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published online Monday, May 20, 2005

Membership Renewal goes Online The club meeting this Thursday (May 23), besides being unusual for being at Clo’s Creamery on Summerfield Rd. (across from Howarth Park) instead of at Round Table Pizza in Montgomery Village, will also occasion a historic vote to put club renewal (and new membership) online. Not long after the vote, you should see the link on our website. Members will be e-mailed a reminder a few months before their renewal is due, and can go to the website to review and update their personal information and make payment by credit card online (using PayPal) When you renew, you will have the option of getting a printed newsletter for $5 extra, or not getting it for $5 less (you still get it online). Of course, renewing the old way is still an option, and you can mail in your payment instead of paying online if you prefer. If you encounter any problems or have questions, click the link to send an email to the administrator. If you can make it to Clo’s Thursday evening (7:30) to socialize with club members and be part of the historic vote, you will also be treated to a presentation by Cassandra Lund from Montecito Health Club on Injury Prevention through Core Strengthening. So see you there… -DP

Mark Your Calendar June: Jun 5, Sun, 8am, Hit The Road Jack 10K $25, Sonoma Jun 8, Wed, 6:30pm, All Comers Track Meet, $2, SRHS Jun 12, Sun, 8am, Fitch Mt 10K/3K, $20/25, Healdsburg Jun 18, Sat, 9am Goin’ Steady (see article this page) July: July 4, Mon, 7am, Kenwood Footrace, $20/25, Kenwood July 15, Fri, 6:30pm, Summer Soltice Relays, $8, Sugarloaf

Jack Rabbit Derby …draws some new fans!

Two of the fresh new faces at the Derby this year, Michelle and Lauren Zanetti ,who are twins, run for Montgomery HS. Scheduling a date for The Derby this year was unusually difficult, so instead of the usual Mother’s Day Sunday, we ended up on a Saturday. So while we missed some of the regulars, we also picked up some runners we probably don’t usually get on a Sunday. The Bunny Hop drew an unprecedented 12 runners, and the 3 miler saw some surprising winners. Full story inside… Goin’ Steady -Karen Price Are you looking for a group run but intimidated by the pace of those “fast” runners? Not looking for a difficult trail run, but want some variety in your long weekend run? Bored with running the same 3-block square over and over, alone? I know I’m not the only runner out there who is happy with her 12 min/mile pace looking for a group to run with once in a while. So, I’m gonna start one myself. When: 3rd Sat of each month (first meeting June 18), 9:00 am Where: Spring Lake (to start, we can explore other routes as we go along) Pace: 11-15 min/mile Distance: 4.5 - 7.45 miles (Spring Lake is a 2.25 mile loop) Who: Everyone is welcome, even walkers! Please call me at 707-576-7574 with any questions. Otherwise, we’ll meet at the parking lot near the swim lagoon at 9 am.

Empire Runners Club Sonoma County, CA

June 2005 Newsletter

Volume XXX, No. 6

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Minutes Empire Runners April 2005 Club Meeting President John Royston called the April 2005 meeting of the Empire Runners to order at 6:35pm on April 28th, 2005. Secretary's Report: Secretary Lars Andersen read the minutes from the March 2005 club meeting. They were approved as read. Treasurer's Report: On behalf of treasurer Michelle McConnico, John Royston reported on the club's finances. Starting balance $5,786.00. Ending balance $5,635.00. Recent Events: Loop de Loop: Dale Peterson reported that it was flat, fast, 60 F, with bands every mile. Sprint Sprint: Jerry Lyman, George Urdzik and Eric Downing ran it. Dr. McDonald's Run: George Urdzik ran it. Now in its 4th year, they had about 65 people. Upcoming Events: Palisades Run: May 1st, The Human Race: May 7th, Spring has Sprung: May 14th, Jack Rabbit Derby: May 21st, Sugarloaf Summer Solstice Relay: July 15th, Summer Track Series: See the article elsewhere in the newsletter. Alec Isabeau suggested that the Kenwood Volunteer's Barbeque could be combined with the Sugarloaf Summer Solstice Barbeque. Old Business: John Royston reported that bulletin boards are now present at Fleet Feet, Vertex Climbing Center, and Bennett's Gym. A bulletin board will soon be present at the Airport Club. It is questionable if a bulletin board will be present at Montecito Health Club due to recently proposed policy changes. A committee consisting of Jon Hermstad, Vall Sel, and Tori Meredith will propose a design and a business model for an Empire Runners license plate frame at the next club meeting. New Business: Jerry Lyman reported that the committee behind the Dipsea is trying to raise funds for rebuilding some of the steps on the Dipsea course. A $1000 donation will give a plaque on one of the steps. Some members felt that a $1000 donation from the club would be excessive. Jerry Lyman will solicit commitments for private donations and report back at the next club meeting, at which point the club has the option to supplement the private donations with club funds. In last year's cross country series, the Super Seniors finished second but received no price money. John Royston proposed that the club buy each of the team members a USATF card ($20 each). The motion passed. Terry Kotter from Safari West is willing to pay the club to help put on a 5K race on October 16th. This will be revisited at a later club meeting when the 2005 cross country schedule is known. Bob Finlay presented a proposal to change the current raffle/drawing. The cash raffle would remain the same, with half the money given to the winner and the remaining half to the Student Grant Fund. The random drawing would be changed to one of several different formats designed to entice more members to attend club meetings. This will be revisited at the next club meeting. Next month's presentation will be "Core Training" by personal trainer Cassandra Lund from Montecito Health Club. Presentation: Alec Isabeau gave an informative presentation about "The Aging Athlete." Raffle/Drawing: Raffle: Jerry Lyman ($14). Drawing: Keith Maurer ($20, not present). Newsletter: The May 2005 newsletter was folded, stapled and stamped. Attendance: Lars Andersen, Dokk Yzabeaux, Corrina Rivera, Bob Finlay, Thermo, Don Sampson, Bob Shor, Larry Meredith, Tori Meredith, Mojo, 409, Ball-Peen (Sledge), Pappy, Super G, Steve Cleal. Respectfully submitted, Lars Andersen

The prez sez… Wow, here it is June the weeks are flying past like a picket fence at 50 miles an hour. Seems like we just got started and it is nearly half over. There have already been a lot of great things happening with the club and here we are on the doorstep to cross-country season. But I am jumping the gun. I don’t want to raise any resentment among the track aficionados. Track season is upon us and we all know track was invented to get people in shape for cross-country so I hope that you all have great track season. If you haven’t heard, I will be out of town for the June meeting so our vise president (also president of clamps, binders and restraint devices), Val Sell, will be standing in to conduct the June meeting. Won’t she be surprised when she reads about it here? But I flatter myself: that assumes that she (or any one) reads my column, can’t say that I blame them, I don’t read it. Let’s hope that she shows up. In case you had wanted to run the Palisade Run on May 1st but was unable to, there is good news, no one else ran it either. What that means is that we will reschedule it for this fall since it is truly a run for cooler weather. Also to look forward to, The Hutch says that the rut might be a good time to take a run out to Tamales Point. It is likely that the Armstrong Woods-Austin Creek run will reappear and with the former Mendocino Lumber Company joining the ranks of public holdings, there is a whole new venue to run that very few members have ever seen. I have run part of this property one time several years ago. It is heavily forested and hilly with old logging roads. It makes for a very nice run. We are still hoping that someone will step forward to organize a run in the Hood Mountain-McCormick Ranch area. If you have a hankering to do a run in some out of the way place give me a call and we will get it on the schedule, adventure runs are the greatest. We still have volunteer positions available. These jobs don’t pay much but they do earn you the respect and admiration of your peers and they give you a real reason to go on. Contact me NOW, to find out more about these great character building roles (this is especially important if you have not character to start with), call mojo at 291-0937 or email me at [email protected]. -prezmo

The Newsletter is published monthly by The Empire Runners Club, a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization serving the running community of Sonoma County and beyond. Member households receive the newsletter online for free or a printed version by mail for an additional $10 per year. Running-related articles are accepted from any club member and should be delivered, preferably by e-mail, to the appropriate editor listed on the last page of this newsletter. (When in doubt, send it to all of them!) Club members who own or operate businesses may advertise in the newsletter if they agree to offer club members at least 10% off their product or service. Membership information and online membership registration is available on the club website: In addition, the club maintains a monitored online egroup message board for members only. Members wishing to join the egroup should send an e-mail with your name in the text to: [email protected].

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Jack Rabbit Derby 2005

Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny. The rain clouds were nowhere to be seen and the temperature was rising. The race which was held a couple weeks later than normal and on an untraditional Saturday was run on mostly dry trails with only the occasional patch of mud or small puddle to negotiate. Between the Rose Parade downtown, the Sectional Meet at Santa Rosa High School and other events going on in the county it was anybody’s guess how many runners would show up for the fourteenth annual run for the carrots. But come they did as 12 Bunny-Hoppers and 42 older folks took on the challenge!

To start the day off right a field of excited youngsters took off down the bike-path promptly at 8am – some accompanied by their parents and older siblings. Melanie Mathewson, 6 nipped Jillian Van Riper, 8 at the line to take first with Melina Ames not far back in third. Right after the race all of the lucky kids were presented with tokens good for a free ice-cream at Clo’s courtesy of Digger Dave DeSelle. All of the kids did great. It was cool seeing a good turnout for this event.

Right after Coach Larry Meredith provided an accurate description of the course to the waiting harriers; the three-miler was underway. It is always hard to provide any kind of meaningful narrative of the race from the vantage point of the start-finish area but never the less; everyone could see early on that the race was going to be hard fought throughout. The field quickly headed out across the field, turned left and headed up the road and out of site.

Not too long later the first group of runners shot out across the boat ramp and down the bike-path headed for the dam. By now most of the runners were really laboring in the warm morning air.

You could catch glimpses of the runners through the trees above the finish area as they neared the two-mile mark. All of the spectators were yelling out names and encouragement to the runners from first to last.

Suddenly before it seemed like enough time had gone by, the leaders emerged from the parking lot pumping their arms and making a final sprint for the finish line. In the end it was James Devine (18:10) taking overall honors with Grand Prix Czar Eric Puddles Viper Danger Ace Downing (18:11) right on his god-like heels. Not to be outdone, the incredible Cathy DuBay (18:13) was right behind Eric and in first-place by a wide margin in the women’s race.

There were many fine performances on this day including several notable items including: Nine finishers well under 19 years of age, six finishers over 60 years of age, and four finishers over 70 years of age. Running truly is a lifetime sport! In addition, there were two new entries (Cathy Dubay 1st 40-49 and Debbie DeCarli 50-59), and two improved times (Carl Jackson & Dale Leyhe 70-79) in the All Time Top Three per Division record book.

In regard to those finishers in the 70-79 age group, Carl Jackson led the way in 26:40 followed by Jim Ray and Dale Leyhe in a photo-finish (27:50 each) and Chuck Hoagland (34:34). Talk about inspiring!

After the race there were awards and the ever-popular raffle. Nearly everyone left with something!

I would like to extend a special thank you to Carl Triola and his crew from Casa Grande High School. To say that they did a great job would be inadequate. They marked, monitored and cleaned up the course, helped with registration and the finish line and generally made being race director a pleasant experience. Here is hoping you all come back to do this again next year!

Thanks to Jerry Lyman for hauling the trailer, John Anderson for supplying the Time Machine, Tori Meredith for all of her race-day assistance, John Harmon for keeping the Bunny-Hop “finish chute” in order, Dan Preston for race-day photography, Jim McCray for getting the grass mowed, James Devine for pulling off a minor miracle and Robin Stovall for saving the day by driving home to get the ice-cream tokens that Dave DeSelle provided but I forgot!

If I am forgetting anybody here I sincerely apologize. Putting on a race requires a lot of help and I appreciate everyone’s contribution! See you next year at the Derby! DM Peterson Bunny Hop Girls 1. Melanie Mathewson 6 3:18 2. Jillian Van Riper 8 3:19 3. Melina Ames 7 3:43 4. Lindsay Ashton 8 3:52 5. Megan Widener 7 3:59 6. Claire Abila 9 4:49 7. Madelyne Bertolone 5 4:57 8. Mackenzie Mathewson 3 6:49 9. Mary Montrose 2 6:58 Boys 1. Ian Van Riper 5 3:52 2. William Stewart 4 5:38 3. Teddy Stewart 2 8:29 Adults Women 1. Cathy DuBay 40-49 18:13 2. Carrie Joseph 30-39 20:29 3. Lori Winkler 40-49 21:02 4. Carol DuBay 40-49 21:35 5. Robin Stovall 40-49 22:46 6. Debbie DeCarli 50-59 24:33 7. Jennifer Vucinich < 14 24:46 8. Michelle Zanetti 14-19 26:20 9. Kathy Van Riper 30-39 27:27 10. Emily Deering 50-59 27:49 11. Lauren Zanetti 14-19 28:11 12. Amy Lebichuck 14-19 28:37 13. Lois Nagle 50-59 29:01 Men 1. James Devine 30-39 18:10 2. Eric Downing 30-39 18:11 3. Greg Jennings 30-39 18:23 4. Don Stewart 40-49 18:26 5. Todd Bertolone 40-49 18:40 6. Bob Finlay 40-49 18:45 7. Jerry Lyman 50-59 18:56 8. Larry Meredith 40-49 19:00 9. Scott Ames 40-49 19:08 10. Ben Willits 30-39 20:22 11. Sam Strobino 14-19 20:24 12. Paul Hadley 30-39 20:26 13. John Harmon 40-49 20:32 14. Bruce Tuohy 14-19 21:11 15. Chris Mason 14-19 21:16 16. Michael Zanetti < 14 21:23 17. Scott Montrose 40-49 21:27 18. Bob Holland 60-69 21:41 19. Brad Zanetti 50-59 22:35 20. Don Sampson 50-59 23:14 21. Tyler Ashton < 14 23:31 22. Peter Kirk 40-49 40-49 23. Dan Tuohy 60-69 26:02 24. Carl Jackson 70-79 26:40 25. Dave DeSelle 50-59 27:48 26. Jim Ray 70-79 27:50 27. Dale Leyhe 70-79 27:50 28. George Urdzik 60-69 31:29 29. Charles Hoagland 70-79 34:34

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Jack Rabbit Derby, 2.97 miles At the Mile: At the Two Mile: At the Finish:

Don Stewart, who finished 2nd at the Spring At the two-mile mark, Cathy has taken James pulls away in the last mile, while Eric Sprint, had an early lead at the mile mark. the lead. Don Stewart is 2nd , then catches Cathy on the downhill. Greg James Devine, Eric Downing, Greg Jennings, James Devine, Eric Downing, and Jennings is just coming into view. Don & Cathy DuBay are in the group behind him. Greg Jennings. Stewart finishes fifth. Up Close:

James Devine, Eric Downing, Cathy DuBay with Lori Winkler and Don Stewart and Greg Jennings Carol DuBay (1st, 3rd and 4th women)

The very old (all over 70): The very young (2-8): The Up N Com’ng (14 - 19): Jim Ray, Dale Leyhe, Chuck Hoagland, Lindsay Aston 8, Ian Van Riper 5, Sam Strobino, Chris Mason, Carl Jackson Melina Ames 7, Teddy Stewart 2, Jillian Bruce Tuohy Van Riper 8, Mackensie Mathewson 3, Melanie Mathewson 6, William Stewart 4

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Sugarloaf Sorta-Solstice Sunset Relay: Friday, July 15, 6:30 p.m. Please join us Friday evening, July 15 for the third annual Sugarloaf Sunset Relay, BBQ and Campout. This fun event is a two-person relay, with each runner covering a 2.7 mile scenic trail loop. The race starts at 6:30 p.m. at the group campsite at Sugarloaf State Park just outside Kenwood. After the race there will be a potluck BBQ, featuring Mojo's Heartburn Burgers, a nice big bonfire, awards ceremony and much silliness. We have the group campsite reserved for the night, so you are welcome to camp and join the gang for a run or walk Saturday morning after strong coffee. You do not need a team-mate for the race: we will put teams together as needed before the race begins. Race entry is $8; if you're camping, add another $2. Race day registration only. From Santa Rosa, take Highway 12 east and just before getting to Kenwood turn left on Adobe Canyon Road. Follow it to Sugarloaf State Park and drive to the group campsite. For more info contact Doc or Mojo. 'Hope to see you there!

Partial Results Zippy 5k, Sunday, May 8 90. Eric Downing, 34, 17:59 5:48/mile, 174. Bob Holland, 60, 21:17, 6:52/mile 10K, Human Race, Saturday, May 7 Women: 1. Cathy DuBay, (1st female, 3rd overall) 37:23, 2. Sarah Hallas, (20-29) Petaluma, 38:47, 3. Jacque Taylor, Petaluma (Santa Rosa Express 13-yr-old), 40:12, 4. Laura Rogina, Windsor (Santa Rosa Express 13-yr-old), 41:01, 5. Lona Thomson, (30-39) SF, 41:50 Men: 1. John Litzenberg, (30-39) Sonoma, 33:45, 2. Andrew Gallagher, (14-19) SR 37:15, 3. Ian Inman, Petaluma (18-yr-old Empire Runner) 37:33, 4. Justin McQuaid, (14-19) Windsor, 37:34, 5. Terry Goetzel, (6th overall) Sebastopol (52-yr-old Empire Runner) 37:39 Others: Don Stewart, (7th ovrall) 38:13, Jerry Lyman, (8th ovrall) 38:16 Todd Bertolone, (11th ovrall) 38:31, Greg Jennings 39:20, James Lynch, 40:16, Jon Hermstad, 41:55, Anita Crowley, 42:03, Carrie Joseph, 42:19, Dennis Fagent, 43:05, Rob Main 43:14, Lori Winkler, 43:29, Bill Browne 43:45, Michelle McConnico, 44:12, Lisa Gay, 44:36, Sam Strobino 45:13, Todd Skabelund 46:07, Scott Montrose 46:10, Tanya Narath 50:33, Shelli Gordon 50:34 3K, Human Race, May 7 Women: 1. Christine Byrne, (14-19) Sebastopol, 11:51, 2. Sarah Gallagher, (6-13) SR, 12:36, 3. Sarah McConnell, SR, 13:18, 4. Suzanna Rozga, SR, 13:45, 5. Liz Cornish, (50-59) Healdsburg, 13:46 Men: 1. Don Nauman, (40-49) SR, 9:57, 2. Quin Coughlin, (14-19) (former SR Express), 10:12, 3. Rory McCload, (6-13) (current SR Express), 10:22 4. Kyle Weering, SR, 11:17, 5. Chris Mason, (17-yr-old Empire Runner) Petaluma, 11:34,

Others: Bob Holland (60-69) 11:59 (9th ovrall), Tenzing Sherpa (12-yr-old SR Express) 12:12, Jake Viter (9-yr-old SR Express) 13:35, Tiffany Bowie, (20-29) 13:48, Carl Jackson, (70-79) 15:04, Kathy Van Riper, (30-39) 15:27, Jillian Van Riper (8) 15:27, Ann Marie Von Hoene, (60-69), 15:52 Devil Mountain 10K, Danville,, May 1 2. Kenny Brown, 35, 34:04, 5:29/mile Ave of the Giants Half M, Sun., May 1 4. Cathy DuBay, 40, 1:22:32 6:18/m (1st Female), 60. Carolyn DuBay, 41, 1:40:44, 7:11/m (16th F), 72. Scott Montrose, 48, 1:42:48, 7:51/m 79. Mark Mathewson, 41, 1:43:40 7:54/m Napa Valley Marathon, Sunday, March 6 58 Todd Bertolone 3:06:18, 219 Peter Kirk 3:31:26, 527 Tom Hinde, 3:55:25, 569 Mike Weddington 3:57:56, 1059 Emily Deering 4:33:00

Spring Has Sprung 5&10 Empire Runners, mostly older ones, were well represented at the 3rd annual Hidden Valley Lake Spring Has Sprung 5K&10K, held May 14 on a warm sunny day just north of Middletown. Both races follow the same course for the first flat and fast 2 miles. The 10K then goes seriously vertical. After the 10K leader and eventual winner, Juan Sanchez (36, St. Helena) split off and headed uphill, fifty-one year old Dan Shafer found himself alone well in the lead in the short race and cruised home to win in 18:32. Larry Meredith (48) took 3rd overall in 19:04 and 14 year-old Sam Strobino finished commendably in 5th place in 19:44. Ubiquitous George Urdzik (61) rolled in with a 30:55, and later rolled out with a choice raffle prize, a magnum of fine claret, relinquished to him by his carpool mate, Liz Sinna. Sinna doesn't drink wine, but she had reason to celebrate. The 39 year-old finished the 10K first in the woman's division and 7th overall. The other female Empire Runner competing that day was Anette Niewald (49), completing the 10K in 57:40. Juan Sanchez, who won the 10K for the second year in a row, later expressed an interest in being a member the Empire Runners Club open men's cross country team next fall. (Attention!: Eric Bohn) His 37:45 finish on a very tough course was well off his sub 37-minute time last year, perhaps because he had no challengers. Not that there wasn't a battle going on elsewhere. Back in the 2nd and 3rd spots, Empire Runners Steve Cleal (47) and Terry Goetzel (52) were running neck and neck the whole race, Cleal surging ahead up the hills, Goetzel on the downhills. Not until the last few hundred yards did Cleal's finishing speed prove dominant. Both Cleal (38:31) and Goetzel (38:38) won their age group divisions. Jerry Lyman (56, 39:52) followed them in 4th place. The Hidden Valley Lake Milers, who hosted the event, did not hold back on the awards: Cash prizes and large, custom-made metals for men's and woman's overall winners in both races and equally impressive metals three deep in each division. Several Empire Runners left the event well-hung, especially Liz. Merchants and wineries supplied an abundance of raffle prizes, ranging from the impressive (Terry Goetzel won a $240 glider ride) to the white elephant (ceramic garden angel or a plastic welcome bear, anyone?). Overall this was a fun and well-organized event, deserving more runners. One notable participant was the legendary Barbara Miller (65, Modesto) who finished 10th overall in the 5K, impressively in 21:55. (Full results: --Jerry Lyman

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Empire Runners All Comers Track Series Men – Top Ten All Time 100 meters men 1. Chris Whitlock 10.5 7/08/86 2. Andre Hunter 10.7 6/26/91 3. Cory Nelson 10.8 6.14/95 3. Michael Jordan 10.8 6/22/88 3. Luiz Mello 10.8 6/13/01 6. Ben Rosales 10.9 8/07/96 6. Darin Carter 10.9 8/07/97 6. Warren Spikes 10.9 8/12/92 6. Kam Jones 10.9 6/12/02 10. Tom Weatherspoon 11.0 6/22/88 10. Dave Townsend 11.0 6/07/89 10. Rudy Huber 11.0 8/12/92 10. Jared Wilson 11.0 7/13/94 10. Patrick Leonard 11/0 8/07/96 200 meters men 1. Chris Whitlock 21.3 8/03/88 2. Walter Cranford 21.8 8/03/88 3. Michael Jordan 21.9 6/22/88 3. Andre Hunter 21.9 6/10/91 5. Cory Nelson 22.0 7.26/95 6. Warren Spikes 22.2 8/12/92 6. Luiz Mello 22.2 6/13/01 7. Rudy Huber 22.3 8/12/92 8. Tom Weatherspoon 22.5 6/11/86 8. Ben Rosales 22.5 6/11/86 400 meters men 1. Chris Whitlock 48.1 6/08/86 2. Andre Hunter 50.5 6/29/94 3. George Cagle 50.8 6/24/92 4. Kofi Banks 50.9 6/26/91 4. Kurt Mellik 50.9 7/22/86 4. Ben Rosales 50.9 7/25/90 7. Jeff Ramsey 51.5 7/22/86 8. Jeff Sorkness 51.7 6/12/90 9. Ryan Young 51.8 6/15/94 10. Dan Stearns 52.3 7/05/89 800 meters men 1. Dan Held 1:55.1 7/28/93 2. Dan Aldridge 1:55.3 7/05/89 3. Steve Guerrini 1:55.8 7/28/93 4. Chris Gaston 1:56.1 6/10/98 5. Reed Elmore 1:56.2 7/28/93 6. George Cagle 1:56.5 7/06/88 7. David Monroe 1:56.7 6/21/89 8. Marc Ziblatt 1:56.9 7/19/89 9. Steve Schram 1:57.1 7/06/88 10. Rick Esponda 1:57.5 7/28/93 Mile men 1. Mike Stone 4:07.1 8/11/93 2. John Sup 4:17.1 6/22/88 3. Steve Guerrini 4:17.8 7/08/92 4. Marc Ziblatt 4:18.7 8/02/89 5. Dan Aldridge 4:19.5 6/08/88 6. Dan Grimes 4:19.5 8/08/90 7. Dan Held 4:20.1 6/30/93 8. Todd Trask 4:21.2 6/30/93 9. Eric Walker 4:22.3 6/15/94 10. Chris Gaston 4:24.4 6/25/97 3000 meters men 1. Mike Stone 8:32.9 6/28/95 2. Dan Aldridge 8/37/9 7/22/92 3. Eric Walker 8:42.9 8/11/93 4. John Hake 8:46.5 8/05/98 5. Hector Delgado 8:47.5 8/07/96 6. Chris Gaston 8:48.0 6/29/94 7. Steve Guerrini 8:48.4 6/28/95 8. Dan Brecht 8:52.4 6/28/95 9. Kenny Brown 8:53.1 8/09/95 10. Peter Jansson 8:55.7 7/22/92

Two mile men 1. Dan Aldridge 8:55.0 6/21/89 2. Mike Stone 9:05.4 7/12/95 3. Todd Trask 9:09.2 7/14/93 4. Ken Keyte 9:24.6 7/13/94 5. Kenny Brown 9:31.4 7/14/93 6. Deva Braden 9:31.8 7/12/95 7. Chris Gaston 9:31.9 7/13/94 8. Ian Blair 9:32.2 7/13/94 9. Dan Brecht 9:33.0 7/24/97 10. Eric Walker 9:34.3 7/09/97 5000 meters men 1. Jeff Johnson 14:26.2 6/14/95 2. Mike Stone 14:28.5 6/14/95 3. Todd Trask 14:30.1 7/28/93 4.Eric Walker 14:58.3 7/27/94 5. Ken Keyte 14:59.3 7/27/94 6. Hector Delgado 15:10.2 7/26/95 7. Dan Aldridge 15:14.0 7/08/92 8. Jordan Kinley 15:24.6 6/24/02 9. Scott Pierce 15:25.0 7/08/92 10. Jerry Drew 15:27.0 7/08/97 Women – Top Ten All Time 100 meters women 1. Sharon Polley 12.2 6/10/87 2. Dawn Mann 12.6 8/11/04 3. Corrie Stranzel 12.7 7/09/03 4. Rose Criss 12.8 6/12/96 4. Blair Gabler 12.8 6/21/00 6. Amy Mitchell 12.9 7/06/88 6. Melissa Guanella 12.9 8/07/96 6. Blair Gabler 12.9 6/09/99 9. Katie Schweitzer 13.0 7/19/89 10. Janet Brown 13.2 6/21/89 10. Adrieane Lindsay 13.2 7/10/96 10. Catrina Wagner 13.2 6/25/03 200 meters women 1. Veronica Demartini 25.9 6/24/92 2. Wendi Simmons 26.0 7/08/86 3. Rose Criss 26.1 6/12/96 4. Melissa Guanella 26.4 6/12/96 4. Blair Gabler 26.4 7/26/00 6. Whitney Leachman 26.6 6/13/01 6.LaTonia Thomas 27.2 7/10/91 8. Danielle Sanzari 27.5 7/24/02 8. Dawn Mann 27.5 8/11/04 9. Adrienne Lindsay 27.6 7/10/96 400 meters women 1. Wendi Simmons 58.8 7/08/86 2. Melissa MacPherson 1:00.5 6/12/90 3. Melissa Guanella 1:01.4 8/07/96 3. Blair Gabler 1:01.4 7/26/00 5. Julia Stamps 1:04.2 6/10/98 6. Jenny Aldridge 1:04.4 6/10/98 7. Nicole Nelson 1:04.6 6/24/98 8. Corrine Dressler 1:04.6 6/11/86 8. Trina Cox 1:04.6 6/15/94 8. Katie Schuckle 1:04.6 7/22/98 800 meters women 1. Trish Stone 2:13.4 6/17/92 2. Shannon Sweeney 2:13.8 7/17/92 3. Julia Stamps 2:14.1 6/12/96 4. Chris Boyd 2:14.5 7/28/93 5. Nora Doyle 2:18.8 6/21/89 5. Lisa Geoffrion 2:19.8 6/30/93 7. Eileen Brennan-Erler 2:19.9 7/22/92 8. Pamela Richardson 2:24.3 6/15/94 9. Trina Cox 2:24.4 7/23/97 10. Wendi Simmons 2:25.3 7/22/86

Mile women 1. Julia Stamps 4:46.5 6/14/95 2. Chris Boyd 4:52.7 7/14/93 3. Trina Cox 5:06.3 7/22/98 4. Linda Gill 5:07.2 6/24/92 5. Shannon Sweeney 5:07.3 6/26/96 6. Trish Stone 5:08.9 6/24/92 7. Lisa Geoffrion 5:09.3 7/14/93 8. Sara Bei 5:11.5 7/08/98 9. Cathy DuBay 5:13.0 7/12/93 10. Eileen Vukicevich 5:14.0 7/08/92 3000 women 1. Cathy DuBay 10:13.7 6/17/96 2. Bev Parks 10:24.0 7/20/88 3. Sara Bei 10:25.6 6/24/98 4. Jenny Aldridge 10:26.2 6/24/98 5. Shoshana Ziblatt 10:36.4 6/26/96 6. Liz Mosier 10:40.0 6/08/88 7. Phyllis Blanchard 10:41.0 7/23/03 8. Kathy Dalton 10:48.0 7/22/86 9. Lisa Geoffrion 10:53.0 6/10/87 10. Peewee Lemus 11.03.0 6/10/87 10. Jeanise Eisenman 11:03.0 7/20/88 Two mile women 1. Julia Stamps 11:01.3 7/14/93 2. Cathy DuBay 11:05.8 7/09/9 3. Sara Bei 11:10.7 7/08/98 4. Trina Cox 11:22 3 7/24/96 5. Jenny Aldridge 11:38.1 6/27/01 6. Lisa Gay 11:45.8 7/12/95 7. Amy Robinson 11:59.4 7/24/02 8. Teresa N Aldridge 12:02.4 7/12/95 9. Julianne Baker 12:03.8 7/14/04 10. Val Sell 12:07.0 6/12/02 5000 women 1. Sara Bei 17:40.5 7/22/98 2. Cathy DuBay 17:50.9 7/21/99 3. Phyllis Blanchard 18:44.7 6/25/03 4. Shoshana Ziblatt 18:45.3 7/10/96 5. Valerie Randhawa 18:46.2 7/28/93 6. Christi Holligan 18:53.7 728/93 7. Val Sell 19:02.4 6/26/02 8. Tori Meredith 19:08.0 7/28/93 9. Jackie Prange 19:11.5 7/26/00 10. Shelly Lydon 19:12.3 6/09/99

Masters Top Ten All Time Men 100 meters 1. Warren Spikes (41) 10.9 8/12/92 2. Ben Rosales (41) 11.5 7/26/00 3. Ken Wun (41) 12.0 7/09/97 4. Scott Benstock (42) 12.9 6/28/00 5. Brendan Hutchinson (42) 13.0 8/05/86 6. Ray Cataldo (48) 13.1 6/29/94 7. Bo Davis (51) 13.4 6/24/92 7. Richard Flores (42) 13.4 8/06/97 9. Bob Holland (52) 13.5 7/24/96 9. Felix Wiench (43) 13.5 7/24/96 9. Don Imrie (50) 13.5 7/26/00 200 Meters 1. Warren Spikes (41) 22.2 7/22/92 2. Ben Rosales (41) 23.8 7/26/00 3. Ken Wun (40) 24.8 7/09/97 4. Alan Levine (53) 26.0 7/23/97 5. Jim Gibbons (48) 26.1 8/12/92 6. Steve Gullizkson (43) 26.2 8/11/04 7. John Harmon (40) 26.3 7/10/96 8. 8. Vance Jacobson (53) 26.8 8/08/01 9. Scott Benstock (41) 27.0 7/21/99 9. Don Imrie (50) 27.0 7/26/00

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400 Meters 1. Ben Rosales (40) 52.6 6/09/99 2. Ken Wun (41) 56.3 8/07/96 3. Scott Benstock (40) 57.1 8/05/98 4. Jim Gibbons (49) 58.5 8/11/93 5. Ray Cataldo (48) 58.6 6/29/94 6. Alan Levine (55) 59.5 7/21/99 7. Felix Wiench (42) 59.7 7/26/95 8. Brendan Hutchinson (44) 59.8 6/22/88 9. Ray Corana (45) 1:00.3 7/26/95 10. Ray Flores (47) 1:00.9 7/23/97 800 Meters 1. Ben Rosales (40) 2:01.5 6/23/99 2. Don Nauman (40) 2:08.2 6/18/03 3. Richard Flores (43) 2:08.6 7/08/98 4. Dave Capron (41) 2:08.9 6/21/00 5. Jim Gibbons (48) 2:09.1 8/05/98 6. Brendan Hutchinson (44) 2:12.5 6/22/88 7. Jon Hermstad (45) 2:12.8 6/15/94 8. Ken Wun (42) 2:16.2 7/23/97 9. Ty Nelson (48) 2:18.4 7/11/90 10. Larry Meridith (41) 2:18.5 8/05/98 Mile 1. Richard Flores (42) 4:34.6 8/06/97 2. Chris Willis (40) 4:40.2 7/21/99 3. Dave Capron (40) 4:40.3 7/22/98 4. Jim Gibbons (45) 4:42.9 7/18/89 5. Don Nauman (40) 4:45.8 7/09/03 6. Larry Meredith (42) 4:50.9 7/21/99 7. Louis Garcia (40) 4:50.9 8/24/98 8. Jon Hermstad (45) 4:52.7 7/13/94 9. Chris Thomas (43) 4:53.8 8/07/91 10. Dan Preston (53) 4:57.5 7/12/95 3000 Meters 1. Richard Flores (42) 8:57.1 8/05/96 2. Larry Meredith (42) 9:38.9 8/04/99 3. Dan Preston (52) 9:46.4 6/29/94 4. Brendan Hutchinson (42) 9:58.1 7/22/86 5. Ross Bogert (44) 10:00.1 6/27/90 6. Tim Stewert (40) 10:01.4 8/09/95 7. Jim Gibbons (48) 10:03.5 7/22/92 8. Lou Garcia (41) 10:12.1 8/05/98 9. Scott Ames (41) 10:19.3 6/23/99 10. Jerry Lyman (50) 10:20.5 8/04/99 Two Mile 1. Richard Flores (43) 9:58.0 7/08/98 2. Dan Preston (48) 10:19.8 9/13/90 3. Larry Meredith (41) 10:32.0 7/07/99 4. Brendan Hutchinson (46) 10:49.3 6/13/90 5. Jim Gibbons (49) 10:52.2 7/14/93 6. Jon Hermstad (45) 10:55.3 7/13/94 7. Tim Stewart (40) 11:00.6 7/12/95 8. Ray Cataldo (44) 11:07/8 7/11/90 9. Bob Rogers (45) 11:17.4 7/24/02 10. Dan Turek (40) 11:19.1 7/24/96 5000 Meters 1. Richard Flores (43) 15:46.1 7/22/98 2. Chris Thomas (43) 16:36.0 8/07/91 3. Larry Meredith (41) 16:39.1 7/21/99 4. Jim Gibbons (49) 17:00.7 7/28/93 5. Dan Preston (52) 17:23.2 6/15/94 6. Brian Purcell (47) 17:24.3 7/09/03 7. Tim Stewart (40) 17:32.6 7/26/95 8. Scott Ames (41) 17:41.6 7/21/99 9. Bob Hope (54) 17:50.5 6/12/96 10. Jerry Lyman (49) 17:53.2 7/21/99

Masters Top Ten All Time Women 100 Meters 1. Nadine O’Conner (50) 14.9 7.08/92 2. Cathy Fusco (41) 15.4 7/21/99 3. Sue Curfman (41) 15.3 7/26/00 4. Judy Gottlieb (45) 17.8 6/12/91 5. Anna Derho (43) 17.9 6/11/97 6. Jennette Berekman (52) 18.2 7/08/86 7. Joyce Bennett (41) 18.5 7/08/86 8. Sherri Guin (44) 19.0 6/13/90 9. Patty Saunders (42) 19.9 7/09/97 200 Meters 1. Nadine O’Conner (50) 30.4 6/24/92 2. Sue Curfman (41) 31.2 7/26/00 3. Sharon Whitney (51) 33.7 8/11/93 4. Sharon Hyde (50) 35.4 6/30/93 5. Anna Derho (43) 38.3 6/11/97 6. Judy Gottlieb (45) 39.3 6/12/91 7. J. C. Plummer (52) 44.3 7/09/97 8. Mona Andrews (46) 44.8 7/28/93 9. 10. 400 Meters 1. Nadine O’Conner (50) 1:09.3 7/08/92 2. Mary Champagne (45) 1:22.1 8/12/92 3. Jennette Barekman (52) 1:22.5 7/08/86 4. Liza Isabeau (45) 1:23.4 6/16/04 5. Joyce Bennett (41) 1:24.8 7/08/86 6. Anna Derho (43) 1:25.6 6/11/97 7. Sherri Guin (44) 1:28.2 6/13/90 8. A. M. Von Hoene (49) 1:28.2 7/17/92 9. Judy Gotlieb (45) 1:31.2 6/12/91 10. J. C. Plummer (52) 1:52.6 6/11/97 800 Meters 1. A. M. Von Hoene (52) 2:53.2 7/12/95 2. Amy Gandy (40) 3:12.8 6/29/94 3. B. McIntosh-King (43) 3:13.1 7/09/97 4. Judy Gotlieb (45) 3:15.0 6/12/91 5. Sheila Masi (42) 3:19.8 7/09/97 6. Sherri Guin (44) 3:19.9 6/13/90 7. Alison Whitelaw (41) 3:24.4 6/15/94 8. Shelli Gordan (43) 3:29.2 7/14/04 9. Carly Tagliaferri (47) 4:28.9 7/10/96 10. Mile 1. Christy Holligan (42) 5:37.7 7/13/00 2. Bev Marks (42) 5:45.8 8/07/99 3. Lisa Isabeau (40) 5:47.8 7/07/99 4. Tori Meredith (41) 5:56.1 8/04/99 5. Joann Nickel (41) 5:57.1 7/08/98 6. Janet Feldman (45) 6:00.0 6/18/03 7. A. M. Von Hoene (52) 6:04.4 7/12/95 8. Lori Winkler (44) 6:17.7 6/18/03 9.Caron Schaumberg ( ?) 6:20.0 8/05/86 10. Mary Champagne (47) 6:21.7 7/27/94 Two Mile 1. Christy Holligan (42) 12:11.8 7/13/00 2. Lisa Isabeau (40) 12:47.3 7/07/99 3. Tori Meredith (41) 13:20.9 7/07/99 4. Sherri Guinn (44) 14:26.0 7/13/90 5. Joyce Bennett (45) 14:36.0 6/13/90 6. Sheila Masi (41) 14:45.8 7/24/96 7. Anna Derho (42) 14:55.0 7/24/96 8. Suzanne Riera (40) 15:35.4 7/12/95 9. Patty Sanders (42) 15:36.0 6/24/92 10. Carly Tagliaferri (47) 19:52.0 7/24/96

3000 Meters 1. Tori Meredith (41) 11:38.6 8/04/99 2. Lisa Isabeau (41) 12:08.5 6/23/99 3. Robin Stovall (41) 12:13.7 8/09/00 4. Anna Derho (40) 13:06.6 8/10/94 5. Lori Winkler (44) 13:16.7 7/23/03 6. Sherri Guin (44) 13:37.0 6/27/90 7. Sheila Masi (43) 14:09.9 8/06/97 8. Amy Gandi (46) 14:57.9 8/09/00 9. Galen Erin (44) 15:19.7 8/11/93 10. Carol Hasenick (46) 15:22.3 8/06/97 5000 Meters 1. Tori Meredith (41) 19:58.7 7/21/99 2. Cindy Scott (41) 20:08.1 7/10/96 3. Lisa Isabeau (40) 20:40.0 6/09/99 4. Robin Stovall (43) 21:32.8 7/24/02 5. Anna Derho (40) 23:55.3 7/27/94 6. A. M. Von Hoene (50) 24:32.0 6/30/93 7. Galen Erin (44) 25:42.9 7/28/93 8. Cathy Charles (46) 27:45.2 7/22/98 9. Carly Tagliaferri (48) 30.55.5 7/23/97 10. Top Five All Time Senior Men (60 and over) 100 Meter 1. Ted Draper (62) 13.6 8/11/04 2. Carl Jackson (64) 15.9 7/09/97 200 Meter 1.Ted Draper (62) 29.3 7/14/04 2. Carl Jackson (71) 36.9 6/30/04 400 Meter 800 Meter 1. Brendan Hutchinson (60) 2:34.5 8/11/04 2. Pete Richardson (66) 2:34.8 6/13/01 3. Bob Holland (60) 2:37.3 7/14/04 4. Ralph Harms (63) 2:39.7 6/11/97 5. Anu de Monteirce (64) 3:29.3 (?) Mile 1. Dan Preston (60) 5:22.0 6/12/02 2. Brendon Hutchinson (60) 5:52.0 7/28/04 3. Bob Holland (60) 5:58.0 6/30/04 4. Ralph Harms (61) 5:59.4 6/25/98 5. Pete Richardson (66) 6:14.0 6/13/01 3000 Meter 1. Bob Holland (60) 12:10.0 6/16/04 2. Carl Jackson (65) 13:08.1 8/05/98 3. Darryl Beardall (65) 13:24.0 6/22/02 4. 5. 5000 Meters 1. Bob Holland (60) 20:40.9 6/30/04 2. Ernst Bohn (61) 22:06.9 6/13/01 3. Carl Jackson (65) 23:28.5 7/22/98 4. Ralph Harms (64) 24:24.1 6/13/01 5. Two mile 1. Brendan Hutchinson (60) 12:48.4 7/14/04 2. Bob Holland (60) 13:05.9 7/14/04 3. Ernie Bohn (64) 14:17.1 7/14/04 4. Jim Ray (78) 15:30.9 7/14/04 Senior Women (60 and over) 400 Meter 1. Mary Jane Wernett (61) 1:57.6 6/11/97

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Sugarloaf Hike Thirty-four hikers showed up Saturday May 14 for the Bill and Dave Hike to see the new McCormick addition that opened up recently. The drive out Los Alamos Rd is an adventure all by itself, a good 15- 20 minutes of tight turns on what becomes a very narrow road until you reach the brand new paved road into the State Park. The facilities are well developed with ample parking ($4 fee), rest rooms, and trails that are well marked with sign posts. But it is largely undiscovered, and our group did the service of tromping down the new growth on the wide fire-trails. A mile into the hike we stopped at an absolutely beautiful spot where the North and South forks of the Santa Rosa Creek converge. We hiked mostly uphill on the way out (1100 ft rise) to the top of a hill with a panoramic view where we had lunch. One of the hikers was the man responsible for the maps of the local state parks that you can see at Fleet Feet (and many other places) and he was able to give us a lot of information about where we were and what the access was to the neighboring parks (Sugarloaf and Hood). Before the hike, Dave asks everyone to raise their hand if this was their first hike (there were three of us), then if it was your 2nd, and so on. Those who were doing it for the 5th time get a Bill & Dave bandana. There were hikers there who had been doing them for five years (since they started). They have the routine down. Dave takes the lead and sets a serious pace that only a few could match. Bill takes the rear and makes sure no one gets lost. The distance between them becomes significant as there are quite a few hikers who are very slow and enjoy taking their time. Dave sets out little red flags at the turns, and Bill picks them up. Periodically, Dave stops and waits for everyone to catch up so he can give out information. After the hike, they bring out a cooler with sodas (there is an envelope marked “contributions” that does get some), and of course Bill & Dave are excellent hosts. Everyone I talked to agreed these hikes were a good idea, but just putting it on the schedule did not get any Empire Runners out. There will be a link on our website with information about these hikes, but I suggest you get in touch yourself with other runners if you want to car pool. Here is the email invite (with their picture)to the next B&D Hike: Please join "Dave & Bill Hikes" on Saturday June 4th for a hike to the Park Summit at Jack London State Historic Park. Meet us at 9:45 AM in the upper parking lot, to the right just beyond the kiosk, for a prompt 10:00 AM departure. We'll start by touring some of the existing structures of Jack's Beauty Ranch followed by a stop at the lake and bathhouse. Then we'll follow the

Mountain Trail up to the park summit and explore some infrequently used trails. This 8.5 mile hike has a total elevation gain of 1700 feet and will last approximately five hours. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and layered clothing, and bring lunch with plenty to drink. We will hike rain or shine. Please consider carpooling and don’t forget the

$6.00 vehicle admission fee. We’ll bring a cooler with soft

drinks to facilitate “tailgate socializing” in the parking lot after the hike. Please call Dave Chalk at 539-8847 or me for further information, or you can access the Bill & Dave Hikes web page directly (add it to your “Favorites” list for fast and accurate information about our hikes - including our schedule of hike dates for the rest of this year) at; Our hikes are co-sponsored by the California State Parks and the Valley of the Moon Natural History Association. Bill Myers, Kenwood, 833-6288

Student Grant Fund Awards 2005

The Student Grant Fund Committee is proud to announce the recipients of the 2005 Grants. The First Place awards of $500 each will go to Kristen Charles of Rancho Cotate High School and Jonathan Teeter of El Molino High School. We will also Present two “Runner Up” grants of $250 each Jenna Beers of Analy High School and Onye Ahanotu of Rancho Cotate High School. Kristen Charles plans on attending University of California, Berkley, and Jenna Beers will attend UC Santa Cruz while both Jonathan Teeter and Onye Ahanota will attend UC Irvine. Please join us in offering our sincere Congratulations and best wishes to each of these outstanding student athletes. Student Grant Fund Committee Co-Chairman Bob Finlay and Alec Isabeau

Pt Reyes 10K Mary Rogers For a change in venue, three Empire runners, Amy Gandy, Beth Pisani, and Mary Rogers, headed to the coast last month for the annual Pt. Reyes 10K. Even though the weather was breezy and damp in the early morning, the race was dry and out of the wind! After a couple hundred yards on the beach the 10K course cutover to a dirt coast road that was very scenic, only slightly rolling and filled with an ecclectic group of jovial runners. The race combined a 5K, 10K and half marathon, with slight variations in course with each distance. As much as we love Annadel, the beach offered a refreshing change of sight and sound. Stately shore birds, coastal botany and crashing waves were constant distracters from what could have been 10K agony. None of us did a personal best, but with less than 100 runners turning out that wet day, we each placed first or second in our respective agedivisions. This race was put on by Redwood Trails and was more than adequately prepared for in terms of organization, snacks and course direction. While it's great to support our local group, this is a reminder for all to take advantage of races that are nearby and make an Empire Runner presence known!

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Fleet Feet Grand Prix 2005

Thru Loop de Loop Men Pl Name Age Res VF Ilsjo Loop Total 1 Jerry Lyman 50-59 90 94 94 100 378 2 Eric Downing 30-39 89 100 95 92 376 3 Dale Peterson 40-49 77 90 65 90 322 4 Kenny Brown 30-39 99 100 100 0 299 5 James Devine 30-39 0 91 99 96 286 6 Don Stewart 40-49 91 94 100 0 285 7 Todd Bertalone 40-49 92 0 96 93 281 8 Larry Meredith 40-49 94 94 93 0 281 9 Bob Finlay 40-49 88 95 92 0 275 10 Don Sampson 50-59 79 96 97 0 272 11 Carl Triola 30-39 80 86 98 0 264 12 Bill Browne 50-59 84 92 84 0 260 13 Ralph Harms 60-69 72 88 93 0 253 14 Darryl Beardall 60-69 78 89 0 85 252 15 John Anderson 50-59 67 89 94 0 250 16 George Urdzic 60-69 66 85 89 0 240 17 John Royston 50-59 65 0 65 100 230 18 E.J. Bohn 30-39 98 100 0 0 198 19 Alec Isaeau 40-49 0 0 97 100 197 20 Sean Fitzpatrick 30-39 97 100 0 0 197 21 Dan Tuohy 60-69 0 88 95 0 183 22 Neil Pinkerton 40-49 0 91 89 0 180 23 Bob Holland 60-69 83 97 0 0 180 24 Brendn Hutchinsn 60-69 85 93 0 0 178 25 Jon Hermstad 50-59 0 96 81 0 177 26 James Lynch 40-49 86 0 90 0 176 27 Peter Kirk 40-49 87 0 88 0 175 28 Dale Trowbridge 60-69 0 85 88 0 173 29 Jim Gade 40-49 75 0 96 0 171 30 Darrin Jenkins 30-39 0 0 83 87 170 31 Tenzing Sherpa 13 &U 76 89 0 0 165 33 Charles Hoagland 70+ 0 0 79 83 162 34 Bobby Rodgers 40-49 0 0 65 97 162 35 Dale Leyhe 70+ 69 0 91 0 160 36 Carl Jackson 70+ 71 88 0 0 159 37 J. K. Withers 14-19 100 0 0 0 100 38 Clay Winkler 40-49 0 99 0 0 99 39 Brice Winkler 14-19 0 99 0 0 99 40 Bruce Tuohy 14-19 0 0 99 0 99 41 Sam Strombino 14-19 0 0 0 99 99 42 Steve Cleal 40-49 0 0 0 98 98 43 Terry Goetzel 50-59 0 0 98 0 98 44 Dennis Fagent 50-59 0 97 0 0 97 45 Mark Fitch 50-59 0 97 0 0 97 46 Ty Strange 40-49 96 0 0 0 96 47 Eric Nordvold 50-59 0 95 0 0 95 48 Mike Wortman 14-19 95 0 0 0 95 49 Bill Fisher 70+ 0 94 0 0 94 50 Bernie Hollander 60-69 0 0 0 94 94 51 Jim Frazier 40-49 93 0 0 0 93 52 Ian Inman 14-19 0 91 0 0 91 53 Mark Curren 40-49 0 0 91 0 91 54 John Harmon 40-49 0 0 0 91 91

55 Tyler Ashton 13 &U 0 0 90 0 90 56 Ray Cataldo 50-59 0 90 0 0 90 57 Kevin Wolski 30-39 0 0 0 89 89 58 Paul Hadley 30-39 0 0 0 88 88 59 Ernie Bohn 60-69 0 87 0 0 87 60 Jim LaFrance 30-39 0 0 87 0 87 61 Steven Starkwthr 40-49 0 0 86 0 86 62 Jim Cullen 50-59 0 0 85 0 85 63 Warren Huber 50-59 0 0 0 84 84 64 Doug Starr 50-59 0 0 82 0 82 65 Dan Preston 60-69 82 0 0 0 82 66 Jeff Shaver 50-59 81 0 0 0 81 67 Jim Moore 40-49 0 0 80 0 80 68 Don Madronich 50-59 73 0 0 0 73 69 Jim Ray 70+ 70 0 0 0 70 70 Ben Bacon 30-39 68 0 0 0 68 Women Pl Name Age Res VF Ilsjo Loop Total 1 Shelly Lydon 40-49 100 92 98 95 385 2 Lori Winkler 40-49 99 99 99 0 297 3 Tori Meredith 40-49 97 95 99 0 291 4 Leslie Curry 40-49 88 89 98 0 275 5 Julie Moore 40-49 92 0 96 86 274 6 Pam Horton 60-69 86 85 95 0 266 7 Kathy Bisordi 30-39 0 98 97 0 195 8 Debbie DeCarli 50-59 0 95 97 0 192 9 Lisa Anderson 30-39 0 91 94 0 185 10 Robin Stovall 40-49 94 90 0 0 184 11 Emily Deering 50-59 91 93 0 0 184 12 Kristin Charles 14-19 95 87 0 0 182 13 Cathy Charles 50-59 85 87 0 0 172 14 Leslie Howell 50-59 84 85 0 0 169 15 Cathy Dubay 40-49 0 0 100 0 100 16 Val Sell 40-49 0 0 100 0 100 17 Anna Shaver 20-29 98 0 0 0 98 18 Kitty Frazier 30-39 96 0 0 0 96 19 Carol Dubay 40-49 0 0 96 0 96 20 Liz Sinna 30-39 0 93 0 0 93 21 Susan Baker 30-39 93 0 0 0 93 22 Amy Gandy 50-59 0 92 0 0 92 23 Sally Cataldo 50-59 0 90 0 0 90 24 D Paleczny-Stvnsn 50-59 89 0 0 0 89 Shelly Lydon 25 Sherri Guinn 50-59 87 0 0 0 87 at GGP XC

Page 10: Sonoma County, CA June 2005 Newsletter

Empire Runners Club, June Newsletter Page 10

There is a lot more to fitness that just running. Now granted, there probably is not a better activity for basic fitness than running, but at the end of the run you are still lacking in upper body work, core strength and flexibility. There are many options to choose from and Empire Runners is now working with local business to bring a little more balance to life. These businesses are sponsoring Empire Runners bulletin boards in their places of business to make their clients/members aware of Empire Runners. In return we are running advertising in our newsletter to acquaint our membership of the opportunities that are available to improve their overall fitness level. This is a win-win scenario with the three Partners in Fitness that we currently have and other businesses have expressed an interest.

We invite you to get a crazy kind of high in the vertical world of Vertex Climbing Center. Also check out

the great facilities at Stan Bennett’s Fitness Center and

experience the friendly, professional staff at Fleet Feet


Vertex offers weekly introduction classes as well as instruction in Safety Skills, Lead Climbing, Technique & Movement and Private Instruction. Vertex is kid friendly with many opportunities for children including: After School Program, Camp Vertical, Scout Night and birthday parties. You will also find outdoor climbing programs and climbing programs for and by women. In addition to climbing and climbing instruction, Vertex has a weight room and offers Wednesday and Saturday morning yoga classes. Day passes and equipment rentals are available. Visit their website at Or call (707) 573-1608 Open: Mon – Fri @ 11:30am -10:00pm Sat & Sun @ 10:00am - 6:00pm Vertex is located in the Pine Creek Business Center at: 3358a Coffey Lane Santa Rosa, Ca.

Fleet Feet Sports Santa Rosa is a unique specialty store catering to the individual needs of runners, joggers and walkers. Locally owned and operated by Ron Jacobs & Rhonda Roman since 1997. Fleet Feet Santa Rosa offers the best in technical and performance footwear, apparel and accessories. Fleet Feet has built its national reputation on superior customer service and extensive knowledge of fitness products. Our qualified staff will continue this tradition by focusing on your specific needs – whether you are running a marathon or walking for weight loss or pleasure. Whether you are a serious athlete, or just beginning a walking or running program, Fleet Feet Santa Rosa can help you reach and maintain your fitness and lifestyle goals. Our store is a place where everyone will feel welcome and comfortable, never intimidated. We look forward to serving you! Visit us at 643 4th Street, Santa Rosa Or call 569-1494

Page 11: Sonoma County, CA June 2005 Newsletter

2005 All-Comers

SummerTrack Series

at Santa Rosa High School1235 Mendocino Avenue

Starting Time: The first event starts at 6:30 p.m.

Order of Events

Mile Run

100 Meter Dash

800 Meter Run

200 Meter Dash

400 Meter Run

One of the following:3000 Meter Run2 Mile Run5000 Meter Run

4x400 Meter Relay

Benefits Santa Rosa High School Cross Country Team

Directed by the Empire Runners Club of Sonoma County

Meet Dates:(Every OtherWednesday)

June 15

June 29

July 13

July 27

August 17*(*one week later than usual)


Entry Fee:$2 for entrants aged 13-and-over, $1 for 12-and-under;no limit onnumber ofevents

All ages and levels of ability are welcome. Heats are separated by ability level and/or age groups.All finishers timed and results published in theEmpire Runners Newsletter.Information: John Anderson, 527-0673

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Healdsburg Kiwanis 31st Annual

Fitch Mountain Footrace10K and 3K Run/Walk

Sunday, June 12, 2005, 8:00 a.m.

Race DivisionsBelow is a listing of agedivisions for both the 10K and3K runs. Enter the code letteron the form below.




Pre-registration Information:• Deadline - Entries must be post-marked by 5/31/05.• Entry Fee -

Adults, aged 13-59: $20Children, 12-and-under and Seniors, 60-and-over: $15Registered parent with one child under 12 years of age: no feefor child.

• Mail Entry To -Healdsburg Kiwanisc/o Jerry Strong14685 Grove StreetHealdsburg, CA 95448

Race Day Registration Information:• Time/place - registration begins at 7:00 a.m. at the Downtown Plaza• Late Entry Fee -

Adults, aged 13-59: $25Children, 12-and-under and Seniors, 60-and-over: $20Registered parent with one child under 12 years of age: no feefor child.

All registered runners receive a commemorative T-Shirt

Fitch Mountain Footrace Entry Form

Name_________________________ Address_______________________

City__________________ Zip_________ Age_____ Sex: M F

Race Division (enter letter code): 10K___ 3K___ Shirt Size: M L XL

Fee (see information above):$______ Make checks payable to: Healdsburg Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship Fund.Mail entries to: Healdsburg Kiwanis, c/o Jerry Strong, 14685 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448

Waiver: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever waive, release, and give up any and all claims, demands, liability, damages, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, including but no limited to personal injuries to me or wrongful death, against the city of Healdsburg, Healdsburg Kiwanis, the Healdsburg Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship Fund, the County of Sonoma and all event sponsors and volunteers and their Officers, Directors, employees, representatives, agents, contractors and subcontractors, which may arise from my participation in the Fitch Mountain Footrace event on Sunday, June 8, 2003 or while traveling to or from the event, even if caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other fault of the parties or person or persons I am hereby releasing, by the dangerous or defective condition of any property or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by them and/or because of their liability without fault. I FULLY UNDERSTAND I AM FOREVER GIVING UP IN ADVANCE ANY RIGHT TO SUE OR MAKE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE PARTIES I AM RELEASING IF I SUFFER SUCH INJURIES OR DAMAGES EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT KNOW WHAT OR HOW EXTENSIVE THOSE INJURIES AND DAMAGES MIGHT BE AND AM VOLUNTARILY ASSUMING THE RISK OF SUCH INJURIES AND DAMAGES. I will assume my own medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accidentor other incapacity or injury resulting from or occurring in my participation. I grant full permision to any and all organizations which obtain photographs, motion pictures, videotapes, or recording of any other record of the event to use them for any purpose whatsoever.

Signature______________________________________(Parent or guardian signature reuired for runners under 18.)

Empire Runner Newsletter, May 2005

Information: 707-576-6147

Page 13: Sonoma County, CA June 2005 Newsletter

Empire Runners Training

June 2005Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

29 30 31 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 1 2

10M at medium pace8:30a Cobblestone

Trailhead on Channel Drive

Race: Marin Memorial Day 10K & 2.5M, Kentfield7:00p 1932 Yolo

Court, SR

20x200@1M GP; jog 100 after each

5M at comfortable pace

9M total with 8x2 min. at strong pace5:30p Howarth


5M at comfortable pace or Off

8x300@800m GP; walk 100, jog 4008:30a Y'Allcomers

Training Run, Railroad Square, SR

12M at medium paceRace: Hit The Road Jack 10K & 2.2M, Sonoma8:30a Parktrail

Drive at Summerfield Drive

4M at comfortable pace7:00p 1932 Yolo

Court, SR

4x300@2M GP, 4x300@1M GP, 4x300@800m GP10:30p 3390

Princeton Drive, SR

5M at comfortable pace

8.5M at medium pace5:30p Howarth


5M at comfortable pace or Off

1M time trial, w400/j800; 8x150@400m GP, w508:30a Y'Allcomers

Training Run, Railroad Square, SR

10M at medium paceRace: Fitch Mountain Footrace 10K & 3K, Healdsburg8:30a Cobblestone

Trailhead on Channel Drive

10x200@1M GP, jog 2007:00p 1932 Yolo

Court, SR

3M at comfortable pace

6:30p All-Comers Track Meet, Santa Rosa HS

9.5M total with 2M at strong pace5:30p Howarth


4M at comfortable pace or Off

1.5M jog, 20x45 sec.@1M GP, jog 45 sec.8:30a Y'Allcomers

Training Run, Railroad Square, SR

7M at medium pace8:30a Parktrail

Drive at Summerfield Drive

6M at comfortable pace7:00p 1932 Yolo

Court, SR

3x400@1M GP, 3x300@800m GP, 3x200@400m GP10:30p 3390

Princeton Drive, SR

5M at comfortable pace

11.5M with 2.5M at strong pace5:30p Howarth

Park7:30p Club Meeting,

MV RT Pizza

4M at comfortable pace or Off

800m@1M GP, 600@1M GP, 2x400@1M GP, 2x300@800m GP; long rest8:30a Y'Allcomers

Training Run, Railroad Square, SR

10M at medium pace8:30a Cobblestone

Trailhead on Channel Drive

12x150@1M GP, jog 2007:00p 1932 Yolo

Court, SR

4M at comfortable pace

6:30p All-Comers Track Meet, Santa Rosa HS

8.5M at medium pace5:30p Howarth


4M at comfortable pace

4M at comfortable pace or OffRace: Angel Island 8K, Tiburon8:30a Y'Allcomers

Training Run, Railroad Square, SR

Key: M=miles, m=meters, K=kilometers, G.P.=goal paceGroup I (>45M/wk): run as written;Group II (30-45M/wk): 3/4 of workout;Group III (20-30M/wk): 2/3 of workout;Group IV (<20M/wk): 1/2 of workout

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The Empire Runners Club Newsletter, June 2005 Page 14

Empire Runners Club 3648 Evergreen Road Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Upcoming Events

When: Sun, Jun 5 Where: Sonoma (8:00) Cost: $25 Info: 938-8544

When: Wed Jun 8, 6:30PM Where: Santa Rosa HS Cost: $2, ($1 12 & Undr) Info: John Anderson 527-0673

Fitch Mt 10K, 3K When: Sun, Jun 12, 8AM Where: Healdsburg Cost: $20 pre/$25 day of $5 less udr 12, ovr 59 Info: (707) 576-6147

Sugarloaf Summer Soltice Relays When: Fri, July 15 6:30pm Where: Sugarloaf State Park, Group campsite Cost: $8, +$2 if camping Info: Doc or Mojo

2005 Club Officers

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership John Royston Val Sell Lars Andersen Michelle McConnico Jerry Lyman (707) 538-1418 (707) 539-1085 (707) 568-3948 (707) 579-9314 (707)527-9020 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Managers and Committee Chairs

Group Training Website GP Czar High School Permits & Insurance Larry Meredith Ty Strange Eric Downing Dale Peterson James Devine (707) 526-4536 (707) 542-1389 (707)546-7311 (707) 569-9859 (707) 542-8738 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] jacm_devine

Newsletter Editors Jan-May-Sept Feb-June-Oct Mar-July-Nov April-Aug-Dec Jerry Lyman Dan Preston Larry Meredith Dale Peterson (see Membership) (707)527-0613 (see Group Training) (see High School) [email protected]
