

E dwa rd P ra tt of Malden , Mass . , who was born in 1 76 1 . At

the age o f fourt een he ran away from h i s Tory foster parent ,forded the river , we nt to Boston , and asked a so ldier where he

cou ld en l ist . Being told he was too young , he exp lained his

case , and was taken into the sold ier’

s service. I n 1 780 , he regu

arly en l ist ed with Major Joseph Hosmer’

s six months’

m en

from M idd lesex .

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New York City .

J udge o f Cou rt o f Common Pleas . Born in Dinwiddie

Co . , Va . , J u ly 1 9 , 1 828 . Son o f Theodorick Bland Pryor and

Lucy Atk inson , grandson o f Richard Pryor and Anne B land ,great grandson o f Rev . Will iam Bland and E l izabeth Yates ,great’-grandson of Richa rd B land , 7 73 , and Anne Poythress ,great'-grandson o f R ichard Bland and El izabeth Rando lph and

great‘ -grandson o f Theodorick Bland and Anne Bennett .

R ichard Bland , Jr . , was born at Jordan’

s Point , Va May 6,1 7 1 0 ; d ied Oct . 2 8 , 1 776 ; was mem ber of House o f Burgesses

th i rty years ; member o f Committees o f Correspondence and

Sa fety ; o f First Virgin ia Convent ion ; of Continental Congress ;o f the famous Convention o f 1 776with Patrick Henry , Thomas

Jefferson , et al . and of every important committee , inc luding

the one wh i ch reported the Declarat ion of Rights and Const i

tu t ion . He was stricken wi th his last i l lness wh i le en route to

sign the Declaration of Independence . He gave his sons and

grandsons to the final struggle , includ ing Light Horse Harry

Lee and Theodorick Bland— the latter a Colonel and member

o f the fi rst two Cont inental Congresses .

Also grandson o f Roger Atkinson , J r. , and Agnes Poy

thress . great grandson o f P eter Poy thress who was member o f

the Virg in ia Convention o f 1 776. Roger Atkinson Sr . , father

o f Roger Atk inson , J r. , was a member of the Virgin ia Conven

t ion o f 1 770 to oppose the im portat ion of Bri tish goods .


New York City .

Attorney at law . Born in Charlottesvil le , Va . , September

1 3 , 1 853 . Son of Roger Atkinson Pryor (No . 43) and SaraAgnes Rice . [See Roger Atkinson Pryor . ]Also grandson of Rev . Sam

l Blai r Rice and Lucinda Le ft

wich,great grandson of Rev . Wil l iam Leftwich and Frances

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P um pel ly (his cou s i n), grandson of Hon . Jam es Pum pe llyand Mary Pixley , grea t o

grandson o f john P umpelly and

Hannah Bushne l l , and great’-grandson of J ean Pom pilie .

The nam e Pum pe lly , former ly spel led Pom p illy , Pom p'


and in va rious other ways , i s be l ieved to date back to the

Roman fami ly of Pom pill ius . The Pumm lly fam ily came

original ly from Spoletto , I taly , and from there went to

Avignon , F rance . J ean Pom p ilie , a Fren ch H uguenot , was

the em igran t to America . J ohn Pum pe lly (or Pom pil ly ), ofPembroke , Mass . , a fterwards o f Sal isbury , Conn . , and Danby ,N . Y . , served in the French and I nd ian war and stood beside

Wo l fe when he fel l . H e belonged at one t ime to RogersRangers ,

” and was made a Sergeant for dist ingu ished brave ry .

I t is said that he was once instrumenta l in saving the li fe o f

General Putnam , under whom he served as Comm i ssary at the

time o f Burgoyne’

s su rren der .

Al so great-grand son o f David P ix ley and Lyd ia Patterson .

David Pixley was born at Stockbridge , Mass . , March 2 7 , 1 74 1 ,

and died in Owego , N . Y August 2 5 , 1 807 . H is tombs ton e

bears the insc ript ion : He was an offi cer o f the Revo lution at

the siege of Quebeck i n 1 775 , under Gen . Mon tgom ery .

”H is

Commissi on as Lieutenan t o f Foot is herewi th reprodum d in

facsim ile . At the close o f the war he bore the t itle o f Colonel.

H e was one o f the fi rs t settlers o f Owego in 1 790 ,


cont inued i ts father and friend unt il his death .

Susan I sabe l la Pum pe lly , ment ioned above , was daugh ter

of Charles Pum pe l ly , (brother of James Pum pe lly) and Fran cesAve ry , daugh ter of Sam ue l Avery . The latte r was a de

scendan t o f James Avery , a descendan t of Egbert the F i rst ,King of England , and a famous Ind ian fighter whose four so ns

all held Captain’

s commiss ions. James was progen itor of,the

patriot ic Avery fam i ly of Connect icu t , n ine o f whom wereki l led at the Fort G riswo ld massacre [see p. Septembe r 8 ,

1 78 1 , three wou nded and fou r taken pri soners to New York .

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Amsterdam , N . Y .

Rai lroad clerk . Born in New York , December 2 1 , 1 847 .

Son of Freem an Rawdon and Margaret F . Myers , grandson o f

Matthew Myers and Lucy Richards , and great-grandson of

M ichael My ers and Catherine Harter (or Herter). Michael

Myers was born at Annsvil le , now El i z a beth , N . J . , February

2 , 1 750 , and died in Herk imer, N . Y . ,February 1 7 , 1 8 1 4 . H e

en l i sted May 6, 1 777 , as Sergean t in the Seventh company ,Th i rd reg imen t New York Cont inenta l L ine , and served ten

m onths ; re enl isted in Co l . Fisher'

s regiment o f the L ine and

was d ischarged on account o f a wound received near Johnstown ,N . Y . , October 2 5 , 1 78 1 . H e was the most consp icuous and

i nfluent ial c i t izen in the upper val ley of the Mohawk , and was

fi rst representat ive from H erkimer county in the Senate . At

o ne t ime he owned a large port ion o f what is now the vi l lage

o f H erk imer . H is son Matthew was Lieutenant-Colone l o f

mil it ia in 1 8 1 2 , and h is great-grandson , F . W . Rawdon , was

a M idsh ipman in the U . S . Navy during the Civi l war .


New York Ci ty .

Wi th Un ion Trust Co . o f N . Y . Born in Dupont , I nd

Apri l 24 , 1 852 . Son o f Leroy Rawl ings and Ke z iah Duffy ,grandson o f E leaz ar Rawlings and Louisiana East in , great

grandson of P /z r'

l ip E arth: and Sarah Smith , great’-grandson o f

Charles Sm ith and Rebecca H ite . great'-grandson of J ohn

H ite and Sarah h is wi fe ; and great‘-grandson o f J ost H i te and

Mary h is wi fe . Phil ip East in , born in 1 7 married in 1 782 ,

l ived in V i rgin ia , Kentucky and I ndiana , and died in 1 8 1 7 .

He was a Lieutenant in the Fourth reg iment , V i rgin ia Cont i

neu ta l Line . Charles Smith was an officer with Wash ington

a t Great M eadows and Braddock'

s defeat , I 75 5 . Jost H i te

founded the first co lony in the Great Val ley of V i rg in ia , 1 732 .

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RAY , EDW IN CLEMENT , JR . 42 5 1 .

New York City .

Clerk . Born in New York , J une 1 9 , 1 8 58 . Son of Edwin

C lement Ray and Susan Carrington H ubbard , grandson of

Joseph Wickham Hubbard and Susan Mary Carrington , great

grandson of Henry Carrington and Susanna Starr , and great’

grandson of N a t/ra n S ta r r and Pol ly Pomeroy . Nathan Starr

was born in M iddletown , Conn . , Apri l 1 4 , 1 75 5 , and died J u ly

29 , 1 82 1 . He was a private under Capt . Churchi l l and C01 .

Com fort Sage , in Wadsworth’

s brigade , of Connect icu t , ra ised

in 1 776 to t e -in force Washington in New York . He was a

manu facturer of arms and was commissioned Armourer by

Gov. Trumbul l , J une 20 , 1 776. H is descendants for three

generations have manu factured arms for the Un ited States .


New York City .

Finance department , N . Y . City . Born in New York,March

Son of James Madison Raymond and Hannah Carol ine

Du Vall , grandson of Lewis Raymond and Anne Eells , great

grandson of Will iam Ray m ond and Pri sc i l la Hayden , great’

grandson of Com fort Raymond , great‘-grandson of Thomas

Raymond and Sarah Andrews,great ‘ -grandson of John Ray

mond and Mary Betts , and great°-grandson of Richard Ray

mond and J ud ith his wi fe , who came to America in 1 634 and

sett led at Salem . Mass . Wil l iam Raymond , of New Canaan ,Conn . (born in 1 746, died in was a private in Capt .

Mil ls' company , Second regiment , Connecticu t Line ; served

in 1 777 along the H udson and in Pennsylvan ia ; wintered at

Valley Forge ; and fought at Monmouth and Stony Point .

Also , grandson of Will iam Du Val l and Hannah Stuart ,and great-grandson of Thom as D u Va ll and Ann Enn is .

Thomas Du Vall of Second River , N . J ., born abou t 1 739 ,

d ied at Bellevi l le , N . J August 5 , 1 826, was a private in the

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Essex county , New J ersey mi l i tia , and was a prisoner i n the

o ld Sugar House in Liberty street , New York .

A lso great-grandson o f jal m E ells and Anna Mead , and

great'-grandson o f j ol m M ead . J ohn Mead was appoin ted

L ieu tenan t -Colonel o f the N inth regiment , Connect icut

m i l it ia , at the beg i nn ing o f the war ; promoted to Colone l in

May , 1 777 ; and i n May , 1 78 1 , was made Brigad ier-Genera l

o f the Fourth Brigade . H is service cove red the who le period

o f the war . J ohn Ee l ls en l isted under Capt . Benedict and C01 .

Mead in 1 776 ; served in L ieu t . Carter'

s com pany in 1 777 , and

became a Corpora l in Capt . Scof ie ld’

s company in 1 779 .


Fort Trumbu l l , Conn .

Lieut . U . S . A . Born i n Plat tsbu rgh , N . Y J une 2 3 ,

1 844. Son o f Pau l Adam Reed and Char lotte He lena Luther ,

g randson of Pau l Reed and Mary Noyes , great-grandson of

E l ij ah Reed and Sarah Reed , great’-grandson of Jacob Reed

a nd Sarah H ersey , great'-grandson of Wi ll iam Reed and Es ther

Thompson , great‘-grandson o f Wil l iam Reed and Ivis


wi fe , grea t‘-grandson of Wil l iam Reed and Lucy H enage , etc .

back to Brianu s de Rede , l i ving i n 1 1 39 in Mo rpe th , on Wens

back river , north o f England . E li jah Reed served fi fteen

d ays in Jonathan Ho l ton'

s company , Co l . Eben Wood'

s regi

men t , o f Verm ont m i l i t ia , in October , 1 780 , and from J u ly

2 7 to November 26, 1 78 1 , i n E l ij ah Gates'

company , Co l .

Benj . Wait'

s ba ttal ion . Esther Thompson , above ment ioned ,

was daugh ter o f Mary Cook Thompson and grand-daughter of

F ran c is Cook o f the Mayflower.


Kinderhook , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Kinderhook , N . Y February 4 , 1 852 .

S on o f John H . Reyno lds and Margaret Anna Wh i ting ,

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u nder Capt . Noad iah Leonard and C01 . R . B . Woodbridge ;marched to Ticonderoga in 1 776 under Capt . Reuben D ick in

son and C01 . Woodbridge ; from May 1 0 , 1 777 , to J u ly 1 0 ,

under Capt . Moses Hervey and C01 . David Wel ls ; from

August 2 2 , 1 777 , to November 1 9 , under the same Captain

i n Col . Woodbridge’

s regiment to re-in force the Northern

army ; and from J u ly 1 0, 1 780 , to October 1 1 , 1 780 , under

Capt . Ephraim Stearns , Col . John Rand’

s regiment , from

Worcester county .


Canandaigua , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Freetown , N . Y . , August 1 4 , 1 829 . Son

o f Curt is Richardson and Phoebe S lee z er, and grandson o f

Will iam R z'

clz a rdron and Nancy Montgomery . Will iam

R ichardson was born in England , May 24 , 1 754 , and died in

Providence , Saratoga county , N . Y . , Apri l 24 , 1 83 1 . H e

was a private in Capt . Gibbs’

company , Col . Richmond’


regiment , of the Rhode I sland Line ; also in Capt . Trufl‘in'


company , Col . Toppin'

s regiment , o f Rhode I sland . He was

also a sai lor on the U . S . sh ips Hampden and Providence .


Fort Belknap , Mont .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Canastota , N . Y November

2 3 , 1 84 1 . Son O f Harvey W . Robe and Parlyncia Stevens ,grandson O f Roswel l Robe and Mindwe ll Russell , and great

grandson of Andrew Robe and Jane H umphrey . Andrew

Robe o f Simsbury , Conn . , was a private in the Th ird companyof the Eighteenth regiment , Connect icut m il it ia , under Capt .

Job Case . Th is company was in service at New York in 1 776.

I t also turned ou t to repel Tryon’

s invasion at New Haven .

Also grandson of Lyman Stevens and Ch loe Perry,and

great-grandson o f Cypr ia n S tevens and Carol ine Merick .

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Cyprian Stevens of Worcester , Mass . , was a private under

Capt . Jonas Hubbard and C01 . Jonathan Ward , in the Massa

chu set ts mil it ia , 1 775 Corporal under Capt . Timothy Bigelow

a nd C01 . Ward , on the Lexington alarm ; and private in Capt .

Abel Mason ’s company , Col . Jacob Davis’

regiment , wh ich

marched to Tiverton in 1 780 .


Bath , N . Y .

Lawyer. Born in Bath , N . Y . , September 24 , 1 843 . Son

O f Reuben Robie and Nancy Wh i ting , grandson of Jonathan

Robie and O l ive Fowle , great-grandson of Wa lter Robie andSusa Hall , great



of join t Robie , l i t , and Ann

Wil l iams , great'-grandson o f Ichabod Robie and Mary Case ,

great‘ -grandson Of John Robie , and great‘-grandson of Henry

Robie (or Roby) and El izabeth Philbrick . Henry Robie was

born in Leicestersh ire , England , February 1 2 , 1 6 1 8- 1 9 , came

to America abou t 1 636, and fi rst settled in Massachusetts .

John Robie , I st , was born in 1 7 1 2 , and l ived in Chester , N .

H . He and his sons Edward , Ichabod , and John , 2d, were

Associators . Walter Robie was born at Chester , N . H . , May

1 3 , 1 74 1 , and l ived at Candia , N . H . He was J ust ice o f the

Peace and Selectman o i the latter town , October 2 , 1 775 .

Also grandson o f John Wh i t ing and Nancy (Anna) Carter,great-grandson of Tim ot/iy Whit ing , j r . , and Abigai l Kidder ,great’-grandson of Tim othy Whit ing , S r . , and Sarah Osgood ,great'-grandson of Samuel Whit ing and Deborah H ill , great

grandson o f O l iver Wh iting and Anna Dan forth , great ‘

grandson O f Samuel Wh it ing and Dorcas Chester , great'

grandson o f Samuel Wh i t ing (born in Boston , England , 1 605 ,d ied Lynn , Mass . , and E l izabeth St . John , and great'

grandson o f John Wh i t ing of Boston , England . Timothy

Whit ing , Sr . , was born in Bil lerica , Mass . , Febru ary 24 , 1 732 ,

l ived in Lancas ter , Mass . , and died in 1 799 . He served in the

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French and I ndian war in 1 755 , and fought at Concord and

Lex ington in 1 77 5 . Capt . Timothy Wh i t ing , Jr . , was born

J une 1 7 , 1 758 . He marched side by side with h is father and

brother John at Concord and Lexington ; was a ide o f the

Quartermaster General in 1 777 , and was on the committee for

h i ring soldiers in 1 78 1 .


New York City .

Banker . Born in Ph i ladelph ia , Pa . , September 20 , 1 868 .

Son of J ohn Norri s Robinson and Mary A . Moore ; etc . [S eeWi l l iam Moore Robinson . ]


New York City .

Merchant . Born in Brooklyn , N . Y August 1 1 , 1 847 .

Son of Francis Robinson and Anne La Tou rette de Groot ,grandson of Henry de Groot and Mary Nesbitt , great-grandson

Of Wiil iam de Groot and Anne La Tourette , etc . [S ee

Will iam de Groot . ]

2 1 1 . ROBINSON , JOHN CLEVELAND . 42 1 1 .

Binghamton , N . Y .

Major-General U . S . A . , ret i red . Born in Bingham ton ,N . Y . , Apri l 1 0 ,

1 8 1 7 . S on o f Tracy Robinson and Sarah

C l eveland , and grandson of j o/z n Clevela nd , o f Canterbury ,Conn . , who was a private in Capt . Bett

s company , Second

regiment , Connect icut Line , en l ist ing January 1 , 1 777 , and

serving unt i l January 1 , 1 780 . Th is regiment served a long

the Hudson under Putnam during the summer ; j oined Wash

ington i n Pennsylvan ia in the fal l ; wintered at Val ley Forge ;fought at Monmouth

,J u ly 2 8 , 1 778 ; wintered at Redding

served along the H udson in 1 779 ; fought at Stony Point , .

J u ly 1 5 , 1 779 ; and wintered at Morristown .

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ROCH ESTER , JOHN H . 4 1 1 4 .

Rochester , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Rochester , N . Y . , Apri l 20 , 1 828 . Son

ofThomas H . Rochester and Phoebe El izabeth Cum ing ,grand

son of N a tha n iel Rochester and Soph ia Beatty , great-grandson

o f John Rochester and Hester Thri ft , great’-grandson o f

Wi l l iam Rochester , I st , great‘-grandson of N icholas Rochester ,

who was born in Kent county , England , abou t 1 640 , and

sett led in Westmoreland county , V a . , in 1 689 . Nathan iel

was born in Westmoreland county , V a . , February 2 1 , 1 752 ,

a nd d ied in Rochester , N . Y . , May 1 7 , 1 83 1 . He was a

member o f the Committee of Safety of Orange county , N .

C . , in 1 775 in August of the same year member o f the First

Provinc ial Convention o f North Carol ina ; was appointed

Major and Paymaster of m il it ia in 1 776 ; was member o f the

Convent ion of Hali fax county in 1 776 ; and in the same year

was made Colonel and Commissary General o f the North

Carol ina Line . He was elected Member of Assembly in

1 777 , and held othe r offi ces of t rust and honor. Col .

Rochester was the founder of the city o f Rochester , N . Y

H e was President ial Elector in 1 808 from Maryland , when

Mad ison was e lected , and again in 1 8 1 6 from New York , when

Monroe was elected .

ROGERS , THOMAS L . 4303 .

Boston , Mass .

With Mexican Central R . R . Born in Pownal , Vt August

2 , 1 84 1 . Son of Thomas S . Rogers and Luc inda Gardner,grandson o f Samuel Rogers and Lydia Eggleston , and great

grandson of jam es Roger s and Mercy Tefl'

t . J ames Rogers

was born in Rhode Island in 1 744 , l ived in Greenwich , N . Y . ,

and died in 1 79 3 . He lived and died on the farm from wh ich

Burgoyne crossed the H udson . On August 1 4 , 1 777 , he

s tarted with his wi fe and children in an ox-team to join Stark

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ROOSA , DEWITT . 4 32 5 .

Kings t on , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born at Rondout , U lster county , N . Y . 8031

o f H i ram Roosa and Lam ira E ' Dewi tt , grandson o f J acobRu tse n Dewi tt and Rachae l Hardenburgh , grea t-grandson o fCapt . jacobRu tsen DeWitt and Jenneke Depuy , great


o f Egbert Dewi t t and Mary Nott ingham , great'-grandson o f

Andries Dewi tt and Janne tj e E gbertson , great‘ -grandson .of

T j e rck Claessen Dew it t van Grootholdt en Zunde rlandt andBarbara Andriesse n van Amsterdam . Captain Jacob Rut sen

Dewitt was born at Napan och , Ulster county , N . Y . ; was

bapt ised at K ingston , N . Y . , Apri l 1 3 , 1 729 ; .and l ived in

S u l l ivan (now town o f Deerpark , Orange county) . He was

commissioned Captain of a company of Range rs for guarding

t he front ier of U lster and Sul l ivan count i es , and was Captain

in Col . Clint on'

s and C 01 . Klock’

s regiments New York

mi l i t ia . He gave h is large stone house on the Navesink ri ver,s ubsequent ly called “ Fort Dew i tt ,

" as a re fuge for women

a nd ch i ldren , whose husbands and fathers we re in the arm ies .


New York City .

Banker . Born in New York , August 7 , 1 829 . Son of

Corne l iu s W . Roosevel t and Margaret Barnh i l l , grandson of

jacobus (known as jam es) I . Roosevelt and Mary Van Scha ick ,

great-grandson o f Jacobu s Roosevelt and Annatj e Bogart ,great'-grandson of Johannes Roosevel t and H y lt ie Syve rt s

great'-grandson of N icholas Roos eve lt and H illotj e J ans , and

great‘ -grandson of Mart in sen Van Roosevelt and Janne tj e

Thomas . Mart insen Van Roosevelt was the fi rst represe n tative

o f the old Holland fami ly o f that name to set t le iin this coun

t ry ,having taken up h is res idence in New York in August ,

1 649 . W ith t rue Dutch economy o f t ime and space , the“ Van was dropped from the name in the next generation .

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ROLL or MEMBE RS . 2 1 3

J acobus , known as James I . Roosevel t , was born in New York

City,October 2 5 , 1 7 59 , and died August 1 3 , 1 840 . He was

Com missary du ring the ent ire war , giving his services without

reward .

“ Gett ing supp l ies” for the Cont inental army had been

about as hard a task as lead ing it to vic to ry , and so impressed

was the phrase on his mind that to the day of h is death , when

going to market— and i t was the pract ice in those days for every

burgher to do h is market ing personal ly , accompanied by a

colored boy , usual ly a slave , with a basket on h is arm to carry

home the purchases Mr. Rooseve lt always said he was

going for supp l ies .


New York C ity .

Banker. Born in New York , April 30 , 1 857 . Son of

James A . Rooseve lt and El izabeth Norris Em len , grandson

of Corne l i us V . S . Roosevel t and El izabeth Barnhi l l , great

grandson o f Robert Barnh il l and El izabeth Potts , great’-grand

son of Thom as P otts . Thomas Potts was born in Co lebrook

dale , New J ersey , May 29 , 1 73 5 : l ived in Phi ladelph ia and

the Mu scane tcon Val ley , N . J . , and died in Phi lade lph ia ,March 22 , 1 785 . He was sent from Chelsea , N . J . , to the

Continental Congress that passed the Dec laration of I nde

pendence .

2 1 o . RUNKLE , BENJAM IN P IATT . 42 1 0.

San Francisco , Cal .

Co lonel , U . S . A . Born in West Liberty , Oh io , Septem

ber 3 , 1 836. Son of Ralph Edward Runkle and Hannah

I sabe l la Piatt , grandson of Benjamin Marsha l l Piatt and E l i z a

beth Barnett , great-grandson o fjacob P ia tt , and great’-grandson

o f John Piatt , who was a H uguenot re fugee from France .

Jacob Piatt , o f New J ersey , was Ensign in Capt . McMire’


c ompany , First batta l ion , F i rst Estab l ishm ent , New J ersey

Page 249: Sons of the American Revolution


Cont inenta l Line ; Second Lieutenant in Capt . Longstreet'


company , F i rst battal ion , Second Establ ishment ; Adj utant

of F i rst battal ion ; Lieu tenant and Adj utant of F i rst reg i

ment ; and Captain-Lieutenant and Captain in the same . H e

was detai led as aide to Washington and was present at Brandy

wine when Wash ington rebuked Gen . Left . He died in Boone

county , Kentucky .

RUSSELL , FRANK . 4242 .

New York City .

Genera l Secretary of the Church Al l iance for the Un ited

States . Born in Marion , N . Y . , May 1 9 , 1 840 . Son of

Daniel Wright Ru ssel l and Mary Turner , grandson of D an iel

Russell and Lucy Wright . great-grandson of N a than iel Rus

sell and El izabeth Wil lard . great’-grandson o f Danie l Russel l

and Lydia Sti l lman , great'-grandson of Noadiah Russe l l and

Mary Haml in , and great‘-grandson of Wil l iam Russel l and

Sarah Davis . Nathan iel Russel l was born in Wethe rsfie ld ,

Conn . , May 5 , 1 74 1 , and l ived in Winchester , Conn . He was

i n Capt . Hale’

s company (Sixth) , of Col . Wolcott’s regiment ,

Connect icu t State troops , which was part of the army that

occupied Boston after its evacuat ion by the Brit ish . Danie l

Russel l was in Capt . Seymour’

s company , Maj . She ldon’


regiment o f Light Horse , which accompanied Washington on

h is retreat through New J ersey , I 776.


New York City .

Banker . Born in Mobi le , A la . , October 9 , 1 852 . Son o f

David Salomon and Rosal ie Al ice Levy , grandson o f Haym

M . Salomon and E l la Hart , and great-grandson o f H ay m

Sa lom on and Rachel Frank . Haym Salomon was born in

Lissa , Poland , abou t 1 740 , and l ived in New York and

Phi ladelph ia . When the Brit ish took New York he was

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New York City .

Treasurer o f Tit le Guarantee and Trust Cc . , and o f Bond

and Mortgage Guarantee Co . , and President o f N . Y . Ortho

ped ic Dispensary and Hospital . Born in New York , Septem

ber 24 , 1 838 . Son o f J . W . Schm id t and E l i z a A . Bache ,grandson o f Wil l iam Bache and Christ ina C . Cooper , great s

grandson o f Theophy laet Bache and Ann Dorothy Barc lay , and

great’-grandson o f Andrew Barclay and H e lena Roosevelt .

Theophy lact Bache was born in Settle , England , January 1 7 ,

1 734 , and d ied in New York , October 30 , 1 807 ; i n 1 770 was .

on Committee to En force Non-importat ion Agreement ; was

member o f Committee o f Correspondence , organ iz ed in May ,1 774 , on the news o f the Boston Port b i l l ; promo ted the

organ i z at ion o f the F i rst Con t inental Congress , and was

appointed , with Charles McE vers , to oversee the elect ion of

Deput ies to the same . His brother R ichard mar ri ed the only

daugh ter o f Be njam in Frank l in .


New York City .

Ret ired . Born in Ch i l l icothe , O. , January 2 5 , 1 83 7 . Son

o f John Cai le Scott , J r. , and E leanora S lism an , grandson of

J ohn Cai le Scott and Ann Love , grea t-grandson o f Gustavus

Scott and Margaret H . Cai le , great’-grandson of James Scott

and Sarah Brown . and great’-grandson o f J ohn Scott and

Helen Grant . Gustavus Scott was born in “ Westwood ,

Prince W i l l iam county , Va . , i n 1 75 3 , and l ived in Somerset

county , Md . H e was member o f the Associat ion o f Free

men ; member o f Mary land convention ; Delegate from

Somerset county ; member o f Committee of Safety ; and

de legate to the Con t inental Congress i n 1 784-85 .

A lso great-grandson of Love and J ones

and great’-grandson o f Sam uel Love , who was a membe r of

Page 252: Sons of the American Revolution


the Committee of Safety , member of the Associat ion of Free

man , and delegate to the Maryland Convent ion .

Also great°-grandson of Cha r les jones of Frederick county ,Md . , who was a member of the committee appointed to pro

cure ammunit ion and equ ipments for the Maryland troops .


East Orange , N . J .

New York agen t of the Youth’

s Companion . Born in

Bridgeport , Conn . , December 2 2 , 1 856. Son of John Scott

and Angel ine Raymond , grandson of Gershom Raymond , 3d ,

and Del ia Raymond , great-grandson of Gershom Raymond ,2d , and Mary Whit ing , great

’-grandson of Gershom Ray m ond ,

1 st , and Abigai l Taylor , great3-grandson of J ohn Raymond

and Katherine Han ford , and great‘-grandson of John Ray

mond and El izabeth Sension, (or St . J ohn . ) Gershom Ray

mond , l s t , was born in Norwalk , Conn . , January 1 8 , 1 72 5 .

On December 5 , 1 774 , he was appointed member of the

Committee of Safety ; February 6 , 1 77 5 , was member of

F a irfie ld county congress from Norwalk ; and was one of the

Householders with in the bounds of his (Capt . J onathan

Bell ’s) company in Lieut . -Col . John Mead'

s regimen t who

kept watch and ward— accord ing to orders from Major-Gen .

Wooster . He was honorab ly discharged December 24 , 1 776.

SEARS , WALTER J ESSE . 42 1 3 .

New York City .

Lieutenan t , U . S . Navy . Born in We llsboro , Pa . Son

o f Loran A . Sears and Fanny M . Locke , grandson of Larned

B . Sears and Hannah F . Rockwood , great-grandson o f

Larned Sears and Kezia Baker , great°-grandson o f S tephen

S ears and E l i zabeth Sears , great'-grandson of Joseph Sears

and Ruth Sears , and great‘-grandson of Joseph Sears and

Hannah Hal l . This fam i ly traces its genealogy back to

Page 253: Sons of the American Revolution

2 1 8 sons or TH E AM E RICAN REVOLUTION .

R ichard Sares , who was a d irect descendant o f King Edward

I I I . , o f England . H e was a membe r o f Robinson'

s Leyden

Congregat ion , and came to P lymouth , Mass . , in 1 630 , where

he died in 1 676. Stephen Sears was born in Yarmouth ,September 5 , 1 736, and l ived in West Brewster . On alarm

at Bedford and Falmouth . September 7 , 1 778 , he tu rned

ou t in Capt . Samuel Berry'

s company .

A lso grandson of J esse Locke and Lury Rexford , great

grandson o f Nathan Locke , great’-grandson o f j osepls Loch:

and Mary Ayers , great'-grandson of Wil l iam Locke and

J emima Russell , and great ‘-grandson o f Wil l iam Locke and

Sarah Wh itt emore . J ose ph Locke was born in Wobu rn ,Mass . , Apri l 2 3 , 1 729 ; was Captain o f a company of minute

men that marched to Cambridge after the batt le o f Lex i ngton ;subsequently became Maj or , se rved through the war , and d ied

o f camp fever , on h is retu rn , when with i n forty m i les o f home .

A lso great-grandson o f m am Rexford and Anna B lanch

ard , and great'-grandson o f E l ia s B la ncha rd and Mary , his

wi fe . W i l l iam Rexford was born i n New Hartford , Conn . ,

and d ied in Chenango cou nty , N . Y May 22 , 1 8 1 9 . He was

a member o f Capt . Seth Smith'

s company from New Hart ford

on the Lexington alarm , Apri l 1 9 , 1 775 .

E l ias Blanchard was born in Hart ford , Conn . , March 28 ,

1 756, and d ied there November 8 , 1 822 . H e was an Ensign

in the Connect icut L ine and was a pensioner .


New York City .

Engraving . Born in Westchester , N . Y May 3 1 , 1 862 .

Son of J ohn N . Sen ia and Ade laide B . Barton , grandson o f

Benjam in Asa Barton and Pame la Brewer , great-grandson o f

James Barton and Abigai l Drake , and great’-grandson o f

joseph D rake who was born in England in 1 7 1 9 , and died in

Westchester county , N . Y . , i n 1 785 . He was one o f the

Page 255: Sons of the American Revolution


was present at Burgoyne’

s su rrender . Bedlow’

s Island in New

York harbor , on which stands the Bartho ld i Statue of Liberty ,a nd E l l is I sland

,in New York Harbor , now used by the gov

e rnm ent instead o f Cast le Garden for imm igrat ion purposes,

were named from the Bedlow and El l is fami l ies mentioned

a bove .


New York Ci ty .

Reti red . Born in New York , December 29 , 1 840 . Son

o f J ohn Sherman , 3d , and Mary A . Evans , grandson of J ohn

S herm an , 2d , and Ab igai l Perkins , great-grandson of Col .john

S herm an and Rebecca Austen , and great’-grandson of Roger

S herm an and El izabeth Hartwe l l . Roger Sherm an was born

in Newtown , Mass . , Apri l 1 9 , 1 72 1 ; removed to New Haven

1 76 1 ; was member of Cont inental Congress , 1 774 ; with

J efferson , Frankl in , Livingston and Adams ass isted in drawing

up the Declarat ion of I ndependence ; was the on ly man who

s igned al l of the four great State papers , namely , the Bil l of

R ights , Art ic les of Federat ion , Declarat ion o f Independence

a nd Con st itu t ion of United States ; and was Un ited States

Senator from Connect icu t from 1 79 1 t i l l his death , J u ly

[For services of h is brother Rev . J osiah Sherman , see Chaun

cey M . Depew . ] Col . J ohn Sherman , who was born J u ly

1 9 , 1 7 50 , and d ied in Canton , Mass . , August 8 , 1 830 , was Pay

master of Fourth regiment , Connect icut Cont inenta l Line ,from 1 777 t i l l 1 78 1 , and i n the next form ation t i l l the end o f

the war .


Freeport , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Merrick , N . Y June 28 , 1 862 . Son of

Carman Smith and Ru the lla Smith , grandson ofjoseph Sm ith ,

j r . and Harriet Raynor , and great-grandson o f joseph Sm ith ,

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S r . and E l i zabeth his wi fe . J oseph Smith , Sr . was grandson of

J onathan Smith , who came to America prior to 1 645 , settled

in Merrick . N . Y and was an offi cer in the King’

s army .

Joseph Smith , Sr . was born in Merrick , N . Y . , Apri l 2 5 ,1 7 54 , and d ied Apri l 2 1 , 1 844 . He was private in Capt .

Hewlet t ’s company of Hempstead , Queen’s county , N . Y . ,

mili t ia , which assisted in capturing Brit ish soldiers plundering

o n the south side o f Long I sland .

Joseph Smith, J r. was drafted into the service at Fort

Greene , Long I sland , and was Captain of a company o f mil it ia .

His wife received a pension for h is services .


Buffa lo , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Summer H il l , N . Y Feb . 24 , 1 809 .

Son of E dwa rd Spa u lding and Mehitabel Goodrich , and grand

son of L evi Spa u lding and Anna Burns . Levi Spau ld ing was

descended in the fi fth generat ion from Edward Spau lding who

settled in Massachusetts about 1 630 . He was born i n Nott ing

ham , West New Hampshire , October 2 3 , 1 7 37 , and died in

P la infie ld , N . Y . , March 1 , 1 82 5 . He was Captain o f the

N inth company , Third regimen t , New Hampshire troops ;served at Bunker H il l and Trenton ; wintered at Va l ley Forge ;served throughout the war and was present at the surrender o f

Cornwa l l is . After the war he drew a Captain ’s pension .

H is son Edward was one of the pioneers of Central New

York . He served four years as a private in the Revo lutionary

war, and was gran ted a pension May 9 . 1 8 1 8 , the cert ificate

o f wh i ch is in the fam i ly’

s possess ion . He d ied September

1 4 , 1 845

I n memory of these ancestors , Mayor E . G . Spau lding has

erected a beauti fu l monument in Forest Lawn cemetery dedi

cated to the New England fathers who fought for c ivi l and

re l igious l iberty and American independence .

Page 257: Sons of the American Revolution



Harrisburg , Penn .

Physician . Born in Albany , N . Y . , J une 1 9 , 1 865 . Son

of J ohn Titcomb Sprague and Mary Worth , grandson of

W i l l iam Jenkins Worth and Margaret Stafford , great-grandsonJohn Stafford and Margaret Denn iston , great

’-grandson of

yoab S taf ord and Susannah Spencer . [See Wm . S . Worth .)Also , grandson o f Lawrence Sprague and Sarah Titcomb ,

and great-grandson of jona tha n Titeom b, who was born in

Newbury , Mass . , i n 1 728 , and d ied in 1 8 1 7 . He was a mem

ber of the Committee of Safety and the Provincial Congress

in 1 774-

75 ; Colone l of a regiment in the Rhode Island expe

d it ion in 1 778 ; member of the State Convent ion in 1 780 ; and

subsequent ly appointed Brigad ier General of mil i t ia . He was

Naval Offi cer of the port of Newbu ryport for twenty-three

years , from 1 789 to 1 8 1 2 .


United States Army .

First Lieutenant of Art i l lery , U . S . A . Born in Dryden ,Mich March 2 1 , 1 865 . Son of Almon J ust ice Squ ier and

Emily Gardner , grandson of Ethan Squ ier and L ovin ia Hunt

ley , and great-grandson of N a than iel Squ ier and M ina De lano .

Nathan ie l Squ ire (Squ ier) o f Danbury , Conn . , was amongthose “ taken prisoners by the enemy during the raid and car

ried to New York , Apri l 2 5—28 , 1 777 . This was the occa

sion of Tryon’

s expedit ion against Danbu ry .

STANHOPE , PH IL IP W . 42 1 5 .

Waldron , I l l .

Lieut . -Colonel U . S . A . Born in Newport , R . I J une

4 , 1 829 . S on of John Ryder Stanhope and Harriet Corne l l ,grandson of Benj am in Cor nell and Martha Wilbur , great

grandson of George Cornel l and Patty Til l inghast,and great’

Page 259: Sons of the American Revolution


Caughnauaga , N . Y . (now Glen) , August 3 1 , 1 754 , and died in

Glen , N , Y February 1 9 , 1 83 2 . He was an I ndian interpret

er and fough t throughout the war . H e was one of twe lve of

the Starin family who served in the Cont inenta l army directly

under Washington . After the war he kept an inn in the pres

ent vi l lage o f Fu ltonvi l le , wh i ch was a halt ing place for the

I ndians. The latter frequented it in such numbers that at

t imes the host cou ld hardly pick h is way among them . The

Duke de la Roche foucau lt L ioncou rt , who stopped there en

route to N iagara in 1 79 5 , refers to the inn in his“ Travels .

Mynde rt Starin was a veteran of the war of 1 8 1 2 .


New York City .

Lawyer . Born in Cl i fton , Md . , J une 1 4 , 1 867 . Son of

Francis Putnam Stevens and Alexina Bou ldin , grandson o f

Samuel Small Steven s and Martha Osgood , great-grandson

of Abel Steven s and Betsey Putnam , great’-grandson ofSam uel

S tevens , and Ruth , his wi fe . Samuel Stevens was born in the

blockhouse at Chelmsford , Mass . , Dec . 2 1 , 1 698 . He was

therefore in h is 77th year when the batt le of Lexington took

place , and , a s Lieu tenant in Capt . O l iver Barron'

s company

from Che lmsford , Col . David Green’

s regiment , he marched

fi fty mi les and served sixteen days , fight ing at Lexington and

Concord Bridge . He died in Chelmsford on the ann iversaryof his birth , 1 782 . Betsey Putnam , wi fe o f Abel , was a

cousin o f Genera l Israel Putnam .

STEWART , I RA BL ISS . 42 72 .

New York C ity .

Lawyer . Born in Batavia , New York , October 28 , 1 85 5 .

Son of Reuben Nelson Stewart and Harriet Dewey , grandson

o f I ra Stewart and Sally Rogers,and great-grandson of P au l

S tewa r t and O l ive Munger . Paul Stewart was born in Brain

Page 260: Sons of the American Revolution


t ree (or New Braintree), Mass . , i n 1 765 , and l ived there and

in South Brim fie ld , Mass . , where he d ied in 1 852 . In March

1 78 1 , when but 1 6 years of age , he en listed'

as a private in

Capt . Sewal l’

s company , so cal led , under the command successive ly of Lieut . Whitney and Capt . Smith , in the Second

Massachusetts reg iment , (Col . Sprout’s), in Gen . Patterson


brigade . H is command part ic ipated in the investment of

New York in 1 78 1 , in the center of the left wing o f the

army ; after which he went south with the army under Wash

ington , and was present at the su rrender of Cornwal l is at

at Yorktown . H is command reti red to West Point where he

was d ischarged in December , 1 783 .

ST ICKNEY , J . DW IGHT . 4327 .

New York City .

Paris Gu ide and Interpreter . Born in New York , Nov . 2 ,

1 849 . Son of J . Dwight Stickney and Ju l i et A . Warren ,

grandson of Jotham Stickney and Sarah H . Skinner , greatgrandson of L evi S t ickney and Mol ly Leach , great

’-grandson o f

Wade St ickney and Hannah Jackson , great’-grandson o f

Moses St ickney and Sarah Wardwell , great‘-grandson o f Amos

St ickney and Sarah Morse , and great°-grandson of Wil l iam

Stickney who was born in England i n 1 592 and was one of the

original sett lers of Rowley , Mass . Levi Stickney was born in

Hampton Fa l ls , N . H . , J u ly 26, 1 758 (or 1 759) and died inSeabrook , N . H . , September 30 . 1 82 3 . He enl isted for the

war in Apri l , 1 777 , i n Capt Richard Weare’s company , Co l .

Alexander Scam m e l’

s battal ion of New Hampshi re mi l it ia ,

which was at the battle o f St i l lwater.

Also . grandson of Rev . Edmond Warren and Mary Good

win,and great-grandson o f josiah PVa r ren and Sarah Tarbel l .

Josiah Warren was a descendant o f Richard Warren , who cameto P lymou th in the Mayflower ” in 1 620 . He was born in

Scituate Mass . , Apri l 8 , 1 748 , and moved to Canaan , (Nor

Page 261: Sons of the American Revolution


ridgewock) Me . , in 1 78 1 , where he died August 4 , 1 79 5 . Heserved twenty months in the Revolu tionary war , during twom onths o f wh ich he was Captain in Col . John Robinson

'sregiment at Cambridge . He was Town Clerk o f Canaan , Me . ,

in 1 79 1 , and Moderator in 1 794 .

SUMNER , EDWARD A . 43 74 .

New York City .

Lawyer . Born in Rome , N . Y . , November 3 , 1 857 . Son

o f J ohn A . Sumner and He len Brooks , grandson of John H .

Sumner and El i z abeth H . Conkl in , and great-grandson o fWi ll iam S um ner and Eli z abeth Arnold . Wi ll iam Sumner was

born in M iddletown,Conn Ju ly 9 , 1 7 57 , and d ied November

1 9 , 1 846. He en l isted May 5 , 1 775 , under Capt . J onathanMe igs , Second regiment , Connect icut Line , at the siege o f

Boston ; fought at Bunker H i l l , and part ic ipated in Arnold's

Quebec exped i t ion . April 1 7 , 1 777 , he re -enl isted under

Capt . Ee l ls and C01 . Samue l Wy lly s ; assisted in repel l ing the

enemy at Danbu ry in April , 1 777 ; served in Parsons’ brigade

u nder Gen . I srae l Putnam along the H udson , and was

d ischarged January 1 , 1 778 . H is brother John was a Major

from 1 775 to 1 78 1 .

Also grandson of Merri tt Brooks and Mary Mou l ton , great

grandson o f Ebenezer Mou lton and Mary Lil l ibridge , and

great’-grandson o f S tephen Mou lton , who was born in Stafford ,Conn . , in 1 734 ,

and d ied in Floyd , N . Y . , i n 1 8 1 9 . He was

Lieu tenant-Colonel of a regiment of minute-men from Stafford ,on the Lexington alarm , and took part in the operations

around Boston and at Bunker H il l ; raised , equ ipped and

commanded the Twenty-second regiment o f mi l i t ia ; was taken

prisoner,with h is two sons , at the battle of Long Is land ; was

confined in the old Sugar House in New York , and was

exchanged in 1 777 . He was made a pensioner under the

act of 1 8 1 8 .

Page 263: Sons of the American Revolution



Fort McKinney , Wyo .

L ieu tenant U . S . A . Born in Wash ington , D . C

June 1 , 1 852 . Son o f Colvi lle Terrett and Martha AnnaFre eman Mathews

,grandson of W i l l iam Penrose Ma thews

and Sarah Tilghman Ringgold . great-grandson of Dr . Wi l l iam

Penrose Mathews and E l iza Sterett , great’-grandson of john

S ter ett and Deborah Ridgely and great'-grandson o f jam esS terett and Mary h i s wi fe . James Sterett moved from Lan

caster , Penn , to Bal t imore , Md i n 1 76 1 . He was a prom inen t

and weal thy cit i zen of Bal timore Town , and aided the American

cause by h i s active espousa l and l iberal mean s . John Sterett

was born in Lancaster , Penn . , i t is bel ieved , Febru ary 1 , 1 7 5 1 ,

and d ied in Ba lt imore , Md . , January 1 , 1 787 . He was

Captain of the Ba lt imore Independent company at Brandy

win e , September 1 1 , 1 777 , when the Mary land Line shared

the day ’s d isasters ; and fought at the battle o f Monmouth .

I n 1 777 , he and his father James , assisted by near relatives ,bu i l t at their own expense the fourteen-gun privateer

Antelope , wh ich preyed upon the enemy’

s commerce . I n

1 78 1 , when cit izens of Balt imore raised over for cloth ing


s a lmost naked so ldiers , Captain Sterett gave $2 50 .

THOMAS , SETH E . 4 1 43 .

New York City .

Merchan t . Born in Thomas ton , Conn . , October 9 , 1 84 1 .

Son of Seth Thomas and Charlotte D . Parker , grandson of

Seth Thomas and Laura Andrews , and great-grandson of

Will iam Andrews and Submit , his wife . Wil l iam Andrews

was a native o f Wolcott , Conn . He was Corporal in the

Fou rth company,Eighth regiment , Connect icut Continental

Line,1 775 ; Ensign in Capt . Smith

s company , Col . Elmore'


regiment , 1 776 ; and Lieu tenant in the Eighth regiment from

August , 1 777 t i l l March , 1 778 .

Page 264: Sons of the American Revolution



Bi loxi , M iss .

C lergyman . Born in Pomfret , Conn . , November 2 1 , 1 847 .

Son of Charles Stockbridge Thompson and C lara Grosvenor ,grandson o f Ebenez er Thompson and Ruth Ot i s Stockbridge ,

great-grandson of Capt . E benez er Thompson and El i z abeth

K inn icu tt , great’-grandson of Rev . Ebenezer Thompson and

Esther Stevens , great'-grandson of Joseph Thompson and

El izabeth Smith , great‘-grandson of John Thompson , and

great°-grandson of Anthony Thompson , the emigrant , who

settled in New Haven in 1 638 . Capt . Ebenezer Thompson

was born in New Haven , Conn . , January 1 5 , 1 73 5 ; moved to

Providence , R . I i n 1 754 ; and d ied there December 1 0 ,

1 805 . On October 26 , 1 77 5 , he was appointed with others to

construct the fort ificat ions at Field ’s Point , in Providence .

A lso great-grandson o f Cha r les S tockbr idg e and E leanor

Stetson , and great’-grandson of Benj am in S toehbr idge . Both

Benjamin and Charles Stockbridge of Massachusetts aecom

pan ied the Plymouth county troops as surgeons .

A lso grandson of Samuel Putnam Grosvenor and C lara

Downes , great grandson of L em uel Grosvenor and Eunice Put

nam , great’

grandson o f Ebene z er Grosvenor and Lucy Cheney ,great'-grandson o f Ebene z er Grosvenor and Anne Marcey ;and great ‘ -grandson of J ohn Grosvenor and Esther C lark who

came from Chesh ire in 1 668 and sett led in Roxbury , Mass .

Lemuel Grosvenor was born in Pomfret , Conn . , Augu st 1 1 ,1 752 , and d ied Jan . 1 8

,1 83 3 . He was Ensign in Co l . Mott


batta l ion of Connect icu t , and First L ieu tenant in Co l . Mc

Clel lan ’s regiment .

A lso great’-grandson of I srael P utnam and Hannah Pope ,great'-grandson of J oseph Putnam and E l i z abeth Porter ,great‘ -grandson of Lieut . Thomas Putnam and Ann Stockton

Ho lyoke , great'-grandson of J ohn Putnam and Prisc i l la Gou ld ,

of Chesh ire , England . Israe l Putnam was born in Sal em ,

Page 265: Sons of the American Revolution


Mass . , Jan . 1 7 , 1 7 1 8 ; l ived in Pom fret , Conn . , the scen e o f,h is h istori c Wo l f-Den feat ; Captain in the French and Indian

War when he was captured and tortured ; helped captu re

Havana in 1 762 a Son of Liberty as the Revol u t ion approach

ed ; ranking Genera l at Bunker H il l ; appointed Major-General

by Congress ; he ld command at New York in 1 776 ; defeated

at Long Island , August 2 7 , 1 776 ; appointed to de fend the

H igh lands i n 1 777 ; made his famous escape from Tryon in

1 778 by riding down the steps at Horseneck , Conn . ; per

formed other important serv ices ; was stricken with paralysis

in 1 779 , and d ied May 1 9 , 1 790 .


Fort Huachuca , A . T .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Lebanon , N . H August 1 ,1 842 . S on of I ra Whitcher Thompson and Cynth ia Wheeler

Spald ing , grandson of Richard Ha z el tine Thompson and I rene

Whitcher , great-grandson of Benj am in Thompson , 3 d , and

Ab igai l Hazel t ine , great’-grandson of Benjam in Thompson , 2d ,

and great'-grandson of Benjamin Thompson of Scot land , who

sett led in Durham , N . H . Benjamin Thompson , 3d , was

born in Chester , N . H . , 1 76 1 , and d ied in Boscawen , N . H . ,

March 6, 1 842 . He enl isted at Concord i n March , 1 775 ,

u nder Capt . Joshua Abbott and C01 . Scam m e ll ; marched to

Winter H il l for seige of Boston ; thence to West Point ; re

en l isted May I , 1 776, in Capt . Aaron Kinsman’s company and

trans ferred to Capt . Dan iel L ivermore’s company in Col .

D earborn'

s New Hampsh ire regiment ; marched to White

Plains , N . Y . and wintered at Sold ier’s Fortune .


St . Louis , Mo .

Cash ier . Born near Frederick City , Md . , April 1 6, 1 83 7 .

S on ofWil l iam James Thomson and Margaretta Ann Davis ,

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Sheriff o f y e c i ty o f Bristol , England . Andrew Newell , a

m e rchant from Bristol , England , and his wi fe , Mary Pitt ,se tt led in Charlestown , Mass . , abou t 1 630 . Andrew Newell ,the Revolut ionary patriot , l ived in Charlestown . H e se rved

as Depu ty Commissa ry in the Massachuse tts mil it ia , and wasordered , by General Ward , to proceed to Wate rton to lodge

the 1 0 swive l gu n he had under his care . He part icipated in

the batt les of Concord and Bunker H il l . David Newe l l , Jr . ,

L ieutenan t and afterwards Captain , was a brother of Andrew

N ewe l l , and served during the war .


Fort Leavenworth , Kan .

Colonel , U . S . A . Born in New York , J uly 1 4 , 1 83 3 ;

Son o f Edwin Townsend and Ann Eliza Graff, grandson o f

John Townsend and Martha Fowler , great grandson of Da n iel

Townsend and Rebecca Ward . great’-grandson of J ohn Town

se nd and Anne Gedney , great'-grandson of Dan ie l Town send

and Freelove Dickenson , great‘-grandson of James Townsend

and Jane Ruddock , and great‘ -grandson of J ohn Townsend ,

who came to America from England prior to 1 645 . Danie l ,the pat riot , was born in Westchester , N . Y in 1 756, and d ied

in 1 799 . He enl isted in Col . Josiah Starr’

s regiment , Con

nect icu t mi l it ia , in 1 777 ; and was t ransferred to the Corp s o f

I nval ids in 1 780 , on account of loss o f right eye . I n an

engagement in Westchester county he was made prisone r , bu t

escaped before reaching the old Sugar House .


New York City .

Journa list . Born in in New York , September 30 , 1 85 5 .

Son of Dwigh t Townsend and Emi ly Hodges , grandson of

Walter Wilmot Townsend , 2d , and Anne Helme , great

grandson of Wal ter Wi lm ot Town send and Charlot te Co les ,

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great’-grandson of j am es Townsend and Freelove Wi lmot , and

great’-grandson of Will iam Townsend and El izabeth Cock .

Wil l iam Townsend was born in Oyster Bay , L . I . , February

1 3 , 1 7 1 5 , l ived in New York , and d ied at Dutch Pond , L . I . ,

May 5 , 1 777 . He harbored troops and refugees , and gave of

h is private means to promote the cause . James was born in

Oyster Bay , L . I .

,April 26, 1 742 , and d ied September 1 2 ,

1 798 . I nherit ing h is father’

s Whig principles , he was , l ike

h im , an enthusias t ic and generous supporter of the American

cause . Both impoverished themselves for their country .

Also , great-grandson of Phineas Helme and Mary Wisner ,and great’-grandson of H en ry Wisner , 2d , and Sarah Waters .

Henry Wisner , 2d , was born in Goshen , Orange county , N . Y . ,

about 1 72 5 . He was the grandson o f J ohannes Weasner , a

Swiss sold i er who came to America after the war of the Span ish

Succession and settled in Orange county . On February 28 ,

1 776 , he was commissioned Captain of the Pond company ,F lorida and Warwick reg iment , Orange county m il it ia ; was

a member o f the Provincial Congress and delegate to the Ph i l

adelph ia Convention and gave his pr ivate fortune to the cause .

TOWNSEND , RUFUS M . 4 1 77 .

Troy , New York .

Lawyer and U . S . Commissioner . Born in Troy,N . Y

October 2 7 , 1 858 . Son of Ru fus Marsh Townsend and Cor

nel ia Roessle , grandson of Nathan iel Town send and Cynth ia

Marsh , great grandson of Rufus Ma rsh and Mary Adams ,great’-grandson of E liashib Adam s and Chloe H unt ington


great’-grandson of E l iash ib Adams and great‘ -grandson o f

Edward Adams , etc . El iashib Adams was descended from

Henry Adams of Braintree and Mi les Stand ish of Plymouth .

He was born at Preston , Conn . , i n 1 727 ; moved to Canter

bu ry in 1 74 1 was Member of the Connect icut General Assembly

in 1 775 , and was one o f the most act ive supporters of the reso

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lu t ion to resist the unj ust demands of the Brit ish government .

Ru fu s Marsh was born in Windham , Conn . , about 1 758 ,

l ived in Worth ingt on , Mass . , and died in Ferr isburg , Vt . , in

1 8 1 4 . H e was a private unde r Captain Chris topher Ba ineste r

and C01 . Weeks o f Massachuse t ts , in the Ticonderoga expedi

tion : and afterwards under Capt . El ie z er Webbe r and C01 .

Ezra May , in the Sti llwater expedit ion .


New York City .

Me rchant . Born in Manchester , Mass . , Sept . 4 , 1 824 .

Son o f R ichard Trask and Abigai l Hooper,grandson o f J oseph

Hooper and Nabby Crafts , great-grandson of E lea z er Craf ts

and Elizabeth Al len , great’-grandson o f Benjam in Crafts , 2d ,

and Mary Choate , great'-grandson of Benjam in Crafts , I st and

great ‘ -grandson o f Samuel Crafts . Eleazer Crafts was born in

Chebacco (now Essex), Mass . , (bapt ised) J u ly 3 1 , 1 743 ; and

d ied in Manchester Sept . 20 , 1 79 3 . He served at Bunker

Hil l as Lieutenant ; in 1 777 was Major of the Cape Ann and

Man chester brigade ; August 1 2 , 1 778 , was appointed L ieu ten

an t Colonel ; served throughout the war and was present at the

su rrender o f Burgoyne . His brother Benjamin , 3d , was a Revo

lu t ionary sold ier and h is father Benjamin , 2d , was a voluntee r

in the expedi t ion against Lou isburg , Cape Breton , i n 1 745 .


Cooperstown , N . Y .

Banker . Born in Cleveland , O. , J une 24 , 1 845 . Son of

Levi C . Turner and J ul ia Cam pbell , grandson of Robert

Campbel l and Rache l Pomeroy , and great-grandson of Sam uel

Ca mpbell and Jane Cannon . Samuel Campbell was born in

Londonderry , N . H . , i n J une , 1 73 8 , and d ied i n Cherry Val

ley,N . Y . , September 1 2 , 1 824 . He was one of the Sons of

Liberty ; was member of the Committee of Safety ; enl isted

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Van der Bu rgh and Martha St rong , and great -grandson ofjohnS trong and Martha Know les . John Strong , of P ittsfie ld ,

Mass . , was m em ber of the Comm itt ee of Corresponden ce in1 774 and 1 77 5 , and de legate to the Coun ty Congress ; com

m issioned Cap ta in of a com pany in Col . John Brown’

s regi

m en t Ju ne 30 , 1 777 ; re -en list ed u nder Capt . I saac Dickinsonand Major Israel Stodda rd and m arched to Benn ington , and

was d ischarged Octobe r 2 , 1 777 . H e m oved to Albany , N . Y

where he died abou t the year 1 82 5 .

VAN HORNE , HENRY . 42 1 7 .

Sche nectady , N . Y .

E ngin ee r . Bo rn i n Schenectady , N . Y Sep tem be r 1 7 ,

1 8 58 . Son of Wil l iam James Van Hom e and Mary M . Bar

hydt , grandson of James E . V an Hom e and Mary Conan t ,

gre at -grandson of J ames Van Hom e and Marga re t John son ,

grm t’-grandson of Abram Va n H or ne and Han nah H ofl ,

gra t’-grandson of Corn el i us V an Hom e and Han nah S ebrook ,

gre a t ‘ -grandson of Abram Van Hom e and Maria Provost ,grea t'-grandso n of Cornel ius J . Van H om e and Anna Mari a

J ans .and great ‘ -grandso n of Jan Corne liessen Van Horne ,

who came to Ameri ca in 1 634 . Abram Van Hom e , the

pa t riot , was bo rn in Read ingt own (now \Vhitehou se ), N . J . ,

Au gu st 28 , 1 7 3 8 ,and d ied in Van H om esville , N . Y .

, March

5 , 1 8 1 0 . He was member of the Tryon county Commit tee of

S afety , 1 77 5 ; member of the New York Assembly , 1 777—8 1 ,

and High Sheri ff of Tryon county , 1 78 1 . A Tory plot to

assass inate him and family nearly succeeded .


New York City .

Travel ler and author . Born in Brooklyn , Apri l 2 , 1 848 .

Son of Frank Vincen t and Harriet Barnes , grandson of VVil

l iam Vincent and J oanna Frink , and great-grandson of

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Will iam Vincent and Zeruah Rudd .

‘ Wi l l iam Vincent was born

i n Westerly , R . I . , March 3 1 , 1 729 , and died J uly 1 9 ,1 807 .

He was 3 L i eu tenant of a mi l i t ia company organ ized in West

erly in 1 777 , and was Surgeon in Co l . Joseph Noyes’

reg iment

organi z ed in Providence in 1 778 .

VIRGIN , SAMUEL H . 4344 .

New York City .

Clergyman . Born in North Carver , Mass . , August 2 5 ,1 842 . Son o f Samue l Virgin and Mel issa C . Hammond ,grandson o f Thomas Hammond and Persis Cobb , and great

grandson of Georg e H am m ond and Lucy Sturtevant . George

Hammond was born in Plympton (now Carver) Mass . , i n J une ,1 734 , and l ived there . On October 2 8 , 1 778 , he was com

missioned Captain of the Thirteenth company , First regiment ,o f Plymouth county mil i t ia , of which Theophi lus Cotton was

Colonel . H is commission is preserved in the family .

A lso , great-grandson of N ehem iah Cobb and Meh itab l e

R i ckard . Nehemiah Cobb of Massachuset ts was born in 1 752 ,

and died in 1 84 1 . In Apri l , 1 775 , he en l isted under Capt .John Bridgham and C01 . Cotton , for the seige of Boston : was

promoted to Ens ign ; re -en l isted i n August,1 780 , as First

L ieu tenant under Capt . Jesse Sturtevant , and C01 . Jacobs ;m arched to re-in force the H ighlands on the H udson , and

served in Rhode Island , where he was discharged . His com

mission is also preserved .

V IVEN , JOHN LUDLOW . 42 2 7 .

Fort Su l ly , S . D .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in A lbany , N . Y . , March 5 ,

1 83 3 . Son of Peter Viven and Mary E l izabeth Hale , grand

son oi Danie l Hale , J r . , and Pol ly Palmer , great-grandson o f

E l ias P a lm er , great’-grandson of Georg e P a lm er , jr . , great'

grandson of George Palmer , great‘-grandson o f Gershom

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Palmer and Anna Dennison , and great‘-grandson of Wa l ter

Pa lmer , who cam e from England in 1 629 , landed in Massa

chu sett s , and sett led in Ston ington , Conn . , in 1 653 . George ,

Jr . , and El ias, moved from Ston ington to St il lwater , N . Y . ,

1 764 . E l ias en l isted in 1 775 under Capt . Marvin and C01 .

Van Scha ick , New York mil it ia ; was Ensign ; served n ine

months and engaged in several battles and sk i rmishes . George

Pa lmer was chairman of the Committee on Suppl ies , and was

engaged , with h is son , at the batt le o f Bemis Heigh ts.


St . Lou is , Mo .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Bellevi l le , I l l . , February 1 2 ,

1 85 1 . Son of Frederick Von Schrader and O l iv ia Gi l l Morri

son , grandson ofWi l l iam Morrison and Eliza S . Bissel l , great

grandson of Da n iel Bissell and Deborah Seba , and great’-grand

son of Oz ia s Bissell and Mabe l Roberts . Oz ias Bisse l l was

born in Manchester , Conn . , May 1 3 , 1 729 . He served fou r

or five years in the French War ; was a Lieutenant in Capt .

Timothy Cheney’

s company of minutemen , at the Lexington

Alarm ; in Col . Hinman’

s reg iment of State Vo lunteers , as

Captain of the Second Company , when he took part in the

capture of Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; on January I ,

1 776,commissioned Captain i n Col . J eded iah Huntington


reg iment ; was wounded i n the batt le of Long I s land , and

taken prisoner ; agai n taken prisoner in a skirmish on the

Hudson river in 1 780 ; exchanged and made Capta in in Co l .

Levi Wells’ regiment , and honorably discharged in 1 78 1 . H e

was wounded three t imes . I n a memorandum dictated a short

t ime before his death he stated that he , h is chi ldren and

grand-chi ldren , had given thei r country 1 20 years in the

mil itary service .

Daniel Bissel l was on e of the five Sons of Oz ias who part ic

ipated in the war . He was born in Bolton , Conn . , about

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New York City .

Born in New York , November 1 5 , 1 840 . Son of John

Wadsworth and Carol ine Masi , grandson of Horace Wadsworth

and Abigai l Adams, great-grandson of jona than Wadswor thand Abigai l Flagg , great

’-grandson of Sam uel Wadswor th and

M i l l icent Marsh , great’-grandson of Jonathan Wadsworth and

Hepzibah Marsh , and great ‘ -grandson of H on . Will iam Wads

worth and Abigai l Lewis . Samuel Wadsworth was born in

Hartford , Conn . , October 2 5 , 1 7 1 6, and died December

1 798 . He was Ensign , Jan uary 1 , 1 777 , and Lieu tenant ,May 1 6, 1 778 , in Col . Samuel B . Webb ’s regiment , and

resigned J u ly 6, 1 779 .

J onathan Wadsworth was Captain in Col . Thaddeus Cook’s

regiment , which marched August 26, 1 777 . He was morta l ly

wounded at Sti l lwater , September 1 9 , 1 777 .

Others of th is fami ly were consp icuous in Connect icut

h istory . Capt . J oseph , son ofWill iam,seized the Connect icut

Charter from the Brit ish Governor in 1 687 . Capt . John , son

of Jonathan , was kil led i n battle , 1 776. Elijah was a Captain ,and James , grandson of Will iam , was Major-General , 1 777 .


Bufla lo , N . Y .

Engineer and manufacturer . Born i n Jordan , N . Y . ,

March 8 , 1 856. Son of Heman George Ward and Jane E .

Frost , grandson of Thomas Ward and Christ ine Curt is , great

grandson of john lVa rd , and great’-grandson of jona tha n

Wa rd , who was born in Shrewsbury , Mass in 1 72 5 , and l ived

there and in Worcester . He was Lieutenant-Colonel of his

brother Gen . Artemas Ward’

s Worcester regiment , at Bunker

H i l l , and upon h is brother’

s promotion , became Colonel of the

regiment . He served in Spencer’

s brigade in New York in

1 776. and in Parson’

s brigade of Spencer’s division at the

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battle o f Long I sland . John Ward served in h is father’


regiment , in h is brother Nahum’s company , and was a Colonel

in the war of 1 8 1 2 .


Buffalo , N . Y .

Manu facturer . Born in E nfla lo , N . Y . , November 1 3 ,

1 848 . Son of Samuel C . Warner and Frances S . Phelps ,grandson of Samuel Warner and Ab igai l Chamberlain , and

great-grandson of E lea z er Wa r ner , who was born in Massa

chu se tts in 1 7 and died i n 1 776. He was Captain of a

company of mil i t ia from H ardew ick , Mass . , assigned to the

Canad ian frontier . He was brother of Co l . Seth Warner , who

raised a regiment in New Ham psh ire and Vermont , and whose

history is well known .

Also great-grandson of Moses Cham ber la in and Abigai l

Stevens . Moses Chamberlain was born i n Decem ber , 1 750 ;

married at Newbury,V t . , May 1 7 , 1 779 ; moved to Gibson ,

Pa . , about 1 8 1 2 ; and d ied February 1 2 , 1 83 2 . He enl isted

in May , 1 775 , as a private under Capt . Benjamin Mann , and

CO1 . James Reed , New Hampshire mi l it ia ; served continuously

in various commands unt i l 1 782 , becoming a Captain , and

part icipated i n the seige of Boston , the batt les of Bunker H i l l ,Trenton and Princeton , and the capture of Burgoyne .


Amsterdam , N . Y .

Manu facturer . Born in Amsterdam , N . Y . , February 1 9 ,

1 840 . Son of George Warnick and Eliza Catherine Keyes ,grandson of Zachariah Keyes and Lyd ia Stanton , and great

grandson of john Key es and Mary Wales . John Keyes was

born in Ashford , Conn . , in 1 744 ; was commissioned L ieu ten

ant in the Fi fth Company , Third regiment (Gen . Putnam’s),

Connect icu t Line , May I , 1 77 5 ; fought at Bunker H il l ; was

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Captain in Col . Durkee’

s reg iment ( formerly Putnam’

s)stat ioned at Bergen Heights , N . J t i l l September 1 5 , 1 776 ;

then at Fort Lee ; accompanied Wash ington in h is retreat

through J ersey ; fought at Trenton and Princeton ; promoted

to Brigade Major in 1 78 1 , and in 1 782 appo inted the first

Adjutant General in the Connect icu t mi l i t ia .


New York City .

Bank ing . Born in Brooklyn , N . Y . , Apri l 9 , 1 864 . Son

of George Wil l iam Warren and Mary Eli z a Pease , grandson

o f George Warren and Sarah Phe lps and great-grandson o f

Will iam Wa r ren and Roby Hathaway . Will iam Warren was

born September 1 7 , 1 7 5 1 , i n Watertown , Mass . He helped

raise a company of mi l i t ia and served as First Lieutenant in

i t in Co] . J ohn Nixon ’s regiment . He was desperately

wounded in the battle of Bunker H il l , and le ft for dead , bu the su rvived , although disabled for l i fe . He was a cousin

o f Gen . Joseph Warren , who was kil led at Bunker H i l l .

Also grandson o f Richard Henry Pease and Mary Ell iott

Dows , great-grandson o f Earl Percey Pease and Mary Ives ,great’-grandson of Joseph I ves and Mary Sherman , great


grandson of jos iah Sherm an and Martha M inot . [See

Chauncey M . Depew . ]A lso , great -grandson of Az or Phelps and Mary Tenney .

Azor Phelps was born in Worcester , Mass . , October 1 3 , I 76 1 ,

and l ived in Watertown , Mass . He was a private in the

Massachusetts mi l i t ia .


New York City .

Manu facturing Stat ioner . Born in Lyme Conn . , Apri l 1 3 ,1 844 . Son ofWil l iam W . J . Warren , M .D . , and Maria E .

Peck , grandson of Joshua Raymond Warren and Harriet Way ,

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Samu e l Blachley Webb was born in We thersfield , Conn . , Dec .

1 5 , 1 753 , and died in Clavarack , N . Y Dec . 3 , 1 806. H e

was Captain of a company at Bunker H il l , where he was

wounded ; was aide to Gens . Putnam and Washington ; wrote

the order for promulgat ing the Dec laration o f I ndependence

in New York City ; associated with C01 . J oseph Reed in refus

ing to receive a letter from Lord Howe addressed to George

Wash ington , Esqui re ;” present at battle of Long I sland ;

wounded at White Plains and Tren ton ; raised the Th i rd Con

nect icu t regiment , of which he was Co lonel ; part icipated with

Gen . Parsons in the Long Island exped it ion ; was captured

with his command by the British fleet Dec . 1 0 , 1 777 , exchanged

in 1 780 ; commanded Light I n fantry with brevet rank o f

Brigad ier General ; was one of the 1 3 founders o f the Cinc in

nat i ; and , i t is said , held the Bible on wh i ch Wash ington took

the oath as first President .


New York City .

Banker. Born in New York , February 5 , 1 870 . Son of

A lexander S . Webb , Sr. (No . and Anna El i z abeth Rem

sen . [See Alexander Stewart Webb . ]


East Wil l iston,L . I .

Physician . Born in Cl inton , N . Y .,December 1 9 , 1 839 .

Son of J ohn Webb and E l i z a A . Tie llieness , grandson of Sam uel

Webb and Abigai l Maltby , and great-grandson of David Webb .

Samuel Webb was born in Stamford , Conn . On the Lexing

ton alarm he served eight days as C lerk in Capt . Joseph H oit’


company from Stamford ; re-enl isted May 6, 1 775 , as C lerk in

the First company,Fi fth regiment , Connect icut Line ; Apri l

1 5 , 1 776, First Lieu tenant under Capt . Robert Walker

and C01 . Elmore , in garrison at Fort Schuyler Fort Stan

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wicks re-entered Co l . Lamb’

s Cont inental art i llery in 1 777

resigned in J une , 1 778 ; and on Apri l 1 , 1 78 1 , j oined Gen .

Waterbury ’s State brigade as Brigade Major . He was a

Brit ish prisoner at one t ime . Among the batt les i n wh ich he

took part was that at St . J ohn’

s , Canada .


New York City .

Banker and broker . Born in Tarrytown , N . Y August

1 , 1 858 . Son of James Watson Webb and Laura Virgin ia

Cram , grandson of Sam uel B lachley Webb and Katherine

H ogoboom ; etc . (See Alexander Stewart Webb . )


New York City .

Secretary of U . S . Legat ion , St . Petersburgh , Ru ssia .

Born in New York , December 4 , 1 8 53 . Son of James

Watson Webb and Laura Virgin ia Cram , grandson of S am uel

Blachley Webb and Katharine H ogoboom , etc . [See Alex

ander Stewart Webb] .


New York C ity .

V ice-President N . Y . C . 81 H . R . RR . Son of J ames

Watson Webb and Laura Virgin ia Cram , grandson of Sam uel

Blachley Webb and Katharine H ogoboom , etc . [See Alex

ander Stewart Webb . ]

WEEKS , EDSON J . 4375 .

Buffalo , N . Y .

General Agent N . Y . C . 81 H . R . RR . Born in Scho

dack , N . Y . , January 22 , 1 857 . Son of Jared A . Weeks and

Hannah C . Hare , grandson of Liscomb Weeks and Margaret

Van Buren,great-grandson of El ij ah Weeks and Sarah Batch

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e lder , great’-grandson o f Thom as Weeks , j r . and Me rcy

H inckley , great’-grandson of Thomas Weeks and Hannah

Ho l land , great‘-grandson of Supp ly Weeks and Susanna Ba rnes ,

great'-grandson of Ammiel Weeks and E l i z abe th Aspinwal l ,great ‘ -grandson of George Weeks and Jane C lap . Thomas

Weeks was born in Marlboro Mass . , Apri l 2 1 , 1 73 5 , and died

Apri l 20 , 1 8 1 7 . On Apri l 20 , 1 775 , he marched from Gree n

wich , where he was then l iving , as Captain o f a company in

defense of the Libert ies of America ,” as i t was phrased in h is

pay-rol l . He was at Camp Roxbu ry later in the year, at Ti

conderoga in 1 777 , and served as Paymas ter and in other posi

t ions of importance .


Pompton , N . J .

Real estate broker . Born in Springvi l le , Pa . , December 7 ,1 84 1 . Son of Foster P . Wells and Sara McCrea Hart , grand

son of Seth Hart and A lma Lummus , great-grandson of

jos iah H a r t and Susanna Putnam , and great’-grandson of

Thom as P u tnam and Rache l We the rbe . Thomas Putnam of

N ew Hampsh i re , born 1 728 , and Josiah Hart , born August 1 8 ,1 748 , were both privates under Capt . Abe l Walker in Co l .

Benj . Be l lows regiment from Charlestown , N . H . They

served at Ticonderoga and the batt le of Benningt on .

A lso great-grandson of Porter Lummus and Susanna Ash

ley,great ‘ -grandson ofCol . Sam uel Ashley and Eunice Dool i tt le ,

great’-grandson of Daniel Ashley and Thank fu l Hawks , and

great‘ -grandson of Samue l Ashley (born 1 664) and Sarah Ke l

logg . Co l . Samuel Ashley was born in We stfie ld , Mass . ,

March 20 , 1 720 , moved to Claremont , N . H . of wh ich he was

one of the grantees , and d ied Febru ary 1 8 , 1 792 . H e was

delegate to the Provinc ial Convent ions , in I 774 5 member of

F i rst Provincia l Congress , Committee of Safety , and Counci l

Of Eight ; Colonel of Th i rteenth New Hampshire regiment ;

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WH I PPLE , WALTER S . 4299 .

Oneonta , N . Y.

Coa l dea le r. Born in Brooklyn , N . Y March 1 7 , 1 86 1 ,

Son of David Wh ipp le and Abigai l Steere , grandson of Ru fusSteere and Ann E l i z a Brown , great-grandson o f Robert Steere

and Esther Whee ler , and great’-grandson o f H enry Wheeler

and Esther W i l l iams . Henry Whee ler, o f Rhode Island , was

born in January. 1 745 , and died in Hartwick , Otsego county ,N . Y . , September 2 3 , 1 832 . H e was Ensign in the First

Gloucester company o f Rhode Island , in May , 1 78 1 , Lieu

tenant ln May , 1 784 , and was promoted to Captain . Among

other services he part ic ipated in the batt le o f Newport , R . I . ,

and h is uni form and sword are preserved as heirlooms . Esther

Wil l iams , h is wife ,was a great-granddaughter of Roger Wi l l iams .


Buffalo , N . Y .

I nsurance . Born in Dub l i n , N . H December 29 , 1 858 .

Son of Nathan Wh i tney and Nancy Augusta Hay , grandson o f

Joseph Fitch Hay and Nancy Saunders , great-grandson o f

Thom as H ay , j r . ,and Rebeccah Poo le , great -grandson of

Thomas Hay , Sr . , and Mary Gale , and great ‘ -grandson of

W i l l iam Hay and Abigai l Boutwel l . Thomas Hay , Jr. , was

born in Reading , Mass December 29 , 1 759 , and died in

Dubl in , N . H . , March 2 , 1 839 . He was among the men from

Reading who served in the Massachusetts mi l i t ia .


New York City .

Born in Brookl i ne , Mass . , January 3 1 , 1 859 . Died

August 29 , 1 892 . Son of George Frederick Wilde and Ju lia

Cabot , grandson o f George Cobb Wi lde and Ann Jeanette

Brown , great-grandson of Samuel Sumner Wi lde and Eun ice

Cobb , and great’-grandson of David Cobb and E leanor Brad ish .

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David Cobb was born in Att leboro , Mass . , Septem ber 1 4 ,

1 748 , and l ived in Taunton , Mass . , February 1 , 1 877 . He

was appoin ted Lieutenant-Colonel in Co l . Henry Jackson’


regiment,Massachusetts mi l it ia . and served continuously unt i l

December 30 , 1 780 . most Of the t ime as aide to Washington .

A fterward he was Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts and

Major-Genera l of the Tenth Division of mi l it ia of the state

of Maine . He was a Vice-President of the Cinc innat i ofMassa

chu se t ts .


U t ica , N . Y .

Banker . Born in U t ica , N . Y . , September 1 0 , 1 828 . Son

of Wil l iam Will iams and Sophia Wells , grandson Of Thom as

IVill iam s and Susanna Dana , great-grandson ofjohn lVill iam s

and Ann Bird , great’-grandson of John Will iams and Dorothy

Brewer,great’grandson of Stephen Wi ll iams and Sarah Wise


and great‘ -grandson of Robert Wi l l iams of Roxbury

and Eli z abeth Stalham . J ohn Will iams was born in Rox

bury . Mass . , December 2 5 , 1 7 1 9 , and d ied February 8 , 1 794 .

H e was a tanner by trade , and an ardent revolu tionary Wh ig .

At his house h is son Thomas (born in Roxbury , January 1 4 ,

1 7 54 : d ied in Ut ica , N . Y . , J u ly 3 1 , 1 8 1 7) and other m em

bers of the Boston Tea Party assemb led to complete thei r

d isgu ises . Thomas was a private in Capt . Moses Wh i t ing’


company (said to be the first one formed for the war of the

Revolut ion). As such he was engaged i n one act ive skirmish,

and after Lexington assisted in d riv ing the Brit ish into Boston .

Thomas inherited h is father’

s patriot ism in a large degree and

gave evidences of i t before he was enl isted . Before he fired

lead , he and h is youth fu l compan ions u sed to h ide behind

hedges and Shoot green cu rrants from an o ld gun barrel at

the si lk-stockinged legs of Brit ish Offi cers , who , t hough stung ,were too proud to chase a pack a boys .

Page 297: Sons of the American Revolution



Ashevi l le , N . C .

With Richmond 8: Danvi l le R . R . Born in Greenevi l le .Tenn . , November 1 6, 1 862 . Son of Wi l l iam Dickson Wi l

l iams and Sarah Ann Bray les , grandson o f Alexander Wi l l iams

and Catherine Douglas D ickson , great-grandson of joseph

Lan ier, great’-grandson of Danie l

Wi l l iams and U rsu la , h is wi fe , and great’-grandson o f John

Will iams and Mary , h is wi fe . J oseph W i l l iams was born inVirgin ia , September 6, 1 742 , and l ived in Surry county , N . C

where he sett led before the Revo lution . H e was appoin ted

Lieutenant-Co lone l of Surry troops in 1 776. H i s brother

J ames , and James’ two Sons , were k i l led at King

’s Mountain .

October 7 , 1 780 .

A lso great-grandson of W i l l iam Dickson and E l i zabeth

Douglas , great’-grandson of Col . William Douglas and E l iza

beth Ofi’

u t t , great’-grandson of Hugh Douglas , of Garva llan ,

Scotland , who was the l ineal descendant in the sixth genera

t ion from the Earl of Douglas . Col . Will iam Douglas was a

prominent cit i z en of Loudon county , Va . , of which he was a

presid i ng j ust ice for many years . During the Revo lu t ion he

was on Wash ington’

s staff.

WILSON , THOMAS . 42 3 3 .

New York City .

Brevet-Brigadier General , U . S . A . Born in Wash ington ,D . C J une 1 0 , 1 832 . Son of J oseph Shie lds Wi lson and

El i z a Uh ler Mou lder,grandson of John N icho lson Moulder

and Mary Uh ler , great-grandson of Wi l l iam Moulder , J r . andMartha Duncan , great

’-grandson of Wi ll iam Mou lder . S r . and

Mary Mi l ler , great’-grandson of Benjam in Mou lder (born

1 688) and Prudence Reynolds , and great‘-grandson of Robert

Mou lder. Will iam Moulder , Sr. , of Pennsy lvan ia , was born

December Besides being Second Lieu tenant under

Page 299: Sons of the American Revolution


who took the freeman ’

s oath in 1 644 . J onathan D . Sergeant ,born 1 746, died 1 79 3 ; was de legate to the First Provinc ia l

Congress of New Jersey , 1 774 ; Secretary o f the Second ,1 775 ; member o f Provinc ial and Cont inenta l Congresses , 1 776 ;

and Attorney-Genera l of Pennsy lvan ia , 1 777 .

A lso great‘ -grandson of E l ihu Spencer and Joanna Eatton ,great’-grandson of I saac Spencer and Mary Selden , and great

grandson of Samue l , son of Gerard (or Jared) Spencer, of

Lynn , Mass . , born 1 6 1 0 , one of the earl i est sett lers of New

England . The Rev . El ihu Spencer , born 1 72 1 , died 1 784 ,

l ived in Trenton , N . J . , and was an act ive preacher of Revo

lu t ion . He went as a missionary of independence to Virgin ia ,the Caro l inas and Georgia , and incu rred such hat red from the

Bri t ish that they ofi’

e red 1 00 gu ineas for h is head .

I n the d i rect paternal l ine , J ohn S . Wise is great-grandson

of Col . John Wise , who was King’

s Lieutenant in Accomac

County , Va unt i l he becam e an ardent rebe l . ” H e d ied

i n 1 770 , but was an ante-bel lum advocate of revo lut ion . Co l .

Wise was son of John Wise and S carbu rgh Rob inson , grand

son of John Wise and Mathilda West , and great-grandsono f John Wise , of Devon , and Hannah Scarbu rgh , who came

to America in 1 63 5 and settled in Virgin ia .

220 . WOOD , BENJAMIN . 4220 .

N ew York City .

Editor. Born in Shelby , Ky . , October 1 3 , 1 820 . Son o f

Benjamin Wood and Rebecca Lehman , grandson of H enry

Wood , 3 d, and Hannah Edridge , great-grandson of Henry

Wood , 2d , and Mary Kay , and great’-grandson of Henry

Wood , I st , who was born in Wales in 1 6 1 6, came to Massa

chuse tts in 1 650 , and eventua l ly settled in New Jersey . Henry

Wood , the patriot , was born in Peashore , N . J .,September 1 8 ,

1 7 57 , and d ied in New J ersey in 1 8 1 4 . Although o f Quaker

parentage , he and h is seven brothers (Benjamin , Ezekie l , Isaac ,

Page 300: Sons of the American Revolution


John , J oseph , Josiah and Wi l l iam ) prompt ly joined the N ew

J ersey mi l i t ia and were called the fight ing Quakers . H enry

was Maj or in Co l . Maxwel l’

s (Second) regiment .

WOOD , BENJAM I N . 4504 .

New York City .

With Campbel l Print ing Press 81 Manu factu ring Co . Born

in New York , J une 1 0 , 1 87 1 . Son o f Fernando Wood and

A l ice M il ls , grandson o f Benjamin Wood and Rebecca Lehman ,great-grandson o f H enry Wood , 3 d , and Hannah Edridge , etc .

[See Benjamin Wood , No .


Batavia , N . Y .

Lawyer . Born in Detroit , Mich igan , September 1 4 , 1 856.

Son of Edward F . Wood and Mary J . H umphrey,grandson

Of El ijah Wood and Elizabeth Farmer , great-grandson o fDan iel Wood and Hannah Barrett , great’-grandson of James

Barrett and Mil l icent Esterbrook , great’-grandson of Col . jam es

Ba r rett and Rebecca Hubbard . [See Charles Sumner Dakin . ]


New York City .

Vice-President o f the Campbel l Print ing Press 81 Man u factu r

ing CO . Born in New York , March 1 , 1 866. Son of Fernando

Wood and Al ice M i l ls , grandson o f Benjamin Wood and

Rebecca Lehman , great-grandson of H enry Wood , 3d ,and

Hannah Edridge , etc . [See Benjamin Wood , No .


New York City .

Born in Wash ington , D . C. , January 6, 1 870 . Son of

Fernando Wood and A l ice M i lls , grandson o f Benjamin Wood

Page 301: Sons of the American Revolution


and Rebecca Lehman , great-grandson of H enry Wood, 3d ,

and Hannah Edridge , etc. [S ee Benjam in Wood , No .


Fort Omaha , Neb .

Major, U . S . A . Born in A lbany , N . Y . , January 6,

1 840 . Son ofWi l l iam Jenk ins Worth and Margare t S tafl'

ord ,

grandson of John Stafford and Margaret Denniston , great

grandson ofjoab S taf ord and Susannah Spencer. great’-grand

son of Thomas Stafford and Andrey Greene , great'-grandson

o f Samue l Stafford and Mercy Westcott,and great‘ -grandson

of Thomas Stafford (and E l i z abeth h is wi fe), who came fromWarwicksh i re , England , to Plymouth , Mass . , abou t 1 626, and

sett led in Rhode I sland . Joab Stafford was born in Warwick ,R . I . , Novem ber 1 4 , 1 729 , and died in Chesh i re , Mass . , Nov .

2 3 , 1 80 1 . On Burgoyne’

s advance , he led a company of

Berksh i re m i l i t ia and was wounded . On October 1 3 , 1 780 ,

he was in Capt . Samue l Low’

s company , Col . Benj . Symonds’

regim ent of Berkshire . I n a conveyance of property dated

May 2 2 , 1 779 , he was ent it led Co lonel , prior to which date

he was spoken of as Esqu ire . Wm . J enkins Worth men

t ion ed above was a Major-General , U . S . A . The City of

New York has erected a monument to h is memory in Madison

Square .


Wash ingt on , D . C .

Lieutenant U . S . A . Born in Crow Wing , Minn . , Dec .

1 9 , 1 860 . Son of J ohn Vincent Wren and Harriet Eaton ,grandson of Brigham Eaton and Rebecca Denker , great-grand

son of Benjam in Eaton and Betsey McL ean , great’-grandson

of B r igham E a ton and Anna Eaton , great’-grandson of Joshua

Eaton and Phoebe , h is wi fe , great‘-grandson of Jonas Eaton

and Mehitab le Gou ld , great‘-grandson of John Eaton , and

Page 303: Sons of the American Revolution


Conn . , January 1 4 , 1 742 ; served as private under Capt . Elijah

Wright and C01 . Enos , Connect icu t mil it ia ; was Corpora l i n

the Second company , Fourth reg iment ; and Sergeant in

Capt . Bisse ll ’s company , Seventeenth Continenta l regim ent .I n 1 789 he moved with h is wi fe to Rome , Oneida county ,N . Y . (Wright

’s Sett lement), where he d ied September 2 ,

1 808 .


U nited States Army .

Deputy Surgeon General , U . S . Army , with rank o f

Lieutenant-Colonel . Born in Wilkesbarre , Pa . , December 2 5 ,1 836. Son of Joseph J . B . Wright and El iza Jones , grandson

of Amasa J ones and El izabeth Huntington , and great-grandson

of joel jones , who was born at Saybrook , Conn . , Apri l 1 6,

1 73 3 , and d ied at Hebron , Conn . , J une 1 7 , 1 792 . He was

Lieu tenant-Colonel in the Connecticu t mil itia , having been

promoted from the grade of Major in 1 776. I n 1 777 he was

Lieutenant-Colonel in L a t im e r’

s regiment . sent to reinforce

Gen . Gates at Saratoga . I n the first battle the losses sustained

by this regiment were more severe than those o f any two

regiments in the field . Through El izabeth H unt ington , the

fam ily are col lateral ly related to Samuel H unt ington of Con

n ect icu t , who was a signer of the Declarat ion of Independence

and President of Congress , 1 779- 1 78 1 . Through the mother

Of El izabeth Huntington , Elizabeth Hale of Coventry , Conn . ,

the fam i ly are col laterally re lated to Nathan Ha le , the Martyr .


New York City .

Ret ired merchant . Born in J ericho , N . Y August 1 6,

1 842 . Son of Danie l Dodge Wright and Mary F . Mott ,grandson of Stephen Wright and Martha Dodge , and great

grandson of Thom as Wr ight and El izabeth Grosbeck . Thom as

Page 304: Sons of the American Revolution


Wrigh t was a physician in New York City prior to the war ,and du ring it served as a Surgeon to the vo lunteer t roops in

and about the c i ty . When the Brit ish took possession he fled

to Westchester county , cont inu ing h is services u nt i l he was

captu red and imprisoned in the Liberty St reet Sugar H ouse .

The inhuman treatment wh ich he received led to his death .


Salt Lake City , U tah .

L ieu tentant , U . S . A . Born in Warsaw , N . Y Septem

ber 1 9 , 1 8 58 . Son of Norman F . Wright and Mary A .

Forbush,grandson Of J onathan E . Forbush and Sarah Mc

Clel lan,great-grandson of J onathan Forbush and Betsey

Hayden,and great’-grandson of David Forbush and Annah

Whitney . David Forbush was born in Westboro , Mass . ,October 20 , 1 72 1 , and l ived in Grafton , Mass . I n 1 7 57 he

was among the train ing and alarm sold iers”of Grafton . On

Apri l 2 1,1 77 5 , he enl isted under Capt . Aaron Kimbal l , i n

Col . Artemus Ward’

s regiment , wh ich marched to Lexington .

He was discharged April 26.

Also great-grandson of J ames McCle llan and Beulah

Bacon , and great’-grandson of ja m es M cClellan and Sarah

Axtel l . James McCle llan was born in Worcester , Mass . , J une

2 2 , 1 72 7 , and l ived in Sutton , Mass . He was a private in

Capt . John Worthley’

s company , Thirty-first regiment o f

Massachusetts Foot , encamped at Cambridge , beginn ing Apri l

24 , 1 77 5 ; went to Providence on the alarm , 1 776,under

Capt . Abraham Batchelor and C01 . J onathan Ho lman , and

was private under Capt . Reuben Sib ley and Col . Davis i n 1 780 .

22 1 . WR IGHT , WILLIAM MASON . 42 2 1 .

Fort Omaha , Neb .

Lieutenant,U . S . A . Born in Newark , N . J . , September

24 , 1 863 . Son of Edward H . Wrigh t and Dorothea Mason ,

Page 305: Sons of the American Revolution


grandson o f Stevens Thomson Mason and J u l ia E . Phelps ,great-grandson of J ohn Thomson Mason and El iza Baker

Moir , great’-grandson o f S tevens Thom son Mason and Mary E .

Arm istead , and great’-grandson o f Thom son M ason and Mary

Barn es . Thomson Mason was descended from Col . Geo . Mason

of Charles I ’s Army , who after Charles’ de feat by Cromwe l l


1 65 1 , escaped to America in disgu ise . He was born in Vir

g in ia , in 1 73 3 ; d ied there February 26, 1 785 . Be fore the

war he was for many years a member o f the House o f Bur

gesses . I n 1 774 he publ ished a series of papers advocat ing

resistance to the Crown ; in 1 778 was Supreme Cou rt J udge .and in 1 779 and 1 783 was member of the V i rgin ia Legislature .

Stevens Thomson Mason was a volunteer aide of Wash ing

ton in the Yorktown campaign , 1 78 1 .


Phi ladelph ia , Pa .

Manu facturing chemist . Born in H arrisbu rgh , Pa . , J u ly

1 4 , 1 836. Son of Franc is Wyeth and Susan Houston Max

well , grandson of J ohn Wyeth and Lou isa Weiss , great-grand

son of E benez er Wy eth , yr . and Mary Winsh ip , great’-grandson of Ebenezer Wyeth , and Susannah Hancock , great


son of J ohn Wy eth and Deborah Ward , and great‘-grandson

o f Nicholas Wyeth and Rebecca Andrew . The name Wyeth

is variously spel led , With , Withe , Wythe and Wyeth . N ich

olas Wyeth emigrated from England in 1 640-44 and settled

in Cambridge , Mass . in 1 645 . Ebenezer Wyeth , J r . was born

in Cambridge , Apri l 8 , 1 72 7 , and died August 4 , 1 799 . He

was a private in Capt . Samuel Thatcher’

s company , Co l . Gard


s regiment , of Cambridge mil it ia , and , with h is two brothers ,a son and nephew , part i cipated in the batt les o f Concord

and Lexington . J onas Wyeth was one of the Boston Tea

Party . [For service of his , Ebenezer’

s , brother Noah , see

J u l i us W . Tiemann] .

Page 307: Sons of the American Revolution


mentioned , was brother o f Carter Braxton , signer of the Declarat ion o f I ndependence .

[For Wyeth l ine , see Frank Houston Wyeth . ]


Johnstown , N . Y .

Lumber merchant . Born in J ohnstown , N . Y . , October1 3 , 1 850 . Son o f James Younglove and Mary Ann Davies.grandson o f I saiah Younglove and Susannah Y anney ,


grandson o f David Young love and Nancy Fai l ing , great’-grand

son of I saiah Younglove and Mary Lucas , great’-grandson o f

Joseph Younglove and Terry , great‘-grandson o f J ohn

Younglove,and great ‘ -grandson of Samuel Younglove , who

came from England (or Scotland) about 1 63 5 and sett led in

Ipswich , Mass . David Younglove , M .D . , was born in Raritan ,N . J . , April 8 , 1 754 , and died in German F lats, N . Y . , J u ly 2 ,1 797 . He was Surgeon ’

s Mate to h is brother, Dr . Moses

Younglove , in Col . Elmore’s regiment , of Tryon county , N . Y

mi l i t ia , and Surgeon of F i rst regiment , Tryon mil itia , 1 780 , and

part i cipated in the batt les of Oriskany , Saratoga , Bennington ,etc . In the latter he was shot through the body , but in a

few months faced the enemy again , being Captain of a company

to capture Tory marauders t il l the c lose of the war . He had

five brothers in the Revolut ion , one of whom was Co l . J ohn

Younglove .

Also great’-grandson of N icholas F a il ing (or Feel ing) who

was a private in Capt . Ruf’f’

s company , Co l . Samuel Clyde’


regiment , F i rst battal ion of Tryon county mil it ia .

Also great-grandson o f H enry Ya nney and E l i zabeth Mar

garet Kl ine , and great’-grandson o f Chr ist ia n Ya nney and

Susannah Boshou t . Henry Y anney , born September 1 8 , 1 749 ,

was a private in Capt . John F i sher’

s company , Col . Fred .

F i sher’s regiment , Tryon county , N . Y . , mil i t ia . H is father ,Christ ian , was in the same company .

Page 308: Sons of the American Revolution

Additional M em be rs

Adm itted too recent ly for a lphabet ica l arrangem ent


H illsboro , Texas .

State and Cou nty Tax Assessor . Born i n Lowndes

county , M i ss , February 5 , 1 83 7 . S on of Wiley Buck and

Mi ldred Weathe rred , grandson of James Weatherred and

Pol ly Bledsoe , and great-grandson of Anthony B ledsoe and

Mary Ramsey . Anthony Bledsoe was a nat ive of Virgin ia , 3

J ust ice of the Peace , ski l led su rveyor and noted Ind ian

fighter . In 1 776—7 he was commissioned Lieu tenant-Colone l

of mi l it ia for Kentucky county . I n 1 777 , as Major , he was

stationed with troops on the southwestern front ier ; i n 1 779

moved to Tennessee in 1 784 was appointed“ First Colone l

by the Court of Dav idson county , Tenn . , of wh i ch he had been

a member ; fought at Long I sland F lats and Kings Mountain ;and on J uly 20 , 1 788 , was ki l led by Ind ians at Bledsoe

’s Lick,

Sumner county , Tenn . The Bledsoe fami ly has given many

celebrated men to the country .


New York Ci ty .

Civi l eng i neer . Born in J ersey City , N . J . May 1 3 , 1 870 .

Son o f Andrew J . C . Foye (No . 1 1 2 ) and Katherine S . House ,etc . S ee Andrew J . C . Foye. ]

Page 309: Sons of the American Revolution



Fort Yates , N . D .

Captain , U . S . A . Born in Cl i nton , Me . , September 24 ,

1 840 . Son of Hiram Haskel l and Mary El iza Reed , grandson

of Wi l l iam Maxwel l Reed and Martha Rust , great-grandson ofP au l Reed and Marjory Beath , great

’-grandson o f Andrew

Reed and Jane Murray . Co l . Andrew Reed o f the Engl ish

army and o f Engl ish descent , came to Boothbay , Me . , from

county Antrim , I re land , about 1 730 , and died in I 763 . His

youngest son , Paul , was a sea captain and commanded a letter

o i-marque during the Revolu t ion which m ade many captures .Wil l iam Maxwel l Reed commanded the forces at Boothbay

during the war of 1 8 1 2 .

Also great-grandson o f yoseph Rust and Mary Reed ,great’-grandson of J oseph Rust and Mary Eveleth , great’

grandson of J oseph Rust and Rachel Choate , and great‘-grand

son of Lieut . Nathan iel Rust and Joanna , h is wi fe . Joseph

Rust was born in Ipswich , Mass . , September 24 , 1 749 , and

d ied in Wiscasset , Me October 24 , 1 844 . He was a

private in Capt . Benjam in Plummer’

s company , Massachusetts

mi l it ia , stationed at St . George’

s , in 1 776 ; and in Capt . Moses


company , Major Seth Bu llard’s regiment , which

marched on alarm to Tiverton , R . I . , in 1 780 .

MORRIS , ALBERT . 4507 .

Oneonta , N . Y .

F lour and grain dealer . Born in M i l ford , N . Y January

2,1 840 . Son of Richard Morris and Z ilpha Westcott , grand

son o i Charles Morris and Catherine El lerson , and great-grand

son o i j os iah Mor r is and Johanna Bol les . J osiah Morris was

born in Card igan , Wales , i n January , 1 746, and d ied in M il

ford,N . Y . , March 9 , 1 82 5 . While l iving in New London

county , Conn . , he en l isted , May 1 0 ,1 77 5 , as a private in

Capt . Abel Spicer’s company , in the Sixth regiment (Col . S .

Page 311: Sons of the American Revolution

I ndex of R evolu tionary Ancestors .

Page in black figures ; m em ber’s num ber in l ight face figures .

Adam s,Andrew

, 5 2 , 49 .

Eliash ib,2 3 3 , 1 77.

John,1 66, 3 1 2 .

Luke,1 92 , 3 58.

Alexander,Hugh , 1 3 1 , 254.

Allen , Sam uel , 5 4, 36, 1 5 .

All ing, Marshall , 1 26, 1 8.

Am es, David, 5 5 , 1 9 .


,20 1 , 402 .

Andrews, W i ll iam 2 28 , 1 43 .

Arm strong, John, 81 279 .

Ash ley,Sam uel , 24 347

Avery,Gardner 5 7 , 343 .

S im eon,1 9 , 1 06.

Babcock Harry,2 2 3 , 20.

Bache,TheOphylact , 2 1 6, 78.


, 5 8 , 2 39 .

Ban ister,John

, 5 9 , 275 , 224.

Barnard,Benjam in

,1 06, 1 07 ; 1 07 , 1 85 .

Barrett, Jam es, 96, 360 ; 2 5 3 , 38 1 .

John,1 3 2 , 1 75 .

Battle,El isha

,60 , 282 .

Baylies , Hod ijah , 60, 1 4.


,1 46 , 67 .


,6 1 , 296.


,6 1 , 382 .

Zachariah,1 5 0 , 1 82 .

Bened ict. Joseph , 62 , 1 29 ; 7 1 , 290.

Peter,62 ,



2 , 1 29 .

Benham ,Jared

,63 , 1 78.

Berkele Ne lson,1 68 , 1 98 .

B eter,68 , 276.

Clem ent,65 , 144.

Birge , Jonathan , 1 49 , 274.Bisse l l

,Benjam in

,1 80 , 59 .

Dan iel,2 3 8 , 308 ; 2 3 9 , 305 .

Oz ias,2 3 8 , 308 ; 2 3 9 , 305 .

Blair,John , 2 5 9 , 222 , 277.

Blanchard,El ias

,2 1 8 , 2 1 3 .


,Ar.,1 9 8 , 43 , 62 ; 1 99 ,

Blauvelt,Isaac 5 . 2 56. [61 , 207.

Johannes 65 , 256.


,26 1 , 398 .

Bonesteel . Nicholas, 67 , 1 79 .


,68 , 3 1 8 .

R1chard,1 65 , 84.

Boud inot El isha , 5 7 , 4 1 .

Bouton (Boughton), Tim othy,69 ,

Boyd Adam,1 3 0, 254.

Bradfb rd,Sam uel

,1 45 , 346.


, 7 1 , 252Brush Jesse

, 7 3 , 1 56.

Nehem 1ah, 7 2 , 1 6.

Thom as, 7 3 , 1 52.

Bryan,Jeh iel


,1 04 , 278 ; 1 05 , 339 .

Jeh ie l Jr.,1 04 , 278 ; 1 05 , 339 .


, 74 , 378 .

Buford,W i ll iam ,

1 1 7 , 1 45 .

Burt is, John , I st, 76 , 334, 286; 7 7 , 2 8.

John , 2d, 76, 3 34, 286; 7 7 , 293.Caldwel l

,Jam es

,1 5 2 , 1 95 .

Calhoun Patrick, 7 7 , 28 .

Cam pbell,Sam uel

,2 3 4, 1 40.

Carey Absalom, 78 , 1 3 1 .

El ihu, 78 , 1 3 1 .

Carle,Sam uel

,1 44 , 3 52 .

Carpenter,Benjam in , 79 , 1 3 1 .

W il l iam 7 9 , 1 58 .

Carrington , Pau l , 1 1 6, 1 1 0.


,80 , 306.

Cyri l,80 , 306.

Chalfi in,Solom on

, 92 , 3 53 .

Cham berlain,Moses

,2 4 1 , 364.


,8 1 , 1 60.


,82 , 367 .


,82 , 294.

Ch ittenden Thom as,83 , 1 70.

Church il l,Sam uel

,1 84 , 33 3 .


,84, 26 1 .

Clarke,W il l iam

,86, 35 1 .


,208 , 2 1 1 .


,2 48 , 289 .

Nehem iah,2 3 7 , 344 .

Colem an Robert,1 05 , 23

Com stock, Jason , 87 , 259 .

Cone,Dan iel H .

,87 , 5 3 , 37 1 ; 88 , 386.

Cooley,Nathan iel , 7 9 , 1 3 1 .

Cooper,Sam uel

, 9 9 , 56.

Cornel l,Benjam in

,2 2 2 , 2 1 5 .

Com in Bl iss, 90 , 287 .

C0 lnathan, 9 1 , 307 .

Cot eal, Isaac , 9 1 , 40 .


,2 3 4, 80 .

Page 312: Sons of the American Revolution


Crane Dan iel, 9

2 , 7 1 ; 93 , 1 1 8.

Craw f’ord , W i l l iam,82 , 294.

Cresap , Dan iel , 1 87 , 20 3 .


,2 5 1 , 65 .

bastian,2 5 1 , 65 .

Crosm an,Robert

, 9 3 , 5 5 .

Curt is, Obadiah , 9 5 , 3 14.


, 96, 336, 1 63 ; 9 5 , 1 62 .

Dana, Anderson . 9 7 ,Dearborn

,Henry S .

, 5 8 , 223 .

De Forest,El ihu , 9 9 , 1 52 .

De Groot,W ill iam , 9 9 , 70; 208, 1 64.

Dem ing, Pownal . 1 3 9 , 260 , 399De Saussure Dan ie l , 1 1 6, 1 45 .

HenryW.,1 1 6 , 145 .

Deshon, John , 1 75 , 3 2 3 .

De W itt,Jacob R.

,2 1 2

, 3 25 .

Dickem i an,John

,1 5 0, 148.


,1 02 , 1 34, 1 33 .

D im on,Abraham

,1 43 , 23 5 .

D iven John , 1 03 , 1 84.

D ix,Tim othy


, 248 .

Dodge , Richard , 1 03 , 1 7 1 .

D s Asa,1 60 , 1 5 7 .

lil iam,2 5 0 , 320.

Downes,Ebenezer, 1 04 , 278 ; 1 05 , 3 39 .


,2 1 8 , 1 39 .

Drayton,W ill iam

,1 05 , 23 .

Du 801 5,Lew is

,1 1 9 , 380 .

Dudley,Dan iel

, Jr 1 70 , 3 1 3 .

Stephen,1 06, 1 07 ; 1 07 , 1 85 .


,1 07 , 5 7 .

Durfee , Richard , 1 65 , 84.

Du Vall,Thom as, 203 , 208 .

Baker,George , Jr.

,1 6 1 , 1 57 .

Jacob 1 60 , 1 5 7.

Earl,Ral ii

,1 9 7 , 39 3 .

Eastin , P ilip, 2 02 , 349 .

Eaton,Bridgham ,

2 5 4 , 3 1 0 .

Edm ond,Robert

, 94 , 283 .

W il l iam, 9 4 , 28 3

Edwards,Sam uel

,1 1 9 , 387 .

Ee l ls,John

,2 04 , 208 .

El l iott,W i ll iam

,1 09 , 1 72 .

Em erson,W i ll iam

,1 3 3 , 48.


,1 1 0 , 1 36.

Fail ing, Nicholas , 2 60 , 302 .

Farnam El iab,1 2 9 , 368 ; 1 2 8 , 8 ; 1 3 0 ,



,1 40 , 260 ; 1 3 9 , 399 . L3B5 .

Fe lows,John 1 46 , 39 .

Ferguson , W ill iam , 5 3 , 50.

Ferris,Jam es

,1 1 1 , 1 00 .



Fi ler Thom as,1 4 23 5 .


,1 1 , 1 57.

Finle, J. E . B.


Sam uel,1 1 3 , 3 1 9 .


,1 3 7 , 236; 1 3 8, 3 5 .


,1 1 3 , 5 1 .

Fletc er,Jonathan

, 73 , 2 38 .


,1 1 4 , 28 1 .

Forbush David,2 5 7 , 1 83 .

Foster,Rev. W i ll iam

, 9 3 , 5Lieut . Wm .

,1 2 9 , 3 1 2 8, 8 ;

Fox,W i ll iam

,1 60 , 1 57 . [1 3 0, 385 .

Frankl in,John

,1 1 2 , 1 00 .

Gaines,Jam es

,1 3 8 , 1 92


,1 3 4 , 3 29 , 93 .

Peter,1 3 4 , 329 , 9 3 .

Gazzam,W i ll iam

,1 1 8 , 387 .

Geer,Rez in

,1 5 7 , 3 76.

G ibbes,Robert

,1 1 7 , 1 45 .

G ilbert,Thaddeus

,1 1 8 , 387.

G ilp in,George , 2 09 , 384.


,1 82 , 20 1 .

Grant,Donald, 1 2 2 , 1 73 .

John,1 2 2 , 1 7 3 .

Graves,Russel l

,1 2 3 , 1 30.


,1 2 3 , 2 34

Jam es,1 2 5 , 1 88

W ill iam, 78 , 28 .

Greene Caleb,1 84, 333 .

John,1 26 , 3 1 7.

Greenough , Thom as,1 2 7 , 1 0 1 .

Gregg, Sam uel , 1 2 7 , 1 70.

Grosvenor,Lem uel

,22 9 , 345 .

Hagan , Ra hael , 1 2 8 , 245 .


,1 85 , 1 i 1 .

Hall,W il l iam

,1 2 9 , 368 ; 1 2 8 , 8 ; 1 3 0,

Ham ilton,Alexander

, 70, 4, 52 . [385 .

Hosea,1 3 1 , 1 9 1 .

John,1 3 0 , 254.

Hamm ett,Major

,1 2 1 , 2 58.

Ham m ond,Benjam in

, 72 , 149 .

George, 2 3 7 , 344.

Jam es,1 74 , 1 4 1 .

Hart, Josmh, 246 , 347.

Hask ins,John

,1 3 3 , 48 .

Hay , Thom as, Jr.

,2 48 , 1 42 .

Hazzard,W i ll iam Wig, 83 , 89 .

Henry, Hugh,1 3 5 , 3 7.

Herk im er,

eorge , 1 2 5 , 92.

Heron,Jam es C. , 94 , 5 5 .

Hicks Zachariah,1 43 ,

23 5 .

Hi ll,Sam uel

,1 3 5 , 266 .

Hinckley, Sam uel,1 9 3 , 1 80.

Page 313: Sons of the American Revolution


Hol ister,G ideon 1 64 1 38 . Lincoln , Rufus, 1 63 , 88.

Hooker,Jam es

,1 . 169 , 3 56, 3 57. Lindsley


,1 83 , 293 .

Jam es , Sr.

,1 69 , 3 56 , 3 57 . Locke


,2 1 8 , 2 1 3 .

Hom er, Gustavus B.

,2 5 9 , 222 , 277 . Lockwood


,1 62 , 342 .

Hoxie , G ideon , 1 3 8 , 226. W i ll iam,2 5 5 , 1 2

Peleg, 1 3 8 , 226. Lord,Solom on

,1 43 , 7 .


,1 3 9 , 260 , 399 . Love

,Sam uel

,2 1 6, 29 1 .

Nathan iel,1 40 , 1 93 . Love oy , Nathan , 1 3 4, 3 1 5 .

Hubbe l l,Ab ijah , 1 4 1 , 372 . Love I

,Jam es

,1 28

, 3 .

Gershom,1 4 1 , 3 72 . Lowndes, Rawl ins, 1 65 , 1 97.

John,1 42 , 240 . Loxley

,Benjam in

,1 45 , 2 3 1 .

Hull , Titus, 1 42 , 87 . Lym an,Moses

,1 67 , 24 ; 86, 72 .

Huntington Jedediah , 1 67 , 24.

Huntting, Nathan ie l , 1 43 ,23 5 . M arsh


,2 3 3 , 1 7g


Hutch ings, John B.

,67 , 109 . Mason Steven s T. 2 5 22 1 .

Hyatt,Sam ue l

,2 1 9 , 32 1 . Thom son

,2 58, 22 1 .

Hyde,El ijah , 1 44 , 1 08. Maxon


,1 2 6, 3 1 7 .

Zabd ie l,1 44 , 108 . Maxson


,1 2 4 , 1 65 , 1 89 .

May , Theodore , 2 1 9 , 1 1 .

J ackson,Am asa

,1 5 9 , 27 1 ; 1 2 1 , 1 1 9 , McCauley , John , 1 68 , 1 98.

263 , 264 ; 1 2 2 , 262 . Mcclel lan,Jam es

,2 5 7 , 1 83 .

Dan iel,1 84, 3 3 3 .

McIntosh,S im on

,1 7 1 , 1 3 2 .

G iles,1 20 , 400 . McKee

,Thom as

,1 72 , 100 .

Michael,1 5 9 , 27 1 ; 1 2 1 , 1 1 9, 263 , McMaster

,Hugh , 1 74 , 3 70 .

264 ; 1 2 2 , 262 .Mead

,John 2 04, 208 .

Stephen , 1 46, 67. Merrill,Ezekiel

,1 9 4 , 3 3 1 .

Jacquish , John , 1 7 1 , 1 32 . Messer,Ebenezer

,1 3 6, 266.

Jefferson . Thom as,1 5 1 , 1 74. Mi ller


,1 7 7 , 1 99 .


,1 47 , 1 1 3 . Robert

,1 1 5 , 1 1 2

,270 ; 26 1 , 406.

Jewett , Joseph , 1 47 , 3 3 5 . Sam ue l,1 76 , 379 , 373 .

Johnson , Christopher, 1 48 , 274. Mil ls,Benjam in

,1 7 7 , 304.

Hezek iah,1 49 , 229 . Mooers

,Benjam in

,1 79 , 32 .

Sam ue l,i st

,1 48 , 1 94. Moore


,2 1 1 , 2 1 2 .

Sam uel, 2d, 1 48 . 1 94. Nathan iel,2 09 , 265 ; 208, 24 1 .


,2 1 7 , 29 1 . Pl iny

,1 78 , 32 .

Joel,2 5 6, 244. Morris

,Jam es

,1 8 1 , 309 ; 9 9 , 390 .

Josiah,262 , 407 ; 263 , 408.


,1 5 2 , 1 26. Lewis

,1 5 1 , 38 .

Keese , John , 1 5 3 , 1 20. Morton,John

,1 78 , 200.

Kendrick,Sam uel

,1 5 4 , 1 8 1 . W i ll iam

,1 1 6 , 1 1 0.


,24 1 , 328. Mosm an

,S i las

,1 8 1 , 20 1 .

K ilbourn,John

,1 5 5 , 285 . Mou lder

,W il l iam

,2 5 0 ,

233 .

K irkland Dan iel,1 5 6 , 362 . Mou lton


,2 26, 3 74.

K issam,Benjam in 2 3 5 , 64. Mu ll ick , Jesse , 78 , 1 3 1 .

Knap . Deacon Joshua, 1 5 8 , 58 . Munson,Joseph K 1 2 6, 1 88.


,1 5 8 , 58 . Myers


,89 , 54.

Michael,202 , 3 20 .

LaBree,Jam es

,1 60 , 3 3 .

Lackland,Jam es

,2 3 1 , 388 . ewel l


,2 3 1 , 34 1 .

Lansing, Gerrit Jacob , 1 60 , 1 57. ichols,David , 1 82 , 34.

Jacob,1 60 , 1 57. Thaddeus

,1 07 , 1 27.

Lawrence,Dan iel

,1 67 , 94. Nones

,Benjam in , 1 83 , 395 ; 5 5 , 3 1 6;

Lee . Isaac, 1 62 , 2 5 . Norris,Walter

,1 83 , 293 . [5 6, 30 1 .


, 98 , 284, 397 North,Abijah , 1 84 , 3 33 .

Leftw ich,W il l iam

,1 9 9 , 62 , 207. Norton


, 7 5 , 3 59 .

Page 315: Sons of the American Revolution



,206 , 268 .

Ebenez er, 85 , 350.

Sam uel,2 2 1 1 6.

Stewart , John , 1 0 , 1 57.

Paul,2 24, 272 .

Stickney Levi,22 5 , 327 .

Sti les, Jo n , 64 , 30 1 .

Stockbridge,Benjam in , 2 29 , 345 .

Char es , 2 2 9 , 345 .


,1 0 1 , 255 .

Strong, John , 2 3 6, 3 77 .

Sum ner, Hezek iah 22 7 , 2 1 6.

W i ll iam 2 3 6, 374 .

Swartwout,Sam uel

,1 06, 1 07 ; 1 07 , 1 85 .

Tanner,Sam ue l

,1 9 1 , 204.

Taylor, Eleaz er, 2 2 7 , 1 47 .

Za lm on,2 2 7 , 1 47 .

Ten Eyck,Abraham Jacob

,1 60 , 1 57 .

Jacob,1 60 , 1 57 .

Thom pson Benjam in,2 3 0 , 1 69 .

Dan iel,66, 1 09 .

Ebenez er,2 2 9 , 345 .

W ill iam,1 70 , 207 .

Thom son,Thom as

,1 72 , 74 ; 1 7 3 , 75 .


,1 9 3 , 228 .

Titcom b,Jonathan

,2 2 2 , 330 .

Townsend,Dan iel

,2 3 2 , 247 .

Jam es,2 3 3 , 280 .

Peter,1 7 3 , 75 .

W il l iam,2 3 3 . 280 .


, 70 , 2 37.

Trum bu ll,Jonathan , 7 5 , 1 6.

Truxton,Thom as

,1 3 6,

Vail,W i l l iam

,1 5 6, 1 96.

Van Deusen,Jacob

,1 1 8 , 3 87 .

Van Horne,Abram

,2 3 6, 2 1 7 ; 1 60, 1 57.

V incent,Wil liam

,2 3 7 , 1 67.

Vose,Wil l iam

,2 3 9 , 2 1 8 .

W adsworth , Jonathan , 240, 1 59 ; 3 3 9»Sam uel

,2 40 , 1 59 ; [40 1 .

Walden,Nathan , 1 1 0 , 1 36.

Walker Benjam in, 5 6, 249 .

Ward, John ,-240 , 324.

Jonathan,240, 324.

Warner,Eleaz er

,2 4 1 , 364.


,2 2 5 , 3 27.

Moses,243 , 39 1 .

W i ll iam,2 42 , 66.

Watk ins Joel , 1 1 5 , 1 1 0.


,1 26, 1 88 .

Nathan iel, 7 1 , 389 .

Sam ue l,2 44 , 3 5 5 .

Sam uel B.,2 43 . 1 7 ; 244. 1 3 7 ;

3 45 , '1'8

1 42

W ill iam,1 26 , 1 88 .

Weeks,Thom as

,2 46 , 3 75 .

Wheeler,Henr 2 48 , 299 .

Wheelwri ht,erem iah

,2 47 , 1 1 7 .

Wh ite,

“Mm,1 09 , 1 5 1 .

Wh iting , Ebene z er. 205 , 77Tim othy

, Jr. , 207 , 300 .

Tim othy,Sr.

,2 07 , 300.

W i l l iam B.

,1 9 3 ,


Wh ittem ore,Sam uel

,1 7 3 , 75 .

W iggings , Joseph , 1 9 4 , 332 .

Wi lcox, John , 1 75 , 1 24.

Wil l iam s,John

,2 49 , 98.

Joseph,2 5 0 , 326

Nathan iel,1 9 1 , 204.

Thom as,2 49 , 98 .

Thom as O.

, 7 4, 108 .

Veach,1 3 2 , 1 05 .


,2d, 2 3 3 , 280 .

Wood,Dan iel , 9 1 , 3 37 .

Henry,2 5 2 , 220 ; 2 5 3 , 403 , 404 ,

Wright , Ebenezer, 2 5 5 , 1 1 5 . [392 .

Thom as,2 5 6 , 82 .


,2 5 8 , 297 ; 2 5 9 , 277

Noah , 2 3 1 , 34 1 . [222

Yanney , Christian , 260 , 302 .

Henry,260 , 302 .

Younglove, David , 260 , 302 .

Page 316: Sons of the American Revolution


Medall ion from Insign ia of the Soc iety,

Front Cover*Portrait and Autograph ofWash ington , Frontisp iece .

Headp iece,designed after Trum bull ’s Paint ing ,

The Surrender ofCornwall is ,” 7

Statue of Washington , s tand ing where he took the oath .i s First Presulent,

1 4

Headp iece , sym bol iz ing En l ightened Const itut ional Governm ent,

Seal and Insig nia of the Soc iety,


1dpiece m odeled after a pa int ing in Oxford , Eng . representing the Baronsswearing on the Altar of St . Edm undsbury to obtain the ir Libert ies fromK ing John , A D.

,1 2 1 4, W il li Coats -o i-Arm s of som e of the Twenty-five

Barons ,Fac-s ini ile Of orig inal text of Magna Charta .

Seal of K ing John attached to Magna Charta ,

Headpiece,drawn from Trum bul l ’s painting .

“The S ign ing of the Declaration of

Independence ,

Fac-siin ile ofJefferson ’s orig inal draft of the Declaration of Independence


Headpiece,represent ing the fl ag of the Un ited Coln l l lt's

,the flag of the Un ited

States , and the French and Germ an flags ,Headpiece

,sy inbolical of Revolut ionary Rem in iscence .

Autograph ofJohn Bouton ,Portrait ofAlexander Ham ilton


Autograph of Dan iel H . Cone,

Desig ns on Garret Myers’ pew ter tankard


Chestnut tree from wh ich Joris Mye rs saw his fam ily tortured,

Portrait and Autograph of Jam es E . B. Fin ley,

Portra it of Henry W ill iam De Saussure ,

The Edwards fam ily coat-of-arm s ,

Portrait and Autograph ofThom as Greenough ,

Autograph of Hezek iah Johnson ,

Wyom ing Monum ent ,Autograph ofAm asa Jackson ,

Mem orial Tablet to and Autograph OfJohn Morton .

Portrait of John Pum pelly ,Fac-s im ile of Lieutenant David Pixley 's com m issm n ,

Groton Monum ent and Interior ofold Fort Griswold,

Portrait and Autograph ofNathan ie l Rochester,Portrait and Autograph of Dan ie l Bissell ,Battle of Bunker Hil l and death ofGeneral WarrenPortrait and Autograph of Sam ue l Blachley Webb


‘ The Society i s indebted to Mr. Pa u l L I"

.o rd o f Bro ok ly n . N Y . , for the pr i vi lege of re pro

duCi ng t h is in terest i ng por tra it of Was h ington . The ori g i na l m in ia ture was pa i n ted i n 1 79 5 . and

g i ven by Washingt on“to Mrs . Cust is. The la te Gordon I h ad had it copied in co lon . S ince

wh ich , the orig ina l has en t ire ly d isa ppea red .
